The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 01, 1897, Image 1
MtWMMI 4 .1 rrr I HE hlOUX VOL. IX. ., J-TTX3T1, 1897. IsTO. -3. ys County Journal. r The::uxCcunrJo'jrnd. fWTAMJaiD 1888. ' v Rubacription Price, fl.M v OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. . P. fa not, ... Krilter. Knterrd at the Harrisoa post offlce m eecond cliuw matter. The Uiree reform parties of Iowa bave united oo not ticket for tin state elec tion this fall. ' Senator Flanna captured tli republican convention in Ohio hutt week, which means the trust run the republican par ty in that state yet " The fJingley bill provided for the i&tr t mints, and manufacturers, but ur mints, ana manufacturers, but luring class or the consumer. Omaha is to hare another mammoth packinghouse. Phil. Amour the world's greatest meat packer has decided to locate A packing house at S. Omaha, which w ill cmt several inillioo dollars bemdes em ploy ing over two thousand wen. Senaton Carter of Montana, and Shotip , of Idaho are just about to bid adieu to I lie republican party. They have lieguu to ifet their even open sioce they find flint the Dinjrley tariff bill is all in the ' interests of the east to the exclusion of every other port of the country. Senator Pettitfrew, who had a -partial stroke of paralysi a couple of days ago while engaged in a heated debate on the floor of the senate, is at this date report ed to be so much improved by yester day's dispatches that tie uus able td be at his labor again, having entirely re gained hi speech. fine thing the reform forces done for Oms state of Nebraska last January when they went iuto power, and that was to rout that ping of highway rol lwrs that hits infettted (lie slate house lor the taut quarter of a century. Yet, the leaders of tne republican party are only in their proper tnoode wlien they are hurling sin h flmgs as, ,,rciarclnsU" ''('ranks" &e. Who ought to have the credit for doing the job? the ; republican arty or the reform forces. What great chunks of prosperity the people are enjoying. Those who voted for McKiuUy and the single gold stand ard must feel hilarious over the future propocU in the United States fur the next four yours. Yet there are a certain class of people in this as well as in every other community that get out and yell for the republican party, high proction mid the single gold standard (for the trusts and combines), and they don't know where or how they will get the r.ext meal of vituals to eat. CARTER AMD SHOUP NEXT Tfyvj Will Publicly Renounce the Keptililienii Party ami Iiflnr for Free 811- t or Just llcforethe Senate Ad journ. Hot fieaeter Will Retrieve All Tee Error Made By Not Follow lug Teller and His CoUracuei Out of the ML LonU Convention. WASlUXfiTON, June 23. A scene as sensational and almost aa dramatic as that preeeated in St. Louis when Tel ler lad tlie silver hosts from the Republi we) ranks will be enacted in the senate Wfore it reaches its final adjournment. Seoator Carter of Montana, ex-chair man of the Republican national commit tea and Senator Shoup of Idaho will re nounce their allegiance to the Republi can party and declare themselves as ready to support the principles of the free silver Republicans. They will come out wiuarely for the free coinage of ail ver and will sharply and clearly as pa rate themselves from the party with which they have heretofore been identi tied. This act will be the culmination 'if a series of moves now being made by thee men. They have not been blind to the sig- niflomnce of event in Idaho, Montana 4 the adjacent Western state nor have they fulled to note tlie effect of Yetcs against the I'ettigrew, anti-trust Amendment and the Canon amendaient asoviding for uo export bounty on agn cultural products. rWnator Carter staled today that he was very much dinsatislled with the way his constituent and the people of the weet generally were Ming treated by those responsible for tariff legislation. "Of course nothing can be said at tfce line," tie remarked, "a toe bill Is not finality, but there are indications that it w4ll deal unfairly with the peo pie of the west. The wool schedule haa not been decided upon, bat in its present state it k anything but satisfactory" Senator Sfceup will follow him la every move and wiH ha hi ally in thfc second senatorial revolt la the RepuWi can ranks. There were many confer ences in the capitol today. Senators Carter, Jiay and Perkins conferred for some length of time with Senator Canon of Utah. Later, Senator Carter had a long conference with J. 8. Clarkson, manager of one of narrtson campaigns for the presidency. Senator ('arters departure from the house of the Republican will he made as impressive as possible, Carter Is always theatrical. He has often regretted that he did not participate in the onward march of the free silver Republicans at St. Louis. He will retrieve all errors of omission, however, by his exit from the Republi can section of the senate chamber, at the time when the fate of the great dis tinctive Republican measure may be trembling in the balance. Notice to Delinquent Tax-Payers. Sioux County, Xeb. ) Treasurers Office, , June 30, 1897. ' ; ) Notice is hereby given that it is the purpose of the undersigned to immedi ately collect all delinquent personal taxes. Parties knowing themselves to be delinquent will save costs of collec tion by paying at once. No further notice will be given. t HARJ.ES BtEHf.E, County Treasurer. ConimUaionor Proreedlnt; as a Board of Equalization. , llBrraon, Nb. June 3, 117. I Board of Kquntztion nu t pursuant to adjournment. I'reacmt, commixaloiier Welier, Young ami Tl nk In m mid Clerk. TUr Board found the average aMsniuinieiit n!r bead of cuttle In the county to be SVT.'i, and the average -fnncnt per bund in the Varioun preeiuoM to Imi ax follows: Andrew... Sfi.W Antelope 1 G.S8 lhKlnrc H.S Jlowim,... . . . 3.5 Cottenwood 5.W Klre I'ulutK - 7.17 Hat Crunk 5.M inKhlund.. Or MontroiMs - 4.72 UuuniiiK.v' titer '. . S.H Snake Creek. , . HUlfar I-oaf 5.78 Whistle Creek 7.4a Wnrbunaet S.1Z White Kiver . 5.56 Village or Uarrlson W.l It wa found that iu order to Kiiuulixti tint saseMinent on cattle In the county the fol lowing ubanifeii in the various precincts, were neoeswrr and so otdored. Andrews reduced 15.7 pen cent. Antelope 02.2 ' ' Budarc " MA Bowen raised V, j.S " Cottenwood " .04 ' rive PoluU reduced . .) " " Hat Creek raised ; ' .05 " Highland - .01" Muajtrnse M " Runntug Water raised .) " Snake Creek reduced 07.4 ' Whittle Creek ' .23 " Warbonnet raised -13 " WhlU River " M " " Village of HarrUos reduced C37 " The average price of cattle per head in Su gar !oaf prectaet being so near the average price per head In ths county, there wai no change ordered In said precinct. 1 On motion the Board adjourned till 7.00 A. M. June 14, 197. M. J. BLBwtrr, Csjrk. Ilarrlaon, Xeb. ( June . 1897. I - Board of Equalization met puraaant to adjournment. rrenent, coinmlssloner Weber, Young sad TUikhatu and Clerk. .. Tun Heard found the total valuation of saseHsable property In the different pre cinct to be a follow: AndrewK.. tJXAM Antelope .....l 1311.00 Bortarn... 17.31l.00 llowen 4i,ll.0l Cottenwoo'l 1B14.00 r It I'wlnts . 3,(MO.oo Hat, Cresk- -, ih.357.oo Highland . . 3 78 00 Montrose . 3,970 Sunning Water 18,075.00 Suake Crek.. . , 30,015.00 Sugar Loaf - 31,837.00 W biatle Creak 3,fio;i.oo Warbonnet i. ,0ii6.oo While River xl.470.OO Village ul Ilarrlaon. 25.6-JH.OO The following praam bin and ruaolutlona were on motion adopted. Whereas the aaaesaed Valuation of HloitX ounty Nebraska, or the year PHI7, is but .'is7W.4t, aa oorreeted by tbt Board of Kqn alUatlou, subject howe ver, to correction by tee clerk lu so far as clerical-error may ap pear. "i ''.. AndWIieress- flfteon wills levy on 1517, 630.N, will make '.l-W. and the Board of tlie county Commissioners are only allowed to Issue warrants to the amount of 85 per cent, of saM nam, or warrants for ss.73fi.00, tburefore Im-It resolved that the following Iteuia included In the estimate of expenses for the year 1W7, vis: ' litstlrlct court expenses, mlarles, station ary, prtn In? and publls'.iing, Institute, In cidental and (MUcers fees, be reduced to come wltMn the limits ol 7 mill on the dol lar of the total assessed valuation of Mloux county for the year 1897. To provide county revenue for tits year 197, the Board hereby make the following levy! . ' On valuiUlon of i.'pfj,53(.49 for Ueneral and, 7 mills on the dollar valuation, ror Bridge fund, I mills on the dollar valuation. For Road fund, 2 mills on the dotte value tlon. Kor Bpeulal debt ditod. I 4 neren tenths julfls en the dollar valuetteu. tar Soldiers Keller fend three teatae asms on the dollar valuation. On taotioSt rae Clerk be and be heeebr Is orderedi U- levy oa the valuation of Bowen Bead preclsot the required number of mills on tlx dollar, to raise the amount of fTOO.00, for Interest on Ceart houe Bonds and. '"0-00', for Hluk ing fund for Court houne' Bondsnd - the amount of commitsious for collectjrin the same. " ' rt On motion the Clerk lie and he hereby l ordered to levy on the valuation of the dif ferent school Dlstrlrta, the ( amount lugslly Bled and certified to by tlie ' proper offlrer,s to be so levied, also the requlretf TttHnftAr or nllll s respectively to raise the amount of In terest and sinking fund on School OlntrV't Bonds and comnlsslon for col lectins: same ' On motion, the Clerk be and be aereby. Is Instructed and ordered to levy Village Tax on the valuation of the Village of Harrison, when properly filed and cert 1 Had to as required by law..' , .. ' , w fa"-''' On motion, minntes of session were read end1 approved, ' . , Oa motion Board adjourned without day. . I ;f, - ., M. J. BUMrm. ' ', -. , jVlei.' CELEBRATES ON THE STHofJULY The following is the pro gram for the (rand Picsic and Independence Day Cele bration to be field at Montr ros, Neb-, July 5th, 1897: KORJrtXO. Reading Declaration of Indi pendence M. J. O'Connell. Oration Rev. Edw. S. Mfin- eich. ' ! Game of Base Ball. " y AFTERNOON. Trotting Races, Wheelborrow Race, 1 Sack Race, Donkey Race, And other amusements. Grand display of fireworks in the evening . ' r Danciag during day and evening. Refreshments to be had on the grounds. Music for the day by Was serburger's Brass Band. TheWei;jteni Star Orches tra will furnish the music for the dancing. : If you wish to enjoy an all round pleasant day, come. All ivited. J. MARKIJf, ) . : F. Nutto, - GQmmitt0eif ' J. Messing .) :tp-: FSKE BICYCLES. Tlie State Journal is offering a first. claes bicycle free to any person who will get op a club of 100 yearly subscribers for the 8emi-Veekly Journal at fl.00 each. The bicycles are cave red by,. an strong a guarantee as any $100,00 v heel are flrst-class in every respect. Any voudc man or woman can now tern a bicycle. If you find yoaaaoftdl get the required number, a HberaT caah cornnsfc sioa will fte allowed you for each tub- scription-you do get. sou are sure to be paid well for what you do. You can get all your friends and neitrbbore to take the Sem-Weekly State Journal at 1.0 a year. , Address mate Journal, Uncoil), Neb. . Ftaal Proef Setieee. All persoas having 9aal eroof la this paper will receli ve a marked tbe paper aud are reqaeatrd to exam heir notice and It any errors exist same to this ofBve at euoe. the Ketlre For Publlratioa. led oBce at Alliance, Kebr. j . . Msy24. IstT. I ; Notice Is hereby given thet the followlag named setUer hss fllsd notice of bis Inten tion to msk anal proof la seaport of bis claim, and raat said proof Mill be mads be fore M. J. Btowatt Clerk Dtss.Coart at Usnt. son. Neb., on Jely 3, law, rti: " . ' Mickolai Mekero of Moatreee,. Mob., who Bled II. K. Maim fpf tlie W(4 See. ItToea spip is m ft m nr.'? t He names tbe following wltin to prove his oontlauour tesUlenee upon and culti vation of, said lead, ls: , Jo he Berres, of Badare, Nebr. Hupbea nerres, of Haulfterres.orMeiitrose.Mekr. Krank Meyer, of " Aiso.-Domlnlqne'Ilaaeef xfatitroeB.Nsbr. who made H. C. No. HTf for tae Lot W 14 and tt N W H Sac. 1, Township 33 K , ft. MW. . He names the fallowing witnesses to prove til continuous residence epon and eulttvt tlon of said Isnd, vis: -V ' John "erres, of Bodarc, Ncbr. Stephen Herres, of " -. - " Bernard Hass, of Ollohrlst, Mlonefiu Haas, of " J. W. Wihit, Jr. L-43 fteglster. natiees ootfrel .mine reaert .VOTICKPOIt pi'bmcatiov. I.iuid Offii-e st Allisnce, Nobr. I June 1, Ib97. ) Notice is hereby given that the following' uatoed st-ttler huit Hied notice of IiIm ln-ten-tloii toniske final proof in npiurt of his claim, and thutsuui proof will li matte be fore M. J. Blewett clwrk, dixtrk-t court at HurrlMin. Nebr., 011 July 17, 18C7 viz: Herman Kutintth of Moutro-, Ni-br. who hiHl! H. K. So. 130 for the UtU 3 aud 4 and K'i W'4 St-v. 1 Tup. 34 N. K 54W. lie iiuiiica tlie following wltuttMRs to prove lit cotiUmioiu rexideuce uon aud eultlvat Uon of, suid land, viz : icrhard Kclnder-4, of Montrose, Neb. John Sarrx, of liodarc, " Ifti-plmH brreii, of Jucob lleury, of Montrooe, " J. W. Wichw, 10-41 KegiHter. TIJfBEE CltTUUE, KIXAL PROOF. NOTICE FOU PI BLICATIOX. I'nlted States Land Offlce, Alliance, Xebr. I June 2, 1887. j Notice is hereby given that William V. O'Conner of Harrison, Neb., has- ban tiled notice of Intention to make dual proof be fore M. J. Blewett clerk dUtrict court at his olllce tn Harrison, Nebr.,' on tint 17 day of Jaly, 1S97, on dnitter culture application No. W70, for the SF.Ki quarter of section No. 2V, la TownshlpXo.31 N, KmifeNo. y,W. He names as wltneMM: Jobn (Jotbin, t'taarlea Cainenzind, John Davis and II. h. Sfaiuck, all of Hurrison, Neb. J. W. Whii.n, Jr. e45 Register. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICE : Silas A. Holcomb .Governor Jswi U. Harris I Jcu tenant Governor W. r. Poster Secretary of State John T. Cornell.. .Auditor J. It. Meserve .Treasurer C. J. Smyth Attorney General J. V. Wolfe . Land Oominlssionet W. It. Jackson ,.Bupt. Public InsQruct Ion . CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION: Jobn kf . Tharston V. S. Senator, Omaha Wm. V. Alien ...V. S. Senator, Madison J. B. Strode, Congressman 1st Dist., Lincoln . II. Maroer, zd 8am eel Maxwell, 3rd W. L. Stark, 4tb ft. I). Sntberlsndji " tth W.-1.. Green, . tth Omaha Fremont Aurora Nelson Kearney JCPICURT: A. m; rost Cplef Jusciee, Columbus 1. 0. C. Harrison -.As'te Judge, Grand Island t. L. Norval..".. Associate Jadge, Seward 0. A- Caieptill.X'lcrk and Iteporter. Uncoln i'vWFtftKNTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: It P. KlOkahl....... ...Judge, O'Neill . H.. Westover . " Busbvtllc . J. Hlewett , Clerk, Harrison couxnr officers: Robert Wilson.... County Judge M. J.Blewett Clerk Cha. Illehle . Treasurer H'. II. Davis T8upt. Public Instruction D.' Harriett ...l , Sheriff J. E. Phlnncy Coronor ft. K. Tbomsn ..Surveyor at. J. Blewett Clerk of District Court Or ant Gutbrie Comity Attorney ' BOARD OF COiriSSIOSERS: Frank Tlnkham lsrDtsirlet M. J. Wopor(Chairmiin) d " James F. Jomig.. 3d " LFXilSLATIVE: Otto Mntx..S'naUr, Dist. So. 14, Sprlngview A. E. Sheldon Dist. So. 53, Cbadron VILLAGE OFFICERS: E. Rohwer (chairman) ...Trustee J. W,, Scott - ' D. II. Griswod W. B. Marsteller N.I. Hamlin j..... ,". W;'A.,jpavfai iX'lerk Iewls Gerlach..'.l-...i : Treasurer . "t ti SCIIOOT. OFFICERS; J. iW. Scott Director ft. L. Smack Moderator Lewis Lertach '. Treasurer TERM8 OF COURT: flsrlt' Court, At Harrison, commences Spring term April 1.1th, juryUth, Fall October 25, Jury th. Couaty Court, At Harrison, commences ffrst Monday of each month. 'X t CHURCHES ANDSOOETIES. Methodist Sunday School meets every Snn day memlaf at 1. 1. gTANeraixaa, w. if. Davis, v MperlAtesMlent. ' " Uecretary JERBY RI7HK POST, No. 345, G. A. R. Meets aeeond' Monday in each month in the court boese at Hsnissn. X. E. Llvermore, Com. WOOpMKJf. OT THE WORLD. Harrison Osiak.No. U, meets on each al faraate Waffeeedsy evening. fW.H.Siirn, .i.HARMW, i - ; Clerk. f ' Con. Com. MODIftft WOODMEN OF AMERICA. MeeU albaTaate Saturday evening aio'eieelt. - A. R. DW, V. c. 4 w.sjift,ctBrft. ErWORTB LEA8UE. Setnlar business meetiag flnt Tuesdsy evesrtog la ac saemtli. ! ) Oi L. Muintiu, W. H. Dsvtsr President. iSeorCarv Pevotipaal meettnsj every Sunday evening at :. D. J. Clibi, Leader. JUMIOft LEAGUE. Meets each Sunday afternoon at 2 M. Mas. P. H. uaitwoi.D,pt. HTOi'K bi:and. TMk JouasAL will publUh your brand,, ike the roHow4SBr, for t :(, per year. Each sd - dltional bran4 75 cent. Kr.-ry farmes oil ranchmen In hlaux and ailjoiuing countlm should sdvertlae tlilr brandu in The. lot's malss It circulate!) all. over the stale. ltd may be the mcaus ofavlng money for you. FRANK" NUTTO. On loft side of cattle aud on lefvLaod Office sbuolder of borset. Range on Autelopu creek P. O., Ghllchrist, Sioux Co., Neb. chaklp:s bikhle. On let side or hip of cattle, ) On left shoulder of h"i-e. ) iKauge on the head 01 Warbonnetl Jcreek Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. S. W. CAREY. Ion left shoulder of cattle and Ittorse. IKanai on Little I'ottonwoou. P, ., Crawford Nebr. lamimparedtoJoallkindstO do WagOll WOrk ea ear ea la of ivoodrtmrk, horse-stoemgSCIia DiaCKSmitnillg. and blacksmitking. SATISFACTION fl IJAJJANTEED. 1 JT'Charges Reasonable. My shop is. two doors north of The Ranch' Supply House. Give mc a chance to live. JOHN. L. 0TRATTON. NOTICE FOR PUBLItJATtOX. Land Otlice at Alliance Neb, f June 13, 18U7. ) Notice is' hereby given that tbe following named settler has tiled notice of hU Inten tion to- make final proof in- support of bin claim,, and that said proof made be fore M. J. Blewett, Clerk Distinct Court st Harrison, Xeb., on Aug. 7th, W97, vis: Iflram Richardson of Ardmore, S. D., who mode II. K. No. 44(11, lor the N E'i of Sec. 33, Town ship N Range 54W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tlon of said land : Jake Wasserberger of Montrose, Mnb. Henry Plekenbroc.k, " "' John Debano, Henry Prlesthof ' Aliw, Notice is hereby given tint Hiram Kit-hard ou of Asdmore, S. !., has Rled no tice of intention to wake Dual proof before the same ofltoer at same place and date on timber culture application No. 1718, for the S-WJiofSee. No. 24, In Towuahip So. 34 N.! ftange No. 55 H', He names as witnesses : Jake Wasaerberger of Montrose, Xeb. Henry Ptekenbrock, " John Debuno, " " Henry Prlesthoff " " J. W.WeesJa, Register. THE COMMERCIAL BANK, ESTABLISHED 18. Harrison, B. S. Brkwstmi, President, D. H. ORI8WOLD, Cashier. , AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS! AmuuciN Exchanob National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, .... First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposita CTDIUm SOLD ON ALL- PABXS OT EUQOFI. l , Now, is the time, to subscribe for The. WEEKLY JOUNAL $1, FOR ONE YEAR 1 IT IS THE LEGAL PAPFR OF SIO UX CO UN'IZ . GEO. D. CANON, 10ITOH AND FROPHICTOR, UR.VNT GlTTIrRlE,- Wtorney-at-Law. Prompt attention, given to all lefrsi matters in Justice, County ami lJi-t t-i t Courts, and before the United 8lt Fire Insurance written in rlifttle" jowi panics. rJFIegal papers carefully draw n. Hajocuon, - Xuuhaska. But still on deck Third building south-of livery barn. HARNESS SHOP. First door north of the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Prompt attention baid to all repair krvork, also boot and shoe repairing done. L. E. DICKINSIX. DO YOU WANT JOB WORK DON Er THEN COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE. Nebraska. C. F. Coma, Vioe-PreeMeat. ft 4 5 4 ft 1 IV i r n