The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 19, 1897, Image 8

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Thcbsday, Aco, 13 th, 197.
D. Cdneu, Editor ami Prp.
S E.1X.V E. it. lime talilc
Going Weat, Going East.
tlo- . iclxed, 11 :?0 No. e, mixed 8:00
Physician and Snrgeon.
tul calls giyea prompt attention.
Office S Ptks Store.
I North-Western
', E. M. V. R. R. is the best
to and from the
that informs.
f you are going south and
want to kuow what the trip
will cost when yoa will
reach your destination nod
why you should take the
Joseph, Kansas City, St. Loulsf or AX Y OTH
ER southern or south-eastern city, write to
J. Francis, Gen'l Passenger Ageut, Omaha,
Neb., and reeeiv by return mail, a letter giv
ing JUST EXACTLY the Information you
Gid. E Johnson, Ostoepath
will treat patients at Harri
son, on Tuesday's, Thurs
day's and Saturday; at Chad
ron, Nebraska, Monday's,
Wednesday's and Friday of
each week.
The rules of the local land office have
recently been amended so that settlers
o make final proof shall settle with the
publisher before sending in their applica
tion. AH parties desiring to make final
proof can have their papers made out at
The Journal office, free of charge, and
promptly transmitted to the land office
so that no time will be lost.
We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Buff
Coffee is still very weak.
Charlie Marsteller is wrestling with
one of Jobs comforter's this week.
Pat Lacy bought one of those 40.00
paddles of L. E. Dipkenson last Tuesday.
The Domocratic central committee
turned out in good shape last Saturday.
Quite a number attended Catholic
cervices this week. We hops in the near
future to have mass once in two or three
Chas. P. Coffee, shipped seventeen
pars of cattle from Van Tassell last Sat
urday to the South Omaha markets.
Some posters just received announce
the fact that excursion tickets will be
old from here to Chadron to hear Rkyas
on the 26th.
Read the proceedings of the Populist
and Democratic Committee meetings in
another column, which took place last
(Saturday afternoon.
Mr. A. L. Fisher of Andrews was in
town Monday looking up his political
fences. He is a candidate for county
superintendent on the joint ticket this
Have you noticed our friend Mr.
Sherman? Well we were surprised to see
him on the street last Wednesday with
out a cane, lie is one of Dr. Johnson's
Have you noticed that new cap, that
station agent Pontius wears? Mr. Ponti.
iih says every agent along the line
Hre obliged to wear the regulation cap
from now on. But he thinks lie will be
satisfied if the company do not get to
furnishing uniform for all their employ
ee that, he thinks would break his heart.
Last Sunday morning Mrs, Grant
Guthrie, who went over to call on Mrs.
Dr. Phjney for a few minutes discovered
a rattle snake within a few feet of Dr.
fhiney's house, with seven rattles on it.
She called to Home of the boys close by
and they in turn went over to the court
houee and had Mr. Outhrie come over
And dispatched his snakeship.
- .-While Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Wright
and daughter, were driving out after a
yonng calf southeast of town last Mon
day evening in vme way the wagon was
tipped up in such a manner as to throw
' Mr. Wright out on the ground dislocat
ing two of her ribs. She was brought
pome and ur. jormaon ft tnn rii oi
that she will lie abli to Iw up and aivuisd
in a day or two.
Rev. Clark h-jms for cocfercuce the
last of the month.
The weather sterns to have clear!
up so the grangers ana ranchmeu can
put tip their hay.
Attorney Guthrie, hits a peasant
smile all over his face seein'ogly, since
his better half returned home.
Eft-art Rhower, went with Coffee's
train load of cattle to Omaha last Sat
urday. Ke will visit Ins old home in
I Atlantic, Iowa before his return.
The Journal family wish to thank
Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Kirkpatrk-k for some
very choice vegetables sent them this
week. The potatoes are among the fin
est we have ever seen, many thanks.
Michael Biu?k has mala application
for license to sell vinous liquors and
wines, lie will start a saloon in the
Turner building, provided tha towa
Counsel grants him license.
Mrs. Grant Guthrie and children ar
rived home last Friday morning after an
extended viait with relatives and friends
have you noticed the happy look Grant
wears on his couutenance?.
Dr. Johnson, commenced to make
regular trips to Chadron last Tuesday
evening to look after his practice in that
city. His notice will be found in another
column of this week's Journal.
Miss Lulu Ashcraft of Pins Ridge, S.
D., came in last week to take treatment
from Dr. Johnson, Osteopath, recently
located in our town. She is stopping at
the Hester mansion during her stay here..
Jeff. Hewett from over on Indian
creek has bought the livery barn here,
owned by B. F. Johnson who lives down
on Running Water. But Mr. Tabbet's
who holds a lease will hold it until next
Mrs. M. C. Doan and her daughter
and son left for Eagle Co., Colo, last
Saturday morning via the overland route
where Mr. Doan has been for the past
three months and where tSjey will make
their future home.
Walter Mann, son of the city attor
ney of Cheyenne, came down Monday
evening to finish a two-months treat
ment under Dr. Johnson, for epilepsy.
He says he has greatly improved under
the Osteopathy treatment.
The annual session of the North
West Nebraska conference, will convene
at Crawford, Neb. Septemper 2nd. with
Bishop Ninde presiding. A cordial invi
tation is extended to every body to at
end; we hope to see a large number of
our own people present during the vari
ous sessions.
The little daughter of Abraham Mc
intosh, who lives down on Whita River,
had the misfortune to get shot accidently
with a gun by her cousin, who was prac-
ticeine shootimr at a mark on the out
house while the little girl was on the
inside, the ball striking her in the left
side and about three inches below the
heart .passing through and lodging in or
near the spinal column. The little girl
is in a critical condition and may not
recover. Parents ought to be more cae
ful about letting tlieir children have guns
to play with while so young.
Bodarc Doings.
Charley Grecell came home for a few
days visit and to nurse a sore foot, he
had a horse step on it.
Word was received here this morning
that Grand Pa Harvey was at the point
of death.
f Mr. Geo. Bowen has been quite sick for
some time, his limbs began to swell, and
Chas. Grenell took th Craw ford for treat
ment. Bob Miller came home for a few days
.Matt Hall and J. B. Burke came home
Saturday and returned Monday to their
hay cutting.
Warbonnet Marbling.
Mrs. Linderoan and Mrs. Plunkett
visited with Mrs.' Garton one day last
James Merriam and O. A. Garton are
still busy making hay.
Mary and Annie Moravek and Louisa
Gerlach of Harrison visited with Mrs.
Valdez last Su nday.
Fritz Noreisch was in Harrison last Sat
urday selling choke cherries.
Corwin Lewis and son Lee was in town
on business this week, Tuesday.
MiM. Annie Lindeman has been spend
ing a few days in town with her sister,
Mrs. Blewett, she expects to return home
today, Tuesday. Echo,
White River Jlrcozea.
Miss Hanna Mcintosh was accidently
shot by her cousin last Thursday; happi
ly tbe wound is not a bad one, she will
be all right in a few days
Rev, Sloan was with us last Sunday,
We understand that the primary of
the People's Independant party for White
river precinct will be held at the school
house in Uist. JNo. 1, on Sept. !Mrd; we
hope to see a good turn out to insure a
number one ticket.
Mr A. L, Fisher was a visiter in thi
locality last Sunday.
Miss. Owens has been engaged to teach
the fall term of school in Dint. No, 19
we hear she is a No, 1 teacher, so we
look for a good school.
Chas. Dippert has accepted a situation
with Mr. Coffee, he will be on the round
up several week,
Mi. Fin'cy li:ib''n quite r; forwiv-
! cm I d.iys, hut v-o are glad to hear of her
'improving. Ca;'.
Highland Xtilibhis.
They are all harvesting grain at pres
ent. L, E. Rose returned from Casper, Wyo.
and is now at work at the L. Z. on run
itjg Watttr.
The hay is about all tt in this lo
cality. John Tid.i and J. 11. Heed past through
here a few days ago with a bunch of cat
tle enroute for Running Water.
Murslund News.
Recent rains have done considerable
damage to the early hay crop.
Octave Harris and Robert Neece were
doieg" the sights of Maryland last Sun
A number of ranchmen from up the
river are doing business in Rushville
this week.
Marsland hay dealers are shipping
about three cars of hay a week.
Mrs. J. T. Rii.har4.son, left Sunday eve
ning for Bethany, Me , where she will
visit with friends and relatives,
Irve McKoy returned from Omaha,
last week w he-re he has leea for the past
mouth having bis eyes treated.
All tiie Marsland teachers have return
ed from Institute, wearing a smile and a
certificate of good moral character.
W. L. Carter, brother-iu-law of W, H.
Thomas, arrived from Iowa last week
and on Saturday he sUrted for Hot
Springs where it is hoed Mr. Thomas
will recover from the effects of his re
cent sun stroke.
Thursday Aug. 12th being the birthday
of both Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Poole, the
whole community burdened with the co d
thingeof this life, went to their home
and treated them to a genuine "surprise"
dinner. All had an enjoyable time, and
left Mr. Mrs. Poole firmly convinced that
growing old has its sunny side. Rex.
Pleasant Ridge, Wjro.
JOURNAL. The late rains greatly imp
roved the crop prosects over a month
ago, then it looked like a certain failure
but cow there will be a good crop; there
is some smut in oats.
The Hamlin saw-mill finds work tod-
and improvements still loom up. S. M.
Thomas is working for tbe mill outfitand
C. Christian has added another hand to
hsi haying business. The Kirtley family
report a good visit to the Hot Springs;
and others will likely go there this fall.
The big barn is completed, and is a giant
of its kind: 33,000 feet of lumber, 1,200,
lbs of nails and 64,000 a shingles make
up the material, and a Louden hay ele
vator is to draw in the hay. A repair
shop l.'xlfl. a box stall IGxlti and 9 double
stalls occupy one hide aod 1,600 ft of cat
tle shedding the other side; while the
main room will hold 175 tons of hay, the
probable cost is alout $758.
John H. New-land is engaged to teach
school No 1, and he and his family are
helping with the harvest at A. Christian's.
Ioa has lost all attraction for John.
All stock is looking well and there are
sc ads of them plenty of feed will lie put
up for them Mr. B. Z. Duel and others,
made shipments to Omaha last Saturday
via Harmon.
The Hon. John says he has reeiv
ed his final pa purs on his ditch from
Washington signed by the President, and
says surveyor Thomas's report is the first
sent from Wyo. that was not returned for
correction well done. We have not
learned the depth of James Duel's well,
but this we know, all water is excellent
along the Ridge. Nailer.
Commissioner Proceedings.
Harrison, Neb. I
Aug. 14, lhV7
Board of county commissioners met a
per call of clerk.
Present, commissioners Weber, Young
and Clerk.
On motion the county Treasurer Is heroby
ordered to place the sum of t!2.SW allowed
by the District court of Douglas countv
on claim No. to the credit of the General
fund of 1887.
The following are the names of partiej bid
ding on county bridge to be built on Sec
tion line between Sec. 31 and 32, Township
24, Range (A. Michael Kti fling, amount of bid,
W OO, C. A. Puddy amount of bid, tlOi.OO and
H28.10, Theodore Wagner, amount of bids
1120.00 and I10.W), Henry Kreeman, amount
of bid K0.00. Henry Kreeman having made
tbe lowest bid, on motion he Is hereby
awarded the contract for completing name,
said Bridge to be completed within sixty
days from date hereof.
The communication of Mrs Tracy feller
relating to parties putting saw dust into
the waters of Cot ten wood creek was pre
sented and on motion refered to the county
Attorney to Investigate.
Tbe request of tbe Koldjers Belief Commit
tee asking that Mrs. Jerry Will be allowed
the gum of HO.00, and that same Ik; made
payable to MarHteller Bros., was presented
and on motion allowed and warrant order
ed drawn on Soldiers Belief fund of IS'j6 for
On motion warrants No. 48 and 4S8 on (Jon
oral fund of 189, are hereby ordered cancel
led and waraant ordered drawn on special
debt fund of IW7 for balance due on same.
The following ciainis against Hloui county
were audited end allowed and warrant
prdered drawn on General f und of la97, or
same :
W. II. Davis, services as Co. Superint
endent t'&.W
W. II. Davis Deficiency in Institute
fund 41.75
W. II. Davis, publishing notice todellu-
qnen . t payers 2.20
Omaha I'rinung Co., one Deed record... II. ft
" " " Mstioiiary l-Vi
Statfl Journal Co., two IW7 Ktutu !-.-. 10.(io
' " stationary 60
Geo. D. Canon, Stationary and publish.
Jug - 47.43
F. K. Jfindt, Hupplles for puupers liua
J. H. Kartell .. 4 75
N. l Tipton, wood . 2..V1
Samuel Tebbcl, Ltvery hire.. - HM
H. H. JIusbhII, AHsexKlng 36.60
The claim of Dawes county for com to in
ease of slate of Nebraska vs Dodd, whs pr
oentifl and on motion rejected for tha rea
son that said can! was not IHed by the onun
ty Attorney of MUnix eoun ty.
The statement of W. H. Davis as ronnty
Ciipenntendent of money disbursed and
recce! vel w prcxoiited 011 motion rtiiei,:i
ent buck to Iw verified.
0" motion Jlomd adjuurticd vittin it dsy. ,
Ork, j
Edited by - . Mrs. Oo. I. Canon.
Short article from tLe ludie ot li-ux
county are wolicited.
Tue Only y-
Continued i'f,mi fast week.
Recovered from a sickness of any kind,
lie must kill a Molumedan. If he is a
braver man he will be a better devil
worshiper if he kills himself afterwards.
In shaking of the following, his satanic
majesty, I have used the jrsonal pro
noun of the masculine gender because in
Persia the women are not supposed to
have a soul, unless they are successful
in stealing one from a devil worshiper
when he is praying. In which caso the
man loses his soul and the benefit of his
prayers. This is done by bimply tjuch
lug a niin while he js at his devotions.
The devil worshipers meet once a day
jn a little kind of a knoll, where they i i !1 ,t i rf.-r inn !irl in n.
place in the open air set apart for this
particular purpose. They kneel around
(jO the ground so as to form a circle each
man wjUi his gun by his side and if at
any time while praying they should bee
a woman approaching the one who sees
her 11 rt , rises and takes his gun and
shoots her, and then kneels down and
goes on with his prayers. In thiscounrt y
it is different, the women are treated
They are supposed to have as much
soul to save as men and in all religions
and in every thing in their field sae
that of politic s the doors standing open
to her as well an the men. Yet this
Persian gentleaien who understands all
the doings of t:i3 devil worshipers in his
own country, says we have devil worsh
ipers here only we dont call them that.
Saturday night July 17th demonstrated
this fact with out any further argua-
In foriegn countries where the people
worship any one but our God the people
are heathens. Here the people worship
the same way and are called christians.
There is some difference between the
devil worshiper here and tliosa of Persi.
In Persia the devil worshipers publicly
proclaim their allegiance to thei rsatan
ic host aal are proui to own his lead
ership. Here the people publicly denounce the
ownership of such a leader, and con
demn his works as infernal and openly
follow in his wake while proclaiming
their love to Christ and confessing him
to be their one example. These people
surely are not seeking the one way, "the
right way, ilie only way" to serve God,
and serve him right. But they have
found one way and the true way to
serve the devil and serve him well.
From our county paper we learn that a
saloon is soon to be opened here in U w.i.
His satanic m.ijjsty in the s'lap of a .-a-loon
keeper is coming from Crawford to
settle in our midst. If he does ha will
furnish an excellent opportunity for the
people once more to take lessous in
doing the works of the evil one and
most especially for the little children
whose tender minds are more impress
ionable aiid easy moulded, will he furnish
an ample opportunity to becoma
thoroughly grafted in the devil's work,
and the instruction they will receive at
his hands are likely to 1m more lasting
then any they shall receive at home, in
the public school or in the Sunday school
or church. Anil they will perhaps Iw
prouder of his leadership than are chris
tian people of this present generation.
They will have the best chance of their
life to learn the one way the only way
and the rtif to serve the false prophet
to Die best of their ability.
We cannot serve God and mammon.
We must serve one or the other. To
serve God we must do his will and fol
low in the path he has made for our
guidance. But the only one path and
that a narrow one, hot it grows brighter
and brighter the longer we follow it. We
follow mammon and the path is broad
and bright at the commencing but it
grows darker and darker the longer we
follow and its end is darkness. Which
way will you choose? There is one right
way that leads to a perfect day. There
is one wrong way that leads to death.
BiTTEB Sweet.
' 1 (.rand Opportauity.
There are today thousands of young
people on the farms and in the villages
who are tied down by lack of education
to work they heartily dislike. Are you
one of them my friend? If so, the
Grand Island Business & Normal Coll
age can put you on the road to success
if you are ambitious- and willing to
study, It makes no differnce how
backward you are provided you are
plucky and mean business. We teach
everything necessray for a successful
start in life. If you are short of money
we will accept a good note without in
terest for tuition or if necessary we will
furnish everything tuition, board, and
book1 and give you time to graduate and
pay for same afterwards. Business,
Normal and Shorthand courses. Board
$1.50 per week. Established 12 yearn.
College Record sent fre or catalogue
for 6 cents in stamps. This la your
chanoe of a life time. Will you let it
slip b? Adress,
A. M. llAiuug, President,
Grand Islaud, Kebr,
American Hand-o3Oj b 103 00 S
1 if-
1 i?v rm f
Juct trt 4 run or TnKsr.iifvjr tt hp.
I am Agent for the world famed McKORMICK BIND
ERS and MOWERS. I keep on hand all the-time a full
line of supplier for thene machines.
Last but not Least.
Wehn you are badlc in need of the only
sold in Sioux County, call on me.
S5.00 Tzin
Weekly IMtesj OceainL :
The Crcalett Republican Paper of the West.
J TT is ?h miit sialwait and unswerving Republican Weekly pnt-e
X li-died to lav mi l can a. ways be reiieJ upoa tor fair and henea: re-J
5 poni of aii p'j.itical afidir.
r? The Yecklv inter Ocean ?upr"es A'l of the News ) rptlj
LI and tiu Best 01 Current Literature. &LJL m
It is Morally Ocan, and as a Family r.tprr is Without a Ter.
Its Liierary Columns are equal
lo thoso 01 the
, . , ' . - r-
j f.nest of fs kind. ....... .
It brlmrs to too farailr i Kntirn o"ld and givos
Hie best aa l nt)'t d acussions of all qiiUoii ot theia.i. n.
inter .'C-a tfiV'tH Orel,, p : fd re.wiiiu m,'tfT nich fc-ck
nn.l hi-lnx pnHtttli'ri in , h-rseo I letter alpl-M io iee "f
tue peop.e west o! thft Allewk ,uv Mountains any mner papi c
e Tb3 Diily and Sunday E4i-
f033 of Tiie Inter Ocean ere
I lie best of their kind ....
Price of Dl!v hy n:f1
Pri-1 ( a nday by mad.
, Dailr and guiidd; br until
. 1 -J
t f ' '
?. , -- - ....... jmc r (-.,
rHH i YOl
&X-h'&Wt&te V' ' U
Cwt. ' " fitily
Now write u for Dofripilon
ibout it. Wo havo ttlljig our
rrocedinirl of Hemorratlc Central Committee
ofMoui County, Nf hranka.
Harrison, Heh. (
Aug. 11, IMfl, i
The Democratlo Central CommltteH of
Woux county, Neb., met at the Court iloiiw
as l"-r call of Chairman.
(lu motion It was decided to confer with
the Central Committee of the People's Inde.
Iiendent Party as requested in the resolu
tion of the committee at It last menting.
On motion it was decided that the con.
ventlons of the several silver parties be
held on am day to tun end that an 0,nor
tunity tor the formation of a joint county
ticket can be had.
(tu motion it was decided that the county
convention be held at the Court House in
Harrison, on Saturday, September, Bin, p7,
at il o'clock a. in., and that It be recom
mended the primaries be held on Thursday,
September 23rd, at fhe regular polling place
in each precinct, and that each precinct bo
entitled to one debate at )ari, and one
delegate tor each ten votes or major frao.
tlon thereof cast therein for the Hon. fn
stantlne J. Hmyth for Attorney General at
the general election held in November, lm,
and that a call In accordance herewith lie
(in motion It Is recommended that no
proxies be allowed and that delegates pres
ent cast full vole of their rsiective pre
cinct. On motion Oeo. O, Canon and M. J. Blew.
ett, wore ehoaen a delegsle to attend the
t.ite convention held at Lincoln, fk'.ptem-
tx-r in, iw, ;
M.J. Uathart, I)i,iii, (, com.
Attest: M, J. Blewett, xcrcury.
Uhoro nro unu pninpO
IIIOIU Uiu juu qwiiiq:
We are on our way to the
wife want one of tJne
and dry fooix jtrevivonH V.
I need n Sj)-in XI' IT mtxclf
and ice think we can race ua. ti
er hi irad'nnj at tbe
Also, We dandle a full line of
Groceries Sc.
best magazines.
. .j . i -
. ,t2 !i t yir
. .V' 00 jt ar
g.v ts;h
Yo:i Get'5 Oru;ai tor .SS.
rAY ro ,T
down and .V00 per mor'.
Ouaranlocd lor S years. A
Ouaranlocd lor S years.
and f'nttloguo. We will tell you
friends about 1hl now 2'J years.
Proceeding! ot Meetlug ol Cuun'v Centrsl
Cummitte ot thu People' Independ
ent Party of Nloui County, Neb.
Harrison, Seb, (
Xax. If, 1W7. i
Committee met pursuant to adjournment,
In the abseuon of the Chairman and Hs-re-tiry
M. J. WlM;r waa nlccted by acclauis
mation a ('halrinan pro tern and fjrant
Outline asHt-orolary pro tern.
Tbe County Central ( ommllt e of the Pre
Sliver tiftinocraU ladng In sewion, a coufur
ence In aecordnnca with the resolution of
this commltlee at Its last meeting was had,
'u it whs decided that the conventions of
tiie several allver pur ties be held on 111"
mum, oay
nine day to the end that an opportunity
or the formation of a Ini lit countv ctiuveit-
Can be had.
Movml that convenlion lie held at Court
House In Harrison on Haturday, Keplember
2ftth, IW, at II o'clock a. m., and that It be.
recommended that the primaries be held
on Thursdsy, Se.ptemlmr 23rd, at the regular
JHiillng place In each precinct, arnf that
each oreolnct be entitll to one delegate at
large and one dlgate for each ten vote
or major traction thereof cast therein for
Hon, Silas A. Holcomb for governor at the
regular election In 1MS, and that aeallin
accordance nernwlth published end thel
It lie rocointnendel that no urole Iw allow.
edand that tbe delegates pretent cast vole
oi preoinct. Carried
r int Outline, M. J. Welier and O. A. Gar
ton, appointed delegate to stale eoDren.
Moved to adjourn. Carrte'l.
U.J, Wj-iifw, Ctm.