The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 29, 1897, Image 3

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tries Morrlaon, th Famoue foata
Dakota Cowairl, Oeia Married.
The rwent weeding of Myrtle Morri
son, the famous N'owllu County girl
broncho buster, and Frank Dupree, a
irt-blood Sioux, created quite a eeii
satlou among the arUUH-racy 011 the
Sioux reservation and In adjacent ter
ritory. Mix Morrismi Is a litimlKome
young cowgirl, noted far and near for
her proficiency lu the art of horse train
ing. She has had nmuy admirers among
the frontier beaux, but always declared
that she would never marry any man
who could not rlle, shoot and throw a
luriat bettor than she could, and as
eiK-hmen are extremely scarce It np
jx'ared probable that Misa Myrtle waa
doomed to lead a life of idugle blessed
ness. However, last fall, hay Ix'ing
scarce on the upper Had River range,
her father removed his family and
stock to P.lg I'lum Creek, a tributary of
the Cheyenne River. Here Myrtle first
made rhe acquaintance of the good
looking daring young half-breed who
has since become her husband.
Frank Dupree Is a splendid horse
man, a thorough cowhand, and npuar
ently devoid of fear. The Duprees ore
among the wealthiest stockmen In the
State, counting their cattle by the thou
sand, and Frank, like many other half
blood Jn that section, has received a
very fair education. SU1U Myrtle was
not much attracted toward the swarthy
youth until one day they happened to
bo riding together, and came in sight of
a herd ot sixty or seventy buffalo,
which tile Dupree family .have raised
OU their own ramre from n few enlre
caught years ago, when buffalo meat
was the principal article of diet for the
entire .Sioux nation. Although this herd
Is kept from straying far from the
home ranch by "Old Man" Dupree's
cowlH.ys, they are fully as wild as their
fluiiwora wno once t.JacKenetl the pral-
rle west of Chamberlain with their
shaggy .bodies.
The young couple rode up quite close
to the herd lwfore the animals were
aware of their presence, and Frank, In
a npirlt of bravado, urged his broncho
alongside of a huge bull buffalo and
Hprang from his saddle to the animal's
back. In qn Instant the herd was stam
.peding madly across the prairie, with
the old bull leading the van. Dupree's
foolhnrdiuciM had placed him In an ex
tremely dangerous predicament. If he
Jumped or fell from the buffalo's back
he would certainly be trampled to dea th
by the pursuing herd, and If he retained
his seat until the animal became tired
and sulky, It was equally certain that
the brute would make a furious as
sault upon him the moment he dis
mounted. .So all he could do was to
cling to the animal's back and await an
opportunity to escape. Hut It was not
until the herd had run fully two miles
that he saw tin; least chance of leaving
the back of his novel steed and exenp
Ing alive. Fortune at last favored him,
and the animal ran for some distance
along a deep, mirror washout with ni
miit perpendicular sides reaching to a
height of fully twenty feet. Here Frank
sprang from his seat and slid down the
bank of the depression just In time to
escajte being trampled upon by the
closely following herd.
Meanwhile Myrtle had lassoed her
companion' horse and was hurrying
after the rapidly retreating buffalo. She
reached the spot where Frank had dis- j
mounted just as he was climbing, dirty
and ls-druggh!, to the top of the ra
vine. The cowlMiy did not feel very
proud of his exploit, but, nevertheless, ,
the little episode had touched a tender '
sjsit lu the girl's heart, and a short time
ago the bells of the Cherry Creek Mis
sion Church announced the' wedding of
this typical frontier couple. St. louls
President Iincoln's Birthplace.
Abraham Lincoln, our ereyr War
President, was born In Larue Countv.
Kentucky, lu n rude little log fnbln.
This cabin has recently Isvn restored,
and. so far as possible, male exactly
ns It was eighty-eight years ago. when
a little baby boy was loru to ThDtnns
and Nancy Lincoln, or "Ll.ikhoin," as
the name was then spelled --Jumble
"settlers," who hail moved to the
neighborhood from Washington Coun
ty, four years In-fore.
The few living people who rem-in'ior
'i bourns Lincojn, the father, say that
he was a rather Improvident man, not
nl ) un.. u.iiig. no
n nam worser, nut wiu n poor
manager; and the little family was
often without the simplest necessaries
of life. Thomas Lincoln cb'ared a few
acres around his cabin, and raised a
niall crop of corn and grain. Then he
liecHine a carpenter and tinker, work
ing at such odd Jobs as he could find
among the pioneer neighbors, lie wn
away at work at t,he time Abraham
was Imrn.
The nclghlMu-H heard that Mrs. Lin
coln was in the cabin all alone with
the little baby, and had llttl to eat
except com anil otatocs. Th?y at one
Visited the Lincoln cabin, taking such
delicacies as tholr houses afforded. The
father returned In a few days; and Hip
baby was named Abraham Lincoln,
after his grandfather, who had been
killed by the Indians when Thomas
Lincoln was n little boy, Ht. NleholrJ.
An Art Criticism.
He I wonder what the meaning of
that picture Is? The youth and the
nnildeii are lu a tender attitude.
Hhe Ob, don't you see? He has Just
asked her to marry him and she Is ac-
oeptlng lilm. now sweet! What does .
the artist call the pleturcT
He (looking nbout)-Oli, I see. I fa
rnnen on rani ai ine uotiom:
tkld."-llowehold W'orda.
When man nmlef 80 years of nam
baa 10 cents' worth of limine he
rnkee 90 cents worth of funs. I
"r"-r f
J"1 wortnleaa a
nan with ln toothache.
lw 1.. - t
Fullerton has a military hand of twen
ty-eix pieces.
Ohiowa has secured a public library
of 1,000 volumes.
South Omaha will have a baseball
team this summer.
FUhermen report good luck in mostof
the Nebraska streams.
Blair people take every afternoon off
to go and see the river.
Ducks are plentiful on the river be
tween Beatrice and Dewitt.
The State Fair Bulletin is in great dis
favor with the country Drees.
New sidewalks are the signs of the ad
vent of good times in Orleans.
A bonus of $2,500 will secure a first
class flouring mill for Harvard.
The Dunkards are looking for a colo
oisl location out in Chase county.
A paper called the Sun has been
Ptarted at Whitman, Grant county.
Holbrook has a newly organized brass
band with Charles Frazier as leader.
York is making as swift a race for a
chicory factory as any town on the list.
A number of farmers of the state will
plant tobacco this year as an experi
ment. An oil man of Norfolk slipped and fell
from a tenfoot platform and dislocated
his shoulder.
The thermometer went down below
the freezing point in Nebraska Citv
! SnnJay nht
' The Norfolk News had its basement
flooded and the paper was issued with a
great deal of difficulty,
I The Palmyra Item get? on its ear and
j refuses to prim any more free advertis-
ln2 or fair aviations.
L. J. Simmons, formerly of the Harri
lon Journal has become Dart proprietor
jf the South Omaha Sun. '
Two weeks of vigorou" revival work at
Peaver Crossing resulted in the salva
'.ion of twenty-one sinners.
The South Omaha Sun is a thing of
oeanty and a paper that from present
ndications will be a joy forever.
Fred Pie-ky of Hubbel! exhibits a
oadger with claws an inch long which
ne and his dog killed last week.
The town authorities of Blair propose
to take the erring juvenile off the streets
If his parents neglect thei- duty.
Hardwood Jake near South Omaha is
brim full of big buffalo fish, ai.d the
I .cal sportsmen are having great fun
with them.
Dr. E. H. Waters of McCook tried to
lift a tifty-pound dumb bell, but his
I shoulder slipped out of joint and the bell
I went through the floor,
j John Humphrey of Norfolk took a
trip to the Black Hills during the recent
cold snap and has been laid up with
rheumatism ever since.
For a time last week the bridge at
Bulo was considered unsafe, owing to
the high water and trains were run
around byway of Atchison.
Lots of loyal Nebraskans tnok a day
off and planted trees. Nebraska started
the Arbor day custom and her people
will be the last to give it up.
The curfew ordinance is a full fledged
reality in Kearney, and the nocturnal
iuvenile must hunt places of amusement
other than the street corners.
A Diller storekeeper offered a drees to
the woman bringing in the largest num
ber of egjs. One woman brought fifty
three dozen eggs and received a new
Easter gown,
John Deitz was called out of bad at
midnight Friday night to assist in the
leareh for a man, Michael Flood of Dale,
who was supposed to be lost in the foot
hills of the North Table, says the Custer
Chief. His team snd wagon had been
found that afternoon by Mr. Conrad, f
Broken Bow, but no trace of the man
iculd be found. He was discovered
Saturday in a deserted s-xl house, but
was in no ways hurt.
Just as soon as the weather will per
mit work will begin on the new $25,000
wing at the Norfolk hospital. The wing
will be built joining and extending west
ward from the west end of the building,
which is occupied by the male patients.
in tim?. us growina needs will without
iis growing needs
doubt call f-r further extension, an ad
ditional wing will be placed on the east
end of the mnin building thus preserv
ing the symmetry of the whole.
The Battle Creek Creamery company
got in from Texn 34(i head of young
rszorbuck hogs. This is the largest
bunch ot this peculiar breed of bogs
ever brought to this locality at one time.
They are supposed to be proof against
cholera and other infectious diseases"
from which the cominoj hog family suf
fers, and they are also said to be proof
against getting fat, no matter how
much food they are given. Whether
this it an idle illusion of somebody's or i
not remain! for the creamery company
to find out. The raior backs will e fed
upon the refuse of the creamery and
will, in fact, be treated just as well as
the civilized hogs of Nebraska are ac
customed to being treated. If they pan
out well more hogs of the same breed
will And a home here in the furure.
Battle Creek Republican.
There waa a frost along the Missouri
river bottoms land Monday morning.
but not enough to effect the fruit trees,
The front" of all the buildings on Cen-
tral avenue In Nebraska City will be
n,it - rl th .ni-ina an1 th. t.n .in
aasume the appearance of protderity.
Two Grand Island girls discovered a
Are in a houee and put it out with
blanket. When the Are department
arrived on the aoene the members
bovled haeaoja they had ibir ran lot
Aa Attempt Mult to Take tM LIN bf" rki
Kult-rof lla f
ttoWa, April 23. At 2 :30 o'clock yes
teriay afternoon, while King ' Humbert
was on bit way to the races, a mac
named Pietro Acciarato, an iron workei
out of employment, attempted to stat
his majesty with a dagger.
The man was seized before, he could
carry out his purpose and the king pro
ceeded to the Campanelle race course,
seemingly unmoved. On arriving at
the race course his majesty was greatly
. Accairato appeals to be a political fa
natic. He says he has no accomplil -efl.
King Humbert, accompanied by bis
aide-de-camp, Gen. Pondis Vaglia, was
going to witness the royal derby. Hie
assailant, who was waiting outside St.
Johns gate, rushed up to the carriage
in which his majesty was seated and at
tempted to stab him. The king avoided
the dagger by rising from bis seat.
. Accairato, seeing 1 e had failed in hie
attempt to assassinate the king, threw
away his dagger. He was immediately
arrested by two carabineers, while bit
majesty calmly ordered his coachman
to drive on.
, The news Bpread with great rapidity
and when the king reached the royal
stand at the race course it was soon sur
rounded by a cheering multitude.
King Humbert treated the matter
lightly and remarked : "It is only one
of the little incidents of my trade."
King Humbert and Qm-en Marghertia
were greatly moved by th popular dem
onstration and twice appeared on a bal
cony of the palace and bowed their ac
knowledgements to the frantic cheering
of the populace. The embassies' public
offices and private houses were dec -rated
with flags as an expression of rejoicing
at the escape of his majesty and thou
sands of people inscribed their names
at the palace. During the afternoon
placards were posted unon the popula
tion to take part in a great manifesta
tion in honor of the king at 9 o'clock
last night.
This is thes- r.u d time the life of King
Humbert has been attempted.
Tramp Wreck a Tralu.
Lolmrvii.i b, Ky., April 23. A Louis
ville & Nashville express train was
wrecked at Evergreen yesterday.
At the offices of the L, & N. railroad
in this city it was learned that Engineer
Adams, Fireman , Janes and Express
Messenger Ixjcke were badly scalded
and injured. In many respects the
wreck was similar to the recent awful
affair at Cahaba, Ala , and though not
attended with such disastrous results,
seemed to have been planned as deliber
ately as that one. According to the in
formation which has reached the super
intendent of transportation, four tramps
were seen in the neighborhood shortly
before the accident occurred, removed
the rails just south of the trestle. The
job was neatly done and nothing would
liavy saved the train load of passengers
had it not been for the heroism of Fire
man Jones and Engineer Adams, who
remained at their posts after the engine
had left the track.
The engine, caboose, baggage and
mail cars were completely wrtcked, but
none of the passengers were injured.
Anotli, r lireak Id the l.eve.
GatExWiLi;, Miss., April 23. There
was another break in the levee on the
Mississippi side at Shipland, or the
Promised Land levee, at 10 o'clock yes
terday morning, forty miles by rail
south of Greenville. The break will
cover 19,000 acres of land near the flood
and will add to the volume of water al
ready covering most of the lands in its
vicinity. The levee is ten feet high and
the break is tully 3S0 feet wide. There
was a loot oi water on tne tnsiae oi the
levee when it gave way.
The break will entirely submerge
Mayeraville, the county seat of the
county, a town nf 400 people. The town
is situated twelve miles north of the
break. From Mayersville 'south to the
Yazoo river every plantation in Issa
quena and two-thirds of those in Shar
hey, besides a number of others in
Yazoo and Warren counties, will be put
under water from ten to twenty feet
deep. While this section was in a large
measure already overflowed, there were
hundreds of farm houses and cabins
and numerous ridges and mognda and
hastily erected scaffolds which still af
forded protection to man and beast.
These arc now being rapidly abandoned
snd terror reigns.
To Antlit Trade
St. Louis, Mo., April 23 Represent
ative) of the international trade asi
ciation are the guests of the St. Louie
manufacturers' association. The asso
ciation has for its object improved
trade relations between the United
Ktates and Mexico. Thomas Ryan,
assistant secretary of the interior, it
president of the association. James T.
King Is treasurer, and H. L. 8hirer,
A lodginrnt I Award.
Pioria, III., April 23. Judge 0 rost
ra p yesterday in the United States court
gave Rbefnstrom, Bettman, Johnson At
Co.. of Cincinnati, O., judgment for
$2,330 against the Atlat Distilling com
pany tor commissioners for goods sold
to Cincinnati distributors.
To Aid India.
Chicago, April 23. The machinery of
the India relief committee,' of which 0.
C. Bonney ii chairman, bai been per
fected, the membership having been
enlarged by adding a . representative
of each eropratinc organ laatioa. Mia
Mary Leltch of Hew York amiatad in
the work. Effort will be mad to
scare a local committee In every town
in the weet to aid in securing ooatribo
tlona of grali and eaab for it tufftrart
by tbo famine.
I'ieree Battle Bags at Reveni Between
Greeks and Turks,
Dvernlie'med ly Numl rs, YetThrjr Hold
' Their Own Agalnm Awful Odd Ite
lufurormefit re Being Hmried
to the Ftont.
Larikba, April 22." The first seriously
planned battle commenced yesterday.
Early in the morning Edhem Pasha's
advance guard, under Generals Mavio- and Marchris, advanced against
the Greeks in force from Reveni,
Bougliasi and St. Elias. The fighting
was greatly extended and the battle
raged till late in the afternoon with
varying fortunes. The Greeks were as
sisted by the thoemnds of irregulars,
who harassed the Turkish outposts and
wings as well as participated in the gsn
eral engagements. The Tuiks had an
overwhelming superiority in numbers.
Ihey bad constructed earthworks and
trenches everywhere and in and behind
the-e awaited the attacks of the Greeks.
On the whole they clung tenaciously to
their defenses, while the Greeks at
tacked these again and agtin with the
most desperate bravery, la spite of
'the furious attacks still made upon
them the Greeks continue to hold the
Beveni and Nezeroua passes. At 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon it is prac
tically a drawn battle.
Crown Prince Cjnstantine is hurrying
reinforcements to the front.
Foot of Milotsa Pass, April 22.
The last height commanding Tyrnavo
has just been capture 1 by the Turks.
The infantry advance was supported by
cavalry, the soldiers cheering lustily as
they began the attack.
It was the taik of Neechat Pasha to
attack the Losphaki heights, the last
Greek stronghold commanding Tyrnavo.
The Turkish batteries, each gun dragged
by fifty men. pushed forward and bom
barded the Greek position.
A deep ravine lay between the infant
ry forces of the two armies. It was
Btrewn with heavy rocks and huge
boulders. After sharp fighting the
Greek batteries withdrew, but the Greek
infantry continued to defend the post
and compelled the Turks to retire.
How llii Spaniard fight
Boston-, April 22. William Law,
formerly of Worcester, Mass., but now
with the Cuban insurgent army, has
written to a friend in Worcester under
date of Jucaro, Puerto Principle, April
5, paying:
"I am in the heart of the fighting.
The Cubans have "he best of it all
through, but of courre are suffering
great hardship. The entire east end of the
island is al'S )Iutely controlled by them
an 1 most of the provinces of Santa Clara
and Pi nar del Rio; besides Havana
itself is uncertain and may fall any day.
"A few days ago I saw a battle be
tween 800 Cubans and two forts de-J
tended oy i,uuo Spanish troops. It took
the Cubans less than thirty minutes to
take them and capture ail the arms and
"Of course war is terrible. I see
brought in men, women and children
who have been murdered by Spanish
soldiers, whose fiendish deeds are too
awful to describe. I saw last week the
bodies of three beautiful little Cuban
girls, aged iht and six anil four years,
respectively; of their mother, a woman
about thirty, and of two old women,
possibly sixty years of age, all in one
heap with their throats cut.
' The war seems to be on women,
children. When the Spanish meet a
body of Cuban troops they scarcely
wait to fight, but throw down their
arms and run."
lti d Heed or Kolilitir.
lakk city. Utah. Anril 22. A
daring robbery took place at noon yes
terday at Castle Gate, Utah, on the line
of the Rio Grande Western railway. E.
L. Carpenter of this city, paymaster of
the Pleasant Valley Coal company, went
there yesterday morning with 7,800 to
pay off the men at the mine. When
near the company's office he was met by
to mounted men heavily araed, who
held him up, relieved him of his cash
and then rode off in the direction of
Helper. The men cut the telegraph
wires to prevent a call for assistance.
Within half an hour a pose started in
pursuit of the robbers.
The coal compasiy has offered a reward
of $1,000 for the captura of the robbers
and $1,000 for the return of the money.
Charged Willi Murdrr.
Kansas Citv, Mo., April 22. Dr. Jef
ferson D. Goldard, who shot and killed
F. J. Jackson at. the Woidland hotel,
April 2, in a quarrel which grew out of
Goddard's alleged atteution to Jack
eon's wif , waa yesterday indicted for
murder in the first df gree. The date of
hit trial waa not aet.
Shot Uy HU Own Sun., G April 22. Frank Hawk,
Fannie Watkin and Jack Sage of Lima,
,0., wereahot by Clinton Hawk, the son
of Frank Hawk. The two men were ait
ting on the doorstep of the houaeof Fan
nie Watkin, a eportlng woman. The eon
came up, and seeing hi father there,
diew a revolver and hot five time. Hi
father wa struck ia tbe ibj and i mor
tally wounded. Mia Watkin waa ahot
through tbe head and i in a serious eon
altion. 8ft wa ahot through th bead.
Young Hawk gave hlnatlf ap.
A Dctptrata atettl Kansas, bat tb Mmva
HnlUliea i. In.
Atiikns, April 21 Midnight.) Newe
has just reached here that the Greeks,
after a desperate battle, have captuied
and burned Daroasi. Viglia is still re
sisting. Another division of theGrvek
troops, it is reported, bus traversed the
Reveni pass and captured three block
houses. This division has almost
reached Damasi, where it will efiVct a
union with the force that captured tha
town. The 20,000 troops uuder General
Smohmit displayed the greatest bravery.
Reveni lies twelve miles north v t of
Larissd. Edhem Pasha, with a lorce
vuriously estimated at from 10,000 to
14,000 troops, led seven assaults against
it yesterday, but all were repulsed by
the Greeks.
Crown. Prince Constantino has tele
graphed hre that the Turks at that
point were completely and finally re
pulsed. In Athens greater attention
has bern paid to the operations in the
neichborhood of Reveni than to those at
Milouna pass. The theory all elong has
beeu that if the Greeks could establish
themselves at Damasi their raid would
lie open to Elassona.
The exact situation at Tyrnavo is
somewhat in doubt. The news from
that point is conflicting. But there is
no confirmation of the rnmor that the
place has been captured by the Turks.
What seems to have happened is that
Tyrnavo was evacuated in order to send
troops forward to Reveni and was then
re-occupied by troops returning from
A World'a Kecord
Seattle, Wash., April 21. M. M.
Baker, a linotype operator in the office
of the Post-Intelligencer, has made a
new world's record for eight hours' ma
chine composition, sttin in that time
85,872 ems. The feat was perfoimed
during ordinary working hours, in com
position on a book now under publica
tion in the office, from m -nuscript copy,
end with no preliminary preparations.
Baker, who is an extraordinary rapid
operator, simply made the ann?unce
ment that hs would beat the record and
requested that a man be del ailed to
time and others to measure his string.
He started at. the usual hour of compo
siting, took an hour for lunch and made
the record above tn eight hours' actual
work. The lowest for any Bingle hour
was 10,050 ecs, the drop being due to
technical terms. Baker learned to oper
ate machines in this city.
The l uck o' an Ex-luuatlc.
Sak Francisco, Cal., April 21. Tbe
strangeness of t ruth has often been com
mented upon as exceeding the most
fanciful flights of fiction. An illustra
tion is furnished in John Jos ph Nouri,
who has been ci owned patriarch at the
Cualdean pantifical cathepral atTrichur
Malalar, and is ruler over Syrian Chal
deans, . Four years ago he was com
mitted to the asylum for the insane at
Napa, and there be remained until Sep
tember, 1893, when he was restored to
When released from the asylum Nouri
claimed to have been robbed of four
medals studded with diamonds, valued
at $2,500, the gift of the Chaldean Greek
church, of a negotiable note for $2,500
and of his credentials.
Dr. Chalmers Easton believed in him
and helped him in his journey eastward.
Later on he displayed his knowledge of
Greek, and in Washington, D. 0 , at the
Smithsonian institute, translated the
hieroglyphics on some tablets the with
surprising ease. He travelled on to
London, and from there cam'!, in 1889,
the story that he intended to sue the
United S'ales government for $5,000,000
damages for his ill-treatment while on
his sojourn here.
Now conies the climax to the story in
the letter from the Rev. H. Barrows de
claring that John Joseph Nouri, the de
posed king of the Chaldeans, has been
restored, that his claims have been rec
ognized and that the man who was
booked as "unkempt and with the black
luster eyes of a lunatic" is living in
iplendor in a Virgil palace in Trichur.
To Join Force.
St. Louis, April 21. There is a na
tional movement on loot looking to the
union of the Congregational and Chris- j
nan nenominauons. borne months ago
in addition to steps taken in Ohio and
the east, a union meeting of the minis
ters of the two bodies was held in St.
Louis. This meeting resulted in a sec
ond held, at which three committees,
composed in the main of prominent
ministers, were appointed to consider '
suggestions made for co-operation in J
educational, evangelistic and benevo-!
lent purposes and to formulate plans to
De considered at the next meeting.
Die in a Snnnmlldn.
Brioham City, Utah, April 21. A
snowslide occurred Monday at the,
mines of the (oneo'i'lated Mining com
pany, four miles north of Brigham City,
resulting in the death of Ered Wol
haupter, Ed Maw and William Turne,
David Russell and John Dalton were
also snowed under by the slide, but
were taken out alive.
New Agricultural College Captain.
Manhattan, Ksn., April 21. Lieu
tenant Ralph Harriaon, Fifth cavalry
of Ft. Riley, ia to be detailed ai Cap
tain Cavanatiiih'a successor at the State
Agiicultural college.
A Hrokrn Kali Did It
Kaurpki., Mont., April 21. At 6
o'clock Monday morning eastbound pas
senger train No. 4 on the Great North
ern struck a broken rail nine mile eaat
of Rear creek. The train wa being
pulled by two engine and a it struck
th broken rail both locomotive broke
loose from the train and were hurled
down a steep embankment. The helper
waa ia charge of Bllaa Bcbatt end John
Barr, fireman, and the regular engine
with 0. 6mth and Arnold Hogaa Are-
Sinking of a Greek Eoat Arouse tb
Fear of People of baloaica.
Fighting Going in All Along; the Frontier
--Inhabitant of Uamouu Fear the
Or. eki M 111 Take the Town,
SAiiO.siCA, April 20. A Turkish tor
pedo bott has sunk the Greek steamer
Athens in tbe Gulf of Salonica. A gen
eral panic prevails here. All vessel
are prohibited from leaving the golf.
The Turks have seized the Greek steam
er, Kepalcion.
Headquarters of the Turkish Army in
Macedonia, Elassona, April 19. (Even
ing.) The Turkish force continue to
bold the Milouna pass, though it ia re
ported that the Greeks are advancing
or making ready to advance to re
cceupy the positions from which they
wre dislodged on Sunday The two
block houees have been strongly forti
fied, and it would take a powerful body
of Greek troops to capture them, i'd
bem Pasha has entrenched bimaelf
from all tbe heights from Papalyvada
to Mechez and strong bodies of troops'
are stationed in the defiles between
these two points. Tbe inhabitant of,
Elassona have left the town en macae
and are pushing northward, many of
them going on to Salonica. Evidently
they fear that the Greeks will defeat
the Turks and actually reach this place.
London, April 20. A dispatch to the
Times from Elassona says that fighting
began at Janina on Sunday morning.
There is no confirmation of the rumor
that 12,000 Turks have occupied the fort
at Pentepegadia on the road from Arta
to Janina.
Canea, April ?0. Placards have been
pobted here, at Candia and the other
towns in the island allowing the Greeks'
a fortnight to quit Crete. This ia re
garded as a complete annullment of tbe
proposed scheme of autonomy.
With a view of anticipating an attack
by Colonel Vassos, fort Issidin, Suda
island, and the entrance to Suda bay
have been placed under the protection
of the powers.
Sp ninh Cay They are Heating-.
Havana, April 20. Colonel Aldea,
with the Zavarro battalion and a de
tachment of local guerrillas, has been
engaged in the woods near Jacas, pro
vince of Matanzas, with the remainder
of tne reunited insurgent forces com
manded by Regina Alfonso, Cervantea
and Benito Socorro. The troops cap-,
tured the insurgent major, Alvarez.
Later the troops pursued the insurgents
to the Cienaga de Zapata, where, in an
other engagement, the insurgent cap
tains, Fernando, San Abi ia and Julian
San Abria, Sergeant Chavez and Lieutenant-Colonel
Socorro were killed and
several others were wounded and are
I believed to have since died.
In a skirmish between the Maria
Cristina battalion and an insurgent
force commanded by Aguilera the latter
was killed with six of his men. '
In numerous small skirmishes the in
surgents recently lost forty-seven killed
and ten prisoners and the troops lost
two men killed and had twelve wounded.
Messrs. Cornelius Mall, Herson and
Evan Evaros, American citizens, who
have been imprisoned on the charge of
disorderly conduct, have been placed at
the disposal of Consul-General Lee.
There have been 621 deaths from
smallpox at Guinea from April 1, to
April 15.
i A demonstration has been held at
Santa Clara, capital of the province of
that name, to celebrate the pacification
of that part of the country and to do
honor to Captain-General Weyler. The
mayor and aldermen presided over the
demonstration. There was a large meet
ing of the inhabitants in front of Gen
eral Weyler's residence. The latter,
through his adjutant, returned his
thanks for the ovation which he re
ceived. A Warm Invritigution.
Pittsburg, Pa., April 20. Yesterday's
session oi tne legislative committee ap-
pointed to investigate the condition " of
the miners in this region was devoted to
hearing the side of the operators. W.
H. DcArmitt wan on the stand all day.
He Faid the miners were getting 54 cents
per ton and the men were paid for all
coal mined. He crea'ed a sensation by
asking that the officials of the united
mine workers, whom he charged with
being largely responsible for the.condi-
tion of the minera, be investigated.
Late in the afternoon G. W. Schluder
burg, general manager, and a stock
holder in the F. L. Rubbina Coal com
pany, was called Mr. Schluderburg waa
a member ol the sub-committee which
worked among the operators in the Pan'
Handle district regarding uniformity
and in the course of his testimony be
stated that if Mr. DeArmitt branded as
a lie the report of the committee, he as
a member of that committee branded
DeArmitt as a liar. .
The two men approached each other
in a threatening manner and the great
est excitement reigned (or a time. Jnst
before the close of the meeting Mr. De
Armittinhot words as'ailt-d William
Warner, secretary of the united mine
worker. .y
To Vote on the Traalf.
Washington, April 20. The eeaate
baa agreed to vote on the arbitration
treaty on the 5th of May at 4 p. m. There
wa no particular opposition mad to
fixing the time fw a vote, although lea
ator Dais urged aa earlier date. HI
first ruggeation wa for the td of May.
and when objection waa made, propoeei
the 4th and then the oth, which . asaf
bo opposition. It I andwtlood thai
th opponent zpeet totavwealttcU
atrength la tbe mate ea that daj.