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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1897)
M J 1 I eeV-U.i- 'jgj . & y.S,,F-'fl The Sioux County j ourn al. VOL. IX. A, THXJK3nDY, JULY 8, 1897. Nd. -64:. A A BuhapriptioB rri, tl.e orriouL reeta or eioux oountt. e. B. Casus, Editor. poet oatee m Tto heat la tto Eeatera cities U cleim it aoeres of vfctima this twt wsrther. There are Mark Hi Populists in Ohio- A mm om get eaytbiug in Ohio politics K to om aradaee tto price. Tto Wopiiafkaa pert . believe by tax tae, tto coMMur mad mehtot; bo increase ia Os vetuaaa of asoaey, ttoy oao nwto tto eenatry prosperous. ' Tboas fWagriaaniiu wto ara sornaious to beat Tea Baad'afptaaa ao4 get- ttoir aamsa la tto Coagriwaliaial record will to tedtete bo laaoisafal. "- Tom Wateoa'e askdlettoeed Na uoeel coaveatioa, coaoaasd ia Nash ville, Teaa. en July Mb. Ttoy will doubUean pane resolutioes condemning their National chairmen, Marion Butlar, for his actiooa during tto last fell's cam paign Ton Waisoa nay to a good man tot to talks too much for tto good f tto Populiat party- gx-tosbosmdor Bayard, who baa baaa hoo doo'd by tbef, English arristecray aad Groverited for tha last four yaara baa rows home to hollar for what ha calla "aouad monoy". Ha ia oaa of tha 179, 000, who want with tto money power rather than atay with tha manses of our people who are etruggtleg for a lively bocd. Frlcnde of Silver. a ' ....... ' Mr. Laoa ia tha graataat geld producar ia the world, ha totoa it out by tto ton "5 at strange aa it aiay appaaf to ia k bi auataJUat af lha WnMUlllata. Not own dirtdaally or cAiforato, eaa dollar 4t atlrar proparty, yaL.tMt raatiiaaa in Mm At, I on a Couvaotioo atatod thT M would fan wilhnc Ria avery dollar to iwaad ia tto world, if it would raault to rjatab)iahinic tto btntfJailic ataadard of wvafy, balwviaf tto atlvar rausa to to tb orowniuK iaMM.aod tto awf WnluWon af tto fiaat aoojtoruio aaatioa ttot ara mow aihtatinr thai cwatrr. lion Chaal. Una, of Califoi chair- aaaa atiha Naahional Wlvar CaanHiittaa, asoaaipanled by taa tloa . (aorga ' r. Kaaoay, tha orfanicar of tto ailvar party, toa baan a faw aaya ia Waahinirton thia waakr la tha intaraat of canaaoting nitvar forcaa. ' Tbara ara parbapa no two man (io tto Unitad Butoa who i ibit to'agrfeatar da- graa tha high standard oa Amartcnn pat- riaUam which fa coming to tto front ia Waatara taction of thia grant country. CSlrer Campaign In Kebraaka. Jaairrala Will Call aa all nitar OrgaaUn- tlaai la Xakraito U Uaa Up far tto ' ., raUrifbt. , UH COL!, Nab. , Joaa, I7.-Tto Silrar Jtoaorratlo alaU oantral coaaaaittaa will naaat tora to morrow U nmaga aaaar If data for tto atato eoovaaUon. Ai tto aaaa Urm tbaj UI faauaa card to tto osatml ooaaniitnaaa of tto rwpuliata aai-.-aUfW- JtapubHcaaa, . raajoaatiag ttoaa two partiaa call ttor tww oaarao tloju a Ito aaaMtUaaaaninneaaatto IblvarPaatartatte eoarawttoav. Tbta will ba tto flrat tooaa towarda cpaaiog tto fall aaaapaign. Ttoraara totoa aupraaa eourt jitdat aad two atab ragaata atoetoi , hut tto rani im parnaaea af tto atactlan graara eat of tto fact ttot Bryna will Uto tto rtnaap to tto atata aad nald it ia lito for alTar. r-nll tottotowa. v'-wiatirar aan ara rary aetiva, bar tog aaaiataiaad ttoir eouaty palitica uijalaatluai aaai to tucb geod adraa toga ia thia state laat year, Bryan's p arsenal frieato enclere that to toa aa earaaese fraen. laadara la diSarant parta of tto ateto itot ttoy eaa told it with aa Incraaaad awdjority orar tost spring, . Datroit Journal.' Oh, what kValpliai tot we aa la.thlaett-weHdaf wool It ia ttoaty worst by tor That wa eaa erarltaow. Kach ntaurai toeauaa thoM plaas of bi s Ara made to call a halt; . Ilia failura to raferrn Hfa is u Tto ettor paopia'a fault. - ?tor oavar waa a mortal yat ' Wto didn't say to had Emotions af latoaaa regret '. tVeeiias this wortd Is had. Hut noruehow man cun find a way Its ftnird to exalt; Tha IrvJiviJudp) all say: Ifn cthtr prp!.' fwn)t!" Olorlc To Quit. l?xniin3 Senator to Leave Tto Fold. Time for ReElectlon la Near and He Beea an Avalanche tor Silver Starting. . PseairraU to Extern! AM la tto Be lletstleaef seaater CaaaeB ! Ctaa-Teller to to iVeenl aeata light tor Lew trlnbtr Dalles. . WA8HIN0T0N, D. C. Sfl. -Senator Garb or Wyoasiag,- ia tto latest to to mentioned aa likely to abandon tto gold lepublicaa party nod .unite with other silrar nan of tto various partiaa ia tto effort for tto restoration of tto white metal. Tto report oooceraioc Clark pears to be baaed oa mora substan tial grounds than that relating to Car ter and Rtooup. Bo ia kaown to have spokso to '. aaveral prbaament Silver Be publlcana in distinct derogation of tto Republican policy- toward aHver. ' Two weeks ago to waa squally dis gruntled with the attitude of the party on tha tarifl. -But hia feeling oa that subject have been slightly improved by tha increased wool duties and tto enuens decision regarding hides. There ara par tonal reasons also for tto Clark defection that do not oxiat in tto case of either of tto others. ma TtmM aaocr arraoio. Sentor Clark's re-electioo will be pending before the people next year. Vo donbt ia expressed by any of tto Western men that tto aaxt election cad have but one raault in Wyoming, and that will be tha overwhelming silver victory, that will close the career of -Mr. Clark if she re mains a gold Bopubltcao. an roa caNKOit. ,- . Several leading Silver Bepubiicaea in eluding ex-Senator -Ouboia thia week waited on Senator Jooea aad urged that every effort to made by Democrats to aid ia, tha re-election of Cannon of Utah. Tto Silver Bepublkans are greatly in terested in Cannon. They have informed tto Silver Democrats of ttoir desire to have him re-elected, and are anxious to knew that ttoy oaa depead en Democratic help ia tto Cannon campaign. Senator Joae told them to would be pleased to see Caanoa re-elected. Tto Silver Re publicans told the Senator that Gannon's failure to be re-elected following that of Dubois, would have a very depot teing effect on Silver Bepublieana throughout the nation. 1 .. lows pctt ojf tcxan. uoe more enort ta to be rasas to secure tto adoption of an amendmedment to tto lumber tariff by lowering the duty to fl par thousand sad Senator Teller will be prominent in tto movement. He will be aaaiated by a number of Westea senators who believe this duty to be oppressive aad in fact in-excusable. Even from tto lumber states of Middle West there oemea formidable opposition to tto duty of $ 1 to which tto senate aad houaa have each toatativly agreed. Among tto opponents of the established duty are Secretary af War Alger, aad Boaator McMillan, both coasiag from a great lumbar state. Ttoy are said to be large boldere of CaaaA stumpage. However that1 may be, ttoy araaew known to toetrongepaooeeteof tto high duty aad eaa to safely fcliearb to do everything that remains poaatble ta defeat tto obnoxious high duty. TOR LADY RXADEBS. The. disco very of MeBrae's wine of Garde! toa brought about a reveluvion ia tto treatment af tto ooi camplaiata, from which all times suffer celled '"f The belief ttot these troubles oould only to treated after examinatioto by physl ciaae, aad frequently eeiy cured by tto surgeon's knifs, waa .wUsapreal. Tto dread of such treatment, aad axpeeura kept thousands of modeat womee silent about ttoir aaffartog. Ttoy prefer tad tto pain and torture of going to a paysi daa about such matters. It has now been damenatraisd that aiae caaaa out of tea of w onsen's diaorders. patofal aad trouetoseeae though ttoy are, do, not require tto attention of a physician at all. "Local tteatiaeat" "or private axamltutions" have baaa entirely unnecessary. Tto simple, pore wine of Cardui, taken in tto privacy of tto home, insures quick relief. It ia entirely unnec essary for aay woman to auffer from these alasoat uaiversal oeenaiaiata. She raaieta bottle ef Mcttfee't Wiae nf Cardui at the neartut dru ntore for 11.00 and quickly put, ua end to tlm un- j).;a? act terattf:atit:. Tlwuumli of vVwOMV BOmMnv Aa Arkaaaaa aditor. bm& a young lady ia Naw York wKjbediog brand with bar gtovaa oa, said: 0i this is eotalag; wa ara aaadlg braa4 V our boots en; we ara aaading it wllB our pants on: and pretty aooo if ear sub scribers ie arranra don't pay up e atoll be paading brand without anything on. Central Committee Mecteg. The members of the centaal com- mlttte of the People's lndpan4ait par. ty of Sioux county, Neb., are'ratuted to meet at-the court houae in Iftorleoa, on the 17th day of July, JT, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpoaa of mak ing arrahgamenta foA the oomtof eaav paign aad the calling of a eouaty con vention. . The names of oonnJrVaeaea are as follows: Andrews L. C. Lewis. " ' ' Antelope August Ring, noaarc Krnest uuage. Cotton wood C. U. .Grove. Five Points L. Buffing. i HatCreek-J.'B. Bradley. Blrhlaad-P. V. Klrkpetriek. MoWose-J. C. Atrxmcder.; ' Runnlngwator-C. H, OreWetU Snake Cree'f -i I Sugar Lpafd. Pelran. - Warbonnet-B,'.F. Thomas, ft". Whistle Creek-J. Ci Shipley. White River M. J. Wetor. . A.iraeBoersaya,urga5w " ae? - . . . JL - a at atthiantotV -4 Wl'J.-A.'KiCM.CbAlrOaa. F. W. Kvcftv,- 8eoijtory; Wr eilM ta TMtlMMMit TmMi9i Sioux Count? ' Heh. 1 , - Treasurers CKBcey 7 . ' - Juae80, 18W?V'J:. ; Notice in torebr given traiaCit snitoe) purpose of the uodersigaed teimmedi- etely .collect all delinquent piraaaal taxes.' Partiss koowing tbemaslvef to bp deHeqaeat will save oosef caslac- tion by payiag- at oace. te farttor notice will be give. - Xv : Couaty Tratoacar, tea ttot M al, '. 7 ' ' r 'it lUlatlSlulSJii st5a5(a nMlftaaf VaAieaa. All psrsaas having anal pteef aottesa tai tale napef wUI receive amaraed oawy efffaal paper sad ere rennet ted to osaevUe J M aatowaael; any arrwa axle ispsed) il taate to timitsiss as awes VP BOTTCB FOB PtmUOATKW. ' lead oatce aAMtoaaeaa, Retlaalatorebvetvea WiStfhe Uoe te aseM flnal proof i in claim, aad that said proof will be fere at. J. Blewett, Clerk Sit Met Barrisoa, Ben., en Aug. 7th, BB1, vis : Btchardto of Aremore,: a. D who made K. B.Xo.4Ml,tortfeeB-Eof tee. at, Tewa saipSMBaageMW. i , He names the fOUewtag wltaetsm to pfeve hlesentiaaonaHSldiBus a pea- aad entiva tlonef satdhiad: Jake Wasssrberger of Montroes, kjsb.' Henry rtefcea brock, f John Debaao, ; :'' Benrv rrlastheaT a ', Alto, Hettoa ta bersby atvewtBaa4kram Richardson of Ardmore, S. D., has ttot no tice of Intention to maaa anal areof Bef ore the same ofneer at saaasatoee nad date oa Umber eulture, apagkn Jm; g Jar the s-WMof sao. Be. ai,"ta Swse Se. MX, Rsngn xo. ww. Ho aeesaaaa ajkweati Jake WnaiHtrherror orControte, Xeb., Henry lll)nbrook, , " " :. John Orlmno, " " f llutiry )'ri(?ntiioff ' k v t ,1 ,W!i ' -;: . ' - r mmtm sxeama anaasksa men namnwi Aaea. 'a m a- w eaa a eaaWaeaiU n ss. t 1 It . v? -"-t'.t: rati. rut r- t , ii w me - ihrt sseameras aaaVs5 toa" lt ltaat K0T1CCF0B PCBLICATIOV. Land OOce t AUUnre, Kebr. I June 2, ) Notice is nerebf glveu tkst tbe following asmed settler bu Sled notice of hit Inten tion te make final proof In tapport of bit claim, and that Mid proof will be made be fore H. J. Blewett clerk district eourt at Ilarritoa. Mebr., on July 17, 17 vis: ileraan KouraUi of Hontroae, Krbr. who made H. E. Xo. 1IS0 for tbe IU S and t aad KS 0 W 8ec. 7 Tvp. S4 N. K M. lie aamtt tbe following wltoeawt to prove bis eeatlaaoM rtsldeaee upon aad cultlrat Uon ef, said lane, vis : Grhrd Betaders, of atontroas. Xeb. Jobs flsrree, of Bod arc, " Stopnea aurret. of Jacob Menry, of Jf oatrose, J. W. Wish, l4S Beglater. nUBUCVLTCBX.rLXal, MtOOF-XOTICE . FOB PCBUCATlO.t. United fftates Lead OnUe, Alliance, Xebr. I Mil z, urn. Xotlce Is nereby aiven that Wllllan C. O'Connor of Hani ion, Xeb., has baa Sled Dot let of Intention to make final proof be fore M. J. Blewett clerk district court at bit onfee In Hairtten, Xebr., on the 17 day of Jaly, 1ST7, oa tlsaber eultnre application Xo. J070, for tbe SI qnartsv of section Xo. . ia lewnahlp Xo. II X. Range Xo. SSW. a aawee at wltaeaet : Joba Cotbln, Cbavlet Cameatlnd, John Davit and a. L. amuck, all of Harrison, Xeb. J. W. Wan-, Jr. tKHt) Kegleter. OFFICIAL OIRICTOSY. 8TATB pmOBRS : ttlas A. Holoomb.......... Oeveraor Jamei B. Harris. .Lieutenant Oovemei . r. rorter... Secretary of Statt Jobs 7. CarneiL.......... Aaditer J. B. Heesrve ..... . Treasurer C. J. Bmytb..... . Attorney Genera J. V. Wolfe ... .....Land Commlsetoaei W. R. Jackson Sopt. PabUc Inttrnction COXORBSaiOXAL Df LKOATIOX: Jotra M. Tharton,......U. S. Senator. Omaha Wa. V. Allen.... V. B. Senator, Medieon J. B. StrudeCongreeeman lit Ditt., Lloooln I. H.hWro M M " Omaba Samoel Jgafwell, srd M rremont W.L. Stars, " 4tb . Anrora R. P. Sntberland, HB " Kelson W. L. Oreea, tb Kearney JVDICIART: A. M. reet ..Calef Justice, Otfumbus T. O. C. ttorrtson.Jaiuauge,Oran4 Island t. U Borral ...Aaeaelete Judge, Sesrard 9. A. Csapall..Qerk aad Beperter, Ltnealn ronmiRnr jcdioial dmtbjct: Af, Btaaato.r-vtU.:!.Joite. O'Xelll wr, p. wasavr.......... ajaen'wif aV i. MeweM -......,....aert,HarrW '".', '- A...-n"' ?"V V- Bben Wilton deanty Jmige J, Blewett... . ..Clerk Blehle ...Trearorer Davit .. Bnpt. Pnblio laetructlon lett........ Sberta? PhiBBcy .... ............ ... Coroner Tnomai... ..Bnrrevor f, lewe.u..... Clerk of District Court OaUrle. Count? Attornev '; ; -'.BOARD or ooMMisaJoxite; V "' rrsjsg ttkhem...i..-. :.;tftitlriei !'.v ertChalrman).....Ut4;; .' " jametr. Tseng :V........Ji " , Otto lrAtaBeuator, Ditt. Xo. II, Spriagvlew A..Btoldoa.., Dtst. Xo. H.Chadroa .1. TILLAGE pFTICBRS : . Boh war r chairman) .Trnstee A W. SOatt m- wwwwy ar.BLKaeytaer . ...... .4 .V . .. ........ - x.p. awBern w. at. OavtK. ..-.........-..,. ..Clerk lewis Gerlacb...,...;....!.. .Treasnrer , school omexss: 9, W. Scott Director B. L. Smnejk.u................ ...Moderator Lewtt Lerlaab.. Treasurer .a TBhMSOgCOCRT: " Dittrlst Court, At Hamaon, oommeaoei Spring una AprU nth. Jury uth, . rail' N Ostonerla. jnryafth. . County Court. At Harrison, aentntsnees erst Hon day of each month. CHUBCHSS AXp aOCIlTIEt. ttetaenist euude aakool masts every Saa day morning at lean) . 4. B. tuarrau.aa, w.h.davis, k amyermtaneent. aacratary u. .. . . JXRXT BVgg POT. Bo. SM, O. A. B. Hette second stonday In each month In the eourt hoees at Harrison. I. K. Llvermore, Com. WOOOkTBR OTTHB WORLD. Itarrlaan Damp, Xo. Is, saeeu on each al teraale WeAneeday evening. W.H.Divis, J.A.Harsos, , Clerk. Cea. Com. K' , ' ' WOODMAN or AMCBICA. Meets eaah alteraate Saturday evening taf a'nloetu4 A. R. Daw, f . u. , w. anCxa.cisrk. " .v , , , r.roni lcaoub. aagisrjbusfeses meetlag gnt Tuesday eveaaag in aaea month. C. u Mabstkllbb, W.aVatavIa, rrseMent. ajmtetarv. Drvoiiotl tilting every fund ay evrntng at fit. V. J. Clark, Leader. X JVNI'iH LKMJOn. :Kf.'lf'-S RuuJnv atvinocti ntlO. STOCK XBAXUg. Tea JocasAL U peMleb yourbraad. Ike the following, for ? ;oo, per fear. aob ad dltlonal brand 73 ceott. Kvrry farmer or ranchmen In Bloux and adjolulas; roaittlel tboald advertlte their. hraiMtt in TUKJoCk It elrcnlates all over th ttat. It may be tUe meaueof-aavlng ioony for yoa, fKAXK XVTTO. Oa left side of cattle aad on left; .buotder of bortet. Range on Antelope creek r..O.,Oailchrlst, Bloux Co., Xeb. CHABLKS BIEHLE. On lf elde or hip of rattle, Oa left shoulder of !". i Igaage on the head vl Warbonnet icreek Addrett Harrison, Slex Co. Xeb. 8. W. CARET, left sboalder of eattle and aa. Ranse on Little CoUonwood. rawford Xebr. am prepared to do all kituU of wood-work, Kor$6-shoeinff and blachmitking. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ESTCharges Reatonable. My shop It two doort north of Tbs Raaeb Supply House. Give me a cbanee to live. JOHN. L. STRATT3N. DO YOU READ THE J0IHU1AL? & aotuxxiiT rauiMi. r If yea with eat ef the USjaW fw- pMitioaa la the geveraaeat ssr v viet, this Bnreta eaa advtoe vea I k ,.mriaaaciMU.aaSSt VServlec eaannattlos thweter. Z Baergy.ttctaadateawMeeheat eancsnoa art same MTlllTt, WTWTI. to'.aJtHaBjsamaHi sia mtiSttt ttovwwiy.l AXATtONAL larasaeaTiois vaaeV tm Wrw Tern Ave, Wmklsgl is , D. C I FToTC KM Wtuaa.: THE COMMERCIAL BANK tCOTAOLIttHIO 1CM.1 Harricon, a E ItorwaTaa, OBiSWOLD, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50000. v Traiicacto aQeneral Banking BuoineLi COHKtSPONDlNT Ahbrjcax Ixobaxob Natioxal Bafi, New Tork, Ukaha Natioxal Bart, Oaaba, FlaaT Natrbmi Bark, Chadroa. Intorcat Paid on Timo Dopoaitp. Dteiro SOLD 05 ALL ASa CJ tCtZTK. ' X3T Now ti ths tims to tubicribe for The WEEKLY JOUNAI $1, FOR ONE YEAR$ IT 18 THE LEGAL PAPFH OF 810 UX CO UNI grant ocrmix. Mtornsy-aMaw. Prompt attention given to ell lyi matters in Justice, County aad itiMJ-M Courts, and before the United c)te Lend Office Fire Insurance written ia rvliatU emanates. KjfLsgal papers carefully drawn. HAaaaos, - Nrukahk. DilOOTD? But still on deck to do wagon work and blacksmithing. Third building south of livery Iwn. IUR.1ESS SIIOP. flrat door north of the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Prompt attentior paid to all refai. work, also boot ant shoe repairing Hone. I. E. DICKINSIN' bo YOU WANT JOB WORK DON; THEN COME TO THE JOURUL OFFICE Nebraska. C V. Viee-Preatdeal GEO. D. CANON, . EpITOR AKD PROFHli j e. 11.' ji r v . ivw"7 U