The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 06, 1897, Image 5

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Commercial Independence No Lnnzrr
Kiiiti-Hnw the Klcb Kacape Taxa
tion Mnrka and l.oml Can lie Hid
den, Not lioiisea, Land or Live Mock
Competition la Crnnhecl Oat.
Ex-President Harrison recently de
livered a lecture before 1 tie Michigan
University on (lie subject, 'Corpora
tion Law mid Tax Ijiw Keform," and
the New Orleans Times-lk.'mocrat com
mt'Di x (hi It as follow:
Tlit points lie clilelly dwelt on and
elaborated wore, fiiiU, t lie admitted
need of reform of corporation law and
tax law, and, second, the reasons why
the reform Ik not carried out, and be
wound up with unrest ions looking lu
the direction of bringing about the de
sired teforui.
Every lDH'lHi;'iit person Is aware
that (orponttions control not only our
railroads and banks, but almost every
form of manufacturing and mercantile
adventure. They organize themselves
in trusts, which, under the pretense of
reducing the cost of production of arti
cles, crush out eompetl.lon and impose
what prices it picnics them to impose
on articles of general consiimitlou. Ev
erybody knows what the methods of
pcration of these corporations are, as
everybody has to a greater or less ex
tent suffered from them. Not only are
they crushing out competition, they
are crushing out the independent spirit
of Americans.
Supposing, for example, that a gro
cer in tlie city of New Orleans were to
insist oil selling sugar at a llgure be
low that quoted ntid dictated to him by
tin? sugar refinery combine (the sugar
trust), what do wo suppose would bo
the result to him? He would be Incon
tinently ruined by the trust, which
would undersell him on every hand un
til it had forced him out of business
and driven him to the wall. And there
can bo no commercial independence, of
course, where this state of tilings pre
vails. Headers are equally well aware that
the poor or humbler section of the com
munity Is taxed for more heavily tlia'n
the rich. The law takes only really,
which cannot be concealed, but it touch,
es not personality, which belongs al
most exclusively to tlu wealthy. The
wealthy thus escape taxation on otie
balf of their accumulated properly,
while thi' poor are taxed on all of
theirs. Comptroller Ilolx-rts, of New
York, put himself on record the oilier
day to the effect Hint in IKi.j the tax
able value of realty in the Empire
itato was close upon $-1,000,000,000,
and that the taxable value of person
alty was less than $.-ni,i)0,j)(l in the
same year, but hi; declared that the
value of the personalty in the State
was at any rate qui to equal to the val
ue of tlie realty.
Now, as ex-President Harrison said,
"live-sixths of the voters of the conn
try favor a rev ision of corporation laws,
limiting the purposes for which corpo
rations may In; organized, supervising
the issuing of stocks and bonds and
putting other restraints upon them. An
even larger proportion of our people
would give their emphatic support to
the proposition that tax burdens should
fall equally on ail property. They do
not now, as every one knows. Lands,
houses, live stock and Implements of
trade cannot be hidden. Stocks and
" bonds can be, and the assessor has uo
way of checking tlie list."
Hut while the Injustice of corpora
tion legislation and tax legislation is
to be fought and fought strenuously, it
must bo fought discreetly and Intelli
gently, not as a red rag Is rushed at
by a bull. The ex -President suggests
teven cardinal points to be iKirne care
fully In mind when such legislation Is
to be attacked:
Eirst The people have not only author
ized, but invited, the organization of and
the investment in these corporations.
Second That tlie bankruptcy of any
legitimate business in a public injury.
Third That we must tk those thing
an our un vvUdom, or that of our fathom,
ha made them. A to the pnl, wo can
do little more than mend.
Fourth That the work of reforming our
corporation iuws is not for apprentices.
Fifth That corporation law should he
general. It is neither wise nor safe to as
sume that a particular ciiso is a rep rc
aeiitative one, and to administer the rem
edy promiscuously.
Sixth That in public nfTnir the best at
tainable good Is the thing to be sought.
Seventh That the legislation must bo
The reason that corporation law and
tax law reform has not appreciably
progressed, all hough legislation has
been enacted both by the Congress of
the United States and by a number of
State Legislatures, Is that the legisla
tive bodlea are not of much account,
according to the ex-President, and that,
being untrained In great measure, they
bungle their legislative work nnd leave
It In a condition easy to be picked Jo
pieces by corporation counsel, who,
Mr. Harrison nays, are about the
brightest Intellect in the United
Bherman's anti-trust law of 1800 has
been all but a complete failure. There
never has been a conviction, as far as
we have beard, obtained under It, al
though trusts have doubled In number
since Ita enactment, until this last
week, when the Western Joint Traffic
Association the most Innocent of all
combinations wss pronounced by the
Supremo Court of the United States to
be Illegal. The Bute of New York has
various laws on Its statute tiook mak
ing tbtv formation and operation of
vch Hiatal combinations of capital
penal offenses, bat tho combinations
nourtao a4 ftaont their operations In
the tot of the public m If the laws
agslatt them dirt not hare existence.
Tbsttflawa of tt-PrilnVtit ll-wrison
are sound, sensible and priuM'vil. nnd
whether they are f horouirhl.v approved
or not they will hare the result of mak
ing people think on the subject which
Is the Initial step toward the remedy
ing of evils.
Nnthlne for the People.
It lb strange how dead Mr. Dingle
and the other Republican leaders are to
the significance of contemporary fa"ts.
At the ery Juncture when tlie Supreme
Court of the United States has struck
an astonishing and shattering blow to
the organization of bushiest on the plan
of conspiracies to prevent com petit Ion,
we see the newly restored party putting
all Its isnvers at the service of the
trusts, and devoting its energies openly
to the framing of a scheme of taxation
which is obviously and notoriously bas
ed on the undemocratic and nefarious
principle of public taxation for private
The party, apparently without the
slightest consciousness of what It Is
really about, is sentencing the protec
tive system to death and committing
suicide. The people are swiftly coming
by evolution to the point where they
will determine whether they are to rule
the trusts or permit the trusts to rule
them, and the liepublicnn party in Con
gress is going ahead In tlie sight of all
men doing Its best to strengthen and
arm the trusts for the battle with the
people. New York Journal.
Oppreaaive Taxation.
In an exhaustive discussion of tlie
principles of taxation by Mr. David A.
Wells, now running In The Popular Sci
ence Monthly, the principle Is asserted
and HUpiiorted with a wealth of political
authority and legal decisions that the
rightful objwt of taxation is the sup
port of government and lis limit the
actual needs of government.
It is ukii this sound principle that
the Democrats of the House founded
their protect n gainst the Dingley tariff
bill. They show that tne Republican
tariff bill violates the principle in both
ways. It. levies taxes for the benefit of
private enterprise and levies far more
than the support of the Government re
quires. In effect, It collects a bounty
for distribution to favored Individuals,
and In order that this may be done pro
poses taxes from SiiO.OOt 1,000 to $7.
(MMl.OOO ill excess of the Government's
needs. The Republicans proKse a dou
ble robbery of the people. Exchange,
Japnn and Silver.
Japan will sell no silver, but will com
nil it can get Into legal tender money,
even after the adoption of the gold
standard. As Jaism has no silver of
her own until she buys it any arrange
ment that will help to depress the price
Is a good thing for the Government. It
will be noted In this connection that
Investors are anxious to place their
money in Japan regardless of the silver
8oli(llT Arrnyed.
Men who loyally supported the can
didates and platform of the Democratic
party In ISIm; have been chosen as the
Executive Committee of the National
Association of Democratic Clubs. The
party will go Into the great campaign
of 1P00 iinh'ni"iered by treachery and
polidly arrayed against the abuses of
the time.
The Worst So Far.
The highest rate of duty that lias so
far been discovered in the Dingley bill
of abominations Is that on nickel bar
buttons for underwear. Tlx; present
rate of duty is U5 per cent. The Ding
ley rate Is (507 per cent.. Probably this
Is not the worst that is In the bill, but
if there Is anything worse It has not
yet been discovered.
Not Unarlflah Patriotism.
Ity lopping off the heads of the bolt
ing officeholders President McKlnley
causes tho friends of Mr. Cleveland to
accuse him of Ingratitude. It would
seem from this that there was some
thing more than the "credit of the na
tion" involved in the Job of party be
trayal executed last year.
A Republican Defined.
A Connecticut legislator defines tho
eagle to be "a bird that has Its teetli
Into everything It can lay its hands
on." If his definition Is correct, It
makes tho eagle an officeseeker and a
member of the Republican party. Ex
change. Banc Speaks Frankly.
Uncle Russell Sage is merely more
frank than his colleagues when he says
tlie railroad attorneys will Immediate
ly go to work to discover some way to
evade the law as laid down by the Su
preme Court.
The Penalble Thine.
It would seem to be the sensible thing
to elect men to office who would attend
to the people's business themselves in
stead of serving under orders from a su
perior power.
A Russian Telephone.
According to L'Kloctricieu, of Paris,
a Russian scientist has Invented a tele
phono far sujierlor to anything hitherto
used. With it a man oiay talk to more
than one of Ills friends at a time, pro
vided they are nil in the same room,
for It Is not necosnary to stand near the
receiver in order to near the sound.
The voice Issues from a metallic fun
nel, mid may be heard at some dis
tance. The new telephone bos other advan
tages. Hounds transmitted through It
lose very little of their Intensity by
reason of distance. In experiments
mode between Moscow and Ros'of, a
distance of 870 miles, speech, song and
music could le clearly heard. A large
number of official people were present
nt the experiments, ar1 the official re
port was full of praise vt the new tele
phone, V hen Henry VIII. was writing love
letters to Anne Roleyn he declared,
"The longer the days the more distant
Is tr sun, and so It la wh me and
sun. '
Tre of Pnpils EyraiRht Ad vantages
of Scrap Hooka A Father' Idea of
What Should V.t Taught 11 it Son
Sampmn-Ed ucat ional Intelligence.
Protect the Kyesla-ht.
Take care of your pupils' eyesight.
You are morally and ' professionally
bound to guard it from ill use, abuse or
neglect. Remove all conditions that
tend to strain, blur or obscure it. Do
not iK-rmit anything in the furniture or
surroundings of the room even though
It was introduced un6 Auctioned by
some one else, who perhaps had more
experience than you, and Is supposed
to be a great deal wiser upon the sub
ject than you are, to remain if it proves
to be a source of annoyance to your
pupils' sight. Change it at once. Don't
fancy that you have no responsibility
in the matter since some one obs
placed It there. Duty has to do with
the present, not the past. If the situa
tion Is not wisely chosen for the battle,
the officer who Is lu charge will Is gov
erned by events; and In the light of sub
sequent knowledge correct the mistake,
and strengthen his position. Each, is
held responsible for the trust he as
sumes. It may have been the rule In
the school you are teaching, to use a
steatite instead of the old-fashioned
white crayon, and the same article may
still Ik? furnished by the board. Do not
use It without making a protest. Clear
your skirts at least from the pernicious
practice of snuffing out your pupils'
eyes like so many candles. What, If
there are bits of chalk dust breathed?
These particles of mineral matter are
readily thrown off from the system lie
fore they are permitted to lodge and
work harm. Hetter to work in a little
extra chalk dust and have plain white
lines on the board than to ruin In short
measure the eye.s, and in consequence
tlie happiness of a whole lifetime by
compelling pu, "a to decipher faint Hues
in an obscure light, at Improper angles
and all kinds of distances. Study your
environtnenls to protect the eyesight ot
your pupils. Let us drop the sotipstone
as a crayon for the blackboard.
Scrnp Hook.
Scrap books carefully planned may
bo made very helpful. (Note tlie pro
viso "carefully planned.")
This is rendered peculiarly easy for
the teacher, from the fact that tlie
leading magazines and papers are giv
en nowadays to illustrating In series.
One scrap book in our possession con
tains views from "Waterloo" from the
Cosmopolitan, another "Ottawa," and
its environs. We will mention still oth
ers, and how they related to the work
In hand.
While engaged in some general les
sons on the Indians, we came across
some vlov.'s of the Zuui, Pueblos, also
the Mission Stations of California In
t.tie days of Padre Junijtoro Send. This
gave just the help needed in showing
certain types of Indian life.
For other lessons we mounted views
of cotton raising, orange and rice cul
ture. To help Impress the Greek stories, all
the stories relating to them that came
In our way were laid aside as well as
outlines of vase forms, statues, coins,
"Uemila" in "Seven Little Sisters"
was made more vivid by views of Sa
hara, the Pyramids, tlie Sphinx and
tho Nile. In the same way "Agoon
ack's" charm was heightened by pic
tures of Arctic life.
If these pictures are intended for
third year pupils they may tie mount
ed on card board or drawing paper and
tied In one corner by a ribbon that can
lie readily slipped from the punch-hole,
If the views are to be passed about in
the class.
If tbeee views are for younger pupils
to have at their desks, perhaps the
scrap book form is bettor. Exchange.
London to Have a University.
There is reason to believe that the
sixtieth year of Queen Victoria's reign
is to be made memorable by the estab
lishment in London of a great teaching
university. Tbe London university lias
existed since 183(1, but its function has
always been limited to the examina
tion of candidates and the conferring
of degrees. This restriction has made
It an imperial rather than a local or
metropolitan Institution. Its examina
tions have, Indeed, lieen characterized
by thoroughness and fairness, and
have commanded the confidence of
teachers and students In all parts of
the United Kingdom. Still, the feeling
has been growing among scholars that
London should liave an organized uni
versity of Its own, which should fur
nish help and guidance In other ways
than by examinations, and for some
twelve years a movement has been go
ing on to make Ixindon a great seat of
Want No Immigrant Teachera.
The school teuchers of England fear
that the educational department will
admit to employment In the elementary
schools of Great Itrltaln teachers hold
ing the certificate issued by the Irish
education board. They argue that this
would lower the standard of the schools
and Increase the opportunities for theo
logical discussions. The ordinary sal
ary of teachers In Ireland Is about $200
lens than that of the English teacher
of corresponding grade, and this leads
ninny to believe that a considerable Im
migration may be expected. ,
ft la Idea of Kdacation.
A teacher once received tho following
laughable letter from the father of one
of bar pupils:
"Respected Maddum: It Is iteither my
desire nor mjr wish that my son Samp
son persoo the study of grammer nor
any of the other dead lahgwtdgcs. He
san git alouf with plain English, and
I n he ain't ever bki ly to lw n Physlck
l Inn lie ain't no need to (.crsoo the study
or rr"joI'.;:y either, Him I dent thins,
their t-t'tpioiis Is a proper Ibll'g fur
chihir n to study and I peefr taut
H.iijipKon be konfined to rlthmetie, rwid-l-i,
gonerfy and rltln and the names of
the Presidents of our country."
lv1ncitiona1 IntclHzeuce.
Oxford University consists of twenty.
t iVo i-ulh ges.
Tlie students of Johns Hopkins Uni
versity ure not permitted to publish any
The Washington Slate Board of Edu
cation, as announced by Governor Rog
ers, is W. J. Hughes, II. B. Walker, J.
H. Morgan and Mrs. Rice.
Tin- new tiell and clock for Mount
Holyoke College is to lie provided by
the ;iit of $1,000 by George Cutler, Jr.,
In memory of his sister, Mrs. Susan
Cutler Jones.
Tlie Indiana House has passed a com
pulsory education bill, with the small
maximum of twelve weeks' required
schooling annually for children be
tween the ages of eight and fourteen.
Nine Juniors of Yale University were
last week brought to account by the
faculty for sending a letter to Corbort.
the pugilist, extending Yale's best
wishes. The signers of the letter an
lioiineed their willingness to retract the
objectionable sentiment.
The new library at Princeton wil
cost .i;iib,(MM) and will accommodate
2.''o0,oiki volumes, besides a large num
ber of recitation rooms for such classes
as require special library facilities
This structure, ( r Jiic In architecture,
will lie one of the finest buildings of its
kind In this country.
The Educational Club of Philadel
phia, has unanimously adopted a reso
lution, offered by Public School Super
intendent Brooks, urging the Phila
delphia meinliers of the . House and
Senate to vote for House bill No. 53, In
creasing the minimum school term lu
the State from six to seven months.
Prof. Jebb, M. I'., has been nominated
by the crown a member of the Sen
ate of the University of London. This
is a very happy nomination, as although
the Senate of the University of London
contains many specialists, Prof. Jebb
will be a distinguished addition to the
few members who are cognizant of tho
subject of education generally.
Many business men and educators are
signing a petition to tho Pennsylvania
Legislature to repeal the compulsory
vaccination law, or to amend it so as
to have it inflict less hardship upon
those school children who are not sus
ceptible to tho virus. Ui:der the present
law a child that is not susceptible to
tlie viriis has Its arm kept in a state ot
Irritation because of the constant and
repented attempts to make the vac
cine take.
One of the most interesting features
of the last report of tlie President of
Johns Hopkins-University Is the state
ment that about. 800 of the University's
graduates, nearly one-half of the total
number of graduates, have become
teachers. Chicago University has em
ployed 2:!; University of Wisconsin, 10;
Uryn Mawr College, 38; Lelund Stan
ford, Jr., University, 17; University of
Pennsylvania, 10; Cornell, 14; Colum
bia, 13; Harvard, 10.
The Des Moines Summer School of
Methods will hold Its eight annual ses
sion at Drake University, July 5th to
30th. It is the largest and oldest sum
mer school in Iowa- During the laxt
seven years It has given training during
the summer vacation to hundreds of
teachers of Iowa and ten other States
Its corps of instructors are selected
from among the best specialists of five
different States. It is not only a great
school of methods, but It offers oppor
tunities for the most thorough instruc
tion in the common and high school
branches and provides for an examina
tion for State certificates at the close of
the session.
Whnt a Small I!oy Conld Ho.
A lad in Boston, rather small for hit
age, works In an office as errand boy
for four gentlemen who do business
there. One day the gentlemen were
chaffing him a little for being so small,
and said to him:
"You will never amount to much, yot
can never do much, yon are too small."
The little fellow looked at them.
"Well," said be, "as small as I am, I
can do something that neither of you
can do."
"Ah, what is that-:" said they.
"I don't know as I ought to tell you,"
he replied.
But they were anxious to know, and
urged him to tell what he could do tho
neither of them were able to do.
"I can keep from swearing," cald the
little fellow.
There were some blushes on foui
faces, and there seemed to be no
anxiety for further information. Ex.
Salaries of Rulers.
The King of Bavaria receives $1,412,
(M0. The King of Saxony has a salary
of $750,000 a year. The King of Italy
receives $2,85H,000 as salary, and $180,
000 for his family. The President of
the United States gets $.".0,000 per an
num, house rental and exjienses there
of. The King of Spain receives $1,400,
000 a year, and $000,(0 a year for ex
penses, making a total of $2,000,000.
The Emperor of Austria manages to
make both ends meet with an annual
allowance of $3,875,000. His Majesty
of Portugal, In consideration of slTie of
kingdom, contents hlmsvlf with $tl3T,
440 a year. The King of Greece has a
salary of $200,000 a year, and receives
$(10,000 besides. The annual salary of
the Queen of England is $1,025,000.
Tbe Prince of Wales gets 1200,000; rest
of royal family the same. The Csar of
Russia receives no salary. Ills Income
arises from 1,000,000 square miles of
land which he Inherits from the crown.
Hie average Income Is a trifle mora
than $33,000 a dag.
A rkillfnl Combination of lirilliant
Iluti- I'laida Are to He Very Popu
lar Tlila reason Correct t-tyiea in
Jacket and Capes.
Dame Fashion's Uecreea.
New York correspondence:
ESPITE all that
has been said
about the garish
ness of the cur
rently fashion
able colors, exam
ination of the
dresses into
which these brill
iant hues go dis-
w'!iy closes that they
t I JjbjK a r e s o skillfully
softening shades
as to leave them
entirely free from
such criticism. To be sure, if some
careless woman rushes into purple,
scarlet or bright green, she will likely
enough devise a dress that will make
the observer's eye ache to the back of
her bead, but occasional examples of
bad taste are always on hand and nev
er yet condemned a tasteful fashion.
Very strong color effects are even now
risked only for the boudoir by women
of goad taste, and while outdoors the
bright colorings are plentiful enough
good management kills all danger of
A fine example of this treatment of
a. bright color came in a dress of bright
billiard green c,-"pe cioth. Its texture
was so soft, It was so closely covered
with tiny crepe wrinkles that did not
seem to ridge the surface, that the col
or took on a thousand lights and made
the green harmonize with any shade of
green put with it, and with any other
color, too, as a leaf does on a rose-tree.
The skirt was made over black satin,
the breadths rounded short at waist,
and hem to show the satin. A deep fac
ing of plaid silk reached the knees on
the under side of the skirt, the plaid
showing dark-blue, dark-green, and
linos of scarlet and light-greiin, a tiny
streak of daffodil yellow striping here
and there as inconspicuously as a
streak of sunshine on a lily pad. One
bodice for this skirt was plaid silk,
crossed In a lot of folds over the front,
and fastening under a big frill from
shoulder to belt. The belt was wide,
fitted, and from black satin. A green
cloth bolero, that fastened also at the
side with a series of straps between
which the frill of the silk bodice show
ed, was for wear over this silk bodice
The trick can be done, too, when the
variety of colors is not great, and when
the dominant one Is very brilliant.
Scarlet was tlie color of the dress
goods of the costume pictured in the
initial. The skirt was serge, and had
a row of appliqued black braiding at
the hem. The bodice was cerise taffeta,
was tucked between the bretelles,
gathered at the waist, and held by a
belt of scarlet foulard. The bretelles
of scarlet silk were trimmed with ap
pHipied braiding, and a full ruchinz of
black chiffon finished the neck, h&en
when worn with a scarlet hat of tur-
, ban shape trimmed with black tips,
this dress will not seem too striking or
too higb-celored, so effective Is a tittle
Mack, In softening the brilUaacy of
The proportion , of. black Is much
greater than this la Buy cases, and
Wufn-.-n vho tire fond of gulet effecfe
will be pretty sure to use more. They
need tioi., however, for scarlet Is to be
so abundant that a dress like that Just
doserlltcd w!ll not seem assertive. With
greens, too, the softening trimmings
are often of considerable quantity, and
the second picture is un Illustration of
this point, as it shows a jacket bodice
of almond-green taffeta, freely trim
med with appllijued black velvet. The
cut of this handsome bodice, however,
was Uie source of its originality. The
vest was plain green silk, and sailor
collar, revers and the oddly slashed
lwisque were of the same material. The
collar matched the basque, a small
button trimming each tab and a laee
collar showing from beneath. As yet
there is no reason to doubt the truth of
last winter's prophecy that foretold
high collars and neck swathings for
summer dresses.
Tbe plaids now offered are an attrac
tive lot, and because of the current
standards in coloring they may be
much more freely used than Is the case
in some seasons. Tlaids, of course,
stand for brilliancy, for, plentiful as
the quieter sorts may be, there are sure
to be many .of the striking sort. But,
the hideous ones that fairly give out
an echo are happily few on the count
ers, and are even fewer on women. It
was a very pretty combination of
green, red and blue that in light weight
cloth gave the original of the artist's
third contribution here. A piping of
green cloth finished the skirt at the
hem, and a sleeveless green cloth jacket
was worn outside the simple gathered
bodice. The medici collar was In one
with the jacket, which fastened with
large gilt buttons, and was confined at
the waist by a handsome belt compos
ed of gilt links. While a liking for elab
orations of all sorts prevails In dresses
made from most spring and summer
stuffs, plaids escape this fancy, being
considered, apparently, sufficiently re
moved from plainness, to make highly
wrought effects unnecessary.
A favorite resort of those wrho are a
bit fearful of overdoing bright colors
Is to mask them with a sober but semi
transparent material. This method of
making is highly fashionable, as by It
the two chief characteristics of the sea-
son bright colors nnd elaborateness
can be combined in one dress. Besides
this point, it has much to recommend
it. Beauty of result is strongly on its
side, and then it affords a fine chance
for her who Is Ingenious as well as of
sound judgment in dress matters. From
the standpoint of economy there is,
perhaps, less to say in its favor. True,
there Is a host of beautiful transparent
fabrics that are stylish and inexpens
ive, but what of saving is scored up by
these is all wiped out by the outlay
necessary for the silken lining. In these
circumstances it is some comfort to
remember that new styles are very sel
dom favorable to economy, and after
taking all possible solace from this
fact the next thing Is to consider how
to do the trick Inexpensively. There
are many models that tend toward this
end, nnd a very pretty one Is chosen
for the fourth Illustration. Its skirt
was black grenadine over salmon silk
lining, three small ruffles of the silk
trimming It near the foot. Shirring on
the back nnd front of the bodice sup
plied a yoke effect, and from this hung
a pleating of salmon chiffon. The
sleeves were gathered to the elbows,
ending in chiffon frills, salmon chiffon
and black chiffon were combined In ths,
collar, and very handsome figured
salmon ribbon gave the belt and the
bows at the shoulders that saved the.
outlines there from bareness. Tight
sleeves may be coming! Indeed, they
can be seen not Infrequently, but sel
dom without aome elaboration at the
shoulders to take the place of tbe de
parted puffs.
OoDrricbt, ISBT.