The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 02, 1897, Image 2

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'Vaj .,. -V- -J.-.
tbatrison Journal.
BO. D. CAVUM, Cilo ud Pros.
A tfrl In New Haven Is said to be
turning to atone. She Is In a itoHitinn
dow to give the boys the warble heart.
A New York paper asserts that a
flgmntic dynamite trust Is now Is-lng
rga nixed. That report was exploded
leveral months ago.
Macaulay siieaks of & good woman
who "accompli bed" a great age. But
Human has never regarded age as one
f her acomplisbuieints.
A patient investigator finds that Ba
con's sentences are three times as long
u Shakspeare's. The test was applied
to over 60,000 words of each author.
A New York man has gone insane
from the effects of a mosquito bite.
If bills are presented persistently they
Ere enough to drive almost any man
The Massachusetts State peniten
tiary has been robbed. Perhaps some
f the guests are merely practicing, to
keep their hands in during their en
forced vacations.
Russell Sage is suing the Erie Kail
road Company for the price of a pet
mare killed by cars. We predict that
It will be a horse on the company when
the litigation ends.
The motto of the graduating class of
the Arkansas city high school this year
was "The Ocean Lies Just Before Us."'
The study of geography seems to have
been badly neglected in that school.
James J. Corbett appeared In a base
ball game in New York and made three
good hits. Mr. Oorbett's great mistake
seems to be that he didn't use a base
ball bat earlier in his public perform
ances. A Chicago paper's headline, "Weylor
Hope to Defeat tiomez," is not partic
ularly startling Just at this time. Wey
ler has been giving a continuous per
formance with that hope for a year
and a half.
The bicycle has succeeded because
the Individual makers and dealers ad
vertind their wares, and the com
manding positloij the silent steed holds
to-day Is a speaking argument of the
value of advertising.
A dispatch from Easton, Pa., says
that three Chicago lawyers are there
"looking for heirs to a million-dollar
estate." This looks suspicious; If those
fellows were Chicago lawyers they
would be looking solely for the million.
English na gators keep a close ref
old of the appearance of new rocks
and ahoali. The number reported last
year was 209, and twenty-one were
discovered by vessels striking on them.
This old-fashioned way to take sound
ings Is accurate, but unscientific.
A New York paper sneers at the Gov
ernor of Indiana because that official
is devoting his time to an endeavor to
find a cure for hog cholera instead of
thinking overtime on matters of state
craft. He Is giving bis constituents
better service than nine-tenths of the
Governors are.
A memorial tablet recently placed in
an English church commemorates a
life that was "an exemplification of the
charity that never fails, the humility
that never boasts;, the patience . that
never tires, the hope that never fades."
Could there well be a better summary
of a well-spent life?
The Timis-Star, of St dan, Kan., says:
"There was a large attendance at the
Washington dance night before last,
and everylsxiy had an enjoyable time.
There was lots of fiddling and dancing,
plenty of drinking and fighting, and a
good time generally. Only one man
was shot, and he was not severely In
jured." On with the dance; let Joy be
Brooklyn's Society for the Preven
tion of Cruelty to Children has occu
pied Its new and finely equipped build
ing in the crowded part of the city.
fThe structure has a flat roof, which is
to be fitted up as a playground for chil
dren who are temporary occupants of
the shelter. In American architecture
the utilization of the roof Is becoming
an interesting feature.
Dubuque Times; There l no doubt
.that farming will pay one time per
lhaps not as well as another, financial
!ly, but In comfort. Independence and in
plenty, the reward is exceedingly
'grrnt. It Is a grand and noble vocation
and any young man should be proud
he has had opportunity for expe
rience in farm life. There ought to be
more farmers and fewer doctors and
Evidence that tbe world moves was
to hnve been expected from the Uni
versal Postal Congress In Washington.
Perhaps the most striking bit. of testi
mony was the decision of Korea to
come Into the postal union. It Is only n
Tew years since Korea was known
throughout the civilized world as the
("hermit klnKdom," but there Is nothing
ihertnlt-llke In this desire of the K ore-
Minneapolis Times: We are accus-
to uujttlnted eulogy of the Jury
tem, nd while In every ther as-
be Majority rule lit eonoeiieu, no
eiM but In the Jury room is It tl'' Ow-re must tie absoluti
Kjwiit by every person vented with au
thority before a-tln can be had or
decision reached. The very statement
i ti ! cast- shows Uie a I sturdily of the
Jury system,
often a vice.
It is an absurdity; it U
Snoring lias at Utsi proved fatal not
to the stiorer, but to the snoree, so to
sieuk. The victim was a 3-year-old
girl in Cauarsie, X. Y. She found a
man lying asleep in a building on her
faite:'., projt Ay, emitting such terriflo
noises that lihe was thrown into con
vulsions and died a few hours later.
The cause of the trouble was a drunk
en man, and the heaviest punishment
that could be meted out to htm was
ten days' imprisonment.
Every day brings Into existence a
new set of relatives for the late Bar
ney Barnato. It In not U-youd the poa
slMlities that some of these jieople were
really related to the Kaffir king, but
many of them are undoutxedly frauds.
Had they in truth lieen his relatives
they would have made themselves,
known Ions Itefore this. But a man
who has accumulated a fortune such
as his must exject to have claimants
for his extate.
"Nothing new under the sun." said
the preacher. Yet many people think
that he did not foresee the bicycle.1
Nevertheless, Mr. Yang Yu, late Chi
nese minister to this country, declares
that they used Irioyehs in the Flowery
Kingdom twenty centuries ago. Hp
adds that their manufacture was final
ly prohibited by the Emperor been use
the Chinese women rode so constantly
that they neglected their families and
domestic duties. This bit of satire "n
dicates that Mr. Yang Yu has attained
a very intelligent appreciation of Oc
cidental humor during his residence in
this country.
in the new ' dustless railway coach, I ivkett's Vircinir n.s were passing through;
built for the Texas Midland Hailroad, I Supple as steel and as brown as leather
water-drenched veutilators are located Rusty I'nd dusty of hat and shoe,
in the walls of the car between he Wonted to hunger and war and weath
windows, ami water pipes produce a
shower of artificial rain In each veatj- J Peerless, fcarl.sR, an army's flower!
lot. fir ,..., ,.t ,,..,-.., th
water is carried under pressure
through the pipes to drench each of the
wire fabric air-filters In the ventila
tors. The power is derived from the
axle and Is transmitted through the
medium of (ten) flexible coiled wire
bands side by side on the combination
and wheel. The same water Is forced
through the pJpes and ventilators re
peatedly, leing used over and over
The senate, or governing txxly of
Cambridge University, England, has
rejwted by a large majority a propo
sition to grant to women students the
degree of bachelor of arts. For the.
last sixteen years duly qualified wom
en studen ts at Glrton and Newnhain
ltave leen admitted Ut the honor exam
inations at Cambridge; a separate class
ILst has been provided for them, and
successful candidates have leen given
a diploma by tin? university. During
this jieriod the name of aliout 700
women students have Is-en recorded in
the university calendar. The move
ment to secure for women the formal
degree conferred tiion men students
was strongly siiorted, but failed le
cause of a fear tliat It would had to
giving women a share in the govern
ment of tbe university, ami thus change
Its character.
The Presbytery of New York has
passed a resolution condemning the
practice of holding funerals upon Sun
day. As no re::: on is given for the dis
couragement of Sunday funerals, the
impression is left they are looked upon
as infraction of the fourth command
ment. About the only thing which the
Sabbatarians had left for one to do
upon Sunday was to die or to be burled,
and now- this privilege too Is to be
taken away. Sunday burials liave long
since ceased to be "fashionable," but
otherwise there has never been any
objection to them. It may possibly be
that they are considered as imiKis'.Lig
too much labor ukpii the clergy in ad
dition to their other duties. I.'uril man
kind has discovered some way in which
to slave off bis death In order to make
his funeral possible either upon Satur
day or Monday he will have to be con
tent to die without benefit of the New
Y'ork Presbytery.
Kansas City enjoys the dlstincUou
of letting a contract for buryui'g itd
pauper dead for 10 cent a head. One
of t he Aldermen objects to such a cheap
burial as an Indecency, aitd he says
that the contract should le let at such
a price "as will permit of a respectable,
Christian burial." The wncractor de
fends hi.s bid on tlhe work and says that
for tliat price he can provide each pau
per who dies with a oft allied pine cofliu,
a separate grave and a head lxard con
taining an Inscription. He expe. ts to
make his profits from those relatives
who appear after a time and are will
ing to priy for the removal of the lxxly
and Hs reinterment in a more elalsirate
manner. His bid Is the r-sult of trade
comict!tion with his fellow undertak
ers. He says they tried to drive him
out of the business, and he thereupon
cut his rates and underbid them for the
contract. Aside from cut rate In bur- i
Iain, the mutter Is interesting as bring !
Ing tip the qtiesiUx of the lowest il.'tire
at which one rimy Is- burled In n "re-
spectable. Christian" intuitier.
The OriKinal Tea.
Fred F. Ilasam. the Boston anti
quarian, has In his jioHwsHlon a tsittle
of the tea which on the nlghrt of I lee.
HI, 17T.1, was emptied from the BritisJi
vessel by tlie Roston Tea Party.
I'ostoffice Havings flank.
Tlierp are 20, 4) jswtoffli-e" In th
miUl Kingdom and 28.K) lutter
boxes, Savings lmnk buslne Is traa
actcti at 1L0O0 offices.
Pnrvivora of tba Rebellion Relate
Many Amusing and Martling Inci
dents of Marches, Caaap Life, Forag
ing Experiencea and Battle rVcenea.
Oreencaatle Jcnnr.
Oh, Gret-ncnstle streets, where a stream
jf lccl
With the slanted muskets the soldiers
I m re.
And the scared earth muttered and shook
tu feel
The trauip and the rumble of Ixmg
s t reel's Corps;
The bands were blaring "The Bonny Blue
And the banners borne were a motley
And wat:hing the gray column wind and
Was a slip of a girl we'll call her
A slip of a girl what need her name?
With her cheeks aflame and her lips
As she leaned and looked with a loyal
At the steady flow of the steely river;
I Till a storm grew black in the hazel eyes
Time had not tamed, nor a lover sighed
! for;
And she ran and she girded her, apron-
With the flag she loved and her brothers
I died for.
Out of the doorway they saw her start,
j (I'ickiMt's Virginians were marching
I through i,
The hot little foolish hero-heart,
! Armored with mars and the sacred blue.
Clutching the folds of red and w hite
Stood she and bearded those ranks of
Shouting shrilly with all her might,
"Come and take it, the man that darenl"
merrier soi.ners uie i.e..-.,
I Marching lightly, that Summer hour,
lo death and failure and fame forever.
Ruse from the rippling ranks a cheer;
Pickett saluted, with hold eyes beam
ing, Sweeping his hat like a cavalier.
With his ti'wny locks in the warm wind
Fierce little Jecny! Her courage fell,
As the firm lines flickered with friendly
And Grencastle streets pave back the
That Gettysburg slopes gave back soon
So they cheered for the flag they fought
With the generous glow of the stubborn
Loving the biave as the brave man ought,
Anil never a finger -was raised to fright
So they marched, though they knew it
Through the fresh grepn June to the
shock infernal,
To the hell of the shell atid the plunging
And the charge that has won them a
name eternal.
And she fell at last, as she hid her face;
There had hi in at the root of her child
ish daring
A trust in the men of her own brave race.
And a secret faith in the foe's forbear
ing, And she sobbed, till the roll of the rum
bling gnu
And the swinging tramp of the march
ing wen
Were a memory only, and day wag done,
And the stars in the fold of the blue
I II 11.1111.
j (Thank Cod that the day of the sword is
And tho st;irs in the fold of the blue
attain! I
Helen Gioy Cone, in Scribner's.
"Mother ICclcrrlTke" Hnnnrerl.
Fully 200 old soldiers, their families
and friends crowded Into Bunker Hill,
Kan., recently, to honor and pay their re-
s;,ect to that moth
er of all soldiers.
Mrs. Biokerdyke.
The Mother Bicker
dyke day was origi
nated by Command
er Bcjtkin as a to
ken of the gratitude
of the Western sol
dier to an estimable
W Willi T,
Mother Bicker
dyke, while 80
MI1S. HICKKKUYKK. yran, 0f flc JM r(J
tnnrkably vigorous and In gmsi health.
Mil' delights to see the soldiers and
cheer them In their old age. As each
delegation came Into the city they went
to the home of Mother Bickenlyke and
paid their respects. She received each
one with a handshake and a cheering
The services were held lu a large
tent. Addiecses were made by A. J.
Iickson of HuBsell and William Bus.
ko!1 of Bunker Hill. A hundred old
veterans worted Mother BIckerdyke
to the celebration In a hack. Address
es were made by Commander Rot kin.
General Lewis llandback of Topeka
and Colonel Thomas Jackson of New
ton. Mother BIckerdyke was present
ed with a sliver water service by the
G. A. R. of Kansas In cr,irmiomorsti.,i
of her labors
I Kansas.
for the old soldiers of
Mrs, BIckerdyke wns Mary At u Hail,
find she w:is hum lit Mount Version,
Ohio, la IS 17. She came from the ld
pilgrim stock. Intermingled with the
Knickerbocker. Her ancestors came
from Flighted almost a century Iwfore
the great rciolutlon, and It Is from the
Virginia Balls Unit Mrs. BIckerdyke Is
After a course at Oberlln College.
Miss Hall studied the methods of the
cursing of that day In the hospital" of
Cincinnati, After her marriage she
removed to Galeburg, 111., and the
dentil of her luiM'.itid Iri't her to cUj
pert two children. At the beglliuiti,'
of the civil war she offered her sen leva
to the sanitary con mission at CI. huge
and, being accepted, was uwlgued to
Cairo, 111. SI, served all through th
war, and her fame as a nurse srea l
throughout the armies of the North
ami the South. Many a brave soldier
owes his life to her, and she Is honored
by the soldiers as Is no other woman.
Since the close of the war "Mother"
BIckerdyke has lent her vslunble aid to
many charitable missions in the Fast
and in the West. She has UfU a lx-n-sion
agent, and in that capacity she
has seen that many a deserving soldier
has got his rights. Of late years she
has lived at Salina. Kan., closiug tlw
years of a well-spent life.
l.'naake-l Advl-e fir Grant.
General Horace Porter's '-Campaigning
with Grant," in the Century, deals
with the preparations for the last cam
paign. General Porter says;
General Grant had become very tired
of discussing methods of warfare
w hleh were like some of the problems
described in algebra as "more curious
than useful," and he was not sufficient
ly LnterestiHl in tbe canal to be present
at the explosion which was expected to
complete It. AlKiut this time all the
cranks lu the country, beside men of
real Inventive genius, were sending ex
traordinary plans and suggestions for
capturing Richmond. A proposition
from an engineer was received one day,
accompanied by elaborate drawings
and calculations, which had evidently
involved Intense labor ou the part of
the author. His plan was to build a
masonry wall around Richmond, of an ;
elevation higher than the tallest
houses, then to fill the enclosure with
water pumped from the James River, i
ami drown out the garrison and people
like rats In a cage. The exact number
of pumps required and their capacity
had Imh'u figured out to a nicety.
Another inventive genius, whose j
mind seemed to ruu lu th" direction of t
the science of chemistry and the prae-;
tice of sternutation, sent in a chemical'
formula for making an all-powerful j
snulT. In his communication lie as
sured the commanding general that aft
er a series of experiments he had made
with it on ieope and animals, he wasj
sure that If shells were filled with It j
and exploded within the enemy's lines,
the troops would ls seized with such j
violent fits of sneezing that they would i
soon become physically exhausted with
the effort, and the I'u'ou army could I
walk over at Its leisure and pick them 1
up as prisoners without Itself losing a
man. i
A certain officer had figured out fro:;: j
statistics that the James River froze j
over about once In seven years, and
that this was the seventh jear, and ad
vised that troops be massed lu such a
position that when the upper part of
the James changed from a liquid to a
solid, columns could be rushed across
It on the Ice to a position In rear of the
enemy's lines, ami Richmond would be
at our mercy. A sorcerer lu Rochester
sent the general word that he had cast
his horoscope, and gave hint a clear
and unclouded Insight Into his future,
and added to its general attractiveness
by telling him how gloriously he was
going to succeed lu taking Richmond.
One evening the gom-nil referred to
these emanations of tbe prolific brains
of "ir people, and the many novel sug
gestions made to him, beginning with
the famous jK)wder-lo;it sent against
Fort Fisher, and clos 1 the conversa
tion by saying: "This is a very sug
gestive age. Some people seem to think
that au army can be whi; pod by wait
ing for rivers to freeze over, exploding
powder at a distance, drowning ou3
troops, or setting mem to Mieezing; but
It will always be found l:i the end than
the only way to whip au army is to gd
out and fight It"
Grant Dffera Hla Pumc to Ilia Kncmjr.
General Grant never mentioned ono
Incident lu counn tloti wiih the battle
of DonelsoTi, and no cue ever heard of
It until It was related by his opponent
In that liflttle. General Buckner. In a
seech made by that officer at a lin
(juet given In New York on the anni
versary of General Grant's birthday,
April 27. ISx'.t. he said: " I'nder
these eircumsiaiXTS. sir, I surrendered
to General Gran;. I had at a previous
time ls'friended him, and It has been
Justly .said that he never forgot au act
of kindm-ss. I met him on the boat,
and he followed me when I went to my
quarters. He left the officers of his
own army and followed me, with that
modi-si manner jieculiar to himself, in
to the shadow, and there tendered me
his purse. It seems to me, Mr. Chair
man, that In the modesty of his nature
he was afraid the H'ht would wltni-stf
that net of generosity, and sought to
hide It from the world. We can appre
ciate that, sir." Century.
Cleara 111 Krcord.
It Is never too bite to clear one's
name, and that is why Judge Roger A.
Pryor, now of New York. d nli-s the
story, which foi.i.d in some
quarters, that li" deserted from the
Confederate army during the civil war.
A Vermont officer who had gone to the
picket line to swap some tolmeeo was
taken prisoner by the rebels. T)i" l'n
lon men vowed revenge for what Ihey
considered the violation of a ta'it
truce, and they swore to take the next
"Johnny" who came up to swap. It
happem-d to lie ' .orcl Pryor. That Is
what be suis, jr ' he Is corroborated
hy the Vermont ..lieec.
To llraxc Itickena Landmarks.
It Is promised to tear down a jKiiiion
of the older jmrt of Iii.don, and In do
ing this a locality with which Olckeiis
Is Identlfiiil In some of his Iwst-remeni-bercd
novels has lieen ibioinod to go. It
Is even said that the exact building
which he put Into fame as the Old Cu
riosity Shop Is one of them. But some
of the Kngllsh people are pleading for
Hip preservation of this locality, tic
cause TMckens has In effect made It a
feature In London history.
Mr Plnkbam'a Explanation of th UmiBual Number of Djuth ft&d
Frootratlona Amotisr Women.
The great heat plague of August,
lesson. One could not fail to notice
the dead throughout this country, that
4Via wifttma urpm wiimiiti tn tHtrtw-a
women between forty-five and fifty.
The women who suecuniWd to the pro-
tracted heat were women whose energies
were exhausted oysuflerings peculiar to
their sex; women who, taking' no thoug
nf ttiemsid reft, or whn. attfli-hinir Hrt i
ruplanK0 f.i fint. ivmntiima a 1 1fiLi'..j1"
y. . i
female system to become run down.
Constipation, capricious appetite, restlessness, (
forebodings of evil, vertigo, languor, and
ness, especially in uie morning, an itching
sensation which suddenly attacks one at
niirht. or whenever the blood becomes
too long to build up your strength, that
is now a positive necessity! Lydia B.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has spe
cific curative powers. You cannot do bettei
than to commeuce a course of this grand
of first bymptoms you will w:e by the
ing sensation
rrive-n tin wlwn
y s o "c -
got a bottle. I
thought I would
me. I wish I could get every lady in the land to try it, for it did for me what
doctors could not do." Mrs. Sai.i.ik Ciiaio, Baker's Landing. Pa.
One lakca Pity on an Arn.iT LoHate
and lit I to Sell Her loprra.
One wore the modmt blue of the Sal
vation Army, the other the ragged rai
ment of the street waif. Both wen
plrls and Isith were selling papers. They
came together ou a Market street cor
ner. The newsgirl eyed the War Cry
lassie for a minute or two anJ then
sidled slowly up to her.
"How's biz?" she asked.
The girl In the blue uniform ami poke
bonnet looked at the little tot in sur
prise. "Not very good," she answered, after
a moment.
"Folks ain't bt:j In' d,1 1 .; ers very
swift, eh?"
"I'm not wiling many War Crys, If
that Is what you mean."
"Dws yer have ter stay out till yer
sells 'em all?"
"No, I don't have to, but I generally
"Take yer a long time ternlght, eh?"
"Yw, Twill be out very hue, I expect.
I'm awfully tired, too."
That seemed to determine something
the ragged one evidently had lecn turn
ing over In her mind.
"I only got a couple more Kilpers left
pieself," she said, "an' if yer don't mind
I'll help yer out."
The novelty of the proposition of a
deaire for asiHiaiice caused the War
Cry lnssle to accept the proposition, 1
and half of the Salvation papers werr j
turned over to the newsgirl. The lat- 1
ter started In to work vigorously and
pretty soon had the other girl's paiers
going like hot cakes. Ragged news
girls don't often peddle. War Crys and
the people she approached appreciated
the fact enough to avail themselves of
the opiHirtunlty.
In perhaps half au hour the ragged
one returned to the War Cry girl minus
papers, but with a little list full of
"Say," she said, "it's dead easy.
Wlsh't I could sell 'em all de time. Is
dere much in It?"
"Oh, my, no," the War Cry girl ex
plained. "I don't get anything at all."
The "newsy's" eyes opened wide In
surprise. Then she voiced her opin
ion: "Hen yer mus' lie as ensy as selliif de
War Crys was. I'm going now. (rood
I'lny the Teal of t liaracler.
"It Is not to be Inferred that because
play Is our normal condition It Is there
fore an experience to be Indulged tln
without discrimination,' writes Rev.
Charles H. Parkhurst, I). D., In an ar
ticle on "The Young Man at Play,"
In the Ladies' Pome Journal. "Be
cause play Is the absence of constraint
a man lu his play will be himself sin
cerely ami unaffectedly. In play there
Is no affectation. If indulged in with
out consideration Its character will de
note perfectly the character of the
player. He will sink or In It to his
true level. One may do very good
work and commit himself to reputable
and magnificent purposes, and yet In
the Intervals of enterprise may fall to
'an exceedingly low key-be a grand
worker but a degraded player. That Is
I because work is subject to constraint.
and play (so far forth) Is ri'jt. The
only way we can exactly determine
our own character Is by noticing what
It Is we do when we are doing exactly
what we want to do-that Is. what we
do when we are at play. There Is no
criterion of a man's quality so neeur
te as his amusements, for In them
there Is thp renunciation of disguises.
Our real Inwardness discloses Itself
not In what we do. but In what we per
fectly enjoy doing. This test Is rather
l severe one, and Is, perhaps, calcu
lated by the books he devotes himself
to when he Is studiously a' work, but
by those h ! h-'n led In when he Is
reading fer h i ic,'isiireof it."
It iii earier t i set a man doAii than t
let him up.
Tbe needs o( virtue row best when
planted early.
Your s.'U will not go right while your
thought go wronit
When weeping mothi r ue given the
ballots, their tesri will ;n'l out the llret
of distilleries.
It is easier for water t i run up hill,
than (or a selffth man t" le bsppy.
You've reaJ the I'.iblo itli the com
ment) rv. now read it with (lie 'nilng.
was not without its
in the I jo (7 lists of
so many of
' ' 'medicine. By tbe neglect
following letter what terrible suffering
Si J71 NT
came to Mrs. Craig, and how she was cured :
" I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and think it is the best medicine for women in
the world. I w as so Weak and nervous that I thought
I could not live from one day to the next. I had pro
lapsus uteri and leucorrlxea and thought I was go
ing into consumption. 1 would get so faint I thought
I would die. I had dragging pains in my back, burn
down to rny feet, and so many miserable
feelings. People said that I looked like a dead
woman. Doctors tried to cure me, but failed. I had
T twni'rt rif th' PinltlHm mcdlcinp. T
- -
did not have much faith in it, but
try it, and it made a new woman of
Spnka.for Good eooda.
Agitation for good rmdn Is nieetlns
the Indorsement of public mea
w ho stop to give It more than a paltla
thoiignt. Kx-Yfoe-Prcsldent Adlal V..
Stevenson la now among those who
strongly commend the movement of th
Leag le of American Wheelmen for let
ter highways. In a recent lerter he
"I am In full sympathy with the ef
forts now lsil;g made to secure good
roads throu.'buit our country. This !
a living question. There is little diffi
culty hi getting from one large city to
another, or even In crossing the conti
nent. Imt the Imisirtiiut quiMoli Ui how
lo get from the country home to tha
school house, to the church, to Uie mar
ket. It Is a gratifying fact that this
siibJ.H-t is now undergMng thorough
d'.scusslon In many of our States. Tho
result will le Like other im
IKrtant ques'tlotw, it will work out Its
own solution. I agree w!:h Gov. Mark
ham tliat 'g'xj-1 fi'ids mean advanced
When je.jpk like Mr. Steven mii itegin
to empluiHze the ne d of bettiT coun
try highway, surely there must lie a
great public Interest to be subserved.
And what are the facts? Mr. Su-ven-aofi
Uvea at Rloomlngton, 111., in the
center of a d1trict wIiomc roads are no
torioiady bail. It is wit the only dis
trict of Its kind. There ure doet of
such dWitrlet In every St:ite In the Un
ion. The Bloomington district ! only
a sample, and should not lie singled out
as an Illustration, but for coincidence.
A prominent pajs-r In Illinois recently
published thin lnter"t.tig dtftjwiU'H
fmm Its BliKunitig'oh cf,rr-nisndtnt: ,
The embargo of mud ! complete In
central miiiois. ranc: w
lived In Comity more tban hnlf
a ceniui-y de-lnre they have never
i.eeii the roads so utterly Impassable an
tliev .-ire now. General stagnatUm In! trade U the rtwilt. Fanners find
It !tiijrslb!e to come to town in a light
vehicle drawn by four 'n---es. Much of
the com stored In crib: has rotted on
the i-ob and crumbles in the shelter.
The condition of grain Is giving tlii
farmers serious trouble."
A lion her Inlen-sting piece of news
.omes from Massachusetts. In n town
f alut r,(M'0 Inlwb'tati's in that Stats
l dwelling house w:i.s ''ruiil to the
ground txt'tisc tie roads were too
tnuddy for the tire department to reach
h. Insurance men claim that Uie town
ran be held responsible for the hxai.
Hnnu '1 eU i) V. acliinery.
If Inventions continue to multiply nt
the present rate, the duy tuny speedily
come when pian will have to sit with
folded arms while 1,1s work and evr.fl
his pleasures are turned out for him.
Science has lately given us a marvel lu
the shape of a card-counting machine,
Two of these most Interesting automa
ta now working are used for counting
and tying postal a ids ;:.; small bun
dles. Two of the mar are capa
ble of counting .M'O.txio . ards In Unborn-sand
wrapping ami the mime
In packages of twenty-five each. In
this operation the paper Is pulled off
i drum by two long "lli.-seis" which
otiie up from below, and another finger
dips In a vat of gum and applies Itself
to the wrapping paper In exactly tho
tight spot. Other parts of the maehlna
twine the paper around the pack of
ards and then a "thumb" presses over
the sjMit where the g: :.; Is. and th
package, tied wllh the ; : per slip, is
thrown upon a curry be.t cendy foi
delivery. Popular Kcletov News.
Why lieen I.Ike Night Work.
Fees prefer to work in the dark be
cause the action of sunlight upon th
honey U to cause the sugar to granulate
out. and so to solidify the whole mass.
In which conillloti !; 1 i no Use either
to tlieucelve.- or i::-.r :
1 - I a id - I r.
A letter add'csse l by a Post miari to
Miss Beatrice llarraden at li'iiirne
mouth, England, w here she has hocn
laying since lant full, wns returned by,
w Kn.'lioli poHtolIire peoile miirked
' InpnUic'.en'iy a liltepfi."
Jul an Storey, the arlict buband ol
tliiiiiia llano's, in now in K me at work
. t."ti a uiemorinl 1 1 1 e t of the 'ate Lord
tUndolpti Churchill, which is to in
,:Uce in the members' entrance tc :li
iioune of com toons,