' . L -i . , :, t w in i r it e.er i TOPICS OF THE TIMES. A CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER 1 E5TINQ ITEMS. CobbU and Criticiaaae Baaed Upon tha Happcaioga ot tha Day Hla 1 tori cat a ad Newa No tea, ' The proof of the pudding Is In asking for the second pjece. There is many a road that ought to be ashamed of iU maker. There 1m no one so innocent as not to be evil s(okeu of; there la no one so wicked an to merit all condemnation. To pay for things is very nice, When one has lots of caHh to proffer, But one can't well cough op the price When there's no money in his coffer. Hon. Jacques dowdy, of Ru.shrllle, has reached his new pout of duty. It probably will not surprise him at all to find that I'arls really is the Uushvllle of Europe. In all worldly tilings that a man pur sues with the greatest eagernesH im aginable, he find not half the pleasure !n the actual .smsion that he pro posed to hluwelf iu the expectation of them. A St. IiMilM spiritualistic ' medium "nuiteriallzod a "ghoul" ho thoroughly that the "ghost" is now nerving a term in the work-house. There Is euch a thing a.s being too realistic In such performance!. Cornelius Vaudebilt, who was strick en with paralysis, now t!gns hla checks with his left hand. His bank account has not yet suffered from the stroke and his left-handed checks are as good us the sort he wrote before. The Fredonisi Dully News remarks by way of salutatory: "We aren't much bigger than ti porous plaster, but we're as pesky a.s a tomtit on a pump han dle, and we mean business." Make way for the Journalistic tomtit! , The Jacksonville (Flu.) Times-Union fays editorially that ''a newspaper anan's kiss is a passport to good luck." We dou't know about that, but we are Milling to try it under proper restric tions and regulations, of course. " The Hapfd City Journal tells an anx iously Impatient world how to pick out the planet Mercury. It says: "iook iright up St. Joe street toward the gap and a Utile to the right, over the hill by the electric light plant, about 8 o'clock." iTIie first time we are In Rapid City we'll do it. A man named O'Mallcy who com mitted suicide in his lodging-house in New York either underwent a change of sentiment sometime before he did the act or his sense of humor did not desert hill) in death. When the IkkI.v was found it lay at full length uHn the led and on his coat lapel was a button 'bearing the legend: "I am as happy as a dam at high tide." When a man compters his adversar ies and his difficulties, It Is not as if he had never encountered them. The power he gained In conquering them endures through nil his future life. They are riot only incidents In his past history, they pre elements In all his present character. His victory is col ored with the hard struggle that won it. As an object lesson to property-owners and taxpayers the Commissioners of Northampton County, Pa., have de cided to construct limited stretches of good road In various parts of the coun ty to serve as a sample of whut could be done iu the way of improving pub lic thoroughfare if the people so de Hired. The plan Is practical utid ought to strengthen the movement iu favor of good roads. "The secret history of the Texas would make mighty interesting read ing." Whether there was an serious . acandal connected with her construe or not, there must have been a lot fnf blundering. It was a bluuder at the f Soi:Uet to buy plans for her. Further ' blundering was done iu modifying them. The result Is a ship that cannot be reckoned a credit to the navy. It la a pity the exact responsibility for it cannot le fixed. ir. Cyrus Teed, of Chicago, the or iginator of a queer new religion called Korean, has evolved a theory of the earth that Is Just aa queer. He says that the eartli Is an enormous hollow globe, with a ernst alout KtO miles thick. Thus far his theory does not differ greatly from that of the late 'CapUiln Symnies; but he. parts com pany with the Captain In saying that the human race and all the visible heavenly Isslles are Inside of the earth. Consequently nobody knows anything alsnit the outer ponvez surface of the earth. The New York I'ost wiys It seems to be the general opinion that Itismarck's ex-ret understanding with Russia was known lo the Emperor of Austria and Count Kalnoky lieforc 1M, and that the Information In the first place en me from Russia. It Is pointed out that when I'rlnce Hlwnarek was dismissed no secret was made In Vienna of the general relief, and even the acknowl edged organs of the Foreign Office oiM tily said that with Count Capri vl an era of frankness, sincerity, and plain dealing had begun In the relation of tbe two allied powers. Voltaire's departing meeaage to Hoi land wa "Adieu, Canaux Canards Canaille," a 'salutation of farewell which the Netherlander have not ap parently forflrta, a the gift of bis bust In marble to a public art collection In Rotterdam has Just been declined without thanks. It Is possible to be too witty for one's comfort either with one's contemporaries or posterity. Heine's wasted fires survived so lam bently in his ashes that his native town would not admit his monument, reject ing it as contumellously as the Rotter dam Glyptotbek did the image of his sardonic and mocking prototype. The lesson to contemporary wits who de sire to stand well with after genera tions is that they must not be too smart, and as sins in that direction are not so numerous and flagrant as they once were, It seems not thrown away upon them. Another fugitive from Justice, tired of his exile, has given himself up, plead ed gUilty and will serve a term In the penitentiary. He Is GO years old and has a grown-up family. Six years ago he forged the name of his employers and some of their customers, and fled abroad. Police machinery was put In motion to arrest him, but he avoided all tlie toils and walked about London, even visiting the American embassy under an assumed name. At length, wearied and worried, he could stand the exile no longer. The lie he lived lK'came a daily punishment. Ills 111 gottoi gains could procure him neither amusement nor surcease from this goading conscience. The sight of his native flag upon the United States le gatlou was a constant reproach and the sound of Aiiierica.il siieech stung him to the quick. So he has come back shamefacedly to his deserted family and to the men lie wronged, and will ing to suffer piiuilahuiont in America rather than remain a hunted rat in Europe. What a sad colony the Ameri can fugitive abroad would form! How many men and women once repex;ted In this country are now living In stuune under assumed names in what lands! Halreddln Pasha, who twenty years ago proposed the reforms recently ad vanced by the Sultan to placate the Young Turkey party, was in some re fltects an ideal Moslem. He was strict ly honest and upright, absolutely be yond the reach of corruption in any form. He was a devout Moslem, but affirmed that railroads, electricity, com merce, modern Improvements of every kind, were as necessary to the believer In Mohammed as they were to the le llerer In Christ. He was called to be Grand Vizier immediately after the clone of the Russo-Turklsh war, when Abdul Hamld was making his first ex periments In ruling. HnJreddln's first move was to get rid, so far n.s possible, of the inuimnse crowd of court officials. This naturally aroused the bitter hos tility of the entire official class, and they used every meiuis to hamper their new master. The clerks to his office garbled his dispatches, the telegraph operators mlssent them, and before- long everything was at a standstill. The Sultan gave up the contest and allowed his Vizier to withdraw into honorable retireiiMiiit Ln a palace on the Bonpho rus, whore he lived for many years, enjoying his stiulhw and looking with apparent tranquility upon the disinte gration of tlie empire, which he lie lieved Inevitably resulted from the re actionary course that wus being pur sued. The lut company of Indian regulars in tlie United States army lias been mustered out. Tlie experiment begun six years ago In the West, but gradu ally abandoned by the different pouts, was prolonged at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, for the puritosc of giving It a thorough trial. Hut even there, the red muti demonstrated his Incapacity for sol dierly duties and discipline. Thus an other solution of what to do with joor Lo has come to naught. The theory wus tluit a race which had given such overwhelming evidence of the fighting spirit iu uprisings against the Govern ment could is: converted Into an ef fective force In the regular army, under Iatlent training and discipline. But the untutored rd man, while 'useful enough In scout service and soldiering at will, has evidenced a profound con tempt for the unvarying round of mili tary duties. He bos not pased muster at Inspection and the bogle calls have possessed no jotency to' arouse hlin from his nap if he chanced to be taking one when the hour of some formation was at luuid. I Hwlpllne has not set well on him and freqiytrt rebellions have resulted. (Jua.nl duty and atten tion to his personal appearance have He,med to him to be worthUtw require ments, and on the whole lie has mode' an accomplished lnsulonllnate. The Indian school and the Government's policy of eiKfUirnging the Indian farm er promise liette.r results for the race than trying to make a soldier of the dusky brave. Cartridge In a Tobacco Pipe. A fnta.1 accident of an extraordinary character has occurred at Mautcs, near I'arls. A hotel proprietor, who formed one of a party of sportsjiion, hod put his tobiut-o loose In a Kckt of his hunting Jacket, and In the Mime pocket had placed his cartridges. In some way tlie owderr escaped from a car tridge and got mixed with the tobacco. Unconscious of this, he filled his pipe and lit It. A moment later the pipe ex ploded and a fragment was blown Int.") his eye with such force that It pureed tlie bmln and killed the poor ninn. M Intake of Mahatmaa. Melboume ThiMteophUta have spent 140,000 In driving a shaft 4,000 feet deep at I.d Bluff. St. Klldfl, having been assured by Mahatiiian that they would find rich deposits of coal there, flo far only ocean mud has been found. Uncle K ben's Philosophy. "Home men," mid Uncle Eben, "Is so mod eat dat dey won't assume no 'spue IblllUea whutaomcver; and daft why dab wives takes lo walhla'." TO BUY UP CUBA Ambitioni Flan on Foot to Probata the Island from Spain. CONSIDER FORMATION OF A COMPANY. Private (Corporation to Ilay the Inland from Hp.n, A-auraing- the lbt and Granting! Civil Llbarty to tea feople. Washington, Juno 22. A itoy is current that the sugar trust has evolved or accepted (in ambitious suggestion that Cuba is substantially for sale, and might as well become a sugar plantation for a gigantic corporation supported by the sympathy and the interest of our coun try. In other words, that we might have a West India company as England bad an East India company and a Hud son Bay company, each of which aided in the extension of the British empire. It is said that the Spanish minister to tlie United States cabled recently to Madrid reports of the disposition of our government to decline to interfere by force and alsi to support Cuban auton-' ouny, ar.d that this cable advised the re call of Weylcr when a change in the Spanish ministry was in the air, and to send to Cuba General Campos, who closed the ten years' war with cash in hand, and who might do the same job now by the tarna means, much cheaper than Spain can keep 200,000 soldiers in tlie field. 1 Colonel J. McCook is the gentleman credited with the imagination to con ceive the capture of Cuba with cash as a measure of peace. This, as Colonel McOiok understands it, is merely a matter of business. The idea runs this way: Spain has already charged to Cuba a debt of $400,000 000, and under Spanish dominion the island can never yield a revenue amounting to one half the in terest. Cuba, without a port or town, or ship, has a national debt, and yet there are many who think the credit of tlie Cuban government should be as good, if not better than that of Spain. Suppose it was better than that of Spain Suppose there was a company com manding money to take up the whole Cuban debt of Spain charged to Cuba, at its market value say $50,000,000 and $50,000,000 for the Spanish rights in Cuba, and the Cuban rights in the for ests and mines, and in settling Ameri can and Cuba claims against Spain and the United States would guarantee bonds to the amount of $100,000,000 at 3 per cent and supervise and administer the customs of the por's of Cuba for the payment of the interest, tlie govern ment holding the bonds as secui i'.y, would not liberty and ptyee and prosperity for the island be accomplished at a cost of $3,000,000 a year taken out of the Cuban cuHtoms house? " Incidentally it would seem that there must be an immense profit to the man agets of what might tie called the Cuban trust. The advantage to the Spaniards W iuld be peace and the extinction of some hundred millions of hopeless debt, for the creditors of Spain would be glad to scale its obligations, and Spain could have a large sum of money in hand in stead of a Cuba of blood and ashes on its hand. Keacuccl From Starvation. Sax Diego, June 22 -When the steam er Carlos Pacheco rrived at Cedros island tha other day it found ihreastarv ing persons. For a long time Dr. H. G. Powers and his mother have been on the island, in charge of the property of the Cedros Island Miniug company. Dr. Powers, his mother and "Dutch Gus," a saiior, bad been living on a Banty supply of provisions lor some time. The most rigorous economy was practiced, but for two weeks before the arrival of tha Pacheco the three people were re duced to the point of starvation. From some of the species of cactus on tbe island they secured edible roots, and a wild goat was killed, but ii did not last long. t' Names Without Warrant. Washington, June 22. Circulars of an organization styling itself the national co-operative society of American art, miming Commissioner of Education liirris as president and Apostolic Dele gate Martinelli, Chief Justice Fuller, General Miles, ex Presidents Cleveland and Harrison, the present' cabinet and well known financiers as advisory direc tors, have given -some annoyance to Commissioner Harris, Mr. Cleveland and others. Commissioner Harris says the use of his na no is entirely unwar ranted, that he specifically refused the invitation to be identified with the en terprise and that to his knowledge the u;o of the names of a number of others was unauthorized. Es-President Cleve land, through Editor Gilder of the . en tu ry, has written Mr. Harris repudiat ing the use of bis name. tiring Over tallow Fever, Naw York, June 22. The steamer Fi nance arrived from Colon yesterday with three cases of yellow fever aboard, three others having died en route. Both passengers and crew have been quaran tined. Health Officer Doty says there is no danger of a spread of tha disease! Negro Shoot. Chattanooga, Tenn., June 22, 'A spe cial to the Times from Qadsden, Ala., says: Late Sunday afternoon Henry Thomas, a negro excursionist from Birmingham, fired into a party of Gads den negroes Just as tha train was leav ing and wounded Will Uarner, a local cabman. Garner and his friends re turned the fire and a general riot ensued. Thomas was ahot In the back and neck and was stabbed twice In the shoulder and will die. Two other Birmingham ne gro were ehoi and another was tabbed LIUKUAL AUU'T A I'llLH I. IpaoUH Parly rropoaea 8 New Be form In Caba. London, June 23. The Madrid corree pondeht of tlie Standard says : "The Spanish liberal have adopted in attitude which will probably create a profound sensation both here and in the United States, but which is little calcu lated to improve tbe situation. "At a meeting of ez-minieters of the liberal party on Monday, Senor Sagasta made an energetic speech denouncing the home and foreign policy of the pre mier and his conduct during tbe recent crisis, which, Sagasta insisted, had led the people to criticise the decision of tbe erowc. The meeting resolved to issue a manifesto declaring that tbe liberals persist in abstaining from all relations with the government so long as the Duke of Tetnan is retained in the cabi net. "The man'festo will oharacteriee the proposed reforms of (janovas as inade quate and suggest the replacement of Captain-General Weylerbya governor, who will continue the war in accordance with civilized practices ; the stopping of fie reign of terror and devastation of pr iperty in Cuba and the appointment i f a civilian as royal commissioner, with full powers, distinct lrom the military authorities, to execute reforms of widest autonomy in political, administrative, economical, tariff and legislative mat ters compatible with the preservation of the imperial sovereignly. "The manifesto will promise to go very far in the direction of a sacrifice ot Spanish commercial interests and of sharing the burden of colonial war debts in order to secure peace." Havana, June 23. There has beea considerable skirmishing during the last ten days. According to the official ac counts tbe insurgents have lost eight men in the province of Santiago, sevetty five in Santa Clara, twenty in Matanza?, thirty-nine in Havana and 134 in Pinar del Rio. The Spanish troops have lost in these engagements thirty-eight killed and six officers, and 111 privates wounded. To day at Cabanas fortress Isidore Carmona and Antonio Jordan weie shot. Give Their lira ns to Ic ence. Chicago, June 23. Pupils of Prof. Frederick Starr, forming the aupsy so eiety of the university of Chicago, have entered into a compact to give their brains to science when they di?, Each member will also write out a history of his mental processes from the beginning to as near the end of his life as possible and give a statement of the vices and virtues which have influenced him. Students of anthropology have found much difficulty in obtaining the cere bral tissue of sound minded persons. C ng. atulalei the Queen London, June 23. President McKin ley bas sent the following personal let ter to Queen Victoria, which was de livered to her by Whitelw Reid, special envoy ; To Her Majesty, Victoria, Queen of Great llritain and I-eland, and Empress' of India Great and Good Friend: In' the name and on behalf of the peop'e of the United States I present their sincere lelicitations upon the sixtieth anniversary of your majesty's accession to the crown of Great Britain. ! I express the sentiments of my fellowj citizens in wishing for your people the; prolongation of a reign illustrious andi marked by advance in science, arts and! popular well being. On behalf of my countrymen I wish particularly to rec ognize your friendship for the United' States and your love of peace exempli fied upon important occasions. : It is pleasing to acknowledge the debt of gratitude and respect due ti your personal virtues. May your life be pro-, longed and peace, honor and prosperity! bless the people over whom you have been called to rule. May liberty flour ish throughout your empire, under just and equal laws and your government continue strong in the affections of all' who live under it. And I pray God to have your majesty in His holy keeping.1 Done at Washington this 23th day ot May, A. D. 1897. Your good friend, William McKtNLiy. By the President: John Suebman,' Sec'y of State. Walls Tumlde In. Watkrtown, 8. D., June 23. At 7 o'clock Monday night tlie city was startled by a general fire alarm and a terrible shock, accompanied by a loud report. Tbe fire department quickly rescinded to the scene on Oak street, where the Mullboliand building was found in ruins. This was a large two story brick building occupied by Berg & Olsen as a saloon and the upper story was filled with roomers. The walls gave way without any warning. At tbe time taie saloon was full of people, many of whom had come from the coun try to see Ringling Brothers' circus.1 Their names cannot be ascertained at this time. The building is a total ruin and tlie entire walls have fallen into the basement. Those who were known' to be in the building at the time are: David Ball, rignt rib broken. 8. M. McDowell, cut about the head. D. W. Bradley, badly cut. Herman Beck, back injured. Mrs. Austin, cut about the head. Dave Wallerhouse, will die. Phillip Patterson, dead when found. IMan not Baca seful. New YobK, June 23.-Thirteen col ored persons who formed part of the 200 sent to Liberia by the international emi gratior society in March, 1896, arrived ln this port Monday aboard tbe steam ship Liberia. They lay that the scheme ha been a total failure; tbat many of their numbers died of starvation and avert; tbat the society did not fulfil the contract and many members of the ex sedition are stranded in England, an able to get back to their homes. HANNA ON TOP Bunnell and 8enator Eanna Carry the Ohio Republican Convention. A SPLIT IN AN IOWA CONVENTiON Silver Republican, Populists and Demo crats Hull a Joint Convention llut tbe Name of "Democrat" Cauda Some Trouble. Governor A8a 8. BC8H5ELL Lieutenant-Governor A. W. JONE8 Supreme Judge JACOB F. BURKETT Attorney-General FRANK MONETT Btate Treaturer SAMUEL CAMPBELL Hchool Commissioner L. D. BONEBRAKE Member of Board of Public Works C. A GODDARD Toledo, O , June 24. The publican itate convention completed its work ye erday in a session of less than four lours. While there has been a hard Ight for two days for the control of the tate central committee, there was every .ppearance of harmony and em siasm. ?he two contested districts were decid idly in favor of the Dick candidates and his showed that the state committee ctood seventeen for Dick and four for Curtz. j i.ator Hanna waB not only congrat ilated en the result, but all the dele ;ates were Beeking admittance to his partments for conferences. Governor liushnell not only accepted the situation' lomplacently befure the convention as icmbled, having friendly consultations vith Senator Hanna, but he i-lso made t strong speech of acceptance in the con rention. When Governor Bushnell de-. !lared, "In spite of the statements of the lemocrati press I accept," there was a oud demonstration. In the organiza tion of he state central committee in ihe afternoon, Governor Bushnell lamed the vice chairman, While Sena br Hanna selected tlie chairman and ihe secretary. Senator Hanna returned o Cleveland and will soon be back in IVashinyton. The two leaders had a Viendlj meeting before separating and :t is understood that they hava reached In agreement on the organization of the Itate executive committee. DEMOCRATS IN IOWA. Des MotNKs, la., June 24. The dem icratic Btate convention adjourned iarly last evening, having completed is work. The two allied conventions, he silver republicans and populists, iompleted their work slightly in ad ranee. The three factions were, after nuch controversy, able to agree on one latform, with free silver as the main tiea, and one ticket, composed of two lemocrats, two silver republicans and Me populist. The ticket will be placed n the official ballot under the name of 'democrat." When this became known liere was a split in the populist con Intion, the middle-of-the-road faction, juler the leadership of A. W. C. Weeks talking out. The seceders numbered i ohably 100 of the delegates. Gen. J. I. Weaver's faction remained with the emccrats, whereupon he was bitterly 'enounced. But for this rupture the iiion of all the free silver forces would ave been complete. The ticket is ftmposed as follows: Governor, F. E. White, democrat, teokuk county; lieutenant-governor, I. A. I'lummer, silver republican, Win lebago county ; judje supreme court, J. G. Kinne, democrat, rlryan, Polk unty; railroad commissioner, S. B. train, p .pulist, Dallas county ; super iitendent of instruction, G. F. Rhine mrt, silver republican, Jasper county. A Good Sign. WA8iirNTO.v, D. C, June 24. The reasury department, within the last Seek, has received a considerable num )r of requests for small notes in un mually large quantities. This inquiry vas entirely unexpected, and it is con idently regarded by treasury officials as hi n. d cation of improving business :i ndiuons. At least once a year the treasury neets demands for B'nall notes from the Ivest and south, where they are needed or the movement of their crops. Rarely, owevcr, has the inquiry began earlier nan ihe 10th or the middle of July, and Iherefore it is assumed that the call for notes of small denominations is not in Inticipation of the crop movement. It has become so general, however, particularly in the south, that treasury ilicials ascribe it to renewed activity d) geucal business. A Lover's Affair. Kamkon, Minn., June 24. Bert Van Nosti aiui, an architect, Tuesday night (shot and seriously wounded Jennie Giese, aged sixteen, and then placing Ihe revolver to bis head blew out his brains. The couple were lovers and the Cause of the tragedy is not known. At San Krani'lHco. San Francisco, June 24, The Japan ese cruiser Hi Yie, now used as a train ing ship, haB arrived here and will re wain in port several weeks before sail ing for Honolulu. The vessel was re. ceived with the customary salus. New York 1'aator Nelectl. Pkovidknck, R. I., June 24. Ths Rev. David H. Greer of - St. Bartholo mew's church, New York, was Tuesday elected a coadjutor to the Rt. Rev, Thomas Marsh Clark, bishop of Rhod Inland, at the Protestant Episcopal church convention. On the Charge of Mnrder. Leroy, Minn., June 24. Mrs. Dav Gittel, formerly Mrs. Pickett, has beei arrested, charged ,with murdering hei husband, Pickett, in Moody county South Dakota, three years ag. Picket) died in a burning house and carried considerable life insurance. It is no a claimed that Mrs. Pickett started the fin in the house after she had murdered her husband. She hat since marriei Gittel and they came recently to Lerot from Chester, la. HJCATV MAI I, AT lOFSKA Many Injured and Wladaws up Bail If Tockka, Kas,, June 25. The hailstorm known in the his fry of Kan riis ttruck this city shortly after 6 o'clock last night. Hail stones weigh ing twelve to sixteen ounces stripped the trefs o' their fol:age, smashed window plate glae. store Iron ts, cut down tele graph and telephone wires, riddled awn ings and inflicted unprecedented damage, throughout the city. Dogs were struck in the streets and instantly killed. Horses were knocked to their knees to me again and dash away in mad fright. Runaways occurred throughout tbecity. When the fury of the storm had passed dead birds were found everywhere. A heavy wind and terrific lightning ac companied tlie storm. Topeka looks like a. city that bas with stood a siege of war guns. There are not a dozen buildings in the town but are windowless and many roofs were caved in. Tlie roofs of street cars also were pierced. Tlie damage wrought can better be imaged when it is known that the haft stones ranged in size from that of a hen's egg to an ostrich egg, and that thirty minu after the storm one hail stone wa picked up which measured fourteen inches in circumfer ence. Surgeons aie busy dressing the wounds of persons injured in the storm and reports of injuries continue to be received. Many were hurt in runaways on the street. The following are among the most eerioufdy hurt: Frank Braineid, huckman, skull fractured. J. D. Henderson, liveryman, skull fractured. Mrj. Mary Hughes, arm broken in runaway. Roy White, leg broken in a runaway, D. Klee, bad scalp wound. Miss Anna Fenton, head cut. Fred Heller, head cut. The damage cannot be estimated, but it will amount to thousands. Window glass is already at a premium here, and last nieht three car loads were ordered from Kansas City. , Street car traffic is stopped and elec trie lights are out, owing to demoraliza tion of the electric system. Denounces Public Schools. Dubuque', la., June 25. Archbishop Hennessy created a sensation by an at tack on the public schools in an address to the pupils of St. Clara's academy, Sinnawa, Wis., yesteiday afternoon. He denounced them as irreligious and therefore dangerous for the future gen erations. He claimed that the Catholics paid one seventh of the five hundred millions wiiich it costs to. support the public schools, but that they were de nied the privileges of a religious educa tion and jthat in addition to this seventh the Catholics pay forty millions for the education of their children in their own schools. The entire address was a de nunciation of the public school system and laudatory of the parish schools. f . A Lynching oil tap i Jacksonville, Fla., June 25. A spe cial to the Citizen from Key West saysi Two unsuccessful attempts were madt yesterday to lynch the negro rapist, -Sylvester Johnson, who assaulted Mrs, Atwell yesterday. During the prelimin ary examination C. B. Pendleton arose in the court room and asked the audi ence if there were not enough whites present to take the negro out and hang him. Great excitement ensued, but the authorities interfered and protected him. Intense excitement prevails and the island city guard sleep at theii armory. Threats to raid the armory have been made and serious trouble if feared. Smothered to Death. ' Henderson, Ky., June 25. When an old trunk was opened in the home of Joseph Melton, near Bordley, the fathei found his two little girls lying in it smothered to death, Laura aged seven, and Jennie, aged five. While theii parents were absent the children had been playing hide and seek with three other tots. While searching for a good hiding place the two evidently thought of the old trunk in the cellar, crawled in it and closed the Ho'. A spring lock made it an airtit'ht tomb. Thx Riots in Spain. Madrid, June 25. Serious rioting hat taken place at Mieres, in the Ovieda piovince, which was supposed to be due to the increased taxes on food. There was heavy fighting between 8,000 minerj and the Spanish troops, consisting of th civil guard and the prince's regiment. Two rioter were killed and five severely ind many slightly wounded. Two sold' ers were killed and several wounded. iet Married. Wheeling, W. Va , June 25. At 9 o'clock last night Hon. George Wesley Atkinson, governor of West Virginia, was united in marriage at Clarksburg; the home of the bride, to Mrs. Myra H, Camden, widow of the late wealthy Judge Q. D. Camden. The ceremony took place in the presence of only a few immediate friends. Killed lllm for the Inntilt Corhin, Ky., June 25 Yesterday afternocn Daniel L. Ourry, a prominem business man, shot and killed John Cor ley, a well known Louisville boot and shoe salesman. It is alleged Mrs. Currj was insulted by Oorley a few days age while on a train. Knuala Sp-aka Out, London, June 25 The St. Petersburg orrespondent of the mining Post sayi the Hovoe protests vigorously against Ihe action of the Unite State with re gard to Hawaii, which, it add, maj goon lie followed by an attempt to an Box Guba. "Europe," says that paper, "hat erei reason to oppose the trengthenlng v the) United State in the net world and. moat be ready to support Spain If abe if thnatene I with the lose of Cuba."