inirti f V t . r I l ) i V Frog have been raining tlown in thick liowera on Bizerfa, in Tunis, The lar I t were the eize of a man's thumb. Kaberlai' hirthpmce at Chiron, o ather tlie site of the apotlieeary'B rhnp rhere tie wbh bom, hag been dWcnvieu ty M. UrimauJ, a French anti jnai , lie house standing there, 17 Rue de la Lamproi, will be marked by a tablet The shop was replaced by a tavern, and hat in its turn by a Ht.n'f court. Try Allen's Foot-Kane, A powder to be shaken into tlie shoes, tt thds seawon your feet f"'l swollen md hot. aiul Kt tired tisily. If you lave KDiartbljr feet or tlitbt dim, try tllen'8 Foot-Kane. It rools the fet-t lud make walkiiiK easy. Cures and ?reviin.t9 swollen and vventHi; feet, iHsKth and callous kihiIs. Hi'lieven f.rnn and bunions of nil iHiiii aud "Ives Kwt fl.iul comfort. Try it to-day. Soll )y all Unuzgixts nnd lioe Ktoren for '17h: Mill iicka' FHKK. Address, Allen ). OLmMed, Ix Hoy, N. Y. The revived faebion of trimming nkirte las brouaht into play velvet rbbon sin iroader widths than we have been gee- ng the last few seasons. Wnwtiitnf a Uno Art. le of i.rettv belonsiitik'x ix liulnriil to virv wiiiiniii. From the Inisii- rolnu of Asiiimiii to the rili ilresHis of Kliznbeth llifiice to the weiMiiiir L'invn (if Puritan i'risHlln. 'e the rutrarliveiie of Ire. While any woman of taste fan iiiimlv liotno'f wit h Itei-oiliinil !"'iis. it Ik not every one who iiiii!ersuiiiiln ki-ep hie tlicm in in fid order: thin i entiecial true of Hummer towns, o easy to noil md so fxpt-nttive to hiniidr.v: therefore (very woman should learn the art of 'ahiiiK her own iiinidiiis. To do the fork till a tub two-thirds full of warm aater, dissolve a cake of Ivory ap Iwhieh will nut fade the nuwt delieiile oIopk), add it to tlie water, wash the anm-nta tlirniiyh it; rinse fir I in clear Hitler, then in hhie wafer, wrintf. dip in Ihin Mtareli, shake ami limitf in tlie shade. When dry, sprinkle, and iron on tlie svnuiK oide. A jtowti liuiinlrinl in this tvav will remain f'ri-sh and pretty all innimcr. F.I.I.A H. 1'AUKKIl. Patsy Haley and Jimmy Dever have een matched to box twenty rounds at l New York club in a few weeke. Allen Johnson and George Sparks will ;o on for three rounds at Frank Maciew iki's benefit at Cincinnati. ball's Catarrh Cure Is takm internally. 1'ricc 75 cents. In many hoiiH 'S the card table ia n more attention than the dinner giv ta; If yon would avoid crhicifin you rimt t either alKive or bel'iw it. A mtilfl fi-mtnliw toilet wrvlo' ttlRays Includin tlenil'x MllpHitf ai. Uill llfilr am) Wuhker i ic. black or bnmn. About all Home pi; iple want reputii ion for i to make their rivals enviouH The only people that know much they lon't tell are editors and milkmen. Do not waste too much time giving canons for the faith that is not in you. Sir. riimiow' hwithino rrntT lor cnllt n tecttil'.iE. Kfiteim ihe sums. rc4ncc intl m union, allay .m.cure wind cotw. lie wittl; It ia another indication that you are letting old if gooseheriiee taete ao Hour ou can't eut t' eni. When people l-eeotne too old to go to denies, and are not invited, they n liev huve too much P'-m-e to no. J-m't bt loril'- lwith a m.irkintmli or ruhivr "jit. If ru am I will kc-n vim Jrv (li'-twi- f. sturm t-UY Hie fish linnit I Sli ki-r. It nol for sale in your j town, write tar r ifitlnct.e to A i T )Wt'W 11 ,t-n. Ma. 12 to S35HEKW Rw:io.r,o- , . t'linitM, (iielcrrel whoeari ;ive ti hol tltm o lite IiiMiu'm. f"l'Hre hmita, tlioiiah, may If rotilHlly fiiiployfl. tioot oi-ciiImlth for U)w ml city work an well in mutiny olntrtcti. K. Oiki-okii. lltti i Mala Ma., fUeniiiotui, Vh ' D r I U r fl k I H "1 onlrri of 3 00 . ft. 01 "fiMilll I rIU K''.'liiKorVBlIaii.l( cillnc fmiilla Write fur nainplen ami rl in Tliel' laiolhi riollnit iiiiii,y, Kind u, . "ITS Perrrmnf-ntljrCur'wl. fit or m-rvimmi-ufnr l.rfr. Kdiil lot r K I r .' toil t. and Ir.-ll-. . Hi. R If K1.1K. U1., l Ant. Hlotl. riiHiul.-lpl.ia, I n. "yT Drs. Maybe A) h SLICKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. j, i. am a L A- i 1 Yon choonc the old doctor before the younf one. Why? Because joif don't waat to entrust your life In Inexperienced hands. True, the young doctor may be experienced. But the old doctor must be. You take no chances with Dr. Maybe, when Dr. Mustbe ls la reach. Same with medicines as with r.eiUc:..e m.-kcr tUe long-tried remedy has your confidence. You prefer c:pcnc!'-:j to experiment when you are concerned. ThJ new remedy may be good but let somebody else proTe It. The cl.r remedy i.iust ts good Judged on Its record of cures. Jur.t one more reason for choosing: AYJIU'8 Sarsa rarllla la reference to any other. It has been the standard buuscfcnld sarsaparllla for half a century. Its record inspires ct r fJdcnce SO yenrs of cures. If others may be good, Ay.-r's Snrsapar lla mnot be. You take no chances when you take AYi:U'H Sarsaparllla. i - ! I - ro. J ) ) f oaGo L lt-ll- lloim of llachalor. The woret cynic in the world iide-lK-eh-8-j agMiiKt toe '.oveof a little child. So nun eati put hi hand on hia heart and t-av be love his i(e when he l breaking in a pair of new alioea. When a Lit of women argue the one is alwa? consid-re.J tb winner that can talk the fate-t. A a boou aa a girl get a flippy white drefB on and a fun Bhe thinks a man ornrht rather to look at her than euiok! a corncob piue. lial ing the Calf. erill, especially if it is n vnlnabh? Bhoiild have all the milk it nds; we have known of calves leiu A one y-t raised on flotir gruel mixed with hy tea. A, wu:ill Scotch fanner not fat from the writer of this articlt; made a regular practice of rausiai,g several CJilv"! e4ich fMiiKon, and, a.s he liad but one oow, he had but little milk. This Is the way he did it; The calves were picked up from the country cats near at hand at from ?5 to $ (!t-h when from three lo four wk old. The calves were uxwtly k1 Jerweya nnd at that a? could it a little hay and some dry mlllfeid. (rue pe'k of tin! bt quality line-cut -lover hay ! put Into a olesui wixxlen buckot, and two quarts of bulling water 1 pjmred over k. Th bucket 1m coveivd over to re tain the hU-iliu; ut two hours the water Is drained off and the clover hay B(tH-ezel tu a cloth to get out all the teii. This hay-tea in enough to fed one calf one day, half this (jtiaji-tity b4ng fed at a mesil. Oue gill of com mon Hour ia tKitiwi until li is a m.n pate; thin pastv U t:lwn mixed with one quart of the hay-tea and a little sweet skim-tniik nddel, together with a pitich of tine salt. AU lhr at-e well mixed n.rul theli fed lukewarm to the calf. A Ui.blcspooaiful of the bet qual ity lio'ib-d flaxKeel meal should be daily mixed with the gruel, (live the calf a fresh egg once a day if her appetite !s poor. If the calf ahould . wour, the milk must be loilMl, and always bo'l the flotir. If the calf ahould tx'oiue eoiwtiiKited. give a HUk? more flaxseed meal, out niwaya ihhi m. iu umnm of the day give dry mlHTeed, one pint at first, gradually increasing the quan tity. The hay-tea must be prepared freh every day. Koop the bucket and calf trough clean and sweet. The pen must lx kept ch-aii; the air pure, and with plenty of sunlight. The calf Kltoukl 1m- kept to the pen until the middle of Juno, when It may le turned out to impure. AU turougn me sum mer fiM'd tJw calf n mixture of three qiwrt.s of equal ports' of brutt and whole oatu otwe a day. I h'H 'led bone ajnl muscle and not fat. Tubularity of feiMlinjr and watering must be foUowwl. A gKKl grade Jer wy cow with her third i.lf will read ily bring $.")() at the scales; they are soiree even at that figure. Haltliuor Amerl'-aJi, I-'rench lifiKnl Ca-ultry. A tet case of a kind to gladden the hearts of the lawyets has been brought before the French law curls ny the members of a Freemasons' lodge who de pod ted June :i last a .une al crown on the statue of Joan of Arc in the hue de hivoll. Paris says the Paris correspondent of the London Daily ews. Tbetrown was taken ;-.way by a young man named Cochin, who is being prosecuted, tberefore, fur wiil.ul damage to a public monu ment. M. Cochiu has secured the services of Maitre Kugene Godefroy of the I arls bar. who seems to be a remarkable adept at casuistry, ac cording to M. (.odelroy, a crown placed on a monument cea es to he me p operly of the person placing it there, since it has been voluntarily given up without what is called in commerce- consideration received. Neither l-i It the property of the city i.rof the State, since the legal for malities reijulred ,n the aseof a deed of gilt to a public t ody have not t ecu complied with. It is no wonder that the Judge whose fate it is to have to solve tliis knotty point has taken ti .1.0 to c m-ider his decision. M. Cochin's act was prompted apparently by a desire to avenge the dectructlon of a similar crown placed on the same monument by the society styled the i.oyallst Youth oi ranee. Iloioo-tinl l l-;coiioiny. "Have you taken up your carpet this sp.iiig;"' asiied one neighbor o( another. No. I don't lake them up. I'v melmiA I it. thiswav. Capets will last teu years, anyhow, if you let 'em alone; but if I cleaned ana heat thetn, toy bacK wouldn't last twi, years. I've decided to let the weai and tear come oh the carpets." and Mustbe. FURS IN RUSSIA Skin that Are C'lard aa "Cold Furs" i In That Country. It w-enm a eontradietion to speak of a a "COia lur, uui iuUl m ...e , siaiis style some of the wraps that we in America ignorant!- consider warm enough for the coldeKt tdimate. A writer iu IJpplucott's says that the first thing an American woman has to do when Bhe reaches Kusaia is to recon struct her ideas on the subject of furs. I It r beloved sealskin goes far down on the ltat It is one of the "cold furs" that no Russian lady would care a wear as n lir'ngaml it is an linings that all furs are worn because it Ls too teuder. The only thing it is good f or ( is a short jacket to be worn between j wasons, and then it must be used eu-j tirely for walking. A woman who sets ' out on foot in that garb must surely re-, turn on foot, for If he took a carriage j or sledge she would '1k running a tteri-1 ous risk. j The pretty squirrel skin is reckoned ; among the "cold" cheap furs, and is given up-to the unfashionable world, while the mink, also a "cold" fur,' though expensive enough, is used by. men only, Just as is the prelty mottled; skin obtained by piecin sable pawsj together. The proiM-r furs for the cli-, mate are the 'downy" iurs mat, oeK"' ning at the brown goat, go all the way un to that climax erf beauty and luxury, the black fox or the silver fox. soft and delicate as feathers, and warm as a July day. 1 The kuni is a fur that was used by i royalty In the olden time and was the unit of currency. It is eo.stly when dark, which is an essential in all furs that are to be used for large cloaks.! Sables, rich anil dark, are worn like the kuni, by anyone who can afford them-- j court diinien, cavaliers, archbishops; and merchants, with thHr wives and daughters. Cloth or velvet is the prop-; er covering for all furs, and the colors worn for driving are often light and K'y- I Clothed in these furs, the Russian seldom taken cold. Few Russians wear flannels. The houses are kept de lightfully warm, and at places of en tertainment no extra chubing could be borne. No Russian enters a room, thea ter or public hall at any season of the year without removing his cloak and overshoes, and no well-trained servant would allow an ignorant foreigner to trifle with his health by so doing. The foreign churches are provided with cloakrooms and attendanrs. Iu the-Russian churchi s this would not be practicable, as so many are coining lid going, but even here some of the richer people keep a lackey to hold their cloaks, just inside tlie en trance. Htranuer Changed His M nl. ! About a year ago M a j. MrKii-y, Uu.tHunvurt.h ii.iul sunt olilier gentlemeii were 1 ravelling togt'th er iu the smoking comjiartme.Tit of a Pullman cur. MoKlnloy iumI Ilutter wfurth were suA known to the others. T1m caii.vetsiithai tuuit'J to tf.: patent oHice, and one of tin:' strana :is Vi paired whether nny of the oi,lw-rs h:id liiiwii ex-CoJiiuiisisioiiier c,if l'atMBis llutU-ir-wori.h. "Oh, yes," promptly rv;'del Ma,f. But tiirworth; "1 knew I'.wi Hutterwonth when he was a boy. I have often seen his father give hUn a s-.i.im1 lk'kLu." "Hut that ciiiU't be t.h' cuie I nwau," sa.klth.e ti-a,ng( r, "for his fa.ther was a (Quaker." "Yes, he was a Quaker. Rut I sim ply testify to what I have seen. I have frequency kcmi Besi get a licking. Ills fa tlier ll-ked him on:-e or twice a week regularly," "How did you happen to be on hand when he got hVkcd?" iinquiivd the Rt.i-aii''-er. "Oh, I played with Ren and I was generally around." At tills iioiut in tlw a friend of Maj. Ruttenvortli jfHiutl the company and called him by name. The Htnw'ger iie.-inl If. and, comliiK over to him, remarked: "Pdii.g a (Juaker. I thtumht the old man did wrong to lick Ren. but now I am n tilled the )iy richly tk'WQ-vl it." Pittsburg I)!imtcli. Have liost Favor. Cakes and wafers have lost favor at tea tables. They have been replaced by little savories, which harmonize with the popular antique silviT and china, by pat-wing under their old-fash-loiwsl name of "whets:" for tin1 after noon lea, orlgfiniMy In tended to be a light refreshment, had become a detri ment to flu- dinner. Savories, on tin? , w,n1rartv, are a win t fo f lie appetite and cldir the ptilnfe for tlw due njipriH'ln ti(rtl of the dinner, Two or thmi d1f fenelit kinds lire usually nerved. Any lxxlv ikwiwiI of H little emiklnK knowU-dH' eiin nrniiifre n vnrlety of j tliein at a minimum of trouble nnd ex-1 perie, and in tlieir variety lle half their ehnrm. 1 ' TIkiv are niaiiy kind of tish, iKrth pn-cervetl in oil mid tanoked, that nuiy be mn, TheM' hlK'iild he wprinkled with elicpiMvt fine herbw, placed upon thin hilees of fri'Hii bread-from vvhleh tlie eiust Inn been en n fully -utVolL ed and Kvied "en pyramidi'." Ti.-lKftil ( riiiniietx, heavily buttered, K,t(U(l Willi caviar ujmmi i,h ii ii nine leiiK.n Julep ha lu-en fHiiei'.ed, and hii vi d hot. nn t'olisidi'fed a jrreat del- , iciuy at Kiifilinli t n Uible, Another way of M'l'Vlnji eavlnr Ik to Hprend it on thin bread a-lid br'l, r, whieh h theli1 rolled lip like t'ti.' 'ihiuu Kwshms (l-'diire, however, f'.al fhe icn done to ciivin r the better if will be, and to eni it to fhe till Inlile in itx oiIkIiiii Jar, with an ai'eiiiupaflmviit of 1,-enli drj fe!inl and (iiiii-It:red h moil, in ihe fawh. ton preferred by eoinio!,ssMir, 'A'ha,' to Kal. . Mlubt l 'Vorae. Mbw l'owliek My hieyele himp in iU Mr. tolly-NVaJ, n bh'.Vle lump th.U ahviiyi ttnyel ut lumm wwihl not to i much one, Jul(je. . ... . i . . . ,1 .1.1. .. ii. J Moil it ii I'ruveibi Motl ct the remei'iea offered by the KMUMaua are uiaeaaes. ! The.,il itf ii turn a bi 1 boy dowil tQ r,m h m u? hun. T. arB ,,..... mea with OiUCtl est than their plug bats fall of sense It is getting so that even an honest nan is afraid to aak others to atop a idff. The man who has never mile a mis take makea one aa aoon aa he begins to hoaai about it. , HABITS CF wCME PRESIDENTS lr Kirent Teara Sane Arthur Paid Much Aimntlon to foeiety Forma. Cen. Crant brouurht the camp into ie White House, says Harper's Mar line, Mr. Hayes had lived in VVash lgton as a r pre-entative at a hotel r a boarding house. Cen. Garileld ad settled in the capital in a house f his own. aud had enjoyed the kind f social lile that may be had any where in this country, and that runs o literary clubs that are formed to acilitate the escape of unpublished lanii-cripta. To encourage talent ud literary ability was a great pleas re of the Pres dent, whose murder ut short the term that would have een marked by more geniality and greeable talk than is usual at the Vhite House. Mr. Arthur brought ity manne;s and customs with him. Jeople who did not know bim were :reatly mistaken in bun. There had eeti a good deal of refinement and ilegance in Mr, Arthur's home, and ts influence made the While House nove of a social center t han it had iecn before or than it has been since. Then came Mr. Harrison, woo had nas-ed s x years in the senate and a A'ashington boarding house, and Mr. Cleveland, who went to the capital a bachelor, having Ihed, most of his ife in apartments in a Uulfalo bush le.-s block. "None ot these men adopted the Banners and customs of court life with the exception of Mr., Arthur who insi-ted that those with whom ae came in contact should pay hi .1,1 ce a re-peet more thai the formal decent respe t of goo manners. The rest knew nothing :.he rules which Washington socicf iiad laid down for its own arid thei 'uidance, and which we e as coi as the various interests th Invented and frequently mod; e them. Moreover, they ha e seem to care a good deal less. They . I heir wives or their secretaries stud.e. np the necessary regulations tli.n Overn the intercourse between t Lead of the Nation and the dipl--ma tic representatives oi foreign po- rs. And, although .vir. JclTeisou in dsted on taking out to dinner wh.. rvoman he w u d, regardless or lie: husband's rank, modern Piesldem iave done their best to observe tL. piopriet es in this respect. An Interesting conversation. Sir A. Sullivan went to see Rubin rteiu at hi hotel in Ijondon. The Rin Man composer asked him to step out o-: ihe balcony and smoke a cigarette. They twit down, twisted their cigar ettes and puffed the blue cloud.s int Ihe air. After a long pause Sir A. Sui 11 van observed: "You are a great admirer of Beetho ren, I presume?" "Yeti," s-ald UubiiiKleiii. "And Wagner?-' "No," was the rifly. Not another word was spoken. They (licked themselves in their chairs and tmoked away. After a very long tiiin (I'lllivan said: "I think it is time for me to be going.'' "Don't say so." said Rubinstein Stay a bit longer. It is so nice to tall '( you." Sullivan stayed, and went on rockin; timself Into the small hours of th Horning, when he got up and said: "I must go off now, I think we hav .(hatted long enough." Rubinstein drew out his watch. "Half past, two," he said. "Strangr low quick time flies in pleasant com !any." Answers. A man wlio r.'aiHts temptation doei not deuerve as much credit as a miu jvlio keeps away from it. Every once in awhile the statement i made that parents an better to their girls than fo their boyB. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARB ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO KXCI.USIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTOR A," AND ' "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS ouk TRAUL mark. DR SAMUEL PITCHER, of Ilyaimis, Massachusetts, the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," tlie same i,.,s 7,i n si n A tines n,nw s-tf ,,r; . " oiv every , was that 'W """" ----- w, th fr.r.-.itrLile signature This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America, for over tJurty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is 'he kind yon have always bought jtSrf-f-f' U th& arhaslhe si nature of Uiztac wrap per. No one lias authority from me to rise my name except i . I i I j I ( ( i 'in.. n,yfnu.r Comnawt of President, March S. 1897. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger tlie life of pur child by accqdiiiff a cheap suUiituto which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the infreilients or which even he docs not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" , BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist Kind That The JtUa'a Ir'raiu Hmih' Hura, Othera aee our faulta as plainly as we -e theirs, I (iod nevr inaile a cow that gave milk punch. Tlie best preachtng ia not alwayadone in the pulpit. Put the wicked in office and tlie devil will rule the town. Only the man ' who looka away from , himself, haa ideas. I When we grumble much it ia a sure sign that we pray too littie. In eases where dandruff, wain diseases, fall ng and rayness of the hair appear, do not neglect tlic'rn. but apply a proper rem -edy and tonic like Hall's Hairltenewer. Blouse sleeve?, with a certain ele gance of shape, are chosen for waisia. which are designed to replace cloth waists through the warm weather. WIT. V they will keep her organs in place. There is nothing better for this purpose than Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. The great volume of testimony which is constantly rolling in, proves that tlie Compound is constantly curing thousands of just such cases. The following letter from Mrs. Marlow is only one of many thousands which Mrs. Pinkham has received this year from those she has relieved -surely such, testimony is convincing: , T vi i. "Mv trouble commenced after the birth of my last child. I did not know'what was the matter with me. My husband went to our family physi cian and described my symptoms, and he said I had displacement and falling of the womb, lie se'nt'me some medicine, but it did little good. I let it go o.i about two years, and every time I did any hard work my womb would come down. Finally a lady friend advised me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which I did. Tlie first bottle helped me so-much, I con tinued to take it right along. My back was almost the same as no back. I "otild not lift scarcely any weight. My life was just a drag to me. To-day am well of mv womb trouble, and have a. trend, strong back. t.Vinl-c 'o e T;,l,-hrr" V-.,.V.-,V-yiv Closest Detailed Inspection. Every single one of the many parts of a Columbia bicycle is passed several times through the hands of skilled workmen who examine it in the utmost detail. Such an elaborate sys tem of inspection is expensive, but no expense is spared in building Columbias. They are as near perfection in-adjustment and finish as human ingenuity can make them. , 1896 COLUMBIAS, $60. HARTFORD BICYCLES, $50, $45, $40, $30, Equal fo nearly every ofher bicycle except the Columbia. POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. Catalogue free fro-n any Columbia dealer OSeanliness Is Nae Pride, Dirt's Nae Honesty." Common Sense Dic tates the Use of S A POLIO of UiaZ tOtAW. wrapper which Chas. U. J'letcher IS on Having Never Failed You. I VOftM OITV. Alrlii.mi .lnh irti When Gabriel blows hia tr of Atehiaon women will aak, mpet, lot "What i ib. A summer girl visting in the town ii ao cold that the family ghe ia viaitiui quit taking ice. A woman should be aa sweet to he husband as a girl dry gooda clerk is to ( man customer. There ia no woman eo well off aa i widows who has realized on her bus bir,d'8 insii' -ice. I belieye Piso's Cure is the only midi cine that will cure consumption. Anni .M Ros, Williainsport, l'a.. Nov. 12, '95. There are many evils ami wrongs thai can never be prevented by legislation. The people who pray hardest for tiit millennium wouldn't know what to d with themselves if it realy came. Pertinent Questions. Why Will a Woman Throw Away Her Goc3 Looks and Comfort? Why will a woman drag- out a sickly, half-hearted existence and miss three-quarters of the joy of living-, when she has health almost within her grasp ? If she does not value her good looks, does she aot value her comfort ? Why. my sii-trr. wH ,t -" fer that dull Tiain in the small of your back, those bearing-dow n, dragging sensa'-ions in the loins, that terrible fullness in the lower bowel, caused by constipation pro ceeding from the womb lying over and pressing on the rectum ? Do you know that these are signs of displacement, and that you will never be well while ti: -it lasts ? WThat a woman needs who is thus af fected is to strengthen the ligaments so STANDARD OF THE WORLD. $75.00 ; by mall from us for one 2-cent stamp. About Typewriters. Oi i; of tlie oldi-Ht stenographers Ii ( li. ((." Miys: "II tmt-d I he ( pi-ple as in alter of cnuraa lint a typewrit t lei er or iloenini'til, no matte i imv a ii i ii t"!y ftinl CHrefiiity .v enfi t wonlil look hlnrreil aim n Hst) , n.n eiirlion copies wore mneli worse IhHi tin- oiluiniil. I.itt.e'o'l ypewriier Klb lion lois revolnlloiifzi the art mil ith iheir iih ft tvpe w i ,,U'ii leMcr 1 nselean, eleiir and l.riKht t e lint'l iirint. Hy in-iUK l.tltle'H Cohweli I'ai !m I'anef your copies will be just o rlenn aim iiHiinsonie lire for sale by tiio These koix NEBRASKA NEWSPAPEK UNION YOHK, NEIIUASKA, Who also carry a full line of Typewriier cut piles KibPotiR, Carbon I'ap'T l'yp wiiler Oil.Heporterti' I'eiicHs.'irnl ol Jiookn, noil Typewriter l'a).,- of a) kiniln. rrteoH an low as the Towes) Mail oiiIith promplly filled. CURE YOURSELF! OtIKKN 1 111; fiir iiitiiiLtarn diRt h-u c4, I iriiimiutiiioiii Irrilatiuiu or itliemUno of in ii t; o u ini'iiilil.inn IS 1 U 6 ilkTI. not u. aLrKiur. PrcTnu caQMtifie. 1 in ii les , nnd not uftlrla THttHHSClllMICAlCo, K' liler Jieinulicjun Omr.iNiuti.o.r" 1 "Ui hj itruvvUfa. Of"! 7 p or Kent In philn wrnppflf - xin-m, rrr.-Tin i . ! , la I''. ! .. III , t'- 'y ('ii- Hi-lit uti njijuetl AITrMTfllH. a.muieii 4 eo , wl In I P I J I :lnu1-.n,ll.i:. N,M-liuni.(lli.iiWt "ifrllltOri. &0-PAH4I IfWIfk fp4 York, ! ITHKN WltlTINU TO AOVKHT1HKK yV DlfM ron raw th drtlinn '111 psixir. I Het (oh Bynip. Tu I f I 1 In 'Ijm-1 V i4 v: - - ? ft " K : ftf- if fi "'H ' v- R'v..; ft '.- ''in ftmr -"" &t.., .j,