The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 19, 1897, Image 2

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    "wfto Ji. ' m 4V A'
Ibarrfson 3ournaI.
In life It Is difficult to gay who do the
most tnlscbiefenenilea with the worst
Intention, or friends with the best.
A Kansas City paper proudly boastR
that It costs only 10 centa to be bui led
In that lown. Residents of St. Louis
ire burled for nothing.
New York World: Civilization In Itus
ila is making rapid strides. They nave
already advanced to the plane of suc
cessful lynching parties.
A California college girl has married
a Chinese classmate, believing that
wedding a Celestial Is the next thing to
a marriage made In heaven.
Laureate Austin's poetry isn't well
paid tor, comparatively speak'ng.
think how much Mr. Astor has recent
ly paid for an "owed by Albert Ed
ward. The Boston Traveler remarks that "a
Providence man yesterday met death
with a broken neck." Death probably
had been trying to learn to ride a bi
cycle. The Boston bank clerk who stole
130,000 because he wanted to buy a
bicycle seems to have wanted to be
sure to have enough money to keep
the thing in repair.
The New York Herald's fund for
Mark Twain already has overtaken
and passed Tom Palmer's Duke of
Veragua fund. The latter still stands
at $1.67, or rather stands still at that
A woman in Cleveland has applied
for a divorce on the ground that she
"wants to marry somebody else." This
Is not an unusual cause for divorce, but
the frankness with which it Is express
ed certainly Is unique.
A New York paper says that May
Irwin is at her summer home In the
Thousand Islands, "giving that soul
swallowing kiss of hers a chance to re
cuperate." Where is the other half of
that kiss recuperating?
The teacher who can inspire his pupil
or his class with a personal enthusiasm
for the subject in hand Is doing more
to engrave it upon their memory than
he could In double the time spent in
mere instruction or memorizing.
Tennessee has some very good pai ers
or some mighty mean men, or both.
The Tazewell Times says: "Owing to
our regular edition leing stolen Tues
day nigftt we are a little late In making
our appearance this week."
John L. Sullivan may bluster as much
as he wants to about the return of his
vitality, but If he ever gets up In front
of Robert J. Fltzslmmons in a twenty-four-foot
ring there will le one less big,
ignorant, drunken plug-ugly in the
world, and the corpse will not be red
headed, either.
The Grand Forks (N. D.) Plain Deal
er says: "The editor of the Wimble
don News reports the loss of two hors
es. How did he come into possession
of two horses? Possibly some one else
lost them at an earlier date." Such
little Journalistic amenities as this add
considerably to the gayety of life In
the Northwest. They also keep the
coroner busy.
According to the Albany lYess, a
house which is not only the oldest in
America, but is the place where the
Immortal "Yankee Doodle" was writ
ten, is still standing at Cireenbush, N.
Y. It was built in 1630 by Killian Van
Rensselaer, the first patroon, who
brought the hand-made bricks and ti.e
timbers from Hollanu for the purpose.
In 1755, when the British troops were
encamped there during the French and
Indian -war, Dr. Shaekburg, an army
surgeon, lived in the old mansion, and
be waa so struck by the tatterdemalion
appearance of the colonists who came
to the aid of the regulars that he com
posed the doggerel which has since be
come so popular. If the rress story is
true some historical society should lose
no time in buying the property and tak
ing measures to preserve It.
Those who like to point morals and
Adorn tales will find an old-fashioned
story in the life of the man who has
Just been appointed Governor of Alas
ka. He is called John Green Brady,
and be la the adopted son of an Indiana
judge named Green. Thirty-seven
year ago he was taken from New
York with a lot of other homeless or
phans who were to be distributed
among Western farmers. When the
train arrived at the home of Judge
Green the latter asked the man In
charge of the boys to give him the
ragged little urchin. He got him, and
the hitherto friendless boy found him
self In a home of culture and refine
ment. He was sent to school, then to
college and finally to Harvard. Having
been graduated from the theological
department he w sent to Alaska as a
missionary by the Presbyterian church.
Since then he has lieen closely allied
to the Interests, both material and spir
itual, of the territory. He ha devel
oped considerable executive ability
and seems to hare the confidence of all
rlaes In that part of the country. The
ajd-tlme flnnday school book was not
always exaggerated.
Tk autopsy upon the body of a
kdy who died suddenly In an
etty revealed a myriad of nny
tZntmrn 9t wood In Um throat, caopha-
gun and stomach, whlc". tin physicians
traced to her habit of chewing tooth
pick after luncheon. This calls atteu
tlon to the very vulgar habit which so
many people have of chewing tooth
picks upon the street. The toothpick
Is a useful thing in lus plac-e, but there
is nothing which so transgresses good
taste as to apiiear, as so many per
sons do, upon the street with that arti
cle in the mouth. At lunch time hun
dreds of men and women may be seen
carrying let wee!r the teeth this evi
dence of their having dined. It would
seem almost unueces-sary to point out
the bad taste of such a practice, but
the custom has become bo common as
tio attract attention everywhere.
Fifteen or twenty years ago "carp
culture" waa ail the rage, and one of
the chief objects of the Fish Commis
sion. If we would only cultivate the
carp our food supply would never give
out and we would have fish to give
away! In every annual report glowing
accounts were given by the commis
sion of the success that was being
achieved In disseminating this noble
fish. Carp ponds were established iu
Washington and at Wytheville, Va..
and distribution was made everywhere.
In the last report of the commission
for thi year ending June 30, 18'.$, we
learn that the "distribution of this fish
has been discontinued," and that it is
to be cultivated hereafter as a food for
other fishes, but not for man. On top
of this we learn that the carp ponds
everywhere are being cleared of tneir
inhabitants, and their places supplied
by cleaner and gamier fish. The noble
fish is no longer noble. Whatever they
may be in China or in Germany, where
they are largely cultivated for food,
they do not suit us, and there Is noth
ing American about them. They will
not fight nor strike back nor attempt to
defend their liberty. If caught on a
book they maie no resistance, but
come up like a "blind salmon," and are
as limp as a rag. They are unclean
feeders and wallow in a mud bottom
like hogs. Their flesh Is coarse and
without flavor, and they are an un
pleasant, disagreeable and dirty fish.
This we have at last found out. The
word has gone abroad that the carp
must go, and the sooner the better.
The attorneys defending a man in
Cleveland who waa charged with forg
ing a check for a large sum set up the
plea of insanity and brought forward
some physicians who testified that the
prisoner waa insane because of an un
natural depression of ibe skull upon
the brain. An operation was pet Conn
ed and it was said that the mm. had
regained his reason. An ncQultti' was
asked for, but the Judge very properly
refused to let mm go lor wa; t or eti- i .-Froz,.n Kegion of Hell,' 'a most appro
dence that the depression had aff i cted priate selection, this last, for the place
nis sanity, ana nas sentence n;iu to
the penitentiary. No ,!unt judge will
refuse to give a prisoner the benefit
of the doubt, and then." Is much crime
which can be traced to Insanity and
nervous disorders, but the plea of In
sanity has been sadly overworked. It
Is certainly strained when men try to
bring it in as a defense for such a crlmo
as this man was charged with. A sim
ilar case is that of a man In St. Louis,
who committed bigamy while In Eu
rope. He sets up the plea that he is
affected with abaulia, or paralyse of
the mind. During one of his abaulie
periods he went to Europe, married
and proceeded to raise a family of
children. Before going abroad he had
deeded to his St Louis wife all his
property and she was to make him an
allowance. When he returned he neg
lected to bring his abaulie family with
him. His normal spouse discovered the
existence of the abaulie pmgeny and
promptly cut off his allowance. He
now sues her to recover his property,
claiming that when he deeded her the
stuff he was suffering from the malady
with tie patent medicine name. If 'a
said to be the first time that this dis
ease has been brought forward as a
defense, but there is , nothing new
about the malady. Nearly all of our
criminate are affected with It m some
form er other.
A Warning to Cat Kissers.
It must be a terrifying revelation to
tho" foreign Indies who kiss their carta
Mint has been made by Professor
Flocci, the Italian eluemlst. He has
found by experiment that when a cat
licks it's liqis it spreads over tliem a
saliva in which there are swanna of
mUmvtf liflcilM not free from danger to
human bellies. When he inoculated
rabbits and guinea-pigs with this nox
ious nil-stance, they died within twenty-four
hours; and he baa come to
tiie coccluKlon that It te dangerous
for ladle to indulge m the habit of
kissing fihelr caAs. We cannot con
ceive of anv lady indulging hi tt. By
the nrofessor's experiments we learn,
..-u. ,v. totw t It.!,
who kiss then- lap-dogs, a hn,bit even
more dangerous than tiie other. Hist
aalyia of the saM-va of these bean-la
brouyht oait facte that are too tvpul
slve to speak of.
Nice Girls.
Of Mntthew Arnold as a school ex
aminer the author of "Pages from a
Private Diary" has this to say:
Arnold's reports are very good read
ing, but his methods of examination
were sometime highly poetical. I re-
i . . . ,alj titjl ,v a f i.l Iti.
. V , ' , 7"".
spector of a class of girl pupil teachers
tnat ne b'i iirikjn n viiuiiuie
hint. Arnold gave them all the "ex
cellent" mark.
"But." said the other lnatector,
"surely they are not all as good as
they can be; some miwt lie better than
"Perluips that Is so," replied Arnold,
"but then, you see, they are all such
vy n.!ce girls."
A car load of potatoes shipped from
the Mansfield, Pa., station a few days
ago netted the farmers 12 cents
Gambling Is a Vice that Begins with
Little Mns and Crowa to Fearful
Knorm itiea Severe ArraiKinent of
Gilt Enterpriaeaand Stock Gambling
Our Weekly ftrmoi,
Dr. Talmugc iu this sermon depicts the
insidious i.ntit'8 by which evil habit gains
upi'cmucy ami shows how splendid men
are cheated into ruin. Text, Isaiah v.,
IS, 'V.h' unto them that siu as it were
v ith a cart tope."
There nri some iuiquites that only nib
ble at the heart. After a lifetime of their
work, the man mill stands upright, re
spected and honored. These vermin have
not strength enough to gnaw through a
man's character. Hut there are other
(transgressions that lift themselves up to
gigantic proportions and seize hold of a
man ami hind him with thong forever.
There are some iniquite that have such
great emphasis of evil that he who com
mits them may he said to sin with a cart
rope. I suppose you know how they make
a great rope. The stuff out of which it is
fashioned is nothing but tow which you
pull apart without any exertion of your
fingers. This is spun into threads, any of
which you could easily snap, but a great
niaDy of these threads are interwound.
Then you have a rope strong enough to
bind an ox or hold a ship in a tempest.
I speak to you of the sin of gambling.
A curt rope in strength is that sin, ami
yet I wish more especially to draw your
attention to the small threads of influ
ence out of which that mighty iniquity
Is twisted. This crime is on the advance,
so that it is well not only that fathers and
brothers and sons be interested in such a
discussion, but that wives and mothers
and sisters and daughters look out lest
their present home he sacrificed or their
intended home he blasted. No man, no
woman, can stand aloof from such a sub
ject hh this and say, "It has no practical
bearing upon my life," for there may be
in a short time in your history an experi
ence in which you will find that the dis
cussion involved three worlds earth,
heaven, hell. There are gambling estab
lishments by the thousands. There are
5,500 professional gamblers. Out of all
the gambling establishments how many of
them do you suppose profess to lie honest V
Ten these ten professing to be honest
because they are merely the antechamber
to those that are acknowledged fraudu
lent. A Gilded Pen.
There are first-class establishments.
You step a little way out of Broadway,
New York. You go up the marble stairs.
You ring the bell. The liveried servant
introduces you. The walls arc lavender
tinted. The mantels are of Vermont mar-
V.U. TTiu ril1t!r,. re ".Ifnih t hji 'h THilirh-
ej. and ..,(untev ttml Virgil's
here is the roulette table, the finest, costli
est, most exquisite piece of furniture in
the United States. There is the banquet
ing room v.rtre, free of charge to the
guest, you may find the plate and viands
and wine and cigars sumptuous beyond
parallel. Then you come to the second
class gambling establishment. To it you
are introduced by a card through some
"roper in." Having entered, yon must
either gamble or fight. Sanded cards, dice
loadpd with quicksilver, poor drinks mix
ed with more poor drinks, will soon help
you to get rid of all your money to a tune
in short meter with staccato passages.
Y'ou wanted to see. You saw. The low
villains of that place watch you as yon
come in. Does not the panther squat in
the grass know a calf when he sees it?
Wrangle not for your rights in that place
or your body will be thrown bloody into
the street or dead into the river.
You go along a little farther and find
the policy establishment. In that place
you bet on numbers. Betting on two
numbers is called a "saddle," betting on
three numbers is cnlied a "gig," betting
on fonr numbers is called a "horse." And
there are thousands of our young men
leaping into that "saddle" and mounting
that "gig" and behind that "horse" riding
to perdition. There is always one kind
of sign on the door, "Exchange," a most
appropriate title for the door, for there.
In that room, a man exchanges health,
peace and heaven for loss of health, loss
of home, loss of family, loss of immortal
soul. Exchange sure enough and infinite
The Inclination to Onnible,
Now yon acknowledge that is a cart
rope of evil, hut you want to know what
are the small, threads out of which it is
made. There is in many a disposition to
hazard. They feel a delight in walking
near a precipice because of the sense of
danger. There are people who go upon
Jungfruti, not for the largeness of the
prospect, but for the feeling that they
j"1 hlnK.i.nK-
hat would happen
if I should fall off?" There are persons
who have their blood fiilliped and accel
erated by skating very near an air hole.
There are men who find a positive delight
in drivng within two inches of the edge of
a bridge. It is this disposition to hazard
that finds development in gaming prac
tices. Here are Jf.VMl. I may stake thern.
? tr"'m- 1 niay '" them, but I
may win ?.,000. hichever way it turn..
I have the excitement.
Shuffle the cards.
I Lost! Heart thumps. Head dizzy. At
It again just to gratify this desire for
! nHzar(1i
Then there are others who go into this
r- through sheer desire for gain. It is
especially so with professional gamblers.
They always keep cool. They never drink
enough to unbalance their Judgment.
They do not see the dice so much as they
see the dollar beyond the dice, and for
that they watch as the spider in the web,
looking as if dead until the fly passes.
Thousands of young men in the hope of
gain go into these practices. They say:
"Well, my salary Is not enough to
, (()n,t fff
from my
store, office, or shop. I ought to have finer
apartments. I might to have better wines.
I ought to lmve more richly flavored ci
gars. I ought to be able to entertain my
friends n ore expensively. I won't stand
this any longer. I can with one brilliant
stroke make a fortune. Now, here goes,
principle or no principle, heaven or hell.
Who cares?"
When p young man makes op his mind
to live 1-eyond his Income, satan has
bought him out and out, and It is only a
question of time when the goods are to be
delivered. The thing is done. Yon may
plant la the way all the batteries of troth
and righteousntss that nan Is bound to
go (id. W hen a limn limkes 1 1.""" year
and spein's II.'.'imi, when n young inun
makes ;,M and spends l"ti. U the
harpies of darkness cry out, "IU, hit, e
have him:" And they have. How to get
the extra ?.rKI or the extra f2S i the
question. He says: "Here is my friend
ho started out the other day with but
little in Hiev, and in one night, so great
was his luck, he rolled up hundreds and
thousands of dollars. He got it-why not
1? It is such dull work, this adding up
of long lines of figures in the counting
house; this palling down of a hundred
yurds of goods and selling a icr.iiuint: this
always waiting upon si.mebo.iy else, v.jen
I could put $K1 on the race and pick up
J1.IKK1." J
An Inaidlnaa 81 n.
This sin wolks very insidiously. Other
sins sound the drum and Haunt the flag
and gather their recruits with wild huzza,
but this man lies its procession of pale vic
tims in dead of night, in silence, and when
they drop into the grkve there is not so
much sound as the click of the dice. Oh,
how m.iny have gone down under it!
IxhjU at those men who were once highly
ppispered. Now their forehead is licked
bv a tonmi- of flame that will never go
out. Iu theii souls are plunged the beaks
which will never be lifted. Swing open
the door of that man's heart and you see u
coil of adders wriggling their indescriba
ble horror until you turu away and hide
your face and ask God to help you to for
get it. The most of this evil is unadver
tised. The community does not hear of it.
Men defrauded in gaming establishments
are not fools enough to tell of it. Once in
awhile, however, there is an exixisure, as
when in Boston the police swooped uiou
a gaming establishment and found in it
the representatives of all classes of citi
zens from the first merchants on State
street to the low Ann street gambler; as
when Bullock, the cashier of the Central
Railroad of Georgia, was found to have
stolen $10:.H) for the purpose of carry
ing on gaming practices; us when a young
man in one of the savings banks of Brook
lyn many years ago was found to have
stoleu H'.) to carry on gaming prac
tices; as when a man connected with a
Wall street insurance company was found
to have stolen $1HO,000 to carry on his
gaming practices, but that is exceptional.
Stock Uatubllnu.
Generally the money leaks silently from
the merchant's till Into the gamester's
wallet. 1 believe that one of the main
piiws leading to this sewer of iniquity is
the excitement of business life. Is it not
a significant fact that the majority of the
day gambling houses in New York are in
proximity to Wall street? Men go into
the excitement of stock gambling, and
from that they plunge into the gambling
houses, as, when men ure intoxicated,
they go into a liquor saloon to get more
drink. The agitation that is witnessed In
the stock market when the chair announ
ces the word "Northwestern" or "Fort
Wuyne" or "Uock Island" or "New York
Central," and the rat, tat, tat of the auc
tioneer's hummer, and the excitement of
making "corners," and getting up "pools,"
and "carrying stock," and a "break'' from
W to TO, and the excitement of rushing
around in curbstone brokerage, and the
sudden cries of "Buyer three!" "Buyer
ten!" "Take 'em!" "How many?" and
the making or losing of $10,000 by one op
eration, unfits a man to go home, and so
he goes up the flight of stairs, amid busi
ness offices, to the darkly curtained, wood
en shuttered room, gayly furnished inside
and takes his place at the roulette or the
faro table. But I cannot tell all the pro
cess by which men get into this evil. A
man went to New York. He w as a West
ern merchant. He went into a gaming
house on Park place. Before morning he
had lost all his money save $1, and he
moved around about with that dollar in
his hand, and after awhile, caught Mt ill
more powerfully under the infernal infat- i
nation, he came up and put down the dol
lar and cried out until they heard him
through the saloon, "One thousand miles
from home, and my last dollar on the
gaming table!"
Via t to a Oamblln-r Hen.
Many years ago for sennonic purposes
and iu company with the chief of police of
New York I visited one of the most bril
liant gambling houses in that city. It
was night, and as we came up in front ull
seemed dark. The blinds were down, the
door was guarded, but after a whispering
of the officer with the guard at the door
we were admitted into the hall, and thence
into the parlors, around one table finding
eight or ten men in midlife, well dressed,
all the v ork going n in silence save the
noise of the rattling "chips" on the gam
ing table in one parlor and the revolving
ball of the roulette table in the other par
lor. Some of these men, we were told,
bad served terms in prison; some were
shipwrecl'f-d bankers and brokers and
money dea'ers, and some were going their
first rocniis of vice, but all Intent upon
the table as large or small fortunes moved
up and down before them. Oh, there was
something awfully solemn In the silence,
the Intense gaze, the suppressed emotions
of the J 'nyers. No one looked up. They
all had money in the rapids, and I have no
doubt pome saw as they sat there horses
and carriages and houses and lands and
home and family rushing down into the
vortex. A man's life would not have been
worth a tfirthing in that presence, had he
not been accompanied by the police, if he
had been supposed to be on a Christian
errand of observation. Some of these
men went by private key, some went in by
careful introduction, some were taken in
by the patrons of the establishment. The
officer of the law told me, "None gets in
here except by police mandate or by some
letter of a patron."
While we were there a young man came
In, put his money down on the roulette
table and loKt; put more money down on
the roulette table and lost; put more
money down on the roulette table and
lost. Then feeling in his pockets for more
money, finding none, in severe silence he
turned his back upon the scene and passed
out. While we stood there men lost their
property find lost their souls.
Oh, merciless place! Not once in ull the
history of that gaming house has there
been one wold of sympathy uttered for
the losers at the grr,;e. Sir Horace Wul
polc said that a nnui dropped dead in one
of the club houses of Iotidon. His body
was carried into the club house and the
members of the club begun Immediately
to bet us to whether he were dead or alive,
and when it wns proposed to test the mat
ter by bleeding him it was only hindered
by the rnggestion that It would lie unfair
to some of the players. In these gaming
houses of our cities men have their prop
erty wrung away from them, and tbeu
they go out, some of them to drown their
grief in strong drink, some to ply the
counterfeiter's pen, and so restore their
fortunes; some resort to the suicide's re
volver, but all going down. And that
work proceeds day by day and night by
night. "That cart rope," nys one young
inun, "his never bean wound around my
nil." But Imtr not some threads of that
crt rope been twlkted?
(lift I' nterpriaea.
I arraigu before God the gift enterprises
of our c!tie which have a tendency to
make this a nation of guinblers. What
ever you get, young inun, in such a place
us that, without giving a proper equiva
lent, is ii robbery of your ow n soul und a
robbery of the community. Yet how we
are appalled to see men who have failed
In other enterprises go into gift concerns,
where the chief attraction is not music,
but the prizes distributed among the audi
ence, or to sell books where the chief at
traction is not the book, but the package
that goes with the book. Tobacco dealers
advertise that on a certain day they will
put money into their papers, so that the
purchaser of this tobacco In Cincinnati or
New York may unexpectedly come upon
a magnificent gratuity. Boys hawking
through the cars packages containing no
body knows whot until you open them and
find they contain nothing. Christian men
with pictures on their wall gotten in a
lottery, and the brain of community taxed
to find out some new way of getting
things without paying for them. Oh,
young men, these are the threads that
muke the cart rope, and when a young
man consents to these practices he is be
ing bound hand and foot by a habit which
has alreudy destroyed "a gret multitude
that no mun can number." Sometimes
these gift enterprises are carried on in
the name of charity, and some of you re
member at the close of our civil war how
many gift enterprises were on foot, the
proceeds to go to the orphans and widows
of the soldiers and sailors. What did the
men who had charge of those gift enter
prises care for the orphuns and widows?
Why, they would have allowed them to
freeze to death upon their steps. I have
no faith in a charity which, for the sake
of relieving present suffering, opens a gap
ing jaw that has swallowed down so
much of the virtue and good principle of
the community. Young man, have noth
ing to do with these things. They only
sharpen your appetite for games of
chance. Do one of two things be hon
est or die.
I have accomplished my object if I put
you on the lookout. It is a great deal
easier to fall than it is to get up again.
The trouble is that when men begin to go
astray from the path of duty they are apt
to say. "There's no use of my trying to
get hack. I've sacrificed my respectabil
ity. I can't leturn." And they go on un
til they are utterly destroyed. I tell you,
my friends, that God this moment, by his
Holy Spirit, can change your entire na
ture, so that you will be a different man
in a minute.
The Path of -afrtr.
Your great want what is It? More sal
ary? Higher social position? No, no. I
w ill tell you the great want of every man,
if he has not already obtained it it is the
grace of God. Are there any who have
fallen victims to the sin that I have been
reprehending? You ure in a prison. You
rush agHinst the wall of this prison ami
try to get out, and you fail, and you turn
around and dash against the other wall
until there is blood on the grates and
blood on jour soul. You will never get
out in this n ay. There Is only one way of
getting out. There is a key that can un
lock thnt prison house. It Is the key of
the house of David. It is the key that
Christ wears at his girdle. If you will al
low him to put thut key to the lock, the
bolt will shoot back and the door will
swing open and you will be a free man in
Christ Jesus. Oh, prodigal, what a busi
ness this is for you, feeding swine, when
your father stands in the front door,
straining his eyesight to catch the first
glimpse of your return, and the calf is as
fat as it will be, and the harp of heaven
are all strung and the feet free! There
are converted gamblers in heaven. The
light of eternity flashed upon the green
baize of their billiard saloon. In the laver
of God's forgiveness they washed off all
their sin. They quit trying for earthly
stakes. They tried for heaven and won
it. There stretches a hand from heaven
toward the head of the worst offender.
It is a hnnd, not clinched as if to smite,
but outspread as if to drop a benediction.
Other Kens have a shore and many be
fathomed, but the sea of OfKl's love eter
nity has no plummet to strike the bottom
and immensity no iron bound shore to
confine it. Its tides are lifted by the
heart of infinite compassion. Its wavei
ure the hossnnas of the redeemed. The
argosies that sail on it drop anchor at last
amid the thundering salvo of eternal vic
tory, but alas for that man who siti
down to the final game of life and puts
his immortal soul on the ace while the
angels of God keep the tally lward, and
after kings and queens and knaves and
spades ore "shuffled" and "cut" and th
game is ended, hovering ami impending
worlds discover that he has lost it, the
faro bank of eternal darkness clutching
down into its wallet all the blood stained
Short Hermona.
Truth. The reign of truth would
make a heaven anywhere, and what Is
i the use of dying to get to heaven if we
can get It by living it? There Is no
' other time but now. Truth Is life, and
1 we cannot get the truth by living or by
, dying. The grave Is not the gate to Ira
' mortality. Hev. Dr. Harcourt, Metlio
t dist, Philadelphia, Pa.
Orthodoxy. The last quarter of the
nineteenth century has Ix-en pre-eml-j
liently the age of the decomposition
of orthodoxy. One and all orthodox
creeds are tumbling Into ruins every
where. The thought of to-day will
shortly reach a plane where there will
be no place nor use for orthodoxy.
Prof. John Flske, at Minneapolis, Minn.
Creed. Every liody but nn Idiot bus a
creed. If we hue definite notions nliotit
anything that Is a creed. The way a
man conducts his business Is his com
mercial creed. If a man belongs to a
political party he bus a political creed
We cull It a platform, but flint Is only
another name for the same thing.
Rev. V. M. Goodcblld, Baptist, New
York City.
Faith. Faith does not supplant rea
sou, but assists It. It is to us what the
pillar of fire was to the Hebrews. Not
only does Christian faith give us a sub
lime Idea of God, but It also gives us s
proper understanding of ourselves,
which, according to the poet, Is tht
proper study of mankind. It tells t'l
what we are, whence we have come
snd whither we are going. Cardinal
Gibbons, Catholic, Baltimore, Md.
7 .
A. C. Armstrong V Son. of New York,
announce "The Novels of Charles Dick
ens; A Bibliography and Sketch." by
F. G. Kit ton.
Jerome K. Jerome's forthcoming vol
ume, "Sketches In Lavender, Blue, and
Green," consists of stories that have
appeared us serials.
Max Pemberton Is atxwt to follow up
his "Christine of the Hills" with "A
Woman of Kronstadt." which, like Its
predecessor, will In set ntnid scenes
quite unfamiliar to the reading public.
W. C. Morrow, the author of "The
Ape, the Idiot, and Other People," is
a San Francisco newspaper man. The
prompt demand for a second edition of
his stories promises well for the repu
tation of this new author.
Bishop Potter. Just before he left for
Europe, rend the final proofs of a vol
ume entitled "The Scholar and the
State," shortly to ! published. The
book Is made up of essays discussing
sociological and chic questions.
Mr. Gladstone has finished reading
the proofs of the first volume of his
"I-ater Gleanings." He has carefuby
revised the twelve collected papers
that form the bulk of it. Ills post
script on the Pope and Anglican or
ders Is, of course, wholly fresh mate
rial. F. Marlon Crawford's novelette, "A
Rose of Yesterday," Is soon to le pub
lished In liook form. A question of di
vorce Is the motive of the laic, and
those who rend It In serial form need
not le told that It Is one of the most
satisfactory things Mr. Crawford has
The Athenaeum says that Pnul Lau
rence Dunbar, the American negro
poet, is shortly to give a recital of
some of his poems in London under
the patronage of Ambassador liny. His
"Lyrics of the Ixiwly," with an Intro
duction of HowcIIh, Ik being brought
out by a Ixmdon publisher.
We are shortly to have another snap
shot volume of America by a foreigner
who has "done" tis. It Is under the
title. "The Land of the Dollar," and
Its author Is G. W. Stcevens, who was
sent to this country by the Imdou
Morning Post to write up the last
Presidential campaign. Mr. Steevens
is said to Ik; a writer of good English,
and his "novel picture of Chicago Is
one of the most graphic descriptions
of the place t tint we have had."
The Kelmscott Press Is slowing
down. Three presses were In use dur
ing the lifetime of the founder, but
since his death only two have been
kept running, in order to complete the
work he left unfinished, and as soon,
as that work Is out of the way the
Press is to Ik- abandoned. Ilegret Is,
of course, being expressed on nil sides,
but It seems wise to discontinue' the
enterprise. Morris himself gave It
three-fourths of Its reason for being.
Halt and lis Properties.
Used In washing the hair It will pre
vent the hnlr from falling out.
A ten p Km fill of salt in a lump will
make kerosene odl give a brighter light.
Added to a bucket of water it forma
a remarkably effective fire extin
guisher. A handful of rcx-k salt added to the
bath la the next best thing to an ocean
Damp salt will remove the discolora
tion and the like In dishes that have
been carelessly washed.
New caJlccM-s soaked in a strong so
lution of anlt for an hour lx-fore waah
lug will retain colors Urtter.
As a dentriflce salt -nd water will not
only cleanse, but wlUten the teeth, and
will harden the gume.
When broiling teak a pinch or two
of salt thrown on the fire will quench
the flame arising from the dripping
A weak aolurhrti Is good for aore
throat, to be used as a gargle, and this
la still better If a few grains of red
pepixsr are added.
Ink stains may b- removed by ffo
uae of moistened wilt. When it ,
come discolored remove it and use
frtwh supply until no color remains.
Dissolved In water and snuffed np
the nostrils it ia of use In curing
catarrh, but when c-hrontc Its use must
be persisted In night and morning for
several montlia.
A little salt In raw or liolled starch
will prevent the Irons from slicking,
and make the starch whiter. If the
Irons are rough lay some ?:ilt on a piece
of brown paper, lay n piece of muslin
over it, and rub the irona on It until
they are bright and Hiuooth.
A lig of salt, heated, and . pplled
over a ialnftil spot Is often ver
efficacious in allaying pnln, "specially
those- of n colicky nature In the stom
ach and bowels, stiys n writer in the
Boston Traveler. A weak solution of
salt In water Is a goiwl remedy for
slight Indigestion, especially that char
acterized by a sense of weight and op
pression. Many Bald headed Ioc'tora.
An Kngllsh statistician has recently
iK-i-n engaged In an original tusk
that of studying the Influence of music
on I he hair. The Investluior estab
lishes. In the first place1, that the pro
portion of bald persons Is 11 per cent,
for the lllK-rnl professions in general,
with the exception of physicians, who
......... .i... .i i...
apjn-Hr iu iiriu (in? rcvuru lor inuuij",
which is 110 jmt cent. Musical ertn--
poser do not form any exception t y
the rule, and Imldneas is as freqnsj
among them tut In the other profes-
If thre Is any one habit particularly
ihlftless. It Is that of reading continued
v.. 'I?