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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1897)
'."- II..U (1 II An excellent r.M-epi"l- i-r your em brui.iered table du ora ioiH in b Img tuur box kept in tbe drawer of the side board. A email sponge will 1 found great convenience, et-peeialiy for c-le-inin? doors nirfaces, windowBor iminted halls. If then- is a more than usually orp'"Me spot of dirt anywhere a fligut rubuing of the sponge, with one of the manv c eaning powders or gaud s p will leave the turlaee clean and bright. HIAWATHA THE GREAT. l.mU r ml Industry. Oregon h8 -'5,IUJ acres of prunes. I hi Noted Indian the Greatest states- T n.. Stales have forty-live pin fac-, man of HI- Uay. Ulm I While spending a few days In Al- Seutlle mill grind flour nigbtanddaj bany recently I was shown one of the ,or j nlOBt valuable and Interesting historical .,f.,,..,a r,t Oreann r..ii,-R In America, which Is now the 1 iir ww'iL'ii iiiaiiumt-iutw v1,, il.fiOO.OOJ for tbf trophy of the aiajor oi Try Allen's Kiioi-Kase, A pow der to be sunken Into tlu shoes. At this season your feet f-el swollen and hot, awl got tirel easily. If you have smarting feet or tlj;ht ilioes, try Allen's Foot-F.ase. It cools the feet and makes walking easy- Oiires and prevents swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Itelieves coma and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try It to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial p.-ickage FREE. Address, Allen fv Olmsted. a Hoy. N. Y. agg rebates in on hint of 1896. Die rltig tobacco . i 1 United State" navy. loU.UUu pounuB, imi ieen awarded to a Richmond, a., at their bid of 32 cmta per p.mid. One Standard One Price Two ibart icntcscts that tan a real deal lo crcry rider. Tbe tim cnotea a auallty ' ma terial, cwiitmctlos and eltraaca wbkh Hanoi tar tbe world'! pillera. Tbe second esifjbafcliei tke lad (bat so one can bay as IIW7 ColnnMa cbeaper tbaa you. Jnti rtnetaber tbett twolactt. I896 Columbias, $60, Hartford Bicycles, da axctpt tke Colambla, $50, $4$, $40, $30. POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. CataWfse tree Inn any Columbia sealer ; by aia'l (roai aa lor sae 2ent alias. contract for tin firm that city. writes Win. E. Curtis to me uuru Record. It Is the wampum belt of Hiawatha, and was made to commemo rate the formation of the Iroquois con-federatlon-the league of the five ua-iions-which occurred somewhere about the middle of the fourteenth century, long before the discovery of this hem- nd Phe Knew tbe Clothes- Were not SI)l1(.ie by the white man. Tiior I ijiawatha was not a love-sick war- He Is the pink of neatness and pro-1 rlor alul niinstrel, as Ixmgfellow de priety, he is violently In love with th ; B(.rll)(,s hhn ne was the foremost sweetest girl in town, and, to add to i (ltJlteHm(lI1 of nlH age in America and the misery of these absorbing clrcum-: ,,entiirleK ahead of his stances, he la at present deciaeaiy poor, TAG WAS IN EVIDENCE. Were Not on About Typewriters. ,.i ,t, nlde,.t nlpiiOL'rnphftrg in i hum-,) -ii vi : -It nt-d t 'be arp.-j.tcd i , mi tiT of r-utiriw tint lyi.ewrlt- ii ii li t er ..r il.icmnciit. no instler how ,,,A n.fnllv pxi-piitL-n would look lilurreii and naU. and u,i.,.,w..i.u. n,.r miifh wore thun ,.. ,.riir l.ftt p''l vi.ewriter Kl(- bem has revclnMmdwd Ih Hrt - nd Willi thpir iih a tyi wnltpn Ipilt-r l ..firm, i-lpur ami linxlil t .P Hup! print, hy ih-Imk Little " Cobwei- t-ar-Lon Paimr your ropiea will i'"1 " plenii and hRiitlwimB " 'l bee noiyU are (or alc by the NEBRASKA NEWSPAPER UNION, VOItlv. XK11KA-.KA. B bo alao parry a lull line of TyiK-wriier nn pli Kilibunn, Carbon 1'appr 1 pe-wrlU-r tXl.Hepor wra' H.-nclla, and ote Book, and Typewrller Paper t all kinds, i'rlces a low a the lovrunt. Mail ordera promptly (Hied. m K3 The latter condition la of recent date, however, and It waa only laat week that he donned the flrat ready-made suit which had ever graced or, as he considered, disgraced his wardrobe. He called his mother and alstera into the room, after getting into It, ana , turned nervously around before them, j "Doe It fit decently?" he queried, In an agony of doubt. "Why-y-y, wha'i the matter? Oh, yes; a tag. I suppose all this sort of clothing la tagged, lan'l It?" Never before, surely, were garment tagged aa were those, however; ther a tag on the hem of each trouset leg, one upon the left coat-tall, and another on the vest front, and sttl another on the aleeve. Even when h bade them good-by, ater waiting im patiently while all the visible Ulta ol figured cardboard were cut away, thej called 1dm back to remove still another, The result was that he finally reached the house of hla Inamorata In anything but a peaceful frame of mind. Bhe, too, waa nervmia, and they de parted for the theater In haate. He no tlced, Just aa soon aa he slipped out ol Ms topcoat, that her eyes sougtit hit figure constantly arJ interestedly, but his Inward uncertainty about that suit made him glower ao that ahe said noth ing, and the performance waa half over before he ga thered courage to apeak ol the subject himeelf. "How do you like my new clothes?" he asked at last, with what calmness r, could muster, and the girl blushed nervously. "They're quite pretty, I think," sh said, with an apologetic amlle, "but " "I don't know whether they fit m very well or not," he Interrupted, des perate with the fear that she had di vided the secret of their origin, "for 1 tried a new tailor, and, although h . ...... . . 1 ...v, gave me several ntnnga, iuiu the matter?" he broke off to exclaim, wildly, aa he aaw the light of a dawn ing laughter in her eyes. "What la It dearest?" "Nothing," ahe responded, solemnly, althousrh the laughter beneath her pret ty laahea grew stronger momentarily, "only only there's a price-tag on youi coat lapel!" And o ther was. a small but dis tinct legend, reading, "ize 34; style 7 price $13.50." was time He was the first advocate American soil of International arbi tratlon. He was the first apostle of peace In America that we know any thing about, and his untutored mind developed the fundamental principles nf r.hriKtinnitv as he trod the forest of the Adirondacks In his moccasins. The wampum is a belt of bead em broidery, for that is the meaning of the term. It represents four squares nliout five Indies by four inches in size, two of which are on either side of the diamond-shaped center. They are con nected by links. The diamond-slmpeu figure represents the Onondaga nation, which was the wealthiest and most powerful. The other four figures rep resent the Senecaa, the Mohawks, the Cuyugas and the Oneldas. Later the Tuscaroras joined the confederacy, and they became known as the Six Na tions. It was Hiawatha who brought about the confederation. He was a member of the Onondaga tribe, but was con- wtniggling widow is then transferred to , her worthy husband, who haw been so i long buried out of night. Through all i these years lw has been, we are told, a modest, (Jod-f earing man, always al luded to his wife as "a most uncommon woman," and evidently desiring no more notice than he received. It is far from our design to detract in the least from the fame of the mother, j She deserve all tlie glory that ehe has, and more but are there not honor and praise enough to "go 'round? Whoj can think of a patient, godly man like the father alKive mentioned and not feel a pang of resentment that he gets st) little recognition? It was he who k.-pt the pot a-loillug through weary years. He ran up and down stairs on errands and helped in the housework as leaks out Inadvertently in the latter part of the narrative-and received lit tle enough applause for his faithful ness, If we may infer a postulate. lie had no thought of posing as a hero, but he is one, just the same, and a pathetic old figure yet he la only a type of mil lions of other adoring husbands and fathers, feeling the sublime superiority of the wife and mother, and willing to work their honest old fingers to the just for the privilege of saving such a seraphic being. Poor old fel-lows!-Kate Upson Clark, in Leslie's Weekly. MRS. CSUTio, KEY YOItK Telia Her Experience With Ovaritis. I ted llfcuaaa. i,n i,n rd bamitaa L":ake a d-'J ebflu lnvaiiaiit salad. V.'ldle LVy d aot possess the UuU- bitter of tlie gvajw fruit they ottor a refresh.::!.,; cliaagi This banana is tbe result of gruftinj the rot, stock of the common yelkv hanam and I ra!ed chiefly at Bur A dull, thrown pom. "PM,; ooa. The litt Guinea or fig by a sense of ttnd.-rneLS and h-at lo with a flavor aa sweet as lioney, h aV down in the side with an occasiona !p I hvht to this country, bwa. ehootir.g pain, indicates inflammation the entire mipply is u:ed in the trp(" These bauaiiafl bw of.faitoiEL'y fouJK1 Ln the markets of New Or'xuic and oth p-r anihtroiiie cities. The banana, whci' On exasaination it will be found tha the region of paia shows sonic swelling This is the first stage of ovaritis, in flammation of the cvarv. If the roof o. . ... i aerved in the trot. te K grows. 1-j your house leaks, my sister, you rUvkied U-Ji'juiwise. Foj it Bxea at once ; wny vj enrally breattfaert clilll the banana and n-inicit ndash of brandy or uiaratK-hlno over l The ordlnttry red banana will need t little Biigar unless It is "dnad ripe," bu" the tie iwunana with Its melting honej tinctured pulp will ied no such addl Uon. DEFENSE AGAINST TORPEDOES. whenoneof your own sex holds outthehelp- $ and ' HIA.WATHA'8 I1KI.T. SLICKER mL KEEP YOU DRY. Djn't r toolc4 with a mckilito$h or rub'.-er coal. II youwantacnai ,k.i rill ltn vnu di'V in the har-i- eit storm buy lh Fish BrnJ Sikkcr. If nol for ale In your town, write for catalogue io A. J. TOWHR. Boston. Man. 0 I. I ltl I Uui.t" VI rt-Li m VaacieTi,o.r CURE YOURSELF! ; lilt,' ai fur uniiAtaral dlfrhjrtff, iitUftntmalioni, irritfctiuDi or itkarktitiDi i to tuuvar. of tu uco ui ttieuibranii. "!'. J'kiuleii. nd wot utriD- or irut in plain wrapper, hf firrnt, prfpsiid. fof ttfculAi ?rul un rquit. 2.000.000 Strawberry Plants $1.50 nor thotand and up. 12.000 Peach Treee V4c OiaKe "rane Iledee, fl. CO p r thona and Aah (ppd;ln-75c p-r thonasnd. A larff npidy of U klndiof erppdlnKly well rooted, true to mine, an l Rtrletly firt-claa nursery lUK-k. Write for PrlPe l int to I.OHKMIAN M Hhi-IIIK-, Ki-yn-lda, et S12 to JS5 PER WEEK 1 i.n- hour., thiniah. mr h profiler nmploywl. ..oei.lnir. for town nrt ollj work u well country t,"oVuT J. e 'uirroro.1 Oi t Wn 81., KlcUmond.Vi. Her Dauehtcrs. It Is not uncommon In some parts ol New England to hear a mother refei to her boys and girls as "a mesa o' chil dren." It appears that at leat on thorn woman has a still less flat UVSL, L Ul. . " -' " terinc form of speech. She recently applied to a Justice oi the peace In the Maryland town when she lives, to protect her ana ner ram 11 v aaainst the unnelghborly trespass lng of a certain William Davla, wht was not distinguished aa a law-abldln citizen. "I want a purtect agalnat Willlan Davis." said the woman, BitUn defl antlv upright ln the stralghteat chal! . . ... ... K . 1 In the Justice s omce; nuti wuoi , want a purtect agalnat William Da via. II won't keep his hens off o' mj land. Fact Is, I think he encouraget l . J 11.1. J 'em to come over, aim us umn with me from what It would be U there waa a man to kk after my Inter eats. I'm a poor lonesome widow wom an, with nine head o' gal children, an4 not a boy amongst 'em! So what J want Is a purtect." HI I no In fcurope. Naltkenhoff of Geneva sayi tnr are Sll.'XlO blind persons In Europe moatlv from fevers, and that 75 pel cent, would have kept their sight tbey been properly treated. The man who is mot successful it irivarnin2 men under him mastalif know how to swav those who are abov him. Manv a Ivg gun is merely an air gun sidered a personage of miraculous birth, which gave him great liuiueu as a medicine man among the super fluous Indiana. This belief was cor rolwirated by several narrow ewup- ,i, Hiawatha was an-o - ! 1... ll known and greatly cHieenu-u the tribes In New York. New Kngianu ,1 eastern Canada for his wisdom and benevolence. He beheld wltn greai grief the evils of war and the destruc tion that attended the struggle uuiu were constantly going on bet we neighliorlng tribes over little Jealous ies siid ix'ttv ambitious ami tn ...nmu-tit and miseries which those wars nroduced. He therefore proposed a fvra-io r Pi-ill fpflcrMtion of ull the IndiaiiH . aa v - ' north and east of the Allegnauy niouu tains. Each nation was to retain its own Individuality and manage Its own domestic affairs as before, but the!-' mutual relations or their foreign at- ilit mi v. were to he Boverned bv a general council com posed of delegates from each in propor tion to their population, tus great pm pose was to abolish war and promote the welfare of his people, tie lntenueu that the confederation should extend so as to include other tribes, until all the races of men should be embraced In a single union with a common Inter est, and that peace should reign every where. Thus he was the first great In American his JV UVV V v - - fnrv. Twice Hiawatha failed to secure the npnt of hiH own tribe Jeanne of the n,l,UItri nnrl Wfl rllke disiwsltion of Problem that Must lie Solved in the Next Naval War. The recent alarm ol tue ui Cretan waters lest Greek tonlo AXli sliou'd ?.ttxick them, and tlie elaborate defensive measures adopted m Miua Itay give cwtAin Interest to torpedo lxiat attack and defense generauy-io the latter esiKhUly. A ship Is most expoel to danger -a-twxr, lvitio- hi n harbor, and it is tnen that defensive precautious become ol j tlie preatest urgencj'. The sui Is a big plot--, and a flotilla of boiits hunt ing blindly for a fleet in the oien are j only likely to encounter it by its rush- j lng r!?ht into them. Then, the pro!)- j ability is that tlie lookout cruisers, and destroyers will drive tliein off or sink tin-in In-fore they get their chauce to run the gauntlet of fire from tlie large battleships. There is tut one quarter from which they have any chance of successful attack from ahead, lx-ause, though their sin-eu , may be 70(1 yards a minute, the battle ships are probably doing WK) yards in j the same time, and an attim-k from astern would mean w-Jiig uiuicx m for possibly ten minutes. The assump tion )? that no twat could survive being I under fire for over two miuutes. Ap-j proaz-hlcg from ahead, tlie combatants luiirlnir wh other at tlie comtnineu kihhmI of 1,200 yards a minute, there Is a strong appt.'arance of the boat s , behig able to get within two cab It j and lire her tonedoes U-foi-C she luia be-u much more twui a mtoute undei fire. Yet this is appearance only. I have seen a good many end attacks ln nmiKuvers, and the big ship has al ways had time to turn ami present her now or stern to the boat. No torpedolst would fire at a ship end on: the chances of hitting the target are very slight; while given a hit at all . . v.i l.t 1, lilr..l,- ti no motierai warwuii "-j w Is- sunk or absolutely dteabUl by the explosion. Tlie Iwat Is, in fine, com pelled to make a detour, lai aomg which she will probably be sunk. In the next naval war very few sliips are likely to 1 "bagged" at sea bv torpedo ItoiUs, and the ltoats are not likely to last long IX they attempi tlie task. For they cannot long ke-p tls- sea; tliey must have shelters to flv to Ln the daytime, and the number of these slielters lelng lijulted they art easily watched by catohers and de Kt mvers able to sink the boats ai Travels of the Eye. There seems to be no end to the la bor a statistician will undergo t( nlle UP a lot of figures. Now come a natlent Frenchman with figures tha' t to let your- assume to tell tlie distance traveled bj i Belf go, the eye In reading primed matter. Ht calculates that 1,000,000 lU; rs of th ordinary type used in newspapers placed In close Juxts;i'.::ion, extend over 1.500 metres. o:-:t-v, imt less tlun a mile. But, aceiKiiar t-; his n-ci.-.i i,w thorp is not i ' - r that: 1.100 y:ird of reading matter of a I'arlslau daiiv. Within tne eov-i will as a rule be found double thai amount, and in order to cover tb ground which is represented by all ol :M. Zola's works the eye wov.ld havt tr, nerform a iourney of more thai thirty miles. An average man, living for the average period of human Kfe: may be calculated to get through about 2,500 miles of reading before hii task Is done. i-PKrvcr-t. to vour own body ? Do you live miles away from a doc tor ? Then that is all the more reason why you shouldat tend to yourself at once, or you will soon be on the flat of your back You need not, you ought not in sr hand to you, will advise you without money am without price. Write to Mrs. Pinkliam T.vnn. Mass.. and tell her all your sym-n e lsaut j toms. Her experience in treating f email illsis greater than any ncr son. Following is proof of what we say " For nine years I suffered with fe male weakness in its worst form, was in bed nearly a year with conges tion of the ovaries. I also sufferet with falling of the womb, was verj weak, tired all the time, had suci headaches as to make me almost wild Was also troubled with leucorrhcea and was bloated so badly that som. thought I had dropsy. I have take! several bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound, and several o her Blood Purifier, and am completel; cured. It is a wonder to all that I go I shall always owe Mrs. Fink ham a debt of gratitude for her kind , , . i. , ! ness I would advise all who suite The man who tries to be famous and ! ness. x wu , . to take ner meuiciuc. iuj. Sort of icelief. Mr. Froth tajham I low did you feel When the proprietor discharged you? Mr fitlAirslecve I feit relieved ol ihat hired feell.n. New York Tribune, j well religious, will not be able to succeed both. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally. Price 75 cents. at Tbe devil soon gets a mortgage upon the man who drinks -and he already owns the man who tells. 1ra. WinHlow-'a Soothing YKOr lor r-hilri ren te-etliiiiE. souen? the ?utus. re.luow i:t!inm niation, allav j-inn, con-s wind ooiic. i')C DtitUu The man is a stranger to Christ, who can see nothing but poetry in the psalms, A oni of filnnn-a Rnluhnr Soap Is equivalent to many tiiir.lnir l.&ts fint ft,TiM 11. lint's iiatrana wnipucr i,j-e, uii:. uiunu, UUu Cubtis, Ticonderoga, N. Y. Wooden spoons are nice for kitchet use than metal ones. Have eevera siz8. They are convenient for servin salad gravy or sauce. Dandruff is an exudation from the pore of the skin that spreads and, dries, lorm ing enrf and causing the hair to tail oul Hall's Hair Renewer cures it. There is an angel in every stone, bu only the one who knows what an angel' face is like, can get it out. Fiso's Cure for Consumption has save me large doctor bills. U. L. Baker 422 Regent 8q., Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 8, '9a "Showers of blessiDg" are most likely to fall upon tlie church when the pastor has an overflowing cup. ltlts From liam'n Horn. Abetrerthing than "hitching your wagon to a star," is to put your Land in the hand that moves the star. When our children go astrav, the cau-'e is outside of them, when the children of jihers go wrong, the cause is inside of them. It takos some time to age whisky, but it does not take long to age the man who Irinks it. Wine "moveth itself aright," but those who drink it never do. Fear of offending, others evils. enslaves up t TITO Permanently Cured. No fits or nerrouanem aft r I I 0 first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Rt storer. Send for Fit KK . trial bottle nod treatise 1B K H. Kun, Ltd., D31 Arch Street, I'hUadelplUa, P Ueviliah J you and Between you and me,' saia nil Satanic Majesty, nodding familiarly t Neptune, "that, is the fact." Trjth, findiiu itself between th devil and the deep sea, hastily disgu:se itself as a seat of war dispatch. "True," admitted tlie emissary o: evil, confidentially, "I do not go oi earth much myself. My cloven foot be trays me NowadayB I leave it to mj ayents. Th"y? Oh, no; they only havi ciuven iieaths. Yea." Atotarho, chief of tlie Onondngas, but 1rlsurp as thej- return In the dawn, the hitter finally agreed to enter tne r,t..rntl,,n nrovlded he should ue Lifliini, M.U..M. , ade the great chief, and tne cuiei talnshlp and the keeper or tne wam- iiim should always remain wuu um trilK'. Through tne nipiomui-jr ui m- wntha the other nations were per nnded to accept these conditions, ine league was formed, Atotarho was made i,if mid the wamnum wuicn i d..,.rihed was woven to com Uii v v; o - ..... I j " ' 1 '"stN -- jrx. tv v ' I my wife and two 1 I i v ' chlltlren from tlie ef- L'J;?jn. ' I fern ol hereditary I ' Lj . A c In Id was dangerously nf- II fected with scrofula. ll I . f I I I waimiahle t walk, hla left .-al ' 1 ) I I foot being covered with run-1 -, I nln aorea. 1' lmv- . '''f'-J W I Inn filled to rellevetlis fdlieraX v Iltf lw ' i I of my family, I decided to ny Xt'l "j I I Ayer's Haraaparllla. I ntn I iJT fo---. I pleased to aay the trial win sue- . , . I 1 ces-ful, and my boy waa restored I r J I . -.. I I , l....l,h Tom A,.n,li,rit llittt mv I 11 111. -- I I child would Im.e died had tin not V- A ) ,1 ".'x-- I uaed Ayer's HnrRpiirllla.'-.lAS-M- V ' ' 1 , ,1 If Dyk, Mlntonvllle, Ky., Aug. 6, ltwo. 1 uipiniiTU uinnne (Z fJ : ll iwuuiiii wunua t Ui v- i I Ayer's Sarsaparilla. v&l jjj lemorate one of the greatest events in Indian history. After accomplishing this purpose, nnd fearful of the Jealousy of Atotarho, Hiawatha left his home, mounted nis canoe nnd floated down the Mohawk into oblivion. Of his subsequent ca reer and his death we have no Informa tion. Schoolcraft, the historian of the Indians, makes him the hero of a great many legends. Longfellow's poem transforms this grave Onondaga states man Into an OJIbway demigod, the son of the west wind. Neglected Fathers. It la only within a few years that attention has been called to the fact that the laurels of literature, so to speak, have been awarded almost en tirely to the mothers of the world. It Is a gtxxl that recently a few fee ble notes have arisen here and there in praise of that Ignored class, the rati: :. Heaven knows that there have been numerous nn worthy sires, rndollbted- more mothers than fathers have ... , .i n.i.e.,l 1,,,, tlw, f.w.t proved Kino aeo uummi. remains that million of loving, honest fathers have gone d nvn to their graves miming and nlmos'. :iuvi:r,..ced, while the universal paean to the inolher has tilled the ears of th- world. Thus, ln e of the largest modern collec-tlmis of quotations there are tliirty-s!x which glorify the mother, while not a single one la dedicated to the father. 'Jills oversight has been brought to mind by reading a somewhat famous nceount of a certain mother. No oon anlcuoiis mention of a father Is made in the lHok until near Its end. Moat rend pre Infer fjhat he dies early In the prog ress of the story, but we are reminded of his continued existence ere the last Yet all this does not mean that tieei attax-ks will not be attempted, and now again a daring man is liound to get homo; ui any case tlie possibility of such attack is bmmd to be a terrlbk menace to a fleet; hence then; Is reason to iK-lieve that tlie one Iwat lying idle In harbor might be a won: enemy Umn three careering alsiut In search of something to sink, iaradoxlca! tlurtiirh it may at first tight seem The terrible part tliat torpedo crafl ,vhr t-hiv after a ifreiut fkn-t action amid the big iroiu-huls rollhig help- hw1v ilisablwl on the swell lianlly Into the scoie of this itper Tt suffices to say tliat as each side will probably have a large cruiser and ti.riKKlo force with It, one of tJiest m to tuin i , late tne ouier is.- foix" much can lx: thune, and the vtctoi may then U too enfeebled to act. When a iluet lies In liartvor many of tU conditions are chamgel; tint toats know where to find tlie shlp, tlu'ix-- Is no more blind awktaig and then- will be very little of tlie hap hazard in the attack. It Is true thai In certain Us harbors, strongly for tl!ll. protected by lioonm full of dead ly obstructions, a fleet will Ik: sat enough, but most ha.rlKirs are not sc .!..,, Z.t.- then defensive measurefl h,,,-,. t l. serioaisly adopted, and wot betide the lltx-t If they fall. The uiim.le; of all defenses is fir the fleel ' . . ,, ... ... .... t., 11 XIiill I""- - ' - Gaz.-tte. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF TUE WORD " CASTORIA" AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR I RADE MARK.. DR SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORlA,"Jfte same l. , hnt-ne rind. rJnp.s n,OW hear the facsimile signature of UVZ UC14 wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it it adhas the signature 0 f I, was that wrap- per. JVo one has authority from vie jo use my it-u.,, The Centaur Company of which Chas. E. Fletcher m President. 2 March 8. 1897. U. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substituta which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the ingredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF The Insist on Having Kind That Never Failed You. -MC f.r.N-US COMPANY. TT HUM" STI,ttT. l OITV. Roup of I'riiits. Fruit wu:i :-. -;. ; Miss ,nna uai-; rows, nro uppeUs:!ng and healthful, and (oiniuon In foivlgn countries, particu larly Sv-dcti. For one of these soups take mie tabh'siKMinful of ra isins, two I tablespoonfiils of ra w rice, three whole j clovi-s and a cupful of drletl apricots, the apricots iM'iiig tlioroughly soaked, 1 Oook the IngretlU'iits togetnwr m uiret tilnts of wtiler for thrvnich a sieve. ful of salt and a tablesivoomful ol sugar. The seasoning depends uuye ly u;Mn the acUUty of tire fruit, ajp pWft requiring more augar than oprt rt.Ni'W York Tunes. "Brevity Is the Soul of Wit. Good Wife, You Need APOUO 19 . . irr ninu fluleklr. Sen1fnr" an hour and rut; )CI nibtl U ei." Kiia-rTate r Add half a tensi)KHn Send fnr"W Invention Want a use f ails. WhtHl ALL i Syrup. Ti Itsst Couah Brrup. Tsatss OimhI. Use In time, s-iid ny nrnwriaia. ft. ot i nn cirdcra of zona an. iinor v all and ( elllnj FRFiRHTPAiriai:;;; Manilla. Write for aatnplei and pri, ea The Ki Manilla Koollnit U inpatny, ran, n i g. , .l, N M. V, No. 483-84 OHKN WBITIHO TO ADVI :RTI.KIH W atltiaM saT rea saw tha rartlame..i m this pssar, H i 1 (rtwse Is reached. Pity for the tfuwwted