The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 17, 1897, Image 7

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    r r
For insomnia, a hop pillow.
For lick heartache, baking soda.
For toothache, hot, dry flannel.
For diarrhoea, black beny wine or
To stop the bleeding of a wound, pow
dered rire or lint.
For tumnier complaint, red rarpber
ry leaf tea.
For constant lies lache, have the eyes
examined. Good Housekeeping.
Weak II eJ
TllOUsaUriS bf
In this condi
tion. Tliey ere despondent and gloomy,
cannot sleei. have no appetite, no energy,
n amiinon. Jlood's Sarsaj-anlla soon
lirinKH help to such pe n ' It tfives them
pure, rich blood, cures rvo isnc s, creates
an apietit". tones an., s. renal hns the
t.m ith and imparts new life and increas
ed vijjor to all trie organs of the Isxiy.
HOOd'S Trma
U the Beet In fa-t tha One T ne Hknd Purifier,
bold by all druugiiU. SI; kU for 5.
IIUUU fllia take. Piny tonneiate. 2.r.o
On a red hot CT J"'
day Hires ' tc
stands be- (Vr
cools the blood,
tones the stom
ach, invigorates
the body, fully
satisfies the thirst.
ling, temperance
drink of the high
est medicinal value.
Mule on It by
The Chi-le K. Hirm C., Phil.
A ptrMotr Tit 5 niton.
sow ir;ibt'T,
Huhh the. world' $ record fu
lonfj-fihfance ant rutin ituj.
It is cool
in Colorado.
T!ie real dllTeraneelietivei-n
the summer teniratnri: of
t'olliriifil) ATllt tllftt of IllU'M I'l
"vti'iiika Is only about leu
The apparent (inference It
about thirty ileKreei.
July l the tn-nt month to
viit Colorailo. In July th
tempi-mi lire 1 imt flKin.
the inmiiitaiii resort (1 leil
with pl'aiire-eekiT. am!
liit" cont of reanhlng then.
Utile more than half iti gre it
ii Is onllnarlly the
Write for In format lou alKm
rati" and train service, AIo
tor ailvcrtlil.oj matter le.
scrlpitve of Munitou. wt'n
wood Hprtiin, Ksten I'srk
J. FRANCIS, Oeneral Passenger AgeDt,
Omaha, Neb.
The 8t. Joneph and Grnd Island R. B
ionTtn"' Union Pacific System
To California, dn non anil all Western Points.
For Iniormailon n.'Kr.llii(; raiex, etc , call on
ro aiidrewi any auentor M. AtiT,
M. P. Kosinkon, J a., '.en. Pan Aft
(ieu'l Manager, Joseph, lo.
"WceternVrVbeel work
MOO Mk4 Mktvl. AU
tvlhj iruulilrd. ! 1 to 9t
VtMtru( Ll ear in fl fiats
jHfaip tuirvhrr oo upro ml.
0 M
.!! km
Writ ftl
MWAi rmnrrmft. ctumao. iu.
Irrltftluit or ul-r(loM
at in n r u
fMMilM. ....I .....
mmtm my nniiin
Of tit (li nlalti w rinnss
In finrMi rp ha il fns
ft ff. , r J, lHt(lr, J,75.
Baamlnallor. soil Aill" as to l'HiilDllltf of In
TMitlua. bnil ror lnTitiU.r uul.l. or How toUit
a 1'atcut. l'ATaioa O'Fiaaiix. WanliliiMUia, I). C.
A III is ran n tmrHt without
tneir klW'elKr llf ANTI
JAl o inarvl-iiiirurafor
lie ilrtitk "'iu Wnu Ka
uill 'Mlli iL I'OMrtSI,
HI HVftmrnf Nr VorIL
i itu"l n.allM Irm
r, (Him p. tron( b
with FAV' MANIL-
Wsitk mHiiri.r.
FAY MANILLA KOOKINfl CO . Canidvn. N. .1.
GIRL and BOYSIyou'iiile
Taant work with (cl par diirlnt' vacation?
For lull partleoiara at.lre, with ntump. i
H. H. Wiiitakkr, Mar.hAll, Mich.
N . V. No. 444-fl
York, !. I
iMtM m; fmm mm thm 4rtkmmt
in 'hta posMr,
tween you Y, WNNX I -and
the dis- ''' ''! J
tressing ef- ' I : ' V1-' L
fects of the heat. ; ' ' ' ' (jj
I. iKia-
JL i OnnaiM VI
rniir aai w ivuhti
ru InToriiiatlxii (Hi I
Though earth-carm opprena idea
And adversity twine
Il.-r dark wreaths about thee
Yet, oh, in like no ;jn.
Tread firmly life's maze.
Impressing the tear
That fain would oft xush forth
I'oor wanderer here.
Perhaps on the uiorrow
I'roKperity'g sun
May sJiine on thy pathway.
And sorrow be done.
The way, once so desolate,
May take a new turu.
And bright (lowers erst bidden
Our eyes may discern. ,
Cheer up! Oh, there's magic
Iu these little words;
You hear them in the streamlet,
In songs of the birds.
Look up we them written
In the depths of blue;
I'ress onward, look upward
The light will break through.
-Utica Globe.
It was aa extremely awkwnrd situa
tion. Kvcn I, who am aoinewbut slow
to think, as a rule, realized that in
stantly. At my feet in the dusty road
way lny a revolver, still hot and smok
ing from Its discharge, th report of
which had Just 8tn tiled the quiet of
that country bute, while not far away
from me there lny in the rond the body
of a man who bad failen from a dog
cart to the ground, apparently stone
dwid, and the worst of it was that the
man who luy there in the road was my
bitterest enemy.
The horse stopped and swerved with
terror at the discharge, of the pistol,
and this action threw the man, dead or
wounded, from the cart. The groom
who was sitting buck to back with his
master, jumped from the vehicle and
ran toward the prostrate figure, while
the horse, left entirely to his own de
vices, went on in a mad gallop.
As a drowning man thinks, so did I,
hi that brief period. When the groom
rwu hed the biMly of his ma.ster he sjtw
In an instant that the man was dead.
Their lie looked a t me. I was still re
viewing the situation. But there wasn't
much time to himu'c.
It wa not I who flrod the fatal shot.
The road on this side was lined on one
side with a high hedge, and I knew
that the murderer had flnnl from this
ambush and dextcriously thrown the
revolver to where it lay jiust at my
feet. Hut I was Viuiek enough to real
ize that no Jury in the world would
ever believe this unless proof of the
real murderer could 1m produced.
Instantly 1 knew that my only hope
bty In ills capture, and I immediately
duhel through the hedge In search of
him, while the groom, thinking no
doubt that I was attempting to make
my escajH', came In hot pursuit after
Inside of the lnylge there was no sign
of any living being. The fair green
fields Ktretcliel away to the hillside, le
yond which the white walls of a farm
house were Just visible, as peacefully
as If there could be no such thing a
the tragedy which had Just takn place
on Hit; other side of the hwlge. I looked
up and down the long hedge row In
vain. There was not the slightest
clew to the murderer to be seen.
However, I determined that the man
might poNMihly make for the railroad
station, whence I had Just come, for I
knew that there was a train for the
city due in a few minutes. Could the
rutliati catch It? And could I overtake
him before he did so? If not I reflected
I might ea!ly telegraph to the next
station and have him apprehended.
I was running all the time as hard as
I could Inside of the hedge and toward
the railway station. The groom had
given up purnult t.t tne, doubtlea
thinking U his kity to return to his
iiianter'H body. It wanted six minute
before the train wu due, as I saw by
a haty glance at my watch, but I did
not know how far the station wati from
where the murder occurred.
I never ran so hard In my life before,
but I felt that tny life depended on the
chance of securing the murderer, and
ponsc(uontly the efTort cost me no
strain. My wind begnn to tell on me,
however, at the end of the first quarter
mile, and I was Just wondering vague
ly bow long I could keep It tip when I
came upon the empty dog-cart with the
runaway horse quietly cropping grass
by the roadside. Here wos luck Indeed.
I Jumped Into the cart us speedily as
my exhausted strength would let me,
and gathering up the reins I struck the
horse and we were off nn tiut as the
animal could run toward the station.
I estimated that there were Mill two
minutes before the train wn due, and
1 felt sure that the station could not be
more than a third of mile distant.
Suddenly I heard the whistle of the
locomotive, and with It ciune an In
spiration. The murderer mlgkt never be found
At nil event I could not lay hand oa
blui Just then. Why not take tbe trata
"as a nnow.Nixo man thi.vks, ro did i."
and m.'ikc good tny ow n ru-upc v. in:"
the oportllL'ity preanicd Itself. It
seemed terrible thing to thus lice
from Justice Isvnuse of a crime which
I had not committed, but I could not
for my life see any other course open.
So I urged the iiuliiuil to still greater
speed and pulling up at a bend in the
road before I reai bed the station I
jumped down and ran, just in time to
scramble uikju the train as it was mov
ing off.
It was a curious freak of chance. If
indeed, it was chance alone, which had
brought me down to Hopeville that
morning and thrust me into the unen
viable position of a suspected murder
er. I had received a telegram from
Randolph Cutting, tbe man whom I
had just seen murdered, asking me to
come down Immediately to Hopeville,
and In obedience to this summons I
had taken an early morning train down
from New York. Hopeville Is an ex
cedlngly unpretentious little New Jer
sey village, if indeed a country store
and two small bouses besides the sta
tion could be bo described. When I
stepped out of the train I looked about
in vain for Randolph Cutting's car
riage. As It was not to be seen and as
anything in the shape of a hired con
veyance was an utter Impossibility at
Hopeville, I set out at a brisk walk in
the direction of Randolph Cutting's
place, which I knew from a former
visit was about a mile and a half from
the station.
Randolph Cutting and I were second
cousins, and th very slight degree of
affection which always existed between
us was not increased materially at the
death of an uncle of ours who left Ills
money to me, aad whose will was so
Involved that there was a lawsuit be
tween Cutting and myself. As it hap
pened, by the terms of the will, most
of my uncle's property was left to me,
and Cutting tried to have the will
broken upon certain technical grounds
which are not essential to this stoiy.
The courts upheld me, however, and
declared the will perfectly valid. As n
consequence Randolph Cutting and my
self had not spoken for five years, and
I, of course, had not been near bis
home until that eventful day, when I
hurried down there In resismse to his
telegram. True, I did think that It
was a curious thing for Cutting to do
to telegraph for me to come dowu to
Hopeville, but on second thoughts I
concluded tluit some business of im
portance In connection with certain In
terests which were still mutual, re
quired that he should see me, and that
perhaps he was unable from Illness or
some other cause to leave his home.
This brief explanation of the cause of
my visit to Hopeville was only n small
part of the thoughts which crowded
my bruiu when I was safely seated in
the train and whirling toward Jersey
City. As I have said, Randolph Cut
ting and I were bitter enemies, and
the evidence which isjinted to my hav
ing committed the crime seemed so
blackly conclusive that I could al
most feel the rope tighten about my
tKK'k. When the train stopped at the
next station I trembled in every limb,
fully expecting to see some one come
into the car to arrest rne. Nothing of
the sort hapiiened, however, and I
passed several more stations In safety.
However, I did not allow myself much
hope, for I felt sure I would be appre
hended at Jersey City. After some
thought I concluded that It would be
the best plan to go right In rather than
get off at any out-of-town stations, as
there would bo much less risk of losing
noticed In the crowd which would get
off the train there.
When the trulu pulled into the Jersey
City diot I made my way with all
possible haste to the waiting-room, and
greatly to my surprise I was not mo
lested. Suddenly I heard the trainman
call out a train for; Philadelphia, and
acting upon Impulse I hastily secured a
ticket und was soon comfortably en
sconced In a parlor car on the way to
the QtHiker City.
I can never describe that night of
horror which I spent in Philadelphia.
Some ideatjf my feelings may be imag
lned when I saw In an evening pajnr a
dispatch telling of the murder of Ran
dolph Cutting, a well-known New
Yorker, near his country place at Hope
ville, N. J. The account In the paper
wild that detectives from New York
were at work Uon the case, and that
although they refused to give out any
of the farts, they were In possession
of a clew which they felt sure would
enable them to capture the murderer
within a few hours.
I sought a quiet hotel upon a side
street, registering under an assumed
name and then endeavored to compose
myself to await result. I hardly think
I slept a wink that night, but tossed
feverishly upon my bed, wondering
whether I had not acted very foolishly
In thus running away when I was per
fectly Innocent. Undoubtedly by oo do
ing I had utrengtheiicd the chain of evi
dence agalnat me, but under the cir
cumstance I did not see what eute I
could do. There wpg still a chance for
me, I thought. Cutting' groom wa no
doubt a new one, aa b.1 face wag not
familiar to me, and he probably did not
know who I waa. No one elae In liopo
rllle knew dm. I ha4 ao-t mention! rv
Intention of going down there to any
one In New York. My only hipe lay in
keplng perfectly secluded until the
i thing had blown over, niwi this I
thought I could do us well i my hotel
lu Philadelphia as anywhere else.
Then when I would arrive at this
point In my reasoning the thought of
that clew that the detectives were
working on would come to me and I
would break into a cold perspiration
from nervousness and anxiety. How I
ever got through the night I cannot
tell. As soon as I could get into my
clothes in the morning I procurad a
morning newspaper. There I found a
fuller and more thrilling account of the
murder, most of which I skimmed
through hurriedly until I reached the
following words:
"Detectives Warden and Seabury, of
the Pinkerton force, reached Hopeville
shortly after noon, having been tele
graphed for by Mr. Cutting's family.
Tliey at once set to work upon a clew
furnished them by Davis, the groom,
who waa with Mr. Cutting when the
fatal shot was fired. Davis was sitting
with is back to Mr. Cutting, but hap
pening to look toward the side of the
road he saw a man, whom he recog
aized as a discharged servant of his
employer's, level a pistol at Mr. Cut
ting's head and fire. Mr. Cutting fell
to the ground and Davis jumped to his
ina-ster's assistance, only to find him in
stantly killed. The horse had taken
fright and run away, when Davis hap
pening to look up saw a figure In the
roadway. Instinctively lie ran toward
him, but the man darted Itchind the
hedge and Davis lost sight of him. He
was aide, however, to identify the mur
derer fully when he was arrested by
the detectives late last night. The man,
whose name Is James Simpson, was
found in tin empty hay shed, not two
miles from the scene of the murder.
When confronted with ids crime he be
came panic-stricken und made a full
And that was the nearest I ever came
to being hanged. Philadelphia Times.
Mrs. Margaret Doland, author of the
famous "John Ward, Preacher," has
finished a group of five short stories,
which will upear under the title, "The
WLsduin of Fools."
Hamlin (larland's new book, "Way
side Courtships," is made up of short
stories dealing with the Influence of
women, exerted often by chance, upon
men's careers.
Dean Farnir's new theological work
is on the eve of appearance in London.
In its twenty-three diopters Dr. I'arrar
treats of the '-allegorical method" of
exegesis as untenable, and deals with
the dangerous results of the "supernat
ural dictation" theory. Necessarily,
the book will arouse wide attention and
keen controversy.
In the Jewish Era Mrs. T. C. Rounds
hsis gathered much Interesting matter
relative to the cause represented by the
Chicago Hebrew Mission the conver
sion of the Jews to Christianity. The
leading article Is by Prof. H. M. Scott,
and is to the effect that Judaism can
not survive In a world of religious lib
erty, because it is not. a proselyting re
ligion. "The Romance of Isabel, Ijidy Bur
ton," is said to be practically au auto
blogra.phy. The real facts concerning
the burning of her husband's Persian
translation, "The Scented Garden," are
told, mid her real motives given. One
of the interesting features of the book
is found in numerous and important
letters from Gen. Gordon which have
never liefore been published.
Francis G. Burton writes and the
Technical Publishing Company brings
out "Naval Engineers und the (m
niand of the Sea." It is devoted to
proving that Great Britain must Insti
tute many reforms In respect of the
engineers In its navy and points out
what Is certain to happen otherwise by
detailing two imaginary wars. As En
gland whips France, which treats its
engineers properly lu one, and the Uni
ted States, which treats them even bet
ter In the other, the moral Is not ob
vious. The American Youth, the weekly or
gan of the Waifs' Mission, seems to be
fed on the literary fat of the laud. The
editor, Susan Gibbons Duval, has not
only made of It au excellent juvenile
paper, but has secured stories and arti
cles from the ablest pens. Anthony
Hope's new story, "Victory of the
Grand Duke of Mltteuhelm," Is begun
In the la teat Issue. Among the writers
who have promised to contribute dur
ing 18!i" are Capt. King, Hamlin Gar
land, Ullian Hell, Octave Thanet, Jo
seph Jefferson, and a score of others
almost equally noted The American
Y'outh evidently lias a high standard
and lives up to It.
Women aa Pack Animals.
The new woman will find much need
ing einiinclpntlon In her Indian sister
of Alaska. There women on; convert
ed Into iflck animals at times. Not an
unusual slht is to see a long pack
train of dogs loaded with twenty or
thirty pounds each, and here and there
a woman laboring under a 100-pound
Bhe Recovered.
White Did old Oreen recover from
that railroad accident yet?
Hlack-No, but his wife did to the
tune of ten thousand. New York Tri
bune. When a man make a mistake or any
kind, he usually laya the blame aa a
"falae friend."
0,10 ft m 'K ftV
ifliit Comb nation for Flga.
O.iiry.oen m'.:o keep ewine, and they
n''Vyw sfimild nnles all the milk 1
'old, should mix grain of Home kind with
the skim milk or wliey that g en to the
pig Corn meai and skim milk i
proper proportion canrt t be excelled
as pig fe?d. It is improvident for
dairyman to grow hogs on the waBtei
from the dairy without grain, yet ti e
only wnv to prove this to hoiii" men
would be by the use of the scales, in
tests witli mixed ration".
Hall's Catarrii Cure
Is a constitutional cure. Price 75 cents.
The old-fas. .tuned Ma k eilk gown h
being revived.
Shake Into Your Hlioes
Allen's Foot-Ease, a pot.'r for the
feet. It cures painful, swulku, su, lift
ing feet, and instantly Utlu-s to- Bring
out of i-oi-ns and buuUis. It's the
greafyst comfort di&owfi'r of t he age.
Allen's makes tight-Uttlng
or new shoes feel easy, it b ?. certain
cure for sweating, calion hot,
tired, aching feet. Try li t..-af.y. Sold
by all druggists and sit. Mores. By
mail for 25 cents, in stamps Trial
package FREE. Address, Alien 8.
OluiHted, U' Roy, N. Y.
kit is
i"g fcmalii'
and smaller.
i.l Lt.1 ... A o
Only M'Z'Z BO o S . Km oUc ,
Juno 29 to Ju'y 3 -icco -..'t Matior;.! Con
vent ion Cbristiao End. , n o er- hp ci i
trains. Through Ku.tst and p;il..e
seepers. Stop-owra allowed !. ;im! w.-i
.f Denver. Return via Portlsn.i, Yi-1
lowstone Park an 1 l lack Hills ;i de
in red.
En.ieavon r;i and tt eir friends who
take I liy uurlington Route are gu;o;ui
teed a quick, tool, com ortable j ur e.
me Hc-nery (by ilnyligh ) and first ' 1 .c
Berthx reserv-d and iVcriptive litem
lire fu.-i)ined on reqtv:t "ee ne.'r
!i it M. R. H. ticket g lit or wnte t
'. Francis. Ci. P. A., Bi'ilinglon R .u
' imal'H, Neb .
I'earls are a. muuh in vogue for men'e
tuds as for women's rings.
Hall's Hair Itutiewer renders the huii
lustrous and silken, gives it an even color,
nd enables worn l to put it up in grea
variety of styles.
The collection of miniatures is an i s
entdve one, but mo6t satisfactory fad.
I'iso's Cure ior Consumption is the hos
f all cough eni-cs.- (leoi ge W. Lotz, F;i
imoher, I.a , Augnst2i, lSltt.
And now the buck bicycle suit is bc
ng planned by the smart wiieelwoiiiii
Mrs. Window's r-iioTHINO -YltUP lor C!l'
ri.n tcethliiir. si(..iinus the unin, rft. luces i;illa
iplion. aiia i. pain, ourea -iiia coiio. 'J."c imU'
Une bates to believe that drt-arns go,
b contraires wien t'oe dreams are'
ri'-asant I
To Cure Female His Somo True Reasons Why
Mrs. Pinkham is More Successful Than
the Family Doctors
A woman is sick ; some disease peculiar to her
sex is fast developing- in her system. She goes
io ner iamny pn3'btcian arid teKs mm
story, but not the whole storv.
She hoi d.ssorncthing-back, loses her head,
becomes agitated, forgets what she wants
to say, and finally conceals what she
ought to have told, and thus completely
mystifies the doctor.
Is it any wonder, therefore,
the doctor fails to cure the disease? I
Still, we canuot blame the wo
man, foritisveryembarrassing
I to detail some of the symp
1 toms of hpr KiifPerinfr pvpti trt .
I her family physician. iyjJ
It. wnn fnr flila fViof I F 1
I years ago Mrs. Lydia E. Pink-
( ham, at Lynn, Mass., determined to step in and help her sex. ITaving had consid
erable experience in treating female ills with her Vegetable Compound, she en--couraged
the women of America to write to her for advice in regard to their
complaints, and, being a woman, it was easy for her ailing sisters to pour into,
her ears every detail of their suffering. '
j In this way -she was able to do for them what the physicians were unable
to do, simply because she had the proper information to work upon, and
from the little group of women who sought her advice years ago a great
army of her fellow-beings are to-day constantly applying for advice and re
lief, and the fact that more than one hundred thousand of them have been
successfully treated by Mrs. Pinkham during the last year is indicative of
the grand results which are produced by her unequaled experience acd
I No physician in the world has had such a training, or has such an amount
of information at hand to assist in the treatment of all kinds ol female ilia,
from the simplest local irritation to the most complicated diseases of the womb.
This, therefore, is the reason why Mrs. Pinkham, in her laboratory t .
Lynn, Mass., is able to do more for the ailing women of America than the
family physician. Any woman, therefore, is responsible for her own suffering
who will not take the trouble to write to Mrs. Pinkham for advice.
The testimonials which we are constantly publishing from grateful women
establish beyond a doubt the power of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound to conquer female diseases.
It's nature's warning- that the condition of the blood needs attention
before more serious diseases set in.
Make the COMPLEXION Beautiful, by Purifying the BLOOD.
If the Wood is pure, the skin is clear, smooth and soft. If you take
our advice, you will find CASCARETS will bring- the rosy blush of
health to faded faces, take away the liver spots and pimples. Help
nature help you I
1UC, MM., SOd.
Bear in Mind that "The Gods Help
Those Who Help Themselves." Self
Help Should Teach You to Use
TrUgrtph Wlr Ib SiriiMr ad.
"The longest unsupported telegraph
wire,' b)s Comoa, ''is iu y wilr.erlaml.
It cros-es in one apan the Lake of Wal-len-tadt
in the canton of St Gall, and
was put up by the Swiaa telephone bu
reau. Iti extremities are fastened to
i woiion tow era, 2,K) meters (7,87?)
ret apart. In the lu'.7eet part this con
ductor is 40 meters (131) feet above the
w'er level of the lake. The line is ol
excellent ste 1 and only two millimeters
(1J inches) in diameter."
The Chicago "Timea-Herald" Corre
SDontlcat at Knoxville Meets an Old
i'rien .
From tke Times-Herald, Chicago, 111,
At the Normal Institute at Knoxville,
Iowa, ou Aug. 0, the Knoxville correspon
dent of the Chicago Times-Herald was
much surprised to meet his old friend,
Mr. A. T. Conn, whom he believed to be
a lifelong cripple, from rheumatism and
sciatica, moving around as brisk a any
body. As the last time Mr. Conn bad
been seen I y the Tinios-HeraJd man h
wus on, and in a terrible coudi
tic.o, the suhject of his recovery was the
topic of conversation. The following ie
a r;si.i,..!; (.. Mr. Conn's story:
"-!. t.e aware that from overwork
an! o;.-;..jnre in April, 181)4, 1 contracted
Hcisli-.i ,i:id rheumatism, and grew stead
ily w.u-n; notwithstanding the best of
uiedkai ifuitmeut that the neighborhood
afl'orueti, until I was at last confined to
my Ur.-.i, and what little locomotion I per
foi.nti! v.-as done on crutches. From fhe
tinv I was taken uittil August, 189,", I
ricd every remedy I could hear of, with
out ''' relief whatever. It waa at that
time that a friend recommended Dr. Will
iau;s PinTPilUrand was so enthuMiantie
over t'.e : . In lies that 1 was persuaded to
try t::;.i. atrl began to take tihem in Sep
tember, J sit;;. After a while 1 began to
a 2 ;:!ii.-oveineut, and soon was so
eluu-i! t'ittt I foolishly discarded my
er..!,.i.ts". air! received a severe fall for
my iiii.ui. This so retarded my recovery
'b at I .'j'-vame disheartened, and gave up
aking Pink Pills, so great was my dia-coBi-agewfint.
I shortly after this mis
hn.;i and sr bark, bngan airn'm to take
the Pink Pills steadily and perseveringly,
ami in a. short time could walk without
cratches, ami in January, 18!K, was able
to discontinue the medicine altogether,
beiiig entirely cured. Since then I have
chili red a piece of brush land, and planted
ii i.d attended this year's crop. I took in
all seventeen boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills before I was entirely cured."
Mr. Conn's address is Pleasantville,
MarioT! Coun'y, Iowa, where he is as well
known as mi Knoxville. his former home.
Dr. Willi;, tis' Pink Pills contain, in a
condensed form, all the element's neces
sary to give new life and richness to the
blond and restore shattered nerves. They
are also a specific for troubles peculiar to
females, sivh as suppressions, irregulari
ties and all forms of weakness. Iu men
they effect a radical cure in all ease? aris
ing from mental worry, overwork or ex
cesses of whatever nature. Pink Pills
are sold in boxes (never in loose hulk) at
oO cents a box. or six boxes for $2.50, and
may be had of all drugirists. or direct by
mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Com
pany, eheucctady. N. Y.
S"Lne of the smtutest frocks are in
ehadee oi browji.
Beauty is blood deep.
Vhtn you see pimples and liver
spots on vour face.