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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1897)
ibmmiSmK..mtiHti..t,.r'ij.M aVUifi i 1 t t THE FIELD OF BATTLE INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES OF THE WAR. The Veterans of the Rebellion Tell of Whittling Ballet, Kriiiht Haronrta, Borattna; Hombe, Bloody Itattlea, Camp tin, Feetive Hath Ktc, Ktc The t,'nlonlt' Fata. Two or three years before the South eeceded from the I'rilou a tine young fellow from New England settled la one of the country district of Ala bama, where he opened a school. Harlow, for Hint was the teacher's name, had no patience with secession, but be bad come South to make money, and la order to win popularity and pat ronage be disguised bin sentiment anu was Apparently willing to drift with the tide. He was noon on the best of term with his Southern nelghlMirs, and the year before t lie war broke out he mar ried a rich girl and found himself the master of a plantation and afiout a hundred slaves. The school was given up. of course, and Barlow was transformed luto a typical cotton planter. Eveu then he was loyal to the Union at heart, but his greed tempted hlru to remain and pretend to sympathize with the secession cause. The first gun was fired in Charleston harbor. troop rushed to the front, and a new republic was attempting to rise from a sea of blood. The ex-teacher threw off his old hab lU and adopted those of the people a rou ml him. He enjoyed hunting and outdoor sports. liked his toddy, and was at bis (Mt when he win telling stories to a crowd of Jolly fellows. Naturally he was popular, and In ev ery circle he was a prominent figure. He contributed liberally to the Con federate cause, but had no desire to filter the army, roriunntcly he was not subject to conscription, as the laws of the Confederacy exempted every man who was the owner of twenty or more slaves. People thought It perfectly natural and proper for him lo slay at home to protect his property, and lie whs treat ed In every respect like a native South erner. One public duty he could not ehlrk. The district had to be patrolled at night, and the younger men at stated times rode In couples all over the coun ty between sunset and sunrise. fJenerally the men on patrol liked their work. They carried their bran dy 8aks and plenty of cigars, and hail their fun. They stopped at the bachelor quartern of some of the plant ers, and It was a rare thing to finish patrol scout without a game of cards for staki high enough to make It In teresting. Barlow knew enough of what was going on to convince him that the Con federates would In- vanquished, and In a quiet way he made preimratlons for the final collapse. Through an agent In Montgomery he mode occasional purchasw"of gold and greenbacks, and he stored Inrsu quantities of cotton In places supposed to be wife. Much of his time wn devoted to what might be called a campaign of education with his wife. He stuck to this systematically, removed her sec tional prejudices, filled her mind with a longing to enjoy the gay life of the large Northern cities, and led her to agree with hltn that the success of the Union cause would be better for them than Its defeat. They decided to embrace the first op portunity when pence came to sell their land and go to New York to live. Their siave property, of course, would be a to;al Iohh. With tlibi understanding the husband and wife continue! to play their parts as good Confederates, and the planter was always ready to patrol his dlntrict ai.u aid in the preservation of pence ui! I order among the slave population. He had become so accustomed lo the expression of Confederate sentiments he wa rather proud of his elo quence In that line, and his talk was liiliy as extreme n that of his Houth 'cni friend). His wife feared that he would and I; dillicult to prove his loyalty to the Union when the time came, but he told her that the federals would un derstand his peculiar situation and would think that he was force, I to act a part to save his life and property. In fact. It would have been danger ous if he had pursuiil the opposite course. The few Northern Unionists In the South who did not hold their tongues had a linn I road to travel. The climax came before anybody was ready for It. Lee's army surren dered at Appomattox, ami a flurry of confusion and uncertainly followed throughout the K.'iiMi. Johnston surrendered In North Caro lina, and Jefferson I hi vis was known to be making his way through Georgia to the Southwest. The Confederates lu Texas were still undecided about surrendering, and In some localities In Alabama and other States there was a desire to continue the conflict. In llarlow'i neighborhood the people were slow In coming to a full under standing of the changed condition of affairs. ' The Home Guards drilled ev ery day as usual; the patrol syirteni was kept up, and the masters were us trlct as ever by their slaves who did not realise what Appomattox meant. If they heard It mentioned. The conscript I odceni went tnetr rounus, ami uie mall bodies of Confederate troop In that region held themselves ready to lfbt the Invaders whenever It might bo One day It was rumored that a red ml raMlng party had entered Barlow's Matty 4 might at any hoar reach hla plantation. The other pUaUm ad' ftaad pioKil poller, bat Barlow suspec!i a design on their part to draw '.in) out and discover his real feeling. To deceive them he advised resistance, and declared b'.s readlnens to takfc his gun aud go on a scouting expedition. His offer was accepted by the rap tain of the Home Guard, and the un fortunate man armed himself aud started out through the wood, after diet assuring his wife that there was no danger aud that be was only play ing a game of bluff. The full story never came out, but when Barlow's dead tswly was brought home the men who accompanied It said that he bad been surprised lu the forest by some Federal soldiers, who sup pond that be was about to fire uxin them from ambush, aud they had uon the spur of the moment shot him down. They carried him to the first planta tion on their road, where be died from the effects of his wound. Some of the neighbors who were present Informed the officer In command that his men bad killed a man who. though a newly Imported Yankee, was a mighty good Confederate. At the same time, how ever, they stated that the Federals would meet with no organized resist ance lu that vicinity. The Federal) visited the Barlow plan tation and carried off all the cotton stored there, and caused the negroes to scatter In every direction, the major ity of them heading for Montgomery, where tbey expected to live a life of ease at the expense of the Govern ment. Mrs. Barlow had the sympathy of the community until she put In her claim for her cotton, pleading that she and her h unhand were strong Union people and had never been genuine Confederate). An outburst of Indignation followed, and many Interesting facts came to light allowing the difference between the politics of the Bar'.ows In public and in the privacy of their jwn home. The widow lost her cotton claim, llit she sold her land and moved North nmotig her husband's relatives, and made u reputation as a bitter South hater. Barlow was the last man killed by the Federals In Alabama, and the pe culiar circumstance of his ibsith caus ed the Incident to be the subject of con siderable talk. "He wno a bright, clever fellow," said an old citizen who told me the story, "iiiid If he had not been killed by the Yankees I verily (relieve that out district would have sent him to Congress on account of his red-hot se cession talk. But when the truth came out It was a shock to everybody." Wallace Putnam Reed, In Chicago Times-Herald. Grunt' Coolneaa. While General Grant, then a lieuten ant, was courting the lady whom he married, there occurred an event to which he never reverted without a shudder. A writer lu the Midland Monthly, describing an adventure which the young lieutenant and Miss Dent met with, says: When the water Is high In the Missis sippi the swift current abrades the banks, and they frequently "cave In" for several yards or rods at a time. In early spring. In one of their after noon explorations, Lieutenant Grant and the young lady were riding along the bank of the river, passing from one cove or valley to the mouth of another. Miss Dent was nearest the watet Suddenly Miss Dent's horse began to sink. The earth had given way under his hind feet. Grant's horse was close beside hers. In nn instant be saw that her horse was sinking Into the awful abyss! Grant's cool head and splendid horse manship here had opportunity to dis play themselves. Quick as a flash he leaned over, threw his right arm around Miss Dent's waist, and drew her to him as her horse disappeared In the seething and murky eddy that a moment Inter boiled and surged In an gry tumult over the place where bnnk I and horse bad disappeared from Light 1 Fortunately the earth parted between the two animals, leaving Grant's horsy on solid ground. Lifting and firmly! holding Miss Pent, and applying the spur to bis horse, he was on safe ( ground In a moment; then he gently I lowered her to the earthall this with- j out a word from "the silent man," or I a scream or murmur from her. J As be hastened back to rescue her: horse she stood holding the bridle of his, outwardly as composed as If noth ing hail happened. Her horse had disappeared. Grant followed downstream and hailed a bout mini In a skiff, who found the horse swimming several hundred yards below, amid driftwood and debris. He landed the animal at a place where It could climb the bank, and It was soon on safe ground, none the worse for the. fright and the bath. "Johnny" and "Yank." Kvery little while a new story is told which illustrates the nonchalant way ; iu which the soldiers of the Federal and Confederate armies used to talk ' across the Hues during the Civil War. During the days, he says, when Sher man's army was operating In front of Atlanta, Hood's Confederate command tad been thrown again aud again upon liberman's lift wing, only to be hurled ack each time torn and bleeding. One inornlng, after this had been going on for several days, tho outposts of the two armies found themselves within talking distance, and began to con Terse as usual, "Hello, Johnny!" said a federal ser geant Hello, Yank!" "How many of you reba are there Mtr "Dunno, Yank. 'Bout another klliln', I reckon!" Who can doubt that this brave Amer ican soldier of the South would bare verebed to the next "klliln' " with per Met composure, ran though It bad tally finished Heed's com m tod? AbTKU A F1G1; V Greek Troops are Absoluttly Depera.e and Wilt Attack Anything. PUBLIC OPINION THERE FAVORS A WAH ltri'1 h Ship -li In I wo Veeaels for the tireek aud AroaMl Wialb Adui.raU Hal T and iiairla ara 1- Irrd London, March 30. The Times lias a dispatch from its correspondent at Canea who descrilies the Greek tioope and insurgents as becoming absolutely desperate. The insurgents were utterly, astounded at the fleet's bombarding Malaxs on Thursday. The ehelling J gan at the moment when, tl.e Turkish' zarrison having yielded, the block house was full of rein Is tnil forty-three pris oners. The first shell destroyed one wall of the block house and killed three men. The victors speedily vacated the place, taking with them their prisoners, who are known at Alikanu. The insurgents again attacked the Aptora block house, near Izzedin yes terday, but tbey were driven back by the Italians, Russians and English. The British warship Dryad found four caiquos that were landing contraband. She sank two f the boats and captured the other two. Most nf the cargo from the boats hail already been landed. The insurgents were furious against the British, and fired on a boat in which were Admiral Harris and Lieutenant Buller, both of whom were in uniform The Times today publishes a disp itch from Athens saying that those exercis ing the greatest influence on public opinion seem bent on war. The d 8 patch adds that communication lias been established between the Gre k officials and Colonel Vassos, in Crete, by means of flash signals by way of the it-laud of Anticvthera, south of Cerigo Constantiv i v, Marrh 30. Rii'sia and Great L. t in will send consular officers to attend the inquiry to be made into the recent massacre of Armenians atTokat. Atiikns, March 30. Yc-terday 000 armed Cretans and Greeks suddenly boarded the s'eiuner Ileraklion, which was lying at the Piraeus and overawed the cr w by a display of re.olvers. They then proceed ec1 to jettison the en tire cargo of the steamer, which con fisted of flour for the Turk ili troops at Canea, 2o,0)0 eggs for the KuaMsn fleet and quantities of provisions for the English fleet in Cretan waters. There was a remarkable display of en thusiasm when Crown Prince Conetan line went on board the royal yacht en route for Volo, in Thessaly, where he will disembark and proceed to the front ier. The houfes of the town were bril liantly illuminated and there were fre quent feux de joi. Prior to the sailing of the yacht Prime Minister Delyannis had a conference with the crown prince : i ri u i r an ln.ur. Tlio Landing, nf I II Ixnt-rn New York, March 30. A Herald spe cial from Key West, F!., says: It is sta'ed on the beet authority that a nTibiixfcii'.' xptdition which failed from tl'i- vicinity last week effected a on the noilh cott of Cuba, west of Havana, near Mnrict. According to the rumors which are cur ent here start ling circumstances attended the landing. Trie Spanich, it is said, bad been in formed that such an expedition would land from the steamer I'eiumda, anil a strong force was p ared in ambuHh on the northern coast, near I he puint where it was supposed that the party would attempt to reacfi tl.e shore. The spot where the expedition really landed was, in fact, only a short dis tance from the reported ambush by the r-'panish, and as soon as the Cuban! came ashore w ith their arms tbey were met by a sharp fire and attack, before which they were pow ( r'ese. Several of tho Cubans, according to the rumor, were killed, and the munitions of war were seized. Later, the rumor states, a large body of Cubans came to the rescue of the newly landed men, and boldly attacked the victorious Spanish troops, the re sult being the Spanish, in their turn, were put to flight, the warlike car go remaining in the hands of the Cu bans. The Spanish bad also, it is said, sent several gimtmats to that part of the react, and when the filibustering vessel pailed sh3 was chased and fired upon, but according to the report was unin jured. Hauta r Kariilng-. Chicago, March 30, The gross earn ings of the Santa Fe system for Feb ruary were $2,192, H00 and net earnings 4H8,808, a decrease of f 127,873 com pared with the corresponding month of lKfrtt. For the eight niontns ending February 29 net esrnings increased $i)87,f)2t, as compared with the corre sponding months of the ISilO fiscal yea.r KaGTii Kun Aground. Nick, March 30 -The Ailsa and Brit annia started in a race yesterday for a a priie of 6,000 francs. Shortly after the start the Britannia went ashore and re mained fast half an hour, the Ailsa in the meantime sailing over the course alone. The Britannia returned to the starting point after being floated. It llcraalns a Mystarr Niw York, March 30. The man, who, with two women, was found asphyxi ated Saturday morning ia the Marine hotel, No, 536 Hudson street, died yesterday morning. He did not re cover consciousness, so the cm will probably remain a mystery. The wom an found dead were Identified Sundar. Una is Ells Jarvis, eighteen years old, f 60 Main, South Glsn Falls, N. Y. The woman ragistarsd as Mr. Mary Bat. Um MaboMy of taU sity. A IOBXAUH'1 IlKAULT WOHK Strlfcas an Oklahoma Twb aad Leava I and Ojrlua Kehtnd. i ! Githkik, Okl , March 3L A tornado ! st Chandler, forty miles east of here, at i dusk last evening destroyed three-quarters of the town of 1 (00 people and the , latest news is that 150 are badly hurt and a doien or more people killed. The j known dead are: Mr. and Mrs. Woodman. Mrs. Mitchell. Mrs. Thomas Smith. Mtotney John Dawson. The injured, so far as known, are: Samuel High tower. John McCaitney, brother-in-law of United States Marshal Nagle. Clerk of Court F. N. Niblack anl father. John Foster. Mrs. Emory Foster. Two daughters of County Treasurer Ulam. Samuel W'inthrop. George Mcllenry. Nearly every building in trie town was wrecked and daylight will undoubtedly reveal the presence of many more dead. The storm broke without warning and few had time to seek places of safety. Judge Dale was holding court and the building was lifted from its foundations and turned over, but the court attaches all escaped. A large number of physicians left last night for a forty-mile drive in the dark with a load of medicines, surgical in struments, etc. The storm came from the southwest with terrific force, de stroying everything in its path. It struck the town square and but one building, the Mitchell hotel, is left intact. Had HrHk In Ihft Lavae. St. Louis, Mo., March 31. A stiecial to the Scriopft-McKae association from Baton Rouge, La., says that the break in the levee ten miles below Greenville, Mis.'., is the worst so far to occur. Thous ands of feet of the levee, weakened and Softened by the high waters, are melt ing away like sand. The break Moi day night was 2,000 feet wide and the water is rushing into Missifsippl with frightful velocity. The inhabitants are fleeing for their lives, leaving all behind. Cattle, borsei and other liv? stock are drowning by the thousands, and houses and bains are being washed away like driftwood. It is cti ua'.ed that fully 2,000 people are already homeless and at the mercy of charity. The waters have already reached fif teen miles inland and the destruction of hundreds of more farm houses is inevi table. Drarilr I-xplt.nlon Chicago, March 31. Two men were killed and four seriously injured by an explosion in the northwest water tunnel at the foot of Oak street yesterday. The dead : Owen O'Malley. Peter Gallagher. The injured: Thomas Gallagiier, Den nis Hayes, Patrick Conway, George Blank. The explosion took place at a point 2,3t0 feet under the lake, where excava tion was in progress for a water BUpply inlet. An unusually heavy blast had been prepared by the men and the work had been safely accomplishes The fuse had been lighted and the warning given the men to get a safe distance away. O'Malley and Gallagher stayed behind for an instant and were a few feet dis tant when the explosion occurred. They received the full force of the blast aud were literally blown to pieces. Hayes, Conway and Thorraa Gallagher had run a considerable distance when the explo sion occurred and ordinarfly would have been out of the reach of the force of the blast. This time, however, the flying rocks and debris seemed to have more than ordinary force and, besides being burned by the explosion, they were crushed and bruised by heavy stones and masses of clav. Had Wtalher In Wyunilng. CiiBVHNMt, Wyo., March 31. A bliz rard of snow and wind has been raging throughout southern Wyoming from tho western to the eastern boundary for the past twenty-four hours. There have . been heavy losses of sheep in a portion j of this district. The losi-es in cattle I and horses have been nominal to the I present time, but stockmen are becom ing apprehensive, as a continuation of tho storm for five or six hours more will be deseructive to range stock. The main line of the Union Pacific is being kept open with snow plows and passen ger trains are making schedule time, al though the storm extends along the road for 600 miles. Huron, 8. D., March 31. There has been a fout foot rise in the Jim rivet here in the past twenty-four hours. It is now only four inches below tho high water mark of 1881 and is rapidly rising. Several bridges have gone out and others will go when the ice moves Railway bridges are safe. Losses from wrecked grain in stack and hay will be heavy. W t,l. hey 1'rlcts Kalsd. Cincinnati, O., March 31. As fore shadowed in dispatches from this point sent out last Friday, whisky distillers' finished goods were advanced from a basis of $1.17 per gal'.on to $1.18. Training to Jfaat Sharkry. Mew York, Mar'h 31. Peter Maher arrived in town Monday. He was in fine fettle, and seems anxious to get to work at once (or his match with Tom Bharkey. "I'm going in training in a day or two," ssld the Irish champion. "I would rather meat Fttstimmons or God dard than Sharkey, as I want to tattla old scores. I bar not signad yet, bat will in a few days, as thai art tbra or (oar claba bidding for my go with Shark"." IKKAJHiil HAi A TUtliAUO atar City Kat-ruwly l-c if a Had Tariat J'rOrtJ Drtr yd LiTTL Kock, drk., April 2. A spe cial to the Gazette from Siar City, Liu coin county says : 1 About 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon the people of Star City were aroused by the ter ific roar of a full-Hedged tornado Everyone sought p'aces of safety and in less lime than it takes to tell it a ter rible and destructive tornado was deal ing devastation to everything in its path, which was from one-quarter to one-half mile in width. It passed south of Star Oily about ha f a mile. The storm seemed to have made a complete circl around this town, nearly every house within a small radius in every direction being totally demolished, while large trees were uprooted, daehed to the ground and twisted into frag ments. The country roads in every di rection are impassible, being blockaded with debris of every kind. The home of Keese Dunlap, a negro, and every thing it tontained was blown to the four winds. Even bis wife and three children were landed on the spot that was their warden. The wife was badlv hurt, but the children escaped with bruises. The course of the storm was from a southwest to a northeast direc tion. About a mile east of Star City a score of houses and outbuildings were razed to the ground. JohnC. Hendricks, on Bayou 3aitho lo.uew , lost all bis buildings, including two large store bouses. His large plan tation is almost a to'al wreck. On this place three persons are known to have been killed outright, and a large num ber are reported seriously, some fatally wounded. The little tow n is hemmed in from all directions suve the west. Never in the history of this port of the state has such a tornado been known. It is impossible to give at this writing anything like a definite account of the damage done. News has just reached here of the destruction of several large plantations along Bayou Bartholomew. The loss is very great at each of these places. Tin- Hulu or a I eriindo Chandler, Okl , April 2. Although the tornado struck Chandler forty-eight hours ago, very little saarch of the ruins has yet been made, and it is feared that the death roll may be considerab:y in creased. Scores of injured are under the cre of physicians w ho have come heref.-omal pirtsof Oklahoma. None of the wounded have succumbed, though many suffer greatly and some of them cannot possibly recover. Nearly all of the men slept in the streets Wednesday night, where fires were kept blazing. The women were cared for in the few bouses which were not destroyed, or found shelter in the tents sent from sur rounding towns. Fifty special police men effectually protected tho property of the citizens. A thousand people are homeless and half as many are without a thing in the world. Help on a large scale is needed. Lawyer John Dawson and Edgar De Moss, the barber, who are numbered among the dead, were eating supper fn Wallace's restaurant when the tornado came up and the building collapsed. Dawson, who left a wife and two children at Alma, Nebr., was in stantly killed. De Moss was pinioned by his right arm, but was not injured. He cried for help, but no one could reach him through the fire. He begged for some one to cut off his arm, but the horror stricken crowd was compelled helplessly to see him roasted to death. Search in the ruins is necessarily slow and a true list of the dead and injured cannot be made for several days yet. Flood Kulet in South. Gunnison, Miss., April 2. This little city stood last night in four feet of water, the result of a big break in the levee at Perthshire. There is much suf fering among the poorer rlasses. Five hundred negroes in destituto condition are huddled together on the levee near here. The government engineer last night ordered two barges for the relief of these unfortunate people. Rosedale, Miss., April 2. The relief boats brought in scores of negroes from the back country and placed them in every available place of safety. The refugees are in a state of misery and hunger and the people are providing for them as best they can, but the increas ing number hourly at riving makes the situation desperate. The water is pour ing through the crevasse near heie at a terrible rate and the outlook is indeed gloomy. Warsaw, HI., April ?. Heavy rains have again swollen the Des Moines and Mississippi, threatening further de struction of property. The Fox river, which empties into the Mississippi near here on the Missouri side, is out of its banks, ard the people are fleeing from the bottoms and taking ttieir live stock wito them. The vast tracts of land within the levees are suffering greatly from deep water. The situation is growing more, serious daily. Sugar Oomg Up. Philadklphia, April 2. All hard grades of refined sugar advanced one eighth cent yesterday and the principal soft grades one-sixth to one eighth cent. This is the third advance that has been made this week and is said to be due to the anticipated change in the tariff law. Can Kielnde Liquor. St. Paul, Minn., April 2. A La Crosse, Wis., special to the Pioneer Press sys : A lest case to e'ecide the right of the order of Modern Woodmen to exclude iiquor sellers has been on trial in the circuit court lor four days and last night Judge Wyman decided in favor of the order, fully sustaining ita right to ex clude at any time Individuals or clams and to be st all timet sole Judge of qualifications of the member. Half doeen oases were brought, bat thte de- ateiow ooreri all. THEiSICKSTAKVE Patients in Spanish Hospitals Softer from Lack of Food. GOMEZ WRITES A BLOODY LETTER Declare that Urreahar be w!U right Harder than Ever. CaitDot f orxcC the F rspcollohs of l he Ci oel t panita. Havana, April 3 Dispatches from Cienfuegoe, province of Santa Clara, an nounce that Captain-General Weyler has ordered the arrest and imprison ment of the chief of police there Senor Meeina, several police inspectors and thirty-five other persons. It appears that the captain general, while visiting the marine hospital, which contained twenty patients, made inquiries which elicited the information that the rations thero were of a poorer quality than those served in the military hospitals, where there are 300 pa-'enis. There Ujun he issued orders to the effect that while all useless expendituie w.ig to be avoided, all persons convicted of de priving the sick of w hat is due to them will be severely punished. Among , those who are said to be implicate 1 in the scandal is a prominent property owner and member of the Santa Clara provincial deputation. ( It is further believed that the re sponsibility will reach other and more important persons of high social stand-, ng and several officers of high rank will shortly be arrested in connection with the same affair. The military line across the province' of Puerto Principe from Jucaro, in the couth to Moron, in thn north, has been) entirely closed. The Spanish troops oc cupying the island of Turiguana, off the1 Moron coast, have constructed a fort in the only pass which it is possible to get, through and the Spanish military authorities believe that the line of forts now stretching ac 068 that part of the island has sc restrained the movements of the insurgents under General Gomes that nothing is lett to the latter but to escape by sea in a boat. Havana, Aprl 3. The Diario de la Marina prints a letter from Gen. Maxi mo Gomez to Senor Morote, t he corres pondent of El Liberal of Madrid, which runs as follows : Upon your leaving my presence I owe you an explanation especially as yon write for thr newspaper w hich calls up on Spain to drow n in blood our juBt as pirations. I cannot be sanguinary, but I feel sorry that under the special cir cumstarices you were not sentenced to ileaht while in my camp. . It is but natural that we should feel that there must be much sbtddiug of Spanish blood to heal the pain caused by the blood shed at Punta Brava. The Machete blow that killed Francisco Go mez will never be forgotten in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo or proba bly in other parts of America. The ma chete storkes dealt when heroes fell at j Punta Brava cannot be forgotten by one who has pardoned thousands of Spanish prisoners and cured hundreds of Span ish wounds. Meanwhile tbey go their way to Spain pleased at the thought that you have been a witness to the ruin of poor Cuba and have plunged your feet in the blood of innocent Cubans. Do not forget we shall continue fight ing for liberty. Do net forget that jus tice will descend from above and will end the struggle now sustained by Spain to her dishonor and disaster. (Signed.) M. Gomez. I.ov. d to Si art Flrrs Clsveland, 0. April 3. William Bloom, a young man under arrest here on the charge of arson, lias made a sen national confession to the lire wardens. They announced yesterday that he de clares with considerable pride that he has been setting fire to buildings in va rious cities for five years. During the big railroad strike in Chicago a few voars ago. he savs, he was a militiaman I nd Pet fire to a grain elevator, other buildings and fifty railroad cars. Bloom.' ; also states that he operated succesfully in Windsor, Canada, Port Huron and I Mt. Clemens, Mich., as well as in De ! troit, bis former home, where he started I forty fires. His confession concerning ! his career in Defroit has been corrobo ' rated by the (ire marshal of that place. Chicago Has a Mr lie. Chicago, April 3. The strike fever had full possession of the union fo-ces of the city yesterday. Btsides the tan ners and currierij who have been out for a week, three trades in the building line were involved and contractors and em ployers were kept busy running about signing agreements to keep their work men. Yes'.erday'e tie-up, which was complete during the early part of the day, was the work of the individual unions, but it was effective, neverthe less. Owing to tire intermittent phases of the strike it is ditlicult to give the nura ber of men out, but in round numbers about 1,000 are involved. Hard U al llnwn. Philadelphia, April 3. It was an nounced yesterday that a reduction of 15 cents a ton on broken egg, stove and chestnut sizes of anthracite coal bad been made. M Dradloek U Permtnant, FaANKror.T, Ky., April 3. The re publican and democratic steering com mittees yesterday afternoon reached en agreement by which only a formal bal lot Is to be taken for senator today and no effort will be made to elect. No In teresting developments are therefor e peeted before next week. The aitaatlaa now looks mora like a permanent deadlock, ending In no eiee Mm, than It ha at mt time doling the station. ' r :- -3 Kr - r 5 i " 2 7 . - t4 -: FT, J - t. A ' 1 1. . ft 'i t . : - - . 17- It' v . i i L.i ' jt-ij -imin.s I, m' ..- I ' "