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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1897)
THE SIOUX COUNTY Thcbsday, Aran- th, Ctto. D. CinH, Editor wad Prop. F. E. M. V K. . Hue telle. Going Veil. Coin Kant, sfo. , raised... 1 M No. , mised 7:30 JT. E. PHINNEY. M. 1). PaysK-laa tmi Suryeon. All rtlls given prompt attention. Office In Drug Store, HARBISON, - - XEBBAKKA. I North-Western LINE F., E. 4. M. V. R. R. is the besl to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTH NEBRASKA. TREES AND PLANTS. A full )iM raUT TREES Of BERT VARIETIES at Bard Times prices. Small fruits in large supply. Millions of Strawberry plants, very thrifty and well rooted. Get the BEST near home and save freight or express. Send for price list to North Bend Nurseries, North Bend, Dodge County, Neb. 33 KOTICE TO SETTLERS. The rules of the local land office have recently been amended so that settlers to make final proof shall settle with the publisher before sending in their applica tion. Alt parties desiring to make final proof can have their papers made out at Tmt JOCRHAL office, free of charge, and promptly transmitted to the land office so that no time will be lost. J. B. Burk was in Harrison Saturday of last week. Tarpolions, tents and wagon covers At Bartku8. . Have you seen thone fine Ladies hat atOerlach's? Old papers, five cents per dozen at The Jocrnal office. Hiss Lenoa Noreisch went to Craw ford last Saturday evening. Ho to BaRTKU's for your dry goods find ladies furnishiDg goods cheap. Read the "Notice to Delinquents" Ibis week on another page of this issue. Why do'nt you run your stock brand in the Jockkal? It will pay you, try it. Leonard Da Lit of Warbonet was do ing business in Harrison last Saturday Mr. Fred Root of Lusk, "was a visitor fa Harris n Easter Sunday, staying over night, returning Monday. Mr. Patrick Slattery who lives 15 miles north-west of Harrison, was a viator at this office today. J". H. Bartell wishes to announce to the public that he can sell furniture cheaper tln any other store in town. J. B. Burk of Bodarc was hauling post toEast Springs last week for Chas. New man, somewhere down in the sand hills. 8. L. Hartley of Pleasant Ridge, came down to Harrison Monday to look after business interests here and dojiome trading. Fred Btiraroar, who lives on Ante lope creek about twenty miles from town was in Harrison last Monday doing some trading. The jurors of the April term of Court will not be required to be in at. (erdsnce on May 18th, when court re convene. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff. Hewett, who live out oo Indian creek, was in town Monday on bunas, stopping over night at the Harrison House. The Ranch Supply House has just received from Chicago, a fine line of Ladies trimmed, spring hats which are being sold at unheard of low prices. On aoeouet of lack of space in thus iaaW we was obliged to lay of er until next Week seme news received from om of two of our special correspondents. If you want the latest styles and laebioas in millinery just goto Bartbx's there is where you will And fresh goods and as cheap aa aey western town can ail ttem. " -Eon. John H. Barron of Lusk, who era one of the nresidsntial electors in Cm last faiFs election, was in Harrison jttttZ court . woek, aad mot personal fctrJ Wfco woptwri to tee him. ,;. Vf, tiZxj u w? of Crawford, rcrt li lMaej ImI Taeeiey . Mr. pJ .pxtCst toam at the rrrr vj. vsusi em win rt- . y-' w - s- they ail like to laLe the girls a riding just the same. Miss llattie O'Conner, who has aen stopping at Mr. Thomas Bell's near Lusk for Hie last two or three months, came down on a visit to her parents last Satr lath. She returned to Lhe Bell ranch on Monday afternoon. The sunday school will give an Easter entertainment at the church on Sunday eveninjr, April 25th to which the public is socially invited. The program is quite an interesting one, and all should attend. W. H. Davis, SlTEHISTDXDEXT. It is reported the special correspon dent of the world Herald w ho sent in the various descriptions of the Air ship from this place, purchased t bottle of cheap whiskey from one of the dealers here be fore taking his observations. Mrs. George Davis left for Jersey ville, Ills., to visit her mother lxst Mod day evening on the east bound passenger Mrs. Davis has not seen Iier mother for seven years and will be gone four months so she can have a long visit. L. E. Dickinson, from lower 33 on Ru nning Water was attending court in Harrison last week. He will move his family to this town in a day or two. As his wife is a dressmaker, she will engage in that business here in the future. A stone-mason who's name we did not learn, came in on the train last Mon day evening and put up at the North- Western Hotel for dinner, leaving in the afternoon for the P. F. ranch where he will do stone and plaster work during the summer. Laney Sutton will leave here on Wednesday to assist Charles Plimpton and George Davis to drive a small herd of cattle from the Piimton place to Indian creek where they will be kept dur ing the summer. He will be gone a week or more. Ed O'Conner who has been stopping at theHarrison House all winter and at tending school, left Friday evening for Sheridan, Wyo., where he will work on a stock ranck during the summer. Ed will be missed by the boys in Harrison this summer wiih out a boubt. Hon. Judge Kiukaid of O.Neal will hold an adjourned term of court in Har rison on May 18th, for the purpose of tryi-j the case of John II. Cook vs Chas. Biehle, county treasurer, for the reason that Judge Westover was legally bared from hearing the case on account of ha v. ing been the counsel for one of the parties to the suit. ' '' Notice. All parties knowing them selves indebiled to the undersigned are requested to call and settle either in cash or with note on or before May 1st. As I liave rented my Hotel to other par ties I will go out of buisness at the above stated time. Eooert Rohwer, ' The case of Tinnen vs Burlington Missiouri River Railroad was concluded in court on Saturday morning, the jury bringing :n a verdict for the plaintih" for damages in tiie sum of $200. A motion for a new trial was or will be offered and in case a new trial is not granted an ap peal to the supreme court of the state will be taken. A Mr. Johnson, who's given name we did not learn and who is a frieud of Pat Lacey, came in from Iowa last Friday. Ha shipped his housoold goods two or three weeks a o. He reports that there is going to be a big jmmogration to this part of Nebraska from Iowa, dur ing the spring. He says that several of bis Iowa neighbors will follow his exam ple shortly. A. Christian of Lusk, foreman on the Coffee ranch in Wyoming about forty miles, was in Harrison ou Monday of this week doing business. He also called at our office and enjoyed a plesant chat with us. Mr. Christian reports that the loss in stock oo his range during the winter, will be about one per cent, at any rate it will not exceed two per cent Hon. T. B. Snyder of Sheep creek made several calls at The Journal office during court week. Mr. Snyder is a suc cessful stock man of Scotts BlafTs coun ty and is especially interested in the stock interests of the North-West, We believe Mr. Snyder is a citizen that any county can justly feel proud of. We sincerely hope when in Harrison Mr. Snyder will make it his business to honor this office with a call. IIoo A. J. Bog-art, who made appli cation for the position of postmaster at Harrison, about three weeks ago, was notified officially of his appointment on the 20tb inst From, what we know of Mr. Bogart, the position could not have been confered oo a more hoaerable, trust worthy and deserving mna in this county Mr. Bogart is an old soldie and we are glad to ace these men secognized by the new administration. Merchant Gerla'ch yesterday, sold to a traveling man by the name of Van back of Neligb, Neb., his share in the Spring Hill mine. He feel that he made a serious mistake in selling at this time M the prospects are very flattering for a food out put this season but, says it is too laU aowto squeal The other shares, mm aii-to or oiae owned hare in Harri son, eaaaoi be sought far any ordinary pries Jostoow. ' " .". v ' -Em !.,D. Hamlin, last Saturday wdaj iweitwl tstrfrtia from her fctiii at ttnw,Wtin his father krz iSfcb .wfcfrn ttitif of para. tt&j Toe aiuti 'f.i'ui of Die tvo brothers and one sister, Mrs. B. F. Thomos who live in this part of the country will sympatize with them in their loss and bereavement, ,Mc. Ham lin isexic'ted to return this week. V. F. Seward of Crawford passed through Harrison on his way ho,n from Manville, Wyo. where he has been to ar range to move his family to Crawford where he has bought out a livery stable and has been running it a month or more. Mr. Seward has been engaged ia the livery, feed and sale stable also, the res taurant business for the last ten vears, but, since buying into business in Craw ford, Mr. Seward has disposed of his Man ville property end will try his fortunes in Nebraska from this on. It should be born in mind by the stock growers of Sioux county and all the adjoiruing counties that there is an organization known as the North-West ern Nebraska Association of Stock men, with its head quarters for the present at Alliance, Nfeh. Those wishing to en quire into the object for which this asso ciation was organized with a view to be coming members of it, can by writing the sejretary, Mr. Van Boskirk at Alli ance, Neb., will doubtless get wiiat infor mation they wish in regard to the organ ization and the reasons. why slock men of this vicinity should become members thereof. It looks as if the stock men of Sioux county ought to organize and see if tlje cattle rustlers can't le routed and when caught brought to justice and le made to ay the penalty for such crimes. The stock industry is especially adopted to our county and the eople in this county ought to see to it that their own interests are looked after. Wlmt came near being a lxid acci dent and a burn-out for land lord Roh wer and possible a part of the town, hap pened at the Harrison House last Mon day night about eight o'clock, when Mrs. Rohwer undertook to put out the liht of the large Rochester lamp in the din ing room which in some way ell to the floor and in its desent struck Mrs. Roh wer on one side of her face and scatter ing oil over her bruising her face slight ly but not seriously. It of course took lire on the inside of the lamp and looked at one time as if all hands would be blown across on the other side of Jordan but, Mr. Ruhwer, who is quite cool un der exciting circumstances look his hand kerchief from his pocket and picked up the burning lamp, carried it to the bar room, set it right side up in the wash sink, turned the wick down wheu it soon went out, fortunately no damage was done. It was one of the indiest days of the season and surely it was a narrow escape. . About The Airship. Several who saw it claim to have seen .riiUereDt colored lights, winch changed alternately from white to red, blue and Kretn, which eeini-d to be manipulated by objects on the ship, and alter siganling in this way several times, one eye wit ness says, that an extremely bright light shot out from either sid of the huge monster, and that then it gradually moved of and disapeured. Charles T. Cofee took observations from his wjnd mill and was so anutsed ind, highly pleased with the spectacle that his w ife could hardly persaude him to come down. Several incidents of this kind occured which are too numerous to mention, The above is a couple of paragraphs clipped from, the Sunday World-Herald which contained a special dispatch from Harrison, Neb.', giving a detailed acount of the air-ship it claimed passed over this place one day last w eek, and w hich has been seen in So many places at the same time throughout the United States. We would be inclined to doubt the truth of the statement were it not for the fact that one of our reputable citizens had taken a astronomical view of it himself, from tlie top of a w ind mill tower. The World-Herald contained a whole column, but for want of space we were unable to print the entire article. Happenings in Highland. Mr. Covey has been having a tussle with the grippe, but we hear he is bet ter now. Mr. and Mrs Ed Rrne spent Easter Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Phillips. P. N. tfirkpatrick is, intending to leave Highland for Gering in the near future to work on the ditch. C. E. A. Estler is hatching oo his homestead now. A bousepeeper wanted, no old maid deed apply. ' Mrs. Sarah A. Rose lias been staying with Mrs. Will Phillips while Mr. Phil lips was attendiny court Nels Englbrerht has just purchased a fine milks cow. I wonder what is going to happen. Ed Rose has just purchased a work team of A. McQinter, he paid $80.00, for them. Horses are cheap now, Mr. and Mrs. Leitboff have moved on their homestead South of Nels Engl brecut's. , There will be a large acreage of pota toes planted in Highland this year. ' ; -. .; - Bcd. Wkita Elrer JUws. L 8. Melatosb has Ms aaw house nearly ready for ooeapaocy. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Chriasj Oilman are taking musts) isssopa' from Miss Carrie fwyier. I ' - evening, bin health was Letter than for some time. Famiintr has commenced in earnest, the ground is in fine condition and we hope far better crops than last year. The Pullen people have moved back on their claim from the sand hills, we understand they will farm here this sum mer. The social held at Mr. Morans last evening was a very enjoyable one in spite of the rain, quite a numher were present and a good time was had. There seems to be some saddle rustling going on of late. Roy Pitmen's saddle was quite badly torn tip at .church the other night also one at the resilience of W. D. Johnson. A part of Mr. Johnson's saddle was carried oiT and has not yet been returned. Cap. Warbonuet Warbling. William Ellis has lieen si.k with a bad cold, but iii now much better. O. A. Onrton and family nnd grandin Lyon spent Easter at Jean Bigelow's. B. F. Thomas and familv have oil been sick with the la grippe, but are now recovering. It is reported tlmt death st ill ront innes to remove the life from among? Mr. Fili! perald's cattle. We did not learn the caue. Sunday and Monday April 11th nnd 12th. wre lmd days in Warhonnet, mist and snow Sunday and a genuine snow storm Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Garton were callprs at Mr. Dowry. s who live out west of town. Mr. fiarton made a trade of a couple of hogs for potatoes with Mr. Lowry. Lew Wilson hag derided to try farm ing this year, and is desirous of engaging someone, well iiTifornied in all the intri cate work of housa keeping, to cook, wash dibhesand entertain callers etc, etc. Now girls there is your chance, so wear your hair in the most becoming style, and smile your prettiest smile for it is nearing the time for the spring work to begin and Lew is apt to call at any time. Last Tuesday James Marrinm went over to White's saw-mill to finish put ting in his logs, but on account of the rheumatism settling so in his lnck, he was obliged to quite work and Friday he returned home again. Echo. w From All Around Bodarc. It seems the grippe has settled in Iho valley. There is quite a few kept in. It is lest for people in such weather not to expose themselves so much. It is reported that there will be a sur prise dance lietweeo Montrose and Adelia J on easter Monday. I hope the parties which are going to attend will have a pleasant time. The grangers are out at work again. It will be late before those who intend to put in a large crop can get it in, hut they have more confidence in a crop now than the single gold standard bringing prosperity to this laud. Mr. S. W. Carey is going to move his aw mill toP. M. Smith's canyon. Mr. Carey and Mr. Smith had a contract there. Mr. Carey has agreed (50,000 feet each year, two years in Miccesicn. Mr. Smith has some of the very best timber in Sioux county. There is not less than I V), 000 feet of lumber in Mr. Smith's canyon. But. WHAT a fSIOt'X COUNTY GENTLEMAN THINKS of tlio ED I TOU of THE JOURNAL. Harrison, Nebr. ) April ltt, 18UT. An old Sioux county veteran and life long democrat notes with glowing pride the steady, forward and ever onward march of the free silver cause, which ha ever been a link in the chain otrue demo eracy, while revelling in secret over the bright prospects of our country, and ripht in our midst a new star shines forth viz : Thk Sioux Cocsty Journal chang ing its dusky garb to one of the purest white. We were informed that the hero to occomplish this great work hailed from the land of the Kiotes (S. D.) but on inquiiy we 11 nd one of our own sons from the hanks of the Platte, w ho is to guard the future policy of The Jocr nai. Yes, old Nebraska is never second in her patriotism, but is always ready to give her most cherished sons to the cause of democracy and free silver which, we believe is in the interest of the farm er, labores, the mechanic, etc. Now dear Mr. EJitor here's to success; may. your paper ever glisten with the radiance of the cause which it is championing and may the peel of Its silver tongus be heard over the entire state of Nebraska) and especially In our own county. A RARcnKit. 1(1" V, ''. K,ri!,.i. 1.1.,. . F1 JUST ARRIVED. READY MADE CLOTHING at COST. I can sell you a suit of clothes cheap er than you can buy them at whole sale prices in Chicago or Omaha. Call at The Ranch Supply House and be convinced. LO NOT WAIT UNTIL TILE McKfNLEY TARIFF B.LL GOES INTO EFFE1'. IT WILL GUST YOU DOUBLE PRICE THEM TO BUY WHAT YOU NEED IN THE CLOTHING LINE. LEWIS GERLACH, IV. ARSiSON HOUSE. EGGERT ROHWER, Proprietor Spring will soon be here. I HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND FLO UK, FEED AND SEED GRAIN. I also run MEAT MARKET in con nection with the HOTEL. Your Patronage is solicited. MARSTELLER BROS., They handle every thing usualy handled in a gen eral ueoarimeni SHOES, HAUI) and TINWARE; also FLOUR, FEF1) and GRAIN, KEFT CONSTANTLY ON HANI). YOU CAN SAVE M0XKY BY G0IXCT0 MARSTELLER BROS. DO YOU WANT JOB WORK DONE? THEN COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE. Now w the time 1 tie WEEKLY JOUNAL, $1, FOR ONE YEAR TAKE THE JOURNAL AND YOU WILL NEVER REGRET IT. - It is the Legal Paper of SIOUX COUNTY, NEBRASKA. GEO, I). CANON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Arrlcsltursl Hsrletj Jffttlsf. There will be a meeting of the Sioux County Agrlcultur a Society in the office of the sheriff at the court houe, in Har rison, on Wednesday, April 14, 1807. Lt nil interested In the succssn of the society be present, as there will w important butdnees to transact. ' ; gsfcnUrj.1 coun rv s ore. . rr-srwrr Ti-ini ISIDORRICHSTEM. DEALER IN FINK WINES. LIQUORS and CIGARS AGENT FOR pabst's Celebrated BEER.' to subscribe for HNinmcr Srnsol. Arrangements have been completsd for the holding of a .summer school at Harrison for the benefit of teachers and jothers who might desire to attend such a school. Is will begin June 14ht, sod con- linue four weeks, followed by tno wtss normal institute. 1 ' ' For full.prtlrtui.n wrfU. r ' .. -r-h I . 1 In.,. I . !' , .V aft-t ! 1 1,