The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 08, 1897, Image 7

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    , , . , . , .
The Caarltir'a Cat. J
H la n(l by the aurbotitie n jw l
and j-elry that the coronet of the
Run-nil empress in ttie uat l-auti I
collect .on of diam ndt ever gatlc red in
oue ornament It i couijWiM'l of fui
very lariM uiamondi of t lit
water and eighteen others o: siiiihtl'
mailer are, tgettier -ittt a multitude
of leaser diauioioN of e'ine .'
The flash of tbr beautiful g-n.s ic
reminds the ubsei vrr of a !! ftion of
No o-Itnc for I illy ( '! .
yel 4iki.i. f. f.l. V li !l .t ! i V "
rwiil,.it m r :'."M; v.r d I ! I-e.T
ba. nt.,ii , i.-i.rt.' hcilt Hi.! in t.f.o -o d., ... 1 l. l! 1 I'-'-'Vi I .
When you ask the L..rl to h'.e every
body has anything to do v. ith the
meeting, don't h ave out this junior
The ue of Hall's Httir la-inner pro
moles the pronto, of the Imir. ami reior.-!
it natural color and beauty. tr-c thewalp
ol dandrult. letter, and all mini nties.
The man who mind hi own business
will always have s netJiinu to do
'.'.reel ltmu ivt-r. k I'a-j o am! b"la, Her
at a-caui. weaio u (.x fi. r. nic
Step where Ood tell you to, an 1 you
will flml your fvt planted on the rock.
Hood's Is the Fines!
Spring. MsaiciiiB Tonic, Ab-
r. St
la lk Laid
Th collar band with its decoration ha
len a pro.nin nt feature of fasnion for j
some tii.e, but now the latent model !
have i lite i lain wait a very mod- j
et (rill of iac or . hiTrou at the l ack or j
two pointed tlu of v-Uei or silk, j
Fancy 'U-k!ea are .i very imortan.
element of J -eta just at pres lit, and. i
hile tin-1' urn 1 1 1 a. I OM i elja p an I I
.zei, oi.e ot tne pr. lti-l ell log I r iw
miifiiw be!( in in tti form of two 1 ir-e
on ii e eil ainl jeweled buttons;eJ
togs' III r
tt. or 'H o. t'irr or ToLED',t 9,
I'msK J i in mt n.ake oath that lie m
,'.ir senior Diitir o( the tirni of r J.
t'HKM v it I n., ilo;ii'J i.n-' ne-i in ttie I'iiV
o! i iili ilo, ( mi t v iiii i M..ti; uioro-iod, and
tint' 't:!i firii. wi.S : v Seruin of i.N'K
li I Xiti:i:i JniLI.aHS ;orea b and ever .
cu-e ot I :ii in II th t; ei.tumt he euiej hy
U;e uc ol il Ml.' i iT.K 'ii t i pk.
ki:ask j. iii:ni.y.
Sworn to liefor.. me in. ! nii-ei.ld in
mv i re-cuce, this fitu ilay oi 1H A.
ht IJLi wLrsj'-zj
A. V
. i;i,r.A-ov.
JLiH'it Catarrh Cure is taken internally
ati'l acli tlireetiy on the uiol inuenii
iirliiee ot I lie system, rend ior ieie
inotiial, free.
I '. J. ( IIKNKY iV ( O , Toledo, 0.
"?T.-.i!d hy Ii i:KK'sia, 7'w.
A.- I t.
it 7 , ,, :ir",i
V-77a'-'7: P2 -f ft it', -'
Vjr , -vf-; ' i,, n4 ei.
I hfl t .
Tliank a man lor an unei.X'Cted fivor,
tin then wa eh.
i A man v, ho attend (mrtiea. or who ie
;n luve, nhoul l vfivw one-ha f of h.B
lalary ha' k to h employer.
Minifeters' ive3 are t-j be pitied. They
jtan'ttell their hushandT) wbaif.d men
.heir miiii-ters are.
j A fui.e.Hl in a family reveals a great
i nany suror B u kuisMipa nw no nun
ijer oi prtier
I ii ide puMie
and reeep'iont) ha I ever
A recent pamphlet on rail ways etatM
that ttee are 31 deput and stations
wi iitu th-! liuiitsof L cidoii.
The siret railnayg in lUlliinore car
ried over 53,MiO,UO J pas tenuis in 189
and p :i ! $243,001 in taxei f -r the sup
port of the city's arks.
Auitra.i-t had la-it ye ir fl.T'iO miles of
railway p -n The capital expended on
the n tits been $ I7.IH) J.(XK) die nr.
revenue ov-r wo.-k:
p r cent.
'vmiTT'W-sN . -J ,
MKi!!i:i;S of the f.ilr sex are
not Jtl'.vavs :he iniholinielll of
, l;e:illty v.ell tliey do
isvjii f f.
'1 -v;
The pr tu'ioal i dvatitae in uing i-alt
us a fertilizer in that it helps to mak
plant iood in th fir av.iiUble.
Jrrr 'r R l'w tl nl I'M -'. rDjy ' tbrUc. fl
ii llvi-r mill bvwt ri-tful ur iuai.
i ll ipiite a number oi the farm pro-
! duels, l.w prices are caused not so luncl:
hy ovi rptoilnetion a hy l or (itiality.
J'i-ui'h Cure lor Consumption is our only
medicine for coughs and colds. M rs. V
Htlti,4.T.ttth ave , Denver, Col., Nov. 23 '(
On ioint in the devil's favor is thiit
heat"rs are generally better ventilated
than churchen.
Hn. Whiolotr'a bo.ihiM. -rrr Inr etold
rn iretliliie, noitem iBe iiin.n. r line, l:irtsm
n.stii.n.ailavs vain. cum nil I'oiic. i' okliU
i The Christian's idea of prosperity 18
I n t s imethinj? that 4n be tne-ured by
i the state of his flour barrel.
Whs lillt'iio t.r r.tii. cat a Cawarvt, eaudr ca.
thatne. rum it iiaranui.-.i, lu . 2.r
It Make You Eat, Sleep, WorX and
"We think Hood's Sarsaparilla is the
finest Sprint? and family medicine. I
had been bothciel with headache while
at my work, many a time having to go
home, and loss of sleep, tired all the
time, and getting up in the morning
weak. I decided to take. Hood s !.arsa
parilla and felt hi tter after three doses.
I kept on taking it, and now I can go
.. . . I .1.. .1. ..o.rl
inwtl.e iiuarry aim uu ""' Th,r, ,,,,!,(,,, r,ne with the
and come home lee tug wen ami always - ; . ,
Sungv. We have also b,,n giving!'"'"' 0 T" fr"m d,ur1a" "'
?foo4's SarsaparSlia t our yo,in,est t--ver the P,eacl,1:lg ..aimed .nuare-
child, who was we ik. languid ami hming ; 'y t '"'' "
flesh. We could soon see a marked! There is nothing in the Bthlo
chance, lie at better. Slept well, and tour ige anyhoily in thinning
In a little while was like a new boy.
He has continued to improve, and to
day is lively as a cricket: and the neigh
bors s;:yhe can talk tm-re than any
man around Ihe tilaee." Thomas
WlllTt:, l'ark Quarries, l-reeilmn, l a.
. 15 Je sure to get Hood's because
Hood's SarsapariJIa
Il th tnt- In Ihc! Ihe'inn T'ue HIikhI I'U Ifier.
8ld by all iln ex' l.lx f jr
U,,A, ' c pilc r. th only pt.U to t.k
rlOOU S rlHA u, HouiJ'a Haiaimr,ll
to en
t hat he
! . I... o . .-...I I.e. i.ij nun ,.fl uorL-q
1 Mil 17C.C n i v t. ..........
Many a man who begiuh what lie con
p'derea promihing journey in the.Iencho
rami, meets tin) robbers at the hret
ror the year of 18!)i not one mile of
rilroad track was laid by the a team
nails in No v Hampshire, Iihoie Is
land, Ma'itchinwUs or Connecticut, sin!
only one mile each in Maine and Vet
MiVcit ri, ht to sell whi-key and
nothing el-e can he wrong.
K.veiy man wh Ihinks he can dsceiv
ti d has alretdy deceived himelf.
not hati'ieii to have o'll'lt
lock, lli'.lf of their t:m
o.ike.l fairlv hideous in order tint: me
... .i. i-li f.i.!!-
otner lu: If inipni mm mem
vatlng litt'.e rlngli'ts find niry wavei'i.
Slid tlu-ir private fumllii have hud to
suffer from their uiiae.lhetic appear
That Is one reason why tin- cu.nn
Iron haw been so popular. It s-tves go-
lug about with the hair done i'i
..., .mil liurnllke niiiM. rubber and
kid roll, etc Even the neat moita-uet
of the same us ttie nai-
them a bald appearance, "'id. " ,,r
whites of egg, gum amble and ot.ier
ritlek 'ems" to make water wave, so
culled, the Kitfht of tliem was euouu
to make one Kick.
The French have come to the reseu-.
They usually do v lien there is '.
ivc.hetlc or artlnrlc ini.-t Ion at lsue.
They have invented "le Hon noil, or
.,,ini,iii.r uhleli coiisists of a sort of
fork with two upright tines, to which
rlhlM.ns can be through eyeleta
In ueh a way that the' hair can In
woven in the usual manner a bout rhe
two tine, on Is done with n large wave
pin. and then the pin can le with
drawn, leaving the hair woven on n
ribbon, the end of which iui then be
tied lu a eiMiueltixh litlle howkuot,
producing a charming efTecl.
Dinn r Talilea i-et for Iviiht.
As soon an the lnaugunitlon hells
hi. v.. leinllv ringing nt the na-
for nt least four years, and probably S3
I nig as some of us shall live. Mr. Cleve
land is by no menus a small man. phys
ically, mentally or oMici..l!y, but when
it came to receptions and the like he
was soiiiewlittt overshadowed by his
wife. A pretty little woman went to
the last reception given by the lady of
ti.. W hile House and she told after
ward that as the crowd came through
tin. ilooi-s into the Id ue linrlor she was
so httsy looking nt Mrs. Cleveland that
she went straight hy the President
w it hunt seeing him. Then, seeing her
mistake, she quickly turned and, shak
ing hands with him, exclaimed: "I beg
your pardon, Mr. Cleveland, 1 didn't
see you." Kverybody around smiled,
the little lady herself smiled, Mrs.
Cleveland smiled and the President
himself smiled and seemed not In the
least displeased.
-35- l
' l (i
tlonal capital, the ladies of the Lam-
net get ritnly to set rhe social nan n-n-llig.
Dinner's come llrst In Cabinet n
terlaiumetits. It Is learned Ihat t),e
favorite Washington d nner table w'dl
1)0 set for eight. In shape II will bo
nearly witiare. with the hostess facing
the cut rami. The floral piece
Where !nuurhter lre.i Alike.
In Yucatan, Central America, sisters
dress precisely alike, even to the tying
of a bow, the turn of a button or the
flower In the hair. Iu the tropics large
families are the rule, and any day you
may see In that country girls in groups
nf from three to a baker's dozen who
belong to the ime family, as their
clothes will show. It is thus easy to
distinguish the members of a family
anvwliere, and not Infrequently sisters
are called by their favorite flower or
color. In A iin in men and women wear
their hair In the same way and dress al
most alike. Kan-lugs and linger rings
are worn by women on'.y. Lapp men
and women dress alike. The men and
women of the Croe tribe of Indians
dress alike, but can be diftingnlshed by
the ornamentation of their leggings,
that of the men lielng vertical and that
of the women horizontal.
One of Mrs. Pinkham's Talks
! Concerning a Mother's Duty to Her Young Daughter. Together with a
Chat vith Miss Mane jonnson.
The balance wheel of a woman's life is menstruation. On the proper per
formance of this function depends her health. .....
Irregularity lays the foundation of many diseases, ana is in lincuiapwui
txty of disease. It is of the greatest importance that regu
larity be accomplished as soon as pusatblu after the now
is an established fact.
Disturbance of the menstrual function poisons
the blood. In joiing1 girls suppression develops
latent inherited tendencies to scrofula or con
sumption, and no time miiot be lost iu restoring
reirularitv. Many a youn'Vfiirl goes to her grave
'j because this difHculty has bcSu thought lightly of.
and mother ha.s said, "Time will bring about a
ikP cure: she is young, I don't worry about her.
' Mother, when you see your daughter languid
ik .'VW , . a .i .: 11,. a
and lniiinerenii 10 uiiug um uui'"i a'"."""
young girl, when you note that flush on her cheek,
that glassy appearance in her eyes; when your
daughter tells you that even the weight of her
dress waist oppresses her, ana tnat she lias u-rri-ble
pains in her stomach shortly after eating, don't
ignore these signs I If you do, you will be follow
ing your daughter to the grave, for she will die I
This is gospid truth she is developing consumption of the bowels 1
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the greatest regulator known
to medicine. Make haste to use it on the first appearance of the tell-tale
Bvraptoms ; it will restore all the female organs to their normal condition.
Miss Marie Johnson's letter to Mrs. Pinkham, which follows, should inter
oat all mothers and young ladies. She says :
"My health became so poor that I had to leave
school. I was tired all the time, and had dreadful pains
in my side and back. I would have the headache
so badly that everything would appear blacK De
fore my eyes, and I could not go on with my
studies. I was also troubled with irregularity of
menses. I was very weak, and lost so much flesh ,
that my friends became alarmed. My mother, who
is a firm believer in your remedies from experi
ence, thought perhaps they might benefit me,
nnd wrote vou for advice. I followed the advice
you gave, and used Lydia E. Pi.ikhara's Vegetable
Compound and Liver Pills as you directed, and am
now as well as I ever was. I have gained flesh
and have a good color. I am completely cured of irregularity. Words cannot
express my gratitude, and I cannot thank you enough for your kind advice and
medicine." Miss Mamk F. Johnson, Centralia,. Pn.. -
In the
r0 14 TEAKS this , tj merit aloie. ,
aas ilatanc-d all competitor.
u THE BEST la itylt, fit end 4arabUlty ol
ay ahc ever offered at $1.00.
aa STTIES n4 of every variety of leather.
ORE DEALEB IB A TOWB ivea eiciaflve
ale aad advertlMd l local aiaer on recelot
of reasonable order. Write for catalocae to
W. L. DOUGLAS, Brock Un
AaMhn hink Only Llvea Ilecnune He
rervprc(l-HiiH"cre'l tlnce the War
with Kidney IllacnMC.
from tlir .Vrwn, fit. John, h'nnnm.
Kvery citizen nf St. John. Kan., i nc-Ouaititi-d
wilh Ahiixlm ltisk, one of t'le
'I lid Veterans" of the Iat war and resi
dent of this city. A few mouths ago In)
was a complete physical wreck, from kid
ney trouble and diarrhoea. Your corre
spondent, who had learned lie hsd found
relief, miM'ting him on the street recently,
Hiked If lie wouldn't Rive him all the
facta. Mr. Ilisk said he was only too
glAO to let the ix'ople in general and fiii
old comrndes in particular know wliut
bad benefited him.
He then made the following statement:
"I had been suffering for years from
complication of (lineage, among tlicm
kidney and liver trouble and chronic diar
rhoea. I lie greatest trouble of all, now
Qiii 7 flrrfo
A Itenefnctor of 'nracn,
Nuinerotis young women who have
perfected the study of phonography
will be interested to learn that the lieu
efactor of women, the gentlemau wlio
Invented the system, Sir Isaac Pitman,
was In 1HIK2 presented by those who ap
pwialed what he had done with a
purse of S1.7XJ and a very handsome
marble clock. In 1SS7. when the Jubi
lee of phonography was celebrated, he
received a marble bust of himself and
a gold medal from the phimogmpliei's
of the I'nlted States and one from i
(ireat Britain and the colonic. In IS',10
shofthanil was lnelnde.1 iu the subjects
to be taught In the board of schools lu
Knghnd. Si.-tt'tics Just compiled show
that ho per cent, of the reporters In the
English spiiiking world use the Pit
man system.
; n so ivaSL'SiB fflil3iit nniinntTt' j
f DO AT flTPf V rTTIBlWITnt cure " constipation. CatcarpU are tlieldpn. I.nia
t nUuuuuiLiiji uuniinuiuui'
J pin and book If t trw,
tirp. norrr criD or erioe.but rnuso eattTnahiriilrosiilis bam-
lA KTI III.IMI KEHLDT CO.. Chicniro. Hontreal. an., orNptt Tork.
center wufbe partly of fruit and ready
for wrvlng with the dessert. It will
not be very tall. Mirrors bordered with
Altll'llil Y U' ill form the middle mat. The
eer, was the complete w reck of my ner- ' cloth will bo of flue linen, not silk or
r &
Sd Jit Coat.
Kg ?t brth rl-li-r n4 siJJl pr
.(t-.-. ri.ti llnrid 1'innfflr! Mtf ker I T
it is uniifdi) m w, If tu,i Utr fn
ytwr trmn, writ" lir ta'itneu to
A J. TOWf Httf.n M.
fhe St. Jne)h strl firand Inland E. R
TO A 1.1. roiXT"
Atl7ir' 'fi 8ytein
To ( alltornla, Ornoii :'t all Wraiorn roiiita
For liiiormaitim r' Kantlng rale., ttie , call ou
er rfdrraa uf antor H. M. Ausit,
y. I'. HnsisM.s. Js.. 0u. Taw Agt.
t.on'1 Jlauafar. St. Joeph, Mo.
Klamlnall'ir. JU'l Adrlr,, aa V. FaWOIalillllr of In
. T.UIII.B. . Mnt for In- ni'Tt'OuMaw llii
a l-aioul. rTBica o'Kaaaiax, Vk aahloit. . 1. C,
ML f APT UUi., a Ika U., mitmif, B T.I lLL
votis aystetn, resulting from my nervne in
the army. I tried etery remedy I could
hear of without the least beneficial re
mits, until I saw a testimonial of an "old
veteran" who waa iu the same regiment
with me during the war (wieh whom I
was well flciiiainled), .tntlne that he had
been cured of a similar cmnplnint hy the
use of Dr. Will'ianis' Pink i'ills. 1 con
cluded to give Pink Pills a trial, as they
niiuht possibly help me. I using
tliem and soon commenced to feel slightly
better; my improvement was very slow,
however, but still it was noticeable, mid
this wat I'lii-oiiragiiig. In the course nf
about thn-e weeks my condition w.i 1 vast
ly Improved. To the pres. tit lime I have
taken thirteen ImxeK of Pink Pills, 11 nd
c.-ni trutlifuilv say I believe I am entirely
cured of my kidin r and liver trouble, and
nearly so of my diarrhoea. My nervous
trouble, too, i so much belter that I am
sure a cure will be entirely perfected in a
ihort lime.
"My wife ali used the Pink Pills With
great lielletu. inr mono .i in nil e.
treinely had condition. Sin e lifting the
Sills, however, thin condition lia entirely
iaappesrod. I consider I r. Wilhauii'
Pink Pill the neel mat-vi-loiii discovery
of tlie age. I e.'iii'iM.l sny ton much in
their prai-e. A 1 1 A S 1 1 A ItlSK."
Ir. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo
ple were first conipiiiiniled as a prescrip
tion and ued as such in general prac
tice hv an 1 :uiie lit physician. So gn at
was iheir c:hn.y tint il was denied
wise to place them wi'hin the reach of all.
Thev are now iiiiiiuilaclMri d by ihe Dr.
Wiliinms Medicine Couip-mv. Scheni-c-t.dv.
X. Y.. and are "old in boxes (never
In loo.e form by th d'i.i n or linn dred.aml
the public are cneliom-l agu n't liuiuer
ou iinitaiintis wild in this slinpel al ."C
cent a box, nr nix boxes for S'-.oO. anil
oiuv he had of all druggists or direct by
mail from lr. William' Medicine Com
t"llJ'' . .
No matter ho pood a pedigree an an i
Dial niay have, individual merit and
good conditions are essential.
satin, and the dinner of only seven
courses-oysters, soup, lish, game, en
trees, salad and dessert. One of the
ladies of the new Cabinet has copied
Martha Washington's dinner table 11s
far n possible. Tln table Is free from
1h. It is h.w and under
neath lie cushions. The chairs tip lnu-k I
slightly nnd the seats are silk. An old
time lamp above glvis soft light.
J'en and Women Kriend.
A man Is neither spiteful nor treach
r.roos .lechiie some women who arc
j popular with the lords of creation, and
tiiey add that one male friend Is worth
! a dozen feminine". Then, again, other
1 women, with cipial force, remind one of
I the proverbial fickleness of men, nnd
j how a new face and a brighter manner
I often drive completely awuy an old and
I time-honored friendship. Hut this,
jolliers will answer, relates only to a
! love affair, and naturally when the lit
I tie god arrives on the scene, all such
I cold nlTalrs as friendship must liml
I lodgings elsew here. Probably, like all
I assertions either way, the truth lies be-
, tweeli the two extremes. Some men
tare particularly calculated for friends.
In fact, In that capacity are loyalty nnd
honor themselves. They never talk of
or discuss their friends; they are only
too willing nnd too ready to serve a wo
man they really care for, nnd are al
ways on hand In trouble arid sorrow
with ready sympathy and help. Hut
friendship of this kind naturally de
mands much, nnd no one will waste
such plntonlc devotion without expect
ing an equal amount of friendship and
loyaltyjn return.
Clrar I.ocWa Knnhlonabte.
New York has many girls
though under 17 yearn of ago, have
taken tip the fad for gray hair, the idea
being to appear 'very Intellis-tual ant
thoughtful. It Is nuuiaged by leaving a
lock of one's natural hair at a wig
maker's, with Instructions to somewhat
match It by shades of gray hair, not 111
llrst too far removed from the original
color. A touiiee affair 1 purchased to
be worn a la falsi- luings. The gray
hairs are carefully Intertwined with
the dark locks, and one Is perfectly
Premature Morrlnirea.
It Is said tJliat ome .extraordinary;
revelations of wife abandonment art'
being made In New York. Fifteen
thousand men are under bonds to sup
port their wives. The magistrates
nsr-rilie this si-ate of tliiugn partly to
the hard times, sill more to lax mor
als, but moert of nil to premature mar
ringi. Fifty l''r cent, of the denerted
wives were married while In their
A Letter ricx.
A letter holder Is a useful adjunct to
one's disk. U Is mndu of paniolxmrd, '
may be covered with silk, linen, leath
erette or any dm I ml material. A Ikx
with a high fancy lick ! divided into
two pans, one for answered, the tbe
Wall l'ap-r is I nsanitary. KAI.MOIHTKR IS
a ana ATI 1st I" Is a pure, permanent and artistio
111 AKllNIINI wall-coating, n-ady for the brush
nwlUnU I llllw by mixing in cold water.
For Wale by Paint Dealers Fverywhere.
Tna DocroaMOne layer of mm a ti.i n.H .liAvini. 19 dpRirAhle tints, also Alabastfne
who I a l.r'- .r.'U'.r. mtL 8ouvn!rllnrksentfreeWanyonemntinninginispw.
mm 1 ' -j .---j t aWA n m u rm bl au- m 1 mm n aa iiiiiiiat
W but cannot thrir." rtuiiirir s a -.f..
V'A Fair Face Cannot Atone for
Ah Untidy House."
t.fli. 8BtTTHBril-Prlrlil.
A a cove aa Miia tor fi.w.
but .io old direct to the
connumw lor m years, bu
YvtioKwavie pricm, mvam
theta the dealfrtt' pro
flt. Khip anywhere
lor exftmiuftuoD u
fore nais- Every
thine warrant!.
100 f.t ) of 'ar-
"iftaTHB. tUlKtVlMOf HttP
nwtJi. Toi HuttitleHaslow
jniacUins fiH low
an sprHn WaKOiM,
Riiad Wufions, eu. nd
i, free tAiuxioBue.
for large,
ELKHART cakkiauk ami uak.n MIU. CO.
No. HOB. Surr.j PrleUh.tirtiiiB, lm... nun.
faBde. lrB aad fcmder., Iftl. A. food - Mil. lor a.
W. U. rUATT, o'l. ELUUAKT, 1NI.
Right off, to any, even
the worst of
l BBl W
Hard rubbing is
the sleight of hand.
A prompt cure is
The Magic.
Hw Only Vra, rierrlanl.
Although May. Cleveland has taken
herself to Princeton, where she will nt
last have a chance to live her own life
In tho way aim may choose, there will
be atorle of her tart and klndllneas and
social gifts fiattng around Washington
for unanswered letters. At the fronl
la fastened a third box designed for
letters ready to be mailed, a word
showing the me of each cimiparfuK-a
being painted or embroidered diagonal-'
ly ncrotw the face of each. A Vrj cal-
ondar is attached to the top of 'ctSu- back
and above K an oiienlng by which it
may be huDg. j
The complaint ktiown aa grip la aa de '
pressing as uurecjulted lov.
opened IHak
a ' .
Dotcie or
Root beer?
Th popping of a
cork from a bottle of
Hires is a sicnal of
good health and plea
sure. A sound the
old folk9 like to bear
the children can't
resist it
ts composed of th
vary Ingredient, the
yntem reoulrca. Aiding
the dlKliu, soothing
the nerval, purifying
the blood. A Mtnpor
ance drink for temper
a no people.
Ma, aalfkr
IH tnanta a. airaa
Co.. ralla.
atM I fallMa,
Every rtiurwlay afternoon -tourist
leeplng ear for Dan,
ver, Hull Juke ("Itv, San Kran
clscn, and Los Ansele. lcar
Oii aha una Lincoln via the
BurlinBton Route.-
It ts carpeted, upholstered
In rattan, him upring neat, and
backs and is provided with
curtains, boddlncr, towels. ap
elTi. An eipcricnced exi-ur-ston
conductor and nut
formed Pullman porter eo
company It throm:li to the
l'erlnc Coast.
While neither nsejtpen.lvely
finlalipd tiura. flue to look at
aa a palace .leeper, It I. Just aa
(iood to ride in. Second clasa
IP ken are honored and IB
price of a berth, wide enouga
lor two, l only n.
for a folder lining full par-;
tlculara writ to
Fiuncu, Cen'l I'ass r Agent, Omaha, Ne
fCM. V. Ka. 4.14-18.
Tark, b
V aaatva amy yaa aw I ha 4 Tart tea anant
ta mh
g hll.HljA
L. w. 0u.ibi.o4 J
rrti.1 aol lo ou aiort
t; Lli U tor uanalaral
dlachariM, InAanllialieaa.
IrrhalloDl or ulaaraUoa
ut uiucoua tuambraaaa.
rfFro'oau I'MMiMa. 1',.m, and not aatciia
lTHltllflMtaiClC. i'lr rolsonuBa.
Mala) I
nr arnt In plalo rMt,
li aipren. prooa I. faf
ft m, .r I Imiilai, . .7t.
Clrcalar .ml aa loaaatt.
J 1 tatlaf -'aojlbjrlJ I
if ,
i 4
I i
m, 1 - ' , ' ... . v :-: . - --V