The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 19, 1897, Image 5

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fha Party Will Be Galded In the
Future by What Experience Uaa
Tenant Freedom of Speech Pro
hibited In Weat Virginia.
Pop Not Napping.
If It suits the purpose of the money
power to have the Democratic party
Dominate some other man than Bryan
for President, they will brush Mr.
Bryan aside as If he were mere chaff,
nays the Missouri World, They could
have done that in '00. but were afraid
to. Such action would have given the
IVople's party a mighty impetus. The
gold power knew the reformers could
not be solidly united under the Demo
cratic banner, and even If they should
unite under such colors, at least half
of the leadership would be either non
progressive men, opposed to Innova
tions, wedded to present systems, or
the agents or attorneys of monopolies.
Possibly It may suit the purposes of
the money power to let Bryan remain
at the head of the Democratic party.
In the Went and South, especially In
the South, the Democratic officeseek
, era look upon Bryan as their saviour
( )lie saved them from being relegated to
1 private life. In 1884 and for years af
y terward they looked upon Cleveland as
their Moses who led them out of the
Buneo-d Liilx r Look here, Mr. Hanmi, you and McKinley promised prosperity the day after McKinley's election. On
the strength of his promises and yourH, we tor Mm. Now, where in the prosperity? Nine months have passed,
and times get worse every dny.
Murk limine You must be reasonable. Have patience. I give you my word of honor that McKinley is at work night
and day, endeavoring to hatch prosperity out of hii;h taxes. The trusts are advancing prices, uixl they will make big
money. 1 have no doubt, gentlemen, that after they have hud enough, they will advance ji.ur wages. Tri-State Farm
News. .
wilderness of nntloual defeat in which
they hud wandered for twenty-four
years. They continued to worship at
the shrine of Grovep uirtll they saw
the old yian had lecoiiie a dead weight
rather than a help (though he had not
changed his known views in the least),
and they turned to Bryan. They took
him up lsx-ause they thought prolw
bly had Isn-n Informed that he was
less objectionable to Populists, whose
votes they miKt have, than was Rich
ard P. Bland. In fact, we believe they
took up Bryan In pursuance to an un
derstanding with certain eminent Pop
ulists, who thus worked In the dark
from good motives and for the salva
tion of the republic, at the same time
being aware of the fact, that in Bry
an's cabinet and among his principal
apiolutees there would be many more
Populists than in Bland's caWnet and
among Bland's appointees. The vote
of the Populists and of those who were
on the eve of Joining the Populist party
saved many an old Democratic office
seeking bum from defeat. These old
bums are very grateful to Mr. Bryan,
and lie-come very much enthused when
ever his name Is mentioned In a compli
mentary way. They are ready, how
ever, to transfer their allegiance and
enthusiastic suport to any of the
Cleveland gang whenever party success
will be promoted thereby. The Popu
lists were overreached by these old
trained politicians. The apeal made
to the iMitrlottum of the Populists
struck n responsive chord In the breasts
of those reformers, wlw thought these
old politlcnl bums were acting In good
faith and from the love of right and
the hatred of wrong. Populists were
fooled. They le rued a lesson, and
should be guided In the future by what
experience has taught them.
To Latch Votee:
Over u year ago the Republican party
In convention at St. Louis pledged it
self to the cause of Cuban liberty.
What has lM;n the record of the party
making this pledge since it came Into
power? A policy of procrastination
and pusillanimity.
Do the Republicans believe that the
government of Spain Is now able to
protect the lives and property of Amer
ican citizens resident in Cuba? Ih the
Republicans believe that the govern
ment of Spain Is now able to comply
with Its treaty obligations? Do the
Republicans Isdleve that the United
States should now actively use Its in
fluence ami good offices to restore peace
and give tndceiidcnce to the Island?
Noltoely can tell whnt the Republican
party In-lleves by what It says. Its
platform was maele to estch votes and
not to proclaim principles. But there
Is hope yet for the Cuban patriot. It
is alleged that on ad mill 1st ration proc
lamation concerning Cuba will be Is
sued about the first of October. In the
Interest of human liberty? Nonsense!
la the Interest of Senator tlanna. True
to It re-cord, mu ll a move em tl'e part
of the ltepul'IlraiiH would I1 for the
same old purjHiKf-- to steb vote.
Inlative and Krferf nrtutn.
We believe the adoption of the Initi
ative, referendum and imperative
mandate would not only lead the peo
ple from the mealies of the money pow
er in all Its different phases of plunder
ing, but. net as an educator. When the
people shall have the right to vote di
rectly on the laws which govern them,
as the referendum principle provides
for, there will be a universal desire for
knowledge on any general law pro
posed. Voters will study the effect of
proposed legislation, and with the elim
ination of partyism by such a system
there can be but one end reached, and
that Is "equal rights to all." It Is true
the majority of the people may err In
the passage of some particular law, but
the remedy for Its speedy repeal is al
ways at hand, and they are not com
pelled to await specified dates for an
other election, when, as has often, been
the case, the representatives chosen be
tray or refuse to act In regaling ob
noxious and unjust legislation. If It Is
found that a law has been placed on
the statute books which Is oppressive,
the initiative can be invoked and a re
hearing had at the ballot box at an
early date. Legislators under such a
system could not sell out, for there
would be no buyers, as the people could
veto their actions, thus rendering void
the work of the bribe-taker and the
bribe-giver. Tne lmyrrative mandate,
giving the pople the right to recall of-
ficiids at any time, would undoubtedly
curb any public employe who might be
possessed of the Idea to In-tray his con
stituents, knowing that official miscon
duct would call for a speedy discharge
at the hands of Ills employers -the
people. We are unable to see how any
man who believes In a government f.
for and by the people can refuse to lend
his assistance In tlie establishment of
the Initiative, Referendum and Imit
ative Mandate. Missouri World.
Bllver and the Law.
The 50-cont sliver dollar of the gold
ite press Is a myth. The stamp of the
government, combined with the Intrin
sic value of the coin, makes the silver
dollar worth 100- ceuts.
The bullion value of silver has liecn
depreciated by law. and if gold had
lieen treated as silver has been treat
ed, gold bullion would have a deceas
ed commercial vulue. Wben the use
of any article is limited the price of
that article must fall. When the use
of any article Is enlarged the value
must rise.
That Is exactly what has been
brought alwut by the laws which dis
criminate against silver and in favor
of gold. Remove the ban which the
government has placed on silver; open
the mints to the free coinage of the
white metal; enlarge the use of silver
money and the commercial value of
silver bullion will at once rise.
With the enlarged use of the bicycle
there came a corresponding decrease
In the price of horses. If a new use for
horses were to arise, the price of these
animals would correspondingly In
crease. He It hns lieen with regard to silver.
Hostile legislation has lowered Its
bullion price;; friendly leglslatlem would
send that price upward. There Is noth
ing more certaln than the fae-t that
law can make value, and all cemten
tlon to the contrary Is Insincere or Ig
nerant. Freedom ef Pp-ech.
Freedom of speech promise's to be
come a pelltleal Issue In this country.
In West Virginia speakers who desire'
to discuss the situation of the coal
strike are prohibited that privilege by
the offie-ers of the law. In Rhode Islnnel
the honored and efficient president of a
gooel university la forced to resign his
position Ix'cause me lielleves In one
theory of finance while the me-mlnTs of
tin; Iswird of trustees believe In another
During the; Presidential campaign
last autumn there was mueli suppres
sion of fren Rpeech through intimida
tion of employes by their employers,
but this method has become too nillel
to suit the plutocrats and more stren
uous efforts nre now being taken.
These overt acts of the money power
will result In the downfall of the Re
publican party. The constitutional
right of fret speech cannot be over-
thrown. After the struggle of li)0
complete relief from oppression will be
rirrnaln the FilRnwa.
Ties oration of the personal fees of
United States consuls menus thy pay
ment of a quarter of a million dollar
annually to these officers, In addition
to their salaries, by the business inter
ests of this country.
There are sixty-five consular posts
which pay good salaries because of
their Importance as international trade
centers. Sixteen of these, all located
In Great Britain, paid $125,000 In per
sonal fees to consuls, the year before
such fees were abolished. The con
sulate at Loudon paid Its incumbent
$40,000 in addition to bis salary of $5,
000. The Liverpool consulate paid per
sonal fees of $25,000 that year.
These fees are a tax on trade; a tar
iff levied on International commerce
for the benefit of Individuals. The
government does not pay them. They
are paid by business men whose busi
ness forces them Into dealings with our
consuls in foreign ports. In tariff leg
islation the tax is levied under the pre
tense of protecting lalior. In the de
partments all pretense Is abandoned
and commerce Is taxed for the avowed
enrichment of high-salaried office
No Wonder We Are Poor.
The expenses of Great Britain are
now about $500,000,000 yearly, or near
ly $1,000 per minute, but every tick ol
the clock reprewnts an inflow of about
$1C from the United States In gold in-
te-rest on bonds and dividends. Is
other words, the gold standard and the
g. o. p. compe'l American lalxr to sup
isrt the British government as well at
our own. No wonder we are poor. Ne
wonde-.r we e-all upon pauperized Eu
rope to loan us money. No wonder th
cry of discontent comes up from every
town and hamlet.
Inn i'etice of Gold.
Narrow goliHte prejudle'e has won at
Brown University, and IVesldenit An.
drews has resigned. Congressman J.
A. Walker, a member of the board of
trustee's, attacked President Andrewi
while the- latter was In Europe be
cause ef the president's belief in bime.
The gold trust has grown so Insolent
that men are no louger to be allowed
the) privilege of frex speech. There Is
no charge against the president of
Brown exe-ept thst he ceivocntes the
cause ef silver. lie Is moral, upright,
successful, brilliant, scholurly and an
ornament to the Institution over which
he presided but he is a bliiMaJllst,
and the money power has resolved to
crush bimetallism. President Andrews
Is the Urst victim of the new crucadej
of gold against silver.
Worn Out In Service.
The author of "Bismarck's Table
Talk" re'laten several stories of Uw
state'sman-prinee that shew tluit hie
wit was equal to his wisdom. On
elay, says the author, some one was
speaking to Blsrnark about his unusual
attainments as a linguist. The Prince,
who Is siKvia.lly proud of his knowledge
of the Russian language, sjiokc of the
gre'H.t difficulties of mastering thai
"You must have gre'at talent in thai
direction," said his Interlocutor.
"Wedl," answered the Prince, "I had
unusual advantages when I was burn
ing the- language at St. Petersburg.
loelged In the house with a Russian and
a bear."
Bismarck, who had worn himself out
In the se-rvk-e of (Jerrnany and of hla
cmpeeror, rarely referred to his labors
for the fatherland. One morning h
and the Emperor William were riding
teigother In the park. Tliey had nol
gone far when BLsmiurck complained ol
fatigue. The emperor, who was quite
fresh, wild, somewhat testily:
"IIew Is tluit, though I am an older
man than yourself, prince, I can al
ways outride you?"
Bismarck's re'ply was as reproachful
as It was epigrammatic.
"Ah, sire," he said, "the rieler alwnya
outlasts the horse;."
It Is reported that commercial oils
are to have another addition. In China
It Is stated that a successful extraction
of tea-seed oil hns been obtained. It la
said to be slightly pungent but edible,
and also of a consistency which makes
It a valuable lubricator for fine machinery.
r DO lelieve that mv uncle Is the
most selfish man who ever
lived!" exclaimed Bob Curzon,
"What has he done now, dear'" In
quired Cicely, who was not unaccus
tomed to hear condemnatory remarks
respecting that gentleman.
"Why, In the first place, darling, as
you are only too well aware," replied
Bob, "he refused his consent to our be
ing married, on the score of my youth."
"Well, dear Bob, Le may have been
right there," said Cicely, soothingly.
"Twenty Is a little young to get mar
ried, isn't itr
"Not a bit," answered Bob, Impa
tiently. "If a man doesn't know his
own mind at 20 he never will."
"But you may see some girl whom
you will prefer to me," suggested
Cicely. "Somebody who Is better look
ing, or more accomplished."
"What nonsense!" exclaimed the
young man, Irritably. "Do you think
I'm a boy, to change my mind every
five minutes?"
"O, no, dear," replied Cicely, caress
ingly, "but such things nave happened,
you know, and though it would break
my heart to leise you, I would rather
you found out you didn't love me be
fore we were married than after
wards." "But I do love you, my own little
sweetheart, and always shall, ana we'll
get married in spite o: all the old can
tankerous uncle-a In Christendom."
And as Bob spoke he placed his arm
around her and drew the; young girl's
head down on his broad breast.
RoU'rt Curzon was a student in St.
GeKrge's Hospital, and Cicely was a
nurse prolmtionejr at the same estab
lishment, aged n'Kix-ctlvely 20 and 19.
They liad fallen in love with one an
other seme six months previously, and
Bob had at once written home to his
uncle, Major Malnwaring, who stooel In
leco parentis to him, as he was an or
phan. There was very little opportunity for
making love in the hespltal, but the
young iteople were In the habit of meet
ing In the iirk whenever circum
stances permitted, and it was on a se
cluded seat that the conversation we
have recorded txk place.
After a short Interval, devoted to
what the novelists of a previous gen
eration were in the habit of calling
"tender passage," Cicely drew herself
gently away from her lover's embrace,
and putting her hat as straight as the
absence of a looking-glass would per
mit, inquired:
"What is this fresh news from your
ogre of an uncle, dear?"
"Why, I heard the other day," re
spondee! Bob, "that he was dangerously
ill, had a fall while hunting, and so I
thought It would be a splendid oppor
tunity while he was weak and 111 to
get his consent to our being married;
an dhere is the communication whlcu
I received this morning in reply."
And pulling a letter out of his pocket,
Bob extracted the couteuts from the
envelope, and rend the following
"Honored Sir I has been dereeied by
youre uncle, Major Malnwaring, to
arnswer your letter lie tells me to
say as lww he can't write himself, but
be will s you, something as I don'i
like to put on paper, first, afere he le.'ts
you marry afore youre twenty-five. lie
also ses as how you bein mixed up in
It like, ort to no were to get him a good
nerse, anel your to send him down can
manege him. I also sends cheq as de
sired, and remain, youre obedent seT
"He's the olel man's valet and facto
tum," explained Bob, as he finished
rending the letter. "And now, don't
you think that It is the moat selfish lot
tery you've ever heard?"
"Well, dear, I think you ought to
make nllowancew- "
"look uere, Cle-ely," Interrupted Boo,
I know tills man, and you don't. I'm
the son of his favorite sister, nnd the
only relation he hns in the world; he's
an elel man, who can't exiHK-t to live
much longer, who's had lots ef fun In
his day; been in the army in India, and
a- that sort of thing, you know, and
3 . he er er behaves in this sort of
way. I conslerar th. . it's disgraceful,
i has had his turn; Why can't he let
me have mine?"
"Bob, I've got on Ide'a," exclaimed
Cicely, suddenly turning round and
taking his hand In hers as she spoke.
"Let us have It, my de'ar," answered
Bob, In that, patronizing manner which
very young men are fond of assmnlng
In their dealings with the opposite sex.
"it may suggest someblilng, don't you
"My ldea, Bob, Is this: Your uncle
wants a nurse; let me go down and at
tend Mm, and when I've restored him
to health nnd he Is completely conval
escent, I enn tell him who I am."
"What wewild be the gewd of that?"
asked Bob.
"Why, ef course, dear, he woulel be
no grateful that he would at once give
Ins cemsi'iit to eur being married."
"Ila! ha! hn!" laughed Bob. "O, you
little goew! you don't know my Uncle
"You are unkind, Bob," snld Cicely,
drawing herself away from him.
"Don't bo cross, little one, I couldn't
I Jp laughing, 'pon my word, I could
n't." "Hut I've road of such things, Bob."
"Oh, yes, I dare say, In novels."
"Weil, loey do take place In real
"Sometimes, pVaps, but "
"Don't yon think I'm a good enough
nurse, then?"
"My dear Oicely, you are the best
nurse In the hospital for a probation-e-
" interrupted Bob, perceiving that
the conversation was taking a wrong
turn. "Every one acknowledges that"
"Then why won't you let me go down
an see what I can do?"
"Well, my dear, I don't mind, of
course," replied Bob, slowly, "but do
you really think It will be of any use?"
"I shouldn't have sujgested It unless
I did."
"I must say that I think tt will be
labor in vain; but still, If you wish to
tr your hand at diplomacy, I suppose
I must consent."
"There's a sensible darling!" cried
Cicely, putting her arms round his neck
and klasinz him. "And now I will
show you what a woman can do."
Major Malnwaring was what is
known as a confirmed bachelor, When
Jabez introduced the young nurse, who
had come to him on the recommenda
tion of his nephew, bis first muttered
remark was:
"I hope to goodness she won't start
tidying things up."
Only one who has been left to the
tender mercies of a soldier servant for
nearly a week can Imagine the differ
ence which a couple of days made, not
only in the Major's room, but in the
Major, and nobody was more surprised
than that gentleman himself when he
found how much "the woman's trick,"
as he somewhat contemptuously ex
pressed It, added to his comfort.
Cicely had her surprise also, for in
stead of a worn-out, decrepit old man,
such as she had expected to find her
lover's uncle, she discovered that he
was a handsome man In the prime of
life, and though he was evidently suf
fering Intense pain from his fractures
and contusions, yet he bore it nearly as
uncomplainingly as a woman would
have done.
The weeks slowly glided away, and
the Major gradually grew stronger.
One morning he said In an apologetic
"I am going to ask you to to do me a
favor. Cicely."
"Certainly, Major," responded Cicel.7,
with the sunny smile that made her
Invaluable as a nurse. "What is it ."
"Why, I want you to write a letter
fer me to a scapegrace nephew of mine.
The truth is, this fellow has been trad
ing on the fact that he is my only liv
ing relative ever slnee he knew the
value erf the relationship, and at last I
think the time has arrived when I
ought to put down my foot"
"What has he done, then?" Inquired
Cicely, endeavoring to conceal the agi
tation which she felt.
'The young vagabond Is a medical
student at St. George's; but, of course,
you are aware of that, as he sent you
down here the only good turn he has
even tloue me in his life, by-the-bye
and I have always made him a gener
ous allowance. In addition to this, I
have paid his debts twice. And now
he writes to say that unless he has a
certain sum by to-morrow morning to
I pay his 'debts of honor,' as he terms
them, he will be ruined for life. Now,
I have made up my mind not to let him
' have any more money beyond his in
I come, and I want you to write and tell
I him that as he has broken his word of
honor, when he promised me on the last
I occnslem not to gamble again, I must
I ele-cline to have anything to do with
1 his debts of honor."
Cicely took down the address and
I made notes of what she had to write;
j but, strange to say, almost Immediate
ly afterwards she met with an acei
J d"nt and ran a pin Into her thumb In
1 such a way as to present her holding
a pen, and the communication had to
; be written by Jabez after all.
A few days after this Cicely had
be-e'U leading to him, when the Major,
after a short Interval of silence, ex
cla lined:
j "The doctor says I may get up to
morrow, Cicely, and that has made me
' think."
, "What have you been thinking
about?" demurely asked the pretty
I nurse.
"I have been wondering what on
pnrth I shall elo when you leave me
and go back to town."
"Just what you did befere I came, I
supieme," re'plle! the young lady, In
tently regarding the binding erf the
lKxk she was holding In her lap.
"No, I can never do that," said the
Major. "When I was a young man,
Clerly, I was very fond of a girl; In
fact, we were going to 1k mnrrled. but
t!.e week iK'fore she was to have be;
e'ome my wife she ran away with a
frle'tnl of mine, a lieutenant In the snme
regime-lit as myself. Since then I have
had n somewhat bad opinion of wom
en, and yem must acknowledge with
I 'lisiin. but you have nltereel all that,
( ce l.v."
")'' ner In whnt way, Mnjer Maln
' ii i.. ,, " faltered Clerly, growing rap
UV.y "n 1 as a rewe."
"Why, I con see that though there
ore Imel women In the world, there are
also good ones, and the man who man
ages to get hold of a good one for his
wife, cannot obtain a greater treasure,
and I'm going to ask yon if yon will ba
my treasure?"
"But, Major Malnwaring, I am only
a nurse a hospital nurse what will
your friends say T'
"My dearest girl, you hare saved my
life, and in my opinion you possess all
the graces and virtues that a womaa
ought to have. If I marry a girl, I d
it to consult my own happiness, not
that of my friends. I know I am twici
your age, but in spite of that I am t
young man stiU; now say, dear, wiC
yon marry me?"
"Are you sure you love me?" asked
Cicely, In a low voice. "That yoa art
not asking me to be your wife out oi
"Cicely V cried the Major. "I cannot
take you In my arms, as you wD
know, or I shall upset this compound
fracture, but come here! come here at
once, and look in my eyes. Now 6
you think I love you, and wlH yon bi
my wife?"
Cicely beheld such a Are of lore li
those honest brown eyes that she fell
compelled to hide her own, but as sh
endeavored to conceal her blushlni
face, he heard her whisper somethini
which, In spite of comminuted, com.
pound fractures, dislocations, and sue!
other evils as attend a hunting mat
who "comes a cropper," compelled bin
to place bis arms around her, and ralsi
her head until her sweet red lips wen
available for kissing purposes.
"My Dear Robert: I was married t
your uncle Richard yesterday, and w
leave here for the south of France to
morrow. I did not find what you rep
resented; In fact, quite the contrary
When I tell you that I have persuaded
your uncle to Increase your allowance
I feel sure that you will not regret mj
signing myself your affectionate aunt
"By Jove!" exclaimed Bob, as he ton
the above letter Into little pieces, "it'i
wonderful what a woman can do."
Ohicago Tribune.
First Sapphire Found in Idaho.
An Idaho miner brought a stone te
the Miner's bureau which was pro
nouueed a sapphire of the purest wates
and the largest ever seen. The gen
was nearly a embe, being about one
and one-half Inches thick, one and ejne
half Inches wide, and two inches long
It was much water worn, sliowiinj
plainly the pebbly conform atlem grad
ually assumed by gems found in the
beIs of mountain torrents, the edge
being very much Founded. This Is the
first sapphire of any size discovered
In Idaho. They are frequently found
In Montana, and some fine stomss have
come from there- The owner of thli
stone la operating placer mines h
Idaho, and the stone was found In the
tailings and piieserved on account a
Its brkgtht blue color. News of the fim
reached New York and an agent
Tiffany after examining the stone, of
fered ?3,500 for It The owner decided
that If it was worth that in the rougl
it was probably worth much more, am
is now on his way to London, when
he exjjects to realize lb? full value.
Th? stone is almost perfect, the onlj
blemish being a fracture on one side
extending les than one-eighth of ai
inch into the stone. Mr. Taylor, whi
has a long experience to handling gema
my a that in his opinion it Is the
largest known sapphire In the world
the weight being 208 carats. Sap
phires are valuable according to the!
purity, perfectly clear gems bringing
high prices, the price, like that ol
diamonds, being increased per carat U
proportlem to the weight of the stone, -Doaver
Only Six Survivors.
Of the crowd of members of ParMa
ment who, on Nov. 20, 1837, thronged
the bar of the House of Lords to catel
a glimpse of the girl Queen opening hei
first Parliament, only six are living at
this day. This fact, standing alone
marks the unparalleled length of Queei
Victoria's reign. The half dozen sup
vivors are Mr. Leader, who represented
Victoria In the first Parliament erf Vlo
toria; Mr. Hurst, who represented Hon
sLam; Wentworth Fitzwilllom, of Mai
ton, now Earl Fitzwllliam; Sir Thoroai
Acland, of West Sumerset wheise fam
lly is still represented in the House ol
Commons of teday by the ex-vice pres
ldent of the council; Mr. Villlers, now,
as then, representing Wolverhampton
and Mr. Gladstone, the rarest relic of I
turbulent political past, and now in r
tirement from public life. Of her flraj
ministers not one is alive.
Frogs as Soldiers.
Don't Imagine these frogs dressed m
in red coats, with swords and pistols
but simply as an army going out tt
"The frog plays the part of a soldiet
In Iceland," says a traveiler from thai
country, "but, of course, It had to be
taken there, as Iceland had neither rep
tlles nor teads. The frogs fight th
nieepultre8. In some parts of Iceland
especially round the larger lakes, thi
mosquitoes and flle have become s
much of a iJngue that people living
around myvath (mosquito water) an
ebliged, while working In the fields, U
protect their hands a nu facew by gloves
veils, or masks."
An English physielnii devised thi
clever plan of Importing the frogs. Aj
soon ns tliese little e got into thi
e'ountry, the meseiultex'8 U'gan to di
La up Chimneys.
A German firm makes a lamp li
which there Is a 1 v.'.h i:t the upper In
stead of the leiwer pn and In whlcl
the upper rim Is cu obliquely. Tola,
It Is said, makes It much safer to Won
a lamp out, and the ilai. e Is taller an4
stendle-r, so that the light is Improved
The greater safety In blowing out wtt
of course depend upon the hiowai
blowing from the high part of tin
slanting top.
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