The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 22, 1897, Image 2

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    Oartieon Journal
KO. D. Uo5, Editor nad Pr..
A teller ic a TV est Virginia ban!' has
Just jbrconded with $43,000. How he
happened to get ahead of the cashier U
not expmined.
At a huiL.TM Col. Ab. Ilamid neic
kt taken rank, but his re
cent performances certainly have been
"Jvt HUin?."
It has tx.-an demonstrated that a man
can live, OL 1 a week, but it still re
mains to be proved that he caa live
longer than the week.
If the Traiss-Mississippi Exposition
ever is held, St. Louis, by reason of her
eminent fitness for it, ought to repre
sent toe ": ince" pert of the show.
Bob Inersoll still insists, of course,
that there la no such place;'but did he
ever Uw in a rial when the Janitor had
(one on a strike and all the water pipes
were frozen?
A man named Virtue has been ar
rested In Xew York for larceny. Prob
ably somebody had tokl him that "vir
tue Is always rewarded," and he had
frown tired while waiting for It in that
ReT, D wight L. Moody says that he
"went to Boston with an earnest desire
to nave evrj single man in the place."
Does he o'.icede right at the outset that
the married, men In Boston are beyond
Beerbohm Tree eays that "in the or
chestra of life woman should not play
the trombone." If site Insists on play
ing the tromobn? It should be as a solo
tot. Domestically, the second fiddle is
about all she can handle successfully.
Poet Laureate Austin says that he
published bis recent book of poems "be
cause people were asking why he had
been so long silent." That is not a valid
excuse; mischief-makers always are
busily at work stirring up trouble for
Russian women are said to be the
most brilliant a "A accomplished in Eu
rope. They are great linguists, too.
At a swell function recently given in
Vienna the Princess Helene Gottsehof
skoskyposkovsky was the only one
present who could prononuce her own
A carious fraud has been exposed by
a showing made to Congress that quite
a number of works are brought Into
this country marked "copyright" when
they are ot copyrighted at all and have
never paid copyright duties. It Is
proposed to enact a law Imposing heavy
penalties for the fraudulent use of the
Commander Booth-Tucker announces
that the Salvation Army has a bureau
for tracing lost and missing friends,
thousands of whom are found every
year. The army Is specially able to
deal with these matters because it has
agents throughout the world. No charge
Is made save for kKtage. Letters
should be addressed: Inquiry Depart
ment, No. 122 West Fourteenth street,
New York.
Gen. Miles, commanding the United
States army, suggested in his annual
report that the nural strength of
the regular army be made and kept at
the ratio of one soldier to every 2,000
Inhabitants of the republic. That pro
portion would make its numbers at the
present time about 35,000 men. which
would be a s joaHir ratio to the popula
tion than !t was at the time when the
army's strength was fixed at 25,000.
Identification lies along many lines,
and forgeries of manner and speech are
as patent as those of handwriting. At
a recent convention In Edinburgh a
speaker attributed to Gladstone the
. saying that a speech which rends well
"must be a very bad speech." "No,"
replied Lord Rosebery. "Fox said that,
and I can prove It Fox said not very,
bat a word beginning with d, and I am
sure 70a will agree with me that this
t f the category of human possibilities."
' The Mayor of a village iu Brittany
recently resigned rather than officiate
a the marriage of a divorced man. The
assistant Mayor and four Municipal
CaaacUoai were asked In turn to per
Cn the ceremony, and, rather than
Cryly, resigned one after the other.
TZt Sub-Prefect of the district refuses
t) accept the resignations, the disap
f :iated bridegroom has sued the recal
CiOnt officers for 10,000 francs dam
'ff.jss and six francs for every day be
v'7-ralna unmarried, and the District
' ttaey threatens to prosecute them
AxU of the State.
Ti tying railroad trip made by the
;reT father to the bedside of his
rJ turn w'U be historic In railroad
Vi a ad would aot be an -nnflt sub
VtX a poem. It we a strange com
a ef parental affection and me
"rJ power that brought about toe
trteX trip irf 1.025 miles la
' i 'JXXm. TKy s never been
2 '.'Z9 a4 cay ever be a gala.
o tt j-oonwy was mads,
'' it C Pmm was far oa
nWj .tVCM from
etaavbsr la
J tZM various
" ii tz la It a
1. tit r-J
speed to lw mnlnta itn 1 fur more tlirni
a thousand niibw. t nt th ri-t:'st nunv
-r of jK-rHiiiis tf-ogn'e it as :i line
I just ration of p:m;tal love ml will
f eel a ene of j.i-i ...jiial Morrow t hat the
long journey wa nade hi vain.
The latest discovery, or rather latest
theory, iu wcieuce that of biaiu waves
was described in the presidential ad
dress iMivercd to the Britsh Society
for Psychical Research by Prof. Will
iam Crookes. He entered, before
launching his theory, upon an elaltorate
calculation as to rbe vibrations which
produce sound and light. Then h ap
plied a similar law to the subject of
thought transference, and suggested
that It was quite conceivable that the
intense thought concentrated by one :
person upon another, with whom he is ;
in close sympathy, should induce a tel-:
epathie chain along which brain waves
should go straight to their goal without
lss of energy due to distance. j
Political "science," often of an in- j
geulous sort, is used in choosing the j
sites of the capitals; but Brazil has now i
i employed natural science for the pur-1
j pose. Rio de Janeiro being unhealthy, j
the Brazilian government appointed a ;
commission of scientists to select a lo- :
cation suitable for a new capital. The j
commission has fixed upon a plateau j
four thousand feet above the sea-leveL j
The distance by rail from the coast Is '
said to be eighteen hours. No yellow !
fever invades the spot, and other condi- j
tlons favorable to health are reported, i
The Popular Science News says that !
this is believed to be the first occasion j
on record In which science has been
called In to choose the site of a capital.
Bad air and bad legislation have doubt-1
less been associated, more than once, '
as cause and effect. I
The bicycle baggage question has
reached France, and has been settled
with a neatness and dispatch which
will be the envy of the wheelmen in
America, who have to besiege one Leg
islature after another to secure the
privileges they deem themselves enti
tled to. The Minister of Public Works
has simply issued a note of warning
to the railroad companies, directing
them to remove from their schedules
of rates all mention of bicycles. Bicy
cles are baggage, he goes on to say, and
there should be nothing to mislead the
traveling public into thinking there 's
anything to pay for transporting tbetn I
more than other baggage. This action
Is due primarily to the discussion of i
the subject by the Touring Club de
France, an organization that corre
sponds, in a measure, to the League of
American Wheelmen. It is also right
to say, however, that the majority of
the French railroads have been far
sighted enough not to oppose thi
Nine miles east of Uniontown, Va.,
on the north side of the old National
turnpike, in a field belonging to the es
tate formerly in the possession of
James Dickson, is the grave of Brad
dock, which is still well cared for and
tended. Pious hands guard and deck
the resting place of the gallant but un
fortunate warrior, who, here amid the
wilderness, fell to sleep, his final ac
tion, though of bravery without stain,
linking bis name forever with calamity.
The grave Is protected by a fence and
surrounded with trees, some of them
brought from his native country and
planted there. There are an English
elm, two English larches, two N'orwsfy
spruces and a willow from one of those
growing above the grave of Napoleou
at St. Helena, and there are also sev
eral varieties of American shrubbery.
It Is in better keeping than the graves
of the great majority of our revolu
tionary heroes more shprrie to us and
the hands of those stretched out to pro
tect and adorn it hare been not only
the bringers but the carriers forth of
One of the most interesting events in
thehistoryof the pretty city of Toronto,
Canada, will occur next summer. On
Aug. 18 the meeting of the British As
sociation for the Advancement of Sci
ence will begin In that city, and prep
arations for the event are already un- j
der way. The sum of 5,700 for ex
penses has been guaranteed by the city
and the Dominion and Provincial Gov
ernments, and a number of receptions
and excursions are being arranged for
the members. In fact, if they should
accept all the hospitalities that will be
offered to them, they would have little
time to devote to the meetings, which
are to be held In the lecture-rooms of
the University of Toronto and the
School of Practical Science. The meet
ing of this famous body of scientists on
the American continent will be appro
priately noted by kindted American so
cieties. Many of the' members of the
American association, which will meet
in Detroit on Aug. 9, will attend It, as
will also delegations from other bodies.
In this way the meeting will do much I
to promote that catholicity of Impulse '
and purpose which Is coming so largely
to prevail among men of science.
A Preaklsh Raw
Ex-Councilman William Chaffln, of
Huntington, W. Va., hai a great curi
osity which he was exhibiting at bis
place of business recently. It was taken
from a ben's egg. H Is a solid sub
stance, almost exactly the form of a
fish, having the head fairly well form
ed and the eye almost to perfection.
The thing is about two sr.d one-halt
Inches In length and la proportioned
about as the ordinary pike fish. It Is
earefolly preserved (n alcohol and Is
exciting no small degree of curiosity.
Aa Oslisi CtMirsrtlM.
"Hattf H2t says that the age of
cbtralry kat passed."
7 raaaa ska bmmu aba has passed
xzm i we as may ex peer asjr,
J '. ,
Child Stilly a Meana Katber than an
End -Advantage of the Kinder
Kartell Hint to Yon an Teschera
How to Ktat Educational Notea.
Child Htni.
Ttie 1 eachers' Institute, In the follow
ing sensible paragraph, emphasizes the
fact that "child study" is a means rath
er than an end. It says: The gravest
danger of the present widespread luter
est in "scientific" child study Is that
teachers are apt to regard the school
as a laboratory for enriching their
knowledge of children an.I of child ua
ture, instead of attending to the enrich
ment of the minds of their pupils. It Is
all very well to say that the child can
not be well taught until his mental,
moral, and physical make-up Is well un
derstood. But this trying to get better
acquainted must not consume too much
time. First, it ought to be presupposed
that a person who is appointed as teach
er is already acquainted with the char
acteristics of child nature in a general
way and is capable of readily diagnos
ing individualities of children, just as a
licensed physician is supposed to be
able to give a diagnosis of the physical
condition. Secondly, every teacher
ought to have a plan of incidentally
gathering the additional olservations
necessary to form a correct Judgment
of the peculiarities noticeable in some
pupils. After school hours these inci
dentally collected data may lie entered
in a special lxok kept for iurjses of
gradually obtaining a record of the
educational progress and peculiar needs
of the- various pupils. Child study
must not le made an end in itself, so
far as the teacher Is concerned. It is
only one means of learning how best to
educate a child. How can I best pro
mote the educational growth of the
children? This is the question. The
scientists who wish to work out a new
psychology of childhood grand as their
object is must not be permitted to
substitute their object Tor that for
which the school are founded and
maintained-the education of our fu
ture citizens. Educational Record.
Kindergarten (raining.
I favor with all my heart child train
ing, but I believe the kindergarten the
place, par excellence, for the practice
of it, says a writer in the Housekeeper.
I can give all my carefully considered
reasons, and I am prepared to speak
from experience. No such thing was
known when I fitted my oldest children
for school. This I could and did do at
home, but the one thing I could not do
was to give them the habit of sitting
still, for short periods at a time, and
this, to an active child, is the one great
hardship of the first w eeks of school.
The active little body that has had 8ve
or ten years of freedom suffers Intense
ly when compelled to sit upright and
keep quiet, as a scholar must do In an
ordinary school.
This Is one of the great benefits the
child receives from a kindergarten
training. He is taught to sit erect In
his cute baby chair, with folded arms,
for an instant at a time, and it is a
pleasure for him to do so. Then, prob
ably, he is called into line, and march
ed promptly around, to brisk music,
Just about as long as it Is good for him,
and then, likely as not, he is set weav
ing bright strips of paper. Not when
he is so restless that every little mus
cle In him aches to move, but when he
is so good and tired that he enjoys sit
ting still to weave.
In this way does the child uncon
sciously form the habit of sitting quite
still at times, forms the habit of repose,
In hands and feet as well as body. This
once acquired adds more to the child's
comfort than the knowledge of the
multiplication table. I was one of the
active little ones, kept at home from
the contaminating Influences until I
was 8 years old, and I shall never for
get the "terms" of misery I suffered,
trying to keep still, duriug my first
school years.
To understand how to rest is of more
Importance than to know how to work.
The latter can be learned easily; the
former it takes years to learn, and
some people never learn the art of rest
ing. It Is simply a change of scenes
and activities. Loafing may not be
resting. Sleeping is not always rest
ing. Sitting down for days with noth
ing to do Is not restful. A change Is
needed to bring Into play a different set
of faculties, and to turn the life Into a
new channel. The man who works
hard, finds his best rest in playing
hard. The man who Is burdened with
care, finds relief In something that Is
active, yet free from responsibility.
Above all, keep good natured, and don't
abuse your ItesJ friend the stomach.
W ritten Work.
Written work will call out qualities
which could not be revealed by "viva
voce" questions. The oral examina
tion Is good for Intellectual stimulus,
for bracing up the student to rapid and
prompt action; for deftness and bright
ness. But oral answers are necessarily
dUcontlnuoun and fragmentary. The
pupil receives help and suggestion pt
every moment from the play of the
teacher's countenance, from the an
swers given by his fellows. Whatever
of unity and sequence there is In the
treatment of the work Is the teacher's
work, not the pupil's; and until you
subject blm to the test of writing, you
have no security that he has grasped
the subject as a whole, or that he is
master of the links that bind one purl
of that subject to another. Fitch's
Rrrakla-r Down.
People break dowd. out so much from
bard work as from their mental atti
taja toward txstr eorapatioa, or from
fome oilier nuwholesotnt sIKte Induce'
by environment. If you live vi
work, mid understand the higher
of being so as to draw n constant Mti
ply of strength you can lalmr tintlrin::
ly. If you are engaged In work dis
tasteful to you, cither chauge your bus
iness or change jour attitude toward it.
If you cannot fc-nlue your Ideal, you
can Idealize your real, says a preacher
who is also a philosopher.
Uinta to Teachers. J
Do not assume prerogatives which do
not belong to you. j
Do not take a jiositlou for which you
are not competent. j
Receive their direction as from those
who have the right
Assume that In fact they conform to
the will of the people.
Do not try to be a radical reformer
unless j'ou are very young.
If you must turn things upside down,
resign and take to lecturing.
Remember that the school loards
officially represent the people.
Do not forget that yon are Hired to
serve the people, not to reform them.
Recognize that school boards have
rights which you are itouud to respect.
As long as you remain In their em
ploy perform the duties they require of
Do not try to enforce opinions in
which you are not seconded by the
Show yourself able and willing to do
what you want done, and they will
rarely fall to do what you want done.
Elevate public sentiment by long
continued, quiet, effective work, but do
not attempt It by loud talk or tiashy
If you really know how to direct the
ifi'..irs of the school lcU'3r than they
do, they will recognize the fact, if you
give them time.
If the directors will not sustain you
lu those measures which are absolutely
essential to your success shake the
dust of their vicinity from jour feet as
soon as possible. Miuuehalia Teacher.
York, Pa., Is to have a new high
school, which Is to cost $100,000.
Of the 303 students enrolled at La
fayette College, fifty are preparing to
become teachers.
In Greece teachers are superannua
ted after twenty-one years of service,
regardless of age.
The University of Paris has 270 law
students and S.175 medical students;
of the tatter, 154 are women
In Spain there are 22,080 elementary
schools. The salary of the teacher
ranges from $25 to $i00 per annum.
Cornell University has l.TO-'l students
enrolled. The faculty numbers 175,
ten new Instructors having Ikhmi ap
pointed. Several editions of Virgil, valued at
$50,000, have been presented to the
IMuceton Library Association by Jun
ius S. Morgan, of New York.
In the Southern States th;rc are thirty-two
colleges and 102 schools of n
high grade devoted to the advauctd
education of the negro race.
Out of 000 students at Armour In
stitute, Chicago, more than 450 arc
women, eager to learn housework as an
art and do away with drudgery. Here
are taught different branches of the
domestic arts as a profession; milli
nery, dressmaking, plain sewing, pro
fessional nursing, home nursing, etc.
Graduates have been known to cook
their own wedding breakr.'tsu and
many have made their own wedding
Remedy for Freckles.
Surgeon-Major Wrafter, In a letter to
the Calcutta Medical Reporter, says a
question has lately been asked there
of a wash or remedy to remove freckles
from a child's face something simple
and harmless, It being for a tender
As the term Implies, ephelis, or
freckles, are pigmentary spots, seated
In the reteniucosum, usually met with
on the face and backs of the hands In
children having red hair and a deli
cate skin, and are, without question,
produced from prolonged exposure to
the rays of the sun In hot weather, as
common experience declares; but it Is
evident that the solar influence must
act upon a susceptible skin. They vary
In size from a pin's head to a lentil,
and are of a brown color; they become
darker during the summer, but do not
usually disappear entirely In the win
ter months. They are of no pathologi
cal Importance, and can scarcely Ik;
mistaken for any other cutaneous affec
tion. The following Is n perfectly harmless
preparation for removing freckles of
the skin:
Take two ounce of lemon juice, half
a drachm of powdered borax, and one
drachm of white sugar. Mix them,
and let them stand a few days In a
glass-stoppered bottle till the liquor Is
fit for use; then rub It on the hands and
face occasionally.
How Plants Iireathe.
One of the prettiest microscopical
studies Is the examination of tbe lungs
of a plant. Most people do not know
that a plant has lungs, ami its lungs '
are In IU leaves. Examined through a '
high-power microscope, cery leaf will j
show thousands upcj thousand of !
openings, Infinitely small, of course, j
bat each provided with lips which, lu '
many species, are continually oenlng
and closing. These openings lead to
tiny cavities In the body of the leaf, '
and by the opening and closing of the
cavity, air Is constantly passing In and
out, so that the act o respb a Ion is con
tinually going on, and the ap of the
plant In this way becomes purified.
B n . - ft. nA.
' The election winnings of a Madison,
Ry., man a hat and a butcher knife
were exchanged for a horse, and the
bona be sold biter for 11.00.
It Khona tbe I Iter PoMiahneaa of
Me! ti m at Anr Time.
The thought of getting money with
out work U so generally attractive, and
bet:liig on a horse-race seems such au
easy way of accomplishing it, thut tljott
ianOs of readers tudy the morning
paicrs for "tips" on races In other
Words, for advice as to the be-it horse
on which to bet.
The New York morning dailies de
vote more attention to this feature,
and spend more money in the effort to
get "reliable tips" than the pajers of
any other American city, for there are
more race-tracks near New York, and
presumably, more of those people who
recklesjily part with their money.
These papers employ reporters who
spend nearly all their time at the race
tracks, or in the company of grooms,
Jockeys, trainers and horse-owners.
These reiorters know the pedigree and
repord of every horse "on the turf."
They keep, from year to year, books
of careful memoranda, in which is re
corded the performance of each animal;
and from this wide experience and this
store of Information they compile their
"tips," or advice to betters. It may be
supposed, then, that these turf report
ers are able to show their readers with
much certainty how to "pick a winner."
But, oddly enough, the turf reporters
do not agree! The horses named as
"probable winners" by the eight New
York morning papers of any given date
are never the same.
The New York Evening Sun, at the
opening of the racing season last
spring, began a systematic study of
"tljw," with a view to finding out how
much they were to be relied upon. The
plan adopted was this:
A series of tables was made, etc for
each of the eight morning pap"rs which
printed "tips." In each table were set
down every day the native of the hors
es selected by the corresponding paper
as "probable winners" in that day's
races. ' Every evening, when the races
were finished, an entry was made on
each table of the gain or loss a reader
would have sustained If he had bet fif
teen dollars on each horse advocated
by the paper which that table repre
sented. These tables were accurately kept for
three months. When the racing sea
son ended and the sheets were balanc
ed, an Interesting discovery came to
It Is not necessary to name here the
papers from which the "tips" were
taken. They may be called The Star,
The Galaxy, The Probe, The Dial, The
Messenger, The Augur, The Morning
Trumpet and The Daily Drool. But
every one of these names represents
an actual paper, and everything here
related is fact
The Evening Sun found that If a
reader had bet fifteen dollars every
day for three months on each horse
advocated by The Star, be would have
lost nine hundred and thirty-three dol
lars. By following the advice of The
Galaxy he would have lot seven hun
dred and fifty-one dollars; by The
Probe, five hundred and ninety-seven
dollars; The Dial, five hundred and
ninety-one dollars; Tbe Messenger, four
hundred and forty-two dollars; The
Augur, four hundred and ninety-six
dollars; The Morning Trumpet, seven
hundred and thirty-eight dollars, and
The Dally Drool, one hundred and
eighty-three dollars.
Could the folly of betting be more
clearly demonstrated? Not a single pa
per was able to give such advice as
would save a reader from loss who
followed that advice. Leaving morals
out of the question, and looking at bet
ting from tbe selfishly practical point
of view, what Inducement does It of
fer? If the turf reporters who have studied
horses for years, and know every ani
mal, and who haunt the track by day,
and herd with jockeys and stable-boys
at night, for the sake of getting the
most reliable information If these men
are unable to "pick winners," what Is
likely to be the fate of the Inexperi
enced young clerk or salesman who
risks hard-earned money In the attempt
to get something for nothing? Youth's
The Henator's Striped Underwear.
A Western Senator, who has always
been addicted to the habit of wearing
striped underwear, had a narrow es
cape recently on that very account. The
striped underwear worn by the distin
guished Senator looked for all the
world like a prisoner's garb, but of
course that aspect of the case did not
suggest Itself to the Senator. While
en route to Washington last month, af
ter he had leen re-elected for another
six years, the fact came to him In a
striking way. It was on a sleeping car
at night The car pitched and threw
him out of the lower berth onto the
floor, clad In his striped underwear. .
The lurch of the car startled other
folks, too. and two ladles on tbe oppo
site side from the Senator stuck their
heads out to see what the commotion
was all about. When they saw the
Senator crawling under cover, lu his
striped garb, thinking he was an es
cacd convict, they screamed and pan
demonium reigned. The porter was
summoned, whereupon the ladles com
manded him to remove the "onvlct."
It took all the "Senatorial courtesy"
the Senator could rnke up to prove an
nlibl, and he was finally able to demon
strate who be was; but he has since
abandoned the Idea of wearing striped
underwear, having reached the concln
slon that plain flannels without stripes
are much better and far safer. Wash
ington Post.
Uncle Ham's Boandsry Line.
Do any of our people ever query how
he dividing line between the United
States and the Tfcxnlnlou of Canada Is
marked, sod bow travelers In those
wild regions northwest of the Great
lakes caa tail wuea they step from th
domains of Uncle Sam into the of
Queen Victoria? For ii.m.v years the
qtiixtion of boundary Is-twecn the
United States and the possessions of
Givflt Britain wen discussed.' and at
la-t. in the convention of Iot)don. held
In 1H1H, the forty-ninth parallel of north
latitude was decided upon. A parallel
of latitude, however, being au Imagin
ary line, it is a very poor guide to a
'raveler. so the next thing to do was
10 mark that line so that all who imssod
that way tihould know where It was
Accordingly the country in that vicin
ity was surveyed, and monuments were
net up at even mile intervals, the Brit
ish placiug one between every two of
ours. These extend to the Ijike of the
Woods from the Rocky Mountains.
Where the line enters forest, the timber
Is cut down and the ground cleared a
rod wide; where it cross, small lakes
stone cairns lmve been built, sometimes
being eighteen feet under water and
eight alKve; In other places, earth
mounds, seven by fourteeu feet, have
been built. Tbe most of these monu
ments, which number three hundred'
and eighty-eight in all, are of iron. It
was found tliat the most solid wooden
posts were not proof against the rava
ges of the Indians, pr.Hrle fires, and the
weather, so that nothing but iron would
These pillars are hollow iron castings,
fitted over solid cedar posts, and wll
bolted through, and are sunk four feet
In the ground. They are eight feet
high, eight inches square at the lwtse,
and four at the top, and uion opposite
id, facing north and south, are the
inscriptions cast In letters two inches
high: "Convention of London" and
"October 20, 1818." The pillars weigh
two hundred and eighty-five pounds
each, and were made at Detroit, Mich.
So you see Uncle Sam's Itorder line Is
very distinctly marked all the way
from the lakes to the summit of the
Rocky Mountains.
"Glamour," a novel by Miss Meta
Orred, Is shortly to be published. It
was Miss Orred who wrote the much
sung song, "In the Gloaming,"
Prof. James T. Hatfield of North
western University was the orator of
the occasion at the birthday celebration
In honor of James Russell iowell held
last week by American students In Ber
lin. The startling statement is made that
several of Ian Maclaren's stories are to
bo published in the Revue des Deux
Mondes In French. But Ian Maclaren
in French, it Is feared, is doomed to
Robert Buchanan Is about to Issue
two volumes of his poems from bis own
publishing house In loudon. They are
entitled: "The Ballad of Mary, the
Mother: A Christmas Carol," and
"The New Rome: Ballads and Poema
of Our Empire."
In a revnt number of What to Eat
the Chicago art critic. Miss Isabel Mc
Dougal, has an article on "A Wedding
Feast In Brittany." The Chicago chem
ist. Prof. Kaufmami, also has one on
"The Necessity of Eating"; It now only
remains for him to explain how to be
sure of always getting the necessary
things to eat
C. D. Gibson, tbe artist, says, in his
article on "Ixiudou Audiences" in Scrlb
ner's: "Nowhere is caste more notice
able than In a Ixmdon audience, A
little board fence divides the ground
floor of a theater Into orchestra stalls
and a pit. It would cost you 10 shil
lings less and your social ioltlon to sit
on the wrong side of this fence. It
does not follow that sitting on the
right side of It assures your iosltion."
Some interesting library finds have
just been made In Marsh's Library at
Dublin one of the oldest libraries In
tbe United Kingdom. The most curi
ous discovery Is that of the Indulgence
granted by Cardinal Wolsey to all who
would contribute alms toward the com
pletion' of Hereford Cathedral. It la
similar to the one grunted in connec
tion with the rebuilding of St. Peter's
at Rome, which caused Lutber'e protest
against papal authority.
The uew Congressional Library to
Washington has been completed within
the time limit and at a cost of only d&
cents a cubic foot. Including decora
tions. The cost of the gigatyjc munld
pul building lo Philadelphia, which was
Is-gtin in 1872 and is only now being
completed, lias already cost $1.00 a
cubic foot. In the March Century the
library will be described by the librar
ian. A. It. Spofford, while Wlliam A.
Collin, the art critic, will write of the
decorations. There will Ih twenty-six
Illustrations In the two articles.
Millionaires have at length become so
plenty that Hubert Howe Bancroft has
gotten up a look exclusively for them.
In costliness "Tt,e Book of Wealth" Is
prolwbly without peer or precedent.
The preparation and publication of the
work are said to have cost nearly
$1,000,00, and only 400 copies are to lie
printed for the world's Four Hundred.
Tbe cheaper edition will cost you Just
on even $1,000, but If you went the one
bound In watered silk, hand painted by
a famous artist, you will have to make
out your check for $2,500. It la said
that two-thirds of each edition Is al
ready subscrilM'd for, the greater part
going to European co-.rts. A dossil
Xew York mllllonnlres are on tbe list,
and among the Chicago subscribers are
alt Illglnbotham, Mr, Higrloson and
Mrs. Potter Palmer.
The women do their danctog when
they accept Invitations to rccvptloua,
and pay the fiddler when they gty