The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 15, 1897, Image 1
"-' . . 1 "TV 1 The Sioux County ' Journal HIEISOlsr, IsnEBSK, THUBSDAY, APBIL 15. 1897. ITO. 32. YOL. IX. The Sioux County Journal. (Em-ABUKIIEU 1 . Subscription Price, fl.00 OFflCIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. O". It. Canon, Mi tor. fnkrwl fit the Ilariixuu post o"tlce a PCCJIlll CllU UlHttlT. Tlie flood are the South, KliU doing damage lit v - I Italv favors the Cret! un to-xnni ! the Turkikli fcovcrument. Why should-! nt kIio I j Uurant the S-an Kram'ixro prencher, ' wlio muidered Mi- Ulnncli Iniont in Emanuel church Iu that city is to 1 i ban -ed June 11th. ! . ... ! Many nouses in .-voriu tjinaii sur-, "r" ! rounded and water iurinr into cul-of ! i .l... 1.' . r 1 .... 1 . . ) , I ' : inerging the entire country north of Uie ity Jf the statements are true as made by ortlcinl records and published in the World-Herald, iu rejpml to the ihnracter the republican candidate Mr. Moores, we enn't see bow fieople, who's liuaucial interests use at stake could vole for him ir.d liave a clear conscience afterwards. Lt Tuesday the litlli, init was the day net apart by Una. niauncy F. Black, die president of the National Associa also bv Hon. i tion of lleniocratic clul Jones, chairman-of the Demo- j itmuKentte the last president at W ush t ratic National C'oiuniiUee as the day ington U C. ? to relebrte the birth of Thomas Jell'er- j 0. Why a Bankrupt president's wife Kofi, the founder of Anieriimn iJemocra-, can wear a tressy, silk and satin tlress be vy and th auther of the declaration of ; decked wilh jewels and trailing"! fi'et, indipmileiice. costing $,0Sl0or lO.OflO, while a farmer's j Th forth coming tiiil celelnation .lo-nises to ! a most imsirtant event, j .April 22 (Arlmr dn) was Jlxud iion it I Miituble lime for the people of Omaha ; and vicinitv to mark the l-Kinntn of i jiclive work iion the Exposition. . An -luhnrute nroirram has U-en ari-aned, A monster ainidewill comprise all of the : Military mul civic societies in this vicm-; ity. invital ions having lieeu sent out dur- j iiur the ast Week by the rciul , tuittee. fily and county olllcials 'iH i Is3 invitwl to Fiirnimi stivets, and will march wist on Fartutm to Twelfth street ,1 Mirth to IJoukIus, west to Hixteenth lllld north on Sixteenth tq the i'.xKisilion ground. Tlie oratorical portion of the j . xeroses w ill take place in the old rraud j Ktand on the fair grounds, invitations j lo .peak have baen exte.ubxl U) Oov-j .rnor Holcomb of N-braska. Governor, JJrake 01 jown, rum. . 0. r,... ....... J. Sterling Morion, Hon. John Baldwin of CoihimI Uluir and Mayor Hroatch tJinuha. tu, -HI. session of the ofipwp "f thin country Hnt, in WW, ... , ebr:tska m a matter of ntstory anu 11 vareful inspection of the laws passed lmt. the reform fof'es redeemed .lK.dl.-estotl.emH.ole. Thev imss - -d sound, equitable aiKl just anli-monop- y measures providing for the control nd regulation of tbe ..flair of corpora- iions, eombinea and trusts. Besides Iassing wholesotno laws they unearthed defalcations, amounting to near H00, 00H. Next week TlIK Jol'BNAL will give it reailers a synopsis of the new laws. Uwublican nawspipers charged the fusiouests with attempting to steal the coustitution Iwcause they asked for A recount of the lllot providing for two new judges. Why did they lake such an interest in the matter? Why did tha I.inoln g-ing instruct their satel lite to cry fraud? Why did they get n iiartisao judge lo enjoin uie leg sm lure from counting the votes? The ans- wcr is that in a short lime the supremo wort will perhaps te, required to pass on 1 case that will either give Joe Bartley, Eugene Moore, Kussell aud others of the gang who have been robbing the ssople tlieir liberty or nend them to prison ond tliat's why they cried fraud and did hot want the will of the people ascer tained u they believed it would seat two men on tlie supreme bench that .would do justice between man and man regardless of the consequences, just as tbe recount commission did, and place those looter of the treasury bahind prison bar. Arbor lioj Proclumatlou. Executive Charolier, Lincoln, Neb, March Sfllh, 1HH7 I'tOf'bnifiliou by the Governor: i , C'lf.foriii'u ; t. :i .1 1 ;t A y;. hsvlnr ! li t ifci (d..i,n ut ;-nf ;' 't a -! r.: r.;'.' 1, -'!'.)'!. 1! in it i.-jr..vt'r, t'' t' j lliat the attention of the people of our beautiful state may be called to the ad j vantages to be (ruined by u pnier oleterv- :w of tlw dav. I hereby nrmlanie i 1 . . , . , ,... clnrli of the liintriet ("onrt of Sioux County. I uml Thursday, .A pr.l .', 19,, . N(.brluk., , p., ,,, tM COUI.t I a Arbor day. I wherein Abary K. Hutn is pluintifT nd ! I earned!- request all eitir.erw to ful- j '""1 a- 'l"orth. iHrtie M. W ad.worth. !, . ... .. .-..1.1 1 I.ouU I. Wodnworth, Jiwcph li. Morris, jly comply w,. tbeKpmtof the law m j . Grsbu. ,, AUman. Miller Co., j making tliu a public holiday, nod especi- j Hre dcfendiiiiUi, I will on the 17th day of May j ally do I co'iimeiiil to the public school ' 1W, Ht one o'clock 1. M., Ht tiie Kent front jtluj propriety of an observance of the ' d"r of t1"' oul t ",ue '" """'on, -' , , .1. i .ii , braxka, offer for sale at public endue tbe .day bv Milabla und prat-table lolw,11B ieterlM r,.al t .lt,,, to w. lebmna in tree planting, iu order that, Tun West Half ) of tlie South Hum there may be inculcated in (lie minds of j ! tbe children of the state a high appreeia- i ' . i tioil of the pleasures, etijoyetnent and utility, tu the present an I future genera tions, of trse pUntiu anj timbjr resr- i vaCion. " t!,at ilay (et un not forget that h0WS a or train a tl'w-. r I'''1"1' 11 lree ' il0r tl"in ill. Kor he who blesses mont is blest; And Ooti and man shall own his worth, vvli" t"'U to kare at his bequest And added beauty to the earth, I" testimony whereof, I have hereunto snbscriU'd tny name and canseil t O be .,nix,Ml ii,a e-,-eat. aeal of thu nllixed the irreat seal of state of ! Xebraska. j the OapiUl Of the I IXjtie tit Lincoln alate. this l;.Mh dav of March, in the ! j year of our Lord one thousand eight huiidrdreJ and ninety-seven, of the state, I the thirty-fifth, and of the independence ! of (he United Ktates the. one hundred ' aud twenty-lirst. 1 SlI.AH A. HoU OUB. I Hy the (Jovernor. W. V. PdltTKit, Secretary of State. tive to Learn and Lltarn lo Live" Ko. A. Why did it cost nothing to in- augenile the llrst. undcost if2,:0(),000, to wife j;oes barefoot and is clad iu filthy ras. 10. Why the more people there are to f'.td and clothe, the kws in the price of produce, and the lean Hie wuge- earner gels for his day's work ? 11. Whv. if the rond.s ro not al prollitable investment, there should be f 11. 000,000, 0(K), cu pita I in them in the L. 8. ? j . Why, if fbe people enn pay a bit,' J ,videu( on "watered stodks" they could t, a Jividend on their own stocks at , its real value ? 1:5. Whv it would not laj cheaper and 1 ........ ...... ..r....n..l.l u,i,.u,.int.n,Un vj - 1 Uf ,.ol,stnu.t public works, than lo pay H()m() (.ornoration president ?5,000 or 100,0(M) salary to look on, and pay the sl,,M.rintendent too ( w nro han, Bml tlw ( heinicnl National . . y ri... wtlos! nn. value of , stock 'is KK, is now worth $-1,000 a ' share ? j Vt. The government reports say, the 1 liIA fiall f,.. uhnmr ilrtiiL-tt nw.' 1 T'. "'""" '-""' '" "i i why did they do it t im mat iieip mem i out or in? i Those who read our questions last week would do well to file them away as they w ilt do to read each Monday morn- m herore going to worK. ( - Ordi-r fur Ih'iiAis affinal Account In tlie Ciiiiuty Court of Slam County, Ncbinxkn. In thn mutter of the estate of Charles J Puddy, desus'd. Sow, on the lilth dav or April m o, on ' "'" ; " Augustine ruddy, the nduilnlslrKlor of, " ' " . said estate' and prnys for leave to render an account a such administrator. It Is there fore ordered that the 3rd day of May ls7, at 1, o'clock p. 111., at my oltlce In Harrison, Nebraska, tie fixed for the time and place for examining and iilfoa lug sncb accounts. And 1 lie holm or said deceased and all per- sons Interested In said estate, are rcquibsl ! lo appear at the Unto and place so designat ed, and show cause, If such exl.ti, why said accoiMit should not lie allowed. It is f urlll er ordered that said V. Augustine l'udny aumini.triieor, Hi,,,,.,., r. In Mid estate by causing a copy of this order to be published In THK Siocx Cot'KTr Joi'Hsai., a newspaper printed and In general circulation In said comity, for three works prior 1st tlio day set forsaid Ilea ring. Duted April 10th, A. I). 1S!17. , ItonKar Wii.sos, County Judge- J skal j GASOLINE enw. IU PUMPS. IRON AMI WOOD PUMPS Ki-llpw sod Kalrbsnk. Vln' mills Towers, Tanks. Irrid tlu Ou.flis. Hose. Ilrlilin UrlAilur shi-tirrs. WiwmI swi irli I'ulnts, Plpr. Klciiie, Hrs riw.ils sss Mrn1ar,l lAmee. 1'- 'i-i Ins f..f tlio to u. t'MD 1 c it'r.-' . or ii kincs. H03 f ninfirn St, Oi:'f... ? E!irrilT Kali-. Notice la hereby iflven by virtue of hii order of m&le to uw Ulrectd Issued by the Quarter (e:4) ami Kmnt Half (e',t of the N,,"n Urx,-r (a-w'4) or Section Nine I'll In Tnu 11..I1I11 Tlilltv-onc r:H V.. 11 Hulif.',! Mltv alx W., of tlio MxtU (H) )', M., In hiu x county, Nebraska, to tl -if y :i decree of foreclosure entered In said emitc by our wild Court at tbe regular November, 13, term of unld Court to wit: On the tlrat day of November, lt3, vitiere In our suid court fonud due u the defend ant Alluiau, Miller A Co., on the caune of action et ont In 1U rum et;tltlu the aiiui of $70 41 wit li ten per cent lntcret thereon . from aabl date and adjudged aanie to be a ! first Hen on said preutUc. Th aaid Court J nlo found due the plaintiff on the cause of action et out In bis petition, the mini of . A. f0. 70 drawluir ten ner cent Interest from rtti te wliifh u iih (leclii rrl ntil ml IikI iel by Vhu court to bn a second Hen on auld premises with costs and acrrulnx costs, -said preniisa uill tie sold for the purpose ,.f sallsfvlnB- suld mil . tu the order alaive named. IIAVlli riAnTI.ETT, ) HA-i) Mieriir of Sioux County Seb. 'Final Proof Noficcs. A U persons having ti mil proof notices 1n this puier will receive a marked copy of the paricr and tire reu,icited to exiimlne their notice and 11 any 'rroi a exist reart the aauic to tills oltlce lit oucu. lanid (Ifflce lit Alllnnee, Scb. j March 4, ls;,7 Notice Is hereby given that the following named aettler has filed notice of Ills Inten tion to iniike filial proof In aiipportof his clulin, and that auld proof will be made be fore M. J. Illnwett, clerk illstrtct court at lliirrlaoii. Neb. on April 17, Ih-j" vljs: likhard W. Mlddlcton of C.len, Neb. who iiiinle II. K No S40I for the S' j of S K 'i rtcc." Ml, S W ij of S W ii of See. 211 and N-W U or N K of Sec. ni.Towiinlilp ;ll N, Kannc, W W. tin names the following witnesses to p.ovc. his continuous residence upon aud cultiva tion of snld laud vl-: ' I'einiiH Mornii, William H. Johnson, snnin el li. Kis.kley and Jeremy Stluison, all of (,lcn, Neb. J.W. WEU J., ' f.7-32 ltiRlster, Timber Cnlturs Pnml.-Notirp for I'ubllcatloti. Land Olllce ut Alliance, Neb. j Kebruray, 27, IS!.". ( Notice Is hereby Riven thtit Nels I'. Rosen berg of Adelhi, Neb., h filed notice of IiiUmi Hon to make II mil proof before M.J. lllew fit, clerk district court, lit bis office In Har rison, Neb. on the Kith day of April 1M7, on tlinlicrt-ulture application No Iff, for the N K. iimrter of pection , In Township No. .'3, N ltaiiKe No. it, W. He names n witnesa Mc i.iel r. Jordan. James Nesan. Miko Nur- en aud Charles Naatr., all of AtlelU, Neb. J. W. Wkiix Jk, llenlster. Timber Cul'ur, Fltuil Proof. Xotlce for I'tibllnillon. Land Olllce nt Alllnnee, Neb. I . March 10, 1X117 r Notice Is hereby given that William I.. Hoyt lias tiled liotjce of Intention to make final proof before M. J. Ulewett, Clerk Hist. Court ut hip oillce In Harrison, Neb., on tlm 17 dav of April, ls'Jl.on limber culture ap plication No. ft'd, for the n. I, ne. A n. V , nw. nuiiitcr of section No.,ln township , No r(1MKK N() Jin name as witnesses: William A. Hticelow, Ilenjauilu K. Johnson, Henry Warncke nud John A. Haiuion, all of Harrison, Nell. J. W Wkhn, JR., 27!Wt Heglster. Tlinljer Culture Kinul PriKif, Notice for Publication. Ijnd Office t Alliance. Nebr. I March t, tSK7. ( Notice t hereby given that Kicifert Koh wcr of Harrison, Neb., has filed notice of Iu trillion lo make final proof Is-forc M. J. lilcwett, CUrk of the District Court at bin oltlce In Hurrisoii, Neb., on' the 1st day of ... ,. ,, ., May, is(f7, 011 tlinlwrcultnrc nppllca tlon No, I 1117, for the N W of N E't I N EW oif .W'4 of Sectlua No. V, E or N-Wi, la Towunhlp I W, Uangu No.j. j lie niiincs as witnesses: I J. W. Earnest, Edward Swnrtz, John Corbin ' and W. II. Hough, all of Harrison, Nebr., j J. W.WEHH JR, fno-Sl) Register. , xiinlwr Culture I'roof, Notice for 1'ubliciitl 011 laind Oftlce, nt Alliance, Neb. March 2U, 1MI7. , pe bv lmlt j.,, MM.k. , .,. nntlM r Intention to make final proof before M. J. Ulewett, Clerk of tbn DUtrict Court at hlsi oltlce In Harrison, Neb., on the 1st day or May, IS07, on timber application No. 41, for the Wlj of N E' and K.if N-W of Section No 1, in Township A4, Range. M. , He names as witnesses: Michael D. Jordan of Adella, Nub. Kels 1". Hosenlliirg " " " Aaron t). Wisdom 1 ond Joseph lUdfcr ' Montrose, Neb. J. W. Wkiix Jh, 129 SI I ' Heglster. ackage o(er tor EaKBi decay, Derroue debility u .... . b.Mw.n. .M Ilk. mA WW Un HJ H.I UWM.B.Vf WWW !mt vita lit cent frM for II pis. noatftn. OB. 1TJLBD LIST. If I. VI 11, tt.M H 1 'JJ-1 " t 'M'tieoTWlf MW'Wnit 'an.uum vvm n psg ij'jiiul iimin . 'ii Bip tspi mtitr'm ..iC hi Tnw '."M'"1 I LJ J -jsis flwiiit eaa. . ,,' ii ;i J I OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. FTaTEOKKIOEKs: Sllna 4. Holcoutb ('rovernor , Jauiea ;;. Harri Ueiiteunnt lioveiuoi i H.K. PorUT sivrcturv of Ktala John . CVirin-U Auditor J. K. Meaerve Treaanrer C. J. Smyth Attorney General J. V. Wolfe Lund ( oiniiilxaionei . It. Jackaou Supt. Public Instruct ou ' co.n;i:kssional dki.koation: John M. Thurston t'. S. Senator, Omaha Wm. V. Allen I. S, Senator, Madison J. K.Mrode, oiiKn'ssmuu 1st Hist., Lincoln D. H. Mercer, " id Samuel Maxwell, " 3rd W. L. stark, 4th li. D. mi tin rlund, ' th ' W. L. breen, (,tu ' Jl'llC'fAnY: A. M. Post Chief Justice, Columbus T. U.C.. HaiTison ..As'te Judtfe, (irand Island T. L. Norval AssociaU; Jud;e, twwai-d U. A-Campbell.-Clcrk uiid lU-porUir, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JI H1CIAL DlsTHIfT: M. I. Klnkaid Jiulffe, O'Neill W. H. Weslover . ..... ' Kushvllk M. J. Blewelt Clerk, Harrison COUNT f Ol't'ICEKH: ItolsTt Wilson tkiunty Jud(,'e M.J. illewett.. . Clerk Chun. BlelilH . Treasurer W. H. Davis supt. Public Instruction U. Hartlett Sherltr J. K. l'hiuney Coroner It. y. ThouuiH ... Surveyor M.J. Ulewett Clerk of District Court Ormit liiithrlo ..County Attorney HOARD OF COMMIS.SlONKltS: Frank Tlnklinm. 1st District M. J. WeberfCbairiimn ).. 2d " James K. Voun 3d " LKOISI.ATIVE: Otto Mntz-.SenaUir, Hist. No. 14, Sprlngvlew A. t. .Sheldon. . Dlst. No. '), Chadron VILLAGE omCKKS: E. llohwcr (clialruiau) . Trustee J. W. .Scott D. II. tirlswisl " W. It. Marstidler S. I", llainlln W. H. Davis . Clerk Lewis (icrlach... Treasurer SCHOOL OKKICKIW: J. W. Scott Director 1!. L. Minuek Mixlnrator l.nwis L-lacdi...... Treasurer u ' TKMSOKOWUT: District Court, At Hurrisoii, commences Spring term April lath, Jury Utb, Kail " October 21, jury '.lh. County Court, At Harrison, couunonce tlrst Monduv of each mouth. CHUHCIIKS AND SOCIKTIKS. Metlusltst Sunday School meets every Sun day inoruiiis" at WM J. E. Makstki.lkk, W. H. Dwis, Superintendent. Secretary J (C It If V HUSK POST, No. ;-.,;. A. It. Meets second Monilay iu each 111011 tli In the court house ut Harrison. K. E, l.ivemiore, Com. WOODMEN Or" THE WORLD. Harrison Camp, No. .Vi, meets on each ill terunu Wwlneiwluy eveninif. W. II. DAVIS, W. L. IIoVT, Clerk. Con. Com. MODKII.f W(M)DMKN OF AMERICA. Meets each alternate Saturday evening nts o'clock. A. It. DKW, V. C. J. W. smith, Clerk. KI'WOKTH LKAoTE. Iti'gtibir business uiectliijf first Tuesday evening In each month. C. I4. HABHTVLLER, W. H. Davis, President. Secretary. Devotional uieetlng every Sunday evening at 6:l'i. D. J. CLAHK, Loader. JUNIOR LEAGUE. Meets each Sunday afternoon at 2:1)0. Mrs. D. II. CK18WOLP, Supt. Timlier Culture Final I'roof, Notice for rubllcutloii. Land Offlce nt Alliance, Ncbr. I March ii, 1HU7. i . Notice Is hereby given that Charles E. tchllt oT Harrison, Neb., hau filed notice or Intention to make final proof before M. J. Ulewett, Clerk of lite District Court al his offlce in Harrison, Nebr,, on the 1st day of May, 1SU7, on timber culture application No. mm. for the B-W'i of Section No. 22, In Tow nship HI, Range No. rut He names as witnesses: Charles llluhle, Nels Anderson, KH J. Wilcox and William Itiehle, allot Harrison, Nebr. Also that Nets Anderson of Harrison, Neb., han tiled notice of intention to make dual proot at the same time and place, on tim ber culture .application No. 7UD, for the N E'. of Section No. 17, In Township 33, Range No. U. He names as witnesses: Charles lllehle, Elt J. Wlleo, Charles E. Hchiltftmt William lllehle, all of Hurrisoii, Heb. Also Hint Charles lllehle or Harrison, Nub., has filed notice of Intention to make n n al proof at the same tune and place, on tlm lair culture application No. "08, for the N Elt of Section No. s, In Township 33, Range No, W. He names as Witnesses: KH J, Wilcox, Charles K. Hchilt, Nm Ander son and U. A. tiarton, all of Harrison, Nub. f J. W. W'Kiitr Ja, I34J BcgUter. -!-Don't forget that Thb Journal has a large clubbing lint and when selecting rending matter for the coming year call and give im vout order. Wa can snv Oujahii I f r"'"""t IWBBJ Aurora Nebon i ifej Keuruey i Tj Ht STOCK Kl'.AMi.-;. Tiif. JotfiiNaL ill ptibiUli yourbrmd, lr. t be following, for jj:!W, p:r year. Lath ad- djtional l.iaud 7:i cents. rai ry far:i:er or ranch men in hiou.x and adjoining rounliei "bould advertise tbeir branjis in iiilJolk K&Lua it circubiti'.s all over the relate. H may be the uicau of Huvlujf ii.oncy for you. KKANK NUTTO. Oir left side of cattle uiat on fliuolder of horses. 1'. O, Glllll hri-,t, Sioux Co., Neb. CHARLES WKHLiC. On let side or liip of cattle, ( On left sbuulder of liorsi s. i Kaiige 011 the bead of Wai bonnet criel; Address Harrison, Moil x Co. Neb. NOTIt'E TO SETTLE. A 11 nnnn..l.. in l.H'O l.ui.n Al I 111 1 UIIU IS 111113 H iltti .. placed in the hands of Attorney tinnitj Guthrie and instructions given him to;jg collect them, and those knowing them selves in nrrenrs cm save expense by navinir the same nt otu-e. 1 lie ac-i i " counts include arrearages on books of other papers that were formerly pub lished in Harrison. L. J. Simmons. BO YEARS KXPERIENCC. TRADE MARKS, DE3!CNS, COPYRIGHTS 4-c. Anyone (ipntllnj? ft nketi-h and donrrititirm may qulttitiy hwertriin, lion, wtielher an inveii'-iott ii iirodaiilv imte'it, 1M0. rGiniiiunicutiftiig strictly coiiHdeutlal. o'ttH eneii'7 for Mcuriny piimiiti in Aiii:rica. We hnvt) u VVumtitnytnii oflice. Patents tikrn tliroutcU Mtum Cu. recelvo pticiit. uotioe iu tlio SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, tieautlfullr Illustrated, lnrcet clrcnlntlun of n nv scluntlSc journul. weekly, terms t?.W a yeari 11.50 SIX months. Hpwtmcn eoiis unit LlA.SU boon ON I'a tk.vts sent true. Adiirus MUNN A. CO., 3(11 Broadway, New York. 1 -THE COMMERCIAL BANK, -f ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, D. E. Brkwstih, President. D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. SSO 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS American Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Dank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits, tS-DRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. Good rigs furnished on bhort notice. Reliable drivers and quiet saddle horses always on Iiand. Good accommodations for tranecient customers. Horses boarded. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL N. D. HAMLIN, PROPRIETCR. ofi.vNT :l"1hu:i", r.uuiiir; tit Prompt attention given to all lral matters in Justice, ComJ.v ibd listriit Courts, and liefore the United t-.tutirsi Land 0:'.i... Firo Insunince written in reliable jomjianies. t"? "Igii I l.pcro cartful!.',' draw n. IIakihsox, - 'i:i;!'.asj;a. NEW YORK W3.1L0, thiot: a-v.'xe:-: e:htij:i. p8 res a wcca- 1 ." I a Yi-ars. A paper as useful to ynu lis a giwat if 5 daily fur only on-? (lollai' a yen'. B-dter than ever. 1lt(. Jicws f AH tbft rVorld All the Tinic. Accurate ami lair lo every body. 3 ernocriitie and for Jt!e people. Aguiiist 1 rusts and all nionnMV lies. Brilliant illustrations. Stories by Ureat authors in every number. Splen did readidg for women and other special departments of unusual interest. It stands first among "weekly"' papers in V.V.P, frequency of publication und freshness, variety und reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price of a weekly; and its vast list of sub scribers, extending to every state and territory .of the union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its new column.., We offer this uneqtinled newspaper and The Sioux County Journal together one year for $1.65. The regular subscrip lion price of the two pxpers. is $2.00. Nebraska. T. Cornts, Vice-President. LIYERY, Feed and Sale Stable r v ii i ti Hi- fi, PI i. t i i,U(: j 5 'V- 4" X i . 'i !-' 5