The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 06, 1897, Image 1

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The Sioux County Journal,
IAISOlsr, IsTEBRSKZA, THITJIID-y, TjY 6. 1897." . IsTO. 35.
Tha Sioux County Journal.
Suberription Price, $1.00
tempt to deprive them (tiy votes) of that
right." Richmond viz: 8tate, 1883.
'It is very improper, of course, to in
timidate votes; but thera is a way(siarv
iatS) of giving advice that in quite con
vincing." 1880 Boston Herald.
''In the western States labor is abso-
lutely demanded; commou labor in re
ceiving a very high price, and it should
be shown in Europe that it is to their
paupers interest to come to America be
cause prices are in favor of American
labor." John Sherman on U. S. - laws
186:1-5 In 186 B. F. Jones brought the
first ship load of paupers to America to
compete with home labor In 1893
Chauncy Depew said, "For once, it seems
that America has more labor than she
j can employ" Hence the 50,000 starving
n ci.;.....,,.
It U a pitty that Russia and England I "The American la'oorer must make
fit. D. Canon,
Entered at tin Harrison khI office as
iHKud cltuu nutltar.
Tha Greek Government seems to have
had a biptrer job on her hand than she
bargained for.
Iiml'nt got a good threshing
instead of
The Press Association of the flth Con
gressional district will hold a (netting
nt Valentine, June 5th. Every editor in
this district ought to attend.
One of the worst holocausts probably
ever known in the history of Paris, Franc,
rcard on the 4th inst. About 210, peo
ple lost their lives; among them being
some of the most noted personages in
France and in fact all Europe. The
reason for so many prominent eople be
ing sacriflsed in the burning building
was on account of a fair being held, and
a great many of the rich society people
of Paris wore in attendance.
Flual Proof Notices.
All person having flnal proof notices in
tills paper will receive a marked copy of the
paper mid are requested to examine tliulr
notice and it any errors exist report the
saute to till office at oucu.
up his mind hence forth not to be so
much better off than the European labor
er, men must be content to work for
less wages. In this way the working
man will be nearer to that station in life
to which it has pleased God to call him."
Aug. Belmont. N. Y. World.
Say, whither are we drifting?
Land Office at Alliance Neb.
MHy 1, 1B07. (
Notice is hereby given that the following
named nuttier has tiled notice of his Inten
tion to nutke flnal proof iu support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made bp
fore M. J. Blewett, Clerk District Court at
Harrison, Neb. on Jane li, ISOT vis:
Tbnodor Wagner of Gilchrist, Neb. who made
11. K. No. 346 for the E'-j of 8 K X Section 31
and W '., of HW, Section S2 Township 84 M
Range 64 W.
He liHiiien the following witnesses to prore
bis continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Frank Meyer, of Gilchrist, Neb.
John Thomas, ' ' ' "
Henry I'rteshoff', of Montrose, Neb.
Theodore i'iekenbrook, of Montrose, Neb.
J. W. Wbhn Jr.,
36-4" Register.
The Chancer.
(Contributed to The Journal.)
The reason I'm a Bntchelor
Said a mull from great bend,
It no mattnr who you marry
Ton can't tell w here she'll end.
It was In the summer of nlntv two
While courting In the west,
I witnessed what I shall not forget
Till I'm laid to rest.
The Albany Mo., Ledger says in speak
ing of boys, "Every boy and young man
in town is spotted, and when vacancies,
occur in offices and other positions of re
sponsibility tliey do not go to those who
hang around public places, nor those
who put in their time smoking cigarettes
nnd apeing the style of dudes and musti
er, but to the lad who has a clean re
tard lor industry, sobriety and honesty;
to one who is auxiou to do all he can
for his employer. A straight, clean,
manly boy never has to hunt very long
lor n job. lie is always wanted." 1
Low true the above is. No Man, no
natter how much of a tippler he may lie
himself or hr-w much he may be addict
ed lo the JiaUt of gambling, if he is in
peed of hired help he will seek to employ
u boy or man, as the case may be, who
is not a frequenteimt the saloon or who
is usually found loirtering his time
away at such place or at more disre
putable places. It is true every boy is
being watched by the neighborhood in
which he livts. Anybody who is desir
ous of hiring a boy is more apt to go to
the Sabduth school for them than they
are to tie saloon. If young boys wish
lo grow up lo be useful and honored
men hi life, the lime to commence is in
youth. Life is full of opportunities for
(rood boys and jirls. If boys could ouly
know bow bad it sounds to hear them
iiseing profane language and how un
gcnllemaflly it is in the presence of ladies
' and older people, they certainly would
abstain from it. It certainly is no mark
of a gentleman. The same rule should
hold good with the young boys who are
just blooming into womanhood. It;
is not an uncommon thing to hear,
not only young ladies who go into soci
ety (and this article is not confined to this
. neighborhood, but seems to be quite uni
versal every where), but young girls use
ing slang f rases, which to us seems un
becoming to say the least.
The evening wkh long and tiresome,
The piiotoes not sublime
So a game of cards were started
Just to pass away the tiniH.
The player fonr in number were,
The family as you'd suppose,
Will In I and Belinda sat chatting
Ilesldc the kitchen stove.
I'll toll you what Helinda said,
In my trunk I've something strange,
Wc would have a most delightful time
If we only had some range.
I'll make the-range the old woman said,
And started from her chair.
She soon returned w ith a correction rod
And the children ran up stuirs.
llellnda then got out her pets,
I'll tell you they were atrange;
They in mi e us all climb on our chairs
The old woman on the range.
Several times Belinda held,
Her pets elost to her face,
And each time the old woman screamed
Those things are ont of place.
Belinda then rolled up her snakes
And placed them In her trunk,
While I sllped on my over coal
And out the door did flunk.
Town Hoard Proceed I hits.
Land Office at Alliance. Neb. I
April 10, I8U7. j
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has Bled notice of hi inten
tion to make ttnal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will tie made he
fore M. J. Itlewvtt, clerk district court at
Harrison, Neb., ou May 29, 117 viz :
August L. King of Story, Neb. who made
II. K., No. 3111, for the S' J of S-W'4 of Sec. 1,
andWl'.of N-Wy Sec. 12, township U N,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz ;
Fredrick Mcinmer, John Weber, S. It.
Story, and Oscar W. Story, all of Story, Neb.
Any person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law
and regulations of the Interior Department,
why such proof should be allowed, will be
given an opportunity at the above mention
ed time and place to cross-examine the wit
nesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence
In rebuttal ol that submitted by clnlmaut.
J. W. Wehn, Jr.
(33-381 Itcglster.
Lund Office at Alliance, Neb. )
May 4, 1HOT.
Notlco itt hereby given that the following
limned settler has tiled notice of his Inten
tion to make flnal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will Im made be
fore M.J. Blewett, Cleric District Court at
llarrio;i, Nob., on June 12, IM7 viz:
Walton 8. Johnson of Glen, Neb. who made
II. E., No. U470, for the V.y of S-W!i and Wi
of 8-KJ of Sec. 23, township 30 N, llange 54 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon und cultiva
tion ot, said land, viz :
David Colvile, of Gleu, Neb.
Charles Lndwick, of Glen, Neb.
Henry Brundlgo " " "
John V. Shipley " Bell, "
J. W. WEHW. Jr.
f;i5-40 lloglster.
Silas A. Holoomb Governor
James K. Harris. Lieutenant Governor
I ' TllK .loi'BMAl. will pub'ish your brand, ike
the following, for l :U0, per year. Kauh ad -(lltional
brand 75 cents. Every farmer or
ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties
W. K. Porter . Secretary of State ! should advertise their brands in Tub Jol.K
John V. Cornell ...Auditor
J. It. Meserve TreHSiirer
C. J. Smyth Attorney tieneral
J- V. Wolfe. Land UiiumImIoiuu
W. U. Jackson Supt. Public Instruct ion
John M. Tluirston. ir. 8. Senator, Oinaha
Win. V. Allen V. 8. Senator, Madison
J. B. Strode. CoiiKresaman 1st I (1st.. 1
kALas it circulates all over the state. It
may be the means of saving money for you.
O. II. Jlercer,
Samuel Maxwell,
W. L. Stark,
K. D. Sutherland,
W. L. Green,
Prompt attention given to all legs I
natters iu Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United StuU-
Land Ollice.
On left side of cattle and ou left' ... , ... ....
rim Innir:inf.A written in rlluhltft
sliuolder of horses.
t2?Let:'t I W per carefully drawn.
Hakiuso.v. - Xebhaska.
Range on Antelope creek
P. O., GbllchrUt, Sioux Co., Neb.
What They Hald.-la Former Times.
(Continued from last week.)
"Decaying nations should return to
the principles upon which they , were
founded" Aristottle.
"If I were an American as I am an
Englishman, while a single foreign troop
remained in my country, I would never
lay down my arms.nmr nkvkr NEVEK."
Wm. Pitt.
"To support this declaration, we
pledge our fortunes, our lives and our
saored honor" (50 cranks) 1770. "Where
llbetty is there is my home." Franklin.
. Hiere, King George can read that
Without his glasses." John Hancock.
"Give me liberty or give aie death, if
tbto be treason make the most of it."
p "Ocd must love the common people
tie matte bo many of them." A. Lincoln.
"Tins la to be a government of the
people, by the people aod for the
pece, if, "I bid the laboring people
toeiai of surrendering a power (right to
Vote) which they already possess, and
nZZJt, when surrendered, will surely be
Mti ts dose the door of advancement to
web ae they, aod Ox meat burden and
upon them till all ot liberty is
' l"Ai Lincoln. 1st Inauir.
'Cwl u why they said it ?
CtUT Ha ma raid nnck iMl.
v1 ,t yotjtitg mep had no riglit to
Might b more amenable to
-of hard Umes"-mo Indian-
must govern in every
rerrdlea of any at-
Ilarrihon Neb. '
May 4Ui, 1HH7.
Boa re of Trustees met iu ragular ses
sion. Present, Trustees Jluisleller.
Uriswold, Hamlin and Scott.
On motion J. W. Scott was elected
temporary chairman.
' On motion the following bills against
the village of Harrison were audited and
allowed and warrants ordered drawn on
the general fund of 1806;
Frank Lowery labor on pump 2.00
Julius Wilson ' " " 2.00
W. Wright ' !.62
D. M. Sutton " " " 2.25
Geo. 8. Tool, pumping water 54,00
The report of the Village treasurer
was presented aod ordered placed ou file.
On motion board adjourned.
' Harrison, Neb.,
May 4, 1897.
The following named of the newly
elected trustees appeared before the vil
lage clerk and took the oath of ollice:
D. II, Uriswold, N. D. Hamlin, W. B.
Marsteller and E. F. Pootius.
Board then proceeded lo organize and
elected trustee E. F. Pontius chairman
for the ensuing year.
On motion W. H. Davis was elected
village clerk for the eusuitig year.
On motion Lewis Oerlach was elected
village treasurer for the ensuing year.
The bids for pumping water for the en- j
suing year were opened and examined as
follows: W. O. Peterson, f 20 per month,
with provision; John Warn, 20 per
month; and John L. Stratton, 20 per
month. A ballot was, on motion, order
ed with the result that John L. Sttraton's
bid was chosen. Therefore, on motion
lie contract for pumping water for the
ensuing year was awarder! to John L.
Stratton he to furnish good and suffi
cient bond in double the amount of the
total sum to be recieved by him.
The following estimated expenses for
the ensuing year was made and same
ordered spread on the record:
Officers' salaries $50.00
Printing 50.00
Pumping water U50.00
Election expenses 25.00
Incidental . 800.00
Slaking fund 100.00
Interest on water bond 150.00
To aoolv on judgement of the
lOlark A Leonard Invest. Co. 400.00
Notice Is hereby jriven that the interest
and upon the contracts of lease and
sale to the following described Educational
Lands situated in Moux comity, Nebraska,
as set opposite the names of the respective
holders thereof, is delinquent and, If such
delinquency is not paid within ninty days
from the date of this notice, said contracts
will be declared forfeited by the Board of
Educational Lands and funds and said for
feltnre will be entered of record in the man
ner provided by law.
Part of Sec. 8. Tp.R. Name.
e'i.eWnwM.e'isw' 18-a2-55.Alexander Steele
( Heirs or assigns.
neU.nk'nwU .V-Sl-M.A. C. Pratt.
wiiiieU .-! -VI.C. A. Crihfleld,
b'a w W.wkiie'j 3S-M-M. Harvey J. Howard
All 3M-a-64,IIuth W. Mlie-
WV4 S6-2fl-.W,Gorton Nichols
::-32-1,J. C. Mowry.
All 3S-M-S3, John Otey.
All ltt-a-M, John 8. IMIIen
e'-J.nenwy aS-ils-sa.K. M. I'rownler.
wl.iic4.c.,incii,iiwi,S';l-W-M,Tnomna Kas
I r . mi lips
w'nwM afi-fK-M.HuKh J. Smiley
eVne'tf eXseVi :w-iK(Wllmer W. Phil
ntf - :-27-.'. J. I.. Manel.
s', . 3fl-27-.'V;iustav J.Msuel
cHnet4,n'((se 16-as-o7, John Dunn.
All lrt-iHWi:l,C. .1. Peterson
All le-ai-.'rt, 8. E. Copeland
All IS-29-M Mrs. !. It. Hart
All W-W-MO. H. HsrtsoUKh
All . l(i-4-M 8. J. Johnson.
All ai-24-r4 Mathilda John
I son
All 1B-Z5-M J. If. Jensen. ,
All, , ;m-2-IV4 M. Jensen.
All IS-2II-M John . Warp.
All. s-a-M Jullns Warp.
All i-'27-M HelKa Warp.
All Kl-W-M (Jeoi ae Krank
All . lfi-28-54 Jesse franklin
All JKI-3U-A4 Amanda Frank
All 16-32-54 Gust K- Peter
All . W-24-A5 John rranklln
All- , )-24. I lirbitius Peter
I son
All Wl-Sli.M Chos. J. Ilrainan
All , ai-27-as Mrs. Sophie Bro
All 16 24-M Victor Samuel
All 16-24-57 Ida K. Abraham
All... . IM-tt-CT V. Ahrahamsoii
All M-24-3S Jaa. M. Hlusher
ncU.nsseU.nwUseVi.eUnwU M-34-M II.
Harrison, sionx t o., inert., April K, imn.
County Troasnrcn
A. M. Post Chief Justice, Columbus
T. O. C. Harrison ..As'te Judfre, Grand Island
T. L. Norval .Associate Judge, Seward
J. A. Campbell.. Clerk and lleporter, Lincoln
M. P. Kinkaid-... Judge, O'Neill
W. II. Westover. . liuslivlllt
M. J. Blewett. Clerk, Harrison
Robert Wilson ., County Judge
M. J. Blewett Clerk
thus. Biehle ...Treasurer
W. II. Davis Supt. Public Instruction
D. Bartlett Sheriff
J.E. Phinney Coroner
B. F. Thoimui Surveyor
M. J. Blewett.......... .Clerk of District Court
Grant Guthrie.. County Attorney
Frartk Tinkham.. 1st District
M. J. Veber(Ohairman) 2d "
James F. Young 3d ' "
Otto Mntz..Seuator, Dist. No. 14, Sprlngview
A. E. Sheldon l)lst. No. S3, Cliadron
E. Rohwer (chairman) Trustee
J. W. Scott
D. II. Grlswod I
W, B. Marsteller
N. P. Hamlin "
W. H. Davis Clerk
Lewis Gcrlaeh Treasurer
W. Scott Director
B. L. Smack,. Moderator
Lewis t.crlach Treasurer
District OmiTt, At Harrison, eommennes
Spring term April !3th. Jury 14th,
Fall " October 5, JnryCth.
Cimnty Court, At Harrison, commences
tirst Monday of each month.
Methodist Sunday School meets every Sun
day morning at 10:00
3. E. MaKstkllcr, W. II. 0 wis,
Superintendent. Secretary
JERRY HUSK POST, No. 34'., G. A. R.
Meets second Monday in each month in
the court house at Harrison.
E. E. Llvermore, Com.
On lel side or hip of cattle,
On left shoulder of horses, s
Range on the head ot Warbonnet
Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb.
On left shoulder of cattle audi
IRangeon Little Cottonwood.
P. ()., Crawford Nebr.
A Sclentlflo Amnioaa
i n 1 t J r-
for tnfnrmatlnii anil free Handbook write to
MUNN it CO.. m BaoutWAT. Kew YoaK.
Oldest Imrmu for securing patent In America.
rery patent taken out by us Is brouitht befoi
tbe public by a notice glTen treo ol charge la the
Largest etTeulatlnn of any Belentlilc paper in Oie
world, biilenilldlr Illustrated. Nn lntelllsent
man should be without It. Weakly, K3.00 a
year; K1.9U six months. Address, M0Nm ft CO
tvausuuts, llttl Brusdway, New York City.
Don't forret that The Journal has!
a large clubbing' list and when selecting
reading matter for the coming year call
and give us your order. We can savt
you money.
18 Pages a week 15C Papers a Yearn.
A jiaper as useful lo you as a great
daily for only one dollar a year. Better
than ever. All t lie News of All tit'
World All the Time. Accurate and fan-
to everybody. Democratic and for tli
people. Against trusts and all monopo
lies. Brilliant illustrations. Stories by
great authors in every number. Splen
did readidg for women ami other special
departments of unusual interest.
It stands first among "weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price of a weekly ; and its vast list of sub
scribers, extendi Dg to every state and
territory of the union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch lor the accuracy aud
fairness of its new columns.
We offer this unequaled newspaper
and The Siocx County Journal together
one year for $1.65. The regular subscrip
tion pirce forthe two papers is $2.00.
Harrison, Nebraska.
Harrison Camp, No. 55, meets on each
ternate Wednesday evening.
W. II. Davis, J. A. Hanson,
' Clerk. Con. Com.
Meets each alternate Saturday evening
at S o'clock.
J. W. Smith, Clerk.
A. U. 1IKW, V. C.
Rearnlar 1m sines meeting first Tuesday
evenlig In each month.
C. L. Marstkllrr,
W. II. Davis, , President.
Devotional meeting every Sunday evening
at 6:43. D. J. Clauk, Leader.
Meets each Sunday afternoon at 2 :30.
Mjis. D. II. (IsiBWoi.n, Supt.
14SS.O0 Try i t six months.
Slicriirs Kale.
Notlco Is hereby given that by virtue of an
order of sale to me directed issued by the
clsrk of the District Court of Sioux Conntv,
Nebraska, in an action pending in Said court
wherein Asbury E. Ilobson is plaintiff' and
Cfsnt R. Wadsworth, Glrtln M. Wadsworth,
Louis I. Wodsworth, Joseph O. Morris,
Charles J. Orable and Altman, Miller A Co.,
are defendants, I will on tbo 17th day of May
IK&7, at one o'clock P. M., at the Eest front
(jour of the Court House In llernson, Ne
braska, offer for sale at public vondue the
following described real estate, to wit:
The West Half (wW) of the South East
Qearter (so1) and Eeast Half (ca) of the
South-West Quarter (s-w!4) of Section Nine
() in Township Thllty-one (31) N.. n Range
ruty-slx (M) W., of the Sixth (6) P.M., in
Sioux county, Nebraska, to satisfy decreo
of foreclosure entered in suld cause by our
said Court at the regular November, Ii8,
term ol said Court to wit :
On the Mrst day of November, lswt, where
in our said court found due to the defend
ant Altaian, Miller Co., on the cause of
aetlon set out In Its cross-petit) tlon the sum
os70.40 with ten per cent Interest thereon
from said date and adjudged same to be a
flrst lien on said premises. The said Court
also found due the plaintiff on the cause of
action set out In his petition, the sum of
1820. 79 drawing ten per cent Interest from
nld date, which was declared and adjudged
by the court to he a second Hen on said
premises with costs and aocnilng easts.
Said premises will be sold for the purpose
Of satisfying said sums In the order above
MieillT of Sioux County Nub.
C. F.
D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashier.
Transacts a General Banking Businecs.
American Exchange National Bank, New York,
Omaha National Bank, Omaha,
First National Bank, Chadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Feed and Sale
Good rigs furnished on short notice.
Reliable drivers aod quiet saddle bones always on hand.
Good accommodations for transcient customers.
Horses boarded.. ', .
( A V,
.. . I
,1, ' 1-