1BI0UXC0UXTT J O TJ H 3ST -A. Xj. o Timu, Aro, 12th, 1197. lino. D. Cum, Editor and Prop. ?.tat.Tl.aVnMbW. Ootef Waat. Golac Fast, ax I. otaal. 11 I Ke. I. Bind I 00 I. E. PSXNEY. K 2. Pkriielan aad Sirgeon. ail sails (Iran prompt attention. Office la Drue Star. aUBMBON- JTBRAHCA. J North-Western LINE F. E. M. V. R. R. is the beat to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTH NEBRASKA. Information that informs. If yoa are going south and want to know what the trip will coat when yoa will Teach your destination and wby. yoa should take the Bl'RUNUTOS BOUT to St. Joseph , Kansas City, St. Louis or ANT OTH ER southern or south-eastern city, write to J. Francis, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb., and re eel v by return mail, a letter giv ing. JUST EXACTLY the information you need. NOTICE TO SETTLER. The rules of the local land office have recently been amended so that settlers to make final proof shall settle with tbe publisher before sending in their applica tion. All parties desiring to make final proof can have their papers made out at Tax Jotjrxal office, free of charge, and promptly transmitted to tbe land office that no time will be lost Will Bmoke of aadrews, was ia Harrison yesterday. Mr. and Mrs Pat Lacy wen pleasant callers at this office last Wednesday. Tbe past week baa been bad for Baking bay on account of eo much rain. ateedames Wright and Bartell spent Tuaad ay at tbe canyon bringing noma quite a lot of cherries and currents. There will be Kass at tbe residence of M. J. BU watt's next Tuesday, at 10.40 o'clock a. m., Aug. 17th. Isidor Retstein is moving his house hold goods to Crawford this week, where be will soon engage in the saloon busi- Read the minutes of the Agricultur al meetings in this issue and learn how much is being done relative to having a county fair this falL It is reported that a young cow boy arrived at Buff Coffee's ranch last Sun day afternoon. Buff, keep your eye on him as he may be a cattle rustler. Grandpa Merriam of Warbonnet pre cinct, brought to this office a half peck of as fine, large potatoes raised on his place as we have seen brought to town this spring. Ifacbael Brack "Schuster", who has been up near Casper, Wyo., for some time looking after some sheep, came dawn last Saturday. He owns a valua ble claim in Sioux county. Bob Wallace the slayer of John Brown near Ardmore, 8. Dak., some two or three weeks ago was, last week com mitted to jail without bail until tbe November term of court meets at Hot Springs. It is evident that tbe Justice of tbe Peace concluded from the evi dence presented at tbe trial that murder had been committed, and hence, tbe hold ing of Wallace for tbe crime 8. Sherman, who lives out on Raw bide creek is Wyoming, about 40 miles, from here ia now stopping in town for a couple of weeks. He is taking treat meat of Dr. Johnson, for paralysis, Mr Sherman baa suffered with tbe disease . for something like nine years. We are ia hopes that the treatment will prove beneficial to him nd that be may go home a better man physically than when ha Che. Thomas of Warbonnet pre einct had the misfortune to gat thrown from Ins horse cutting his lip quite bad ly last Moody white after a herd of horses ia ooenpaey with Oeorg Tool and Daa Cattery. Ha was goiag around a Mil at a rapid rata when his bourse stumMed sad fell, throwing hiraoa a atony pieoe of groaad which came near proving quite serious for Mo. Whs , the other boys got to Ma be was quit They brought Mm part wtyci IN tan Ml then they got a aai mm tsrwa, where 1 rUamy ImihI m wonaded lip. jtr t i;;ffatt- Br. Tfcemae was C3 ca ) r Bertlett Richard of Chadron was in Harrison, last Saturday and Moodaj on bu sinew. Dr. Phiaoey is treating bis bo una to a ow coat of paint, hope the disease may prove contagious. Rev. Ball and family of Douglas, Wyo. passed throgh this place Tuesday, for Scotta Bluffs county. Tom Soow of Rawhios Lrotiier-in-law of 8. Sliermao, was in Harrison Tuesday night and Wednesday, Miss. Palmer sister of Mr. Gris wold will teach tbe primary pe part meat and tnrs. Gray the advanced grade. Tbe special train which passed here during Monday night, killed thrre bead of cattle about two miles east of town. Mrs. Pat, Lacy was able to come to town yesterdy with her hosbaod. She is feeling much better than for a week or t wo. Joseph A. Ashton and Peter Brety of Ardmore, were in town oa business last Saturday and called at our office for a few minutes talk. The Attorneys attending the ad journed term of court held here last Sat urday from other places were, J. E- Por ter of Crawford and A. G. Fisher of Chadron. Burt Hamlin of Pleasant Ridge. Wyo. was a pleasant caller at this office last Wednesday. He expects his broth er Dug, in about two weeks. James Hogel of Crawford was in the city last Saturday. While here be took out bis citizenship papers before Judge Westover in open court There were several other gentlemen of Sioux county who did the same. In tbe American Munt)Jy Review of Revieum for Augnst tbe Rev. Dr. Francis E Clark, of the Christian Eodeavor movement, has a interesting account of a visit to "The Two Republics of the Southern Cross, "the Dutch Boer govern ment in South Africa. Judge Westover of Rushville, held a one-day session of court here last Satur day, ' The only case of prominence be fore his honor was, Tinnen vs B. & M. Railroad, the plaintiff asking for a new trial. After listening to the arguement pro aod con,' Judge Westover granted a new trial on the grounds, that the plaintiff ahonld have been awarded larg er damages or nothing. So the chances are there will be another long fight in the courts, Dr Johnson met with a very pain ful accident on last Wednesday morning, while going to Mr. Buff Coffee's. Think ing to save time as he was anxious to get to his patients be let down some wire fenceing but neglected to drop tbe bottom wire aod the result was tbe horse in some way threw him down and stepad on him and dislocated three bones in his nose, cut his lip quite badly, and battered bim up generally. We hope the Dr. will be alright in a few days. Section foreman Wright, had a sev ere sun stroke Wednesday afternoon, while hurrying the cvttle killed by the train Monday night It was with diffi cult that be was able to get noma, some man, who was passing aloong at the time was bailed by Mr. Wright and asked to either take him home in bis wagon or pump the band car for bim and be would pay him for his trouble, but be would not or could not, which goes to show how extremely small some people are towards their fellow men. Rev. James Johnson brother of our Dr. Johnson, came in from Cheyenne, Wyo., last Friday to visit bis brother for a day or two. While here Rev. John son delivered an instructive sermon in the church last Sunday to a fair sized con gregation, who listened attentatively to what be bad to say on tbe subject, "Man's Debt to Man"; tbe text was found in 14th verse, 1st Chapter of Pauls letter to the Romans. Dr. Johnson has just closed a five-year postorate in tbe city of Chey enne. He has of course staid tbe limit of time permitted by the If. E. conference at any one place. Rev. Jobason is a member of the central Illinois confer ence, and will depart for that state some time during tbe summer and fall. Bod arc Doing. Chaa, Coffee goes to his O 10 bar ranch to day. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Buff Coffee Aug. 8th, a son. Rev. Mr. Johnson of Cheyenne, was visiting Mr. C. Coflee's family Sunday night and Monday. Mrs Hibblein and ber mother were vis iting friends on Indian creek. The usual talk among tbe Valley peo ple is, we need rain add now they say they hope the rain will go around. We have had some hard showers here. Sow Belly was out of the banks yesterday again. Bad weather for making hay here. The public sale at Doan's was well at tended considering the weather, and eve ry thing was sold that was offered at fair prices; cattle brought tip top prices. White River Breeases. Miss Carrie Fraxier has been engaged to teach the fall term of school in LHst, do, one. Mr, L. H. Bowdish will furnish the wood for the school in Dist , 19 this win ter. It looks as though the Political states war about ready to be approved or expect by the people la this Back of Mm woods. Mr. W. S. Johnson has pot out a large amount of strawberry plaots thle sea son. , Sir. M. H. Grata bad a very good crop of rye ibis year it ws a vrijftr np, tie sown) rye four Jsars ago ami hat hal erin-e. The late rains interfears with hay making but It is making late crops grow in good shape Cap. We understand Dr. Johnson will give a lecture on oetepath practice if he can get the court house hall to give it in. It whould eeem as if there would be no trouble in ebtaining it for a lecture that would be entertaining and instructive to the public. 1 gg Monti-one Clippings We have had plenty of rain for the last week. Corn is doing nicely and h we don't have any early frost there will be a fair crop of corn. Mrs. H. Zimmerman from Cedar, Co. Nebr., is visiting with her brotlier Jake Wasserburger. Mike Jordon has returned from the round-up last week. Joseph Reinders who had been work ing in Newcastle had tlie misfortune of having his arm dislocated. He is at home with his parents. Tbe game of ball did not come off be tween Montrose, Bod arc aod Ardmore on account of the heavy rain but will be played next Sunday Aug. 15th. Mr. J. Koorath is wearing a broad smile on account of a girl baby having arrived. 8aqk. , White's Hiding Whisperings., We will try aod get in a few items this week. We, us aod babies have been quite tick with bad colds, some thing like la grippe. Choke cherries are about ripe. This wet boggy weather is just nice for garden truck, but I suppose tbe hay makers would rather have sun-shine. Never mind we can have sun-shine when we cannot have rain. Mrs. Perry White was very sick the fore part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bogart, and little girls were at the Siding the 25th uit Mr. and Mrs, Tietze were down this way the same day. Mr. White and family went to Craw ford Friday, and returned Saturday. Mr. Bomgartner from near Montrose, was at the Siding Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. White was up to Mr. Pat Lacy's Sunday, and they say Mrs. Lrcy was quite sick. M assert p. N. Kirkpatrick and John Christian s to pad over night at Jobo Fin ley's last Sunday. George and Mirtle Baldwin spent Wed nesday and Thursday with Mrs. Jones and family. Messrs Bogart and Varley were doing business at the Siding Wednesday. Mr. D. M. Sutton was at tlte Siding Thursday. We had an awful rain aod quite a hard bail. In 35 minutes after it began to rain the bouses were surrounded by wa ter. The creek bed that was dry was rushing head long down the canyons. George and Myrtle Baldwin, who never seen such a sight thought it was grand, aod it was really a glorious aod inspiring sight to stand upon the bank aod see tbe muddy waters rushing aod basking, one wave after another. It looks as if one was trying to catch the other. Pen can not describe it as it deserves. WBsTTIJCR. A ftraad Opportunity. There are today thousands of young people on tbe farms and in the villages who are tied down by lack of education to work they heartily dislike. Are you one of tbem my friend? If so, the Grand Island Business ft Normal Coll age can put you on the road to success if vou are ambitious and willing to study. It makes no differnce bow backward you are provided you are plucky and mean business. We teach everything neceaaray for a successful start in life. If you are short of money we will accept a good note without in terest for tuition or if necessary -we will furnish everything tuition, board, and books aod give you time to graduate aod pay for ' same afterwards. Business, Normal and Shorthand courses. Board fl.SO per week. Established 12 years. College Record sent free or catalogue for ft cents in stamps. This is yoor chance of a life time. Will you let it slip by? Adress, A. M. Hasan, President, Graod Island. Nebr. How To Find Out Fill a bottle or common glass with urine aod let it stand tweoiy-foor hours, a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy cooditioc of the kidneys. 'When urine stains uoao it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in tbe back, is also convincing proof that tbe kidneys and bladeraae out or order. What To Do. There is comfort ia the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, too groat kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every partof the urinary passages. It corrects inability to bold urine aod scald ing pain in passing it, or hod effects fol lowing use of liquor, wins or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times daring the night to urinate. Tbe mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp- Koet is soon realised, it stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you aeed medicine yoa should have the best floM by druggists, price fifty caste aod ooe dollar. You may have a sample bottle aad pamphlet both seat free by idsJL Mention Tn &0CX COCWT Jomx ax. and send your adflrses to Dr. Kilmer A Go. , Bingfaamptoa, N. Y. . Tbe proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. ' OA A .s t wi.L -i... Cdltrd by . Mm. Ore. D. f sses. Wrt arlii-lmi fnmi U Mien i Mo'ii county r solli'itml. The Toung f.'lrl In KnauMsr. Edward W. Bok, writing undr the caption of "Breaking Down the Fences" gives some wholesome and sensible ad viec to young girlsin the AugutLMh, Home Journal, and sounds a warning against allowing them too much freedom of action too much liberty. Mr. Bok dis cerns that summer brings greater free dom to young girls than any other sea son, and presents to them many more opportunities to unconsciously break down tbe fences the barriers of the best and wisest deportmeui. "City girls', he contends, "often think they are free to do things in the country or at the sea shore than in tbe city. Little licenses seem so much more natural ia sammer when we live an outdoor life. It is a magnificent tribute to a girls chartcter when she can be unconventional and yet preserve in every sense the dignity of girlhood. That is what commands the highest respect for a girl. It is a very fine line which divides unconventionally in a girl's deportment from a certain li cense aod freedom of action, wihch is so fraught with danger. And yet on one side of that line lies a girl's possession: her self-respect, aod on the other side ber loss of it That line is the fence, ;ind a girl cannot be too careful about re moving one stone from it She may think it smart or clever if she just seeks to remove the small stone which lies on the top. But in that very act she shows a lack of cleverness. No greater satis faction than this can come to a woman: the consciousness that she preserved, at ell times in her girlhood, the prescious possession of hea future womanhood. And one little slip can dim that satisfac tion. Truths Told la a Few Words. A child's respect for its jiarents is not secured by over-leniency any more than by over-severity. A daughter should never seek nor be allowed to "outdress" her mother. In every family the mother should be the best-dressed member. The discarded finery of a daughter should never constitute a mother's warJ robe. No one feels especially dignified in the presence of one whose old clothes she is wearing, and a mother should at all times preserve Iter dignity before her children, Tbe mother who never loses her queenlineas will never lose her crawn. Preventable misfortunes consist, chief ly, of manifold tilings, little to do, but immence things to have done. Tbe man who earns one dollar and spends two, aad the, man who earns two and spends one, stands on either side of the hair-lfoe between heedlessness and discretion, between ruin and safety. Parents generally receive that meas ure of filial respect they deserve not al ways perhaps but very generally. When a mother allows her dougbter to appropriate her wraps, gloves, veils, or other articles of personal attire, she begins a policy of familiarity which sooner or later breeds contempt A re spect for one's belongings engenders a respect for their possessor. August Ladies' Home Journal. Tke Oily Way. A prominent educator once remarked to a class in elements of education." There are a gerat many methods in teach ing, that are used by different teachers with apparent success; but there is only one way to teach' aod that is tbe right way; and when you have found that way failure is impossible. " Ibis can be said of every profession or occupation in life, they are all crowded to overflowing with theories, plans sod methods of all kinds, both practical aod impractical sad yet tbe only way, tbe right way if it was known, would answer at all times, in all cases, and never fail. The various nations of the world have each a form of government of their own while in some of them there is a great deal of similarity, yst in each there are somethings characteristic of the people of the different nations of tbe world that show there are many ideas as to the bast way of governing the people. And in every country and every clime there is strife and contention, which shows that wrong is being done the people in ome way. It shows that the right form of government has never been established not a right form of government, but the right form of government, which ad minsters to each aod every one equal justice and mercy. When all the world it governed in the right way, than strife aad contention must cease, then all will receive equal justice and mercy, aod all will be satisfied. Large volumes have been written on the various religious beliefs of the world many of which claim tot their foundation tbe sacred scripture, and many mors of them would fain try to attribute their or igin to the same devine agency; Yst ws know that it is impossible for afl to be right Only one plan was gi v en whereby we might inherit eternal RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. LEWIS GERLACII. IV (SO TO MARSTELLER BROS They handle every thing usualy handled in a scl eral department country store. SUCH AS DRY GOODS and GKOt'EKIE, BOOTS ami SHOES, HARD and TINWARE; also FLOUR, FEED and GRAIN, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. YOU CAN SAVF. M0NKY BY GOING TO MARSTKLLKR liROS. WE SELL THE American Hand-Sewad Sioe Co's h4&Wfv CCLCBRATCO I0OTS&SHOES THE BI0CC$fBu0T sH THrWOBUJ JUftTTRTA rAIROrTlie.4EtlorSA'! ff- I am Agent for the world ERSand MOWERS. I keep IE I line of tmpplies for these machine. Last but Webn you are badly in need of the only sold in Sioux County, call on me. We ? I In ff 1 ir t i in w i ii i nr. t rtf - I Ili-u. .arr."4r f KC 4r? Si D .?! 6 YOU ltd, with Fully Now wrlto us for Description about It. V o liuve !ecn IclUu' out- Address, Ufa. Tn noosf nil Mm kftenl th risa wo nsake and his divine word a sVfferant tbeo Ood out liar ttctino. Fur narrnw is tha to ntnraal lifa; but broad is the road to distraction. So wa Had in religion as In all other things there is but one right way. And the divine weed tells on to "seek and we shall And knock aad it shall be opened unto us,'. A young Persian gentle man delivered a lecture in one of the Lincoln universities a few years ago on the manners, customs and various re ligious beliefs of Persia. Amoog the different religious sects, be told of a people known as devil worshipers, who worshiped the devil with many times more asal than do the pro tressed christians worship Ood They believe that the devil and Christ are brothers; and that, before the creation they quar reled and tbe devil was oast out But that he will ooe day be reinstated in tbe kingdom and will share equally with Christ. And all who have worshiped bim here and have done his will, will also en ter with bim in glory and have an equal share in the blessings of Christ, There it crime In ail history of crime l We are on our way to (he RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. TIIKYSAY EVERYTHING IS SO CI1KAP AT THAT STOKE. ,V wift vuul one of tliosfi beatiful SPRING JIATS and dry fW rroriiojix , J need a Spring SUJT and ire think- we can nave men CI ly trading at tha Also, We handle a full line of Queens-ware, Hard-Ware, Dry-Goods, Groceries Sc. famed M.-KORMICK UlSkS on hand all the time a Oil nolXeit. PERKINS WIND MILL J. II. HART ELL. pa. as t:;h J TV A 7 T o 'ORGAN Jet'rn;1ui and Western Iowa. Vou Uc-t $195 Orcfiti for PAY FOR IT a mi: doll; AH BILL down and jior month. Onaraatccd lor 5 r. snd Catnlona. Wo will tell you all friends about Ihix now 23 years. A. HOSPE OMAHA, NEB. too revolting to a civilized people for ft worshiper to commit. Tbe more treachery and heart) . rru. elty he can display the better dev i w,.r shiper he in. Tho will of the dev.! i . break every command of God wA ,- every thing to Ik directly opi . i, Ood. (ContiiiDftd ncii . . i Xlkola Testa' Grout Dlacoirerj. NEW YORK, Aug. 4.-X,koU Tesla announces today tlie completion of his wonderful, new discover, the t u ilt. neou transmission of messa !v means of the earth's electrical ;nrt. i "s to as many scattered points on t ' s .i -face of the globs as may bt n ; , -This he regard a by far hi? t-i. i! ,1 achievement. To a few intimates ho jfave ' '!.r,I!;i.;; demonstration of , tlie operate i ! : ; device for arreHliiic uml mib.-. i i ' ft. control, under natural laws the -n l substances in and shout tlie on- ',. lid latest invention, or discovery, it t -.ro-duce suoh a disturbance of the . Iw-'iici ty of the earth which can It .V.t ai.d omu BiiDuiuneouniy at all par . of ttw globe. Denver Newt. Vsiioio aits yuu fcuili