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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1897)
he Sioux County Journal VOL. IX. HABRISON", UBBBASKA, TS:TJKSIDA.Tr, :MIA.:Z" 27. 1897. OSTO. 38. -V The Sioux County Journal. f ESTABIJKMED 18H8. Subscription Price, f 1 .00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF 8IOUX COUNTY. (ii'ii." . Canon, . Ivlilor. ! Kntpr.ri Ht tiw Hurrisou post oinee as i Free Conacre Leader Enjoy lite Hos ""' ciiiMmn ;Mter. j iitalitiey of congressman : " New lands. GIVES CUBANS HOPE. ! ' i Special to The News. j WASHINGTON, May 18. Twenty- Senate Passes Resolution Kri;;!iizliig ' five of the most prominent leaders of the Their Uelliirercney MAJORITY TS LARGE- j of the gold Democrats to dominate the Forljr-onc Senators Favor the jlcasiirc, j purty and all the silver Democrats pres FuurtlH'ii Oppose. j ent declared in unmistakable terms that j this result was impossible and that there MAY HE 11EI I) IN THE HOUSE would be neither compromise nor Rtir- j render. The silver Republicans and Pop j uhsts who were present announced abso- lklleved Us Adoption mere "ni(l i rinbun ass President. WASHINGTON, D. C. May 20. Special Telegram. The Senate today passed the resolution recognizing the bel-j igerencv of the Cuban insurjents by a vote of 41 to 11 as follows: Yeah. Bacon, Foraker, Nelson, Baker, Gallinger,. Pasco, Hate, Gorman, Pettigrew, Berry.' llsinshrnngh, Pelt us, Butler, Harris (Kan.) Pritchard, Carter, , lieitfeld, Riwlms, j l"hinidli. uw(Ark) Hhoup, Chilton, Kenney, Stewart, Clarke, Lindsay, Thurston, Clay, McBride, Tillman, Cx:kre!l, Mantle, , Turner, Cullom, Mason, Turpie, Lfcivis, Mills, Wallhull-41. IX-boe, Morgan, Nays. Allison, II. ile, Wellington llurrows, II, ulna, Wetmore, Calfery, Hawley, . White, ... 1'uirbttnks, Hoar. Wilson 14 Gear,1 Sjwoner, When the presiding officer anounced the passiige of the resolution the pent-up feeling of the sai-tators found expos ition in u noisy and long-continued dem onstration. Mr. Chandler, who wns in the chair, pound's his gavd, und Mr. Ha.ley, hpringing t- his feet, exclaimed: "I protes-t against the mob" A moment later th'i Si'tiate went executive hessinn, and at 5.10 p. m. joiinied until Monday. into ad- The voting ot currtd after an exciting deliate, participated in by Senators Thur ston (Neb), Elkins(VV. Va.), White (Cab), Fairbanks (Ind.), Hale (Mj.), Spooner (Wis.) and Gorman (Md.).' Mr. Thurston, who presided over the Republican nation al convention at St. L'juis, recalled the stirring scene when that convention en thusiastically inserted a Cuban plank in the platform, and declared that this res olution was in partial ty 'uieiit of that pledge. Messrs. Elkins and mte urged a con servative course anu an inquiry by a onimiltee. Then tanie the first 'ote that on the Hale motion to refer. It was a teut of strength, and the defeat of the motion assured the passage of the resolution. Mr. Fairbanks tried to stem the tide by offering a compromise propo rtion, somewhat on the lines of the Cuban plan adopted at St. Louis, but it met the same fate as the Hale motion. Just before the fldal vote was taken Mr. Hale, who has been the reorganised leader of the opposition to the resolution, urose for a last word of protest. He poke with intense earnestness in his tones. In the votes just taken, he said the foreign policy of this administration had been dictated by those in opposition to it. 'I believe," continued Mr. Hale, "that the passage of this resolution involves tlie United States possibly, and I fear probably, in war in the near future. Marrying it Man to lb-form Illin. "The most nubile and deceitful hope which ever exiited. und one which wrecks the happiness of many a young Kirl life," writes Evangelist Dwlght L. Moody, In the June Laiiks Horn Jour nal, "In the common delusion that a woman can best reform a man by marry ing him. It in a mystery to me how ople can be no blinded to the hundreds if caaes in vnry community wher tot- lering hom ImiV fallen and Innocent Ives have been wrecked, because aome foung girl has paraisUd in marrying a I re I in Um hop of aaving him. I never known u-h a union, and I have seen hundreds of them, result in J unylliin;,' but sadness and disaster. Let j no young eirl thinjr that Kin may be abl to neromplish a hat a loving mother or fiyniuthetic sisters Irive been unnMe to do. Before there is any eon tract of m ix- .0, riapre there should lie convincing proof ! that there has baen real and thorough regeneration." SILVER MEN DINE. three silver parties dined with Represen tative Newlands, of Nevada, last nij-'ht. The dinner developed into a conference relating to methods resisting the ellorts iutey the loyalty of their parties to the Democracy while it remained true to the Chicago platform and under its pres- ent leadership. Reprerentati ves Shaf roth and Bell were both present at the dinner. How Is This for Justice? One brass bedstead. Best spring mattress. Finest linen sheets. One line table. Two easy chairs. Two Persian l ugs. One chiffonier. One line washstand. One fine china toilet set. One reading lamp. One refrigerator. Telephone. Ticker. World Herald. The above is the way broker Chapman is provided in the City of Washington jail as a punishment for refusing to answer questions, which would bring to justic a couple of the biggest scoundrels and theives probably in the United States. And late dispatches say, that Mr. Chap man is oblige to refuse admittance to callers at his palatial rooms in the jail by his admiring friend'i because he is anoyed so much by their constantly coming, Out here in this county, about one year ago a man was convicted for cattle rustling and wns sent to the penc tentury for a period of three ypars. To say the most he probably did not steal prowrty to the value to the extent of live hundred dollars, yet in the case of Havermyer and Cearles, with thij man Chapman as on accessory, the people have d mbtless been robbH of several millions of dollars, and the chances are that some of our dear Senators and con gressmen are interested in some of these questionable deals on the side. In the light of recent revelation can people wonder at the two old parties being rent in twain ? We can't. Ti;i,Li;n says it is useless. Morgan Besolutton Will Surely Be Turned Down In the House. Denver, Colo., May 21. "Spain can not drive this country into war," said Senator Teller today iu discussing the action of the senate in passing the Morgan resolution directing the presi dent to declare that a state of war exists in Cuba. "This administration is too cowardly to do anything. It is afraid of offending Spain. The passage of that resolution does not mean anything at all except that the president cannot control the senate as he does the house. It will be defeated as sure as it gets there. "Reed will say it shall not pass, the president will nay it shall not pass, Ilan na will say it shall not pass and the truckling republicans in the house will yield. It does not matter at all what tlie private opinions of the inemlK-rs be. It is evident that the administration is entering on a foreign policy as con temptible and pusillanimous as that of Cleveland's was. It is a shame, but there is no help for it. The people can only speak through their represetatives and they are dominated absolutely by the administration. I cannot concieve of any public demonstrations vigorous enough to have any vlTect on the presi dent's policy." Hulf Euro ToOniului. One Euro EorThe Hound Trip To The Ontuha Iluct-M. All Railroads will sell, within 150 miles from Omaha, round trip tickets to Omalu on Junn 8th, to 1 til, inclusive for one ft re. The trotting races otCMt on June 8,9, 10 aud 11. Tim preat pacing horse JOHNNY, re cord 2:12, will each day attempt to lowi er his own record, going without driver or harness. The horse-less carriage is another nov elty. It will race each day with the fastest horse on the grounds, carrying four occupants, and will afford visitors the opportunity of seeing the first horse- ' less vehicle in the West. The events include free-for-all tratting and free-for-all pacing races. Tlir Sweet (iirl Grad. eoon sliu'Il lay aside her Latin And she'il lay aside her Greek; And bhe'll demonstrate she's pat in All her i tudies, and she'll spea k . Sweetest word 4 about her duty. And declare she'll n ever Mirlnk. Then she '11 ride her wheel ft beauty VV hilc her mot her does the work. Dal IT Inter Ocean . U you with one ot the 150,000 pouon in the government ser vice, this Bureau can advise you how to proceed to secure it, and lit you (or passing the required Civil Service examination therefor. Energy, tact ana a common kihm education are all the requirements needed. PATENTS, PATENTS. This Bureau has the best facilities posstnie lor on- . taininz patents and copyrights in and foreign countries. The chief of Uns dept. h;i had 30 years, experience as Chief Examiner, Commissioner of Patents, and Patent Allorm y. and is very success ful in securing broad patents and in the prosecution of all patent litigation before the courts. SCHOOL OF WW. This Bureau can fit you for admission to the Bar and prepare you for active praciice in two years, without materially interfering with your other du ties. Our instructors are the ablest, our system thorough, and ourcbargea reasonable. Three cours es are uught: University, Business and Special. Send for particulars, terms, etc. NATIONAL INFORMATION BUREAU. 1420 New York Ave., Washington, D. C BO YEARS' IXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS DESICNS, COPVRICHT8 Aa. Anrona sending akoteh and dcrtitlon mar ' quickly ascertain, fruo, whelhur an Invention is prolHtMy patantahle. Communication strictly confidential. OMt;sl fwoncy for securing patents' l America. Wo hare a Wanlilntrtou office. Patents taken tlirougu Munu X Co. rccolve special uottoe in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beantlfnlly Illustrated, lnrect circulation of rnr scientific journal, weekly, terms (13.00 a year; f!..VJn months, hprrlmi'n coplea and lLlxo MUNN A CO., 301 ttroadwuy. New York. Final Proof Notices. All persons having final proof notices in tliis paiier will receive a marked copy of the paper and are requested to examine their notice and if any rrrors exist report tlie sume to this office utonue. NOTK'K FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Alliance, Neb. I April Ij, 1N07. ( Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made lie foru.M. J. Jilcwctt, clerk district court ut Harrison, Neb., on May 29, 1SII7 viz: August L. King of Story, Neb. who made 11. F. No. mil, for the S'J of S-Wof Sec. 1, andV',tof ' W'U Sec. li, township 1)1 N, Range WW. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz; Fredrick Stcmmer, John Weber, 8. R. Story, and Oscar W. Story, all of Story, Neb. Any person w ho desire to protest against tho allowance of Hindi proof, or who knows ofuny substantial reason, under the law and regulations of the interior Department, why such proof should be allowed, will be given an opportunity at tho ubove mention ed time and place to crons-examlne tho wit nesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal of that submitted by clniinant. J. W. WlEIIN, JH, ;J3-H8 Register. Notice For Publication. Lund office at Alliance, Nebr. I May it, ltW7. I Notice Is hereby given that tho following named settler has filed notice of bis inten tion to make final froof in supisirt of his claim, and thai said proof will be made, lie fore M. J. Illewell Clerk Dint. Court at llurrl son. Neb., on July 3, ISU7, vis: Mckolus McKetu of Montrose, Neb., who filed II. K. No. 11707 for the NWl See. 10 Town splpSUN ttM W. He names the following wltneses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of, said land, viz: , John Met res, of llodnrc, Nebr. Stephen Herrcs, of " " l'aul Serres, of Montrose, Nebr. Frank Meyer, of ' " Also, Dominique Hans of Montrose, Nebr, who uiadi) II. K. No. Hs'tl for tho Ut a, NK 8W t and K), N W! Sec, 7, Township 38 N. 11. MW. He names lliu following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vis: . John Serres, of Hodarc, Nebr. Stephen Serres, of ' Bernard liana, of Gilchrist, " Nicholas Haas, of " J. W, wmiw.Jr. 138 431 Uegister. NOTICE KOIt l'UKLICATIOX. Lstid Oftlce ut Alliance Neli. Muy 1, 1S97. j Notice is hereby trlvon that the following named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made, be fore M. J. Itiewett, Clerk District Court at Harrinon, Nub. on June Is, x!)7 via: Jheodor Wagner of Gilchrist, 'eb. wlio made H. E. No. am for the E!4 of 8 K U Section .11 and W nt S W 14 Section 32 Township 34 N Range 54 W. ' lie names the following witnesses to prove bin continuous residence upon aud- cultiva tion of, said land, vi.: frank Meyer, of Gilchrist, Neb. John Thoinus, " " " Henry Frlesholf, of Montrose, Nob. Theodore I'iekenbrook, of Montrose, Neb. J. W. Wkiis Jr., 35 4ii Register. KOTICE FOIt ITBLICATION. Lund Office nt Alliance, Neb. May 4, 187. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his lnten-tio-u to rrmke final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made be fore M.J. Blewett, Clerk District Court at Harrison, Neb., on June VI, ls7 viz: Walton H. Johnson of Clun, Neb. who made H. K., No. ?A,0, for the E'. of S-W'i and W', of S EV4 of Sec. 21!, township 30 N, Kange TA W . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ot, said land, viz : David Colvile, of (ilen. Neb. Charles Ludwick, of Glen, Neb. Henry Brundige " " " John V. Shipley " Hell, J. V. Wehv. Jr. r3."-40 Uegister. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATK OFFICERS: Silas A. Ifplcorub . Governor James K. HiviTis Lieutenant Governor W. F. Porter Secretary of State John V. Cornell.. Auditor J. U. Meserve Treasurer 0. J. Smyth Attorney General J. V. Wolfe Land Coinmlssionei W. It. Jackson Supt. i'ublic Instruction CONGRF.SSIONAL DELEGATION : John M. Thurston U. S. Senator, Omaha Wm. V. Allen U. 8. Senator, Madison J. I!. Strode, CongreKNinun 1st Dist., Lincoln D. II. Mercer, id 3rd '1th Mil Uh Omuha Fremont Aurora Nelson Kearney Samuel Maxwell, W. L. Stark, K. I. Sutherland, W. L. Green, JUDICIARY: A. M. Tost Chief Justice, Columbus i'. O. C. Harrison ..As'te Judge, Grind Island 1'. L. Norval Associate Judge, Seward D. A. CunipbelL.Clork and Reporter, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: M. I Kiukaid Judge, O'Neill W. II. Wcstover " Rnshvllk M, J. Blewett Clerk, Harrison COUNTY OFFICERS: rt Wilson County Judge Blewett Clerk Ilobe M.J. ('has. Bichlc Treasurer Davis Supt. Public Instruction W. If D. Bi irtlett Sheriff J. K. Phinney Coroner Thomas Surveyor Blewett. Clerk of District Court B. F. M. J. Gran t Guthrie County Attorney BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Frank Tinkham 1st District M. J. Webe.r Chairman) 2d " James F. Young.. 3d " LKGISLATIVE: Otto Muls.. Senator, Dist. No. 14, Sprlngvlew A. K. Sheldon Dlst. No. 53, Chadron VILLAGE OFFICERS: E. Kohwcr r chairman) Trtistee J. W. Scott ' I). H. Grlswod " W. H. Marsteller " N. D. Hamlin " W. H. Davis Clerk Lewis Gerlaeh Treasurer SCHOOL OFFICERS: J. W. Scott Director B. L. Stiiuek Moderator l.ewls Lerlach Treasurer TERMS OF COURT: District Court, At Harrison, commences Spring term April l:itli, Jury 14th, Fall " October 25, Jury 2(ith. County Court, At Harrison, commences first Monday of each month. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. Methodist Sunday School meets every Sun day morning at 10:00 J. E. Harstrllrr, W. II. Davis, Superintendent. Secretary JERRY RUSK POST, No. !U, (i, A. It. Meets second Monday in each month In the court house at Harrison. E. E. I.lvermore, Coin. WOODMEN OF THE WOULD. Harrison Camp, No. M, meets on each al ternnte Wednesday evening. W.H.Davis, J.A.Hanson, Clerk. Con. Com. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meets each ulternnlo Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. A, It. Dkw, V. C. J. W. Smith, Clerk. EPWOKTII I.KAGUR. Regular business meeting first Tuesday evening in each month. C. L. Mabstelmcr, W. II. Davis, Prosldont. Seretnrv. Devotional meeting every Sunday evening at 6:4A. D. J. Cl.AHK, leader. JUNIOR LEAGUE. Meets each Sunday afternoon nt 2:30. Mas. D. II. Guiswolp, vapt. HTOi'K BHAVDS. TuK Journal will publish your brand, ike the following, for t :00, p;r yeur, Kaeh ud 1 ditioual brand 75 cents. Kvi'ry farmer or ranchmen in .siouit and adjoining counties' should advertise their brands in ThbJoCH IMA l us it etrculati'8 all over the utate. H may be the means of saving money for you. FRANK KITTO. On pft side of cattle and on left ehuolder of horscm. Range on Antelope creek p. O., Uhilehrist, Sioux Co., Neb. (HA ELKS BIKHLK. On let side or hip of cattle-. I ii,. irt ahonlder of hnm. i Isange on Um. head ,M'.ftrbiJ!-Jr4 crek ii Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. a isr eiuifV 2 On left ub'oulder of cattle and 5 horses. riSKxnue-im Little Cottonwood. O., Crawford Nebr. lampreparedtodoallkindstO do Wagon WOvi .ii.i. i -ii .. of wood-work, horse-shoeingUTia DiaCKSmilllin and blacksmithing. SATISFACTION OUABANTEED. Surcharges Reasonable. My shop is two doors north of The Ranch Supply House. Give ine. a chance to live. JOHN. L. STRATT0N. DO YOU ,READTHE JOURNAL? Try it six months THE COMMERCIAL SANK ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, B. E. BRKwsTi.n, I'resideDt. D. H. QRISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. SS0000. . Transacts a General Banking Businec a. CORRESPONDENTS: American Exchange National Rank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Clmdron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. WDRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. m .isaSS Good rigs furnished on short notice. Reliable drivers and quiet saddle horses always on hand. Good accommodations for transcient customers. .Horses boarded. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL SAML. TEBBETS, pRopuir.TM K7" Now is the time to subscribe for The WEEKLY JOUNA1, $1, FOR ONE YEAR $1. IT IS THE LEGAL PAPFR OF 810 UX CO US '." ". . GRANT GUTHRIE, Atlorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all lev"' I matters in Justice, County and Distti t Courts, and before the United Smi. Land Office. Fire Insurance written in,lj iompnies. SrLegal papers carefully drawn. ILabJuson. - Nkbhahka. DROOTED? But still on dec1- Third building south of livery barn HARNESS SHOP. First door north of the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSi:. Prompt attention i paid to all repai. work, also boot and shoe repairing done. L. E. DICKINSIX. Nebraska. C. F. COFFEB, Vice-Fresidtnt Feed and Sale Stable. GEO. D. CANON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETC n it-'i v. J .1 '4 V V v.