f .r V I I r II rf I Al THE BROTHER OF A GENTLEMAN. T TE mi her coming along the r 1 l street, and he paused, hoping -- she would care to stop and apeak to him. She always bowed and smiled, or said a word or two, and he lived on the memory of It until he met her again. That, usually, soon happen ed, for In a little town of 500 inhabi tants the said inhabitants are liable to meet often. She was a sweet girl, a pretty girl, every one thought, but these mild terms did not half express Ernest Wil son's opinion of Ruth Adams. She was a perfect woman in the highest and purest sense of the word, and to a man who looked upon all women as being far superior to men, this meant a great deal. That was what he thought of her. She did not think of him at all, except when she happened to see him, and then he reminded her of his brother Will.. Ruth was engaged to Will. She had been for two years. He had been by far the handsomest man in town, and she was the prettiest girl, and he had been .proud of her. That was before be went to the city. Now he thought there were girls galore better looking than Ruth, but he said nothing of the kind to her, for it was pleasant to have some one to make love to when he was obliged to go to the country sometimes, for Papa Wilson had a full pocketbook, and Will had not So, in the soft light of an afternoon sun, Ernest Wilson stood and waited for Buth to pass, and, watching her as she approached him, thought with a little weariness of the injustice of fate. Not that he imagined for a uo ment that he deserved such a woman as did hi handsome brother, who was a "gentleman," only he would have Joved Ruth tenderly, been very thoughtful of her, very kind to her, if she could have cared for him and Will was so careless. ' Ruth did not pass this time; she outs et and looked up into his good, honest face, and then said, a little timidly: . "Ernest, have you heard from Will lately?" - ... , "No," he said, kindly. There was a letter in his pocket from Will, received , a. few moments before, speaking of bard times and asking for the loan of a few dollars. "No, not lately; he is busy, you know, Ruth; you must not think anything of not hearing from him he does not like. to write. "Are you going home?" he asked. "t will walk with you, Ruth. Are you worrying about It? If you are, then don't" "I will tell you honestly that 1 am. Tou are one of the people, Ernest, tuiYt no one would ever think of deceiving. 1 am unhappy and X am annoye,! It is not pleasant for a girl of spirit to hear the things people are beginning to say. At the same time, I know it Is only . arjel8ness on Will's part He 'has fciven me his word. There Is co one who could say otherwise .than that wfll Is a gentleman, and a gentleman keeps bis word." . " "If he does not," he said, and in hi voice there was that' she had never heard before, "in a case like this I would scorn him. if he werj a thou 3. sand; times ihy brother!". "t would not have him keep hi prom ise to me against his will." she said, proudly. "Never that. If lie has changed toward rue, then he owes it to himself and me to " "To be a man not a gentiemau," hi) said, savagely. - "To be both," she said. Hut her lip . quivered. They were at the gat by this time, and he'opened It and wait ed for her to pass. Instead, she stood and looked at him. ' , .Ernest" she said, "tell me just what ' yu tttakV "What I think Is tbis-that no man, and I make no exceptions whatever, would possibly throw away the chance of winning you If be were In his right senses. If a man ts not in bis right , senses be Is deserving of our pity, not our blarne. I wish you good evening." And he left her looking after him like ne bewildered. It may bare been i letter she wroto to WW that nigbt, or It mar have been one that Ernest wrote, refusing the loan, but for some reason Will came home a few days later. He bad learn td a new way to carry Ms cane, and , kli Uwi were, more profound than ever. bm bis accomplishments seemed hare small effect upon bis father aad brother. : Aa for Ruth well. It may T been tbaf she bad crown tired ! S wtofau iihHlMHiill Iam mnA iffan. -wvm, r,,. Cirj, tad rccelrlBff la return kin ti lrrrat attentloa. When a won l r Villas to draw comparisons h ' rt f I T"T aWMOMHirt SJM OUST DMA. had spoken to her, and of the manner in which Will talked, as if she were the one favored In their love affairs. And yet to her Ernest was nothing in the world but Will's brother. When Er nest thought of it seriously, he has never been anything to any one but Will's brother. He had been so un assuming, and cared so little for ap pearances, and Will had cared so much. Ernest was an excellent busi ness man; he did the thinking, Will did the talking; Will used all of hU ideas as if they were his own and trans acted business for his father in an easy, off-hand way, forgetting to men tion that Ernest had spent hours of thought and study before the line of action had been decided upon. It had been the same when they were chil dren. Ernest read a book carefully; Will read a criticism on it combined it with Ernest's opinion and carried on brilliant conversations upon It with older people, Impressing all with his remarkable mind, while Ernest sat by and said nothing. "I am not good enough for Ruth," he said to himself. "I do not know auy one who is; and I would not for the world make her think less of Will, if I thought he loved her or would make her happy; but he would not; so I in tend to let her see how superficial is his -nowledge, and what a shallow man be is." When Ernest Wilson made a resolu tion U was aa good as accomplished, but this was the most difficult under taking of his life; for he intended not only to prove to Ruth that she was wasting her affections upon a man who eared nothing for her, but to teach his little world to speak of him as Er nest Wilson, not as any man's brother. He'was so accustomed to sit by silent ly when questions were discussed, knowing all the time that he had more knowledge of the subject than those who were talking, that it produced a surprise that amounted almost to a sensation when he first began to ex press his opinion in a modest way. It was very hard for him, as he was not only a modest man, but a timid one as well, and had been long in the back ground; he succeeded well with the men, however, and, with a dogged de termination to carry his resolution through, he was not willing to stop until he convinced all his friends that he had a mind and opinions of his own. They were not so long in finding It out as be had been, fortunately, and soon he began to be spoken of as Er nest, instead of "Will's brother," or "Mr. Wilson's other son." Much of the attention he had formerly given to business he turned upon himself, to the delight of his mother, who under stood him better than did any one else in the world, as is the way with moth ers always, or nearly always. She en couraged him, then she went further; she dropped a word here and there of what Ernest thought; how much they relied upon his judgment, and the like, ami all this time Will lingered, wonder ing why Ernest and his father did not help him pecuniarily, so that he could return to the city. Lingered and made love to Ruth till he wearied of It then made love to Ruth's friend till he wearied of that, and went back and made love to Ruth. And Ruth let him make love to her. She had been accustomed to it off and on for years, but for all that she was beginning to think. The climax was reached when some body gave a party. Ernest went to the city, returning in garments of the lat est cut and appearing as much at ease as Will had ever done. "i'ou are not enjoying yourself, Ruth," he said. "How do you know that?" she ask ed, with a weary smile. "Are you?" "No." "Do you want to go home?" "Yes." "Then come along." A few minutes later they were walk ing together through the moonlight; the wind blew the brilliant autumn leaves about their feet, and they trampled down tbelr red and gold glory Into the soft earth. Ernest took the small hand that had been clinging to his arm, and said gently: "Ruth, dear little woman, you are unhappy breaking your heart over a young rascal who Is not worth one thought from yon." "The man who Is breaking my heart la worth every thought." "Ruth," he said desperately, 'let me Mi you something. Will Is a gentle man I admit that But be la not the man to make you or any woman hap py. Believe me, I apeak for your sake, and your only. I am not pleading my own cause, for I learned long aft now J hopoles that would be; but I have loved you aiwujs, anil I cannot bear to see you throwing away the best part of your Life grieving for au unworthy man." "1 tell j-oii he is worthy." "What do you women call a worthy man? What do you call a gentleman? If that Is what you consider Will, then break your heart over your gentleman! I have done my best." "I am not breaking my heart over Will." "Over whom, then?" "The brother of a gentleman! Oh, Ernest!" The tone, was It, or the look she gave him out there under the stars? Rut In some way he understood at last, and he clssped her to his heart and thank ed God with a voice that had tears in it for this great blessing that had come info his life. Yonkers Statesman. MEALS COST TOO MUCH. Railroads to Substitute the "Pay-for-What-Yon-Eat" Plan. According. to V. W, Buskirk. assist ant general passenger agent of the Erie, railroads soon will have to drop the $1 flat price for a meal in the dining-car. He bases this prediction on his experience when he exhibited one of the new trains of the Erie, which are to run between Cleveland and New York. One of the features of the new equip ment Is a Parisian cafe service, a sort of a compromise tetween the table d'hote served for a dollar bill on dining-cars, and the canned-goods delivery found in buffet service. He also cited the success which attends the a la carte service recently put on dining cars by the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul, and other Western roads. "People want to pay for what thoy eat," said Mr. Buskirk. "They do not want to pay an even dollar for a bowl of soup anil a slice of rhubarb pic, but they are willing to pay ?2, If the sum of their order amounts to that much. Some of the roads ure beginning to recognize that little fact, and before long you will we the dining-car meth ods changed considerably. When dining-cars were novelties It was all well enough to charge $1 for a full meal or a snack; but dining-cars to-day are es sential parts of the equipment of every well-regulated railroad. The dlnlftg cars have lost the charm of novelty, and passengers are becoming critical. The Erie, I think, has struck a happy medium in lis cafe service. Such a ser vice, of course, Is ununited for long irlps, but is admirable for such runs as the Cleveland-New York run on our line. "This cafe service is elastic. One can get a full meal or one can got a sandwich and a liottle of beer, and pays for just what he gets. The luncheon or meal is served on little tables which are movable, and one eud of the car is reserved for men who want to smoke after eating. If a young man or wom an wants to give a cliaflng-dish party at the rate of fifty miles an hour, the chafing-dish and ingredients required are at hand, and the young person can try his hand at a Welsh rarebit, lob ster a la New burg, or what not. But the feature in the service which meets the requirements of the traveling pub lic Is found in the pay-for-what-you- get plan, and this plan will be adopted by all first-class lines before long, for the American people have never taken kindly to the table d'hote scheme. Rail roads will be gainers, because hun dreds of passengers are detrred from entering a dining-car from the fact that it means $1 If only a sandwich and a cup of coffee are ordered." Why Snow Is White. ' .The pure white luster of snow Is due ! to the fact that all the elementary col ors of light are blended together In the radiance thrown off from the surface of the crystal. It Is quite possible to examine the individual snow crystals In such a way as to detect these sev eral colors before they am mingled to gether to constitute the compound Im pression of whiteness upon the eye. The soft whiteness of the snow Is uLso In some degree attributable to the large quantity of air entangled amid the frozen particles. Snow is composed of a great number of minute crystals, more than a thousand distinct forms of which have been enumerated by va rious observers. These crystals and prisms reflect all the compound rays of which white light consists. Sheets of snow on the ground are known to reflect beautiful pink and blue tints under certain angles of sunshine, and to fling back so much light 'as to be painful to the eyes. Most Blase Man, ' J Anojher of the pretty sisters of the' Queen of Wurtemberg is soon to mar ry. The betrothal Is announced of Princess Adelaide of Kchaiimburg Llppe to Prince Ernest of Saxe-Alten-burg. the heir presumptive to the sover eign duchy of that name. The reigning duke has no male issue and the heir to the throne Is his only brother, Morltz, father of Prince Ernest. Prince Mo ritz, who Is about 07, Is called "the most blase man In Europe," and al though In perfect physical condition, stays In IkhI for week at a time, simply because, to use his own Words, "there was nothing worth getting up for." Under the circumstances It Is probable that when bis elder brother, the duke, who Is reported very 111, dies, he '!! abandon his rights of succession to hit only son on the ground that It would be "too much of a bore" to reign. Losses In flattie. Italy had 10,400 white troop encaged at Adava; of these 8,007 were killed In the battle. If the angel Gabriel has enterprise, be will take klnetoscope pictures of the way the craves yawn on that noted born-Mowing event Some people are so polite that Uey dishonest. THE (JOLT OF A KLU WHY THE PHYSICIANS COULD NOT CURE IT. Rev. Dr. Tat mane Show the Mlatabe of t-hutting Out God from the Kealm of Pharmacy and Therapeutic" A benediction for Doctors. picour to Doctor. It is not often that men of one pro fession have much eliourugeiueut for men of n no' her profession, but this m-r-mrti, prepared by Dr. Taluiage, contains jenthusiaMie words of a clergyman to phy sicians. Tlie text is 11. Chronicles xvi., Vi, "And Asa, in the thirty and ninth 'year of his reign, w as diseased In his feet : until nis disease was exceeding great; yet In his disease he sought not to the Ijord. ! put to the physicians. And Asa slept with I his fa fliers." At this season of the year, when med ical colleges ,,f all si h.sds of medicine are giving diplomas to young doctors, and at the capital and iu many of the cities med ical associations are assembling to con sult about the advancement of the inter ests of their profession, I feel this dis course :s appropriate. In my text is King Asa with the gout. High living and no exercise have vitiated his blood, and my text presents him with his inflamed and I mud a iced feet on an ot tomaa. In defiance of God, whom he bated, he sends for certain conjurors or juacks. They come and give him all sorts jf lotions and panaceas. They bleed nun. They yvveiit him. They manipulate him. They blister him. They poultice him. They scarify him. They drug him. They cut him. They kill him. lie was only a young man, ami had a disease which, though very painful, seldom proves fatal to a young man, and he ought to have got well, hut he fell a victim to charlatanry and empiricism. "And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased In his feet, until his disease was exceed ing great: yet in his disease he sought not to the Ixtrd, but to the physicians. And Aa slept wilh his fathers." That is, the doctors killed him. In this sharp ajid graphic way the Bible sets forth the truth that yon have no right to shut !x! out from the realm of pharmacy and therapeutics. If Asa had said: "O Lord, I am sick. Bb-ss the in strumentality employed for my recovery!" "Now, servant go and get the Ix-st doctor you can find" he wdild have recovered. In other words, the world wants divinely directed physicians. There are a great many such. The diplomas they received from the academies of medicine were nothing compared with the diploma they received from the Head Physician of the universe on the day when they started out and lie had said to them: "!o heal the sick, and cast out the devils of pain, and open the blind eyes, and unstop the deaf ewrs." (Jod bless the doctors all the world over, and let all the hospitals and dispensaries mid infirmaries and asylums and domestic circles of the earth respond, "Amen." Malm in G I lead. Men of the medical profusion wp often nice) in the home of distress. 'We shake hands across the cradle of agonized in famy. We join each other in an attempt at solai-e wlicre the paroxysm of grief de mands an anslyne as well as a prayer. Yc look into each others sympathetic faces through the dusk as the night of death is falling in the sick room. We do not have to climb over ajiy barrier to-day in order to greet each other, for our pro fessions are iu full sympathy. You. doc tor, are our tirst and lajt earthly friend. You stand at the gates of life when we enter this world and you stand at the gates of death when we go out of it. Ill the closing moments of our earthly exist ence, when the hand of the wife, or moth er, or sistt-r, or daughter shall hold our right hand, it will give strength to our dying moments if we caJj feel tlie tips of your fingers along the pulse of the left wrist. We lo not meet to-day, as on othi-r days, in houses of distress, but by the pleasant altars of (iisl, and 1 prJxse a sermon of hclpfulnex and gssi clieer. As in the nursery children sometimes re-enact all the scene of the sick room, soto day you play that you are the patient and that I am the physician, and take my pre scription just oti.ee. It shall be a tonic, a seila live, a dietetic, a disinfectant, a stimulus and an anodyne at the same time, "is th.-re not bulm in i!ed? J there not 8 physician there?" . In the first place, 1 think all the medical profession Should Inhume Christian be cause of the debt of gratitude they owe to Oixl for the honor he litis put upon their culling. No thT railing in all the world, except it le that of the Christian minis try, bus received 'o grant flu honor as yours. Christ himself whs not only preacher, but physician,' surgeon, aurwtt, ophth-ilmologist, and under his mighty power optic and auditory nerve thrilled j with light and sound, and catalepsy arotie from its fit and the club foot wa straight ened, and anchylosis went out of the stiff ened tendons, and the foaming mmiiiic be came placid as a child, and the streets of Jerusalem became au extemisized hos pital -rowdiil with convalescent victims of casually and invalidism. All ngea have woviii the garland for the doctor's brow. Public Hygiene. The medical profession 1ei! into the court room, and after conflicting wit nessiti have left everything in a 'fog, by chiinical analyse shows the guilt or in nocence of the prisoner, as by malhcnjat ical demonstration, tlnia adding honors to medical jurisprudent1. This profession hn done wonders for public hygiene! - How often they have stood Ix.-tween this nation and Asiatic cholera, and the yellow fever! . The mon ument in Crecnwood and 'Mount Auburn and laurel 1,1 ill tell something of !h, story of those men who stood face to face with pcwtili-nce In Southern citie, until, tiiggeritig in their own sickness, they stumbled across the corpse of those whom they hod i-onie to ave. This profes sion ha be4n the successful advocate of ventilation, sewerage, drainage and fumi gation, until their sentiments were well expressed by Ird Pnbneniton when be said to the Kngllsh nation at the time a fat had lieeii proclaimed to keep off a great pestilence: "Clean your streets or death will ravage, notwithstanding all the prayer of this nation. Clean your streets, and then call on God for help." Kee what this profession ha done for bo man longevity. There was such a fear fa) subtraction from human Nft that there was a prospect that within a few esnturiea (his world would be left alaaost knfesbit atlese. Adam started with a wfasU eter nity of earthly eslstesee before Km, tat V- cut of! 'he most of it and only com paratively few year were Ivft - only 7h' jiars of life, and then fHHt. and th-u and then "t, and then 1'hi. and then ". a ud then the average of human life came to 10. and then it dropped to . But nieillitil wcieiii-e came in, it ml since the six- tccnth century the average of human life has risen from IS years to 41 .and it wi 1 continue to rise until the average of hu man life will b ."". and it w ill Is- '!. and it will be 71, and a man will have no right to die lx-fore !, and the prophecy of Isaiah w ill be literally fulfilled, "And th child shall die PK1 year obi." The mil lennium for the souls of nu n will he the millennium for the Ixxlies of men. Sin done, disease will he done the clergyman and the physician getting through with their work at the same time. The Dispennarien. But it seems to me that the most ln-au-tiful l"iedictiou of the medical profession has Is-eti dTopK"d uimui the ssrr. No ex cuse now for any one's not having scicti tific attendance. Dispeiisarii's and intirm ari everywhere under the control of the liest doctors, some of them ptstrly paid, some of them not paid at nil. A half starved woman comesout from the low ten ment house into the diseusjiry and un wraps the rags from her balie, a bundle of ulcer and rheum and pustules, ami over that little sufferer liends the acinmu lated wisdom of the ago from Aescula pius down to the last week' autopsy. In one disistisary in one yr 15M' pre scriptions were iswuil. Why do I show you what God has allowed this rrofisini to do? Is it to stir up your vanity? Oh, no. The day ha gone by for pompon doctrs, with conspicuous gold-beaded cane and powdered wigs, which were tlie accompaniments in the day when the barber used to carry through the street of Ixri(lon lh Broekelsby's wig, to the admiration and awe of the ixviple, saying: "Make way. Here (Him Dr. Brocki-1-by' wig." No, I announce these thing not only to increase the apirreeiation of lay men in regard to the work of physi cian, but to stir in tlie heart of the men of die medical profession a feeling of grat itude to God that they have been allow ed to put their htyid to such a magnificent work and that they have leen called into such illustrious company. Have you never felt a spirit of gratitude for thi opportunity? Do you not feel thamkful now? Then I am afraid, doctor, you are not a Christian, and that the old proverb which Christ quoted in hi sermon may 1m- appropriate to you, "Physician, heal thyself." Another reawm why I think the medical profession ought to lie Christian i ! cause there are o many trial and annoy-aii-e in that profession that need positive Christian solace. I know you have the gratitude of a great many good people, and I know it must be a grand thing to walk Intelligently through the avenues of human life and with anatomic skill poine yourself on the 'nerves and filler which cross and reeivsw this wonderful physical system. I suppose a skilli-d eye can nee more lieauty even in malformation than an architect can point out In any of his structure, though it le the very triumph of arch and plinth and abacus. But how many amvoyani-e and trial the meiMi-al profession have! Irr. Bush used to sny, in hi valedictory address to the student of the medical college, "Young gentlemen, have two pockets a small tocket ajid a big pocket; a small isx-ket In which to put your fein, a large Hicket in which to put your annoyance." A Ioctor' Sacrifice. In the first place, the physician ha no SublMith. Busy merchant and lawy-rs and mechanics cannot afford to- Ik? sick during the secular week, and so they nurse themselves along with lownge and hore hound candy until Sabbath morning comes, and then they say, "I murt have a doctor.". And that spoil the Sabbath morning church service for the physician. Be ides that there are a great many men who dine but once a week with their fam ilies. During the secular days they take a hasty lunch at the restaurant and on the Sabbath they make up for their six days' 8ltinence by especial gormandizing. which before night make their amazed digestive organ cry out for a doctor. And that iHil the evening chnrch service for the physician. Tbim tbey are annoyed by people, coming too late. Men wait uirtil the last fortress of physical fttrength i taken und death bit dug around it the trench of the grave, ami then they run for the dis-tor. The slight fever which might have Is-en cured with a foolbath has become virulent ty- phun, and the hacking cough, killing pneu monia. A though a captain should sink hi ship off Amagamwrt, and thm put ashore in a yawl and then come to New York to the marine olfice and wont to get hi vessel insured. Too late for the ship, too late for the patient Then there are many who always blame the doctor because the people die, forget ting the Divine enactment, "It i musriiit- ed unto all men once 'to die." Th. father in miilictne who announced the fact that he had discovered the art by which to make men In this world immortal him self diisi at 47 year of age, showing that immortality wa le than half a century for him. Oh, how easy it i, when iieople die, to cry out, "Mslpraetii-e." Then the physician must War with all the whims, and the sophistries, and the deception, and the stratagem, and the irritation of the shattered nerve Mid the Wlouded hraju of woiiH-u, and more efiilly of men, who never know how gracefnlly to Ik? ick, and who wtlh (heir salivated UKnth curse the doctor, giving him his duo, a they way ttbout the only due he will In that case collect. The lat bill that I paid i the doctor' bill. It seem so incoherent for a restored patient, with ruddy cheek and nxtund form, to be lath ered with a bill charging him for old nli mH and jalap. The physician of thi fount ry do more missionary work witb out charge ihun all the other profession put together. From the concert room, from the merry rfy. from the comforta ble couch on a cold night, when the ther mometer l 5 degree below xero, the doe tor must go right away; he lway must go right away. To keep up under thi nervous strain, to go through thi night work, to bear H thine annoyance, many physician have resorted f0 strong drink and erlhed. Other hare npirealcd to God for sympathy and help and have lived. Which were the wine doctors, judge ye? Piety and Medical ' kill. Again, the medical profc-Mumi ought to be Chriwtisn because there are profes sional exlitciicie wlien they need God. Ass's destruction by miblemied physician was a warning. There are awful crises in every medii-al practice slien a doctor ought u know how to pray. All the hoot of Ilia win sometime hurl rhemselte on the weak point of Hie physical organism, or with equal ferocity will assault the mi tire lias of saaceptibUlty to raftVriug. The lieU loe of medicine Will ! t i h whether ..r n..t tin- hiipp Ik. nie si'uli broken up. Shall it Is- tiu me, , -in., or that iiu-d-j. -me? ;-! help the do. i. r. It-twe.n the the drops nnd the tell drop tuny i the ipi,iiou ..f life ..r deal U. Shall it be the (he or the ten drop? Be ca refill how jou put that knife through th.we delicate iti..lis of the Is-iiy, tor if it swing out of the way tl.e s.xih part of nu inch tun patient MMhes. I'lulcr stn-h cinuiii-stam-es a ph.v ic,m iin N im! much cousult.ttioii with men of his own ailing as he nii-ds coi.Millatioii with tluit Coii who tftriing t!. .A-rvis and built the cell ami swung the crims.iu tile through tne artcriis. You wonder why the hi-art throbs why it seems to open and shuf. There is no wotuler about it. II in God' hiuid shutting. oteiiiiig. shutting, ieti iug, on every heart. When a man come to doctor the eye, he ought to lie jn col.l niumc:ition with him who said to tllii blind, "Iieceive thy sight." When a din tor nines to treat a paralytic inn, he ought to tf in communication with him who said. ''Stretch forth thy hand, and he 1 retched if forth." When a man come to dx-tor a bud caw of hemorrhigc, he needs to be in communication with him who cured the issue of hitssl, saying, "Thy faith hath saved thee." ' I do not menu to say that piety will make up for medical skill. A bungli'tg doctor, confounded with what was not t very bad case, went into tit next room to pray. A skilled physician was called in. He asked for the first practitioner. "Oh." they saiii. "he's in the next room pray ing." "Well," said tlie skilled doctor, "tell him to come out here and help, lie can pray and work at the same tiiu " It was all in that sentence. Do the bt ve can and ask God to help ns. Therj ate no two men in all the world, it ?ms v me, that so much m-ed the grace of G J a the minister who doctor the sick wul' and the physician who prescribes for tb diseased body. Christian Usr.f nine. Another reason why the medical profes sion ought to In) Christian U because- there opens before them nch a grand fi Id for Christian usefuplnes. ion ee so many iM-ople in pain, in trouble, iu l- reovement You ought to be the volt of heaven to thuir soul. Old Dr. Gasherie De Witt, a practitioner of New York, told me in hi hurt cay, "l-olway present the religion of Christ to my ptUienut either directly or injlirectly, and I find it al most always acceptable." Ir. Abnr crombie and Brown of Scotland, Dr. Hey and Fothergill of Knghwid and Dr. Hush of our own country were celebrated for the'rr faithfulness in that dirertiinu. "Oh, say the medical rrofesion, "that i your occupation: that Ix-long to tlie clergy, not to lis." My brother, there are severe ill nesses in which you' will not admit-even the clergy, " and- that patient's solvation will depend upon your faithfulness. Wfth the tnedirine for the body in one hand and the medicine for the srnil in the'otlver, oh, what a chain! There lie a dying C!rj tijwi on the pillow. You nisil to hold over him the lantern of the gospel until its light stream seros the pathway of the departing pilgrim, and you need to cry into the dull ear of death, "Hark to the song' of heaven,' -wuli-ouie .that come stealing over the water." There lies on the pillow a dying winner. All the mor phine that you brought with you cannot piie-t him. Terror in the face. Terror in the heart How he jerks himself, up mi one elbow and look wildly into. your fncp and says; "-Doctor, I can't die. I am not ready to die. What make it no dark? Ifcietor, can you prayy ilU-sxed for yon and bWsed for him if then you coil kneel down aud'sny: "O God, 1 have done the bet I could u. nunc this man's body and I have failed! . Now- 1 commit to thee bis h-, suffering and 'affrighted sout. - 0ien paradise to hi departing pirit." ' , , But I must close; for thi-rti, nuiy be suf ficing" men mnj wonien waiting In your f!ice?.or-.ou tjhe hot pillow, wondering why you don't come. But lxfre you' go, O doc'ors, hear my prayer for your eternal salvation. Blessed will be the reward in heaven for the faithful Christian physi cian. Some day. through overwork, or from luiidins over a patient and j-stSrhing hi contagious breath, Ihe" doctor ,time home nnd be Hi- down faint, ami, sick. He is too weary to feel hi own pulse or take the diagiioK-i of hi own dm plaint He i worn out. The fact is Ids work An earth is endi-d. Tell 'thosc peWple in the office there ihey mill not wait any longer; the doctor will never go there again, He ha written hi lust prescription for the alle viation of human pain. The people will run up hi front step and inquire, "How i the doctor to-day '!" All the Kyiiipatbic of tlie neighborhood will be aroused, and there will be many prayer that ho who ha lieen so kind to the sick may be com forted in hi lawt pang. 1 1 i ail over now. In two or three day, hi convalescent pa tients, with shawl wrapjx-d around them, will come to the front window and look out at '.he passing hearse, and (In. por of the city, barefooted ami bareheaded, will stand on ihe slri-et tyruer, saying, "Oh how goisl he was to ii all!" But oil the other fide of the river of death ime of hi old patients, who are forever cured, will come out lo welcome him, and the Physi cian of hcv"ti,. with lock as white as biiow, according to the apocalyptic vision, will come out nnd nay: Come in, come In. 1 was sick and ye visited me!" Hhort Kcrmon. Mather lusl Spirit-This Ls one uni verse, one law, one life, one cloinenit The old antagonism bntwecn matter ajid spirit is fading Hjway; in thHr ulti mate form they ure oJie. Hev. Minot J. Savnge, I'liltarliin, New York City. Immortality. The Immortality of the soul ln-.kes It the great Masterpiece of the CriNitor, lien veil nnd earth iu;iy Iriiwtaway, but the stmrk otctenml life given to u h human lstng will hint for all lime. OuweU!'!itJy although we obtain worldly wealth, tuul honor, inul glory, we still are dissatisfied, unless we are a pwe wlt.ii Almighty God. Hev. J. F. McGluty, Catholic, ttaa r'nun'lwo, Cal. Thing That I-iit. Tlmre is liothlnc lusting hut truth, gtMslfii-es, love-the iilmtran-t vlrtiw. Power, wealth, fame -nil ima away. Mail- thinks to accom plish great aclilevtsimwu, to build houses, t construct railways, to (lash but thoughts and wonts across bind aad ms, to build cities and coniiier etn plres, but at the etsl he Is taken away, hi liody returns d the dust, and hli liit)ra are for Ijltn ns If they had nevt bee-a-Kev. jobo .Hemphpl, Pwsbyte. rfaa, Kan fc'nuicWo, Cal. An arlitorracf of weaUb la of mora harm aad danger thai benefit to so