The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 22, 1897, Image 7
Our N.vjr. Thi trouble.with the navy ia that the hiHi are allowed to w to near the water. We cannot risk having a pier lea i avy. Chicago Tribune. What particular spell of the Lore'ei or what member of the family of the re apected Mr. Davy Jones presides ove our navy? New York Advertiser. The recent disaster to the .Brooklyn and the troubles with the Texas indicate pretty clearly thot we are not ready yet to go to war. Indianapolis News. CasrMrr3tlmu.ate iver, a'lmn and bowels. Mat as skea. mm of grlta. loe. Th hardest oroblems to solve are the the providences of Go1. To protect thetrowsera from 'vearinp by contact with the shoes a cloth-cover-d metal gnard is attached to the shoe Jnside the upner and projects down around the outside of the shoe. Suffered Host in Spring Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla the Great Spring Medicine Scrofulous Sor Log for 28 Years. All Spring Humors, sores, eruptions, boils, pimples, etc., are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the "king of medi cinea." Head these lette. s: "C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mais.: "Dear Sirs After suffering from a ore leg for 25 years, four bottles Letter of Hood's have made a complete cure. My No. I. ley would inflame aa soon as dog days would come and continue to be sore until spring. Then the sores would heal a little and break out again. 1 tried do tors and every remedy I could hear of, but all fat ed. I then heard of Hood's Sarsaparilla and bought one bottle, and it helped me so much thai I kept on until I took four bottles; cured, in (rood health and weigh 160 lb." Mrs. M. J. Hartley, Lovett, Georgia. No Sore, No Erysipelas. "C. 1. Hood& Co., Lowell, Mass.: " "Dear 8 Irs 1 want to say once more, Hotd'g .Sarsaparilla is ah you Letter claim for It. I haven't bad any sore or erysipelas since No. 3. I used Hood's Sarsaparilla several years ago and was sored by It. I trust many may be benefited by Hood's Sarsaparilla as 1 have been. I recommend it highly as a blood medicine." Mrs. M. J. Hartley, Lovett, Ga. Mood's Sarsa parilla Is sold by all druggist. Price SI, six for $5 HrwuH'c Pllle ''ure I'lvr Ills; y to lliruu S rilia take, easy to operate. 35c Louah at the Sun iUDFG I Keep ifiai. , BootbeerSVOOI'UnnN HIRES 'ootbeer ffy j it r rt mvyvV'. vreu-unnKy IHRESfoutn, , Di-i- " A Vuuluccyyowtiirsr HIRES tbeer.s The Beat Saaale Coat. SLICKER Keeoa both rider and i4J nr. frctlydryln the harden ilmi. 3UDniutr win disappoint. Atktor ilo7 Fith Brand Pommel Slicker It l entirely new. If not tot talc in your town, wntt for catalorue to A. J.TOWF. Notion. Ma.e. 10 Tha St. Joseph and Grand Island R. R JH THB SHORTEST and QUICKEST LINE TO a!.!, ro!T NORTH WEST EAST SOUTH A?ionnwh"tM Ucion Pacific System I Tint t'avoan ( nm-ris To California, Oregon and U Wetteru Polim. For Information regarding ratn, etc. , call on r arid rata any sgan tor 9. M. Afcit, i. P. HoamaoK, J a., dan. Put. Aft,, lien'l Manager, Bt, Jomph, Ma. pctehts. trWTs7 Bxaroloatloc and Advloa aa to Pafniahlllty of In aaiion. Sand fnTlaveotore'tJuiile, or How Iu0i-t I'aieut. I'araivK O'f aaasu. Waj.hl.iu, h C. PATENTS m wiiLSO0O..w"rilng on, ii. i,. nocnaru mi p- nt oMameil. (50 pair bnnk frwa. ft . Inor. w flTUiMm' M fna. Ar B. fllJlT, Mlral am n d IMItlMIHIMUmilUMMIHHHftttlMtlMt mi ysVB fiat out hew Akkly wi s 4 iaelilona to Jewelry. Fanciful ornaments are decidedly popular. )iamond tippel clgrettes are in do niand for finishing ofl a fashionable co ffure. A Hitnple but effective Sneer ring em ploys two contrasting stones, one placed Ik'litl? above the other in a coiled rinK of go'd li.i yi-ling, hunting, golfing and vacht-1 ing all supply motifs for broocheB and fcarf pine. Bow's Tnis. Wt offer One Hundred Dollars reward for anv cace of catarrh that can not be, i-nred by il all's Catarrh Cure. V. -I. CHUNKY it CO.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned have known K. J. Cheney lor the lam 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transtacliunc and nnanoially able to eairj out anvobligations made by their firm. : Wist Ji Uriiax, Wholesale druggists. ' Toledo, O., Waldino, Kinna.n 4. Mahvik, ! Wholesale drugxits, Toledo. 0. I Hall's Catarrh Cure U taken internally, acting directly upon the blo'-tl and mucous ; BunaoPK oi tue system, ienliiiioiiials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Hold by a.J liruggists. Blaala Kiom the Kama Horn. Heaven and hell are not far apart, but the gulf between is very deep. 8me people keep such a clo$e lookout , (or i he devil, that they ever fail to see. ! The man who gets up in this world by timttng another man down, loses more thaii he gains. There is nobody we like better than the man who is willing to speak his opinions, except the man who is willing ty keep them to himself. To prevent the hardening of the sub cutaneous tissues of the scalp and the o iliterution of the hair follicles, which cause baldness, use Hail's Hair Renewef. Detachable hardened f-teel points for picks, recently patented, will not wear out as quickly as the usual points and can be removed for sharpening. No-tn-Iiac for Fifty Cents. Ovr 400.000 cured. Vthv not let No-To Rac rcfculatu or remove your denre for lobai-eo? Sva imu'y.nikc health and in iiliouil. Cure KUar.iulHed, 5oc uiM $1, nil n i i t A newly patented car brake consists of a steel shoe fastened to the car above the wheel so that the weight of the car helps to apply the brake to the wheel. A handy device for lifting a burning stick of wood or coal is a shovel with s projecting prong over the blade to be presied down by the hand a ad hold th- coal in place. Mrs. Wloalow'a Sooth i no STBOf for child ren teethitiK, nolieni tha jrum, re. luces iatlam matlon, allay pain, curea wind colic, i'x; boitle Skates that are locked on the feet by pressing the heel of the shoe into the heel plate of the skate has just been pat ented. One of the latest designs in incandes cent lamps is formed by placing the wire between two sheets of glaes set in a flat frame. A 1 andy heater for cnrling irons can be attached to a gas burner and has an opening surrounded by jet orifices into which the iron is thrust. A epring safety valve for beer caski has j'itt been patented. RHEUMATISM AND KIDNEY TROUBLE. THE RESULT OF SLEEPING WITH OUT SHELTER, AND DRINK ING ALKALI WATER. From tlie Capital, St. John, Kantai. Your correspondent in an interview with Mr. John McMillan, who resides at St. John, Kan., elicited the following in formation concerning the wonderful cura tive properties contained in Lr. Williams' Piuk rills. Mr. McMillan said: "In the fall of lSi4, I, with another man, decided upon a hunting expedition iuto the Indian Territory. Accordingly we started south lute in the fall.- The wcaiher was damp and cold, and we were compelled to sleep ou the ground wirh nothing but a tent for protection. The exposure, coupled with the bad water, which in that country contains a great quantity of alkali and gypsum, caused me to contract a bad of kidney trouble and rheumatism. After remaining in the Territory for several months and contin uing to grow wore, I concluded the bent thing for me to do was to come home, which I proceeded to do. But after re turning 1 seemed to get no better, If any thing worse. "I tried several remedies without avail. My nights were spent in sleeplessness and misery, and I became convinced that 1 must have help immediately. Koine one told me the benefits they had derived from Dr. Williams' I'ink i'llls, and I de termined to give them a trial, which 1 did, and I can truthfully assert to you that their action was magical. From the first doHe I commenced improving and it was but a whort time until all iiaiii hud left me, and I felt entirely well. What is more, 1 have never had a recurrence of my trouble from the lime of my recov ery until the present time, I can cer tainly recommend Dr. Williams' I'ink I'ills as one of the best medicines on the market, if not the best." In conclunion Mr. McMillan Bikcd us if we intended making hi Htulcmeui puii lic, and upon our nllirmntive reply he re marked that he wan perfectly satisfied, SS he had oflcu contemplated doing o himself, as he considered it u duty he owed to suffering huinaiiily. Dr. Willi jiiih' I'ink I'ills contain, in ( condensed form, all the eli':nenM necen sary to give new life nnd richness to tin blood and restore shmtereil ii-rves. TV are an unfailing spei-IH- f r such discnKr-x as locomotor atatm. pnrlial pirnlyiin. Hi. Vitus dance, sciatica, neursigin. rheniioi- tism, nervous headache, the after effect of la grippe, piilpitnlion of the licai t. pale am', sallow complexions, all forms of weakness, either in mnle or female. I'ink rills are sold by all dealers, or will b est postpaid an receipt of price, 50 cents S box or six boxes for J-..VJ, by address ing Dr. William' Medicine Compunt, Ing IJr. w uiiaimr ficbsictd.v, N. Y. it SOOTHES sod CU9US. SOLD HER HAIR FOR CUBA. The p.uiiotlsm of the men of Cuba has long been, known and admired the world over. That the women are none the less devoted to the cause of their country has lieon frequently attested. An Illustration of this self-sacriticlng spirit Is related by S. T. Dickinson, of Milford, Va., who has Just returned from a ttojouni at Colon, Panama. While at that place Mr. Dickinson be came acquainted with a Cuban and his beautiful daughter. The old man, who waa one of the most wealthy of the residents of the Island, had been forced to leave his home by the Spaniards on account of his ardent sympathy for the Cuban cause. In this land In which he found refuge he waa forced to work for his living, but every cent he could spare promptly went back to Cuba to aid the cause. His (Laughter was strongly imbued with the same spirit and grieved that she had nothing to give. The chief beauty of the girl was a luxuriant head of auburn hair, for which many a woman would lie willing to give a fortune. The young lady decided to part with her hair if a purchaser could he found, ami to do nate the proceeds to the cause she held so dear. The beautiful locks wore shorn from her head and Mr. Dickinson became the purchaser for a good, round figure. Mr. Dickinson brought the suit of hair home with him, and It is now In Richmond to he sold. Aidinc the ' x position. The brainy women of Omaha are tak ing a prominent part In the affairs of the forthcoming trans-Mississippi ex position. Mines. Keyser, Foos, Hittle and Chittenden constitute the execu tive committee and will have charge of the art and educational features of the big show. They were selected for their recognized ability as art and education al critics, and for their social distinc tion. They are prominent members of the Omaha Women's Club, a branch of the National Federation of Women's OMAHA WOMEN AIDING THE ALICE B. IIITTK. MRS. O. S. CHITTENDEN. clulw and four of the best known wom en of the city. The directory Is com ported of ten Omaha women and two women from each congressional dis trict of the State. The executive com mittee of the woman's deportment Is already considering a number of strik ing features that are calculated to make the expositon a historical Incident of the century, especially as far as the works of women are concerned. Agnlnst Hitch Hats, Sarah Bernhardt joins with the many who believe in the crusade against the high theater hat. She says: "France should Imitate the example of young America with a view of bringing about the total disappearance of the hat from the theaters. Often as monumental as they are Babylonian In shape they are a nuisance to the spectator behind, and I am sure that 1he gentlemen would re joice If In our country such measures were applied." Afternoon Gown. Trifle that Add to Worry. "Overwork and undorexcrclse. result In nervous diseases," said a physician recently. "Preventive nioiipires may iw nmmo1 up In two words," ha con tlnued"physlcal development. Wor ry nunnally kills more people than work. One should strive, however, to avoid nil things that tend to disturb tb torres. Throw away th pen that s-rulcboH and a pencil that has a hard "pot In it. Discard a needle That squeaks and a basin Uiat leaks. I'm) sharp tools, wear soft garments that do not rustle. Oil the hlnsjcs of tho rheumatic door and fasten the creaking blind. These mnv seem trifles, but such trifles Irritate the nerves as much as a piece of woolen docs a sore. Charles Lamb once sai l that a carpen ter's hammer in a warm summer noon would fret him more than midsummer madness." New Spring Wraps Why Women Want the Ballot. A famous advocate was recently ask ed why she wanted to secure; the ballot for her sex. She replied by giving the following, which she declared to be six out of sixty good reasons: Because they are American citizens and the United States Constitution says: "The citizen's right to vote shall not lie denied or abridged on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude." Because every citizen in a free repub lic is entitled to Individual representa tion, nnd no person having but one vote can represent himself and another per son, even with the latter's consent. TRANS - MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION. MBS. JKNNIE K. KETSON. ANNA. F0O8. Because they are taxpayers, nnd it is a principle of our government that tax ation and representation are insepara ble. Because every citizen should have a voice In the selection of those who make the laws which he or she must obey. Because a vote means power, and women need this power to protect the Interests of themselves, their homes, their children nnd society. Because politics, which means the government, needs the combined Influ ences of men and women. Without the ballot woman's Influence Is Indirect, negative ami irresponsible. Votes talk, votes count, votes compel respect, votes accomplish. FHiikh nt the Fair Hex. Kean Isn't your wife afraid to drive that horse? Ktean Not at all. It's the people she meets who are scared. Hartford Times. First Artist But, good heavens, man, that doesn't look llko her. Second Art ist If It did she wouldn't pay for it. New York Advertiser. When a girl wants to know how she looks she stands In front of tho looking-glass nt the angle that makes her neck seem prettiest. New Y'ork Press. Mrs. Howso Did you attend Mrs, Omnrock's funeral yesterday? Mrs. Snidso When she owes me a call? Why, tho very Idea! -Washington Times. As soon as a man Is comfortably set tled at reading on Sunday his wife finds out that he Is occupying the cor ner that she has not swept. Atchison (lobe. It Is questionable whether a woman Is ever quite so happy ns she Is when she has a man on exhibition under cir cumstances of which she Is proud. Milwaukee Journal. Stranger (to man In front)- Won't you please ask your wife to take her hat off? I can't see the stage nt nil. Mat In front Ask he yourself I doo't dari -Brooklyn JJfr - KSi fa? K 5. V i i.t X" i 7; ;jygA,2M3 sr.-1 rrti I These are the positive fore-runners of serious womb complications, and unless given immediate attention will result in untold misery, if not death. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will, beyond the question of a doubt, relieve all this trouble before it becomes serious, and it has cured many after their troubles had become chronic. The Compound should be taken immediately upon the appearance of any of these symptoms above enumerated. It is a vegetable tonic which invigorates and stimulates the entire female organism, and will produce the same bene ficial results in the case of any sick wOman as it did with Mbs. Cha.8. King, 1815 Rosewood St., Philadelphia, Pa., whose letter we attach: " I write these few lines, thanking you for restoring my health. For twelve years I suffered with pains impossible to describe. I had bearing-down feelings, backache, burning sensation in my stomach, chills, headache, and always had, black specks before my eyes. I was afraid to stay alone, for I sometimes had four and five fainting spells a day. I had several doctors and tried many pat ent medicines. Two years ago I was so bad that I had to go to bed and have a trained nurse. Through her, I commenced to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I never had anything give me the relief that it has. I have taken eight bottles, and am now enjoying the best of health again. I can truthfully sav it has cured me." N. w Y.irk feunbeama. It is said in New England that Bath, Me., ha more smokers than any other town of similar size in that country. Two white-winced crows make daily visits t ) Robert Mutlini's farm at Iiches ter. Md., but bo far they have eluded ef forts to capture them. Four yearB ago when wool was low a Jone 1 mo, Me., man sold all Mis sheep but one, which each year sines then has raised a black lamb until this year, when it has a pair of white ewos. The Hebrew ceaeed to be a vernacular language at the Babylonish captivity, but was preserved in sacred writings for the Jews. The Arabic vernacular' furnishes a singular illustration of the popularity of war in the eaat. It has over 50 names for the sword. Ivrr try a 10c box of Cwareti, candy cathartic, Rav an liver and Liowel reeulu or made. Zion's Herald (Methodist) says that Methodists who think that they will Kurely get a federal office because Presi dent McKiuley belongs to their denom ination, will find themselves greatly mistaken. A few years ago Alfred F. Oalvart, the mining king of West Australia, refused J5,t)UO,000 for his mines. The other day lie sold the eame mines for $325,000. ANDY ARSflT.TTTRT.Y (JIlSRSNTFFn ht AOOUbU 1 lib I UUAnHflirjCiU tire, never pie anil booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY Shi) ALABASTINE For Male Tfs Doctor "Ona layer of V paper 1ft had enonarb, you have rnrr A Tint Card J2 desirable tints, i I II L L SoTn!r Krx-k sm free to anv one mem io Finreenera. naoy may recover , butoannottarlve." "The Best Is Aye the Cheapest. Avoid Imitations of and Sub stitutes for SAPOLIO DOUGLAS. ruiic" o BEST IN THE WORLD. For U yean thli hoa.ljT iiisrlt alone, hi dUtftticed all 00 mutt it or a. Iniloi-Md by OTsr 1.010000 wrkiem am tlW bout In atyle, fit nnd durability of nny ho) over offer eU at a.OO. It la mad In all tha latent BHAI K8 and fityle nnd of flvfry variety oC 1 tut her. One rtenlr In a town (ftv-n exi'Itit). Ivb units and advtr. tlord In lorn I fmjmr on receipt nf ran nun ahla aula,. Write for catalogue to W. la. Uul'til.A, Jti-aaktM. Maaa. CON8TANT VEARER0. ' A l-T'H AMTHHALENK ur durera. ML TAPf HDS, 1 X. V. No. 486-M. ' Tork, (THKrf WBITMO TO ADTKKTISBK ' wisstso aay nt lata MrarUsoaanii m UK I k A WOMAN'S ?,0D7. 7 hat Its Neglect Leads to. Tra. QhMMl King's Experience. most delicate mechanism in tha whole realm of creation, and vet most women ----- t j will let it get out of order and keep out of order, just as if it were of no consequence. Iheir backs ache and heads throb and burn; they have wandering pains, now here and now there. They exr 'Hothi-j c.::trene law Itiulc, that don't-care and wanl-to-be-left-;ilone feeling, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleepless ness and the blues, yet they will go about their work until they can scarcely stand on their poor swollen feet, and do nothing' to help themselves. Aitom tha Piml. Chinese cheap labor may yet ruin New Zealand. In Otago, whore there are a good many Sc tchmen, a contract for road men ling was awarded to the low- est bid, which was signed McPheraon.'' Whsn the bidder appeared to sign the' contract, lie waa yellow and had a pig tail. "Bu'," said the ollicial who met him. "your name cannot b McPher 8"n." "All lightee," answered the Chinaman, "nobody caUiiee contlact in Otaio unless he named May," and the contract was signed. Whsn billow or costive, eat a Cascarai, candy ca tharUc, cure Kuarantedd, 10 , 25c. The royal palace at Athens built by King O'.to, cost $2,500,000. Hellas is the name by which the Greeks call their country. The Bug'e Call, the official organ of tho United States Church army (Episco pal), will be under the editorial super vision of General Hadley. I believe Piso's Cure is the only medi cine that will cure consumption. Anna M. Ross, Williamsport, Pa., Nov. 12, '95. The speech of the aborigines of Africa rhxnges with almost every generation. It is said that the Sanscrit language contains 16 vowels and 34 consonants. The Zend is said to have bt en thff ancient language of Bactriana, and aleo of Zoroaster and the fire worshipers of i Persia. CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS eonntlpatlon. Canearets are tlie IdeotLaxa- rln or urine, but ransn enavnntNi-ulrr-u.Ifa. K.m. CO., Chicago, Montreal. Can., or New Tork. in. ALABASTINE. IT WONT RUB OFF. Wall Paper ia I nsanitary. KAf.HOMIWB IS TEMl'ORAkY, HOTH,it(JBM OFV AXD HCALKH. Is a pure, permanent and artistic wall-coating, ready for tha brush ty mixing in cold water. by Paint Dealers Everywhere. A also Alabastine V nine t his naner. A ALAllAHTlltK dirand iSapid i, Mich, r COMFORT TO CALIFORNIA. Every Thursday afternoon a-! toorlxt sleeping car for Den, ver, Salt Uke Cltv, Baa Kran-' ciaajo, and Lul Angeles leaves OnialiH and Lincoln via tha Burlington Route. It la carpeted, upholstered in rattan, hut upring eesls and backs and In provided with curtain, bedding, towelk.noap etc. An experienced excur ston conductor and a uni formed Pullman porter a company It through to the rscinc uoam. While neither anexnenslvelr Hnlahed noras line to look: at aa a palace sleeper, It la Jimt aa good to rids in. rteeoiid cla4 tli kets are honored and h. price of a berth, wide enough lor two, la only A. for a folder giving full par ticular, write to r. . 1,...-. i... v-.w CURE YOURSELF! Uae Ul( l for uuaatnMl diackarsea, IntauiaiaOaMU irrltatioaa or ulceratioaj Jffl?MU HIIUIM. 1 1 . . . I , . 0ftJ4 a " - ' mi, ana Dot SMTUia TH(EM OkCKICuCo, (at or itolfttnoua. or sa.l In alaln irimr. bf aiarrn. mimidV lit il.i...r3lN.(aarl,. Ciri .lai mt an reaaast. i5 n j J m g i I taaa I JL -f OaanaiM U r oisciri,o.r -n