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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1897)
u- The Sioux County Journal 'VOL. IX. HABBISOH, NEBRASKA, .TKCTJiSZD-A."", 22, 1897. XTO. 4 6. ) The Sioux County Journal. HTA8USBKD1U88. Subscription. Pries, 11.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX OOUNTr. fifo. D. Canon, Editor. Entered lit the Harrison post office m second class matter. Kaiinns Almost Unanimous for VT. J. Bryrn. CHEVENNE, Wyo., July 11. J. H. McKnightof Wicluta, Kan., who is a state delegate to the ninth Traoa-Miasiss-ippi congress from Kansas, was a vis itor in tlie city yesterday, when inter viewed on how the "McKinley prosperity wan affecting Kansas, he said: "The Sil ver Republicans in Kansas would un doubtley support Mr. Bryan almost as a unit if the election were held to-day. The only indications of prosperity in Kan !a are through splendid crops now prom ised, in which McKinley's hand is not shown. The Silver Republicans. Demo crats and Populist will concentrate their forces and unite on the several candidates in the coming fall's election. There is no question but that Mr. Bryan is the rnost popular candidate of the people to-day and will be their Moses to lead tliem into good times in 1900." lienver News. towne oY'rosTisTriiE idea. Silver Republic-MM of Ohio Must Not Pit l'p an Independent State Ticket. WASHINGTON, July 13. Chair mau Charles E. Town of the Silver Re publican national committee, has tele graphed tle secretary of tin Republican Bimetallic league of Ohio that tfie na tional organization of the Silver Re publicans is heart ly opposed to an inde lndent ticket in OWo. In an interview to-night Mr. Towne baid: "Rumors have reached Washington of an intention by the silver Republicans of Ohio to run a state ticket there thin fall. The reports i incredible. I canot bolieve that there is any rronsidarable number of Silver Republicans ia Ohio so lost to the demands of high principle and wise poli tics as soberly to counsel a course that would absolutely insure the return of Hunna to the Senate and fix upon our pnrtv the Main of cheap am'oitiou or pet ty spite. Cop;dedly, the Democracy in Ohio liave Trad torn unfortunate moves, as. for 6:;amo!c. in not placing a Htrong populitst on their ttcket. and tbey may contemplate others. But they have put the silver question unequivocally to tlie fore aud they itand for the over throw of Hannaism, tlie most loathsome and dangerous influence in American poll tics. In this juncture for any silver man in Ohio to fail to do his uttermost for the success of the Democratic state ticket and the silver legislative ticket is, as it seems to me, a political crime, these views are, I belive, shared by every prominent Silver Republican in the Unit ed States. There will be no Silver Re publican state ticket in Ohio if the na tooal organization can prevent It." Denver News. STANDS BY SILVER- Trttus-MlHKlKwlppI Conjrrewi Votes Down Gold Standard. Debate on The Pelat Luted For Meter al Hoan. SALT LAKE, Utah, July 16.- When tlie Trans-Mississippi congress met this morning the committee on permanent or ganization reported, recommending Hugh iaig of Ban Francisco for president of the concreM, to be effective at o'clock thin afternoon. This hour wm flxsd ia order to allow Mr. Bryan to preside during the debate this forenoon on the kilver resolutions. The selection of the place for the holding tfrs next meeting of the congress was postponed until tomorrow afternoon. Tits the cosgrwsn took up the silver resolutions and up to noon only two pneecbss had barn mods on the subject O. E. Thomas of Colorado spoke for the majority, and E. V. Smalley of Minnesota poke for the minority report Others who were ia favor of the major ity report were Varian of Utah, Quin of Montana, Crisp of Missouri, DaMattos or Ifmtu. nd La.ursDoa of Utah. Ccrnbz and For of California and Burk It of Nsbraska also spoks (or the win ority report nmsn to the ooiJ sathdard. W. J. Brvan closed tbs debate with an loqutnt speech In favor of the majority report A substitute was offered for the mm prjty report, which for the gold standard. The substitute was lost, titer being only five vote in its favor. The nucority report was defeated by a vote of 207 to 83f. The majority report was adopted by a vote of 244 to 46. Mr. Hugh Craig of California, the new president, then took the chair, and at 3:35 the congress adjourned to 9 o'clock to morrow morning. The congress alse adopted resolutions favoring the annexation of Hawaii; favor ing the construction of the Nicaragua", canalr, ecommendiog recognition of Cuba as a nation; providing for a national board of arbitrators, and for fostering the beet-sugar industry. SILVER CVP FOR MR. BHYAN. Trains running to Salt Lake were crowded all the afternoon with people going to attend the reception this even ing at the Great Salt air pavillion to the delegates to the Trans-Mississippi cong ress. At this reception Mr. Bryan, was pre sented with a beautiful silver cup, the gift of the citizens of Salt Lake. The presentation was made by Thomas Kearn of Park City. Besides Mr. Bryan, the speakers were Judge O. W. Powers, ex-Governor Prince W. A. Kinney, and T. M. Patterson. Dr Ellen B. Ferguson, president of the wo man's Democratic club, presided. The ladies of the city gave a luncheon at the pavilion, and the prograrae also in cluded speeches by Mrs. C. E. Allen, Mrs. W. J. Bryan, and Mrs. Lorin A. Thurston. Daily Inter Ocean. Meeting of The Populist Central Committee. Harrison, Neb. ) July 17, 1867. J Tlie central committee of the People's Indedependent party of Sioux county, Neb. , met at the court house of said coun ty at 2:00 o'clock P. M. in conphance with the call of the chairman. B. F. Thomas was appointed secret . y pro tern. The chairman laid before the meeting his plans for the fall campaign, which was to bring out a ttong ticket with pri veleges extended to a II free silver men to co-operate on equitable terms with us. The following resolution was put be fore the meeting and passed unanimously: Resolved, That we extend an invitation to the Central Committee of the Free Silv er Democrats to meet with us in confer ence to form a joint county ticket for 1897 on Aug. 14. 181) 7, and as there is no organ ization of the Free Silver Republicans in the county, they are invited to meet with the Populists in their primary caucuses when they will be placed on equal prive leges with us. Moved and seconded we adjourn, carri ed W, J. A. Racm. Chairman. B. F. Thomas, Sec. pro tern. State Convention of The Free Silver Republicans. Lincoln. Neb., July 10. By order of the Frovlslonal state central committee of the ree silver republicans of the state of Ne braska, we hereby call a state convention of the electors of said partv to meet In the city of Lincoln on Wednesday, September I, is7, at s o ctocK p. in. The purpose of said convention Is to place In nomination one candidate for Judge or the supreme court and two regents of the university of the State of Nebraska and to transact such other business as may proper ly corns before said convention. Xuih euuntv will be entitled to two dele gates at large and one delegate for every Ins votes or major fraction thereof cast for Nels O. Alberts, presidential elector in isw, which will make the foUowIng apportion ment bv counties: mantles. Delesrates. Counties. Delegates. Adams........ 10 Jefferson.... 8 Antelope .- 6 Johnson 8 Banner aearuey Blaine I Keith.---. 1 Boone 7 Keya Paha 1 Box Butte Kimball 1 Boyd t Knox 8 Brown- Inctter 2J Buttalo 12 Lincoln... 7 Burt Logan 1 Butler l Loup I Cass 1 Madison fmr s Mci'nerson..... (hue 1 Men-tea a eh.rrv 3 Nance.... - f Chevmme S N'jtnaha 10 Clay.,-.: Nuckolls 7 Colfax 7 Otoe earning Pawnee s Caster 11 Perkins ' Dakota Daws. Dawson... Duel a Dixon... . ' Dodge Douglas Dundy Fillmore . Frsnklln Frontier Phelps I Pierce . 5 7 Platte 10 t Polk t Bed Willow 6 10 Richardson 13 W Bock 1 1 saline . 10 9 Sarpy 5 Saunders.... 14 5 Seotts Bluffs ... 1 Furnas . 7 Seward . t Gsfe. Garfield . Gosper Grant Greeley Hall ...... Hamilton Harlan Haysa Hitchcock.., Holt . Hooker 14 Sheridan 4 1 Sherman 4 t Sioux 1 Stanton 4 4 Tbayer..- -u 7 Thomas 1 Thurston 4 5 Valley- 4 1 Washington...... 7 Wayne..' 7 Webster 7 1 Wheeler . 1 1 York Howard.. It Is rccomnieuded that each county se lect alternate for each delegate, ana tnu the delegates present at sakt convention be .n-.V in..t i he mil vote of the county. It Is further recommended that no proxies fallowed. I(.c.PAO.Chatrmsn William n. mice, cretury. Democratic State Convention. The democratic State Ceniral eommettne for the state of Kebraka hereby call a delegate convention of tlie democrats of the state of Nebraska to meet In Lincoln on Wednesday, September, at 2 p.m.' for the purpose of placing in nomination a candi date for judge, of the supreme court and two candidate for regent of the state an 1 verslty, and for the transaction of ssch ot her business as may properly come before 1 it. - ' All citizens who believe in the principles ot the democratic party as declared in the Chicago platform and who intend to affiliate with the democratic purty are invited to participate in the selection of delegates to. this convention. .,, ; The basis of representation is one dole gate for each 100 votes, or major fraction thereof, cast for Hon. W. J. Bryan for Unit; ed States senator at the general election of IBM, each county, however, to have at least one delegate. No proxies will be allowed, and the vari ous counties are requested to select alter nate delegatus so that each may have full representation in the conventon. The headquarters of the democratic state committee will be at the Llndell hotel, where delegate tickets may be had. The follwolng is the number ol delegates to which each county is entitled: Adams a. IS Jackson 1ft Antelope 6 Kearney ... 8 Banner.... 1 Kaith 6 Blaino . 1 Keys Paha. 1 Boone 7 Kimball . 1 Box Butte 5 Knox 10 Boyd -. ; 5 Sancaster 46 Brown. . 2 Lincoln.. - t Buffalo 14 Logan 1 Burt 7 Loup J Butler. 15 Madison 16 Cass 21 McPherson 1 Cedar 8 Morick . 7 Chase 2 Nance . 13 cherry. 5 Nemaha ". 18 Cheyenne 8 Nuckolls. 11 Clay 14 Otoe 20 Colfax 12 Pawnee 7 Cuming 14 Perkins 1 Caster 0 Phelps 4 Dakota 7 Pierce.. 7 Daws T Platte W Dawson 7 Polk - S Duel 2 Red Willow. B Dixon 21 Rock Douglas 99 Saline ; 15 Dundy 2 Sarpy 10 Kllmorc 13 Sanndcrs 18 Franklin 6 Scot's Bluffs 1 Frontier. ' 5 Seward 18 Furnas -- 8 Sheridan 7 Gage. 24 Sherman 4 Garfield 1 Snux ,.-t Gosper S Stanton - i Grant 1 Thayer 11 Greeley 6 Thomns 1 Hall 14 Thurston 1 Hamilton Harlan . Hayes Hitchcock Holt. Hooker 10 Valley, 4 6 Washington... 121 t Wayne 1 3 Webster. t 10 Wheeler 1 1 York 11 Howard . Jefferson. 11 813 James C. Dahlmax, Chairman. Lee Ilr.itDMA.v, Secretary. State Convention People's Inde pendent Party. Lincoln, Neb., July 8. By order of the stare central committee of the people's Independent party of the state of Nebraska, we hereby call a state convention of the electors of said party to meet in the city of Lincoln on Wednesday! the 1st dav of Sep tembtr, 1897, at 2 o'clock p. m. The purpose of the said people's Indepen dent state convention is to place in nomi nation one candidate for Judge of the supreme court and two candidates for re gents of of the university of the State of the state of Nebraska and to transact such other business as may properly come before said convention. The representation is based on one vote for every 100 votes or major fraction thereof cast for Governor Silas A. Holcomb at the the election of 1890. which makes the follow ing apportionment by counties : Counties. Delegates. Counties. Delegates. Adasss Antelope Banner Blaine Boone Box Bute Boyd Brown Buflalo Burt Butler Cass Cedar Chase Chenry Cbeyenno Clay Colfax Coming Custer Dakota Daws Dawson Duel. Disoa Dodge, Douglas 21 JesTorson 12 Johnson 1 Kearney 1 Keith IS Keya Paha 8 Kimball 6 Knox 3 Lancaster 25 Lincoln 13 Logan S3 Loup 24 Madldon 15 McPherson S Herlek Nance S Nemaha 18 Nuckolls 14 Otoe 18 Pawnee ' 25 Perkins 9 Phelps , 9 Pierce ,r 14 Platte I Pelk 23 Bed Willow 22 Richardson 121 Rook t saline ( 18 Sarpy 10 Saunders 10 Scott's Bluffs 14 Seward Dundy Fillmore Franklin Frontier Furnas Gage Oarflsld Gosper Grant Greeley Uall Hamilton Harlan Hayes Hlteboock Holt Hooker Howard Z7 Sherldtn - I 2 Sherman s 7 Sioux ' f 1 Stanton I I Thayer 11 If Thomas 1, 16 Thurston 1 .11 Valley 9 a Washington 15 -t Wayne ! 11 14 Webster , U 1 Wheeler -3 12 York IS It Is recommended that each county elect alternates corresponding In nnmber to tslr delegates, and It ta further recommended that the delegates present be allowed . to cast the full vote of their conutles and tht no proxies be allowed. , ,j J. II. KpmistIn, thalrmnn, B. R. B. Wiinrs, swp.'tsry Filial proof Notice. All persons having flual proof notleei in this paper will receive a uiurked copy of the paper Hiid are requested to etautine their notice and if nny errors exist report the Suite to this offlee at ouee. NOTICE 'OR PUBLICATION. -' Land Office at Alliance Neb, ( June 28, 18-J". t Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made be fore M. J. Blewett, Clerk District Court at Harrison, Neb., on Aug. 7th, 1897, viz: Hiram Kiclmrdsoa of Ardmore, 8. D., who made H. K. No. 44C1, lor the of Sec. S3, Town ship 35N Range 64W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tlon of said land : . Jake Wasserberger of Montrose, Meb. Henry Plckenbrock, " " John Dcbano, " Henry Pricsthoff " ( Also, Notice is hereby given that Hiram Richardson of Ardmore, S. It., has Hied no tice of intention to make final proof before the same officer at same place aud date on timber culture application No. 1718, for the 8 WJ4 of ftoe. No. 24, in Township No. 34N, Range No. 5SW, He names as witnesses: Jake Wasserbergcr of Mont rone, Neb. Henry Plckenbrock, " " John Debauo, " ' Henry Priesthoff " J.W.WehnJb, Register. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICERS : 'Silas A. Holcomb Governor James E. Harris ..Lieutenant Governoi W. F. Porter Secretary of State John F. Cornell...... Auditor J. R. Meserve Treasurer C. J. Smyth Attorney General j. V. Wolfe . Land Comnissiouei W. R. Jackson Supt. Public Instruction CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION : John M. Thurston. U. 8. Senator. Omaha Wm. V. Allen U. S. Senator, Madison J. B. Strode, Congressman 1st Dint., Lincoln D. H. Mercer, 2d 3rd 4th 5th 6th Omaha Fremont Aurora Nelson Kearney Samuel Maxwell, W. L. Stark, R. D. Sutherland, W. L. Green, JUDICIARY: A. M. Post Chief Justice, Columbus T. 0. 0. Harrison ..As'te Judge, Grand Island T. L. Korval Associate Judge, Seward D. A. CampbellClerk and Ee porter, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL D1STB1CT: M. P. Klnkaid Judge, O'Neill W. H. Weatovcr " Kushvllle M. J. Blowett Clerk, Harrison COUNTY OFFICERS: Robert Wilson County Judge T- J- Blewett Clerk Chas. Blehle Treasurer W. H. Davis Supt. Public Instruction T. Bartlett Sheriff J. E. Phlnney ....Coroner B. F. Thomas Surveyor . J. Blewett ..Clork of District Court Grant Guthrie.. ............Oouuty Attorney BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Irank Tinkbam . ......1st District . J. WebCT(Chalnnan) 3d " James F. Young Jd LEGISLATIVE: Otto Mutx..Senator, Dist. No. 14, 8prlngvlew A. E. Sheldon Dist. No. 03, Cbadron VILLAGE OFFICERS: E. Rohwer (chairman) - Trustee J. W. Scots " D. II. Grlswod " W. B. Marsteller " N. P. Hftinlln " W. H. Davis-.- Clerk Lewi Gcrlaeh. Treasurer SCHOOL OFFICERS'. i - J. W. Scott Director B. L. Smuck Moderator Lwis Lerlach. Treasurer TERMS OF COURT: District Court, At Harrison, commences Spring term April 13th, Jury 14th, FsH " October t5, Jury Sfith. County ..Court At Harrison, commences first Monday of each month. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. ! Methodist Sunday School meets every Sun day morning at 10 M J. E. MAmsTctAi, W. H. Davis, ' Superintendent. Secretary JERRY HUSK PORT, No. 845, G. A. R. Meets second Monday In each month in the court house at Harrison. E. E. Llvermore, Com. - WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. . ' Hsrrlson Camp, No. 5, meets on each al EPWOBTn LEAGUE. Regular tmsfnsss meeting first Tuesday evening In each month. 0. L. Maesteller, W. H. Davis, President. Secretary. Devotional meeting every Sunday evening St 0:45. D. J. CLASS, Leader. JUNIOR LEAGUE. Meets each BundsT afternoon st 2 $80. Ms. D. 11. Griwm, ""pt. STOCK EUANDS. The Jodbkal will publish your brand, ike tli.- following, for ta:0u, per year. Kach Rd dltional brand 75 cents. Kvery farmer or ranchmen, in Sioux and adjoining counties should advertise their brands In Tut Jock mal ai it circulate all over the stale, li may be the means of.aarlag money for you. FRANK SUTTO. On loft side of cattle aud on left shuokler of horses. Range on Antelope creek r O., Gbilchrist, Sioux Co., Neb. CHARLES KIEHLK. On let side or hip of cattle, j On left shoulder of h'es. i Range on the heu,d ol Warbonnet creek A.ddress Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. Ion left shoulder of cattle aud 1 horses. HxTiirenn Little Cottonwood. p. (., Crawford Nebr. I am prepared to do all hinds of woodwork, horse-slioeing and llacksmithinff. SATISFACTION' C1UAP.ANTEED. .grCharges Reasonable. My shop Is two doors north of Tlie Rauch Supply House. Give me a chance to live. johnl. stratton. DO YOU READ THE JOURNAL? GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. r If you wish one of the 150,000 positions in the government ser how to proceed to secure it, and fit you for passing the requited Civil Service examination therefor. Energy, Uct and i common school educatii ion are all the reauireaients needed. PATENTS, PATENTS. This Bureau has the best facilities possible for ob- tatoing patent! sad copyrights in Ois ana foreign Snb chief ol thr.depthhJyr. experience as Chief Examiner Comircerol Patents, and Patent Attorney, and u i very -tul Ui curing broad patents and io the presecuuos ol all patent uugauoD """" SCHOOL OF LAW. This Bureau can fit you fi"th.Br sad sretave you for scut practsM is two yean, rVHT.LvTi i., Mith m other du- ties. Our instructors are the ablest, our system thorough, sad our charges reasonsble. Three cours es arcuught: University, Busintss sod Special. Send for particulars, terms, etc. NATIONAL INFORMATION BUREAU. J4J0 New York Ave., Washington, D. C S3 - m ' l V THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, B. E. Buwstm, president. D. H. ORISWOLD, Cashisr. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. -CORRESPONDENTS! American Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Cbadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. O-DRAJTS SOLD ON ALL PABT8 OF EUROPE. IW Now w the time to subscribe for Ttie WEEKLY JOUNAL, $1, FOR ONE YEAR $1. IT IS THE LEGAL PAPFR OF SIOUX COUNTY. GEO. D-CANON, EOJTOR AND PROPRIETOR. T GRANT GUTHME, Attorney-at-Law, Prompt attention givn to all Ifj'i matters in Justice, County anil Iitrii t Courts, and bel'ors the UnittJ liitUM" Land Olfi:e. Fire Insurance written in r.-li;-i.U joniiHiiies. t3f l:il pajiers carefully drawn. lLumiaON, - NfcBKAKA. DROWNED? But still on deck to do wagon work and blacksmithing. Third building south of livery bam.. HARNESS SHOP. First door north of the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Prompt attention paid to all repair jwork, also boot and phoe repairing done. L. E. DICKINSIN. DO YOU WANT JOB WORK DONE THEN COME TO THE JOURJiAL OFFICE. Nebraska. C F. Comm, Vios-PmidsM. - ? -ft-. f.. 9 -x .-. . f V