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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1897)
t I 1 t . ! ! ; . "14 I "ft- I THE SIOUX COUNTY o THtKfDAY. May 6th, 19T. (too. D. Canoa, Editor and Prop. F. E. k M. V E. i. Hair tH. Going Went. liuliiK Kant. No. 5, mixed, I : I So. . mixed 7:1)0 J. E. PHEfNEY. M. ). Phjttidan and Surgeon. All cull given prompt attention. Office in Drug Store. HARRISON. NEBRASKA. T II E North-Western LINE F., E. Sc. M. V. R. R. is the bes1 to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTH NEBRASKA. TREES AND PLANTS. A full line FRUIT TREES of BEST VARIETIES at HARD times PRICES. Small fruits in large supply. Millions of Strawberry plants, very thrilty and well rooted. Get the rest near home and save freight or express. Send for price list to North Bend Nurseries, North Bend, Dodge County, Neb. 33 NOTICE TO SETTLERS. The rules of the local land office have recently been amended so that settlers lo make final proof shall settle with the publisher before sending in their apnlica lion. All parties desiring to Oiafce final jiroof can have their papers made out at The Journal office, free of charge, and promptly transmitted to the land office ho that no time will be lost. The prairies look beautiful with its carpet of green. The two blacksmiths seem to be busy these days. Cattle are getting all the graas they want now-a-days. Mr. and Mrs.V. R. Smith are suffer ing with the la grippe. Look up Anton Moravek's Hotel ad in another column of this issue. Burt Smuck has rented the house, soon to be vacated by Doug. Hamlin. Rev. D. J. Clark preached at his Pleasant Ridge appointment last Sab bath. John Sutton of Kirtly, Wyoming was in town Tuesday getting a plow sharpened. Henry Krenian and Fred Pullin from White River were doing business in Har rison last Tuesday. Eggert Rohwer has taken his cattle down to Glen on White River to herd during the summer. Mr. Hanna, a South Omaha live stock commission man was in town the forepart of the week. Mrs. L. C. Lewis and son, Howard with two of her datghter, from White River we.-e in town llo iday William Stull, who lives down near Ft. Robinson, was doing business in Judge Wilsons office of this week. W. L. Ashbrook, who lives near the south end of Sioux county, was in Harri son Monday and Tuesday of this week. J. B. Burke, of Bodarc Post Office, leaves next week for Edgeniont where he' goes to work on the irrigation ditch. Father Muenick will hold Catholic services at the residence of M. J. Blewett on Thursday May 13th, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Merchant Bartell was out to Pleas ant Ridge this week putting up a wind mill. Mrs. Bartell was running tha store during his absence. N. D. Hamlin and family will leave for Brayton la. about the 15th of this month. Mr. Hamlin goes to settle up his father's estate as the administrator. Mr. Thomas Bell of Lusk was here on Tuesday, after a load of goods which he had shipped in a day or two ago, and also trying to hire a girl to work at his ranch. Chas. Biehle brought his cattle up from the valley the forepart of the week and sent them away with M . Rohwer "s bind to be herded during tiw summer on Whit River. Ktle. I am now prepared to take town cattle to herd during the summer. Parties wishing me to herd their stock will please leave word at the Harrison Hons. Marcus Valdkz. J. A. Hanson of Van Tassel was io Harrison last Friday on business and was setting up the cigars to the boys oo accouat of m young toe, who arrived at Ms doom on toe Sttn ult 21 C. Ooaa of Bodarc, left for Jack mn Eata la Cotorado last Friday, where t taa.rstijrai iplojr meat for the sunv fTY, if bis fame! may follow him ""t53riej tiw MOUBwr. W. K. Hip-low twk the train for (irdon. Neb., last Saturhy evening, where he takes a 'rip out into the sand hills in that part of the State, probably to look up a new htot-k ranch. The editor of Tub Journal had the pleasure of viewing the oil paintings at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, living one block west of main street, which were executed by the latter show ing that shj is handy with the brush. The Journal acknowledges receipt of an invitation from The RrpiiUiean, The Valentine Dcnwerat and The West ern Sews, published at Valentine, to at tend the press association to be held at that place in June. If possible we will be there. Mr. Pontius, our station agent will leave for Long Pine tomorrow where he will be gone for six weeks or two months doing duty as Agent. W. E. Pt ntius, his son, w ho is cashier and operator at Raid City, S. Dak., will lake his place here until he returnes. Lewis Gerlach' has bought his old mining interests back, which he sold three or four weeks ago. Mr. Ger lach seemed to think at the time he made a mistake in selling and so he feels quite pleased to think he could buy it back again at a fairly reasonable price. L. E. Dickinson, who moved into Harrison a short time ago from Bell, near the southern part of tiie county, has opened up a cobbler's shop on mam street opposite The Journal office. Mr. Dickinson thinks he will in the near fu ture put in a stock of harness and all such goods as go with that kind of busi ness. The brand committee of Sioux coun ty were in session yesterday allowing and rejecting brands which had been presented for record. N. L. Tipton Wns alowed the brand designattd by X1T, t be used on any part of cattle or hors. Also a brand wus granted to John War ren, the brand being a lamp chimney and the same to be used on lelt side of cattle and on left jaw of horses. Isidor Richstein, who has been run ning the saloon in Harrsson for the last four or five years, has concluded to re tire from the business. Mr. Richstein will close his saloon door to tlia public this evening. He will work at the car penter trade tins summer. The town pump will doubtless be freely patron ized this season, because we will not be able to get any thing stronger than water in Hasrison for a while at least. The case of Staudermyer vs Russell, tried in Judge Wilson's court yesterday, resulted in the placing of both men un der bonds to keep the peace until Court convenes in Oct. 95th, this fall. The cause leading up to the trouble was. on r t . , , , OIX.OUIO. ui some lorruer irouuie and as they met one day last week of course pulled their guns on one another. Per haps the boys will be a little more care ful next time. It is not right boys, and then brotheren ought to dwell together in unity. We are in receipt of eight or ten envelopes brought to this office by 1L H. Russell, which has on theiu some fine artistic pen pictures ordesigoes executed by his son Harvey who has been taking lessons in artistic painting within the last two or three years, which indicates he is a clost student for a boy of only sixteen years old. Should he be as atten tive to his study of the art of painting for the next few years as it would seem he had been since he commenced to learn painting, he will surely make his mark in the world. - F. Francis, whose home is in Cam bridge, 111., but who is for the present at least making his home in Lusk, Wyo., was at the Harrison House over night last Monday. lit came out to Nebraska and Wyoming to buy some cattle and go into the business in this state or, just over the line, provided he can buy them at a reasonable price. But Mr. Francis says he can buy them cheaper wit hia ' a hundred miles of Chicago. Mr. Fran cis is an old resident of North Dakota and he thinks that State, South Dakota and Minnesota, would be the place to go and buy stock-cattle. He has not fully decided to locate in this Suite or Wyom ing until later on. The mail carrier from Bodarc, Mont rose and Gilchrist Tuesday, brought the news that the store in Bodard had been destroyed by Ire Monday night of this week. The Jons was not ascertained by the mail carrier. But we learn that the proprietor had concluded to close out the business soon any way, and had dis posed of three or four loads of his goods to some Crawford Merchant, having de livered them some time last week. It was claimed the fire originatod from the woodshed winch adjoines the store build ing. The proprietor, Mr. Wo Klard we understand was sleeping in the store at the time end must have had a very nar row escape f roin being burned up. J. W. Scott, will leae for Ansley Neb., next Tuesday, where he will en gage in the mercantile business. Ans ley was the former home of Mr. Scott and of course it will not be like going Into a strange country to commence business a new. Mr. Scott has been a resident of Sioux county for eight years, and Is an honored citizen of Harrison , being a member of the school board , and town counsiil, and is tiie present Assessor. II has also been engaged in the confectionary businss in this Vil lage but sold out to Charles Umphco- hour of this place with tho evident in tentention of looking up a location at ome other point better suited to his busiuess. The many friends and neigh bors of Mr. Scott and family will regret, no doubt to see thein leave. But our loss w ill be Ansley 's gain. Mr. and Mrs. Adsit. who formerly lived at Albion this state, until this spring, for a number of years, but now of Lusk, Wyoming, were in Harrison f Monday of this week doing business and buying some lumber to haul out on their new ranch located on Raw-Hide creek, which Mr. Adsit has just bought this spring. Mr. Adsit has been engaged in raising fine blooded cattle in the east ern part of the State before ha went to Wyoming, so he is thoroughly acouant ed with the business and expects to en gage in the business quite extensively on his Wyoming ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Ad sit have traveled over a great part of the United States and Mexico, Mr. Adsit having been a superintendent of a tin mine for an American firm ii S'. Lewis, the mine being in the State of Durango, Mexico. They are both able to speak the Spanish language fluently. Mrs. Ad sit is a talented lady and we were glad to have the pleasure of nieetieg her and getting aquauted. As Mr. Adsit was quite busy attending to business in Har rison during his short stay we did not have an opportunity of becoming so well acquainted, but sullice U to say, uuu lie is a gentleman in every sensce of the term. We regret very much that Mr. Adsit and his esteemed wife could not Lave settled in Sioux Couotv. Warbonnet Warbling. Mrs. Nora Dunn was on the sick list last week. N. Ij. Tipton is shearing sheep for Henry Linden ian this week. Mrs. Clem Leeling spent one day with Mrs. Richard Dunn last week. Bert Hamlin and Hill Shatto of Pleas ant Ridge, Wyo., passed through the valley last Thursday enroute for Mr. Slattery's. Mary Garton and Elsie Marriam spent Tuesday April 27th with Mrs. Moravick and family, Mrs. Birdie Keel and Mrs. Johnson visited with Mrs. Priddy April 27th. Mr. ond Mrs. O. A. Garton and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Crane spent Wednesday at Sam Thomas's. The men folks ss-nl tba time in branding and roweling calves. Mr. Thomas Dunn presented his wife with a brand new sewing machine a few days ago. Miss Nora Thomas came down from Harrison Saturday for a few days visit at home. Mrs. Lily Williams was down from Indian creek last week visiting with her parents. Grandpa Lyon was up to'H. T. Merri anrs one day last week assassinating yellow jackets. As many us fifteen wera numlered among the slain. Several head of mules, lielonging to Doug. Hamjin of Harrison, were sen Sunday, going north along the lane be tween Biehle' s and Noreisch's place A procession of seven teams and a man on horse back, passed up through Monroe canyon on Saturday last enroute for Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hester spent Sun day in the valley with R. L. Keel. The Sundav school met at the War bonnet school-house May 2nd at the reg ular hour. Only a few were present tut the time was spent very enjoj-ably, dis cussing the lesson for the day, "The water of life," as given in The Evange list. The election of officers and arrange- THE xP-S . - - - i-jt rrw " enty one mnt;ntine tan he tahrtt, we would tuest the REVIEW OP REVIEWS, at envcrin? more ground than any other magatine." Board of Library Commissioner of New Hampshire, 1896. 'HIS magazine Is, in Its features, what Us readers, who Include the most noted names of the English-speaking world, are pleased to call VS "nb'solutely up to date," "thoroughly abreast of the times," " invaluable," and " Indispensable," It Is profusely illustrated with Umely portraits, views, and cartoons. Its original articles are of ImrAediate Interest, by the best authorities on their respect ive subjects. The Editor's " Progress of the Vorld " gives a clear, rightly proportioned view cf the history of t!ie human race during the current month. The " Leading Articles of the Month " present the Important parts of the best magazine articles that have been written In every part of the world. The newest and most Important boola are carefully reviewed. Indexes, chronological records, and other departments complete the "5 certainty that the reader of the Revhv or Reviews will miss nothlnf of great significance that Is said civiltten or done throughout the world. TTO REVET OP REVETS CO, IZ Aster PUcr, New York. Single Copy, Xc.t TrUHftvt months), $IMt Year, $2.50, ment of clasps was o-tponeil until next Sunday. John Strntton of Harrison made a call at Homer Priddy's May 2nd. Monday May 3rJ Charlie Biehle start ed with his cattle for Andrews to put them in the herd near there. rnest Lyon is down in the valley again once more, to stay for an indefi nate length of time. Echo. News From All Around Bodarc. The dance held at DeBocks on last Easter Monday evpning was well attend ed, according to what we hear it was an grand entertainment. Some of the par ties lost their hats and were obliged to go bare headed. The grangers are about through sow ing small grain. Mr. Ijpwis Opyhnrt paid a visit to ) Serrs' Bros, on April 25th. j Ernest Bunkey left for Edgemont.l S. Dak.. Tuesday of this week, with team and wagon. Mr. John and Thomas Hinesand C. M. Ruffing are going to leave for South iMkota on Monday May 3rd to seek work looking for pros perity. We hope they will find -what they are looking for. The grass is larger and a lxtter stand at this time of the season than we have seen for a number of years. A good time was report! at the dance by parties who were in attendance. The dance was held at Ed Rose's Friday even ing, the C3rd. Mrs. Flora Harvy is going to work for Mrs. F. M. Smith." Born. To Mr. and Mrs. Martin, a girl April 22nd Mr. Johnson, the stock buyer, from i Crawford was here buying cattle this week, but did not get as many as he wanted. Mr. P. K. Murphey is having very poor health. Serrers Bros, and Jacob Working has ngrecu io neru ineir cattle together on j,,. g ranch creek near Ardiuore. But. jSioo.oo j Given Away Every Moutii to Hib prrs-.n m'.uui't nu' the fiosf i. -nitrum tncttijH ,: cii'. i'A 1 1.. i -' rn,t v p. i i,'t-. Eii u.- o)jjec;t of tnis KtlVr f in i-i.-CfiurttK'' 'crori t un l'..t't.i. Iv turn of 111 In'. t I -f.'.in'' n ii" we v.;i ! l.uprc.v tac liu:L :: . H'a the Shiple, Trivial Inventions That YicLl Fortunes uth ri ro I 'in'i Iltv.k iriii H e. ""K'j thut I'iih n. ' ".iifvty I'm." "Pif ui i hj lvr." "Air limkr." iir AltHtt.t . rery nmi r -r've Q a bright i')t ui Hi. liine or i'hi-r. Why m i hui i In l rue ll? Vi'TU v !eil tt-fl)' I u i i ih'f ' rct tm. M r i tr? :: :: :: i i pgr Whip f rf irthir in'.rrr.ul.m ' id 1 luoiiiuid tu i'rr. 1 THE PRESS CLAIMS CO.: Fbi! ip W. kvSrett. Men. :e-.. 1 ,T 613 t; Street, Northve: t. ! i fcASHINGTOK. If. t 1 fWTW rfp. t.:hM 'jr o' iht, i imn. mih iii'lK' ' i n- lad 1 1 a i 1 1 f ktM l( fiC-"1 l uinl .!. UlullNtliU nt ttiu !-Mlifin ,civi in tbf ,ws Illustrated Edited by ALBERT SHAW contributed ar.d departmental Nil I Send Ctntt la StawfM lor tpfcln.n Copy RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. LEWIS GERLACH, 1W GO TO THE HARRISON HOUSE TO O-IET .A. SQTJTA.E IMIIE.AJl. I have just lately leased the Harrison House, and have thoroughly reno vated it from cellar to garret. We are now prepared to en tertain the public in first class style by serv ing up first class vit uals and the best accommo dations. The public are cordi ally invited to call and try the hospitality of the new management, WE GARANTEE SATISFACTION IN EVERY WAY. ANTON" MO HAYEK, Proprietor. MARSTELLER BROS., They handle every thing usualy handled in a gen eral department country store. SUCH AS DRY GOODS and G ROC ERIK, BOOTS and SHOES, HARD and TINWARE; alao FLOUR, FEED ami GRAIN, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO MARSTELLER BROS, DO YOU WANT JOB WORK DONE? THEN COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE. Now is live time The WEEKLY JOUNAL, $1, FOR ONE YEAR $1. TAKE THE JOURNAL AND YOU WILL NEVER REGRET IT. It is the Legal Paper of sioux county, mmm, OHO, D. CANON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, Where are ycu going? We are on cur way to the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. THEY SAY EVERYTHING IS SO CHEAP AT THAT STOKE. My icife iron t s oneofthofe bealiful SP1UXG 11 ATS and dry poods j revisions dc. 1 need a Spring SUIT tr.iself and we think re can mve mo n ey by trading at the ISIDOR RICHSTEIN, DEALER IX FIXE WINES. LIQUORS and CIGARS- AGENT FOR pabst's Selebratecl B:EW. to xubwribe for t 4 4 f r -L