The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 08, 1897, Image 8
THKSIfJl'Xi)CN'TV J 0TT IR IT -A. Thi-ksday. .T.jl Ml. 197. too. D. ft "on. Kflltor ami Prop. r. E. a M. V E. K. Tim tsbU. Going KmL ;ilii(t taut. llouS, mU-l.- 1 :00 ! So. . uilxl 7::X J. E. PHIXNEY. M. I). PhTsk-taa and Sunreon. All rails given ruiii'it attfittiua. Office in Kruif .store. HAKKLSON. NEBRASKA. TREES AX1I PLANTS. A full m TREES Of BUST VAKICT1EK at Bakd times prices. Small fruits in large supply. Millions of Strawberry plants, very thrifty and well rooted. Get the best near homo and save freight or express. Send for price lint to NouTH Bkso Nitwbrjeh, North Bend, Dode Couoty, Neb. M JiOTICE TO SETTLERS. The rules of tlie local land olflce have receotly been amended ho that settler to loake final proof shall Kettle with tlie publisher before sending in their apolica tion. All parties desiring to make final proof can have their papers made out at Thk JocrsaL ofllce, free of charge, and promptly transmitted to the laud oflice so that no time will be lost. Do you take Thk Jotr.vai 2 One week from next Sunday is East er. The F. E. & M. V trains are running on time again. Old papers, five cents per dozen a! Thk Joirsal oliice. Mr. and Mrs. Carton were in Harrison the fore part of the w eek County treasurer Bielile went out to his farm on last Thursday A new school district i binv form ed in the Pat Lncy neighlx-rhood. Every lady in Rioux County ought to take The Ladie lltme Journal. Tor sale at the Ranch Supply House, the celebrated California Busby glove. Mr. F. Force of Andrews was doing business in Harrison last Wednesday. Why do'nt you run your stock brand in tlie JwcttSAi.? It will pay you, try it. Clias. Newman came in from the Cof fee ranch out on Hat creek last Sabbath. Mr. and Mrs. Pruldy of Warbonnet precinct were in Harrison last Saturday doing some trading1 L. J. Simmons has gone to South Omaha on a business trip. He will be gone several days. Call at The JornsAL office and have your final proof papers made out. It will cost you nothing. A, Peterson came up from Crawford today. He is going to take a claim and Mettle up here in the near future. Assessor Scott has been busy this week trying to find out wliat the people of Harrison and vicinity are worth. Tlie storm of List week was one of Hie worst that has visited this pirt of tbe country for a number of ears. Mrs. M. J. Blewett returned home l-ist Saturday from a visit to her parents out in the country, where she lias been for most two weeks. A letter was recieved from N. D. TIamlin at Brayton, la., saying his fath er was better, and also that the mud was about fifteen feet deep. Engineer Hamlin started the rity pump at work filling tlie resevoir last Saturday. Fortunately the people did not suffer for water after all. Sheriff Bartlett and deputy, John L. fttratoo were busy subpoenying jurors a I Art of last week and will complete the work of summonsing tlie jurors this week, . O. A Garton visited The Jocrxal fifth last Saturday for the first time iae the new order of things took place H this olflce. Call again Mr. Garton whM i town. Ws will wnd out a fsw sample cop- i-s of the Jotkmal to different ones in the county for inspection. Do not be iiraid to take them out of the office for I hey will sot cost you anything. W, B. Branch, the Bodarc school teacher for the past winter, was up to LsMk last Friday taking teach sxsm I nation, returning on Saturday. Ha will teach at Pleasant Ridge, just across the Ism in Wroeafag-. J. W. Smith, living- out oa Bogy cess tea or fifteen neile north of Har fkMTViciaiALeincaacll last rad7.t. Cttk is a eoctabie Keotle " a ft mmt Mi w mjpf4 a pi m sat L'3 tTlaHwiaihlw. O C. 0. Eareil of Andrs'vs, wns ?a"jb4 fcat IfalunJay show, in; Ik (- iut Ik- '" II-i tl , I r.tUM he did ii. il truth i ul trie mouth. Ant way Mr. ku.--ll w 1 having luls of trouble will) his t"tl. Burt Hanlin, ItroUier of our fellow townsman, and who lives in Wyoming, paid through this place Tuesday even ing en route to Bray too. In, wltere he and his brother were called to tlie bed side of tlieir su k father, by telegram last Saturday. Grant Guthrie, county attorney of Sioux couhty. came down from Harrison tlie last of tle week on legal business, returning home on Tueseay morning. Mr. (Juttine is admitted by all to be the lead it g attorney iu Sioux county. Chad- run Kactirdir. No doubt about the above statement Col. Taylor, Attorney (iutiirie is surely tlie best legal light iu Sioux county. Ed O' 'onner, w ho has been at work out on '6'i, returned to town tlie fore part of the week. He w ill remain in tow n for a sliort time or uotil the snow is gone when he will go up near Sheri dan, Wvo., here lie will work oa tlie range dunog tlie summer. E. A. Waterman, Ik has leen en gaged to w ork at the Coffee Bios, ranch during (lie summer and w!k has been in Harrison almost a week waiting for tlie bad storm and blizzard to clear up, went out on Hat creek where the above ranch is located, last Sabliati) afternoon to com mence his labors. We would be glad to liave a secial correspondent from the different pre cincts in Sioux county, and in return THE Jul'RNAl. will be sent free during tlie year. We want the news given with out coloring or exaggeration. Iss-al news and a sliort iiolitical artical will lie acceptable occasionally. Notice. All parties knowing them selves ittdebiu-d to the undersigned are reij nested to call and settle either in cash or w ith note on or before May 1st. As 1 have rented my Hotel to other jar ties I will go out of buisness at tlie alsjve stated time. EiiiiERT RoHWEH, Tlie Andrews Townsite Company met io Harrison, last Saturday afternoon at tlie oftice or the county clerk to fur ther perfect the company organization, and elected the following named gentle nieo asotlicers of tlie conpany: A. Mcflinley, President. H. 1L Russell Vice-President. Isidor Reichstein Treasurer. The meeting adjonied to meet in ILir ri son April 10th at 1:00 p. in. at the coun ty clerks ofllce. Sotlre. I will offer at public sale in Harrison, Neb., on the 17th day of April, 1H7, at 2:00 o'clock, one English Shire stallion, coming live years old this spring weight, about 17, 00 pounds color, bay and of good style. One year's time will be given on a well secured bankable uote. Nkxjjcs Schaefkr, fif On accouut of ld roads, the above sale lias been jotstponed until Saturday, April 17th. Pawnee City, Neb., April, 4. A re ception at tlie Shannon house was last evening tendered to Prof, and Mrs. John R. Gray. Mr. Gray was married to Miss Jasie Griffith of this place Wednesday evening at Lawrence. Kans. Their numerous friends tender their best wish es for a happy and useful life. Prof. Gray is principal of the public x.-hools of DuBois. We clip the above from the Ne braska State Jourool of the 5th, which will explain itself to the people of Har rison, and more especially to Mr. and Mrs. Smuck. Mr. Gray, and Mrs Sniuck of this Village are brother and sister. Mr Gray will conduct the summsr school and institute to be held in Harrison this coming June. Last Saturday, N. D. H.inilin reciev ed a telegram from Brayton, la. that his father, wtto is a resident of the above place, has been stricken with a stroke of Itaralysi. On receipt of tlie news Mr. Hamlin took thi Saturday evening train for his old home If possible to see his futlier once more before Ite passed away. Mr. llamhns father is over eighty years old and with a paralytic stroke at such an age tlie chances would seem to be against his rcovery. Sotlre. Tlie undersigned will sell all his household furniture at the Jameson rvsi oence, in Harrison, 4enr. , on April n, 117. The following ure among tlie arti cles to be sold: One elegant ouk bed room suit, two new heating stoves, one cook stove, tables, chairs, cooking uten sils ami many useful and new household goods and articles too numerous to men tion. Maid sale will commence at 1 o'clock p. ni. sharp. Terms cosh. Alvis T. Clark. White Elm Srws. Tbe horses at Um sale of C. A. Puddy's went from 2.50 to V0O ahead. Pretty hard times for money, especially to sail horses. County Supterintendect Davis visited oat school on Tuesday, we did not learn bis opinion as to Umi progress Um school waa making. Mr. W. H. White has moved on the KWa place. We nadsntaed he will try raisins; now. We hope be will hare lot of mo Mr. J. T. Masvi h rwwd hrk on huKM--.! fn m fl.i'iii, t nil.': n lli iIh- imI.,,1-, tin J.itclt . t ui:il.t" jnt s ! a lirv lu l! in llw arst lull. We have uiite on amount of wlatt some people call prosperity, this morn ing, I mentiowd prosperity to tlie olJ cow acd slie shook her h-ad. Mr. M. J. Velr our county commis sioner had to liave a bridge put in across White River this week. Tlx? old bridge went fishing at tl bottom of the river. Mrs. J. W. Fry and children arrived from la., Miindav.thev will move on tlieir place on I -a.nnan screak aou expc-i to make it their future hom. Miss larne Frayer, n sister of Mrs. Fry i-oomtinied litem. She exxvtft to stsy through the summer aisJ periias attend tlie institute in Sioux count v. Cap. Warbonnet Wsrbllnirs. Mr. Wib-ox has been having the la gnp. Mr. H. T. Merriam is recovering from tlie effects of a bail cold. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, lonard Ismt and Clem Idling were visitors in Har rison, from Warbonnet reciuct, last Thursday. R, L Keel was busily engaged in tak- i ingtiie wireolf irom tl posts, on tlw west side of T, O Williams' old place, last Tliursdav Mrs. Clias. Biehle ex(ecU any day tt he called to tlie bedside of of tier fattier, who is very ill ut his home in Illinois. Nrs. Hiehle is preparing to start at a moments notice. Mrs. Uodermnn and her daughter Mag gie Bleuett viHited with Mrs. Priddy one day last week. Mrs. Blewe'.t is speml- ing a lew weeks with her jare;iU and do ing her summer sewing. ''1 Mr. O. A. Ottrton came home from Wyoming last Frulay. Mr. Garton had tlie good luck to ( hop, log and haul into the mill yard one hundred and lifty seven logs in a little more titan live weeks lime. A brand new baby girl arrived at the home oi Mr. and Mr. Waldez's Snturday morning March 27th. Mother and child are reported to l doing well, and Mar cus' happy smile occupies the largest portion of his face. Charles Hiehle was home last week from Harrison, and while cleaning out his irrigating ditch he Itad tlie misfortune to scratch and blister his hands in several places, Charlie says he thiiiks"itii pretty rough on a county Treasurer to have to do such work." Li ml ley Priddy had the misfortune to get thrown from a horse last Thursday, No bones were broken, and Lindler. diij not know he was hurt until the next morning when, he got up he found he was stiff and lame aisl sore all over from the effects of the jar of the fall. It is Miss Peitrle ILiy worth, instead of Mrs. Walker, who has been assisting with the work at Mrs. Diiut's. Miss Huy worth luts been engaged to teach a term of school near Mr. Coffee's, in the Bodarc settlement, und exsHts to commeuce her school about tbe Slh of April. So many things happened last Thurs day. Among the lia,peniiig is an ac count of Mrs. Garton and little girt und Elsie Merriain, friends of long standing having a fulling out. It seems these ieople started out from home, drividg a sfian of ponies that liked to travel up hill or down just as fast or slow as they pleased. They were going to Knd I fie day with Mrs. Priddy. They had jlist passed the place where Mr. Keel was tak ing the wire down, and were driving down into the gulch. Tlie road is wide enough, but none too wide. Mrs. Gar ton was iry.rg to hold the ponies back from going at a break neck s)eed, when the horse on tlie right side crowded over to tbe left. This caused tlie two wheels on tlie left side of the buggy, to rim up on a bank. Mrs. Oortan was on tbe down hill side, and before any of them had time to get scared or to think of dauber, over went tlie boggy snap went the reach und they were all on the ground, and away went the horses on a dead run with a piece of the reach and tlut two (root w bee Is spinning along after them at a one forty rale. They picked tliemselves up just as the horses disappeared over the hill an the opposite sida of tlie gulch. They were so glad to find themselves alive and unhurt they just looked from tlte flying horses to tlie broken buggy and then at one anothar nnd grinned. - A minnit or two later Mr. Keel came down the hill, after them, leading his horse, and inquired if any one was hurt. No they said but the buggy was brole and the horses gone. "Oh (logon tliebuigy oou saiu, -ii no one is nun, i n try ana get tlie horses back for you." . So onto his horse and away he went. Tlie po nies had got quite a start, but Mr. Keel cut across Mr. Biehle's pasture and al most sucdeeded in catching litem but missed tliem. But one of the Zerbst ami one ofjthe Wills boys were over that way and saw the horses running and caught litem. They Itad ran about a mile aod a half at full ed, and Mr. Keel brought them back on double quick time and they did not seem to want to run any mora. They had lost a part of tits portion of tits buffgy they started out with, so ttw bug gy could not be fixed; Mrs. Garton and Miss Marrktfii war determined not to miss their visit nsvsrUialesa. Ho they Isft what was left of the busry down la tba gulch and want to Mr. Biahla's and ' bor- rowad tlieir l ugiry w! (oh V m - wen Mud (,no i 'i i i il'.r t- Hi"'""' :si.'l , i ii itvir a r j n .in.. In tho as they came IsMiie tltey gulltered up tlw missing pieces of their buggy and after returning tlie borrowed buggy to Mr. Biehle'a, they went down to the srene of the morning smash up and surveyed the wreck. T)n tlie buggy was turned around and fastened securely topetlter once more with the aid of a piece of wires couple of halter ro and a green wood pole, then the buggy box was put in place and every thing boded into it, lite horses hitclied io their places and away they went home, winch ph-u-e was mulj wjtM,ut any furtlrer accident. Just as 1 linisiied ttiat last long ac count of how three friends had a fulling out a vision of a waste-basket of enoi uious size and w ith wide extended jaws ready to '.wallow anything and every thing Unit came near it, loomed up te- j fore my startled eyes and gave me such : a shock that I droped my jn n in a hurry j after suliscribing my name and conclud- j ed it was the safest not to write any j more items for tlie 1st of April -i-iper. j We meant to have sent the Warblings of ' this precioct in last Tuesday March 3Uth, hut on account of so much rain and snow i the mail earner for thi week was detain wn1 ainfr A,,ri 3l,i i,v 'oxw o( our j ne.u,, wl is obliged to go to. ed at home, and so Mr. Editor, 1 II just ' I town tomorrow for flour, otherwise if i this weather should continue, 1 dont i know wlien the readers of THK JRVM. would again liave tlie uneakable pleas ure of hearing from the Echo. We have managed to gather a few items that came on the wings of tlte snow. Lin Ellis thinks Emu must lsj a woman Is-catis of the raking the men got for keeping the roads insiich horrible condi tion in Monroe Canyon. Ha! hat Tlie roads will soon need working again in the same place. Iet those wlsise duly it is to at tend U the working of tltem, lie on hand and see the work is prosrly done, w hen it should be, and D'iIO will give them due praise, And will also mtrrent thai none of the ladies will ever ask them to step down and out and yeild tlie reins to them. Charlie Schiltz had some cattle vacci nated for th black leg not long ago. J. I Kay done the vaccinating. Mr. and Mrs. Tipton and family visitd at O. A. Gartens Sunday March lAst Saturday March 27th Warbonnet was so well rep resented in Harrison that it would he easier to have told who staid at home than to have mentioned all that were in town. Tomorrow if this weatlter continues tlte reverse may 1st exeeted. There comes that waste-basket Bgain so we'll stop right here until next time. Ei no. New Front All Around Bvdarr. Mr. F. M. Smith is tired of batching. The grangers all snowd under, about eight inches of snow on the level. Mrs. F. M Smith Ibis returned from a trip to tlie eastern rt of the state. We are well plei'sed to have our old neigh- j bor return. I Rulfing brothers are building a three! gable log house for Joseph Hoffman near Five Points. Mr. Hoffman will have a fine dwelling when finb'lied. We learn tliat Samuel Tebbet recieved his share in his old home estate f'-oni England last Thursday. We all hope lie is well pleased with the amount which is near 1,0(10. Uikk. Summer School. Arrangements have Wen completed for the holding of a summer school at Harrison for tlie Irene (It of teachers and alliens who might desire to attend such a school. It will begine June 14ht, and con tinue four weeks, followed by two weeks normal institute. For full particulars writ'". W. H. Davis. Co. Supt Agrlraltural Sorletj Aretinr. There will be a meeting of tlte Sioux County Agricultur a Society in the office of the slteriff at tlte court house, in Har rison, on Wednesday. April 14. 1WI7. Let all interested in tbe success of tlte society he present, as there will be important business to transact. W. fl. Duvls Secretary. THK YORK NEW WORLD, rmtlCE-A-WEEK EhlTlOS. 1ft Pares a week A paper as useful daily for only one dollar a year. Better titan ever. All lb Sewn of All the World All the TW. Accurate and fair to everybody. Democratic and for the poople. Against triisti nnd all monopo lies. Brilliant illustration. Stories by great authors in every ' number. Splen did readklg for women and other special departments of unusual interest. It stands first among "weekly" paper in ise, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at tlie low price or a weekly ; and IU .est list of sub scribers, extending to every stale and territory of the union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for tbe accuracy and fairness of ita new columns. We offer this iine-ualed newspaper and Thk Skjvi Cot sty Juuimal toffrther cn y-ar for TV f'iMr tWrijv lift! prtC5 rf il: tV.O plifrf'tN I3.1U, JUST AlWED. READY MADE CLOTHING at COST. I can sell you a suit of clothes cheap er than you can buy them at whole sale prices in Chicago or Omaha. Call at The Ranch Supply House and b3 convinced. LO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE McKINLEV TAltlFK B LL GuES INTO KITE T, IT WILL COST VOL' DOl'BI.E PRICE THEN TO IU'Y WHAT VOL NEED IN THE CIjOTHIM: LINK. LEWIS GERLACII. 1W HARRISON HOUSE. EGGERT R0HWER, Proprietor. Spring will soon be here. I HA VK CO N ST A N TLY ON I! A N 1 VI J l?U. KKKD AND SKKI) GRAIN. I also run MEAT MARKET in con nection with the HOTEL. Your Patronage is solicited. MARSTELLER BROS., They handle every thing usual; handled in a gen eral department country store. SUCH AS DHV GOODS and (iKOCKRIK, BOOTS ami SHOKS, HA 111) and TINWARK; aU FLOIJU, FKFDand G 11 A 1 X, K KIT C '( )NSTA NTLY N ! I A X I . YOU CAN' SAVK.M0XKV BY G0IXUT0 MAKSTKI. I.Kli IiR(S. dovou ISIDOR RICHSTEIN, WANT JOB iK.!,K! IN' FINK WINKS.. m)KKMK)XKJQi:0RSANDC1(;ARS. THEN COME TO THE AC.12NT l-OK JOURNAL OFFICE. READ JB AD. Try It One YeaR. Xor U the time '"!;;T.'I"The weekly tounal FOR ONE YEAR $1. TAKE THE JOURNAL AND YOU WILL NEVER REGRET IT. It is the Legal Paper of SIOUK GOUUTY, NEBRASKA. GliO. D. CANON, editor ff?p rnorrirTon PA 13 ST S Selebrntecl HICICR. to xubtcrWe for