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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1897)
AtrM-oo iub lKht J( woman ever lark elf-ronfidenr when she ia arguing a!x)iit religion. You have no doubt remarked how ef fective a wortlilph man is in politics A milkman i theeiictodian of hh many family secret a a doctor or preacher No woman in prtiniui l,cr children ever paid anything that was interesting or origin-il. We would hate to o n a blooded dog. ; it takes no intieo to J ay re ardi fur find- I ing .t. . Ti e ( l;inee language has 40,( 0 I sim ple word atnl only J Mi rootn. (Jreat people always have Hinall i ne iiiief. When poverty Plate one in the f ;ce it does not take il loin; to stare linn out o! countenance. - No'liin.' hutiiil.ites a man more th n for a woman to Cm J it necessary to lake li tm down a pe. If a man h rtglit is do-H not matter much what people think of him. Nea'ly .ni yo'inj ricn show conceit in the belief that they would give patifact ti jn hh liu-ban is. LIFE AND HEALTH Hapi'liieii. idI nw?'i!ii"-. l.-t.t ngmn pure MihmI. Hnni Sar.:initiilu nuke i r lil inil, Till? It tl;o- ! t.-ikt- S.irN,.,, ;i, i.a. ca ;i v the liliiuit wlilrh must li" pn be In (S.iht;er. Mitll I nr I I i purltt- -. I Ltl to k 1 wily Ml'll) ex,.!! r. Hood Garsa- pariila l, six fur ,r. .., Ime'I, .Mass, The Onu True IU'wI FuriOr l'repareil 1 1 ! y by : I. Ho l K ( Hood's Pills ;;i lire tian-ra In Hue I'M u. ; iliiHisiiebi. V Who I opened that fr bottle of Roolbeer? The popping of a cork from a bottlf of Hire in a signal of 1 1. -.,,1 . 1-nV 0(l llCitllii ftli'i yin- Biuc, A sound the old folks like to hear the children can't resist it. Rootbeer U composml of I he very inurllrnt I lie aynlcin r"iuirei. Aiding tlio oly?Hoii.'o'ttlilin( tli uarvuh, purlfyliiK the blood. A n!MpFr- Riicertrlnk for temper ance people. M4 onlr hr T111 run,, 1 Hif r . rsila. A pkff Hkkaa ft vaJt. Ilulih tlif imi Id' 11 rented fur hutj-dilnnce futl rtiimiwj. A map of the United States. Tho iifw wall ninp Wm-'d by llie Utirllttgloti Kotile i. ilirpe Iwt lour tin-he b:e by lour b fl loiif: It prlnlel in x roliim . i- ihdiiti'C'I en rollon; kIkiws every Sidle, eonnt' , iuieoriHiii town and railroad m 'be I'lilon, and it a very desirable and 11 fi t adjun I to any house bold or Iiimiom eMaliliiti- nif-nt l'urcliaiid in IcU o r.(00 the maea eo-l Ibe hulling Ion Keiitc nearly JU ei-ms apiece, but on nrcrud of 15 rriiia In aininps or culn tins uniler'iBtird will be ploased 1 1 m-nd you on. Whit Immediately, a the apply It limited. I. FRANCIS, Oeneral Pamenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. fhe St. Joneph ami Grand Inland E. E 1 Hi a SHORTEST and QUICKEST LINE TO l.l. POINTS NORTH WEST i'iii'i HAST SOUTH '! Union Pacifio 8ytem la m T4orit aouT To California. Oregon and all Wentern Poinla For lnforraailon renarduif ratei. etc , rati on ro addreaa any aientur H M. adbit, U. f. Roamaon, Ja., Oen. I'aaa Agt. Oen'l Manager, M. JuMph, Mo. 75 so RIDE A BCYCLi wtJ. MAK t R 5 CtllCAGO II I INC CAmLOOVE rHf.V. CURE YOURSELF! (.' Uig H fr iniiiattarkl 4irkif9, If'lttmtDniloii, ! Irritkvtiudi or hlftHtioofl or itnt In plain vrrpr. hf ! prp. prpi(. fur il nr, i.r 2 Itn'tlf. I' "! Ciriylar tcui oo iwiutit. PATENTS, TRflDE-MflR Kiamlnall'ir. aid Artlina to l alniliilll "f In Taiiilim. abeiKl for lBMil'ir'(!uiae, or )le' "'i ' al'aient. farainaO'lt ' PATENTS WtLLION A , Wh intfton. It.C. Nm bnriri-lili mUm DR."W-,-" rvrnitm Via N . C. No. 440-31 Vork, fb 1111 KN WRITINO Til Alii i in hM f T ptfttfiajr fan mm rrii-""- In rliU twrmr 5 i urn aiHiat An list talis. Hal Omih Htruo. TnU'i !. Ua I in H,,ia h arnairiiii" HzEL 1 HIRES : f lalK.ffcl PA a M MfMMT. tXfliaeiauti.a.rn u1 V"f lerilei n, i,.hi(Iih), As ri tar h terms connected witb the hhip. nt ti I., mast, decks, and ritftfintf, they are iiinuiueianle; and, siiiifular to remark, as our military terms are derived Iiotu the Normans, the Kreau-r nuiiiher of our naval ones come troui the laxou aiid Ifutch, fcuch hh !hip, boat, boom, AC. The te.i ins iarhoard and starboard oiuu Iruiu the Italian "ijuesta boriiu" and "tjuelia lordu," whi h by ra)id de livery become stai board and larboard; but, ow nt; to the strong similarity ot sound, liave been Lisan'ed into starboard and port, l.atui porto " to carry, i the use of the terms in trie original ,01111 having been the caustf I of many accidents quarterdeck orr.ginatcd from tho arrangement that the poition of Int deck so calie l was about one-foUi l. of the whole ia:. I-ore or to ward caste received its came as lciuu the principal part ot the t h i ;j in which the lighting took place, being raided much aoove the level of the other part of the decu and hold ing a com . anding position, l oop, the raised aftcrpurt of the ship, set apart or o i.eers, b tli .11 meaning and derivation omes from the Latin. Gangway has been handed down from the days of the an ient gailey of the I'tifenicians, Carthagenia.i.s, and Unmans, it having I ecu a hoard which ran along the whole length, fccrving as a pa-.ia.e lor tin; rowers to and from their seals. It was alio utilied as u resting place for tie; ruast and sail when not in uses. The term now denotes a place of esit or entrance from or to a vessel, gen erally irom the ,-horo, by means of a long filank or plat onn. chamber' .loiiinal. A SCIENTIST SAVED. rresident Hnrniiliy, of H arts vllle Col lee, Mi rv i ye a Serious JIlncHH Through the Aid of Hr. Williatna' link I'ill for Tale People. From tin1 lli'imht 11 an, Col'tiithiifi, Iwt. The 1 larlsville College, situated at 1 Harlsville, Iml., was founded years nx ; in 1 lie linerest of ilie I'uiled iin-ilin-u . Church, when the State was mostly a j wilderness, and colleges -re senree. The I college is well know 0 I liroiiglmut tne ! cimiry, former students having gone iuto all parts of the world, j A reporter recently ealhsl at this fa iiioum seat of learning and was shown into llie Mom of the president, I'pof. Al j via 1'. 15,'trnaby. When last seen by the , tesirter I'rof. Harnnhy was in delicate j health. To day he was apparently in the j ties! of le-altli. In response to an in , quiry tile l'rofeswor caid: j "I Mi, yes, 1 am much better than 1 for some time. 1 am now in perfeel liea It'll; hut my recovery was brought . about in rather a Heuliiir way." "Tell me about it." said the retxirter. "Well, to begin lit the beginning," said the Professor, "I studied too hard when at school, endeavoring to educate myself for the professions. After completing the common course 1 came here, and graduated from the theological course. I entered the ministry, and accepted the (diarge of a I'nited P.rethren Church at a mnail place in Kent County. Michigan, l'.eing of an amhilioiis nature, I applied myself diligently to my work and studies. In time 1 noticed that my hnllh was fail ing. My trouble was indigestion, and pnor. ai.viv BAK.VADV. thia with otlrnr troubles broujrht pa ne-r-vousness. "Mi nhvaieian nreseribexl for me for ome time, ami advised tue to take a I ohanfte of climate. 1 did aa he requested, and was some improved. Soon after, 1 j came here ns professor in physics and chemiMry, and later was financial agent , of thia college. The change agreed with I ine, and for awhile my tiealtn was neuer, hut my duties were heavy, and again I found my trouble returning. This time it wan niore severe, and in the winter I became completely prostrated. I trits) various medicine and different pliyai oians. Finally, I was able to return tn my dutiea. Laat "prion I vras elected president of the college. Again 1 had considerable work, and the trouble, which had not bwn entirely cured, began to affect me, and lust fall I collapsed. I had different doctors, but none did tne any good. Prof. Bowman, who is professor of natural science, told me of his expe rience with Dr. Williama' Pink Pills for Pale People and urged me to give them a. trial, because they had benefited him in a similar case, and I concluded to try them. "The first box helped me, and the sec ond gave grea-t relief, such as I had: 1 wl V, Ooalinntll tT 1 never eaM'riuiv-j n-mi i .,. any physician. After using aix boxea of the medicine I was entirelv r-urel. Tot day I am perfectly well. I feel hotter and, stronger thau for years. I certainly rec-. onimend this mwlieiiie." To allay all doiibt I'rof. Barnaby dieer fullr made an aCMarit before LYMAN .1. RCl PHKIt, otarjr ruonc. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple are sold by all dealers, or will be sent! nowtnald on receirH of price. W eeuts a, box or six boies for $'2.50 (they are never f ' . . m . . sold in bulk, or by the KXI). hy aHilresn InK Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., .Schenec tady, N. Y. Thare ia nothing that a man will lalk louder about than to prove hi religious beleaf, and thare h nothing which real ly interest the blstandnri lees. The philosophy ov the Monkey will out-laat the philosophy ov the Sane. 11 Kolomon wa on earth today and would- not put on the cap and liells, he couldn't ! git 1!0 dollars a week lor writing proverbs. Ilsllier KumoidliisrT Tobias Kile, ninety-two years old, of Quakerlown, Pa., recently enjoyed for the 6rt time in hit life the services ol a barber. George F. Osborne it the tallest member of Philadelphia's police (orce. He it tix feet nino and one-half inches in height. Some time ao a New EriRland clergy man declined the degree of doctor of di vinity on the ground tbat the letters I). , F. after hit name would not improfe it, p. CURE FOR SNORING. flow the Adirlce of a Newspaper Par agraph Was Ced. When the landlady asked the bxik kpeiMT In the wcond-titory front nioiu If he would obji-ct to a room-mate, he nald "he diiln't think he'd mind it. Just so the oilier fellow didn't nnore." The landlady promised to be very careful and (Hicstion all callers closely on that point. It was two weeks be fore she found any one whom she con sii'i red nice ciirmh to share the room with the bookkeeper. The new-comer was a dapper little fellow, who had his trousers creased every other day, and who was In all respects the quin tessence of cleanliness. The two younj; men Rfrt pretty well acquainted the first evening and llie bookkeeper thought he should like his companion immensely. I'efore morn ing; lie chaujrod his mind and knew he should oespise him. The room-mate snored. It was not an infant snore, but a fully developed, mijjhty snore, i such as he hud never heard in all his ! varied experience. He spoke about it i tin; next day. i "Snored, did i't" said the room-mate. . "That's funny. Nobody ever told mn about It before." "Maybe you never slept in the same j room with anybody." "i lh, yes, I have, lots of times. I tell you, I don't think It's natural for me : to do that. I think I did it last night . because I've ot such a bad cold." j I The bookkeeper accepted that expla- , tuition and both men set to work to cure the cold. At Hie end of a week there wasn't a trace of it, but the snor i lug; euniinueil at a more lively rate i than ever. The bookkeeper complained j tiRain. The room-mate was very nice 1 about it. Ilesuid he was sorry and if anybody would recommend anything ; that was good for snoring; he'd be will- lug to take it, no difference what it was. I That night the bookkeeper brought 1 home a newspaper clipping; which he : l-.uil run across in the course of the day. "If people who an ore will take a ba biespiHinful of cayenne pepper and a tablespoonful of olive oil before retir ing, tliev will llnd the mixture a posi tive cure of snoring." That was the gist of the paragraph. ' Afier dinner the bookkeeper went to j the drug store and bought a plentiful i supply of both ingredients. "I tell you what it Is," ho said, when I he came back, "if a little of anything j is good, a good ileal oiiRht to be still j better. Instead of taking two tablo I spoonsful of this stuff you ought to j double the dose." I The room-mate d' niurred a little, but the other persisted, and after much gasping; ond weepn-R the liery mixture was swallowed. r ne room-mate had taken to the sofa several nights be fore that and the bookkeeper went, to bed and slept peacefully the whole night through without being disturbed by a single snore. The next morning he arose, and looked at the silent form on th bed. "Hello, old man," he said. "That stuff worked like a top, didn't it? Nary a snore, eli '! ' No answer. "Kay," he went on, "are ycu still asleep?" The figure sat up then. Its face was flushed, its eyes blodshot, and its hair rumpled. "Don't speak to me," It bellowed. "I hate you. I'm burning up. If the fur nace of the Hebrew children were in my stomach I couldn't be any hotter than I am now. No, I'm not asleep. I haven't been asleep all night. I never expect to sleep again. No wonder I didn't snore." Dogs anil Woodchucks. To show that dogs have the nver to intwcoiiHnunlcate libias tihe power of conversation allow me to tell a story which came to me from a Mr. Wood ruff, of this KLate. There were two dogs at a summer hotel In the Catsklll Mountains. They were once noticed to chae a woodchuck into a hole. To thiH hole there were two openings one on each side of a utone fence. The dogs sa w the two openings, and eaoh of them took one and Ixigan digging. Because Che day was hot and the work hard, be cause they aw that the stony charac ter of the ground would not allow the Buflieleut enlarging of his opening to let the larger dojf in, or for sonne other rejason, die dogs itlfnultBieotuly quit digging and met In consultation on tihe wall. When their plan wan completl tihe smaller dog, who had sufficiently enlarged the oiieadng at which he had been world ng for the admlwdon of his body, entered, while the larger dog took Ws a-t&'Uou at tltie other opening. Wlisit took pluoe In the hole I do not know. All tlwit I know (on tihe very best evldeuce) Is that rhe woodchuck soon apfwurel at the larger dog's own ing, was uablxil, dispatched, and the two dogs had a great feast. As to how tlliesv dogs carried on their conversation I can not say, lnit Mint Obey did so there can be no doulrt. They formulated a plan. Tboir knowl edge of Che Ann was mutual. Their snouts were together hh they talked ou Che wall. Their Interchange of Ideiis may have Ixi-n telepathic, If there le such a MiliiK oh telcpnChy. of wlilch I a.m not sure. An Island and a Peninsula. At a school the other day a toucher, having tisked most of his pupils the dif ference brlwoen an Island and a jM'tiln- j aula, without receiving a satisfactory answer, enme to the hint boy. "I can ex- , plain it, wir," siiid the bright youth. I "First, get two glasses; fill one with j water and the other with milk. Then ! catch a fly find place H in the glass of j water. That fly is an lalnnd, bocuuse . It in entirely surrounded by water. Mut now place Hie fly lu the glass of milk, and It will lo a iHiiliwiiln, because It is msirly surrounded by water." The lxiy went tbe top r tbe cla. HIS MOTHER'S DAP LING. Trad lliui Not in Mrpet Cars Nnr With Ilia hiatrr'a Hentl. He was a nice manly little fellow Id rauntleroy dress and with long gold en curls. He was kneeling In the front seat of an Olive slreet car intently watching the motormau of rhe grip. Tne motorman stopped the car wi'th a jerk. "My." said the little fellow, "don't he make tilings hum!" The old gentleman iu the seat be hind him nodded, and recognition by a fellow-passenger put the little man In a talkative mood. "My name is Bertie," lie said. "I live out in Westminster place. Where do you live?" "On West Pine street," obligingly said tho elderly man. "That's where my sister's beau lives. That's him back there silting in the seat with my sister. Don't you think my sister is a pretty girl?" The old gentleman nodded, confirm ing the youngster's judgment about his sister's beauty. "Do you think he is good-looking, too? My sister says '.e isn't, but he's got lots of dough." Hy this time everybody within sound of the little fellow's voice was laugh ing. The girl blushed fiercely, and was almost frantic with fear of what was f-'oing to come next. "She had an awfully good-looking sweetheart last summer, and lie was so nice to me. ami always took me out for a walk when he came in the even ing, waiting for her to dress. P.ut he didn't have any dough, and so she took up vvit'li this one. She is going to be married soon." The elderly man felt sorry for the girl and tried to stop the youngster's prat tle. Hut his voice had gone all over the car by this time. The young mil lionaire had heard the last remark, and lie looked dunifoumled. At the u: t crossing he lifted his haf to the shame faced girl, and jumped off the car. And this is a true story of "little pitchers that have big ears." There is a broken engagement some where iu the West End. St. Louis He public. Europe's Klectrio Cars. Money and material for a street rail way is wanted in Catania, seaport of 1110,000 people, at the foot of Mount j Etna. Catania has no street railways, 1 using hacks instead. The suburban . town of Ognina, where, in spring, sum- j nier and fall, many of Catania's inhab- : itants spend a few mouths in cottages, I going to the city daily to attend to busi- ; ness, would be a source of revenue to a street railway. Two projects are form- j ing. One is to Interest I'.elglan capital- i ists which would mean Belgian ma terial. . The other is proposed by a j milling firm, which would use the 250 . waste horse power of their mill to gen- crate electricity. This linn would buy i dynamos, wires, poles, rails and ten j cars to start with. American bids would be received upon equal footing I with the rest. J Electric railways are gaining ground In Europe, though not as fast as In the i I'nited States. Yet these figures ap- pear aLsurdly small. In nil Europe the toial electric railway mileage in 1X95 ' the Latest obtainable statistics was only 500 miles, an increase of 125 miles ( over 1894, and an increase in the mini- her of lines from seventy to 111. Oor- . many has 252 miles, France 82, Great Britain and Ireland (id, Austria-Hun- I gary 14, Switzerland 47, Italy 24, and : other countries from six miles down. Of the 111 lines, 91 are worked on ! the overhead surface system, 12 on the j underground system, and 8 by means of accumulators. Hamburg and Leip- sie have their electric railway systems nearly completed, and Berlin Is about to give up the horse tramway and om nibus service for electric cars. New York Tress. Marriage by lottery. In some parts of It nasi a a curious gnme is still played at Christmas time, w'hich has mueh to do with the future life of the participants. Some prominent person In the village announces that the annual tnerry-mak-lug wall be held at his house, and on the apioluted day the young men and wom en hasten to his house. There are eongtt and games and dances, but they are simply a prelude to the more Important business of the day. When the time comes the hostess lends all the girls Into one room, where they seat themselves on benches. Ijiughlng and chattering, they are ecth promptly muffled In linen sheets by the howtess, the head, hair and form being eocurely covered. The young men draw lots, and one by one they enter the room where the muffled girls lt. Helpless so far as sight or touch goes, the puzzled lover tries to Identify his favorite. Maybe she would help him if her eyes were not hidden, but she Is as helpless as he. Finally he chooses one, and then be may unvirtl her. This Is the critical moment, and dls appodutnient or rapture will be the re sult f soeiing her face. It Is the law of custom that the man shall marry Hie girl he has picked out, and If either Iwcks out a forfeit must be paid. It Is said that this matrimoni al lottery results In many happy mar riages. Not So In America. When you buy a few yards of cloth In Japan the merchant always unrolls 'the whole piece and cuts off the Inside end, In order tlnat you may not have to taike that part that Is faded and shop worn. Some of the kindly attention shown young men for what they may bn, should be extended to the poor old men for what they have been. Coat of Wheat liaising. It Is said that it coats 1,23.82 an acre to raise wheat la Massachusetts. M .di-rn I'ruterbs Willingness is not readineaa. Education ia something Baved. The aimlesa are not blamelesi. Do not sow wild oata in your deep 1'uraue, the penny, m'ms the pound. Small thoughts may wreck great lives Help.ulnesa is the measure of great ness. Better a holy hunger than a 3inful satisfaction. The word bidden ia the heart must lu re veaied in the life. : Many Polynesian languages have no Bibilante. Some Polynesian languages have only seven consonants. There is a hundred timei in a man'i life when he longs to be in position to to out and slara the door, and never come back. 1 It woul 1 not be dilfieu!t to become a : iiero to the women ; invent dishes oi wood that can be burned alter every , meal, and never have to be waebed. I Any man can yet enough to eat. but it is a rare man who can keep from eat , ing too much of it. 1 A woman ia satisfactory to hr hus band in proportion to how much vhat ie not true he can make her believe, j You may think that in tiie confusion, ! a bride will not notice it if you do not send a present, but you bet she will. j DRUNK FOR TWENTY YEAR3. I A correspondent writes: "1 was drunk ! on and oil' for over twenty years, drniik when I had money, sober when I had none- Many dear friends I lost, andnnni j hers gave me good mlviee to no purpose; hut.' thank (.oil, an angel hand came at last in the form of my poor wife, who ad ministered yonr marvellous remedy, "Anti ; Jag," to me without my knowledge or eonsert. I atn now saved and completely ir:.N-formed from a worthless fellow ton sober aid respected citizen." It "Anti-Jag" cannot be had at your ' druggist, it will be mailed in plain wrap . per whh fall directions how to give se- eretly, on receipt of One Dollar, by the . Kenova Chemical Co., W) Broadway, New I York, or they will gladly mail full parti culars bee. Men want to be first in a woman's af fections for the same reason they want :o sit at the first table lor their meale. Oascap.ets Btimu.ate Ivor, Ic'itnpjs and bowels, sr s.ckeu- weant-u or grli-e. 10c Search almost any farmer who comes :o town and you will find a string in om )f his pockets that, represents the iengii f a pair of Bhoes he is to buy for one oi :iis children. Man will never be attractive in his old igu until lie begins to shave in the eare. I'iso's Cure for Consumption lias been a family medicine, with tis since 18i". J. R. Madison, 240!) 42.1 Ave., Chicago, Ills, We have not.ced that the Episcopal women seemed to have less trouble in dragging their husbands i.ff to church lhan the women f any oilier denom'na lion. Whbi bttlou or coBtlre. eat a Cancmrsi, candy ca Uiarlio, cure icuarauierHi, 10 , 25c The women say that whenever a man buys socks of a girl dry gonds clerk, he id-' nvs gets them two sizes to nn!!. He who tries to show b mself deep pr-ves uinne.f shallow WISE ADVICE Those Who Have Ailing Wives Will do Well to Accept It. Do not wrangle and quarrel, and finally rush into the courts and try to get ft separation from your faithful wife; but just stop a moment and think! Your wife, who was even-tempered and amiable, and all that was lovely when you married her, has changed. Now she is peevish, irritable, jeal ous, discontented and disorder of some kind. My v the of I i K-r 1&. lit u 1 1 7 i si S- Jl case I Compound and found it to be of great benefit to me. The dootors said I had womb trouble. I had the headache all the time, also a terrible backache, ' was nervous, cross and irritable. I looked so pale that people would ask me, what was the matter. I suffered in this way for about four years, until onei day about in despair my husband brought me a bottle of Lydia E. Plnkbam1!. Vegetable Compound. I commenced its use, and much to every one's aur-' priae, it cured me. It has completely changed my disposition for the better also, I , g-Terai 0f mv neighbors, knowing what the Pinkham medicine has done for me. are taking it, and are much pleased with the result,.1 q)ANDY cathartic VUREC0H5T1PATI0H 10 25 30 inn nr Timer o nniniuirrnn tn rnr ADdULU 1 Cb I UUfln AM 1 LCil ti. nntr pia mnm boob in irgg g'j'"" - - "EAST, WEST, HOME IS BEST." IF KEPT CLEAN WITH APOLIO A Uiaat Aid t K mera. A map of the farm, with ta h field numbered, and its aiz-s, quality of soil,1 etc., BiieeifiVd, will be a rreat aid ia keeping track of the year's transaction!.' Ho few really know the expense of each grown crop the past year, what their cows, pigs, eheep and chickeni have paid, etc? This ia an imfortant matter and should not be neglected. It is a poor business nian that do 8 not know what he raises at a pro ;if, and hat at a lo.-p CVon'. faitai Vorld. Good Looks. There are more wrinkles in the face of a baby monkey than there are In that of an old baboon. And siwakinf of wrinkles, more of them can b wrought out in a fair, young face by neuralgia than will be for.n l in that of an aged person. Oonstint pain will shrivel, and neuralgia neglected will plow its furrows deep. It not only wrinkles, but takes the bloom away and gives the skin a dull and yellow look. St. Jacobs Oil is a pi'om;rt and sure cure for neuralgia, and it should be used, as while it soothes and cures, It smooths out the tracks of pain and leaves the skin healthy and fair again; besides it rids the sufferer of much torment and restores a happier 'dispo sition. (Jooil looks come only with good health, and health is found Iu the ab sence of paiu. We have never yet. seen a woman With so much djiiinity that pbe could carry-a hat box through ti e streets without looking ridiculous. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure. Price 73 cents. Country women climb over heels and into wagons more grace and less ilii-play of hoe, than city women step into their carriages. No-to-Iiao fi Over H 00. Ooo cured Kil ty Cents. , ! a.. i lei ,c f'n-BM region to nr r Save-, moic y, ijuar..Lileeil,'- inure your ii ,ic f r Uiii;n:ooT iiiiike iie.ill1; ami m iilmuit. Oufi ot- 1. i h n i;'.-u; 1 . We never see sheets pinned up in a display window at a stoie that we have not a maddening desire to see what they are fixing. Do not wear impermeable and tight fitting hats that constrict the blood-vessels of the scalp. Use il all's Jlair Ke.newer occasionally and yon will not be bald. A grievance is like the measles with most people; it must come out, and the longer it is suppressed, the worse it be comes. Jcst trv 10" box or Cw:et8, enndj csthartlc, o Mi liver and uuwel regulator maJo. An Atchis m matt buys all the patent medicines lie Bees advertised, except where the doctor prints his picture in conner.tion with advertisements. Hi also re. uses to go to any show when the manager puts up his own lithograph. Mrs. Wlnslow's Suothiko SYRUP lor ChlM re.n tcethiim. t-oueiis the tims, re.iuces iaflam, inatioii, allays- pain, cures wind coiic. -toe bottls If a man does not want to believe in Mornianism he had better not read about it. If the Lord really helps a man who helps himself, lie ought to be kinl to the oliticanp. TO HUSBANDS. miserable in a word, she lias uterine Law is not the remedy for this condition, she needs med ical treatment, her uterine system is at fault. advice to you is, sit down and write a letter to that friend of women, Mrs Pinkham, of Lynn, Masa., state fully and freely the whole case to her and she will honestly ad vise you what to do. Give your wife that chance, good man I If you do not wish to write about yoW wife, bring her a bottle of Lydia R. Pink bam s vegetaDie tompouna, watcn its oi. fects, you will soon see the beginning oi, improvement; then get her another andi keep it up until she ia restored to you, the same lovely woman you married years ago. Following we relate the circumstances of a' this nature. Mrs. Mklva Kouton, of Camby, Ind., says: " I have used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ALL DRUGGISTS n?i - oof (nntlntlon. Csseartts arc Isclflfsi l.iii rrip nr erlpe. hit mini rsi j Bataral rrsallk itm-k iV - - ' - " " ?lt- " - - I ti