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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1897)
i A CELLAR FIRE. I New York l'lre-wan' (irii'h c Ac count of n ItirCI nj Ktprirnrr, Tlc-re In an intVle oit "Tin- Itlsks of l 1 ir-iu:i u' Liie" li.v Charles T. liiil u S:. Mlic::i-. Mr. Kill ki.vs: While lj1' of i-!!:ir s, hi nc rvkitr an Ilciden' thai p;iil to some coiii-:iii;."- Hi ili- down-tow u district lit n Ire of 'Ids il .- rl;it:on. li oo.-'in-ed ;ii :S:ireli'y slivtt, 'Il 1 in- Mlb-ccllar of ii :r i' k"r.v and ghi-ss house, amid .lie straw i:s-;i 'o pack tin- glas.swn"c. il si lit loii.Ii -i liM-. h'.iU'a smoke. Hid Ma Mil l'.gl.V (i.v til light. I v'.ll Pi'- ate :t i'l tin- l it ji which it n ;i t r I'liUi-.ii'N'i'iAtii' way oid iiiv by n lironia.ii in aides that were KUin- it. Tiiv story gives ill" linemen Ln the i big city may ha ve to .!(' Of' I Ili' Oo.ll- I'.oio-d to sllbo'.I; III idea of hi t jusiness par; if ; .ace at any time. "riu? station I'iuiii' in oiiv iii.'hr in ll:.'i We mll-sl, ami found tin- lire la ;'.;iivl.'i -;in-ct in a crockery wurc louse. iuriil.i straw, jut", excelsior, inrd Ml! sort of hi 'iff in tit" s.'iti-'fllar. oki'! I never snw such s.:nnki' suice i'vv h-n in tliv busi'iess. We wont ihrough tliv liu"i'litir. ii iii-t found the lire laeln't got ahovv the esdl'ir. We? trid :o gut tlir lift.' .lown tin' cellar stairs, it 'IS IK US.-. No (,!!(' re.ll!l live m Hint stairway for a minute. Tim ?hicf tin. ii di.'.'.d its up, m-iit out. a li'Coiui ia sit (.u aiarml. aiwl we saMcl ni to (iroun li out; 'Si vnliv got V.w. t-iir; 7 (ii'jriiii' tin stairw;:;. , to ki-i it 'io:.i (tmiiiiy: nji: :ril our company. 2!l, ?ot t!w front. Wc ,v-t o:-n the lro.ii vllar-doors on t.J:c i.i vi .iiiriit. only to lii'l thr't tin- tli'v.'i tor. tisi'l to curry !ri'i'''it to tin- loUi.i;i. had keen run up :o t.hc t p. I. I-,- wrc four iuclics of .o"ir"r:a iitie to mi tlirotit?li ! Aii;l ,how' such wirk i'l S!ici smoke! Well, ve sot tlm.ili this, opened It tip, a'-I out. it till e.-rne! No Iklliles, Juh! Iik ke, and with foice ei;:mli to uflix-.'ite a man In a second. V backed out to 1'ic sutler nu got a ill.!" flesh air :n our luus, ,'uid went dt ll ara We t.roti'.'ht a :".f(xt hul ler over from the truck a.:i..l lovi red It Lhrmili this ojic!!!.:i, ami found we 'ouMu't tjiueh li.ntoin: A -lo-foot lati 3er was put, and ti!y tli'ev rutins rei:i:;'uiiil a.'ieve the sldvv.'.'lik; this sli.jwi d that there was ove r fer;y feet of cellar and sub-cellar! And tlown In this place we to ro with tin; line. . the snoIK r we pit at it the sooner it was over, siiii't i.a-,' the line Over the top I'm!- of the holder, so it wouldn't pd ca;iji,t. down we started. It wax only foi ;y foil it seeiiK d li':" forty before wc x 'OUW When v. bad; the .mok" rorn.T in the ('.' Jon! ' work, a :n! v. i away to tin- ri 3d wn e pit a di s r'iiH'.mi.i r lo our la fret, but I can tell liil'ee li!Mi'l,tl and 1 to the bi tti.i!ii. (if : tiieie ii wa.-.n't so '!, ati'l '.'ave us a i' thaft where we m"..;i drirte the fue :li.' I out; but k-i'.j:4 of Hiooki' we'll all t (I'l vs." 'I'll" coirp-aay r.'ired even worse had to 'i s"'t:l unly four b et , feet loin' C.'le , atl-d forty feet d: give lU'ht j'lid air pi.'llar. When to. fot to Work, t'.e; werkin? L.'i the rear ii'.atl the nt her. 'J'li".v' i'lto a narrow court !e. about twenty-live i' 11 h (.!' Ike buihlhipl, "Ji. Uiele'v a diaft to tu the cellar and iii compajty In the front (!n.v( the lire to the I hat this cou nsel ;id rapidiy rear wit li -ncli vioh i:.! pany was e nti pclh-d t lo the stl'e't th si' ve t heir li e: I'll: li I ai loo lll'e. All plantation life Is to a consider;! bin cxteiiit palriare'mil, exccit t.liat. in stead of the worn, n belli. if subordinated 1 1 lniis'euline pleasure and nifi;raiiii;y.e- , ment as with the patriarchs i, old, j they are si i on a pedestal ,md ractical- ! ly worsiiiped. It inaki-s little differ- ! nee to lids modern patriarch of ihe. t cotton be!! !f h!s cnlTs are frayed am 'his co.'i t rusty so lot!;,- as his wife and I d.i l! trlil i-rs u'i"ir .eo in i -lie n li 1 Ii t -ir.. ' suits lo chun h Ui. it are as stylish as his cioim can pav for ami their vilkip. d;-i .smaker ciiu devise. It j is a feature of the day In the south as j tdso where Unit women are bvhitf liolter j tliicaicd rluin men. In the Northern I States of the I'liioii this higher culture; ! Is tetnllny; manifesl'ly to celibacy, but. f in rural localities through the South I the Kirks come brick from ncfidoiiiiifi and colic p's and accept the young- men yho K'li.ei.d nt home to work the plan- i tntioii;., liie Kline ones they would have I luarri'd had they not pmo away for! tho itlui aiion the jitireiilN sncrineod so ' iniich to bestow. Tliey know What : splendid material these men ire made of, and !n the attraction between the etern:il womanly and the eternal manly the iiie.slioii ui iHHik le!irnin counts lor lit;!!'. To lead a partriaichal life; wLthoui a patriarch Would Ih- dull in 3fixl, and II must be said that it. n--ttilrti coiirap' of a Miiporior order to rmnaiii sjudo In a nit nation which would edier llrtJe and stimulus out side of wifehood and maternity nftur youth has waned. INir this reason youth ;.'. considered flic hl'h prize, the valuable (apital n:ul Htiwk In trade. Tlie v . omen fade no ellllier tJiau their Northern Klstei-s, but owlni to mi In lierllitl labit ot thoiurht, the label of decay i resjiectl ul!y fastened on t hem by Ihe iiopular inliiil while they are twt.111 In their prime aiwl In the Noi'theni and KiiHlcrli Slates vveiuhl ! aet'oiinted ciiimble of nil fhitij.rx, ewn of inarr.iii well. I-lpphwult's MiiKiizhio. Weediiig Out Ihe Hitches. A Hlmple device for removing weeds from au Irrigation ditch hn.s lxtn used at North Ieup, Neb. Two oak tim bers, each six Inches square and four teen feet long, were conius'ted at one nd by a heavy chain about two feel long, Ix'tWee lt the rmlierH. A mowing machine wheel was attached to the chain as a weight. T1k tlinbe-rs wure extended up opposite banks of the e-a-ttal and w ith H srpau of horses attache) to each timber, and a man to each in, rapid progTom was mau In ik1nc down Hie wwdn, Later tlw el anil gram were burned. Before Wh( tiie machlon the weoels were kniu loWD by baud. Omada IJm THOUGHT i HE DEAR A CALF A.I venture ut Miulit Have I' id Vrr I'll il 'uMiint ' ndinc. "When I was nt -ol!'K',' Mil.) oil heist of iIh- fvi"iiiii, "I thought I knev fvr-i liiiijr, but tlim- clmmcd my firi opinion of tn.NM-lf and it .i.h n... khmcall secretary eiiekman a lunatic III I" .III MINI' III , li" ("CCil .,HIIN W II II it'll whs t mi Mi i ijnv IJIOIi.V I I Dill I1..1 I. "!l:c of t Ii ;-c li wit hi nt in ;k !i i-i-I'i-!;;Ii iilni ii,lc. WilR when I Will cpe!iiui.:; my vacation at home with i collep.' niiite who was as premature a: myself. Wo win- in that dreadful in! tiatory state w'lo n We addri i-..'-d eae other in the (had Itiiii; tin ires and madi liie a burden to everybody by the lull) words of our eo!!:,piies. "My father p nereis !y placed a coil pie of horses at our disposal, perhapi in the hope that we would break ou; foolish necks, and one evening whet we mounted after sunset for our even iiiK ride, lie asked us to look up a sira; calf which had escaped from a paxiim iicnr Ike house. "'It's a black crllter,' said my fa!!i er, 'and as frisky as they make 'em You can jest run him In an' not ;.'ivi him time to p-t the turn on you. an' I'l be down to iipei) an' shot the pile.' "We had (Mir rid,., and we found tin calf. Ily that ;inie It was dark -no-ICpvpthm darkness, but the desk of i murlit summer sky. The calf wai bnnvsln en ti e .! of a li nel.v Jiieci of woods and at lirst puid no atl'-ntioi to our attempts to start it home war! Our horses shied at the animal, and k vva.s all we (tnld do to inanap' tlieui My friend MipL-esti d that (.lie (f us d!s mouu: ai.'d drive the 'bo inc.' i..ei:se me, j answercil, ' i;eel had any love for farm amusements, o which drivini; unwieldy r-alvis is thi least enticini;. If we can't drive Air Calf with our prot-.i nt force we'li leavi him in the lureh. I am slroi,tc!y in- iin (tl lo do that as it is.' "'Iloift be dls'l ','i'ee'i be. Tom,' sail my friei.d, 'it's the lirM favor the m-v cnior lias asked of us. Let kim sei that we mean well.' "AVith that he whliijied ui h:s hoin and 1 followed suit. Hie nlf k-ol K move on or ! run over, and snc-'itu lndlp:iiitit:.v he trotted on ahead, !,:; v.lth so many di versions after s'.ve. siiots of clover and other deliea.-:,i that we thought we h;id an all ui.-h Job. "At last we si'kled the eate, and ai we f( ached it wc eIos--d ti) en the (!:!: In such a way that we run him tb'-om-l It and past the old man hefoie he hai' a chance for one of his clumsy doubb and twisted jumps in another and op poMlc direction. "I'.ut what was our surprise to set the pivcn.or take to his heels with list ability of a boy and pi .-print iru uf the lane to tliv house like a prize run. licr. ptlinj.' Ihsid:' of the );o:-ch am: pulling tee dimr elo.'id a'ter him. Ho Is Pilnir to put the calf In th pasture.' I shouted aft, r him. "'('all'!' h. roared out of the purer. Winelnw. 'eiilf, you ;u;'i null fool - ; a bur blcck bear, and he'll chew Into sauni(.'e incut if veil slav there!' "It was a fact, and the- bear : at yot Dill I "rj ' pftin.' out, we college boys pit seel a ronstin n that we shorleicil our va. cation iind went btn-k to the halls id learriln-f, where they didn't k:;ow anj belter than we the differi-nie b,-twe!'i; a Ihiu- and a calf." - Chie.ipi Times Herald. The "C'riiirni " of s erpents. I Any popular so-called prejudice. II 1 leu,' coin inueu, proiiniuy is rounueil tip e ii some matter of fact, although this may not have been demonstrated, writes IN'. Henry bee. in ihe London lancet. That some animals have the j power of paralyzing others which thej prey upon is a matter of direct obsc:-. -' tioli. A rabbit will rein.iiii lierfeetlv .,!, ,i..,, it, ,i ..p ., n nd without, moving will allow a hok . ; to be made through the skull nt . - back of the head. We may suppose ! that the power of feeling, ns 'of million, ! is for the lime gone. Or. Livingstone felt no pain when seized by a flger. I ' have set-n .: mouse remain perfectly : motionless tinder the gaze of n cir. When I'xcited tin; ('.'it's pupils become ' dilated, (in one occasion In the even ing I saw a ent In an ewlted state re tire to ii shady plain win-re It could no longer be seen, but presently I saw two fliinll red xloUs fixed npou me. I once saw the same, less defined, In the eji-s of a kitten, but it is very dilliclll! to get their eyes fix eel when near. A general ollice r who has seen loir; service In India Informed me that on one occasion n serpent had got Into :i house and taken refuge in a cellar. I!e lug a soldier it was suggested that he win ine proM-r person lo iiisnsige tmi intrniier. lie tooiv a spear nnu iookch thronch a hole in the wall of the cellar, but saw no serpent. Presently seriM'lit. Presently twe)rin pinull red globes were fixed upon him. 'I hese he supposed to be the serpent's eyes and thrust his spear, as he? thought, between them. The spear caught the serpent just behind the head and killed It. To Keep Moths Away. Try putting tansy leaves In the win ter blankets when packing them away. In former generations moth bulls wera rot known, but tjinsy lcaws were free ly sprinkled ajiiong the' furs,, blanked mid woolen clothing put out of harm's way during tin summer moiil tin. and such things always i'iuiii- out fretdi and sweet In Ihe fall. New York Sun. a'ieilfan to Invade Africa. It Is said that a Cnnadhin bicycle maker Is llgurlng with n ten in of men to go over lo AM'-n next winter. South Africa has no irfrfesslonnls, but lias a number of rawtrueks that are said to he geiesl. Thin team would be well re oulwd, ho It Id reporNMl, and would b (flven the !et of everything, Inelud Inff hirge purses for tho rat. Kill a snake, and turn It on IU bnck, ind thero will be a rain before nlghi. TALKING LUUDi i.ondon Newspapers Indulge in Some Bitter Oora i ent. ;ili''-n ef l-PJjli II rii Ik sll-nvil up In Iviil I.l!it- i.ix HlutT linut I IK'lo Sam and llix Nil .J. Lomi s, Alio;., 10 Comnit'iitin on l!i inte-rview of llr; New York WcrlJ with Secret iry Sherman, the St. James JamcB fJuz'.'lte thi" alte-no n biij'-j : "Sei'retary Sh'jrman'a- utterances af ford no material for denial by his frienda ( the Htat.emei.t that he ia suffering ir an senile decay. But after ail, Mr. Sht-rinun repreiti-nts A merica, and we are certain all International courtesies will be observe I." Coiitinumtr the St. James Gezette re feis to the Ka'n iky incident, when it ays: Austria properly nevere I diplo matic relations with (ireat Britain, and M r. Gladstone apolopz ! for his attack oo the dual monarchy," and aaks why them in one law in Kuropa and another in A merica." In coneluHion, the St. James Gazette repeats its recent warning that this is a diitierou!) line of policy ti iollow and that "some day .ireat Britain may call upon Washington to back itd bluff." The Westminster Gazette relerrin to the eaine matter.') remarke : "The inter view is a frmty example o Shtrman's saloon etyle." The Globe on tiiis "u'oject eaye: "Sec retary Sherman had lietter lid himaelf ed the idea that l.'nc'ie Sam is p-jini? to boss the fihow, either on the gold lields or in the fisle r es. V'e are not ready to follow every (piarrel with blows: but when we strike we Htnke hard, and tlie iiiea of our bei'nr afraid of a third-rate naval power like the United States could only have occurred to a lunatic, or to Mr. Sherman. Judiiin from his latest perf: nuances we may charitably a-eume that the rumors that Mr. .Sherman is Buircrini: from mental disturbance are Correct." The utterances attributed to Secretary Sherman upon which liie comment of the f.ondo.i papers is based, wero as fol lows: Kokand ia a fc-reat country, but it is j not a! ways sale to asuinio tlu.t fihe !B ready to follow up every ejuarrel with blow?. Sheijiiarrels oftener than she lip'its. It would be txc 'edingly diliicult for her to li'iit in all alone, about our eateiiinp kussia ami Japan are in a similar posit ion. Any (pin'rel between the United ."states and Kiip'and on this teore would in all probability involve those other two countries." 'I'e I- ili Suguntii Atfto, Lo.mmin, Au;4 ,10 A Fpecial dispatch from .Madrid, received here yesterday, Jeays: The Spanish pivernnient was aware t ! oit a niee! i n ' ol HnarchistH was held early in Juiy and that it was decided to murder sen or Canovas del Castillo be fore August 15 and to assassinate Senor Sagasta before August. 3J. Paris, Aug. 1'), The French newspa pers say they do not anticipate any political coiiiieicatiou iu Spain as the outcome of the i.s.assination, and they do not think the eoaservative govern- meat will bo di: placed. That the agc.ttion against Canovas w as wide spread is further evidenced by the fact that the police of this city re cently tore down from La Vators, in Paris, placards: inscribed "Down with Canovas ; in.myrs will be avenged ; long live anarchy," and other expressions in pIam" roiy manning 10 uie queen - i .. . .1 . i ..ii:... ii.. regeni ami vauovas. iu auuiuon u:o ollicials of the Spanish embassy here 1'ave lecently received many theatening letters. It is stated that at a recent meeting of the .Spanish refugees at Grenoble capital of the department of Isere, one of the speakers declared that the anarchists ' would Boon lie avenged and Canovas would soon pay his debts with bis blood. I The Matin yestcr-lay publishes inter views with a number of Spanish an archists. They are quoted as declaring I I hey had no previous knowledge of j the crime which has just startled the j whole world. Persons interviewed also j claimed that the ausassin was provoked i by the persecution of the anarchists. Nttgro H uiitf I' p. Vipkshi'ho, Miss Aug. 10. John Gor- al;aH Lewi9 .NeiHOIli .10 ,1Kjfro who ,..,ird.,ru,i William Allen at HruriHwiek , . . ,:, ,, I J ' J 1 " R"" barrel, and who was rapturid in Louis iana yesterday, was hanged by lynchers some time Sunday night. No inquest has been held so far, and details cannot be had. Gordon killed Allen, a much respe'et ed white citizen, in a treacherous man ner. He was captured by three negroes while engage I in a name of craps after a iesperate struggle. lie was brought to Brunswick Sunday (veiling, and when the steamer Annie Laurie passe-d there Mondav morning at ,1 o'clock, his body was se'"n danglii.g from a pecan t'oe. Illl. Ili" Mark, Nkw Oiii. bans, Aug 10. Kx-Secretary of State Will A. Strong, ".ho is now erving in Ouachita parish m a deputy iberiff, shot and mortally wounded A. H. Cexik on the streets of Monroe Moil ay morning. Cook is a Ligitive fro.n oatice and Strong arrested him yester ay morning' While the warrant was eing read to hi in Cook made a dash (or Iberlty, but Strong rati hire for two aures, bringing him down with ullt. OIXt K liiCi JJH4 A i'Atl'KI. Wl.l.iin. KhikI ill linlH-rlK I Hniri Aimj in li-trimMi- Inutile. i.ia- Nkw Yohk, Aug. 13. William Rau- ! lal! Roberts, a foimer merchant prince if New York, who was also a politician )f interoutioiial reputation, died M :i 'iv, a ,li.irity pat ent in I5.eil"vu l.ov Jital. Uobert-i was Unite 1 States min ster to Chile in Cleveland's first aduiin tration. On May lti. 18HS, Roberts Hs stricken with parr.lysis in Santiago, m I in the f llowing year was brought iia-k to New York by C. V. Sieberts, im iner e'retary of tjie legation, and lived with hirn, althougli be had a wife ind son here, ever fiince, until the 21 of :his month. On that, date he wan bent ny Sieberts to Jlellevue. Mr. IlobertB ivsis hern in county Cork, Ireland, in Iti'M. He received an academic educa tion and came to the Unit 'd Stales in S4!l. He Kccred employment with slewart, a;. d eventually went hit ) the fry pioiis businesH lor himself on the bowery, when that thoroughfare was Ihe great chopping el strict. His store rvus ca! ed the Crystal Palace and was well kno-Aii as the most typical establish ment of it kind in New York. Roberts did sn immense arm In,' retired witii a fortune that parsed the million do 1 ir mark, in lS'i!). His real estate holdin-s were extensive. AUer letiring from business, Roberts went into olitics, and to this his widow ascribes the 1 iss of the greater pait of his fortune In Lvi!) be was elected a representative from this city to the Forty-He' ond and Forty-third congres ses. I'i 1877 lie was elected alderman-at-la'ge and he wa-j president of the board of aldermen that year and the next. Roberts was a lead-T of Tam many hall up to the time of his going to Chile. lie heldotlice until Patrick Eqan replaced him under the Harrison ad-uiini-tration. Robe rts was also promi nent in Irish national matters. He was president of the Fenian brotherhood at the time of the raid into Canada by General John O'Neill in June 18(i(i, For the part he took in the famous interna tional episode he was arrested by order of the president of the United States, Delii OKlH a C'llmip) or Illo'id, Consta.nti.soi'I.e, Aug. Pi. Placards printed in Andiie characters have been found jiost(;d up.on the walls ol all the ministries, demaiieling . a change in the system of government in the Turkish empire and threatening violence unless this is effected. Ihe placards declare that otherwise blood will llow as during the Armenian massacres. The ministerial commander for war, Riza pasha, has sent a circular to all the Turkish commanders directing them to watch their otlicers strictly. This step is attributed to the increasing piseontent visible in Turkey against the present government. Kiillculo .Slieriiiaii. London, Aug. 13. The Westminister Gazette yesterday afternoon publishes a lonif leading article, in the course of which the opinion is expressed that ii Secretary Sherman should be lirst to re tiiefrum the cabinet he will "make Ohio too hot for Senator Ilanna," adding: "It is awful to contemplate the re sults of Mr. jliUiua being done out of his price for president. Some innocents may object that if Sherman is too senile to hold ollice he must be too senile for the senate, but as a matter of fact no one has yet, estimated how incompetent a man must be before the senate is clos ed to him' In this he shares the ad vantage of the house of lords." In con clusion the Gazette retnn ks; "We are rather sorry it Secretary Sherman is to be superseded, as in his own rough way he expresses a phrase of American feeling which it is impor tant for us to know." lie. plnK Colli Cool. Dknvkr, Aug. 13. Railroad men are greaily interested in the discovery which is allege i to ha.e been male at La Junta. Colo., that the Santa Fe Railroad cam pany is shipping coal to eastei n points in refrigerator cars. Ac cording to the report, four refrigerato. cars were sidetracked at La Junta for rspairs. The cars were marked and sealed and the contents were billed ah perishable freiubt, which trallic, ex cept mail and fast pasjeuger service, is the most privileged. It was necessar; for the workingnieu to enter the cars in or.ier to make the lepairs. The seals were broken and the cars were found tc lie filled with coal from mines of Colo rado and New Mexico Refrigator care are said to have been going ouL of the state on a very extensive scale for two or three weeks past. A Iw.lvi'-yeai-iilil llrldo. Kansas city Aug. 13. A Star special from Mexico, Mo., says: Ernest Cross whi'eranoff with the twelve-year-old daughter of Thomas Pickerson and weni to Halliday, where they were married. The father of the girl started in pursuit and secured the young bride and will try to hold her until of age. Mrs. Creneswhite is probably the young est bride in the state if not iu the Unit ed States. Swim Hank In Krlnro. San Fiiancisco, Aug. 13. An appli cation has been received by the bank commissioners of this state for a license; to do a banking business in this citj from a corporation formed by a numbei of well known capitalists. It is to bei branch of the Swiss-American bank ol Luzerne, duty organized under the lawi of the republic of Switzerland. Tin local branch has an authorised capital Of l,000,0(i0 of which 1300,000 hat beeo paid up by the incorporators. IKE AU A KAM1NK Ruth of Gold Hunters to the Xlondki Causes Alarm. ITOO MANY PEOPLE AND LACK OF FOOD j tikellio id i.r Mniy llylu of Stitrvai ion K btioug l'iil(.-i ujpli-ti -an Keue-h ib Inteff lor. Dyea, Alaska, Aug. 4. Via Seattle. tVar- , Aul'. 1-1 The Brit fh fteamer! tilcmter and Gees have ai rived will: i .... .... : a'lout o'ju prospectors, w bich increafcei-' ) the i Limber of the Dyea and Skaguey I trails fully 1,500. Later reports have :ome in to the ifft-i t that the Skaguay i route is open to the lakes and that it is about forty-fiv miles long. It is a zijr ; course ovei the mountains and the "oad is very soft. There are 200 or 3'jtl head of horses in the trail and they w ih soon tramp its road in a deplorable con dition. The possibility of one man in ten reaching the Klondyke is remote. 0 d Alaska prospectors, some of whom have wintered in the Yukon and know what to expect, are becoming frightened and turning back, not that they fear tin hardship--, but that they are apprehen sive of a famine on account of so many men rushing headlong to the mines without enough provisions to last them two mouths. The hot evidence that those upon tin ground regard the situation with more or less alarm is the fact that many are paving 20 cents per pound lo have freight packed across Dyea pass. This is an increase of 3 cents per pound since? the sailing of the Alki, at which time 16 and IS cents were charged. Twenty cents is the regular rate over the D.ea or Chilcot pass route. This increase an 1 exorbitant charge is due to a scarci ty of horses. Without pack animals 0; some description it appears to be next to impossible at thisseason to get freight and outfits across the divide. Skattlk, Wash., Aug. 12 A sp cia1 to the Post-Intelligencer from Dyea, Aia-ka, dated August 4, sajs: Although the United States statutes strictly pro hibit the importation of liquor into AI atkafor other purposes than for medi cine, yet there are thousands of gallon? 01 alcohol, w hisky, and brandy being hi tided every week. A large part of it if being shipped to the Klondyke. The worst kind of whisky finds ready sale to j Jndiana 1or !f,5 a bottle. In almost ev-rv bay or nook of hinds where Indians live? are sloojr-s from which whitky is sold in abundance. At Dyea and Skagnay, a! well aB Juneau, Wrangel and Sitka, art; found many saloons runniriir wide open The government issues internal revenue licenses and at the same time prohibi e the improtation and sale, of liquors. An I rrialiou S- loon..' Dkmvek, Colo., Aup 12. Colonel Bal com of Wall street, New Yonk, arrived in Denver yesterday to make arrange ments for carrying lorward agk-anfit irrigating project in western Colorado and Utah, in which he has beeeme in-t-nf-t-d. He has "een investigating the ground to he cove.ed by the irrigat ing system. The plan is to irrigate Mtisa county, Colorado, and Grand county, Utah. The canal will start al ! the head of Platte cn ek, above Grand Junction, following the Grand river and oranc.hiiig off to the west, then running through a now practically arid section. In t lie first six miles the canal will ir rigate 80,000 acres in Colorado alont and 200,000 in Utah, provided the Utah state government consents to build a two-mile lunnel through which tht waters will be eonvevi-d. A svvilt t aiiii'r. San Francisco, Au-i 12. News has just, been received here that the record for the fastest transpacific oceen trip wa" made by the royal mail steamship Empress of Japan on its voyage from Vancouver to Yokohama. The time consumed was ten days, three hours and thirty-nine minutes. The distance rover 'd was 4.270 knots. Heretofore the quickest passage was made by the T'aciiic. mail etearner China from San Francisco to Yokohama in ten days, eleven hours and forty eight minutes. Dihi i in s. Brazil, Ind., Aug 12 -The miners' executive board met here yesterday and gave out the report that there were 7,187 persons in the mining camps of this dis-t-iet t'tat were in actual need of food. The largest distribution given yet hai not exceeded 7 cents j er capita. Pkokia, 111., Aug. 12. A number ol mines in this district have resumed work this week, and the ranks of the striking miners seem to he breaking ba lly. All the mines along the Peoria Mild Pekin union are working, and two mines at Pekin and one at Elmwexxl have resumed operations. Most of the men have gone back at increased wages, Setli t.nw a Canelidiile lor Mayor. Nkw Yohk, Aug. 12 Convinced thai those who have been urging him to ac cept tho candidacy for mayor represent! a majority of the republican voters eif Greater New York, Seth Low has en tered the race and will assist in the canvass that is being made for him. I'.i- lull Suldlnm MliialUiiln London, Aug. 12 An official dispatch from Simla reports that the British f rce of cavalry, Infantry and artillery w:ii(!o was sent from Peshawar Monday lo rnnish the rebels in this Mobamme d o c -i try, who under the Mullah, at tacked i t. Shabkadar, eighteen milei from Peshawar, Saturday, had oveitak in them and defeated them after a hard (ought engagement. The loam of t.h British were twelve killed and forty eight wounded, the latter including three otlicen. D4KIMU A TTKM I'T TO iSOAf A Maidrrer Trie to K1m From PrUM. Hrlpntl bj lila Hrolbrr. Boston, Miss. Aug. 11. Everett Wil lis arrive I at the state prison yesterday forenoon to pay a monthly visit to his brother, Herbert, a murlerer. He was admitted by the usual official'. Herbert was escorted to the guard room to meet him. Five other visitors were in the rotunda at the time. The brothers had been conversing in a low tone, eitting apirt from the others in the euard room, for about half an hour, when Officer V.'iiitham saw Everett pass a revolver to to his brother and together they ran to wards Turkey Darling, evidently intend ing to secure his keys. A guard named Whitham rushed to Darling's assistance, and as he did so the brothers opened fire. One bullet struck Darling in the thigh. Whitham returned the fire, but missed. Officer Abbott saw the trouble and grappled wiio Everett Willis and both brothers then began to beat him, Officer Town send, from the ollice door, then fired a shot which penetrated the back of Everett and a second later Ollicer Ben jamin tired a shot through the bars, wounding E verett iu the head. Meanwhile Herbert Willis fired sever al shots, to which the olficials respond ed. Oae shot struck Herbert in the head, wuile another found lodgment in the back of the murderer's head. Fler bert was then secured and removed frc m the scene. Jiverett w as also taken away and the wounded officers were given prompt medical attention. It is thought none of them will sutler seriously, ex cept, p ohably, Darling, who is of ad vanced age. Herbert Willis is in a precarious con dition as a result of his wounds and there is little hope that he will survive. His br'o'.her, though seriously wounded, it is thought, has a chance of recovering. Killed tu tho Chair. Dannemoua, N. Y., Aug. 11.- -Frank C. Conroy, the Og lensburg wiie mur derer, was executed by electricity at Clinton prison yesterday. Conroy was pronounced dead four and a half min utes after the lirst sho.rk. He met his fate calmiy. On the morning of May 20, 1893, Frank Conroy returned to his home in Ogdeneburg from Montreal. Waikine into the house he accused his wife of unfaithfulness. Angered at her denials, he snatched up a carving knife and hacked her head and throat she was dead. Conroy's two little daught ers witnessed the butchery. Conroy gave himself up, saying lie was satisfied to take hii punishment. Iieath In His Hath idiom. Belmont, Macs., Aug. 11. Ffenry F. Marcy, president of trie Fitch burg rail way, was found dead in the bath room at his home yesterday. Death was due to apoplexy. Yesterday it was develop ed that a shortage of from twelve to lift-en thousand dollars had Iieen found by experts at work on the hooks and these lacts, ir. is stated by friends of of Marcy, brought, ou the fatal stroke. J nmpeid For Thuir Lives. Oakland, Cal., Aug. 11. Paul Cer rosso ..nd his family had a narrow es cape iri in death early Tuesday morning when a building at Temescal in which he lived burned down. The first occur and shortly after 2 o'clock. Corresso was awakened by the -moke and escape seemed entirely cut off. Outside his window, but a cons derable distance be low and to one side, was a platform used as an approach to the roof garden. The Italian took his four children and threw them to the platform, landing each one safely. Ilu and his wife then leaped to the ground, the. room behind them being entirely in flames. Train lir. ekers at Work, Phii.i.ii'.siil'ko, N. J. Aug, 11. train wreckers on the Central railroad ot New Jersey Tuesday riiuht for the fourth time in as many months accomplished the wreck of two fast freight trains, the blocking of the tracks until 5 o'clock yesterday mernitig and the loss of at least $o(),000. Monday night a train running at afty miles an hour struck a pile ot ties The engine left the track and landed down an embankment, a complete wreck. Fourteen ears were also i. trailed, piled up in confusion and their contents scattered along the track. Engineer Shupp piitaciiiously escaped with hi" life. Ooiidoctor Mattress wad seriously hurt. The liremau jumped. Another fast freight, composed of cars loaded with fish and peaches, ran into the debris. The engine and two cars of null were demolished. Engineer Strub ble and Condueto- Moyahan ere badly injured. Motheir Mcttltil. y Tiav. lie. Loraink, O. Ann. W Mrs. McKinley mother of Preside .1 McKinley, Miss Helen McKinley nod Met. A. J. Diuu-au sisters of the p.erfident, arrived here Monday Ir ( anion, unesis of Editor uihI Mrs. S, L. Bowman, wilh whom they will remain rsv-ral days. Mrs. Bowman is a ni -ce the president. After ii No Williamson, V stories are beinu .el 1 -p.-fudii, V.i . Aug. 11 Wild cm Hud about ihe r.ciz to capture officers who are "Cap" llatlioid. tie '. oirado whoes- casjd last week fmui jail. The Hat field are said to be t '" "".dy enseonsej in a mountain pass e el n have recent ly killed Deputy sheriff Johnson and lour other deputies, but none of these reports is confirmed The officers are in hot pursuit and Judge Doolittle in. ista on the sheriff capturing 11 at Held t any coit or rilk. j