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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1897)
fie WMderfkl Kifa-KiTa Sknb. A Haw BotMleal DUooTesrjr . Of Special Interact to Suffarwra from SImum of tha Kidney or Blad Amr Rhaumatlam, to A Bleaalng to Humanity. A Frt Gift of Gnat ViIm to Yon. Oar reader wilt be glad to know tbti the new botanical discovery, Alkavis, from the wonderful Kava-Kava shrub ha proved an assured cure for all dis eases causco ttj ltic acid iu tre blood, or bv disordered action of tbe Kidney or urinary organs. Tta K-va Kava Pbrub, or as butatiihU all it Piter Meths- ttcum grows on tbe btnksil the Carpel river, test India, TitrKavs-K ivt Shscs and probably was .(Piper Mc.hyticumi U!ffl for centuries by tbe natives before its extraordinary properties became known to civilization through Christian miss'ioraries. In this respect it resemblta C-- discovery of quinine from the peruvian bark, made known by tbe Indians to ti e early Jesuit r-is .i ii aries in outh America, u iJ by vliein t fittrbt to civiliz' d man. It is a wonderful .itscovery, viih a rec ord of 1 200 hospital cures in y-days. It acts directly upon tbe blood and kid neys, and is a true specific, just as qui nineisin malaria. We have tbe sttorg est testimony of many ministers ot the gospel, well known doctors and t men cured by Alkavis, when all other remedies had failed. Id the New York H rrkh World ot Sept. 10lh, the testimony of Rev. W. B Moore I) U., of Washington, l. C. was given drsrriblng hit years of suffering from Kidney disca-e and Rheumatism, and his rapid cure trr Alkovia. ftev. Thomas Smith, the Methodist miniMer at CoMen. Illinois, passed pearly one hundred (Travel atones after two weeks' us of Alkavis vev John H Watson, ofKunftet.Texss.s minister 01 thegosnel of thirty yeara' service, was trurk down at nia txnt of duty by Kidney disease. After hovering between life and death for two ninths, and all his doctors having failed, he look Alkavi. and was completely restored to health and strength, and Is ful' lling his duties as sninfsterof thegospet. Mr RC.Uood a prom inent ettorney of Lowell. Indiana waa cured of Bbeumatlsrn. Kidney and BlafMei disease of ten yeara etanding, by Alkavis. Mr Wood describes aitnaelf aa being in ronatant misery, often corns pel led to rise ten timea during the night on account of weakness of the bladder, fie las treated by all hia home physicians without! he leant benefit and finally completely cured 1 a few weeks by Alkavis. The testimony la tyi doubted and reallv wonderful. Mra fames Young, of Kent, Ohio, writes that she had tried six doctors In vain, that shews about to give up in despair, when she found AUavfs and was promptly cured of kidney disease and restored to health. Many other ladies a'so testify to the wonderful curative powers of Alkavis in the various disorders peculiar to womanhood. So far tbe Chinch Kidney Cure Com pany, No. 410 Fonrth. Avenue. New York, are the only importers of this new r-medy, and they sre so anxious to prove ;ts valuethat fortbesnke of intro duction they will send a free treatment of Alltnvis prepaid by mail to every reader of this paper wbo is a Sufferer from any form of Kidney or Bladder disorder, Bright's Iiseue, Rheuma tism, Dropsy, flravel. Pain in Park, Female Complaints, or other affliction doe to improper srtion of th Kidneys or Urinary Organs. We advise all Suf erers to send their names and address to the company, and receive tbe Alkavis (free. It is sent to von entirely free to prove its wonderful curative powuf A Correct l-.n "Who are you, may I inquire?" asked the man who baa difficulty in keeping track of his indebtedness. "I'm a bill collector," replied the af fable youth. "YounK man, I wish that you would be mora precise in your uw of language You may have Wen a b II collector now and then, and you may be a bill collector on occasions to tome, l'.ul at this im mediate juncture I reeret to inform you theapiwllaiinn is an i-gtPiM'ms misnomer lbt)3. IV. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE IN THE WORLD for I rwrs this shoe, by mant aione, baa alatancad all coanpatluira. Inaoraad by over 1 ,000.000 wearers as the beat In air la. St and durability of aag aboa varoOarifd at 113 00 itja mad In all lb. L ATTJBT Slf APM and aTTTLg sad of avary variety of laathar. Ona dsalaa- In a uwn slvan aaoluaiva sals and sdvartlaad la local paper so receipt at raaaonaUla order. Mr" Write far eatalosiua to W. I. DOUOLAS. irockton, Sfaaa. saaHiwiaiiaiiaiaiiMaMaiaiiaMsiiaiiaisBisiiaiiaaiai.awaw ASTHMA TOEat If fun fr from ant form of Aathm vlll (s4 r'H Wrmm hw mmil. trH.J, l.tvrit i'm f til Kw African Kola I'Ium f ottipound It t Na tan's star Wtmmt- mr tor Avtbaia. It acta tkrtb tht IIimmI, anil nr faHi la (rt.ntral bn la Kuiupaan HoaaltaU It ha m rafordsxl Car 1a a) tlari. W amid U Frm for jDira4atlan, aatf m rota that it win ir rou. Tb Tbe 1 . a s .(Ms asasi ) '"':. d Best Rest. Test. Thar ant two kinds of sarsaparilla : Tho best and the teat The trouble la they look alike. And when ths rest dross Ilka tlia best who's to tell them apart T Well, "the tree la known by Its fruit," That's an old teat and a safe one. And the taller the tree the deeper the rout That's another test . What's the root, tho record of these ssrsapartllas t The one With the deepest root Is Ayer's. The one with the richest fruit; that, too, Is Ayer's. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has a recosl of half a century of cures ; a record of man medals and awards eulmlnatlng In tlio medal of the admitting Ayer's 8ars.iparilla as the best shot Its' doors against tho rest . That greater honor than tho medal, to bo the only Sarsaparilla admitted a si exhibit tit, the World's Pair. If you want to get the best sarsaparilla of your druggist, here's an infallible rules Ask for the best and you'll jot Ayer's. Ask for Ayer's and you'll get the best ' CILCED AP9.QM STrti;.iS. R-vw Oas Moths Dstas Haw Hay aJ Haas a. Tinjt object to b( rig fed to their iDuiher'g aijrua sirioKs," and wise uiotner (did theirs, says aa ex- ctiaiiye . . A woman Dear me bason her bands the iroiileuj brinnniK ur. three fallerles boys Thin w ntershe (ousted out Hand i'd e hr wjiih. iiitle fellows, a Christ inas present of a ready-made tobotf. gun slide. With this prene t she gavo them . two rules only two. t 1. No loy was to start down the 6lide until tr.e way was clear. i That to prevent pnyslcial Injury. I -'. So imy was to use au oath, any bad word, or i-lanif. j This to prevent mural Injury. The Uiy worked like I troopers, , batik i mi ti) the tra k a-id flooding it all, and part of the time the mother j was out there, shovel and hoe Id ; h.ttnl, worklut! witli them and dt- i rect in 4. The Hood i mk was crndiicterl almost daily iru'u the upjier li.ilh-KMiiii win- no, ami leaning our, or the same w.ndow 1 hue seen the mother mra n a"d auan. watcniiw if ail wnt, we.l. 1 hive seen her come out aranrii.' tho txiy. to wipe away tears, and to enliKartcn homo little fe.lovr didn't net his turn or was pitclie I o 1 into the hiiow. ' Once fa a while she dashed down the slide her. self, steered by some proud litt elad. r.ut whether she 1 'oast.Ini; wltb them, cimfo tlnir, directing them, or lean ik' out of the up stairs window, she Is there all the same In spirit and la uenre. There Is a great crowd of boys on that til ae out or school hours, and another matron on the sLreets'a d the jther day that Mrs. Kreeruan hau manured to e ither the rill raff of the neighliorhood. Hut Mrs. I-ree-man had her boys around her and she sa power with the 'TUT ia;T. ' Little girl, are en. co u raged to come to the slide and every buy Is put on his mettle by this devoted mother to treat the small Indies with ourtesy. That slide, in connection with o caslonal candy-pull and pop orn ngs n the kitchen, a an educator, a good Inveitment ow and ce wll onn slip away, but sbe Intends to have a low. Cat, ir constructed, o that tbe lx.ys can have a summer coast i safe ono, for the sliJe Is not very st en. All Dog. The yellow dog hn some very strong f nits, but they are all dog. London Call. Let the hotel clerks anjoy their dia monds; think of the noor Jokes the are compelled to stand from gueatsl The present King of (.reere, George 1, came to the throne in 1?S3, at the age of 17. The Greek flag is a white cross on a blue ground, the Bavarian colors and the Greek cro". King George of Greece is a brother of the Princess of Wales and of the mother of the Car of Kumia. The standing army o( Greece consists of 1,2W infantiy, 8,1 -JO cavulrv, 3,842 artillery, l.OSl) engineers and 3,400 officer. He Knew Too Much. A story is told in the India Ilttbhcr World of a meek-looking stranger, with a distinctly ministerial sir. who applied for permission to look over a large ruli ber factory. lie knew nothing at all about the rubber business, he said, and after a little hesitation he was ad mitted. The superintendent showed him ab ml In person, and the man's questions and comments seeuicd to come from the densest Ignorance. Finally, when the grtudlng-rootn was reached, he lingered a little, and asked, In a besltatiug way: "Couldn't I have a specimen of that curious stuff for tny cabinet?" "Certainly," replied the superintend ent, although It was a compound the secret of which was worth thousand! of dollars; "certainly, cut off as much as you wish." With eager step tbe visitor approach ed tbe roll of gum, took out his knlfa, wet tbe blade In hU mouth, and "Stop right where you are!" said th superintendent, laying a heavy hand upon the stranger. "You are a fraud and a thief. You didn't learn In a pul pit that a dry knife won't cut rubber.'' So ssylng, bn showed the Impostoi to the door, and tbe secret was still safe. 'I'm not here for my hen lth," remark ed the legislator, wltb a grin. "Nor for the health of the. community," replied the pel rata cKlaea. Hoaton Transcript Tbe Chicago World's Fair, which, . A LETTEIt TO WOMEN From Mr. Jsuns) Oonirau I?or seventeen years I hare suffered. Periods were so very painful that I would have to go to the doctor every month. Be said that I had an enlergemeutol the womb, and told my husband that I must undergo an operation, as I hi tumors in the womb, and it was a case of life or death. I was ope rated upon twice, but it did not seem to do me any good, it made me very weak. I was troubl with, the leu corrhara a great deal. I also suffer ed with the sick headache, vomiting spells, back ache all tbe time, terrible pain in my left side, chilis, loss of appetite, and could not sleep nights. After taking several bottles of Lydia E. l'iukham's Vegetable Cora pound, some Liver Tilts, and using your Sanative Wash, I recovered. I can eat well, and every one that sees me tells me I am a different per son. I can do all my own work, sleep well and feel well. I am growing stronger every day, and am able to go out and enjoy a walk and not feel all tired out when I return, as I used to. I doctored for sixteen years, and in all those years I did not feel as well as I do at the present time. I wish that every woman that is troubled as I was, would try that medicine. Oh! ft is so good to feel well, and it is all owing to Mrs. Pinkham's kind advice and medicine. Mrs. James Corrioan, 284 Center St, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Warming pang 1 containing perfume tre now used to heat the b da of guests it English country hou-eii. :ree Sample of a Wonderful Kidney Curs. Soderers from kidney and rheumatic Iroubles are mailed free a sample of the re frowned Kava-Kava Hbnib, poseBPd ol K-onderful medic.nul and curative qualities ind grown in the Ka-t (nilies, by address ing the Church Kidney Cure Co., 410 c'onrib ave., New York. An interesting tecount of this celebrated remedy, in an jllier column of this paper, will pay tbe reader well to peruse. Making a good seed bed for corn is iiaif the baitie. WliBf tjillout or matlee. eat a Casrarsl, candy car Uuruo. cute guaranteed, 10 . 23c You can tell a child tnailiie will hum, 'jut it can not understand what you iiean until it findout for itself. Plea remember that Oil-no's Sulphur Hnao presents 111 the advanlaa-4 of sulphur paths at a clu-sp rate. Hill's Ualr and Wliln. r Lite, black ur browu. 6oc There are always th reu present niien two of God's children meet. The legislative powered Ore ce is veet il in a single body, called thi Bon e rhe members are elected by the ptople tvery four yeara. Tbe present boundary limits of Greece were determined by an arrangement by Sreat Britain, France, Rufuia and Tur key July 21, 1S32. No part of Greece is forty miles from the sea. Catarrb Cannot be Cures with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they eannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you' must take in ternal remedies. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and acts directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physi-l cians in this conntry for years, and is a mgular prescription. It is composed ol the best tonics known, combined with the best blood pnrifien, acting directly on tbe mncous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of the two Ingrcdienta ia what pro duces Srjeh wonderfnl reunite rn earing Catarrh, fend for testimonials, free. K. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Props., Talsdo, 0. Sold by Druggists, price "5c. All that I kno about good luk or bad luk is this our good luk we attribute to our eh res. d nets, our bad luk we charge over to the ackount of somebody else. I err trr s loe bsi f rsavarsts, eaasw eeiaaruc, Ss aw Hear and sows I raiuutisr sasae. He who learns bi the experience ov others snd never lets others learn bi his, Is Just about as shrewd as men ever git to be in thlc worlr. Dsldness is often preceded or accompan ied by grayness of the hair. To prevent both bMuees ane grays ess. use Hall's Hair Renewer, an honest remedy. 1 am not certain whether the good or evil a man dus unintentionally konnts br not, but they may offset each other; who kan tell? Mrs. Wlaslnw's Bmrriiixa svsor tor child ren teethlnt softens the films, reduces InBass n ation, allavi pain, cures wind eollo. ate bottle If you lend money to a spendthrift, tbe chances are that yu will loss the principal and git nothing but abuse (or tbe interest. I never used so quick a cure as Piso's Cnre for Consumption. J. B. Palmer, Box U71, Seattle, Wash., Nov. 25, 1895. Hope is often compared to flowers, but reeds would be better. They are eter nally springing up in the way to bother the important business on hand. The only real sale advice to follow tt that kind which strengthens our own opinvuns. ' : The multitude prate those who are at the top ov tbe ladder without asking how they got thsre. . ' Everyone expects to be remembered after he Is dead, but very (aw kan truly tall (or what. ilPl I l i t I a a i .It l J CLOTH FROM CAT-TAIL. A New Use for the) H amble bat Pretty Water P'aat. Very few, probably, are aware that the fur, or vegetable down, of the cat tail l a marketable article, superior to feathers or cotton for many purposes. It Is not quite so valuable i,r useful as eiderdown, hut it approaches It very t loeu'ly, and Is cheaper thau any of the three. As a matter of fact, a great l 'any people are to-day usiu' articles covered with cat-tali product? who have uo idea where the mater jil comes from. It Is a vast exteut of country, com paratively speaking, from which the eat-tall i gathered. It comes from the swamps along tbe numerous creeks that put In from the Delaware Hay. from Morris Itiver to Cape May. The average amount gathered in the sea sou 1st a ton a day. The work of gathering and transporting if. and then weaving It into tbe many forms which it must lake before becoming-salable, consti tutes a considerable Industry. One of the most elaborate uses to1 which this material Js put Is that of covering sof.'ia. Very many of the sup posed plush-covered divans are really covered with a fabric of cat-tail. It wejrs better than the plush, and is In finitely cheaper. The same argument that applies to the Hjfa is applicable to the pillow. Very often, however, such pillows go by another name. Sofa pillows, also, are made of cat tail, because a pillow avowedly cov ered with cat-tail would probably be regarded with contempt. Call It Alas kan plush, however, or Shetland wool that bn leen treated by a new process, and It will sell readily enough, and give good satisfaction, too. The family album which graces the center table In tbe parlor of so many farm hoiaxca Is also In many Instances adorned with cat-tail covers, although tbe housewife cannot be cinv'n ed they ire not plush. She has doubtless iwtld almost a much n-s If they were what she supposes, and naturally she scoffs at any person who hiuts that he has been victimized. It Is Incoming a prevalent custom to v it-tall fur on tbe back of hand hiu tors and brushes, which have here tofore been backed with phwli. Some say that the substitute is really proving better than tbe original. The bead rest, too, seen on the i asy chair, Is often of cat-talland It Is none the lews com fortable for tht. Another article for which the cat-tail Is used Is the bed iiuilt. The eiderdown quilt Is au old-time article of luxury. The cat-tall quilt is every whit as com fortable, and coslM about otie-quai'lcr as much. In New Jersey, at least, the housewife fully appreciates the value of the cat-tall quill, however much her less well-informed sisters may scoff at the idea. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Moved to RaTer Place. While replenishing his linen at the men's furnishing department tbe fine looking old gentleman first chuckled and then indulged in hearty laughter. This called for an explanation and he gave It. "Pardon me, young iimn'" he said In bis old-school maimer, "but I never enter a place of this kind without recalling a bitter experience of my own of which I can now afford to see the ludicrous side. "I owe clerked for a big wholesale house In Philadelphia. When I told tho proprietor, who had shown a kindly In tentU lu me, that I had decided to go West and try to work up a business of my own, he advised me to make a trial In Hie Pennsylvania oil field, toward whlfli the first great rush had set In. lie would furnish the stock and I was to imy when I could. "My businefiB block was a long, low, narrow building of wood, hut I packet! It with tbe usual equipment of a cloth ing Htore and took in money with both amulet, for the mushroom village throng ed with speculators, well-borers, well blowers, engineers, surveyors, day la borers, gamblers and camp followers. I had visions of fabulous wealth when there broke loose the worst gang of thugs end robbers that ever defied the law. They burglarized my store three times in as many nights liefore 1 would believe that lightning utmck twice In the same place. Then I hired a watch man, weighted him down with revolir ers and started for the county seat to stir up the authorities. While I was away my watchman helped the gang loot tbe whole establishment and haul the plunder away In wagons. I could find Just three linen dusters and six cheap neckties. 1 packed them iu a shirt box, sent them to the sheriff, came to Detroit and prospered. "Detroit Free Tress. Corporal Gets His Gretchen. One evening lately the Emperor Will iam was walking before the barracks of the life guards at Berlin, without at tendance. A corporal recognized him and saluted him. The Emperor ap proached the man and said: "Why do you look so sad, Corporal?" The Corporal did not reply. The Em peror continued, rrmlllng, "You must certainly have some very great grief." "Vest, your Majesty," replied the Cor poral, "1 would marry my sweetheart, Gretchen, the daughter of our sergeant major, but he will not give his consent because I am not a sergeant." "And yon love her greatly?" asked William. "Oh, yes, very much Indeed." "Then you can go to your future father-ln-la w and tell him that the Kmperor has dominated, you sergeant." When the Corporal returned to bar racks he found on his bet! the distinct ive marks of his new rank, which the commander of the battalion had sent there by the Emperor's command. i The men who carry pistols are look ing for provocation and do not need protection. French w who may be hesr-' ou the other side f the asteri U Mine. A la A'iiiK- le'insile her delmt "tne time sg at the Opfra de Pa-is, am! i as j ut rem rnd fro a a ne ee-ful tour of Germany. Kuna,Au"tiiiand l.'oummb The Empreat Frederick is rapullyco'e. pletinz her p'ans for nnkin tt e d 6chloe at Krofib-rg in hi.'o--icil di i seam which she a ill present s s eif the town of K ronb r. It lei-. g re stored at great expense under hereupr vifion. and mi i.-M-nr s nri leadtbd. Mind this It makes uo btt: r L U U i Vi a-U 8 bi "bi M of tbe Muscles, Joints, and Hones is cured by AaVOaVWSAKe, -VAwS-VS"-- aafcJMssfcs4 Qandy cathartic . j 2i so is'lwVVlilHiiiiiiilni ii I i IPQflf TITFf V rTTIPINTFpn1- ran nm eaeoreinvtlpatlon. Casrarets are the Idrsi Ijisa ADjUbuluul UUHUHltlLCiU ,Tf. Rrlrr ffrip or sri,M;. but eanse easy natural results. Bim sis and beoklet free. id. STI'lfl.lNfl lirMV UV t o.. hir.-u-o. Montreal. Can..orNeir York. si;. The Nan who is Raising a Big Crop realizes that the harvest time is ahead. Meal farmin comprehends not only the growing of the tallest grain the most tons-to-the-acre of ban the best farming the farming; that pays must contemplate something more than this; for there is a harvest time, and just in proportion as a crop is saved successfully, speedily and economically, in just that proportion may be measured the Harvesting; Machines are the profit-bringing kind; they are built for long wear, hard work, light draft, and in short, to satisfy. There are other kinds that don't cost as much, but there's nothing cheaper than the best. McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, Chicago. The Light-Running McCormick Open Elevator Harvester, The I.ifrht-Ru nning McCormick New 4 Steel Mower, The I.ifrht-Runniiijj McCormick Vertical Corn Binder and 1 he Light-Running Post Yourself About WtTOifflffliiifflnmifflM Read the new Columbia Catalogue. Handsomest catalogue ever issued. Tells fully of Columbia and Hartford bicycles. Whether you buy the Columbia, the Hartford or any other bicycle, it will give you valuable and desirable information that every cyclist should know. Fully illus trated. Free by calling on any Columbia dealer ; by mail from us for one 2-cent stamp. fit Bicycles Hartfords. 75, 60, 50, 45 POPE MFG. CO. Hartford, Conn. Greatest Bicycle Factory In the World. More than 17 Acres of Floor Space. Branch House or dealer in almost every city and town. If Col umbia are not properly represented in your vicinity, let us know. "A Good Tale Will Bear Telling Twice." . Use Sapoliol a s a JvS6 see SAPOLIO Baker's ataot avr Walter Baker & Co. Ltd., Cstabfished in 1 780, at Dorchester Has. Has the well-known Yellow Label on the front of every package, and the trade-mark, "La Belle Chocolatiere," i on the back. NONE OTHER GENUINE. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. sWtM IIIMIHHIIH rapTTsaS Ctoost Use I loM bT Sen fa. f rhow cards are now g o. e-d a gela tine eolution miie 1 while I o ting vitk solution f alum and formal iehyde, avail chrome, tlum i nd asci t c a- i I may a so be added. The i trains! mixture is run tin to a si eet of glass pr-vioua!y coated with "x-ifall and f nrn-i'di byde, and when th te'atine I as heC'ime tncky the card, nio'e-fd with f-' aldehyde, is o'l d or ires-id noon it When dry t'i" irflrd is mo'irned on a hacking and removed fiom tbe g.a-s The yliized sur'ace r. q irm no varni-li n, and may b wa led ith na'm tr. difference. f Chronic, ccf Acute, or 1 1 S Inflammatory II ,Jm St evil . 5 bmm-y&. season s protit or loss. Mccormick Daisy Reaper tor sale everywhere. cycles STawomrp OF THE WORLD 100. TO ALL ftLIKC. Chocolate MlinimilllHHIIMIII Ml 'IK- TArr AHTHMAJLBtta. URCD """aCX?. fTII eiWV