1 t. The Sioux County Journal VOL. IX. HABBISOIT, HEBBASK A, TI-IUBSDAY, APBIL 29. 1897. 1TO. 34 His Sioux County Journal. f ESTABLISH ED 1888. Subscription Price, fl.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. ieo. D. (anon, ... TMifor. Kiitern at the Harrison pftcond class mutter. post ofllce on Last Tuesday was dedication day for J General Grant's Monument at Riverside Drive New York City. It was the great- J est demonstration in honor of one of i a nations most distinguished citizens that j wn ever known in the history of the world. And there is no doubt in our j a msasure was up before every ligisla ininda but what the honor is justlv to- i turn that ever convened in Nebraska but stowed and tlie nation should continue to rioaor its old soldiers, whether dead or living our country can never repay them for the sacrifice they made in giving their lives by the thousantls, and those who returned, the liest days of their lives ! with the poorest or heal Ui left them tojtroloftlm state all express, telephone Ultict and destroy their hnppinesH during ; and telegraph companies. the remaining few- vears or their lives . 1,0l'8(J 2"7 u l-mibit corpora ... 7 . 'i i , tions from contributing money or means winch were shortened a num'.ier of years lo illtUlem.e or control eleclions or to co ns a result of the privation and hardships rs or intimidate voters, of the civil war. Senate file 47 making chat tel mortages ! on household goods void unless signed The Cross or The Ci esccni, Which ! J !,y w ''- I Tlie above are only n partial list of . ,. ,. , , imMrtant measures passed, not to men- The fross which represents true j tifm lhe nulllfcrotls obno.xioui laws t hat clwislianity and beimr defended by the j have been stricken from the statutes, be rtnetiksas against the Turks who have ! sides doing this the fushionists unearth lor their emblem, the crescent which j a defalcation of $55(),()IH) m the ollices A which were heretofore consented by the itresents Paganism, are now engaged ; republiL-an party, and it will probably jn a death destroying war between one j reach a round million w hen all the iri Tiother and which bids fair to iuyolve i stitutions aro fully investigated, lie nil the nations of Kuro. Greece al-the PKislature appropri .' . ated f2;0,000 less in round numbers than lltouun a small nation nus riau me -ourag to defend its God-iven rights m have said by their acts that they will defend the cross at any cost, even to '.be lyir.jf down of their lives. It looks Iwvd for England, Germany and France, smd a few smaller nations of Europe which claim to to the most ci'ihzed I i iwtionsofthe obi countries, that they i Itave permitted the Ottoman Empire to go on murdering christian people, des- j i . .i i . i f .ti wio Imve dared to live on Turkish ter- litorv. We lioiie the time huh or win ' i luon come when the Turkish Empire I ' ; will to blotttsl olf the map of Europe. Turkey, like Spain are bartorous, inliu tt mile, of low grade civilization and should to given to understand by the civilized nations of the earth that she ritist abstain from butchering christian meq, woman and children because they lo not embrace the Mohammed or fmgan reliiiion, or they will wipa her oir the earth. Rut instead of doing s) the gieat nations of Eurojiefpretending to be christian nations to) are as we see it, if not actively engaged giving counsel ttnd atotting the Turkish government as much as possible to defeat the Greek government. We try not to to prejudice, Imt our sympathies are witli Greece and ve hope they may be successful, if by so idoing it will increase religious liberty to the people of Europe and especially Turkv. .Sonio of Tho Luwh passcil Ity TIm- 25th IglHlatiir of Nohriihkii. M'hat Ktfert Tliey 111 Have on Trunin and ( nnibiii, Ainu Monompolips. The 25lh nession of the Nebraska legia lature jiassed more laws calculated to tjive relief and assistance to the common s-ople of the state than any sessiou in ' tlie history of the state. What corpora tion legislation was enacted was far to , tween tle citizen and the corporation. Of course the corX)rntion, combineH . and trusts fought every inch for their tonellt but for the first time in the his ' tory of tlie state the paid emissaries of llie monopolies were routed and let it to , written in letters of silver and gold to the everlasting credit of the reform I '" forces that the yoke of bondage has been broken and once more a bright light of ' hope is seen in the east. It Is Impossible to give a fine eccount of all the good measures that were passed as more than 183 bills were passed, and although it is charged in some quarter that this legis lature passed no good laws we desire to respectfully in due fairness ask the tax I ayers and citixen to study the record of this legislature and the laws it put upon the statute books which they will fiave ample opportunity to do before the liext session and if they ore good and wise laws let them say so by endorsing its actions by their vote from uow on. 'Some of the laws are,' senate file 94 prevent cruelty to children and prescrib- tg heavy punishment and senate file 284 to provide against the adulteration of 'hod and prohibiting sale of adulterated food. I Boll 150 prevent adulteration of wine or cider- Senate file 287 and House' KjII 4i'J winch tfives the state a revenue amounting lo about $2r,000. er anuin for filing articles of incorporatioa for com pit n i ex find corporations. House Roll 571 providing for state printing which will save the state sever al thousand dollars. House Koll 17.) providing for deposit- ing ninte and county tunds in bulk i which will prevent Treasurers specu lat-1 intf on Hie peoples money. j Senate Ilia and House Roll 18;!. provid- ing Mutal Hail & Fire Insurance com- , punies organized under wife laws which ! was asneu ior ny inousuntls ol (aimers, j House Roll to prohibit combina j tions of grain elevator. This is a strin gent nieasure n rid will absolutely pre : vent elevator menaiid train buyers from fr")inkr trusts to coniroll the price of ....... .n Cl.. ...,. e,l,. omx : . .t - . . pi.iu. OTimiD mo now is 1 1 e most sweep ing anti-trust law ever placed upon the statute books and there can he no ques tion hut that it rings the deatli bell on all trusts. Senate file 83 is the stock yards bill reculating the Omaha stock vanlx. Ku.-b failed to pass. It will save stock ship- pers aniiiilly $75, 000. regulating Railroads. Senat3 file 145 j Jins measure places quasi judi-.'ial athority on the state board or transportation and enables them lo re8"11118 a,m iuou freight and pas- ' un...e cu 251 nlaces under th enn- the exlravigaut republican legislature of two years njro, notwithstanding the fact that 1100,000 was given the Exposition and 50.000 to State University and $75,000 to improve state hospitals etc. Yet the ring republicans call K the bal lot fraud session, becau-e they wanted to assertion the will of the people and W mjuibi ur iim, uvij men were to take seut3 on 1l:o snrtreriiM heru-h whi,.h wmlj out jU!,li(.H' reglir(j.ss of who the legislatures were. No one fan deny but that decisions of the present court are always for cWpotiitious. When defeated by corporation. That man J was Hon. Samuel .Maxwell, tjnn or will ..... ... ".V tax payer or uurasitit say that a i. .:. ,i ..i .i ...... . t leisiuiiou iiiui ex poseu iiio rotieuess oi the (.1. O. P., ring to the extent of H00, 000 and paKaed the laws we have rel'ered to condemn them. The answer of eveey . fair minded citizen who is not under the j influence of the corrupt rinu at Lincoln ! w ho are engaged in attempting to shield the Treasury looters and heal'the people out of $S0O,00O. must be "well done thou good and faithful servant." j NOTICE TO DELINQI K.NTs. Notice Is hereby Kiven that the Interest mid rcnt 'l U)oii Hie contract of leae sad sale to the lollowine deHcllbeil Kduciitlonal Lund Kltuatcd 1n Sioux county, Nebraska, as set Oioslte the n. ines of the respective holders thereof , I s deiiuipienl and, if such delinquency Is not paid within ninty days from the dale of this notice, naid contract- w ill be declared forfelUMl by the Hoard of Educational Lands and Funds and said for feiture will be entered o( record in the man ner provided by law. LEAST'S. I'art of Seti. c'i.'.Snwii.e'sw S. Tp.U. Name, i lint jn.Alexander Steele, Ileu s or assufus. nei1,nl.,nwi1 . W -31-"..", A. C. Pratt. w',nei, :it'-.!l-r,V,'. A. t.'rllifleld. e'. swij.wUjHC :Ai-:il'i.i,llarvev J. Howard All. i ai-.'J-.y.HiiKh W. Mae.- ILaclilau. w"i ',-?n ."".( lorton Nichols e'3 wi-ifJ-fiJl.J. C. 5lowry. All ;-SI-Ml, Joliu Otey. All - it-is-.!, John S. Dlllen- Ibeek. e'i.ne'inwK Sfi-as-.-ili.K. 51. Prownier. w'ne14,se,Uni;1i,nwl4,slil(i -3-ril,Tliouias Kas- Iter. w!,ne'i,e,Vnw!4!t,'sw,i,w.lse.i39 H2 S'iebrgo IF. Hhillp-, w'wnwU,w)HWj .Hl-WJ -Vj.Hugli J. Smiley, eVue!, e)vsn4 --,WIIiiiit W. Phil- I lips. :f.-r.-:z. J. L. 5taiu-i. H,i :K-27-A:i;uHtiiV J.Mauel e'ine1i,nel-,Nei.....lii-an-fi7, John Dunn. All IB tf-M,C. J. Peterson All Ifi-'.w-r.l, s. E. Copeland. All - 10 -L1K.H Mrs. D. II. Hart. IsoUKh.- All :-'' ;. H. HiirtMiiKrh. Ail li;-'4-.'i4 M. J. Johnwui. All. J4 5lathllda John- son Al! ll! r.4 J. II. Jensen, All ;"! M M. Jensen. All IC-yi-.M John N. Warp. All 8rt-3t-M Julius Warp. njn'4. ' nelj.n'nwli.sei-iuw 4..1(i-i7 '4 I Edward Downev. All All.. , WV-27-fx U Hclu'a Wnrp. .Hi-'iti-M George Frank inn. All - Ifi-'JK-M Jeo Frnnklin. All Hi'r-30-M Amanda Frank- Uln. All Ifi-.'fi-M Gust K I'eier- I (.on. All l(!-24-,'r, John Franklin. All J;-:'4.ftj t hristina IVU-r sou. Ail 1 -Ki..7i Clias. J. Ilraman All 3C-27-W 51 IH. Sophie llro- man. All 1 24-M Victor Saniuel- I sou. All ..10-24-57 Ida K. Abraham- so n. All . . . JW-14-M V. AhriihauiHon. All Dd-LM .'16 Jas. 51. Wusher. lie4,RlseVt,nw4 e'inwli 3ll-.'t4 T4 II. H. Woodruff, Harrison, Sloim Co., Neh., April 1J, ls7. ' CIUS. HlKHI.K, County Treauror. AWl.tCATIOK KOII UOTOH LICENSE .Mutter of applieatlou of Isldor Klclmlelu for liquor license. To the mayor and city couiibII of the city of Hal rlon, Sioux county, Nebrnsks : Notlcu U hereby Riven that Isldor Rich stein hn 1 led bin appllMtloii lib the city clerk of llarrlKon, Motit eonnty, Nebraxkji, for license to sell mslt, splrituou and vm ou liquor In Hiirrlson, Itoweu township, Sious count v, Nebraska, from the 7th day of May, ISM), to the 7th day ol Mnv ISMS. If I burn to ho objections, remount ranee or protest nlad within two we'ks prior to the 7th day of Mny, IW, the said license w III Imi f ranti. Itipon KiciitTKo, Applicant. rlheriirs Kale. Notice Is hereby rjiven Hint liy virtue of iid order of sale to in directed Issued by the i-urlr .tf II. u III..,,.!.. I NeliniwkH, lu nn action pending ill Said court j wherein Asbury K. Hubson 1b plaintiff and i Count I. WwNworth, GirMe M. Wadsworth, Louis I. Wodsworth, Joseph ;. Morris, Charles J. Grablo and Altmaii, Miller A t o., arc defendant-., I will on the 17th day of Mny W.il, at one o'clock I'. M., at the Eest front door of the Court House in Hernson. Nv brnska, offer for sale at public vendue, the following described real estate, to wit: i The West Half (wl) or the South Bast Quarter (ho') and Least Half (e,) of the South-Went Ouartor (s-w'.O of Section Nino (U) in Tow nship Tidily one (ill) X n Range Htly-s1x (r,0) W'., of the Sixth () I', 51., in Sioux county, Nebraska. U satisfy .t decree of lurerloijuro entered in said cuusn by our j Hidd Court at the regular November, 1803, term ot mild Court to wit: I On the. first day of Noveinlsr, whr - - in our said court found duo to thu defend- ant Altaian, Miller Co., on the chuhii of action set out in Us cross-petitltion the xnirv of $70.40 with ten per cent interest thereou from said date and adiudired name to be a flrat Hen o:i naid premise ' The said Court uImo found due the plaintiff on tint raw ot action set out in Ids petition, the snru of $-'30. 70 drawing ten per cent interest from said date, which was declared and adjudged by the court to be n secoud lien on naid premises with costs and accruing cotn. Said premises will be sold for the purpose of satisfying said sums in the order nbove named. David Uaktlett, ):!2..T.'i) Sheriff of Sioux County Neb. Final Proof Notices. All persons havlnir filial proof notices in tins puper will receive a marked copy of the Iu)H-r ami are requested to examine their notice and if any errors exist report tiio i same to this oftice at once. Timber Culture proof.Notica for rublicution Land ofilco at Alliance, Nebr. I March 20, 1SH7. ( Notice Is hereby Riven that Edgar Mack ey of .Mackey, lown, has filed notice of intention to make final prof before 51. J. I'.lcwett, Clerk of thu District Court at his oflk-oia Harrison, Neb., on the first day of May, 1K..7, on timber application No. 430, for the WVof N' F.'i and Eii of N-W'i of Section No. 1, in Township 114, ItaiiKO 54. He names as witnesses: Michael D. Jordan or Adelia, Neb. Ncls I'. Itosenbiirg " " " Aaron O. Wisdom " " " mid Joseph BotTer ' .Montrose, Neb. J. W. W'Ells Jr. i?-:i4 KcKlster Timber Culture Final Proof , Notice for Publication. Land Oftice nt Alliance, Ncbr. I March U, M7. - ( Notice Is hereby given that Kgwrt Koh wr of HaiTlrti):), Neb., has filed notice of In tention to make final proof before 51. J. niuwe.tt, Clrrk of the District Court at his i o"1"8 1,1 Harrison, Neb., on the 1st day of 1 Mll'. " Umber culture application No. i H", for the S-Wi4 of S-K' KX of N-Wy N-K'4 of S W 'i of Section No. 9, In Township 2!, Itangu No.rl. He names as witnesses: J. W. Earnest, Edward Swnrtz, John Corbln and W. II. Huiixh, all of Harrison, Nebr., J. W. Vitus Jk, 1 39114) Kt-Klster. ,' NOT ICE FOIt PCHLICATION. Land Odkc at Alliance, Neb. I April lj, I'.i7. I . Notice Is hereby Riven that the following mimed settler has tiled notice of ills inten tion to make until proof in support of his claim, unit that wild proof will bo made tie fore M. J. Hlewett, clerk district court at Harrison, Neb., on May 29, ls'.'V viz: August L. Itiug of Story, Neb. who made II. K., No. 8111, for the S!j of S-W'iof Sec. I, aitdW'iof N-W'!4 Sec. 12, township 31 N, Itange W. lie names the iollowlng witnesses to prove his eontlnuoiH residence ujkjii and cultiva tion of, fa Id land, viz; Fredrick Stcmuicr, John Weber, H. II. Story, and Oscar W. Story, nil of Story, Neb. Any person w ho desires to protest agaiiiKt the allowaneu of such proof, or w ho knows of any substantial reason, under tho law and regulations of the Interior Department, why such proof should bo allowed, will lie given nn opportunity at the above mention ed time and place to cross-examine tho wit nesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal ol that submitted by claimant. J. W. WEIIX, Jh. Xt ss Ucglster. Order lor ncarinjc of Final Arroiint In the County Court (d'Slnun County, Xcbriuka. In tho matter of the estate of Charles J. 1'uddy, deceased. Now, on the 10th day of April IR97, came l'. Augustine I'uddy, the administrator of said estate' and prays for leave to render an account as such administrator. It Is there fore ordered that the llrd day of 51ay 18117, at I, o'clock p. in., at my ofllce In Harrison, Nebraska, be fixed fur thu time and place for examining and allowing such accounts. And the heirs of said deceased and all per sons interested in said estate, are reqnrted to appear at the time and place so dcslgnat ed, mid show cause, If such exist, why mild account should not be allowed. It isfurth r ordered that said C. Augustine I'udny, administrator, give not Ire to all persons In terested In said estate by causing a copy of this order to to published In TyE Hiorx CotiRTT JotiMSAL, a newspaper printed and in general circulation In said county, for threo weeks prior to the day set for said hearing. Dated April 10th, A. D. WOT. ItOIIKST WlLSOW, County Judge- ICAL I OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICERS: s'laa A. Ilolcouib Governor James K. HairlH Lieutenant Governor W. K. I'orter. Secretary of State Auditor .-Treasurer Attorney General Land Comrnissionei -Supt. l'ubllc InsUncliou John K. Cornell... J. It. McKerve C. J. Smyth J. V. W olfe. W. It. Jackson CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION : John M. Thurston V. 9. Senator, Omaha Win. V. Allen U. S. Senator, Madison J. !. Stnxle. Conirrc.MsiiiMii 11. lil.t. Llucohi Oiruiha Fremont Aurora Nelson Kearney 1). il. Mercer, id 3rd 4th Otli fcth Samuel Maxwell, W. L. Mark, K. I). Sutherland, V. L. Green, JUUICIART: - M- IOKt Chief Justice, Columbus j l' ()- (;' "arrison ..As'te Judge, Grand Island ' 1-NorvaI Assoeiate Judge, Seward JK A- t!aiii)beil..Clork and iteiiorler, Lincoln FIFTKENTir JUDICIAL DISTKICT: M. I". Klnkaid Judirn. O'Neill II. Westover ltushville M. J. Blewett Clerk, Harrison COUNTY OFFICEItS: Robert Wilson County Jude M. J. Blewett Clerk Chun. Itiehle - Treasurer W. 1L Davis Supt. I'ubilc Instruction i). Bartlett Sheriff J. E. l'lilnney ..Coroner 15. V. Thomas Surveyor 51. J. lilewett Clerk of .District Court Grant Guthrie County Attorney HOARD OF C05I5IISSIONEnS: Frank Tinktium IstDisirict M. J. Webcr(C'huirimiii) 2d " James F. Young 3d LEGISLATIVE: Otto Mutz.. senator, Dint. No. 14, springvlew AE. Sheldon Hist. No. Ui, Chad run VILLAGE OFFICEItS: E. Rohwer (chairman) Trustee J. W. Scott " D. H. Griswod W. H. Sltirsteller N. D. Hamlin .. W. H. Davis clerk Lewis (ierlaeh Treasurer SCHOOL OFFICERS: j. w. seott : Director ..5Iodemtur ...Treasurer commences 15. L. Smuck Lewis Irlach t'er.ms of court District Court, At Harrison, gn!;itertit April liitli, jury 14th, Fall " October 25, Jury With. County Court, At Harrison, commences first Monday of each mouth. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. 5tetlioIIst Sunday School meets every Sun day morning at 10:00 J. E. 51ABSTEI.LEK, W. II. DAVIS, Superintendent. Secretary JERRY RUSK I'OST, No. 34-., G. A. R. Sleets second 5foudxy in each month in the court house at Harrison. E. E. Livermore, Com. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Harrison Camp, No. Sfi, meets on each al ttrnale Weduesdiiy evening. W. II. Davis, W. L. Hott, Clerk. Con. Com. .MODERN WOODMEN OK A5IERIC A. 51eets each alternate Saturday evening at fl o'clock. A. R. DliW, V. C. J. W. Smith, Clerk. KI'WORTH LEAGUE. Regular business meeting first Tuesday evening lu e.acli month. C. L. 5IARSTKI.I.EK, W. H. Davis, President. Secretary. Devotional meeting overy Sunday evening at 0:-l'i. D. J. Ci.akk, Leader. JUNIOR LEAGUE. 5Iects each Sunday afternoon at 2:30. 5IRS. D. II. Gkihwoi.d, Supt. Timber Culture Final I'roof, Notice for Publication. Land Ofllce at Alliance, Nebr. j March Si, is'J7. 1 Notice Is hereby given that Charles E. Schilt of Harrison, Neb., has tiled notice of intention to make Haul proof before. M.J. Blewett, Clerk of the District (;ourt at his office In Harrison, Nebr., on the 1st day of .May, 18(17, on timber culture application No. Dtfil, for the SW, of Section No. 22, in Township 33, Range No. K. He names as witnesses: Charles Hiehle, Ncls Anderson, Eli J. Wilcox and William IJIchlo, all ot Harrison, Nebr. Also that Nels Anderson of Harrison, Neb., has tiled notice of Intention to make final proof tit the same time and place, on tim ber culture application No. 709, for tho N- E4 of Section No. 17, In Township 3.1, Range No. 5fl. lie names lis witnesses: Charles Uiehle, Ell J. Wilcox, Charles E. Schilt and William Hiehle, all of Harrison, Neb. Also that Charles Hiehle of Harrison, Neb., has tiled notice of Intention to make II mil proof at the same tune and place, on tim 1st culture application No. 70S, for the N E4 of Section No. 4, in Township 33, Range No. M. Ho names as Witnesses: Ell J. Wilcox, Charles E. Schilt, Neis Ander son and O. A. Garton, all of Harrison, Neb. J. W. WKIIN JR, I29S4I Register. DO YOU READ THE JOURNAL? Try it six months. STOCK HliANDS. The Jouu$al will publish your brand, ike the following, for $;'M), per year. Each ad ditional brand 7fj cenu. Every fanner or ranchmen In Sioux mid adjoining couutie-i should advertise their brands in THiiJot'K nai, aa it circulates all over the state, it may be the means of saving money for you.;matters in Justice, County and District FRANK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and ou left shuoldcr of horses. Range on Antelope creek Ghilchrlst, Sioux Co., Net). CHARLES HIEHLE. On lei wide or hip of cattle, On left shoulder of horses, i Range ou the head of Warbonnct creek Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. S.W.CAREY. On left shoulder of cuttle and horses. jKSugeon Little Cottonwood. J'. O., Crawford Nebr. Scientific. American Agency for CAVEATS. TRADK MARKS. DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIQHT8. toJ ror mroraiatlon and free Handbook write to i HUNN & CO.. 361 Broadwat, New York. Oldest biirenu for securing pntenM In America. Kvery patent taben out by us is brought betoro the vuIjUo by a notice eliiu free of charge in the ff timiilk BmeftOT Larerst circulation of nnr sclentlfle psper In the world. Kuiendldlr Illustrated. No lutelllKent wan should Ijo without It. Weekly. 03.OOa y.ar; 10elx months. Address, M CNN & CO tnjuLisutua, tiiil Broadway, Now York City. Don't forget that The Journal has a large clubbing list and when selecting reading matter for the coming year call and give u your order. We can save you money. m V. 0., mo I U 3. J -THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1883. Harrison, B. E. Brkwstm, President. D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. S50 000, Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS: American Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. -DRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. Good rigs furnished on short notice. Reliable drivers and quiet saddle horses always on hand. Good accommodations for trnnscient customers, ltorses boarded. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A C'lL N.D.HAMLIN, GRANT GUTHRIE, Aliornsy-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal Courts, and before the United States ;Land OlHce. Fire Insurance written iti reliable companies. C'Legal papers carefully drawn. Harrison. - Nebraska. THE NEW YORK WORLD, THRICE-A-WESK EDim.V. 18 Pages a week- 1.10 Paper a Ysar. A paper as useful to you as a great $d daily for only one dollar a year. Better than ever. All tho News of All th World All the Time. Accurate and fair to everybody. Democratic and for thu people. Against trusts and nil monopo lies. Brilliant illustrations. Stories by great authors in every number. Splen did readidg for women and other special departments of unusual interest. It stands first among "weekly" paper in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the lowr price of a weekly ; and its vast list of ub- scribers, extending to every state and territory of the union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its new columns. We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Sioux County Journal together one year for $1.65. The regular subscrip tion price of the two papers is $2.00. Nebraska. C. F. Corrai, Yic-Prtidat. LIVBBY, Feed and Sale Stable. : i'tv r ' l i'-- i: . . . , v' - - . f ? t t f - '"''-c.:.:, ;',,.i-'-..-., .-.-i - i.