' .ft v ( i; i i i 1 3 i4fi A' t Mir ii V.-i fcl I, -fr V re V - ?! 1 jf :: 1 , 4 t": tbartfson 3ournal. GEO. D. CAMI.f, ditrn.l Prop. BARRIOX, KEB. The Czar has sent to Kins Menelek a piano, an organ and a bras band. Abyssinia may be expected to declare war upon Russia In a week or two. Paradoxical a It seem, hot times may be expected when the dpw artil lery shell charged with frozen dyna mite comes iflto use In the next war. Pugilist Maher was robbed of ?1.7'0 In Philadelphia the other day while he was asleep. After this Peter should frequent cities wheie they sleep at night A Moltke Is to marry a Bonaparte, but as the bridegroom is a Dane and the bride an American the chasm which ex tends from Oravelotte to Sedan is not yet Closed. A Massachusetts editor celebrated the arrival of triplets at his house last week by printing his paper in red. Most editors would have signalized the event by printing their papers in blue. The New York Biscuit Comiwny seen-f to be out after the "dough." It mad over half a million dollars last year and Its etock is still rising. This is no flowery dream, either. At the tariff hearing the other day a representative of the textile Industries said: "We do not want a change in un derclothing, but we Insist on a change in socks." This seenm entirely reason able. A New Jersey woman who was mar ried the other day says she waited flf- ! ty-three years for the man of her choice. Here's hoping that next year she may not regret that she didn't wait fifty-three years longer. ' - -- - - - - Dr. Nansen says that any man pos- I sessed of the necessary qualities of en- durance, knowledge, and confidence can discover the north pole. He has an idea, furthermore, that he knows where he can find the man. The King of Benin sends word to the i English troops that he has plenty of i men and ta ready to fight. If music j hath charms to soothe the savage breast we advise John Bull to sing a little for the belligerent Mr. Benin. j The mummy of an Egyptian Princess who had red hair has just been taken from .1 tomb near Karnak. This great discovery has stimulated archaeolo gists to continue their excavations la the hope of finding the white horse. j The Sultan of Turkey recently offered to decorate Lady Herbert, an English, woman visiting her son. a diplomat at i Constantinople, but the offer was promptly declined. Jady Herbert's ac tion wag highly proper under the cir cumstances. A New York girl swears that she was hypnotized and forced into marrying a traveling faker. It will be S'"en that the up-to-date Trilby manages things bet ter. Du Maurier'a model young wom an evidently hasn't gumption to appeal to the courts. The hospital authorities In New York City seem to be as criminally careless as some of those in Chicago. Captain McGiffln, the brave naval officer, was I Insane when admitted to the hospital there, yet he had no trouble in con cealing from nurses and physicians the pistol with which he took his life. They play poker for keeps in North Dakota. A party of sporting gentlemen were engaged In a nice little game Just across the street from where bank rob bers were dynamiting a safe the other night, and although they heard the ex plosion no one of them dared to turn his j In Boston and was graduated at Am bead away from the table until the t herst College, and almost immediately game was finished. The philosopher of the Atchison Globe, after careful investigation and studv. Is ready to report that "very often a girl's disdainful shrug of her j est success of his life was the organiza shoulders when in company Is really and administration of the Massa- due to a combination of red flannels j chusetts Institute of Technology, the and buckwheat cakes." We are pleased j most prominent school of its kind In that the came of the rash act has been the United States, Prior to that time discovered at last. I he had filled many high positions, j among them tliat of teacher at Willis- Kentucky has now a couple of attrac tions that will go far to compensate for ny feeling of Jealousy toward Ten nessee on account of the big cen ten Dial celebration soon to occur in the latter State. One of them is a boy whose phalangial complement shows twelve toes, and the other an albino groundhog who carea as little for the weather as a last year's almanac. ' Tbt honest old fellow who cleans out a bank, with a broom, for a dollar a day. Gets only the conrtesy shown to a dog, ex cept while he's drawing bis pay. The' burglar who cleans out a bank at night, with a jimmy and powder and saw, Gets only a sentence, to pay for his pains, that's the farthest extent of the law. The trusted official who cleans out a bank gets the cash and he's nothing to fear. Bat why should the erookedest one of the three be acclaimed as a "financier 7" The Navy Department proposes as a remedy for defective armor plate a chut la the Inspection boards. Wh.: t to owafatatd la the aobetltution o: elrlUAM for so-called army experts. ' tl wqlstsj to nude tost the experts ( Y 3a net expert or that they fall . rrTt c iBMez cam most loudly f r exr er-ness. The dis tinction U aot a diffeivjce. The insje tion boards as now constituted accept armor jilaie of a sort which uliould never find a plav ou any ships of war. Where the fault lie, however. Is not in the boarl. but in the specificalious. The minimum test la entire! too tow. The invesi!gti"a of the coffee trust has opened the eyes of the people to a nriubcr of things and has brought out the statement from a New "."oik man that the thousand of people who speak of their morning cup of Mocha" do not know what tiny are talking about. According to this person, who is George II. Livingstone, the official records of the port of New York show that in the last eight years "only four haL's of act ual, genuine Mocha coffee have been imported Into this country, and that these sacks were presents to certain New York and Philadelphia families. - I The antipathy felt toward filled cheese in legislative quarters seems to be well fouudeil, although it may be. after all. a revulsion caused by excess of fastidiousness. A good artlclj of filled chooe is made, It is said, by using j the Very thinnest milk Imaginable and 1 adding thirty iuuds of irk fat to everv lot nounds of mils, and season ing to the taste with sugar of lead, bi sulphate of lime, boracic acid, orris root, tartaric acid, glycerine, cupric acid, butyric ether, caustic potash, cas- tor oil. slippery elm bark, oil from sun-. flower seeds, dried blood, and adding a little coloring matter. The Philadelphia Record says: "The highest paid choir singers in the world are two American ladies, Miss Clemen tina de Vere, at the I'axtou Church, In New York, who receives $4,riX) a year, and Miss Dutton, at a Baptist church, in the same dty, who receives fS.UOO for her services. The men In the choir of Westminster Abbey receive salaries ranging from to f'AM). There are about i'JiJ.iKKt singers In the choirs of various places of religious worship throughout the United Kingdom. Rabbi Wolfers. the Jewish musical historian. says that during divine service at the Ancient Temple of Jerusalem, a full choir consisted of 24.IHX) men, divided into three great bauds, and separated from one another upon vast platforms. The choir of the great Mormon temple at Salt Lake City is the largest In the world, numbering 3.T0 trained voices." Not long ago a Missouri editor who. In common with the craft, yearned ,; 3,iKK).(Kj bachelors in this country, and know everything, sent an Insect which 'he "-urplu- of matrimonial raw materl h found ,.M.-!!n.r rA.m.i in th iit,. ' al ' constantly growing. The new rial paste to one of the scientific bug men in Washington and asked for ex Iert Information. In the course of time he was Informed tliat the bug was a very rare one. and that the de partment would like to have a lot more of them. The scientist was enthuslas- tic over the fact that this particular bug had the head and thorax coarsely j punctured and that the little tubercle: on the vertex behind the ocelli was) wanting, and that the nrothorax. sen tellum, and postseiitcllum were cari- nate. Moreover, the squama arising frotn the posterior lateral ledges of the puatscutclluin were produced Into long, In-curved points. He also stated offi cially that the metathorax was reticu late, with a triangular median area which is open above, with transverse striae within arid passing Mow Into a long median carina, the lateral faces being Ktriato-puuetuate and the striae transverse. The editor was so much impressed with this profound descrip tion tliat he has developed into an en thusiastic entomologist and lias been so industrious In collecting for the de- partment at Washington that t'.iere isn't a cockroach to lie seen in his office. The death of Gen. Francis A. Walker removes from an Important department of labor one of the most useful and honored citizens of this country, t'en. Walker came of a family which had distinguished itself in science and po litical economy, and his own cares added to its reputation. He was bora upon graduating. In 151, he joined a Massachusetts regiment ami served with such distinction as to rise to Hie rank of adjutant general and a briga dier generalship by brevet. The great- ton University, editor of the Spring- field (Mass.) Republican, Chief of the Bureau of Statistics. Superintendent of the ninth census. Commissioner of Indian." Affairs, Professor of Political Economy at Yale College, Chief of the Bureau of Awards at the Centennial, United States Commissioner to tho Paris monetary conference In IblS, and lecturer at Harvard University, Long and useful as was his career, the crowning glory of bis life was the In stitute of Technology of which be had been the honored bead so many years. It was a work for which be was spe cially adapted and in which he took great pride. The diplomas of that in stitution have always been an unques tioned passport to any position. Aside from the numerous places of dignity and honor which he has held he has made his Influence felt by numerous contributions ou bis favorite subject to newspapers and scientific periodicals. Few men In this couutry have been more useful, few have set a more bril liant example of good citizenship, and few there are whoso lives "have been more syroarloally rounded out. Ills death will be a great pnlillc loss, and the most alnccr mourners will he the alumni ot tie Institute, win are hold ing prominent pltlona .Jl over tlm toon try. TOPICS OF THE TIMES. A CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER ESTING ITEMS Coaacoti and Criticlsaaa Bueeil Cpon tka iiappjaiaxa ot tka Day Hia torical and Near Notra. A New York man sold big wife the other day foi AnJ yet Mr. Uoooe veit claim that he has put au end to all bunko games in Gotham. Misguided persons who believe thtt It Is Impossible to print news before it oc cur should study the literary achieve ments of the Cuban Junta in Key West. The New Haven I!egi-icr announces with displayed headlines that "The Devil Is Dead." We advise the War Cry to get out an extra If the news la confirmed. The Itnparclal, the leading paper of' Madrid, ways that "the Spaniards in; Cuba are lighting for a glorious past." Why uot do a little Hghtiuy present and the future? for the, i J An opera singer in Caracas was nr- j rMt,.j the other dav for refusing to re- 1 spond to an encore. In this couutry the i eause of Justice would lie helped by ar- i resting those who do resKmd. j "Dressed to kill," said the chief hr.g- iticker in the packing-house as he don- npd hi, overalls preparatory for a goesl' day's work. "Killed to dress," sigh- Pd the turkey gobbler as he got it In I the neck. 1 It has leeu decided to locate the theo sophlcal college in California instead of In .New Jersey, as was originally pro posed. No astral Iswly would look well covered with mosquito bites and blotches. A Virginia paper says editorially: "The morals of this place are equaled nowhere else." Probably the same statement could truthfully be made by the manager of the place which Bob Ingersoll says doesn't exit. A hat pin five Inches long, with a fancy porcelain knob at one end, was recently found in a hog's liver at Hen nepin. No further search is being made for the young lady, the relatives having given up all hope. Leap year is a fraud. There are now I woman, matrimonially considered, is j not so effective as the old woman. Zola received only four votes for ad mission to the French Academy the lat time he applied, a falling off of ,V) per cent. Zola may never becomean Immortal, but If he keep on he seems ! likely to solve the problem of perpetual ; motion. - j j The Clovenmrt (Kv. News Informs1 the country at large that the good peo-1 pie of that town have "all Joined hearts 1 and hands and gone to work in ear- nest and pro)ose to make it mighty j hot for Satan." Kentucky may come! out all right after all. - j mmmmmmmmm. j Severn! vonni? a-nmcn in r'Mencrt nr I said to ha've perfected an organization I for the purpose of substituting a five- 1 year carriage contract for the present i matri.iioulal regime. As a rule, how-i ever, public sentiment probably will Ik- j avrse to lengthening the term, of mari- ttl relations to five years. A new navy which can steam from Hampton irfiads to Churleston with a loss of only four dead and seven wounded certainly deserves the re spectful attention of a nation that Is too prone to poke fun at Its own light ing machines. The new navy evidently U no laughing matter. Mrs. Nansen Is either very uncom municative or else she Is uot on speak ing terms with the north pole, for when she was recently asked by a reporter concerning her husband's explorations she replied: "I know nothing about Nansen." With such a wife as that It Is not hard to see why Nansen seeks high latitudes. The miners on Glacier Creek. Alaska, Intend to do a great deal of "burning" this wintertliat is, thaw out the frozen gravel by means of fire. The burning commences when the winicr fairly sets in and the streams are frozen solid. Wood costs $1 per cord at the stump, and often cosis ten to twelve dollars for hauling. The gravel Is taken out and ! stored and washed In the spring. There is In Kentucky a lady T years old who 1s now living with her seventh husband. On learning that she would lose a pension by marrying her seventh husband, she meditated but a moment and said: "I don't know the value of a pension, but I do know a husband's value. Glmui! the husiwnd." What higher tribute could be ptild to the mas culine sex than the;:e sincere words of a woman who has loved so many of us? A ridiculous tyiHigr.iphlcal error In an Arkansas paper has aroused great Indignation In a little town In that Htate. A wedding took place between two prominent members of the village society, and the edilor took particular pains to give the young couple a good "send-off." He wrote up the event in florid style, and displayed It under a three-lino head, snd enjoyed the con scious feeling of dty well performed. Imagine his horror, however, when he read the next morning In letters that seemed to him big enough for a cir cus poster: "Charming Home ed tim. Pink and White Were the Pro vaili'.ig Tights. Many Monkish Gowtii . Worn by the Fair Guests." With a, how l of rage he seized a shotgun ant , started for the proofreader, but he hajJ, flown. The editor had written "tlcu". and modish.' ! United States officers of Salem and Portland. Ore., did uot relish a recent duty they were called itpm to perform, involving the arrest of a young woman of Salem who had sent out a man dressed In woman's clothes to meet a( man who had written to her mothei asking the mother to meet hiin. The' daughter had instructed her emissary , i.x iiir-i-l. i!ip fellow who w.u trviui i to get her mother to meet him, and the thrashing was done. The man who, was beaten entered complaint against . the girl. The opinion of the officers as j men was that he should have "taken ! his medicine." ' The esteemed Interior, which should ! know better, says lu a recent issue: 'There is not a hospital in the l.'uited i j;lJlIt.s ur anywhere eUe, which was. not built by people who In-Heve in the ; deity of the Ixird Jesus Christ." The good Dr. iray surely forgets the Mi-! chael Reese Hospital of Chicago, which was founded by the money of a Jew,! and is managed now by Jews. New, York has Mount Sinai hospital, one of I the best In the country, and there are,) we understand, Jewish hospitals in! Boston. Philadelphia. Cincinnati and man v other American cities, not to mention similar Institutions in Vienna, Loudon and several European capitals. The Springfield (Mass.) Republican thinks that the Sultan's melodramatic remark, "1 may be the last of the Ca liphs, but I will never become a second Khedive," must have had a hidden meaning. Why was he so brave In the face of a concert of Kurope? Clearly this display of courage was due to his knowledge that the sword the powers were flourishing was wooden. So long as no coercion will lc allowed by Rus sia, "AImIuI the damned" is not near hi doom. The sine qua non of real re form in Turkey Is the military occupa tion of Constantinople, as England oc cupied Alexandria in Kgypt. The Sul tan must indeed be made another Khe dive if his rule s to be effectually modi fied. But for that Europe is not pre pared. Chicago Tribune: The first edlt'on of anti-expectoration cards was limit ed to IJ."K, but the demand for copies has 1 n so g:eat another edition of 5,Ki is to be printed and distributed. If there are any people who think the crueade is a Joke, or a fad, or anything else tliat Is not serious and Important, It will be pruit"!if for them to change their opinion at once. The Health De partment is not embarking ou this en terprise from any esthetic cousidera- '10"H. "' strnn.v witn tue intent oi conserving public health. The card, a '"'I? of which Is to be hung in all "treet cars and other public places, con- ,alu1 ,m! declaration that "spitting on ,ne n""rs OI P"'' J'l'tccs ami or put.nc conveyances is a nuisance, and Is fre- n'ntly a means or conveying disease, alul lH l'-'ly forbidden." and the Health Department refers the reader of the placard to Sec. 1,-TJ3 of the Muiilei- pal Code of Chicago for the authority to enforce this order. The stn-et car "Pa iiIps have a deep Interest in the "''-eme.., m u.e oiuer, ior incy ,, U,Hr 'ftrons liav"",flr'r"' '"' "i me uiuiy pracin-i'B oi sonic oi wie men wl' rkl'- " tllp v&r- A ot the companies therefore will be espc cially Instructed to see tliat the order is olieyed, and one warning from such an employe that Is not heeded will be followed by Immediate complaint to the police. It Is to be boied that none of the officials concerned will weaken when this matter reaches a tent. There Is -no reason why any consideration should be shown to the offensive per sons who indulge In this outrage on public decency. A tragedy Is reported from a small village In Hungary that reads like a grim carnival of crime. Eighteen wives In the community, It appears, were de sirous of ridding themselves of their husbands and they made a social func tion out of the affair by simultaneously and successfully administering poison. The husbands must have been wholly unsuspicious or complacent, for It ap pears tliat all died promptly and with out any protest or offer of compromise. The words of the report, which are ''Eighteen procured poison which they administered to their husbands wilh fatal result," suggest the spectacle of the husliands standing aligned to re ceive the dose much like an array of children preparing for an application of sulphur In springtime. They may have reciprocated the sentiments of their better and energetic halves so thoroughly that they were willing to accept this means of escajie from fur- tner eartmy troume. it is more prooa- ble, however, that they were not aware of the little surprise in store for them and did not appreciate their proximity to the end of life until It wo too late to nrenare any adequate defense. West- ern civilization has occasionally been darkened by individual Instances of this kind, but st no time has so large an aggregation as eighteen wives hap- peued to reach the poison mania at so nearly the same time as to make a Jopit exhibition out of the function. It Is a very radical method for women to re sort to when they happen to grow tired of their husbands, but too spectacular to warrant general popularity. He Wondare l. Sportsman (to Hnobson, who hasn't brought down a single bird all day) Do you know Lord Peckham? Snobson Oh, dear, yes; I've ofteij shot at his house. IporUman Ever h)t It i Punch. VrTk u. .... , -tci ' t Poultry Shelter. The barrel poullry house shown in the first illustration makes a capital house for a small lot of birds. Any cracks or crcvU'cs should be filled up w ith clay or putty. The inside should have a good coating of lime, lu which some carlsillc add has been mixed, and the oulside should be well tarird or painted. When jsTfedly dry It should 1m; placed on bricks or blocks of wm1. HAIUtKL POl'LTKT HOUSE. so as to raise it a few Inches from the ground. The other sketch represents a more elaborate house, which can be made according to the number of birds for which It Ut required. The illustration explains itself, and the space under the floor is of great advantage, as It gives protection from the weather and Is much appreciated by the birds. The house should be removed every few days on to fresh ground. It will b noted that two important points, light and ventilation, have received attention from the designer of this house. Strong handles placed at each end would fa cilitate removal, or the house could readily le fixed on wheel. If corru- rort'LAH IN AU8TIUUA. gated Iron Is used for Oie nsif It should have a wooden llulng, as the former is a rapid conductor of heat and cold. Transplanting Lartre Trea, When a large tree Is removed from the ground, as much earth as possible should be taken up with it, so that the small, fibrous roots may uot be greatly disturbed. The tree will have a much greater chance of living In IU new loca tion If this Is done. Dig first atiout the trunk at some little distance away, but do not cut off the big mots that are met Follow these out for some distance. When the trench Is dug about the tree, work under the roots aufl get chains or ropes about the ball of earth lu two or more directions. Then set a long pry in the manner shown in the Illustration, when the tree can be gently raised. A MANNKK or TBANAI'I.ASTIJIO, drug or stone boat can then tie sllppei under the ball of earth and the tree hauled home on it, without disturbing Uie root In the least. With the earth left about the roots in this way, eveu trees of considerable size can 1m? safely transplanted, aud they will hanllv (.(,m (0 (),.,, the ehauge In their sur- j rouudlngs.-Exchange. t j Cob Chnrcoat for Hon. j Fattening hogs eat charcoal greedily, but thut made by charring corn on the !cob is eaten best, and this In our ex perlence has proven all that is needed to keen them In health. But In one of j the Minnesota Farmers' Institutes, Theodore Louis tells how he makes cob 'charcoal on a large scale where hogs are kept by the hundred. He digs a hole five feel square at top and five feet deep. Into this he throws some cobs, setting Are to them as they are thrown in until the hole is filled. Then the hole Is completely covered, banking earth against the edges of the cover, lu 12 hours uncover, and the cotsj will be found completely charred, so that tliey will easily crumble. Mix bushels of this Is then mixed with eight pounos of salt, two quarts of air-slacked lime aad a bushel of wood ashes. Dissolve . V z. 'z. - :? it Mill one and a quarter pounds of coppers i with hot water, and sprinkle over th niah. This mixture aids digestion and destroys the lutentlna: wornm with which fattened bogs are always fesled. Hogs, thus fed. have no oc casion to root, as they get what they reijuire without this Laltor. ( Feiinr Value of A poles. We do not think enough of the value of tiie orchard for feeding it fruit to the farm animals. Apples an? nu tritious, and an aid to the god diges tion of other food. The mlid acid of them i.s excellent for the health of th stock and e all know how gratefully they will receive a feed of them at any time. Tor the cows they are espedal ly d.tdrable; a ins k of them chopped atid sprinkled with tneal of any kind will belli much to add to the flow of milk of the cows. Horses love thit fruit, and they tend to help in the shed ding of the coat, by their gently laxa tive effect. When the selection Is made for the spring planting, a few of some of the sweet varieties, ripening from the summer to the winter, should not be forgotten for this use. We may be gin with the early Sw eet Bough for the lirst. then the autumn Sweet Bough and the old Pumpkin Sweet, and for later use there are the Talmatl Sweet and the Wlnesnp, all productive sort and unexcelled for this use as well a for market. Orange Judd Fanner. t lpenina: Cream. A good way Is to hold the cream at a temperature of sixty degrees for twelve to fourteen hours after the first taste of add is apparcut, and then Judgment, formed from experience, will do the rest. The method for warming th cream for ripening b ail right, but It will be necessary to keep the tempera ture of the room at about the tempera ture It Is desired to keep the cream. For a starter, some ripened cream or buttermilk from the prevlotw churning Is often used to "slart" the ripening. A U'tter starter Is made by taking some skim milk from a healthy, fresh-milking cow, warm It up to 85 or tX degrees, and hold it at that tempreature till It become thick. Put Into the cream from three to five per cent, of this start er, and If the cream Is held at HO to vi degrees for twelve to fourteen hours it will be found sufficiently ripenetl. Massachiisetts Plowman. Training: Tolta. I commence to halter break from two to four wi-cks old and shoe the feet at the same time. Now we want to com mence at one year of age to break them to the haruewt. Is-ginnlng In the barn floor and break to the harness and bit Treat them so kindly that they will fol low or come at your call anywhere. I would select the tlm-st bird colt and raise it for a brood mare, using only the liest slock horses. We think from experience and observation that wo' an improve our present class of horses. We commence to f --I the colts lieforn we wean them, warm milk, water and grain, and continue till they are a year old. Feed the same as the horss then. Farm News. fredlnur Newly Cleared I. ant). Where land Is newly cleared of Its tree growth and Is full of stumps It Is Important to have It seeled as quickly n possible, utili-sn it Is intended to let it grow up Into forest again. The stumps will prevent all cultivation or attempts to cultivate for several years. If the land Is not seeded with clover and grasses, It will tie wilh weeds. Home timothy should always be sown with clover, as the hitter soon runs out. Some object that the stumjm do uot rot so fast when there Is sod around them; but that Is a small matter compared with keeping the land free from pesti lent weedK.Amcrlean Cultivator. Oat Nrrd Klch o'l. The oat crop will make a fair success where other grains would fall. But It needs rich soli quite as much as any, and Is especially benefited by phos phate fertilizers. The average yield Is low, Ix.-cauite the crop 1 generally put on the iHsirest soil on the farm. We have grown IHt bushels of oats per acre ou a four-acre field pluuted the previous year with potatoes, and with 150 pounds of fertilizer drilled In with th oat seed In the spring. -Exchange, Glraninua. V a to go dry. Some cows will keep right ou giving milk. Irregularity" In utablliig, fi-eding and watering and milking has been the cause of many dairy failures. Red clover Is one of the -nt plan's for orcha rds. 1 1 keeps the ground loose and enrlehc nud shades the ground. Top dn-ss liie garden with fine man ure, am' if not well drained, throwing up in ridges will facilitate early work I u the spring. Good cream rising can only tie at tained by k'M-pIng the milk sweet as long as possible and skimming off t lit cream w hile the milk Is ;weet. All wagons for heavy loads should have four-Inch tires. Good roads are Impossible otherwise. Abate the road tax of those w ho use wide tln-s. When all artificials have liecn tried, few or none are so reliable or available us barnyard manure, which Is too much disregarded by many farmers. Hows with young pigs need liberal feeding. If they do not get It, the sow will fail to give sufficient milk to make thrifty pigs snd the sow, too, will lose flesh. Success In growing peaches demands frequent examinations In search of Isirers which am found Just below the surface of the ground. We scratcJi tiicm out with an old butcher knife. The sheep is a natural gormandlser and being a frail animal needs plenty of fresh air and exercise. Don't bouse your hee,i too closely under the Im pression tliat you are doing tbaan kindness. 'V, . ,, ; .'t.