The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 15, 1897, Image 2

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    Oarricon 3ournal.
mmO. P. CAMUM. I4IIMH fr-a.
Tfanhle for trusts over nails, billet
4 rail. auJ dow conies prospect
af grief o'er ore.
The charge la brought that Lyman J.
Gage wear a wis. but hi beautiful
whiskers have not yet been made the
victim if aault.
In mmi of the l.irire cities of Farm.
with smell In proportion. It U s.ild the ;
note Is required to furnish rapid trau
ait for 14.UKI microbes .111 tionr.
"Modjeska ui!Ik cow." announces
an exehauge, with pronounced enipha
i of large t.ajie 11 If ludSgimntly de
nying a report that she milked goat.
There Is a deal of surprise cir
culating aliout because Col. lugersoll
didn't abuse the churches In bin lust
lecture. I'erbapa he ban run out of
When twelve Jurymen declare a ui:in
guilty, and then petition the Judge for
clemency. It la difficult to understand
In which Instance they are acting with
In detailing four detectives to the
Bradley Martin ball and not a single j
fool-klller, the New York police show
that they have not accepted the ordi
nary 'rlesv of that function.
A gentleman residing In Maryland
calls attention to the fact that an apple
trust la making a profit of 2,000 per
cent The Iexow committee ought to
probe thla matter to the very core.
Preachers aeem bent upon denning
the Ideal paper, and there seems to be
reciprocity on the part of editors. Their
search after the Ideal minister knows
do rest, and denes the discouragement
of continued failure.
The English war office declares that
In the recent South African troubles
"every Kaffir killed cost $!Jti." The
Kaffir Is probably the most expensive
game ever hunted by a elvilir.ed nation
for Its own amusement.
The Brooklyn bookkeeper who con
fesses to having stolen $14,ou needn't
feel proud of it. There are plenty of 1
bigger thieves who don't think their
achievements worth mentioning, and.
Indeed, almost resent publicity.
The gentleman whom dath has re
moved from the Presidency of the
Pennsylvania road was drawing a year
ly salary of lloo.ouo. It was a large
mm, bnt hardly seems worth working
oneself Into the grave for, which was
precisely his achievement.
A Missouri girl promised her aged
father that ehe would not get married
during his lifetime If he would give
her a piano, la this she was wise as a
serpent, for doubtless as soon aa she
began to paw the Ivory the old man
would be ready and auxlous to shuttle,
off the remnant of his mortal coil.
The declination of General Gomes to
treat with General W'eyler will be gen
erally commended. Gome Is not only
a soldier but a gentleman of reputa
tion, and has a right to choose bis com
pany. Moreover, If the exigency of the
It nation suggest the feasibility of sul
Ide Gomes can select some pieasauter
Quite an animated controversy is go
ing on among sportsmen as to the rela
tive merits of one eye shooting and
two eye shooting, some hunters hold
ing that the proper way Is to keep both
optics open, while many expert close
the left eye. The women solved the
question long ago by shutting both
yea- . '
True originality cannot afford to lose
any of the treasures of past thought,
even though It may not always arrive
at the tame conclusions; while real rev
rence for the past finds Its best ex
pression, not In a servile Imitation, but
In the energetic use of the reason to ex
amine and sift and discriminate, adopt
ing all that Is good and true In the old,
ad uniting It with whs (ever of good
ness and truth the new has to offer.
Tba Spanish officials in Cuba appear
to be greatly elated over the fact that
"Gomes baa been forced into fnll re
treat" A few days ago they were ex
p rawing similar raptor bees use tbey
had Gomes la a position when be
couldn't retreat Tht retreat of Gomes
appears to be of the usual character,
ha waver. He baa gone around the en
atmja lines at some points, through the
Mm at others, and otherwise did the
talaga that Weyler said couldn't be
dsat. and Snallv crossed at his leisure
taw tracba that couldn't be crossed.
Taw controversy as to ibe kind of
rbate that swallowed Jonah Is at 111
stag waged wltb great acerbity In
Haw Tart. One ancient mariner wbo
bm arrived at the dignity of Justice
af taw peace sine be abandoned tba
brtay for loss exeltrajt pursuits on terra
Cnatt ft atta certa that it was not
list, right whale that Ingulfed tba
paw; an Ka maw. He is eqoaly sort
GJt M watt aat tba wrong whale, for
It fcb) splaAoa there was a tab mana
tMtwaf to eroVr wttb sfwrtatr d
MarsrsV far aWsrlatttlsa aaaaw
x smtf n nmSamttg a irupbtt r
: tM. Cha aMi ml Itary
tl awva.
rUL la due nuie be. Msjeety rev-elved I
the mlitens beautifully worked aud In
return wut tbe ,'ittle girl .utber pair;
tine fliled witb lire and the other with
Nm bns. together with a bote a fol
low: Tell inf. my dear child, which
you like thf Ik-si." The reply ran thus:
"Dearest num: Your lovely presents
have made me bd many tears. I'epa
took thf mittens with the rnoney; luy j
brother bad the bun boa.
The Atchison Globe says that a Mis
souri bridal couple the other day
marched to the altar to the tune of that
good old Methodist hymn. "Mistaken
Souls that Diva in of Wis." This seems
to have been fully a appropriate as
the selection made by an hlo old maid
who. after wandering about thla vale
of tears for nine year longer than the
average woman will acknowledge,
finally captured a hired man. who lutd
not been tu this country long enough to
become thoroughly acclimated, an 1
picked out for the wedding march the
hymn beginning: 'This Is the way I
long ha e sought and mourned ltecause
I found it not."
J'harles Burton carries the maJl daily,
except Sunday, between two towns
twenty miles up:trt, nt'elving for this
the munlmvnt reward f one cent a
year. It Is necessary for him to travel
forty wiles a day, or 12..VM mile dur
ing the year. The payments on star
routes are made quarterly, and the
question arises as to how I'ncle Sam
Is going to pay the quarter of a cent,
but the contractor will not likely sue
if the payments are postponed till the
last quarter, and then the Government
can forward the copper, which will be
in full. The worst part about the busi
ness in that Mr. Burton has the contract
for four years at the same rate. The
cause of the remarkably low price for
the contract la that Burton was deter
mined to have the route over an enemy
who was also a bidder, and besides he
had stag" and horses which hp had
been using for years for that purjKwe.
Stanford, Ky., Interior Journal.
A measure has passed the Territorial
Council of New Mexico providing that
"every sleeping car shall carry a fire
and burglar proof safe for the storng
of valuables while passing through this
Territory." Most people doubtless will
Imagine that this proposal I Intended
to protect passengers from the rapaci
ty of the porters, but the Inteutlon
eems to be to render the lot of the
train robber as precarious as possibl".
It has leen the distressing habit of
these Inconsiderate rohliers to wait un
til a train reached some lonely spot In
the Territory in the dead of night anil
then to force the Inmates of sleeping
cars to line up along the track while
their valuables were removed from the
car. Mnuy of the v!ctlm of this relief
agency have never become accustomed
to enduring the night air in such scant
attire, and their protests have resulted
finally in this remedial legislation. It
Is believed, doubtless, that by storing
all the valuables In the safes the pas
sengers win be permitted to sleep and
only theoafes will be removed.
Gen. Jo Shelby, who recently died at
his home In Missouri, was one of the
brave men of the Southern Confederacy
who burled his flag At the cle of the
war and had no desl;V to fight his bat
tles over again. There was never any
question of his valor. He proved it In
the Held time and time again; but when
the war was over and the bvxiff i
tweeq, North and South had been ( tie 1
by the arbitrament of arms. Gen. Shel
by felt It is his duty to become a good
citizen or the new l nlon. It tra his
motto and bin policy to let time wash
away the memory of the bitter strug
gle, and It was a matter of regret to
aim when he saw some of those who
had been in the service, with him adopt
a different policy, and one that could
do no g Mid. aud might do a vast
amount of harm. It Is related of Gen.
Shelby by hia son that the father made
It a rule not even to mention the war
or any of lu Incidents In his family,
rhe record he made during the war
was to his credit as a soldier, although
he fought against the L'nlon. It to the
more to bin credit that since the war
he had been so good a rltixeu of this re
united country.
.The naval demonstration off the har
bor of Charleston. 8. C, was under
taken to test the efficiency of the Beet
In establishing a blockade that could
not be penetrated unobserved by an
enemy. It appears to have beo a com
plete failure, with few extenuating cir
cumstances on which to hang "explana
tions," The torpedo boat Vesuvius
evaded searchllgtita and all the modern
appliances of science by which It was
expected ru presence would be detect
ed and ran the Morkada without giv
ing a hint that It was In tba vicinity.
As one report expressed It: "The fact
stands revealed o the world that the
Vesuvius on hostile Intent might easi
ly have blown up any of the most for
midable battleships In the fleet wltb
her dynamite guns or with a torpedo
outfit and If thla la possible for the
Vesuvius It will be mscb more so for
aae of the tiny and almost Invisible
torpedo boats not a third the slse of
the Vesuvius." The experience gain
ed, however, ought to be valuable to
the naval officers. It demonstrates
that bo reliance can be placed on the
present systssn of setting np block
ades. There post be a rev Won of
tthoda. It Is a very anpleasant rev
etatloo to had that wltb a little fog
ar greatest war vessels would be prac
tically at the merry of torpedo boats
as aooa as darkness fell. Bat It la well
that tba reveUUoa baa be ta made la
a aaaan encoanter. There Is plenty of
time for anklag the needful chaagea
the danger less serioat.
Bvery asaa beOerea that fee devotes
a gtaat deal af tataOgeat attteattoa to
Ma asark, while stlMa fJSir US
arw 1 is. r : 9 : v at 1 apx m a
Ark! tb din 1 brrsklng
Ail nullum wltb hop.
Artw! Its gins- la ri-spblng
To pagan taDils remote.
Our morning star thine bright!?
t'nllmnied bj earthly dm;
And tor fluarer of faith halb Uliwsomed,
'.Ntb ths shadow of the crwwi.
Orrllne yean have only added
To thi wraith of pvrtum awet,
WhW'h Ills fllo-ra devoutly
P.vur thla morning at Hla f-et.
And It odor floating upward
Thrmivb the clear, pulsating air.
Bran unto mir rlsnn Master.
All our worda of praiae and prayer.
He Is rls'i! f'hrlst Is risen!
Chant until the vaulted skies.
God a own vast wind-swept cathedral,
Hhall re-echo. "Ve shall rise,
Over sin and death victorious;
Every f-r forever s'nln;"
Christ Is rten: Hallelujh1
We may rle, !, through Ills name.
-Farm and KirenUle.
For several days
George and Bertha
had been acting
strangely. They met
often and whiH?red
together, and when
no one was looking
they darted off to the
barn and skulked in the cow mangers or
hid in the haymow, (luce they were seen
to peep mysteriously around tb corner
of the chicken coop, and that day at din
ner they looked at each other ami burst
out iRtighing in the most unaccountable
All this was very distressing to Frank
and Neil. In vain they tried to jcucks the
secret so carefully guarded by tbeir-brotb-
er and sister, and in vain ibey le'sHt t
be taken into partnership. But w hen they
found that George ami Bertha only grew
more mysterious ana skuikeo otiencr
shout the barn they laid their beads to
gether and decided to find out what the
excitement was all about.
So Frank watched George and Nell
watched Bertha. Toward evening Frank
beard George whisper something to Ber
tha about the haymow. That was enough.
Tbe moment the plotters were out of sight
be ran through the barn, climlied the steep
ladder to the loft, and, trembling with
excitement, stuffed himself into the hay.
drawing it well over his Hardly
had be concealed himself when George
and Bertha entered the barn. George bad
hia hat in his hand, and he was carrying
it with the greatest caution. They looked
all about to see that no one was watching.
and then they stealthily climbed the lad
der, chuckling to themselves. From his
place in the mow Frank saw them dis
tinctly. They crossed the loft, cautiously
climbed a little ladder on the other side,
and then both of tbera stooped over and
seemed to be examining the contacts of
tbe hat A moment later Bertha polled
a wisp of hay out of the mow and laid it
lightly over the place where they had
stood, and then the two plotters skulked
away. In hla eagerness to see everything
that took place Frank had thrust his bead
oat of the bay, and now, aa he drew it
suddenly back, the dost got In hia nos
trils, and is spite of sfl he could do s
sneete esrsped bin.
"What's tbstr exclaimed Bertha.
"Oh, that's one of the horses," said
George, and then they went oat
Frank wss down from the mow la a
moment. Then he ran swiftly into the
house and found Nell wandering about
trying to guess the great secret.
"Coene. come." whispered frank, exett
sdly. And be dragged Nell e ta a dark
corner of the woodshed and told her
breathlessly of what be had seen. Nell's
eyea grew big and she trembled w ith the
weight of the mystery.
"What shall we do?" she asked.
"Go out and find what they've got la
that hole," said Frank.
"Aren't you afraid 7 asked NeB, a lit
tle awed by tbe bolduess of the scheme.
"No," said Frank, although in his se
cret heart he admitted to himself that he
would much rather have aoase one with
him when he began exploration.
As soon as George .went out to do his
regular chorea and Bertha laase in ta
kelp her mother get supper. Frank sad
NeU set oat They climbed the steep lad
der to the mew and skulked across the
hay. It was growing dark aad their
hearts bat rapidly. Wh they reached
the bote Frank rsrrfnrjy parted the hay
aside and tKey peered tats K. ' '
"sfcasr exclaimed Sett.
"Kegs." reM-ted Frank.
"Tbey re hiding Faster eggs already,
snd it's tnore'n three weeka yet before
Faster is here."
Frank knew exactly n hot that meant.
Most boys and girls who live in the conn
try do. For every spring the young folks
snd v "f times tbe old folk, too, legin 1o
board t ,gs, hiding them sway to see who
v' 1 1 ave the greatest store when Faster
.-es. They are concealed in all sorts
of plsces, and sometimes a boy or girl
Vgins the work a month or more before
hand in order to get a good supply ahead.
And it is a rule tbst if any one of the
young egg misers buds another's store be
may take it for bis own..
So it wasn't a moment after Frank and
Nell made their great discovery before
Nell had filled her apron with eggs and
Frank wss leading tbe ay to a new
hiding place. They knew that they must
Ik? very careful with their treasure, for
when George and Bertha discovered their
loss a great hunt would at once begin. So
Frank scrambli 1 up ou a tall old wagon
aud placed the twelve egss, one by one.
among some cornstalks which were
thrown over tie rafters.
"They'll never, uever find 'em here," he
said, "and we m't look nt em once until
Faster, so they can't follow us."
Then they went back to the house, so
full of their secret tbst they couldn't keep
from chuckling at the super table.
"What's the matter witb you two?" ssk-
ed George when they sat down to sup
per. "Secret." repKcd Nell, with a little toss
of her bead. Thin she and Frank laughed
The next morning George aud Bertha
came into tbe house, looking disconsolate.
Tbey tried to act as if nothing nt all had
bapponed, but tbey began a vain search
for the mirsiug eggs, at the same time lay
ing tip another store. From that day un
til Easter eve there was a lively rivalry
between the two pairs of egg-Katberers,
and so many secrets were in tbe air that
even Mr. and Mrs. Crane grew interested.
There had to lie a great deal of hunting
done, because the young folk were not
allowed to touch any etrirs regularly laid
In the chicken house. They must find all
their trophic where some sly old biddy
had laid them in a hidden nest.
"We've got tnore'n you have," said
George ani Bertha.
"No, we've got tnore'n you have." said
Frank and Nell, and thus the rivalry
I tiaster morning the stores were to
lie disclosed. George and Bertha came in
early snd laid twenty-two fresh egg on
the kitchen table.
"Pretty good," said Mrs. Crane.
"They'll never get as many as that,"
said George, "even if they did have a
whole doxrn of our eggs to start with."
Frank snd Nell were gone a long time,
and when they did come ill it was with a
look of intense excitement. They laid
Dine eggs on the talde.
"h, we beat you, we beat you!" shout
ed George and Bertha.
Frank and Nell paid not tbe slightest at
tention to this challenge.
"Come with us," they shouted mysteri
ously. So George iod Berths and Mrs. Crane
ran out to tbe carriage bouse and climbed
upon the platform wagon. There in a
cosy nest sat old Speckle witb rumpled
feathers and buried neck. She waa cluck
ing anxtoosly, and from under her wings
came an occasional "peep, peep," snd then
s little yellow' head waa thru tout from
a feathery window.
"ChickensT they all gasped in a breath.
"Tea." said Nell, "old Speck heat us all"
Easter Awakening.
There are times when we are disheart
ened as regards the spiritual possibilities
of our community or our churches or our
elves. At such times God speaks to us
by His great parable of Eastrrtide. He
calls o to believe that life Is mightier
than death, snd that it never will erase
iu miracles of renewal. He reminds ss
that the I'rine of Life waa slain aud rais
ed again from the dead; that "He wss
raised from tbe dead that we might bring
forth fruit unto God." although sharing
in that great uplift which His resurrec
tion exemplifies. The resurrection thus
strikes the note of hope for us and for
our brethren. Foster is the springtide
prophecy of the dlvlue quickening, with
whlrh tbe fsce of mstiklnd shall lie re
newed Into the Image of God.
Little Boy Stagers.
tools tNaal la Marled Poaaswll
Saas I as Ta star.
Prof. Goodmau says the thing that
most Impressed him, when visiting
Pomiicll, was the rcsvuiblauee 11 ween
many of the Implements of 1.HU0 years
ago aud thone of to-day. On looking at
the Iron tool. grouped together In au
old factory there, he could almost iiu
sgiue he was gazing Into a modern tool
shop, exi-ept for the fact that there was
a heavy costing of rust on the Iron.
Sickles, bill-hooks, rakes, forks, axes,
spades, blacksmith's tongs, hammers,
soldering - Irons, planes, alio vein, etc.,
are much like those used to-day, lmt the
nuwt marvelous luittruoieuts found are
the for surgery, beautifully executed,
ami of design exactly similar to those
recently patented and reinvented. In
credible as It may apixnr, PotntK-iiHim
hail w ire ropiw of perfect construction.
Their bronzes reveal great skill aud ar
tistic t-ileiit. The bronze ltrazier aud
kitchener had hollers at the side, and
taim for running off the hot water.
Kwers and urns have iwen discovered
with interior tuls-s, and furnaces pre
cisely like the arrangement now In
vogue In steam Imllera. Metal safes
had substantial locks. Many of the
lock and keys arc most Ingenious, and
Rome very complex. The water supply
of Fouiell waa distributed by menus
of lead plpeti laid under the srireets.
There were many public drinking
fountains , aud mont of the large houses
were provided with fountains, ninny
of them being of very lxnutlful d'Tigu.
Captured tbe Gang.
"When I first went to New Mexico,"
said the capltalSeit, who owns a gener
ous slice of the beef trust, "I was a
young adventurer looking for an- "ling
good from a gold mine to a so'i oV.cial
position. At Albuquerque I h i-ned thMe'troub and more may prop
to fall In with the Sheriff .1 n when he u -Spring Humors," and
badly needed some hcN ; arresting
couple of despe rudou , and I lent a
hand. He took me right under his
wing as a tenderfoot who had snnd,
but needed protection. Through asso
ciation hla admiration grew till he
urged me to become a deputy and try
to ferret out a gang of counterfeiters
aliout fifty miles south. They knew
him, but I was a stranger.
"The Job suited me at that time, and
within a month I had so Ingratiated
myself with the chief of the gang that
( he made me a member of good stand
j lug. There were ten of them when I
Joined, and they lunl a Hue layout In a
. cave that could only be discovered by
accident. It would have been an eaeiy
matter to communU-nte w ith the Sheriff
and have him send out a big powe. but
I was recklessly ambitious to capture
j the w hole outfit and enjoy the attend- j
I ant glory. The only person I took Into .
my confidence was a young doctor, who
. was an Kastcnicr like myself, and bent
I on wresting a fortune from the chances
then so abundant la the Went, He
' mixed me up some powder that I
Imagine were prtared from the same
1 formula a are the knockout drops now
' lu une.
j "One evening when the men were all
busy I walked Into the cave with a big
Jug of whisky diluted with the doeto.'s
powders. I told the fellows that I
t wanted to pay my Initiation fee. In a
short time they were all lost to the
world. I tied them hand and foot, and
tlien made a chain gang of them with a
couple of tough lassoo. When I
marched them into Albuquerque the
town went wild and the Sheriff Isnm-d
a verbal proclamation prohibiting any
able-bodied male citlxen from going
' to lied that night. Never wa there a
deeper red or more coats of It put 011 a
town. I was good for all I wanted at !
the hands of the people, and there I
laid the foundation of my fortune."
Detroit Free Prewt.
The lxMn.
The loon la fonnd lu all the Northern
Statu. It is a very awkward bird on
land, but a graceful and rapid swim
mer. It is a remarkable diver, and it
la thought that no othpr feathered crea
ture can dive so far beneath the sur
face or remain so long a time under
water. A specimen was once found
attached to tbe book ota fishermen's
set line In Seneca having dived
nearly 100 feet to reach the bait. It
feeds on llxarda, flah, frogs, all kinds
of aquatic Inserts, and tbe roots of
fresh-water plants, usually swallowing
Ita food under water. It is a very
large bird, about three feet In length,
and spreads Its wings fully five feet.
It builds Its neat In marshes, near wa
ter, of rushes and grass, whlrh It twists
together In s huge heap on the ground,
usually among tall reeds. The eggs,
usually three In number, are a little
over three incuts long, and in color of
a dull greenish ochre, witb Indistinct
spots of dark umber, moat numerous
toward the broad end. During the
winter thla bird lives near the aea
shore, especially In the salt marahes
on the Long Island coast and along the
shores of the Chesaeake; but In tbe
summer It goes as far north as Maine,
and breeds there lu great quantities.
Coroaattoa Crown af the Osar.
The costliest crown la that worn by
the Russian Caar on ceremonial occa
sion. It la surmounted by a cross
formed of five magnificent diamonds
resting upon an Immense uncut but pol
ished ruby. The ruby rests on eleven
Urge diamonds, which In turn rest on
! a mat of pearls. Tbe coronet of the
empress Is said lo contain the most
beautiful collection of diamond ever
massed together.
Sroarla, lbs Bast.
Mamnia-What In the world are you
doing, child?
Willie I'm scouring the rut off
papa's waleh. t
Mamma- What put such an Idea Into
,Hur headt ...
Willie-WeH, he said It had been In
soak for nearly a year-New jorlt
M. Book thai Hoaavvaaaec nag...
Tba moat valuable book In the world)
la said U be s Hebrew Bible at tba
Vatican In Rome. In 1512. Pope Jullua,
then In great financial straits, refused
to sell It to a syndicate of Hebrews for
Its weight In gold. Tba Bible weighs
more than 31A pounds, snd Is never
carried by less than three men. Tba
price refused by Tope Julius was about
3.000 pounds, and that loo, when gold
was worth at least thrice what it la
No-to-Ilac for 'il ly I 'ems.
Over oo. 000 ei.r"l. Vli. not let Nf-l'i IUe
reg'tlitte or rei(Miv yo'tr 4 fe I r lobaeeo?
bate. Moil j.ii.akte. iiejllt! aiel m 11I.00U Cure
guau.iii.iHrd. itve eud SI . mom; 1 . ,
Grub out that thicket in tiie field.
Curum Mima ie Irer. s riB-rsand
a Mrs srl 10r.
Thote un-
e r u n -
tions, painful boil, annoying pim
ple and other a 'lections, which aj
pear ao generally at this season, maka
the use of that grand Spring Medi
cine, Hoods 'arf aparilla, a necessity.
The accumulated impurities in tba
blood cause very diTerent symptoms
with some peo;le. Tbe kidneys, liver
and ' o veis are overmatched in their
efforts to relieve the ch ggud system.
Dizzy headaches, bilious attacks, fail
ure of appetite, coated tongue, lama
back, indigestion end that tired feel
ing are gome results.
From the same cause may also coma
scrofula, neuralgia, sciatia or rheu
just aa there is one cause, a cure la
found in Just one remedy, and that
is Hood's Sartaparilla.
Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the impura
blood, enriches blood which U weak
and thin, vitalizes blood which lacks
vitality. Thus it reaches every part
of the human system.
For your Spring Medicine to prevent
or cure Spring Humors, take
Sarsaparilla lu.:V.
One True Blood l'uriflcr. Get 1 nly Hood's.
flood's F'llls "' 'h,'', ln
Every ingredient in
Hires Root beer is health 1
giving. the blood is I
improved, the nerves
soothed, the stomach1
benefited by this delicious!
11 k out over
Qnenches the thirst, tickles
the palste ; full of soap, sparkle
snd effervescence. A temper
ance drink for everybody.
Sr kf Tto Ctarto llr,, ill
1 -1st rsMavnsl. W ysa satacoatin
5 J
Sa S kae rw ary I ew HarS-
ruy nt Mas Br in
If as Sar asw la vow
3 1 an vfMa for calaMes w
1 I A. J TOWPR mms. Matt
(very Thursday sflsrueos -lourlat
sleeping ear tor Don.
vsr. Salt Uk ats. Kss rrss
cisso. aad Loa Asslea lasvss
Omaha sua Liaaola via ue
SnrllagViD Rout.
11 Is earpoud. nphnlstor
la rattan, hu rprlnc srsia aud
bsr.a and it srutlue! with
rurtslna. bodftlsg. toU.aop
te. As txsertsKsed seur
alnn aooSsrjtor sn4 s uni
forms I'sllnaa sorter as
raaiiy ll ibmuk to ihe
I'aelftc Cast.
WSIIe 1 either tifBtvslr
HiiUhs.1 nor as An 10 look
a bslane !ir. II ! lust a
foo 10 ril In. sseond els
H aria sr honored snd tb
vrlco o s bortb, Jouf
fur tao, Is onlf V
rnrasuliter airing lull pr
tleiitar wrlie u . ... .
faiscia. (mb'I I'wr Aent. Omaha.
cuit ytwitftn
I m SI f ssssiors
daKks'sea. ls.4toM.
IrntSKus .Ifersiwa
rsiahHO. sn se4rt-
ll w S"t
M l mr"Ti
i. .. I l.lltaa. p 7
f inslsi
N . V. Ma. H-IS
Inrs. Ssk,
j Be the l-et farmer m voor'oontv.
("'""illiijl" o.Jj,..""
f s 1 m 1 taeaA I
fiyaf aM w aiHivi