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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1897)
(.., - -' x m . - . f 5 ! J ii i! r. 7' I 1': 14 4 1 J ''f It' 1 v. THE SIOUX COUNTY JOXTTllST .A-Xj. o TacubAT. Aco, 2oth, 18K. Jeo. B. Csnoa, Editor and Prop. F. at 4 M. V R. a. lisse table. Qotag Weal. Going East, ft, . mixed. 11 48 1 So. 6. mixed ,S:M J, t PHISNEY. M. D. pnyilcUa sad Sargeoa. AU sells given prompt attention. OCsce In Drue 8 lor. HiAKMSOJIfc- KEBBABaTA. North-Western LINE r. x m. IS V. R. R. to and from the the best SUGAR BEET FIELDS 0F KORTH NEBRASKA. Information that informs. If you are going south and want to know what the trip wili cot when you will reach yonr destination and why you should take the BCKL1SGTON BOUT to St. Joseph, Kana City. St. Louis or AXY 0TI1 IB southern or south -eastern city, write to J. Francis-, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Hot)., and receiv by return mail, a letter giv. ingiJUST EXACTLY the information yen ecL OSTEOPATHIA Gid. E. Johnson, Ostoepath will treat patients at Harri on. on Tuesday's, Thurs day's and Saturday; at Chad ron, Nebraska, Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday of each week. HOTICE TO SETTLERS. The rules of the local land office have recently been amended so that settler to make final proof shall nettle with the publisher before sending in their applica tion. All parties desiriDg to make final proof can have their papers made out at TBS JOCBWAL office, free of charge, and promptly transmitted to th land office so that no time will be lost. For Sale. On the 6th day of Sep Umber, 1897, I will sell at auction at Mr. Oerlacb's place in the Canyon, at 2:00 o'clock p. m., fifteen acres of corm in the field and fifteen acres of rye hay in the stack. For particular, enquire of Sheriff Bartlett Axtom Moravbx. Our town school will begin Sept ember 6th. F. M. Smith, of Five Points, received a swarm of bees from York Neb. on last Tuesday. There is no reason why any good honest citizen should not aspire to office if competent. Through the courtesy of Mrs. J. H. Bartell, the JocBXAL family enjoyed mess of Terr fine plums. Many thanks. The Jocbvai. family wishes again to thank Mrs. Eli 8mith of Bodarc for her Viivm iD sending them another very I beautiful boquet. Choice honey, at Bar tell's. F. Force of White River was in townnn last Tuesday and left one of those 50c dollars on our desk to pay for the Joan AL one year. Those who are candidates for county eoramiwiooers from the Weber district are, H. H. Russell, C. A. Puddy, W. S. Johnson, and John. Rogers. There may be a few more but we have not heard just who they are. Word has just been recei ved here of the death of George Kruger of Prime Sebr. He died of be mo rage of toe lungs. He was the son-in-law of H. T. Merriam of this county. He leaves a wife, five children nod a host of friends to mourn his loss. -j-Qo to Babtxll's if you want to get a whole pound of imoking tobacco for 25c and a pipe to smoke it with. , -Mies. Rsie Merriam is a candidate fier oowaty superintendent on the free sil ver ticket. While it does not yet appear Jtat who will be tha nominee of the ?afat coaveatiofls to be held this fall that is ao reason In our opioioa why a Uij sfcoall'al aspire, and make a spirited Hswtrir the nomination Mies. Merriam .CartooMtaad A, L. Fisher ofGHea, art the oaly avowed caodkJadtes for we have beard of w Are you K'-n(f to Oiadron to Ly to bear Hn. W. J. Bryaa'i alrej. John Fitzgerald from North Indian creek was in town last Saturday. Andrew Christian of Pleasnt Ridge, Wyo., was in town on business but Sat urday. Michael Bruck, went to Crawford last Thursday to see the Bo.ton Bloomer girU play ball. Mr. fleeter and family enjoyed a pleasant outing last Suoday at th home of hi son Virgil. James Ernest, wlo recently return ed from a Southern trip is reported suffering with chills and fever. Smith St Smith who are putting ud 300 tons of liav for the Vao Tassell ranch will be through in about one week more, Now is the time to get a. deal in boots and shoes at Bartell's. M. J. Weber says the candidates for office down on White River are about as thick as the big yellow plums. Rev Julian, presiding elder of this ditrict was a Dasseneer on the East hound oassenrer last Tuesday even log. A. Erdman who bas been visiting amon inenas ano reiaiivxs at ui iui u home in Wisconsin returned last Thursday. Cbas. Binhle and Doug. Hamlin, went to Andrews last Sdturdy to look after aome cattle Mr. Bhiehte sold to stock- buyer Curry Every body in Sioux county ought to make an extra effort to attend our county fair on the H. 13 and 16lh day of September. Hon. B. F. Thomas is now working at the Node ranch near Vorhees, Wyo , and ordered bi JoCRSAL sent to bim there for the present Plums are coming into town by the wholesale these days. There seems to be bushels of them in the canyon an d a long the valley skirting the hills. -Buy your all wool Ladies & Gents under-wear for win ter at Baetell's while you can get it cheape. M. J. Weber chairman of the board of commissioners of Sioux county was in bur midst last Monday on official busi ness. Mrs. John Kay from Warbonnet left last Saturday evening for Eddy ville, la., fr visit, with her mother. She will be gone for some time. Mrs. D. H. Qriswold expects her Bis ter on next Friday. The young lady is to have charge of the primary depart ment during the co aiming scholastic year. J. W. Sherril is now the owner of the North-Wesern Hotel, having pur chased it about a week ago of Mrs. Bas sett, who forroely owned it . Julian Lever of Cottenwood and R. O. Smith hardware merchant of Craw ford, were in Harrison Monday of this week doing business and getting acquaint ed. . John A. Hanson foreman on the Van Taesel section is down helping the section forman here fix up the railroad Y at this place for a couple of days this week. Samuel Jacoby from Sand creek district spent a few hours at the Hub last Friday, while in town he put in a few moments in pleasant conversation with ye editor. A joyful sample of university life camped and dined at the Hub last Friday they are out on a jollification during the holiday's "doina" the states of Colo. and Wyo. they left here headed for the land of the "coyotes". It does seem as if people might be little more thoughtful of the golden rule in regard to cats, if they were we feel sure the number which are bein? brought to town and left to annoy so many would be some-what reduced. Miss Lulu Ashcraft ,who bas been here for some time undergoing a course of treatment from Dr Joboson, left for Chad ron last Tuesday evening where she will complete her treatment under the Dr s care, and return to ber school about September 10th. The watch lost by Wm.J Pontius some time ago. and a reward for t be finder of same was published in the Journal at the time, was found by our genial friend Mr. "Doug" Hamlin. Who by the way says he had to come all the way from Iowa to find it Z. F. Antrim was in from Bodarc last Saturday and reported the death of J. F. Hovey, near Five Points ,wbo was taken with a severe attack of hiccouoghs about a week ago which flnaly terminated in death last Friday. Mr. Hovey, was 79 ysara old. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his lorn. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wright made a trip to Pleasant Ridge, Wyo. last Sun day, wliere they went after Mrs. Wright's father who has been doing the carpenter work on Andrew Chrstian's big barn. Tbey returned in the eveeiog however, without bringing her father as he had not completed bis work. Eli Smith of Bodarc left at this office a pack of early Ohio potatoes on exibitioo last week which would seem could not be beaten. It will ha worth one.s while to call and view them. The potatoes nave been raised without irrigation and tbey will be foond all o. k. It is said by truthful residents of thirt county that two or three years ago Sioux county was ruled out of tha state fair from ex hibiting potatoes on account of their being too hrgt. We come pretty near (MUTUARY. ElED.-Miss Di-lla Harris, on Wed nesday, Aug. 25th. of tyjioiU fever, at the residence of J. II. Pellin. Cap. Suml Crvek Items. Spec ill to the Jovbxal. Corn crops are looking fine.. Mr. Chan. Sax ton came up from Pine Ridge Agency and intends moving his familv there in the near future. D. H. DeGraff of Crow Butte has ac ceDted this school, it win commence about October first Mike O'Connell, commenced an eight- months term of school at Ada ha, Monday, the 15lh. Miss Mollie Golden and Mrs. A. P. Procunier. spent the fore put of last week in Ft. Robinson. Mr, J. E. Pelren baa purchased a place io S. D. and intends moving there soon. Mr. N. P. Raines has traded bis farm at Cottonwood for horses, he expects to urive them through to Missouri tbe tat ter part of the mooth. Mr. Roert Harrison returned from Omaha last week where he shipped some cattle. Rev. Chaa. H. Frady of NeliRh. Neb., a missionary oi uie American ounaay School Union, will hold services at the Cottonwood church Wednesday after noon and evening. Bob. WOMAN4 COLUMN. Edited by Mrs. Un. V. . Short article from tbe hull- ot htttat couaty are tollcited. Bodarc Doings. DIED. Aug. 20th, J. F. Hovey of Five Points precinct, in his 78th year. He was laid away to rest in tlte Bodarc Cemetery , lie leaves three unmarried children. The family have the sympa thy of the neighbors in this their sad hour of bereavement Mr. Geo. Bowen does not seem to ira- . . t a 1 . I r a. ' . prove any, he is still unuer ine wcwr care. He will slay with J. B. Bradley for a while. Chas. Ore well bas treated himself to a new wagon. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Buff Coffee is still under the Doctor's care. John Fitzgerald returnd to Indian creek. He bas been visiting with his family, who have been stopping at his father-in-law's John Hunter, John Christian was down in the valley looking after his interests here. Mr. Bigelow passed through this Burg lat Thursday. Art Hagerroeir of Deadwood, S. D Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and Burt Hovey. came down to attend Grandpa Hovey's funeral. - Something to TlilnW Alout. "This life is what we make it, so the song rues. "Our face are looking glawass reflecting oar thoughts" has been said by some one. A close observer of the human face has already noted this fact; if our thought are pure and true and Just our faces will tell it to the world. V e should weave the good things in this life to be come a part of ourselves, by thinking over and over again, all tle good thoughts we hear, all the good deeds we see, until they become a part of ourselves and we grow into them and live and move in them and have our being in them. We live in deeds not in years; in thoughts not in breaths; in feeling not in figures on a dial and whether the deeds be noble or base, our thoughts, p,ire or vile our feeling fine and sensi tive, or course and hard they are all re flected in our faces, nature's true lonk iog glass. Not only our present lives, but our past finds a reflection in our :a es today. We are today, only what the past has made us. Our past is what we have made it While we ourselves are the results of the past we have made. To each and every one of us there mutit come dark days as well as. bright ohm Into each life some rain must fall, some days munf be dark and dreary. We could never know the value of sun shine was there never a cloud to give us Where are you going? We are on our way to the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. THEY SAY EVERYTHING IS SO CHEAP AT THAT STORE. Mu wife tvanl one of tlue 'beatiful ' SPK1SG HATS and dry goods jirovwcnn dr. I need a Spring S VIT mjfwff and ve tkinl let can rare W h en by trading at tJie RANCH SUPPLY HOUSI!. LEWIS GERLACH. iVv WE SELL THE American Hand-Sewad Sli03 C's CELEBRATED B00TS&SH0ES alH I rv L1MsyA ... WTijtra BIBCEtfbOOT THE WwGT Also, We handle a full line of Queens-ware, -Hard-Ware, Dry-Goods, Groceries &c. shadow. We could not appreciate the i beautiful wild flowers or the bright green grass was there no winter to dee- prive us of them for a time. It is this contrast that nature provides us that makes us appreciate things in natura. There is a wider gulf between good deeds and bad deeds, between pure thoughts and vile thoughts, between fine feelings and course feelings, a much brighter contrast than is found between summer and winter, if we will but open our hearts and minds and let the blessed sun of truth and j mice shine in. It has been said that a bosom empty of a heart of pain, makes a lusterless life. But a bosom in which the heart bUed reveal hidden virtues. This is so true, could we all only see it in the same lieht: what a le!p it would be to us to carry eur crf'S-ws. What I am Agent for the world famed MoKOHMlCK BIND ERS and MOWERS. I keep on hand all mc nro a i.un line of supplies for thew; machines. Last but not Least. PER KISS WIND Ml Lb Montrose Clippings- Mrs. W, M. Gayhart from E-lgemont is visiting her parents and friends in this neighborhood. Services will be held at the Montrose Catholic, church next Sunday 29th by Rev. Muenich. Mrs. H. Zimmerman who was visiting with ber brother Jnke WasserburgBT wttt return to her home in Cedar County next Tuesday 24th. M. J. Oayhart is busy hauling hay from the old O ranch. , Mat Straiiler sold a bunch of two year old steers last week, at thirty-two dol lars a bead. Miss. Kate Henry is coming home next Saturday to spend a week with her parents. Mr. Nutto has commenced building at his new boue in Sowbelly canyon. J. J, Wasserburger ban started to lay tbe foundation. We are sorry to report Mrs. Anna Wasserburger was quite sick the latter part of last week. Quite a party of young folks from here went plumming today (Sunday) they had the nicest lot of plums we have Keen this year. ' Bade. Cottenwood Muriherlngs. Harvesting is nearly over and thrash ing begun. Some of the men of tbe valley gather ed at A. C. Dove's Sunday, and stacked bis crain for him as he is laid up with bis band. There was a surprise party at A. Pro curer's last Wednesday evening and all had a good time, there was one at Mr Golden's Friday evening, the young peo ple are getting stired up again. Mr. Chaa Saxton has been up from Pine Ridge agency visiting his family he returned Monday. We understand that A. C. Dove start ed for Omaha Sunday evening, to be doc te red. He has been in poor health for some time. We hope he may speed ily regain his health. Rev. C. E, Rice preached in the cot- tonwood church Sunday evening. lesson in patience forbearance, hu mility atid trust it would teach u, aud what an inspiration to lift uk to a higher purer and more elevating plan' of thought. If we would It-am to val ue the final rc-ward the influence we eive out mav enter ana encourage uie life or lives on which it fulls. For what is done is done has already Mended itse f with he N'Udli-Mi, evtr living, ever working universe. And will work tlwre V,t iT hjl or evil . o;;eoly " or secretly throutliiout ell t me. A CM . ULOE. Wtrbeanet Warbllaga. JohnPluokett got mixed up with a run-a-way one day last week and had the misfortune to fracture two or three ribs. Dr. Shafer was called and patched bim up, and be is now slowly recovering. Lino Ellis was down to O. A. Oartoo's a couple of days last week cutting oata and wheat Wilber Shepherd was in town trans acting business last Saturday and sail ing plums. Grandpa Dunn was a visitor in town one day last week. Hay makers are Mill busy making bay. Josie Sherill hat returned to her home in Harrison after several weeks visit with tier sister Mrs. Rtoh Dunn. Wehn you are badly in need of the only sold in Sioux County, call on me. ,T. H. RAHTKLL 01.00: Igloo -the- f' WEEI(LY-lrfTER OGEAr4. The Greatest Republican Paper of the WeL 5 TT is the mot ttMtwmit and unswerving Republic Weekly pb- 5 J. lished today and can snwnyt be relied upon lor fair sad honest re- pons of all political afiairs. a The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies Al of the New 1 pi and the Best of Current Literature. a. It is Morally Clesa, and ei a Family Paper, is Without rear. Aogelillo, the man, who' assassinated the preitner or Hpain on t' tuuotn wft executed How to Treat a Husband. The seventeen rules for a wife laid down by Lady Burton, make very inter esting reading. The nrt one is about trienusmp ana companionship; the second about caring of him when ill; the third about making home snug and attractive to inmates and pople that interest him as well as to himself. The fourth rule is for se If im provement and education; the fifth about following on journeys at an hours notice ready to rough it; sixth, about genero sity in affection and care in. persona I ap pearance; and the seventh about promot ing her husband.s interests, professional, social, and personal. Then the remain ing rules contan so much sound and pert inent advice, that we give them in full: "Never confide your domestic affairs to your female frind. "Hide his faults from every one and back him up through every difficulty and trouble. "Nvr permit any one to speak disre spectfully of him before you; and if any one does, no matter how difficult leave the room. Never permit anyone to tell you anything about him. especially of his conduct with regard to other women. Never hurt his feeling by a rude remark or jest Never answer a hen he finds fault; and never reproach him when he is in the wrong, especially when he tells you of it, nor take advantage of it when you are angry; and always keep his heart up when be has made a failure. "Keep all disagreement for your own room, and never let others find ihena out "Never ask him not to do anything for instance, with regard to visiting other women, or any one you particular ly dislike; trust bim, and tell him every thing except another person's secret. "Do not bother him with religious talk, be religious yourself and give good example, take life seriously and earnest ley, pray for and procure prayers for bim, and do all you can for bim with out his knowing it, and let all your life be something that will win mercy from Ood for him. "Cultivate our own health, spirit and nerves, to enable you to carry out your mission. ' "Never open his letters oor appear inquisitive about any thing he doss not volunteer to tell you. "Never interfere between bim and his family, encourage their being with him, and forward everything he wishes to do for them, nod treat thran in every re spect (as far as they will let you) ss if Its Literary Column are equal to those of the best magazines. Its Youth's Department Is the fmest of Its kind. -.-.-.i-.r n e Itbiiacs toth larallv tbe or ih r. World ana (Ives U bed aod bll discussions of all question of tke tmr. Tha letrr ien (Ives iw prr of readinr natter furti ak sad brniug poUifce la hlraao it ttter adaptwl a a the peeple wast ef Ue Altecbtny steaaiala Mian any other paper. 01.00 W..R9.Vfcft !t Pf. YEg 01-00: Tke Dtll! ud Snidty Edl tleu of Tke Inttr Oceu in Um best of tbelr klad .... rrlc of Dally hy malt Prtaa of Sunday by mail. .. , Daily ana Sunday by malt.. a M M v ytarf vaar; 1 (M nr jt.S0 Pr IttT Addreae TUB I STEM OCUAX, Cklracew Vc pay the freight OX Tlll-i Kimball o o ORGAN In Nebraska and Weatern Iowa. You Get $19R Organ for fHH. YOU PAY FOR IT WITH A FIVE DOLLAR BILL down and l.'i.OO per month, felly OeareatMd for S year. Now write us for Description and Catalogue. We will tell about It We have been telling our friends about this now 3 years. Address, all A. HOSPE, OMAHA, NEB. th- th fay of 7ir6wn. a SWi ".-" "V"' Call for County Convention of People's Inde pendent Prrty. Harrison, Neb. An. IS, 1W7. ( By order of the County Centra Commit tee of the People's Independent Party of sloux county, Mebraaka, we hereby call a county convention of the elector of aald party to meet at tbe Court House In tbe Village of Harrison, on Saturday, tbe 2Mb day of Heptomber lsV7, at II o'clock a. sn. Tbe purpeae of aakl convention la to place In nomination Candida tr for such county oce as may be deemed by Mid conven tion as adviaable and to transact auch other buslne sa may properly come before tbe convention. The .representation Is based on one dele fate at larfe from each precinct and one for each ten votes or major fraction thereof eaat for Hon. SI la A. Holoomb at tbe elee. tUm of 1M, wblrb make tbe following apportionment by preel net ; Andrew 2 Antelope t Bodarc . J Jtowen & (tUxiwood 1 ne Polnu..a Hat 1,'re.b ... lll-blaad j Montrosw...,, 4 Kenning Wetar.Il Make ;rek 1 Hngar aoaf j WhUUe Creek S Warbonnet White Hlver... Totml r... u It 1 recommended that the prl mane be held on Thursday Mplcmner 21, at the rexu lar pulling i.Imco In each Iireclnct aud tbat I no proxies 1 rllowt' 1, but Ib .l the dele. gaie p.ewiii ra t .ni ''i.tiri' tou of tl;e t - .ue ,. Call For County Convention Of Tbe -m(tt Party. J!arrlon, Xb. i Aux. 16, Ii3 i By order of tbe County Central Commit tee of the Democrat Party of Hlou coiml)V Nebraska, we hereby call a rouuty ronvt-o tlon of the elector of uM party to niwt t tbe Court House in tbe Village of Harrlxnn. on Saturday, the 2StU day of September IrV til o'clock a. m. Tbe purpose of aald cos' ventlou 1 to place In nomination can dates for ancb county omoes as may desmed by ald convention a advlnable " to transact such other bnalnn a ? properly come before tbe convention. The representation is based on on ne gate at large from eecn precinct and one fur each ten vote or major fraction tlirreet eaat for Hon. CohsUottn 8. Smyth for At torney Genera! at tbe election of IM, wbli make the following apportionment 11 precinct: Andrew .j iKxlarc (ttonwixKl Hat Creek ..4 Monlroa. , snake Creek ... Whistle Creek s White Mlver t Total It I recommended that the prl bold, on Thuraday. SeDUmovr r regular pulling place la each f "rr tnat no proxine nn allowed, but n-i-g-i preamit east the ent re How en.... 1 liva Points Highland- Running Water bugr I.osf.-...-Warbonnet-...- -aa.-ir r vote" f V T". v.- .... . r .1 X ?c 1 y 1 i : v ,H 1 4