The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 24, 1897, Image 8
If'' I I. i v if' THE SIOUX COUNT o TrasDAY. JlSX, 24tb, 1897. Uso. 0. Canes, Editor and Prop. r. K. V. Y ft. at liwe table. Oetatf Wast. Going bit HO. I. mlxl. 11 AO Ho. . mLxml 7 : J. E. PHWNEY. M. D. Payildaa sad Sirrm. 411 eelle flvea prompt lUulkx. OOBce in Drug Store. KKHUBKA. I North-western LINE F., E. A M. V. R. R. it tkie best to and from tbe SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTH NEBRASKA. SOTICE TO SETTLERS. TtM rules of tbe local land office have recently been amended bo that settlers to make Dual proof shall nettle with the publisher before sending in their applica tion. All parties desiring' to make final proof can have their papers made out at TBI JocrxaL office, free of cliarge, and promptly transmitted to the land office so that no time will be lost $5.00 REWARD. STRAYED or STOLEN. One black mare, 9 years old and one black mule horse Colt, coming 2 years old this -fall; both branded T on left shoulder, The above stock strayed frcm head of Ante lope creek in Hat creek bai son. John J. Trainer. Harrison, Sioux Co., Neb. We need some more rain. Later. We got it. Read the commissioners proceedings tUs week. Marsteller Bros., are still in the painting business. Hon Chas. Coffee went to Cheyenne last Saturday on business and returned Tuesday. Don't fail to attend tbe Auction next Saturday at 1:30, P. It, in front of the Ranch Supply House. We understand that Chas. Dippert of Ft Robinson, is being talked of by tbe pops lists for county clerk. J. E. Porter, of Crawford was in our fair city Monday, doing business before tbe county commissioners. Grant Gntbrie received a telgram on Tuesday from his wife saying tbey bad got through safe and sound. Speaking of tbe canine nuisance 0. W. Hester thinks the only way to kill them is to shoot them where tbe hair is iff. Qojsts a aiiaalioi of Harrison people will go to Moatroas to celebrate this fourth which comes oo tbe 5th this year. DsQ. O'Connor, seems to be death on badfsra. He dispatched two with an ax the other morning while oa his way to tows. , J. C Alexander of Ardtnore, will leave for Edgeaoat, 8. Dak., next Toes- day where be goes to work oa an Irriga tion ditch, Patrons of our school should not fail 9 attend the election on tbe 28th inst. when a school abactor is to be elected for another term Tbe county commissioner are still wertrtag bard of the equalisation of the smamiste ia'sa different ptaciocts of the eaoaty. '.:: T-UJortitaWoispoUiMrisackUrn far EorClswodtWs weak. Rich is rj f H pevaisjM. aadcaa do any kind f)9h-Try hiss. rOaa this? the towa of Barrisna is not short oa aad that ia dogs. Tbey saaba Ike towa Mdeooi danag the aret, tattta? aad hawliag. Text was via aejalifh a column aatiCtai, T7sssaa,s laea" Aay Heats e4at tfakat, wtthe gladly JU rtssas siaat ha ia ay Tuee- Taasaka faesi af araiwof the Cmcrac aaCag, where we bald tart djrkja pariad af four yaws, tekea J d If ewr courteous friead. the jrr"Jrf Afefta, (9. nfcJ ' ' - - a em la1. Patmoacter Bart U still mating im-j provements in his oElee. The latest is a fine writiag desk made by E. Livermore. just take a look at it when in tbe oGice after your mail. Mm. O.W. Hester, and daughter Who were expected home ou yesterday's passeogrr failed for some reason to ap pear. Mr. H. thinks they will be here this morning without fail. Mr. Manly Wright, wife and UoHeof Whitney, Daw s Co. this state were guests at the Wright mansion over bunday Mrs. Wright i a sister of our flection foreman whom ho has not seen in Four orFive years. Tha replevin rune of Joseph L. Ashton vs Frank Barman, called for trial in Judge Wilson, court last Mon day, was settled by tiie two parties to the suit, Baonan paying the costs. That is right boys, settle your difficulties between yourselves and then you will feel much better toward one another in the future and, then your pocket-book will not suffer near as much in the end. The Harrison boys have received a challenge from tbe Ardoiore S. D., boys to play a matched game of base ball at Montrose, on the 5th of July. The boys have accepted the challenge and have gone into training for the big game. We were not able to And out what the wager was put up bv the Ardmore boys on the game, but suffice it to say, our boys will put them to the test if they win the game. Alvin. T. Clark, who's home is at Chadron. and at presnt is doing some bus iness in Sioux county for his company. had the sad misfortune while riding into town last Saturday evening to ride into a wire fence about ten miles east of here In the affray Mr. Clark was cut qnite se verely about the bead and limbs, besides getting kicked in the bargain' It seems Mr Lei t ho IT near whose place the acoideot occured, put up a fence across the road since Mr Clark's previous trip in that section, hence the accident At this wrtingMr. Cs wounds are doing very nicely and he will be all right in a few days. Mrs. Grant Guthrie received the sad news of the death of ber aged father, Mr. Joseph D. Robinson on Wednesday. His demise occured at Morrill, Kansas. Blood vessels pressing aganat the brain caused his death. He was seriously ill for about a week only. Mrs .G.J and the children were nearly ready to start for a visit to her parents when the sad news reached here. The deceased was well known here, having resided here for a number or years, ihe entire com munity extend their sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives. Mrs. Guthrie and the children left for Crawford by team last Sunday, where they took the B. & M. passenger at 9 GO o'clock in the even ing for Morrill. They expect to be gone a month or six weeks. Tfaraoaaet Warbling. Ernest Lyon came down from Pleasant Ridge Monday, June 14. Chas. Biehle went to Harrison June 14, and returned the same day. O. A. Gartoo and Ernest Lyon were transacting business at the county seat June 15th. Mrs. Lilly Williams returned heme from her visit on Wednesday Juna 9ih. Miss Nora Thomas came down from Harrison to spend a week at home befor attending the Sioux county Norm al. Items are getting to be pretty scarce and hard to find these days. But scarce as they are McKinley prosperity is scarcer. Pat Slattery made a short call at H. T. Merriam's Sunday June 20. He said be wanted to see Jim Merriam. Mrs Maggie Windsor came down from tbe bills to spend a few days visiting relatives and friends in the valley . Little Sophy Lindeman, who has been spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Blewett, in Harrison, came home Satur day June 10 th. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Crane, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Gar ton, H. T. Merriam, James Nolan Mrs. Lindeman and several others, from this precinct were io Harrison Saturday. Chas. Schilt was helping Chas. Biehle eat his alfalfa Friday just before the soaking rail John Dunn came do wn from Dakota, June 18th, and returned the 21st Rich and Jos Dunn returned with him. Bertha Noreiseh, went to Lnsk Satur day June 19th, to visit ber sister Mary Noreiscb, who is working at the Elk born hotel at that place. Miss Lena Noreiseh is suffering with rheumatism ia her feet, she is soma hotter at this writing June 20tb. It did not rain ia this part of tha country last aigbt although it looked very mocb like it night for awhile. fCrno. White's Siding Whisperings. A. Kaori aad VTm. T. Joaas started last Hsaday morning for Oaring, to look over tha eotfetry, and try camping for a few days. W. L Baldwin from south of towa, came down hero last Saturday and brought Miss. Myrtle who will stay witb lit, Junes' during Mr. Jw :il.riK'. Judge V.'iln and family were pleasant callers at the siding Sunday and spent tbe afternoon with Mr. .Tooe and family. Mr. White's and Mr. Fioley's families took a pleasure trip down Sow Belly creek Sunday hoping to catch some flsh but met with the proverbial fisberaians luck. Miss F.flie White reports the loss of her pet Antelope by deatti. Mr. James Merriam of Warbonnet came over to the Siding on Monday. Whistler. ComuusBioiitri Proceedings as a Bu&ru of EnuulizaUcu. llarrlon, NVh. June l.i, INV7. Boanl ol county commlsi'.oners convened utlio rd of equalization. Present, comiuUsiouer Weber, Young and TiukUuia, and Clerk. , Tbe Board proceeded to uncertain the to tal Valuation of property aaseaaed and rela tive value tbereol. The affidavit of J. C. Alexander alleging that a portion of hi pernonal property con Hinting of one mortgage note of 150.00, and school order amounting to ISM.00, were er ruiieouxly "kHced and requested that the tamo be adjusted, wa taken np and after due consideration the Board And that the facta stated are true, aud on motion it U hereby ordered but the Items com plained of be stricken from bis asueMiiuent. On motion Board adjourned till 7:00 A. M., June 16. 1847. M. J. BX.EWETT, Clerk. Harrison, Keb. j oune 10, loU7. ( Board of Equalization met Permian t to adjournmeut. Ireent, commisnioner Web er, YoubK and Tinkhaui and Ctcrk. Board continued to uncertain the total valuation of property abesed and the rela tive value thereof. The affidavit of Sumuel Tebbct alleging tht t the assessed value of his cattle U out of proportion to other cattle In his precinct and requeuing that the same be adjusted was taken up and after due consideration the Board Hind that the facts stated are true andou motion It Is hereby ordered that the assessed vuluc of bis cattle be reduced to compare with other cattle of the same class. Tim affidavit of Theodore F. Uolden, alleg ing that the assesxed valus Of his sheep is out of proportion to other sheep in the county, aad requesting the same be adjunt- ed, was taken up and after due considera tion the Board And that the facts stuu-d are true and on motion It is hereby ordered that the assessed value of his sheep be re duced to compare with other sheep of the same class. On motion Board adjourned tilll 1:00 A. II. June 17, lt7. II. J. Blewett, Clerk. Harrison, Neb. ( June 17, 1W7. Board of Equalization met persaant to ad journnient. Present, commisiloaer Weber, Young and d clerk. The Board continued to ascertain the to tal valuation of property assessed and tbe relative value thereof. On motion Bourd adjorncd till 7:00 June 18, 1,7. .:,..- ' M. J. Blewbtt, Clerk. Harrison, Ke). I June 1m, i Board of Equalization met pursuant to ad journment. Present, commissioners Weber, Young and Tinkbam, and clerk. The Hoard continued to ascertain the to tal valuation of property assessed und tbe relative value thereof. Mrs. 8. C. L. Baitt, apse tred before the Board and filed a complaint la writing alleg ing that her Lou, 15 and 10, of the Villugo of Harrmnn, were assessed out of proportion to other property of like nature, and re quested that the same be reduced. After due consideration tbe Board And that her statements Is true and on motion It Is here by ordered that tne assessed value of the vacant Lots be reduced 25 per cent. A. McGlnley, appeared before the Board and filed a corn plaint In writing, alleging that tbe assessed value of his real estate is out of proportion to other property of like nature and requested that tbe same be reduced, and after due consideration by the Board, it is hereby ordered that the as sessed value of bis Heal estate be reduced to compare witb other lajds of like nature. On motion Board adjourned till 7. -00 Jane 19, 197. M.J. BLEWETT, CJerk. Harrison, Neb, I June 1'J, ln'J7. ( Board of Equalization met persaant to ad journment. Present, commissioners Weber, Young and Tlnkham and clerk. The Board continued to ascertain the to tal value of property assessed and tbe rela tive value thereof. P. Whitney, seneral Town Site agent, tiled a complaint la writing alleglag that the Lot n tbe village of Harrison, assessed to tbe Pioneer Town Kits Co., are excessively high and requesting that tbe same be reduc ed, the said complaint was taken np and after due consideration by tbe Board, It is hereby ordered that tbe assessed value on alt vacant Lot In the village of Harrison, be reduced 16 per cent. On motion Board adjourned till 7 -CO June SI. 187. Harrison, Ken. 1 Juueil, luff, j Board of Equalization met persaant to ad journment. Present, commissioners Weber, Young and Tinkbam and cJerk. Tbe Board ibnnd the average assessment per acte of nnlmaroved land In tbe county to be Sl.U, and the average aaissment of toe same per acre la tbe various preclneu to be as follows: Andrews '...,.1 Sl.U Antelope.... . ... 1.1! Bodarc . J. 14B Bowen , . . ....... IM Cottenwool.. .- 1X0 five Point. . I.S9 Hat Creek. .L, l. UWrklsad l Iflo Moatroe-.. I. a kanateg Water 1J0 1 aaeke Creek .... l.M . WulsUfl Creek. . l.M War bonnet ..... IjOS White Klvr ..... IM It was found that to order to equalise the assessment on unimproved lands tbe follow, lag changes in tbe various precincts was neoessery and so ordered! Bodarc raised M.'Ji per cent. Bowen .09.01 " " Cotton Wood " .M " " ire Points redm eri , " . Highland raised .14 " " Montrote reduced .11 ' Hulling Water " .IS " " Snake Creek raised .W.C4 " Sugar Loaf Whistle Creek reduced -U " Warbouuet rised " " White Klver " JH.m " Tbe average price of land per acre in An drews, Antelope and Hat t'res-k precincts belug so near the sverai price per acre In the eouuty, there was no change ordered In said precincts. J. K Porter attorney for F. E. Jandt, appear ed before the Board and made complaint against the ass;-ted value of certain proper ty belsgexcesi-lvely high. I pon considera tion whereof the Board find that the proper ty complaiued of is excessively high and It is hereby ordered that the same be reduced to compare with other property of like na ture. On motion Board adjourned till 7 : A. M., Juueitt. 1V7. A!. J. Blewftt, Clerk. Harrison, Seb. pb. 1 Ki7 ) June 22, IM Board of Equalization met persuant to ad journment. Present, commissioners Weber, Young and Tli'ktiaui and clerk. The Board found the average assessment per head of Horses in the county to be ;.(;", and the aver;ige assessment per head In the various precincts be as follows : Andrews SC .W Antelope 61W Bodarc 6- O fenwoo1 6 Hi Klve Points 6.4J Hut Creek . &1S HiKhlitnd S. Mk)ntrOse 5.7 Kuniilng WaU-r rMiHke Creek . . 4-73 Kugar lxwf R.71 Whistle Cieek S ' Warbonnet... , 9.9-' White Kiver 6JO Villaeof Harrison b'il It was found Hint in ordi-r to eqnallze the assessment on horses in the conn ty, the fol lowing changes in the vuslous prucincLs were necessary mid so ordered : Andrews reduced .21.2 percent. Antelope raiej ,13.7 " liodarc ) " " Bowen reduced .l.W " " Cottcnwoud " .02.2 " " Five Points raised .ul.S " " Hat Creek " ' . JM.7 Highland " --11 " " Montrose " .1'7 " " Kunnlng Water" .12 " " snake tTeek " .41 Sugar Loaf " -I" " W hl-tle Creek " " Warbonnet " .12 " " White ltiver ' . ' " Viliiige of Harrison raised .2 " On motion Hoard adjourned till 7 .-00 A. M., JuneM, XteST. W.J. Blewett, Clerk. Notice to Xon-Iiesidcnt PefemlanU. In the District Court of Sioux County, Neb braska. Horace ('. Stanton, plaintiff, vs. Jorenzo D. Harmon, A. L. Ormsby, Trustee, Frank Oalley, isitac A. Pratt, Francis E. Pratt, de fendants. To Lorenzo D. Harmon, A. l.Ormby trus tee, and Frank Oailey non-resident defend ants. You are Hereby notified that on the 2th (lav of April 197, Plaintin herein, (lied his petition in lb above entitled cause, in the District Court of Sioux County, Nebraska, against the above named defendant the ob ject and prayerof which is to forclose a cer tain mortgage executed ou the 21st (lav of June 1S7, by ljorenzo D-Harinon uKn the 6Wi of hee. 5 In Twp. 32-X. Range M west of thesth P. M. the same bdng In . KiouxCnnty, Sebr., to serve the payment of a promissory tiotelor the sum of f-l'.O due and payable on June lt 1HJ2, that tliere Is now dun and pay able on said note the sum of Sal'J.20 aud the sum of 014.02 tuxes paid by plaintiff to pro tect his security with interest at the rite of 10 per cent, per annum from the flrat day of May 1W7, lor which nam, with Interest plain tiff prays for a decree that the defendants pay the same, and that in default of such payment said premises may be sold to satis fy the amount found dne. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 5th day of July 1K97. Hornce C. Stanton, Plaintiff. W. W. Wood and Grant Guthrie, attorneys for plain tiff. First publication May 27th 17 38-41 .Vntlee To on-Rsldmt llpfenrtsnts. fn the Ulstrict Court of Sioux County Xeb b rusk a. Jane E. Woodruff, plaintiff, vs. John Melnbart, Jsphine Melnhart, Louis Kuff. Ing, Mrs.KuffmK wife of Ixmis KufflnR, t-bris tian name unknown and W. J. liosrden defendants. To John Melnbart, Josephine Melnhart and W.J. Ilowdeu non-resldont defendants. You are hereby notified that on the 24th day of April 1K97 plniutiff herein, filed hr petition in the above entitled cause, in tho IMstrlct Court of .Sioux County, Nebraska, against the defendants above named the ob ject and prayer of which la to foreclose a certain mortgage executed on the Uth day of July I8T3, by John Muinhartand Josephine Melnhart upon the of Sec. 32 In Twp. S3 . Kange it wemt of the 6 P. M. tho same Isjlns; In Slouxconnty Kebr., to secure tbe payment of a prominlssory note for the sum of t0 due and payable Jane 1st 1W4 that there Is now due and payable on said note tb sum of 032l.i5and for taxes paid by plaintiff to protect her security the sum of aa.7s with Interest ot tbe rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 1st day of May l(R7, for which sum, with Interest plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants pay the same, and that in default of cuch payment said premises may be sold to saUsfy tbe amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 12th day of July 1807. . Jane E. Woodruff, plaintiff. By W. Wood, and Grant Gnthiie attorneys for plaintiff. First publication May 27, li7. mEXKXIMT P0S1TI0IS. vS I how to tf Toe wish oae of thf UOjOOO peswcee in tbe seisi iei ser- IVMt vow H, asslit I roe for paislaf the reejewed CleU u IrasOvU tbercter. m service BaeriT, tact aed a co cducauaa rsafl lbs MTU7S, MTOTS. TWs Bskw sat the beet fadatlet possfbte for eb tsiassc patenu aed tnevfi ."'j"" coosaoss. tks dswfoT this dept. JkM had years Pautxs, and PateM Aitonscy , sasl la very saccess fel la sscwrtae Woai peuntt sad la the prosscatlea e sil psWsOsBioa bstor the coerts. eriHHM cf LAW. FPwwSarw wf eesvvt TUm BareM caa St roe ter adeahwloa te tbe Bar aas) piepeVe pee Isr actlee practice ! two rears, el Bscs 1 sssssrWty satertcrtac Nb jmm etber ee tiea, .Oar ksswwctors an the ascest, oe syeurss ihereesa.iesi esa-ussian iisioeshli Tbretcoero eoareuogati Uaivsrstty, aom aad special. Sees) lor pertieelars, tora. etc NATIONAL IPO1IATT0, W-'BEAC. MIO New York Ave, Wthiai'oe, V, C RAXCII SUPPLY HOUSE. LEWIS GERLACH, I W GrQ TTD) MARSTELLER BROS.f They handle every thing eral department country store. SUCH AS DRY GOODS and GROCERIE, BOOTS and SHOES, HARD and TINWARE; also FLOUR, FEED and GRAIN, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO MARSTELLKK BROS. jeSS-ffs I Wraif1 9 Instable WE SELL THE American Hand-Sewed Slioe Co's CTLC5B ATE D 800TS& SHOES TS C15CEST IN Tflt WQRUi GCUl JI'STTRTA rsiaorTiiEE'ioor? A lll'.l. I am Af?ent for the world famed 'McKORMICK BIND ERS and MOWERS. I keep on 'hand all the time a full line of supplies for theHe machine. Last but not Least. Wehn you are badly in need of the only PERKIN S WIND MILL sold io Bioux County, call on me. - J. II. BAKTF.LL. " j Now write, ua for Description about it. We hsve been telling our Address, PC 3s Faj flair m p h 3 i p w 2 CHr M at nS p n m w ? H j) B i ?p,a pis ir m Z I ? 3 8 c s4 p p x f a 2 5 5 ?f.sV lift I r rut c-so. is int sir 3 a 1 2 ' ssU ssi . m u a r t V - ? - Where are you going? t We are on our way to the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. THEY SAY EVERYTHING IS SO CHEAP AT THAT STOKE. My u ife want one of tho leatiful SPRING HATS and dry good provision Scc. I need a Spring SUIT mytlf and we think we can save mem ey by trading at the usualy handled in a gen LIYEBY, Feed and Sale SAML. TEBBCTS, PKOPRl ETWR. .. sVv Also, We handle 0 full U Queens-ware, Hard-Ware, j Dry-Goods, Groceries &c. We pay the freight on tins Kimball o( o ORGAN la Webrata and Weatern Iowa, Yoa Oct $198 Oraaa for f88s YOU PAY FOR IT WITH A FIVE DOLLAR BILL down and lo.OO per ooonth. Felly Oaeraateed fer a years. sn4 Catalogue. We will tall you all friends about thin now S3 years. A. HOSPE, OMAHA NEB, sr o a si u . ft 'T sssa' a u f r s si f u e i i e 0. r i m 3 S 8 1 5! j i H 5 1 5 ? Pa 1 i f ? s o '- ,- A U ? 7 s '