The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 29, 1897, Image 8

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Ththsday. April 2tl, 1897
(too. D. Caiiob, Editor ami Prop.
F, E. M. V E. tL. Urn talil.
Go'.ng- Went. Uointf K:mt.
Ho. 6. mixed. 1 :U0 1 So. 6, niUt-4 7
Physician and Surgeon.
411 calls given prompt attention.
Ofilee lu Drug Store.
I North-Western
F., E. & M. V. R. R. is the besl
to and from the
HARD TIMES PRICES. Small fruits in
large supply. Millions of Strawberry
plants, very thrifty and well rooted.
Get the BEST near home and save freight
or express. Send for price list to North
Bend Ncrseries, North Bend, Dodye
County, Neb. 313
The rules of the local land office have
recently been amended so that settlers
to make final proof shall settle with the
publisher before sending in their applica
tion. All parties desiring to make final
proof can have their papers made out at
Thb Journal office, free of charge, and
promptly transmitted to the land office
so that no time will be lost.
John Davis was at Andrews last
Still they come to Barteix's to buy
Warner's Health corsets for sale at
Clothing, hats and neck-wear cheap,
at Bartkll's.
W. E. Bigelow went to Chadron
Old papers, five cents per dozen at
The Journal office.
Grant Guthrie moves his family in
to the Simmons house for the future.
Why do'nt you run your stock brand
in the JeCRKAL? It will pay you, try it.
The grass has been making a wonder
ful growth for the past four or five days.
E. W. Daily was up from Crawford
last Tuesday looking after legal busi
ness. Fred Blomberg of Glen has filed on
one hundred and sixty acres of Nebraska
The grangers have been busy for
the past week or more putting in their
small grain.
Eggert Rohwer and family will oc
cupy the rooms just vacated by Grant
Guthrie and his family.
S. E. Eldridge of Kirtley was in Har
rison last Saturday doing business, stay
ing over Sunday and returning home
Monday morning.
The officers of the F. E. & M. V.
Railroad company went through Harri
son this morning going west on a tour
of inspection of its road.
J. W. Scott, who is a member of the
i school board, reports a large numlier of
applications coming in for the fall and
winter term of the Harrison school.
, Land lord Rohwer is vacating the
hotel today and Moravick of Warbonnet
is taking his place and will hash up
sweet viands to the public hereafter.
Mr. John Ostrander and Casper Wit
ling of Ardmore wVre in Harrison Mon
day looking after business matters. They
report the gnus much further advanced
in their locality than around Harrison.
Bart Hamlin returned from Iowa the
forepart of the week where he has been
to attend toe last sickness and funeral
Of bis father, who died a week or more
ago. He looks for bis brother back the
last or tbis week.
Laoer Sutton, while assisting Rev.
J. D. Clark in breaking a fractious colt
got Ma baodt badly burned with a rope,
it sUpping through bis hands so rapidly.
IS will ba laid up for a week or mors
bafore a will ba able to do much mors
Casklly timely Isa papar on"8ome
C3Ct2U3t4a Types," with over a dozen
;!3tU btf-tMM illustrations, in Dwo
tZ?f Cacn for Ear. ' A study of
V -J I T will inn humimvwm iniwr-
!.' ZnC earrtwt war aews from the
" cJ ti'tzi CTtiars went
for the bum tit of the rane htock to be
J shij)d over tha . E. & M. V. railroad
; during the shinning wason.
Sotlrf. All parties knowing them
selves indebiled to tt e undersigiel are
requested to call and settle either in or with note on or before M ty 1st.
As I have rented my Hotel to other par
ties I will go out of biiiM'i.-.s at the above
slated time. EUUEST ItOil'.VEH,
contains nearly 00 graphic illustrations,
and there is not 8 dull page in it. "McKin-
ley's Administration told by the Camera,"
is aloni worth the price of the Magazine,
tlie photograghs vividly depicting the
whole pageant, and ueediog no verbal
Mr. Coker a gf-ntleman, who has
teen stopping at Mr. Patterson's for
three or lour weeks, and who bought a
gold ptyi a few days ago for the purpose j
of prospecting out in Sow-Belly canyon
soon as the weather would permit,'went
out lust Sunday to make an examination
of the ground and if possible to find out
whether there was anything thfre like
gold. He returned to Harrison the same
evening, but made no report as to what
he found. j
Married. Mr. Wilts Earnest of Andrews
and Miss May Kinuison of Alliance, Sun
day, April 25th. Mr. Earnest and his
wife, accompanied with Mrs. Earnest's
niece came in on the passenger train
Monday morning. They went out to
the ranch on Running Water the same
evening, and after this will be at home
to their many friends.
We desire to extend to the bride and
groom our best wishes for their future
prosperity and happiness.
Mr. Samuel Penticost and John
Raffing, who live on Raw Hide creek,
south-west of Harrison in Wyoming,
about forty-five miles was in- town yes
terday staying over until today. Mr.
Penticost says he lives much nearer Ft.
Laramie, and it would be more conven
ient to do his trading at that place but,
on account of exorbitant prices charged
for every thing that a family or a ranch
er needs, he can save money by
coming to Harrison to do his trading.
J. A. Hanson, section foreman at
Van Tassel, called at our office last Mon
day and left a cart heel to pny for The
JotRNAL for the coming year. Mr.
Hanson reports wolves and kiotes are
very bad in tits part of the country. lie,
with two or three other neighbors were
successful in digging out eight young
ones last Saturday which were six or
seven weeks old. Mr. Hanson is not sure
whether there is a liounty on killing
wolves in Wyoming or not but he thinks
if there is not, there ought to be to en
courage the destruction of them by the
settlers of the country.
Mr. Frank Smith, son of W. R. Smith
of this place aud son-in-law of H. T. Mer
riam of Warlxnnet precinct this county,
arrived from Dead wood, S. D-, last Satur
day on the west hound passenger train.
Mr. Smith and wife visited with relatives
and friends until last Monday evening
when they took the cars for home again.
Mr, Smith has valuable interests in Dead
wood, he having built a large business
house the best in the city which cost
him something like $ 15.000. He rents
bis building for about $500 per month
besides reserving room enough to carry
on a large grain and feed business him
self. Mr. Smith and wife have a host of
friends and acquaintences in Harrison
and vicinity.
A small neighlwrhood racket was
brought to a. focus last Monday, down
at Andrews, by A. L. Staudemmier com
ing to Harrison and swearing out a war
rent for the arrest of Charles Russell for
drawing a gun on him with intent to do
great bodily harm. Mr. Russell was
brought to Harrison and appeared before
his honor Judge Wilson and asked for an
immediate trial, but the complaining
witness did not show up, ro the attorney
for the defendant with the consent of
(lie county attorney the trial was set for
Wednesday May 5th and it was decided
by the Judge that if the plaintiir did not
appear for trial a bench warrent would
be issued and placed in tlw hands of an
officer compelling him to appear and
show caur why the defendant should
not be released. The defendant in the
meantime was put under one hundred
dollar bonds to warrent his appearance
at court. '
Frank Tinkham and Jackson Krei
sler, have been developing a gold and
copper mine out in the Wyoming moun
tains, about 125 miles west of here drove
in last night and will stay here
untill tho snow goes off in the moun
tains so they can go back to work again.
The boys say there is about three or four
feet of show there yet and since it com
menced to melt it was flooding the mine
So that they were obliged to suspend for
a time at least. So they will in the
meantime put in a small crop and thro
return to the mine for tha balance of
the summer. The boys brought some
flna specimens with thero, leaving some
at THE JocRXALolBoe where tha public
is invited to call and examine them to
their own satisfaction. Mr. Tinkham
tad Mr, Kreister, both think tha have
a prospect of sometlHn'g pretty good,
as! wa think so ourselves, far lbs ore
wocU meate it
V ' : IL t I' . .' .. '.j,
' , ,','4,3, S '
War hound Warbling.
Charles Riehl is home this week sow
ing his grain.
Homer Priil ly faced the wind to Har
rison last Monday.
Jim Nolan made a short call at Mr.
Wilcox's hist Tuesday.
Dan Slatterly is working for Sam Leel
ing, helping bini put in his cropti. ;
Lon Wilson was down to Mr. Oscar
Carton's last Wednesday after a disc.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Garton spent Sun
day April 25th, with Mr. and Mrs. Corwyi
Mrs. Lillian Daut and Miss Ketchtim
are .visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Daut this week.
S. L. Ellis was hauling slalm from the
old saw-mill site, in Warbonnet canyon
Tuesday April 20th.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Smith of Dead wood
made a short visit at the home of Mrs.
Smith's father April 25th.
Mr. H. T. Merriam. Mr. and Mrs..O. A. j
Garton and Marcus Vajdez were among j
the Warbonnites tiiat were in Harrison j
Saturday April 21th.
Mr. James Merriam is recovered so, far
from the rheumatism, that he expects to
commence hauling lumber from White's
mill to Harrison Tuesday or Wednesday
of this week.
We were very much surprised to read
in the Press that Miss Merriam went to
Douglas last Monday, as we postively
know, that she never was near tliere,
and has been at home all the week.
Sunday May 2nd if it is pleasant the
Warbonnet Suaday school will meet to
reorganize their classes and to elect ntll
cers. All that are interested in the work
will please be sure and remember and be
on hand if the day is pleasant.
The ladies of Warbonnet precinct will
ench one and all give to the gentleman
of this precinct a vote of thanks for the
promptness in which they turned out, to
work 1 he roads in Monroe canyon since
the late f-torm. They have not been so
good this year, riot even when the ladies
worked them, we therefor return to
them their laurels. We also hope that
this will tie an incentive to them to let
the good work go on.
'Lire to Lsara and Learn to Live''
And the Cry is "Still Tliey Comp."
Have you answered all those questions?
If not, why not? Dont throw them away
but ask your neighbor to answer them.
No. 18. Why, if the United States is
the most progressive country on earth
has she increased bercirculating medium
only $2.07 per capita during the last 2t
years, while Great Britian increased
hers 10.70; Germany hers 5.69; Belgium
hers 14.05; the Netherlands $7.50 and
Italy hers $5. 01 ? What does this show
ing prove?
17. If the silver dollar is not money,
who made it less than money ? If there
is too much of it ustd as money, who is
to blame for having it minted? more
over, if law does not make money, by
what power cauid all the money now in
use ?
IS. If the National Banks must hold
5 per cent for reserve, what secures the
95 per cent without a reserve 1
19. If an individual must give three
to five times the value of a loan as se
curity, what ought a bank give adejtosi
tor for security.
20. If our cirulating medium can
stand on $100,000,000 gold deposit, why
could it not stand on all the United
2L Why do 150,000 Americans spend
annually $175,000,000 beyond the Atlan
tic when they have never seen the one
thousandth part of their own country.
22. Why, if France and Germany can
produce sujgar and ship it here and pay
40 per cent duty on it, it cannot be
produced here where everything is cheap
without a 2 cent bounty ?
23. Why are cattle 50 per cent higher
now with a $2-ahead tariff, than they
were four years ago with a $10-ahead
24. If a tariff of $25, ahead should be
placed on horses imported, would it in
crease their value that amount ? If not,
why not ?
25. If there is 15 cents a bushel tariff
on corn why does it sell in Iowa now, at
5 to 10 cents a bushel ? Will Canada
"dump" her surplus on us and "bear"
the market ?
23. If tariff on anything should be so
high as to forestall imports, how will
the revenue be raised ?
27. If revenue is to come by direct
taxation, who should pay it? Those
who have, or those who have nothing ?
2S. Is not a tariff on anything produc
ed in this country, manfactured or other
wise, a tariff of protection ? If so, is it
not intended to enhance the value tiiat
much 1 If so, is it not a sort of "com
bine" between the producer and the gov
ernment and then a trust ? Wliat then ?
Will the geovernment prosecute itself
and break up the trnst ?
21). Who imported the first pauper
wage-earner (loW) and who said, (103)
"For once, it seams that America lu
mora labor than ana oao employ" ?
M. The waga aarftf la aow sold,
boejfct and delivered by tha plutocrat.
WlcJt3 (rat f imatl
cap'tnlt are likewise, "then all of liberty
will l lost" and our government hecorm
a bugh oligarchy.
ul. "The farmers must fell and be
come tenants, in p'uee of ow ners of the
soil the honied idle capital must be in
Vested in lands."' Floating driftwood
shows where the current is strongest.
Alas for "The laud of lilwrty f -(And
still there is more to follow.)
Colonel Mailer's Airship.
Lincoln, Neb., April 19. To the E.litor
of the Worln-Herald: There was some
doubt in my mind as to the airship we
read so much about Until I read a dis
patch in your Sunday paper from Harri
son, Neb., aliout several eminent gentle
men seeing it at that point. All doubt as
to its genuioenesss has been removed, al
though tliey differ in their description.
I know that not one of those men 'ever
'touch a drop," neither would they say
they saw it unless they had, and as Col
onel Maheryour correspondent, is known
all over the country for his truth and
varacity, it will no longer 1 questioned.
In the first place, it would be about the
time of night that my old friend John
Tinnen, would be prowling around ;he
chicken coop, Charlie Coffee woulJ
naturally 1 ont at midnight looking
after the wheel of his windmill. Mr. Hub
agger would 1 out letting 1 he wave of
prosperity blow through his whiskers.
I can prove that by El Rich of Omaliu.
Ernest Dailey would be out about that
time of night watching patiently for Mr.
Whipple to return with some of his free
silver that was deposited in Whipple's
hank' and Judge Bartow wor.ld be out
watching for the federal appointment
that John M. Thurston is lo get for him
as soon as ha gets all of the boys at
Grand Island fixed up in good shape. No
houbt about it, the ip is genuine.
(irant's Achievement as a Peacemaker.
The honors and attentions showered
upon General Grant during his tour ol
the world are, perhaps, unequeled hi the
history of kingly hospitality. He was
recieved everywhere as the greatest
soldier of his time and as the foremost
living American. Hon. John Russell
Young, who accompanied General Grant
throughout the famous journev, fraphi
call v recalls, in the May Ijidwit Uowt
Journal, its conspicuous incidents; the
receptiions, dinners, fetes, bills, etc.,
given in honor of the illustrious Ameri
can. It is said that Mi'. Young brings to
light a fact that has recieved but passing
attention; that General Grant was instru
mental in arranging t he terms of a treat y
of peace lift ween China and Japan, which
prevented an outbreak of war between
those nations.
Reporters Privileged Characters.
Four Buffalo newspaper rpporfers were
caugnt by the police at a prize fierht, and
arrested along with the other spectators.
The court, however, refused to hold the
reporters, saying it was a principle of
law, as well as common sense, that three
kinds of men were permitted to go any
where without blame doctors, clergy
men and reporters. Buffalo re;ir,rters
now wear badges signify mg their call
ing, as a protection from arrest.
Progress of Exposition.
Estimated already ubmitted fix the
the prolxible cost of putting the Exposi
tion trrounds in shape for all purposes at
$ 550,000. The fence enclosing t he grounds
nearly complaten, will be about live
mill's in extent.
Nearly $1,000,000 is in sight, from nil
sources, for the Exposition. This sum is
lieing constantly added to and it is ex
pected will be more than doubled by the
end of 1H07.
The railroads in this territory bnve al
ready suliscribed 7C,000 for the Exposi
tion. Other railroad subscriptions will
double this amount.
The wealth, resources and advantages
of every countv in Nebraska will lie
set forth in the State exhibit, compared
with which all former exhibits will Ihj
dwarfed tnto insiirnif icance. The state
commissioners, appointed by the gover
nor, will he charged with this work. For
these positions most active competition
is lieing niado by prominent men all
over the state.
Lenten Penances.
It really requires carafnl thought and
considerable ingenuity for a fashionable
woman to think out some honest means
of penance whereby, during Lent, she
may save for her Easter offering. This
season the sjiecial form of self-denial
must of course differ from that practiced
during any foregoing Lent; and after due
consideration jewel wearing is the cause
which w ill sw many an Easter fund.
From Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday
not an ornament can be worn save on
the payment of a fine. Wedding and en
gagement rings are permitted only Jiy
virtue of a weekly line, and any gems
used as adornment, Inside these tokens
of vows, must he paid for at the rate of
five per cent, of their value. The woman
who makes a gift of a jewel must deposit
a fine for the act in her Easter box; she
who recieves the gift of a jjwel must
also pay the penalty into her fund; while
false jewels, ornamental hat pins, neces
sary little stick pins, a watch, or even a
garter buckle, all come under tha head
of prohibited jewels. In consequence of
this new rule, which will hold until
Easter Sunday, smart women are wear
ing natural flowers, California violets be
ing the most popular blossoms, keeping
only their watches, belt buckles, hat-pins
and wedding rings in use, for, comfort's
sake, sodas a means of Increasing tha
spring ofJariuf. Vom "Soeidj Fad$,"
in Pmortcfi FtmCp togmtUefarAfrtt.
, . . . ' :
-s ; .. . ,. i .,.'. , .... . '
EGGERT ROHWER, Proprietor.
Spring will soon be here.
I also run MEAT MARKET in con
nection with the HOTEL
Your Patronage is solicited.
They handle every thing usualy handled in a gen
eral denartment counJrv store.
Now is tlie time
It is the Legal Paper of
sioux county, mmm
Africa Itaral Narlety Media.
- -
There will be a meeting of the Sioux
County Igricultur a Society in the office
of tha sheriff at the court bouse, in liar
rinon, on Wednesday, April 14,' lWty Let
all interested in the success of tha society
be pre stnt, as there will be important1
business' to transact.
. i W. U. Paris, ,
. Crwrttarjr.
Where are ycu going?
We are cn cur way to the
My wife ttantt cm of thote
bcatiful SPRING HATS
and dry goods prctmona d'C
I need a Spring SUIT mytelf
and we think we can save mon
ey by trading at the
11 fNrvv
--..j .
Selebratecl BEER.
to xuljxcribe for
Hammer Hcaaol.
Arrangements hare been completed
for tha holding of a summer school at
Harrison for tha benefit of teachers and
others who might desire to attend such m
school. It will begins JuiMUht, and con
tinue four ssks, followed by two weeks
normal institute.
For full particulars writs,
, 'W.H. Davis,