The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 02, 1897, Image 8

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    THin.tDAY, Sept. 2nd, 197.
tf?, D. t'itu., Editor ami Prop.
F.E.4 Jf.VE. . lime tabK
Uolug Goiup
ry--?. mlsei, 11 :?0 Sc. 6, talied H
Physician aud S-argeon.
ii calls given jvompt at;entlon.
Office In Irtg Store.
North-W es tern
f. JI. V. IS. IS. is the best
to and from the
to California.
Yes, and economy, too, if
you tnko the BCKJ.INGTON
ROUTE'S uersonallv on-
tjjtjfyfli I ducted once-a week excur
sions Miuen leave uiiiaua
" aud Lincoln every Thursd ay
Tourlnt sleepers clean, bright, comfcrta
Me through to San Krancisco and Los
Angeles. Second class tickets acceptei.
Qnly$5fcr a double berth, wide enough
an0 big enough for two.
Write for folder giving full information.
Or, call at the depot and see the local ticket
The rules of the locpj land oHice have
Recently been amended so that pettier
(to reake final proof shall settle with the
blisher before sending in their applica
tor. All parties desiring to make final
proof, cap have their papers made out at
y'EE JOLTLS'AL o Sice, free of charge, and
promptly transmitted to ,lhe land office
po that no titae will be lc-st.
-Fpr Sale On the 6th day of Sep
jteoiber, 1897, I will sell at auctioc o.t
Mr. Gerlach'd place in the Canyon, at
o'clock p. in., fifteen acres of corm
in tfce field arid fifteen acres of rye i,ay
an .the stack. For particulars, enquire of
ifierifT Bartlett. Ajtton Mop.avek.
Parties wishing to pick plums or i
pherries on my ranch are perfectly wel
,come to do fio but not to tear off branch
es or limbs of trees, neither do I wish
ibepi to te-rdowa fences.
B. F. Coffee.
School commences in Harrison next
Monday rooming.
We were pleased to hear that Mrs.
jBuff Coffee is improveing.
A slight shower at this tiru.e would
jpe a good Jiibg to settle the dust.
ake Wasserburger is assisting Hen
ry Wirtz in building Frank Nuto's house
down in fiowbelly canyon.
Jeff ljwett came .in from Indian
creek last Monday on business. He ex
i,ectg to move his family into town the
last of this week.
Chas. !.:hiU has finished putting up
Jiiahay. ile calculates one ton of hay
for three head of cattle but says tho
rule is one toe for every four head.
Miss Church wept to Chadron last
Tuesday evening where she expects to
finish ber course of treatment under Dr.
Johnson's care which she commenced a
pionth ago. ' .
Our several correspondents from the
different localities in the county must
be off plum picking, as no locals have
Jen received from them this week. We
pi '1 look for some news from them the
porutog week,
Mr. and Mrs. Clark closed their pas
toral labors among the people of Harri
son on last Sunday, and left fcr Craw
ford on last TuesJav evening to attend
f he annual conference which is to he held
jn thiit city this year.
I). i. Sutton has just finish drilj
jug a well on bis ranch near the head of
Van ToBsel creek. The well is 62 feet
deep and ban 20 feet of water in it and he
tl jiks it will furnish all the y.ater he
will ever want on the place.
X. D, Hamlin will leave today for
Exira la. with bis horses and mules.
f leo. Toole will accompany him to assist
ii driving the stock. Doug thinks he will
m back to Sioux County soon as be can
jret straightened up back home.
O. A. Dickinson and family who ara
ip from Bell visiting their ?on and dupht
ft, Hr. and Mrs. I H. Dickinson of this
jpa$e will leave for Coro, Mich., about
jl middle of thi month where they ex
pect to make their future home Mr.
Otakon has disponed of all bit proper
ly hiHt to bit too O. S. Dickinson living
No hir, l..v V iiool U jnc'iiy.
ni.J ...,...- f.,r at i-.: ol'if af I
..... i i --
'tc. i-r (tdieu.
Editor Davis, wont to Cbadron Wed
nesday evening.
Mr CLa-4. Coffee was a visitor at
the county seat last Tuesday.
BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Blewett ou
Saturday Aug. 12th 1&7 a boy.
Jaiiit'sCook was up from Runuing
Water last Monday ou business.
Last Thursday was a scorcLer.
That was the hottst day of the season.
BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ruf
fing at Coda re on Tuesday Aug, 24, a
Ye editor went East to Chadron
on business last Tuesday evening return
ing yesterday morning.
Houses are at aprerr.inm in Harrison
just now, as all are anxious to have ths
little folks attend school.
Rev. Clark left for Crawford last
Tuesday evening where the annual M.
E. conference is to be held.
Juliau Lever of Cotteuwood was in
town last Friday looking after the stock
shipments of the F. C. & M. V. R. R.
Mr. M. J. Bruck was a passenger oc
the east bound flyer Wednesday evening
going as far as Crawford on busi
ness. John Pluukke.Lt who had the mis
fortune to get quite badly hurt soma
two weeks ago seems to be getting
Mr. Henry Lindeman shipped a car
load of sheep to the South Omaha mark
et last Saturday. Mr. H. accompanied
the car.
Elder Julian was nominated for
county superintendent of Dawes county
on the 24tn ult. by the Republican party
of that county.
-Miss Palmer the teacher of the prim
ary department arrived last Friday, and
all is now in complete readiness to corn-;
mence the new school year. j
Miss Elsie Merriam c-f Warbonnei j
prcinct went to Chadron last Saturday j
evening, where site has entered the era
pjoy of the station acent at that place.
Miss. Claudia Hester accompanied hv
her cousin Miss Lelia Hester left on tiie
west hound passenger last Wednesday for
the O. W. ranch on a visit to Mish
Claudia's sister, Mrs. Bonsell.
WeJloughhy and English Wall;ng
and Joseph Wilbur of Chicnu'o. who ar.f
stopping at James Cooks' ram h for a
couple of weeks having a feond tini, was
in town with Mr. Cook last Monday.
They will return to Chicago about Sept
ember 15th.
Two younc ladies sisters of PeU-r
Wcidenfrid of Ardrnore came in on the
train from eastern Iowa last Saturday.
They will visit with their brother for a
4imited time. On their way l.tre they
stopped over in Crawford for a short vis
it with friends there.
M. J. Blewett was around setting
up the cigars to the boys on account of a
hi? boy arriving at his borne last Satur
day morning. He had smiles all over
his face saying the little fello v looked
just like Bryan. Mika thinks he will
make a free silver Democrat out of
Wm jTJayhart who i? clerking in a
store in Edgemont S. Dak., is visiting at
Montrosa for a couple of weeks. He
came over to Harrison on Tuesday to see
ti,e boys and "do the town". He re
ports times fairly good at Edgemont
Mr. (Jaybart thinks he does not want any
Klondike in his; he is -satisfied where he is
for the preasant.
An est mate of stock trains passing
through Harrison to the South Omaha
Sioux City and Chicago markets during
the month of Auzust was 20 cars a day.
The average to the car is 24, which in
round numbers makes 14,400 head of cat
tle, to say nothing a!out cattle shipped
from this poict alone, and the ship
meat season has only commenced.
The town Council met last Monday
evning to pas? on the application of Mich
al Bruck to sell intoxicating drinks in
the village of Harrison and also to con
sider the remonstrance presented by W.
O. Patterson against granting license to
the applicant,. As no names were men
tioned in the remonstrance, it was not
considered nor'entered on the minutes of
the meeting as a part of the proceeding.
It is needless to say that the license was
Enjpnepr Stratton had the bad luck
to break his pump rod last Wednesday
afternoon which took him witha force of
men until Monday noon to repair it He
started to pumping in the afternoon and
had run only aboijt an hour when the
pump broke again. The valve was IO
ken so badly that it was necessary to send
away for a new one thus causing a delay
of four or fl ve days before it can be put in
running order again. In the mean time
every body will be (jbliged to go dry,
when all the cry will be water! water!!
water!!!. ' .
The number of cattle shipped out
of Sioux county during the month of
August, was Z" cars, making 813 bead
of cattle; at an average of $40 per head
which means in round numbers aliout
133,000 worth of cattle, say nothing of
horses, mules ami sheep that have been
shipped to tho eastern markets. Of
course this statement only represents
the month mentioned above. The sea
son for shipping has ouly nicely com
menced, but will continue heavy ship
ments up to December, There is one
thing sure, no county in Nebraska,
South Dakota or Wyoming, has the re
sources and advantage for Stock raising
'iat we have tiers In Sioux county.
. I
- JI.i-l r l ioyu l lal K, i nine in if. nil
Duir ( i -u's uii.'Ij Monday eviu';-g kohi
wlml iiii t';r the weather.
O. W. :iuiri'j of Dmiglan, Wyo.,
was in town last Tuesday figuring with
HtVtcr & Son for builoing a new house
and barn for bun at Douglas.
Curix-ufr James Wright is now
doing some work for J. 1L P.arUjll after
which he ill do some needed repairs in
tlie Turner buildmg where the baloon is
to be located.
Those, who went from Harrison to
Chadron to hear Hon. W. J. Bryan talk
on the "Sien'.'e of Gjverment" were,
Chas. Biehle. M. J. Blewett, Michael
Bruck, Nick MtKem Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Wright acd daughter Eti'ie and last but
not least ye editor.
Prius &. Venyohom of West Point,
this state bought two car loads of cat
tle of Geo. H. Turner and one of John
Herman last Thursday which they ship
ped Friday evemng. They were a nice
lot of cattle.
John M'Kem of Gotten wood pre
cinct had the misfortune to have his
saw-mill burned on last Wednesday.
We did Dot learn just how it happened.
At any rate it is a serious loss to Mr.
MeKuin. We did Let learn what the
loss in dollars will amount to, but it
would in our opinion be two or three j
John Herman , who lives near Ard
more, was in Harrison last Friday with
some cattle which be had s ld and took
the liberty to invade our sanctum to con
vene with the chief editor of the
JoUKSAL. Ha informed us that Bob
Wallace the slayer of John Brown near
Ardmore. S. Dak. about six weeks ago
had been let ott on $j,000, bail.
As Mr. Bruck was granted a licence
1 ist Mo iday evening to open a Sa'con in
Htrrison, he proceeded at owe to g-t the
Turner buildinjr in readiness to open next
Saturday. Well it has eoiue in an oppor
tune time as all the cisterns in town are
dry and the town pump is broken, so the
only place to get a f,ood refreshing and
cool drink we supposo will be at the
'Evening Star'1 saloon. Watch the rush
Saturday w hen the doors are thrown opui
to the public.
Card of TluuiKs.
The undersigned desire to extend our
most gre.-uful thanks to the frieiids and
nt-ig!!ors who so kindly gave us their
aid and corcfort duntitr the sickness
and after the death of our beloved hus
band and father.
Mis. M. M. Hovey ant. Ynv.w.
Edited by - - Sr.. Geo. 1), ( anon,
Short articles ,frtyi the ladies nl .-ioui
countv are olic!tcd. i;
Thoughts That Mould th.o Feu
t u res.
The mouldiag of our features by our
thoughts is a never-ceasing process
Vheler we are conscious of it or not;
whether consciously controlled or not.
If we persistently continue in one lias of
thought for a given time, the especial
feature upon which this thought has
acted have become accentuated accord
ingly. It is the thought behind every
act, behind every breath, which vital
izes and finally shaitcs the lineament of
our faces; and any attempt to frustrate
thought in its effort to express itself
through our countenances, results in a
confusion of expression .and an un
certainty which is superior' to and de
tracts from otherwise well-formed featur-es-
Nor may we impose upon ta"h other
by mere muscular imitation of a feeling
or a sympathy which is not genuine; for
our thoughts, endeavoring to conceal
themselves from our associates for some
reason born of the moment or surround
ings, mean one thing and try to make the
features express another, perhahps a
more "polite" thing in this wav, the
intangible thoughts, true at its birth but
afraid to show itself naked to the behold
er for fear of loss of emolument of praise,
it may be, or friendship or favor, at
tempts to dissemble, and at ouoe loses its
force and mars the truth or true action
of eyes, of lips, of brows.
So it follows that the first rule to be
observed by the seeker after physical per
fection ia that brief one, "Be true." As
a tree is known by its fruit, so is a mind
known by its expression upon the face
A pure tread of thought seen in the free
acting muscles of the physiognomy can
and must reflect a pure beauty. It is
simply a matter of "cause and effect".
The most beautiful face is the perfect
ly happy one; for happiness brings a shin
ing to the eyes a new curving to tlie lips,
rounding of and an uplifting to the
cheek. In all the happier and loftier
emotions the muscles leap upward, It
seem a sacrilege to analyze a smile and
make )t a mere matter of mnscular ener-!
gy, but perhaps if it is looked at in an
other way, seeing in the muscles of the
face the ready handmaids of the soul or
thought, we may at once recognize the
importance of the relations existing
between the servant muscles and the
master mind.
If we made cheerful thoughts our con
stant companions the mask of each in
dividual will grow to its fullest perfecti
on as surely as the rose petals unfold
their ruddy beauty to the loving
Thit may not be npparent during youth
' "
i-riaiiy votsT-nhiM-l, fir ih f.!!ir'
thn are only f uming and except j.i cam
of aloiiriii illy Jovck pe 1 t- nd-ni ii.o am
not e ast into sai unalterullu form. ut
aTter one has Ka'-hed uuJd'e lift lias h-st
much of tho freshness of youth, and
laust depend mainly on expression for
her leauty arid attractiveness, then it is
the lines of the face that tells the story
of her life. They are beautiful if her
thoughts have been exalted, unattrac
tive if they biive been unworthy.
All along the outposts of time has
this truth been cried out by the various
seutries. MarCJ.s Aurelius emphasized
it, men of brawa and brain have echoed
it, famous beauties Lave profited by it.
But the starch for the best in ourselves,
for the perfectin;: of our Uxlies must not
be made lar.guishirgly. It must I tar
ried on with wide-open eyes and minus;
by doiug "uoble deeds not dreaming all
day long " One need not look upon the
doing of kin l tilings as a sacrifice or
foolish self-reprtssion for that is seeing it
in a false light. In reality, it is true
self-protection, oc.d we ourselves are the
truest lne ficiaries of our cultivated
good nature."
Every smile given is like money put
out at usury, and rarely itturns a joor
interest. Every Oepressed thought , every
angry one, every bitter one leaves a trail
behind it as vi!c as the poisonous foot
printsjif the taruntol t. "If the hive is
disturbed by rash and foolish hands, in
stead of honey it will yield us bees"'niay
certainly be paraphrased to read. "!f
the features are stirred into action by
bitter or harsh thoughts, instead of beau
ty, they will yield us ugliness.
Wurljonnet Warhllrigs.
Mrs. S. L. Ellis and (irandma Ellis I
visited at Mrs. Trainors Sunday.
Mrs. George lfcivis and children re
turned home Wednesday after a weeks
stay in Harrison.
Mr. James Fuel visited at Mr. Trainors
Sunday Mr. Traiuor and fami ly expects
to leave or the cast in about ten
Charles Brittle is stacking oats.
Mr. T. O. Williams called at Charles
Sehilts' Wednesday.
II. A. Priddy is hauling hay. Echo.
Ilighlaml Nubbins.
Mr. Williams is drilliogs a wU foi
Fred I it-iT.
The Grain is alxiut all stack-. I. I
Plums no doubt will be the bill of! this winter ly the way the fair hex
are putting them up.
F. Hacnon h;is just com" home from j
Running Water to put up feed fcr him
' A (.'rand C'p;(ii'tuiiiy.
There are tot-ay thousands of young
people oc the farms and iu the villages
who are tied down by lack of education
to work they heartily lii-like. Are you
one of them my friend? If so, the
Grand Island Business Sc. Normal Coll
age can put you on tiie road t success
if you are ambitious ami willing to
study. It makes no diU'ernce how
backward you are provided you are
plucky and mean business. We ten h
everything nticessray for a sue cess fo I
start in life. If you are short of money
we will accept a good note without in
terest for tuition or if necessary we will
furnisJi everything tuition, board, am!
books and give you time to graduate and
pay for sari); afterwards. Business,
Normal and Shorthand cwirj s. Board
$1.50 per week. Established 12 years.
College Record sent free or catalogue
for 6 cents in (.tumps. This is your
chanco of a hfe time. Will you let it
slip by? Adress,
A. M. Hai;ik, President, i
Grand Island. Nebr.
all the pain
and sickness from
which women
suffer Is caused
ty weakness or
derangement In
the organs cf
' menstruation.
Nearly always
whsn a woman Is not well these
organs are affected. But when
they are strong and healthy a
woman Is very seldom sick.
Is nature's provision for the regu
lation of the menstrual function.
It cureall " female troubles." It
Is equally effective for the girl In
her teens, the young wife with do
mestic and maternal cares, and
the woman approaching the perl
known as the "Chinee of Life."
They all need it. They are all
benefitted by It.
for titTlee In Ute$ rrTulrfnr tpeelij
dtfactloni, mddrtst. e'vlnr ymptomf,
tha " Ladlei' Adrlaory Department,
Tha Chaiunooga Medicine Co., CbaUf
toots. Teon.
Tim. i. coon i, Tuetit, Wm., nrw
" My sister tut rU from ry trremlsf
t4 ttlntvl mantiruaUoa an4 MtUrs
ceiMMtretlneker. Wet of CarM
tnttrelf curW atr and ataa at44 an
atttf tkrtHajti Ikt CMutfe t Life." '
Ar.erican HanJ-Seaj S'i03 Co s
. 'H.r
JtST t:iya pvnt r TtiiKEno r .V i i 1 1 (
lam Aycnt for tho world fani'-d McKORMICIC U$lh
ERSiuid MOWEKS. I kci'p on hand all the time a f;il!
lint! of sui'iilit's for these machines.
Last but not Least.
Wehn you are badly in nrd or the ouly PKHKINS WLD MLJ,
sold in Sioux County, call on me.
'2zs TUEC
1 1 hi
The best of Wines, Brandies, Whiskey
and Boer kept constantly on hand.
I will open for business Saturday, Sept. 1. ls'.)7. Vhi
in town Kive me a call.
M !
:fi.j -tr.f -.,......VtvirWf.
Kow vrite im for Description
nbout It. We have been tclliug our
t: : . -is,--?.- I
V' 1 P
. ft, i l'7 '.ill
- ti 'I
During the campaign you ought to
subscribe for the JOURNAL and kejfep
posted in your own
CallF or County Convontlon of Peoplr' lode
liciiilrnl I'rrly.
llitrrlson, Neb. (
A'i. 10, 1SV7. (
By or'lr of the County Central Comuilt
t-e of the I'coiilc'a liidrp.-iid'Mit I'nrty of
Houx county, Mubruaku, we hereby call a
county convention of tlie electors of
party to meet m ibo Court llouae In tlio
VIIhiKe of llan-ion, on 8turil;iy, tlieWlh
(liiy of HeptfimlNT IsW, t 11 o'clm k a. m.
The iiurpoM'. of anid conveiitton la to plane
In nomination cmxlirlaU'a for aiicb county
bflii-ea hS niHy Imj ilecim-4 by mild conven
tion a uilvianblfl and to transact auch other
buatnesH as may jiroperly coiiie Mora lUe
convention. ; .
The representation la baaed on one rtlo
gate at larjfe from each precinct and one
for eacli tn votes or major f ruction thereof
cast for lion. Minn A. llolcomb at the elec
tion of m, which mkf the following
anjiortiotimerit by precincts:
Andrews ...2 Antelope t
I'.odiirc-- ........ ....2 iow en.. ........ ..Ji
( ol ton !. ........ .5 ive I'olnu. .... H
ilat ( r?ek 1 lllhliiiid .....t
MontroHH Kniinliii; Water I
siiiikc I reek ....I l-ngur hoaf ...a
WliUlle t reck 3 Waruoiinet 4
White Hlvnr ..4
Total 45
It is recommended that th prluiaris tie
held ou Thursday ptcmber 23, at the icu
lar polling place In each precinct and that
no proxies bo allowcl, but that ttia dele
aTiites present cast the entire vote of 1h;
WH. J. A. IUV. CbBin.
Where are you going?
Wa are on our way to the
Mi n ife want one of tho?
and dry foods prcvHf-m Ac.
I need a Sprimj SUIT mmdf
and ire think ve can cave inoju
cy bu trailing at the
Also, We liandle ? full line fi
Dry-Goods,: 5 Q
Groceries Sc,
CI I A! CI. I iKt'CK,
1 T prietoiV
:, tin-
V Vi 111'. u
T - 'chri - .n and Western lo'va.
Vou Get $105 OrgiM, for $,
down and J.I.Oti per month,
Guaraateed for 5 yearn.
and Catalogue. We will tell you tU
friends about this now years.
county. Try it" a
Call For County Coiivcatlun Or Tb Iieniorat
Harrison, Nab.
Aug. ir 37 )
I)y order of tlie County f;entral Commit
teo of the Iieuiorrat Party of Sioux county,
Nebraska, wo hereby call a county conven.
Hon of the electors of said party to meet at
the Court House In tha Villa.- of Harrison,
on ia4iirt)ay, tbe 2ilh day of September Iv7,
t 11 o'CUx k a. in. The purose of said con
veiitlon l li plant tn nomination camJI
datna for ani county oflloe as may be
deamed by snld ronveutlon as advisable and
to transact aiieh other business as may
properly come before the convention.
The representation Is lauMd on ouedcln
gate at lare from each precinct aud on for
each ten voUis or major fraction theraof
ciiat for Hon. Constanllne S. Bmvtha for At
torney (.eneral at the election of lm, which
inuaei tlKi followlnii appirtlotimoiit
( 'ottonwood ........
Hal I reek
MontroM!...... .
Hiinkj ( reek....
W bistle Cierk.....
WblU Hlver..
Ktve Points ...
Xuiiniiig Water-
"i(rar Lonf ,
It Is reooilitileiidct that tl.. n.-l, ,.!,..
held on ThurnJay, K..pu.inber HSrd, ht tl
r'-Knliir iwllln piiico Bach precluct ao.t
Pluct au t
Ibaf fttv
mm no proxies bn allowed, but tbaf
iiR.egiiiea present ct the entire
iUu ITHClliCl.
M. J. ( AYH4RT,
F ptrr ;.TT, o,