The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 15, 1897, Image 1
j Journal 1 HE Sioux NTY J YOL. IX. HABRISOIT, IIIESIEASICA, rTZ-3IIJJSr), CTTJLir 15, 1897. XTO. 5. OURNAL. The Sioux County Journal. KKTAJIIJSH kd lssn.j Subscription Price, fl.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF GIOUX COUNTY. I eo. D. Canon, - - Editor. Kntrrxl nt the llanifon post office tin coml class inultor. '7" '" l" senate uiu noi vote on tne una inn wrien it can. to a dual vote. Their reasons for J that is whv John s!lennon committed not voting was, that tho tirill, t.i what j llis act of am! ,K)! t re;(S0I1 ver form would not help tlw couutry ; j mi Uie American people in 1871); ami they hold that the financial question isj js w)lV h(. is now prime niiniljU.r ln tho paramont issue now before the j !uat;.,;(,sialirl cal,jntt at .Washington;' Amman people. j uml thiU is why tirk ihmr).lt lhe ,u-fiJt;r, The free silver Uemocrats, Populists, j tl)H pointer, the cortupter of the corrupt and free Stiver Republican have conelt.d- i ' United States senator; and that is why J to join forces again this fall, which is! Tom lieed iu the house of representi ves, us it should tw. In our opinion, there is ! and t!'8 '"'" of represonti vea is Tom mo reason w liy tha threw parties hou!d j K':C,1" 11,1(1 that is why Orover Cleveland, not 1 united ajrainwt the common enemy j oll"'" a"'1 ynrd were blacking the shot s of the threw parties. If tha united eirorts ' of K"'isi royalty vvhi not spvcu lilting of the thre parties last fall brought ! in KOriimctit l.oi.ds; and that is why the good results what good reasons can j Presi'nt ""l''t of tt' White hou: there Jje against the sam effort this fall, j llas "'"rtgaged his kouI to L'anna and the ,f course any discHfilion that could be monny lords and leeches with a ctrict brought ntxut by tho Republican party I""1'"1'"111-0 llllls the deed of convey in ttw ranks of the ihreu reform parties ance; and that is w hy Mark Ilanna had would please them mightily. ' the deed made that way; and that is why In union alone there is strength therefore j tin; Hawaiian iblands must, bo obtained uuioo of the three silver forces this fall fur the sugar trusts, and the poor Cu- means a sweeping victory for .Sioux County iiiid the state of Nebraska. A TKIN'ITY THAT AVILL WIN. Lincoln. Keb. July. 10. That meeting f the representative of the democratic, Populist and free silver republican parties in this city on last Thursday, when the state committees assnmbled, nettled one juestio!i' and proved untrue the claims of the republicans that there could lie no uniting of free silver forces for the. f;ill campaign, frsty popu lists, half as many fre silver republicans and as many dem-1 ticRits, who gathered from all parUof the ! state in their capacities as mentbfcri., of j their resDective sfatd committees. I working together in complete accord was a sight top ve the cold shivers to republi can politician'! whom only hope has been the fomenting of discord. The fact is as plain us the imse on tlio average face that the frpo i! ver forces do not have to bo bannomzed because there is harmony and unity of action already so far as per cent of the whole mass iscoDcerned. Tho republicans see with dismay, and the lead. ; s,aNr!.mJ 0), nlBgllftle, has oi.erd a ;-ub-rdo not to conceal that the Krr,.- m 0()0 fifi0 lo IJrmvn univer. flort to bring about dissension, carefully fostered as it has lx:en by their papers aud workers, has been barren of any other re sult than that of drawing the opposition to republicanism closer together, The Krwwtest convention ever assembled in the state of Nebraska, for the naming of can didates for Btate otl'icers will be that of r!ptmber 1, when the three conventions meet. Thre will Iki a determination on the part of the delegates to each of the three, to name the men who will be el ected, and they will do it. fttrang KuprrnllOnn. Among the strange superstitions that affect tho southern negroes is the be lief that It is dangerous toi approach closely to or stay lonp near a dew I body. A colored servant ia Washington who went to a funeral was a.sUod on her re tnrn if che saw the corpse. .She re plied: " 'Dwd, honey, d'you s'pose I'd fo near enough to take dat dead man's breff?" BOSS HANNA'S SCHEME. U Will Endeavor to Cirvr Nebraska Araiiut the Democrats and Populist This Fall. WASTirSTOON. July. 2-Chairman Towne of the Silver Republican national rommite has discovered that tho Repub. licans, under the leadership of Hanna, are ' resolutely determined to carry Nebraska against the Democratic and Populist com hioatlon this fall. "The purpose of their dsinra.te effort lo carrv Nebraska will he two-fo1d",sald Mr Towne to the News representaive. "They need something to meet the almost certain loss of Ohio this year. If the Republicans were to carry Nebraska it would cause a great rallying from the depression following the Ohio lefet, and be a very clever piece of poll tiria. ."As a matter fact, though." mid Mr. Towne, "they will not win. We shall beat them hard though, in Nebraska also. One thins they have in mind is the Iwrs? tl..t Democratic defeat in Nebraska , will centra'iae Bryan's popularity. It nil1 have no suub result' lie is all right, and whatever happens In Nebraska, he will bo Mmlnated BtiJ lckJ ISOO.'' Leaver JUD6E SCOTT. HAVE YOU READ THE FOL LOWING ARTICLE? wonoer n our itepuoiican uroincrs llieve the following which is a part, of Judge, K. S,ot f address at ? ,. , , , , l'.rokrn low, this state on tho uth d..y of July. Tbat is wl,yJohnSh'rman visited the nlonty loriil4 (,f Eoylaii. just after the ..i,,. ,.r i-.i,, ,. ..-,.t r ,in;. .i ! bans any AmerK'an citiz ens ara left to starve or be brutally murdered, bot auso Wall street, and Hoar of Massachusetts, are speculating in Spanish bonds; and that is why "friendly Spain" must be placated while Weyler, the brutal fiend sialics his thirst with the blood of murdered inno cence; and that is why a noted geld staud dard lawyer of New York city one P- 11. Thompson, paid the other day. Ktois siocths op litem "It is my judgement that much of the trouble that now exists in this country is directly duo to over-education. The colleges are turning out too many grad uates that go forth into tho world help- loss. TIkto are not enough workers, not i though producers. The i-o-called high education doesn't add to the proserity of ajcduntry it makes drones and puts additional burdens or. the toilers, it robs the farms of young men who thick to the cities that me already overcrowded with bread wiuners. There is a superfluity in i far n.orw of a curse than a blessing. i And that is whv John I). Rockefeller the r --- - - sity, in Providence, U. I. on the condition that the board of trustees either compel President Andrews of that institution to chunge his teaching on political economy and the financial question- President An drews stands with the plain people of the United States on these questions- or com pel him to resign. THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Kom f hn Snlient and IntercstlnR , - turr of That Central iovirninont. The constitution of the Argentine Re- rnibli-J is, In its features, idet.ttail to that of th'i United .States, buys Don Juan S. Attwcll in the New England Magazine. Nevertheless there are some. differences worthy of note. 1 he prcsi- lent is elected in precisely the same manner as ln tne united mates, uuv cannot be reelected, and his terra of of fice is six year. He has more power than the president of the United .States as far as making appointments is con cerned, hincc be only asks tho advice and consent of the senate to appoint diplomatic ministers. Judges and oft'iecrs of the army and navy aliove the rank of colonel. He tills all other oflices at Ins own discretion, but all his decrees, proclamations, etc., muht be counter signed by a cabinet minister or else they are valueless, l nns tne consuiu tion makes the cabinet ministers re sponsible for ull the act of the presi dent. The members of the cabinet can an swer questions and take part in the de- batcsof the bouwj aud senate, nunmigu they aro not members of either body, nor docs any adverse vote on any measure of the government carry with 1. a chantre In the cabinet, as is tho case in France and England, and is bf- coming the custom in Chili. The powers of tho Argentine congress arc similar to those vested In the con gress of the United States, though some what greater. The congress has the power to legislate for all the provinces, dictating codes to Iki applied in all of them, thus securing uniformity of leg islation. The province reserve the right to elect their own judges, ns well ns other otllcials that their local consti tution demands. All federal and pro vincial judges are appointed for life and cannot be removed unless they are. impached mid condemned. ' PEOPLE OF MANY LAN36, Tite late King KaUknna was 3 r.vwm oad had ittalncd tlir thirty-third di-gn. I rTBxiT l:Ar, r-r M-xi-n, is re- ,riM e 1s.t tr;;ti Uif a Commissioners' Proceedings. IlAiiniRON. Si'b., July 7. 1?07. Hoard met pursaut to call of clmii. 1'ret,- ' ont Cumri.issoner Weber and Clerk. Tliere iM-in.T 1.0 quorum pirstntthe rneetin;? ( Wii.sacljriurujJ till 11a. in.. July h, lau7 M. J. lll.EV. ETT. Oik f!AlinojN, .Neb., July 3. 1897. j Iioifl of eoimly CDtaiuissioiiers met pur i KU.'int. to adjnununi'iit. ; ' '' uniuiiMiunccvjowr nu i ouu a ''' '''"rl- I J!!" f F' (f0,,".S,0".f',r,th" P'JrchaM! of tho fu.low.rii desrnlx-d school l ,n.U Vj-wit: The South-west n'iiiricr liWViof the south-we at ouarter SW) f r'""" "''-'; "). u.n,rnp Tiuny-oim (Jll. Iiincu flfiy-nven (57), w-v-j presented, I and on inotmn the Hoard after hcWn; fli-tj duly ,ni n ar.'ordin to law proi'eed.iu lo appr:ilse tlitt above de-icribed l:n is. J 1 ho followiuij is the report of tho apprais ers: We, the undersigned rnB.bnrs of tho hoard of comii v I'.oinrnismoners In and f r Kluux county, Nebraska, do ln-rehy erti'y that wrt have rarefully exiitnined (he above ileserilaed land, and tin', lhe followl-ii; lo b" lis Just and full vilui: ' or isWu. u. town- j snip 31, cariK" C7, vaiu" per acre,'i. Jmk1'.Vochi f Appraisers.. Subvcribfrt and sworn to before me this 8th dav i.f Ju y, A. IK 1msi7. skal ! M. J. Hj.k.wbtt, County Clerk. On motion board adjourned without day. it, J. HkKWETT, County Clerk. Notice to Delinquent Tax-PtyerH. Sioux County, Neb. Treasurers Ollice, June 80, 1807. I Notice is hereby given that it is the purpose of the undersigned to immedi ately collect all delinquent personal taxes. Parties knowing themselves to buy delinquent will save costs of collec tion by paying at once. No further notice will bo given. CUAIILFS PlEIILE, County Treasurer. , TEE m T770MEN used v to think " fs m a le disaases " could only be treated after "lo c & 1 examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their suffering. The in troduction of Wine of Cardul his now demon strated that nine-Unths of all the of menstrual disorders do not require a physician's attention at all. The simple, pure m EIRE EX v taken In the privacy of a woman's own heme insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Wine of Cardui re quires no humiliating examina tions for its adoption, It cures any disease that comes under the head of "female troubles" disordered mentis, falling of the womb, "whites," change of life. It makes women beautiful by making them well. It kecp3 them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug store. For advice In cases ruirine s-pedil dirocllons, adaress, eivinp symptoms, tha "Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chaltajioofa Medicine Co., ChatU nocga. Term. W. I, ADDIS0H, M.D., dry, Mils., ys: "I use Wine of Cardul extensively In myprscticeand find il a most excellent preparation fur Sennits troubles." .W--ii.V JUL" Final rrool Xotic?n. All pTonn havlnBT final proof notices tn this paper will receive a marked copy of the paper ami aro requested to examine thoii notice and If any errors cxlnt report tUe same to this olliee at once. NOTICF. FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Alliance Neb, I Juno 1, lS'.i". i Notice is hereby given that the following! named settler has filed notine of hla lntcn Hon to make final proof In support of hM claim, and that snld proof will te niele be fore M.J. lllewett, Clerk District Court at Harrison, Net,., on Aug. 7th, IstiT, viz: Hiram Rlrdiardnon of Aril more, 8. !., who made H. K. No. 4401, tor tho S Ell of . Town slilp3rN Kango 54 W. ( Ho names the following witnesses to provo,4 Ills continuous residence upon and cultlvn ' Hon of said land : Jako Wasserbe. er of Montrone, Meb.' Henry I'lekcnbroek, " " John Debano, " " Henry J'rlesthofT " .. Also, Notleo Is hereby given that 111 rant Richardson of Ardmore, 8. 1)., has tiled no ticn of intention to tnako final proof befor tho ollieer at an.o place and date timber enltiiro application No. 1718, for the M W!t of fee. No. 24, In Townalilp No. JWN ltun(?o No. 56W, Ho mimes as wltnessim: , , Jako WiiHNeiberKe.r of Montrose, Neb. Henry IMekonbroek, " ; " John Debimo, " " Henry PrleslliolT " " J. W. WKIIX JR, , , llcller. OM'in1'i(t"ie n-Hri,"i '3initiMI t!HA Hd -vi to t-j ,'"sr Mil StMltl (H'lJWIti) -. il S-'1 7 5, .'L lo WMl-l."' K '!' i ,i;rt.eii-i50v -pud illt)MK f'li f'U w I IIS XOTICETOR rniLICATIOX. Land Office at AIManoe, N br. I June 2, i.-U7. ( Notice in hereby given that the following named M:ttIT has filed notice of his inten t:a to make final proof In t-upport of his I claim, and that end proof will be made l.e-1 fori- M. J. I'.leivett clerk district court at ! Harrison. Nebr,, on July 17, lrf)7 vi.: j , Herman Uourathof Monlroae, N-br. who i imhiI" if. K. No. Vii'i lor the Lots 3 and 4 and ; j Ji'J ST. '.; See. 7 Twp.M X. It WW. lit! names the following wltu to prove j i Mtl coatinnous residenue upon and cuHivat lion of, xaid laud, vU: j 1 "'". ' Montros,, N-b. ,,,;, ff.rT f,( u,a:tTv, L!(.lii,eilv(.,,,of L'ai oh Hem y, ol Montitoe,, 1-10 45 1 KedNter. 'fl.VHJER ( I JTURf:. f IN'AL HtOOF.-NOTK'E K0!t I'lllUCATION. rnite,d Stated Land Olllne, Alll'ie.e, .Vebr. ( June 2, lc.av. ) Notice isi hereby (fiven that WUliam C. O't'onner of Harrison, Neb., has has tiled notice of Intention to make, llnal proof be fore M. J. r.lewott clerk di.ilrk-t court at his odiee ln Harrison, Nebr., on the 17 duy of July. 1S97, on timber culture application No. ltTO, for the SE1,; (jnartrr of section No. 28, in TownKhipNo. 31 N, It inij No. i6V . Jle nanies us wit neijeM-. John Corbin, Charles Camenzlnd, John Davii, and U. h. Sinuek, all of Harrison, Neb. J. W. Willis, Jr. 140-4'. neKlster. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. RTATK OFFICERS: Silas A. Ilolcornb j. Oovernor James E. Harris Lieutenant Oovernor V?. K. Porter .Secretary of State John F. Cornell AuditoT J. It. ."deserve Treasurer C. J. Smyth Attorney General J. V. Wolfe Land Cotninis.-donei W. It. Jackson Supt. I'ubllc lnstmcliou CONG RKSSION A L DEl.KGATION : John M. Thurston XT. R. Sens tor, Omaha Win. V. Allen IJ. S. Senator, MndlHOrt J. B. strode, Contp-essman 1st litst Lincoln 1). H. Mcreor, Siiii.uel Maxwell, W. I.. Stark, 'id Omaha Fremont Aurora Nelson Kearney 3rd 4tii f,th Cth ft. 1). Sutherland, W. L. (ircen, JUDICIARY: A. M. Tost Chief Justice, Columbus T. O. C. Ilarrlso.i ..As'te Jude, Grand Inland T. L. Norval Associate Judge, Seward D. A. Campbell.. Clork and Importer, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT I M. F. Kmkaid.... Judtre, O'Neill W. II. Westover " Kushvlllt il. J. Blewett Clerk, lIoiTison COUNTY OFFICERS: Robert. Wilson County Judge M. J. Itlewett. Clerk Chas. fiietile Treasurer VV. II. I'avia Supt. Public Instruction i). Hartlett Hherlu" J. K. I'hinuey Coroner IS. F. Thomas Surveyor M. J. Ulewctt Clerk of District Court Grant Guthrie County Attorney BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Frank Tinkharn 1st Dlfllrlct M. J. Weher(Chi:irman) 2d " James F. Young 3d " LEGISLATIVE: Otto Vtitzenntor, Dint. No. 14, Sprinpriew A. K. Sheldon Hist. No. 53, Chadron VILLAGE OFFICERS: F.. Rohwer (chairman) Trustee J. W. Scott " I). IL Griswod " W. B. Marsteller " K. I. Hamlin " W. II. Davla Clerk Lewis Gerlaeh Treasurer SCHOOL OFFICERS: J. Vi. Scott.... Director B. L. Smnck.l Moderator Lewis Lerlaoh Treasurer TERMS OK COURT: District, Court, At Harrison, commences PpriiiR term April ltith, Jury 14th, Fall , i " October r., JnryiWith. County Court, At Harrison, commences first Monday of each month. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. Methodist Sunday School meets every Sun day inoraiiiK at 10:00 J. K. MAtsTKr.LHK, W. H. Davis, Hupcrtnteiidont. Secretary JERKY RUSK POST, No. 845, O. A. R. .Meets second Monday ln each month ln the court house nt Harrison. E. E. Llvermorc, Com WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Harrison Camp, No. 55, meets on each nl termite Wednesrlay ovnnlng. i W. H. Davis, J, A. Hansom, Clerk. Con. Coin. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. M'tts each alternate Saturday evening at ft o'clock. A. It. Dkw, V. C. J. W. Smith, Clerk. ) ' , KPWOKTII 1RAOUE. Regular business mectinif first Tuesday cvifii.ijj In each month. C. L. MARSTKI.I.ER, Vt 11. Davis, N J'resldent. i ierrptnry. , fu'vnti nnh iiieeiin;; i -very Sunday evening at i-O. 1. J. Ci.akk, Leader. JUNIOR LEAGUE. i I.Jei i 2i' U Humil.V u!t rnoon at. 2:.'.0. 1) II GlMsoi.b, Supt. stock rt;;AM. j The .iocrnal will publish your brand, il;e the following, for i':(.J, per ynr. I.a"h id ditional brand 7' cents. Every farmer oi , ranchmen in Sioux ami adjoining conntit'j ahouid advert..-"; their brands in Tub Ji:.'K- NALus it circulates sill over the ,-tate. ltj i moy be the means of saving money for you.! 1'HA.VK M"TT). On h'ft hide of eattle and on left, UjMg? thuolder of hor-'r,'. Itauge on Antelope creek Ghilchrist, Sionx Co., Xeb. P. O. CHAni-K-J HIKHI.K. i On lf sid" or hip of cat lie, ) IQJ.33 n left shoulder of Iwiw. ( I'NRaiiKe on tha head ol Warbounet 111 tfiere-k fftl'M Address flarrison, Sioux Co. Neb., S. V. CAKKY. HP 8 fW !,n "'It HI) " ,ti t. L a.' Imrxw. oulder of cattle and ItufSba'AiUntfV on Little Cottonwood i U., Crawford Nebr. mi I am prepared to do all MndJxo do WagOIL WOI'k of wood-work, horse-shoeing' and blacfcm Hiving . SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 'Charges Reasonable. My shop Is two doors north of The Kanch Supply House. Give me. a chance to live. JOHN. L. STRATT0N. DO YOU READ THE , . GOVERNMENT POSITIONS 'X H you with one of the 160,000 -ji vice, tliis Bureau can advise you vofff i ' Sow t n nrnr ecd to secure it. and fit vou for passing the required Civil Service examination therefor. energy, liv-i. mm a wfuiuiw.. education are all the requirements needed. a3i2 rllN,rn,u,.. This JMl'J has the hest lacniucs p"k tainins .itcnts and copyrights in ad !?" countdes. The chief oi this dept. has had 90 'years exDerience as Chiet examiner, v.uuwu.-n...v.. . lems"and Patent Aui.raey, and i, very success, iul in securins broad patents and in the prosecuuon of all patent litigation before the courts. SCHOOt OF LAW. This Bureau caa fit you for admission to the Bar and prepare you lor active ... without materially interfering with your other du ties. Our instructors are the ablest, our system thorough, and our charges reasonable. Three cours es are taught: University, Business and Special. Send for particulars, terms, etc. NATIONAL INFORMATION BUREAU. 1430 New York Ave., Washington, D. C JSURnAL? the COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1883. Harrison, H. E. BRSWSTTtf!, President. D. H. QPJSWOLD, Cufrier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Backing Business. C0RRESP0NDKNTS: American Exchange National Banic, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. HTDKAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. IW Now is the time to subscribe for The WEEKLY JOUNAL ' $1, FOR ONE YEAR $1. IT IS THE LEGAL PAPFR OF SIO UX CO UNTY. niio. n. CANON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR'.' juant r.ujiimi:, AUornsy-al-Law. Prompt attention given to all Ifgai -natter in Ju.-tice, County and Di?!iii t Courts, ami before the United Sinl.- Lund Office Fire Ins.'.rance written in le jompamts. 2TLegal papers carefully drawn. Haukjson, - Nemi:am; But still on deck and blacksniitliing". Third building south of livery barn. Harness shop. First door north of tho RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Prompt attention paid to all repair work, also boot and shoe repairing done. I I,. E. DICKlKfelK. DO YOU WANT JOB WORK DONE? THEN COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE. Nebraska. c. r. Com,. Vic6-Preidnt