The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 08, 1897, Image 1

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The Sioux County Journal.
HJRISOlSr, NBBRASK A., THTJIX)"5r, APi?;TL 8. 1897.
IsTO. 31.
Tto Sioux County Journal.
BubMTiitioo Price, fl.OO
II. (aiiiin,
Kntei-ed at the Harrison
nuud class matter.
talking aliout them and rewinding him j io tlie state. It lias more pine timber in
of theiu you can make your married life j it than ail tlte rent of Uie state combined
unendurable. Yon ran bring alsiut heart ; Its grasse are tlie richest and mod nu
burnings, you cao cause strife, and lie-; tritious know n no tliat for stock-growing
fore you know it hatred may take tlie : it in unexcelled.
la e of love. Look for bin virtue, and, j Tlie water is pure and refreshing and
seeking alwayt for goodness, you will ; in found in abundance in ail (art of tlie
: prow better every day just a certainly j county.
' as you would grow bad if you looked i Tlie county is practically out of debt
ionly for that which wan wicked. Re-; and ban over forty-live miles of railroad
i meni1r there in much that will liave to within its borders, has a good brick court
be forgiven in you, and whenever you : house and tlie necessary ilxtures for run-
j feel inclined to remind Tom of a weak- ning tlie county and there has never
post offlc as I new read the book in which is set down j been one dollar of county hoods issused
vour foible and your follies. A woman 1 and hence tuxes will be low
mr i who, even after her man-sage, carefully
' studies her profestiion, can make her bus
Curler II. Harrinon, the lieinomttic j hand what stie wislies him to lie. Every
free wlver candidate for mayor, w as thing that is good is contagious, and tlie
,11 j right kind of a wife makes the right kmd
i og a husband. j The climate is more pleasant wan uiai
i "Respect the right of your husband; i of tlie eastern portion of ebrska.
ous mud slinging that was Ksible for i jM a mn( not t-,ild, and liow can
elected by a majority of 3, 102, over al
other candidates. With all the viliain-
The Fremont, Elklwrn & Missouri
Valley railroad crosses 8ioux county
from east to west and the H. & M. Ibis
about fifteen miles of it line in tlie
i northeast part of the county
Win A. Holrtomb Governor
James E. Hiirrl--. Lieutenant tJovernoi i
W. r. l'urt4T Secretary of State
John V. Cornell Auditor j
J. K, Jlmtii. Treasurer I
C.J. Smyth . Attorney General
J. V. Wolfe... ..u.Lnnd CommtHlo!iei i
W. li. Jackson supt. Public 1 ustrwl Ion
John M. Thurston I'. H. Senator, Omaha
Win. V. Allen . 1'. rt. Senator, Madison
J, H. strode, COt:grc.uimuu 1st Dlst., Lincoln
Tiik JomKAI. a III publish your brfiitl, Ikf;
the following, forri:U. per year. Koch ml-
diUounl brand 7j cents. Kv.rr farmer or
ranchmen i rtonx adjoint,. cmmtl.,, :aienlion given
uliould advertise their brand Ii Tub Join -. 1
ii al nit it circulate nil over the -tuu. H matters in JuMijoe, Comity
msy bo the meant, of MS lug uionm' f.r you.
to all legal
Oltd Uitd.nct
them to do, Wides the entire nielroiioli-; the world Imnor him when vou, who are
t;in ihynh of the l it v of (1iicao. and all ! his closest tx.mpanion, do not ? Do not,
could lie jest, ueriue or uiiuciraie nun. uo joining, so iiiui w run " "
There is stilt
Good deeded land can be purchased at
reasonable rules with government land
U, II. Hrvrr,
W. I sunk,.
H. J). Sutherland,
W, 1 l.rjMin,
FRANK Ml It I. j
left i'le of t-attl ami on left
! Courts, iinil before tfe United Htti
, Lund Ollice.
Fire Insurance
huolder ol tiorw.
UHiigeoit Auti'lopn crwk
, oliilebrUt, Sioux Co., Neb.
Freiuont ; MMHH
Aurora : llofl
Nelioii ' i
Kearney j
Ou let l(le or 111 I of esltle, I j
Oil left .ilouldcr of llorse.
l!iiif ou tlio bead ol Wsrljonnet
a, litre Ilurrtxoii.Hoiix Co. Keb.!
A. 11. rot ( hlef JiiHllee, ColumljUH
T.Q.I'. Harrison ...Vs'te Jmlife, (irand IhIuiiiI
T. I. NorHl ....AsMKdute Judn, Mew ant
IJ. A. CttiiiplxdlClerk and ltiii t!r, Uiieolu
the outside influences that
brought to bear against Mr. Harrison, and
then they were unable to defeat him.
swple are slow about deciding when one ; more than one quarter section can obtain
is jesting or wlien one is in earnest. And
wlmt you meant to be funny may eauee
some stupid person to say, 'How horrid
Tonj must bet Why, his wife says dread-
()f corse Ue free silver caudklata vva
our clioice for mayor of I liieaco, but : fui things about him!
we are well pleased to know that Mr.
Hcssing was badly lienten. He will cer
taiuly lay down this tune.
"I.lvfl to Lfm and Llearn to Live"
Editor Joi'ksal: The alxive words
The floods along tlie Missouri ami Mis-! are taken from many of the trite sayings
Mssiipi rivers tire distroytng lots of lives
and -operty this spring. Tlie high wa
ter of the spring of 'HI has I wen out
done already and the worst is not over
Til Triumphs (her Hirrarii in i Ic
kstr on l urrr my.
oftloettie. We think tliem as good a: kept up with tlie times.
it if he has a little means.
Ttiere are about 1,500 people in the
county and there is room for tliousands
llarriiwn is the county seat and is sit
uated on the F. E. A M. V. railroad, aod
is as goxl a town as tlie thinly settled
country demands.
Hchool houses and churches are pro
vided in almost every settlement and are
tliey are old. Tliere are several ways
to learn; vir.: 1. By otiservation;
Interrogations: 8. bv reflections; and 4
by experience.
Home ieople learn by one woy, some
by anotlier and Hume by all these ways.
Rule: Keep alive; ask questions,(when
you can't learn In any other wiy,) think
ltiitrrns, Mass., March 20. Yale defeat-: 0)U,.i,, and take your exfieriemA as it
d Hnrvanl to-night in the annual dekite J co,el4 HIM1 proHt by it.
at Hinders theater on the subject, "Re-j joi, Billings said it was more blessed
lved. Tlmt tlie United Slates should j tfl B,ve ,iavioe tlwn to recieve it. Now
adopt definitely a single jold standard, wi gonie oue bestow the blessing on nn
even if Ureut Britain, France and Cer- unxious enquirer? Theory without pra
iimnv shoulil 1 willing to enter a biinet-! txce amount to little. Here is what I
All vim desire to iret locatioaa suit-
ciimni' and buv clieaD land
are invited to come and see tins country
for themselves and judge of it merit.
W. II. Weatover
M. J. Ulewett ...Clerk, liurrlnon
All accounts due to me have beenj
placed in the hands of Attorney Grunt,
Guthrie and instructions given him toj '
collect them, and those knowing them-;
written in reliable
ElTLegal papers carefully drawn.
liipans Tabules.
Ripanr, Tabules cure nausea.
Ripatis Tabules: at druKgists,
Ripaiis Tabults cure dizziness.
Ripur.s Tabules assist digestica.
Ripans Tabules cure bad bread.
RipansTabu'fcs cure bilicusnH.
Ripans Tabulep; one givPH relief.
Rip.nis Tabules: gentle catharti-.
Ripans Tabules cure constipation.
Ripans Tabuloe: pleasant taxat'.va.
Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles.
n I...).... ik'Vi.lU
, niiiBnui.... . . ... .
Itu-bvllk j selves in arrears can save expense u,
paying the same at once. Hie a.'-.
counts include arreaniges on books ot
other ptifiers that were formerly pu
llic league. Harvard had tlie alterna
tive and Yale the negative.
It was a signal triumth for the advo
wish to know: 1. Why farm values in
the U. H., for the last 35, years has de
crease at the rate of nearly $1,000,000 a
Final Pratf Xottce.
All persons htivinjf Bnsl proof notices In
this paper will reeelve n msrkixl (Mipy of the
piis-r nd urn requested to examine thetr
notice and If nny rrroi n exist rewrt tUe
miiiie to tills otnee at once.
tjuid Oftlep t Alliance,
Murrb t, lmi7
r ules of tlie while metal sod Uie debate jy (rf 6,fKK),OO0,0O0whiIe the farms liave
was bv inriiM-ible loiric. Tlss result is a
sore dlnproinlnwnt to Harvard, tlie
home of tlie goldbugs. The Harvard
nsUer who uported the affirmative
were Sidney It. Wrightington, '97; G. IL
lsirr, T, and Fletcher Dobyns,
tw. The Yale men were C, S. Mil'arland,
1C; I. U. 0Mk, "97, and C. H. Stmhngki,
U7. Governor Wolcott preskled and the
judges were Professor Uivis R. Dewey
of M. I. T., PmfewMir Franklin 11. Guid
ing of Columbia and Judge E. Aldrkb
.f the United Suites circuit court. After
increased 250,000 in numlier and the hk
pie 80,000,030 ? I thisnstgn of increasing
greatness ? S. Why the estimated wealth
of tlie country in 100 was f5,000,000,000
awl now it is only $4,000,000,000: and
what has liecome of tlie missing $16,000,
000,000 ? 3. Why it takes a half million
acres to support one man when millions
ure deprived of a single acre? 4. Why
it takes $137, a day (and $45,000 a year
thrown i" for extras) to keep the presi
dent when thousands of poor families, of
six or eight, are expected to live and be
Keb. (
Notlee Is hereby Klvcu tlint Die following
named settler has tiled notice of his til ten
tion Ui innkn ml pnsrf tn support of bis
ctalul, and that ssld prisrf will be made tsj
fore M. J. I!le-ett, clerk district court at
HurrtpMin, Neb. on April 17, IS07 vlx;
Ulehiird W. MldilleUin of tileii. Set), who
made II. K., No S4W for tlu 8'., of S K U S.
m, s Wif S W J, of w.2 and K W t of
N K i of see, St. Trwnshlp S. Ksmre, M
He tiHinra the follriM lug witnesses to pAve
lil coiitliiuons residence uon and eoltlva
Uon of said land vtx:
Jlonnls Morun, William H. Johnson, Hiimn
elli. lleekley and Jeremy Mlmsoii, all of
tilen, Kuli.
J.W. WElix Jn.,
f'27.Ti Keglster,
tlie debate tliere was a supiier in honor of hnnnv ami prosrierous ou 5flc a day ?
the Yale men and the judges at the Colo- v,y, if there is to be immediate prosper
nial club.
Timber Cultnre Pninf.-Xotlrf for I'llbllratbin
ljiud Ontee at Alliance, Neb.
Fe.brnray.K, lxT. f
Notice Is hereby R-lveti that Nels 1', Kosen-
Is'in of Adelhi, Seb., ban filed notUf of InUm-
Robert H'l'.apn ..County Judge
M. J. flliiwei Clerk
lluis. Ilbihle A... 1. Treusorer
W. ft- Iavls.,. hupt. Public liistructliin
I), llultlctl. SlierllT
J. Y I'hlnimy Coroner
II. I. Thomas Surveyor
It. J. Ulewel Clerk of lllstrtct Court
tiranl liulbrle County Attorney
Frank Tlnkham iHtHislrict
M. J. Wets;r(Chiilruiaii) 2d "
James F. YouiiK -3d "
(llto MnU. .senator, Dint. No. 14, Springvlew
A. E. hlieldon Llat. No. S3, Chadron
K Inliwer (chairniftu) Trustee
JW. IS'Ott "
II. (irlMwikl "
W. II. Mursteller "
N. IK Haillltn "
W. It. lvla. Clerk
U' Is Lerlach Treasurer
J. W. Kwtt Director
II. h. Hniuek... iliBleralor
UiaU 'wriluA-h 1-reasorer
DUtrlct I'jnrt, At Harrison, ooinuiences
sprinir term April lath, Jury Uth,
rail " llctolsjrSi, JnryHBIh.
Uouuty Court, At Harrison, eomuienecs
nrst MuikIuv of each month.
Methodist Sunday school meets every Sim
day iiHimliiK at 10:IW
J. K. ,MAiisrt:i,i.nit, W. II. Havis,
au purl n timden t. Sticretary
lisbed in Harrison.
I J. Simmons.
AnTon lending a nlmtoli and description mar
quti'klj aacortuln, true, wtietliur on iiiTeiitinn ll i
liroluttflr puteiitutilo. Ciininiuiiicatlnns Btrl"lly
cunHdoiitlal. OWust SKem y fursecurinn patolits j
is America. W have a Wanhiwitim oBlce. ,
fatstiii takan tttrouica muuu m ui. rscciT
issasl iHitloe lu the
bcsotlfullT lllunratsd, hrnat nlreuUUon of
unT dentine lnurii.1. weeklr.lmM3.IIU l)W
(I.S(lii mnntln. Specimen uupiei and iuNO
Book ok I'iTKSTS teat fro. AddrcM
301 Breadway, Sew f riu
F., E. & 'SI. V. R. R. is the best
to and from the
Eclipse aod Falrnukt Wind,
mini Tuwen. Taaki. lrrlKa
llot. OutAta. Htiee. Bcltluft.
arinden.Shrllrn.Wood saws.
Iirlve Pulnu. IMpr. KlulB.
Brass irouls and ralrkaalM
MHar I'rlrrt
low. On toe beat. Bead lor
1103 Farnam St. omana. neo.
tf Ml KINDS.
ISalionfll jiMrlHon of PriWHrttk
Clubs Spen Out the (ioldlnifs
Tlie executive committee of the Nation
al Asot:iatlon of Democratic clubs has
liecn reorganized on a distinctly silver
biisis. All the Democrats who did not
Mipport Bryau have been reruoved. Wit- j u g j
son, IHcsenxon, WatUjrson and tllacK are
auiong these Incontinently dismissed for.
lraon. The new committee is a strong
one, tb names indk-ating unusual ag
gressivoess oo tliorougbly Democratic
lines Each of 'the .gentlemen named on
this committee gave loyal suport to the
randidates and platform of the party in
the last presidential campaign.
Tlie selection of the new committee
has I een very delilrale. Instead of
naiuiug the committee in the midst of
the camsiign of last year, President
Jllack pursued the unusual course of go
ing on with tlie work of tlie association
witliouta committee in complete har
mony with him and the party. The com
mittee controls the Democratic club or
ganisation. It w ill hold iU first meeting
in Washington oo the Uth of April, the
day before Bryan appear at Uie Jeirsr
hon banquet, lU-olcy Mountain Mart.
The National Democratic Club Asso
ciation have done just what they ought
to have done one year ago, and that was
to excommunicate all th gold bugs
from Umj Association. A trator to a
jrty is like a trator to a couotry, Uiey
can never be trusted, and ought always
to I iuumiorly dealt witli.
ity. that Mark Haana should com,,, his j - ZlJ
coal miners to sign a contract, covering rl ' jj on thn loth day of April tn7,
tli next year, to get out coal for 60c in- j ,, timber culture application Sos, for the
stead of 7.m:. 8. Why we should pay in- S K.nuarter of swtlon S, In Township So.
terest on 45,000,0(10,000 of foreign bonds i 'AS So- 'M w'
when the bankers of X. l . can loan .m, . MU.lm,, . jor,u,1( ja,m Nelsnn. Mike Kur-
000,000 to England ? 7. W by 22,000.000 j ,. ,U1( c barles NaatK, all of Adelhi, Neb.
acres of our realm should be owned by
i non-citir.ens and non-residents of the
B. F. Thomas
(To lie continued)
J. W. Wkiis JK,
Sioux County,
A new county with
schools, churches,
railroads, etc.,
Timber Culture, Final I'ruof.-Xotiee fur
Ijmd Office at Alliance, Neb. I
March lu, ls7
Xotlcii Is herebv irlveii that William I,.
Hoyt has Hied notice of intention to make
dual proof before M. J. Ulewett, Clerk Dlft.
court at hlnofflce in Harrison, Seb., on the.
17 dav of April, IKI7, on timber culture ap
plication No. !W, for the n. Vj no. In.Ji
nw. niiarur of section No.W, In Uiwnablp
No. 81, ranife 'o. 07.
Ho names as wltHesseji:
William A. Illiculow, Bonjamln Johnson,
Ili'iiry Wirrneko and John A. Hanson, all of
Harrison, Nub,
J. W AVkiin, JH.,
127 321 HeKlstcr.
JKItttV lCI'SK I'OsT, N. 4.-i, (i. A. H.
Meets seeond Monday In each month In
the court house nt Harrison.
K. K. l.lvermore, Com.
Iliirrixun Camp, No. , meets ou eacli ai
ternate 'Wwliiesdny eveulnn.
Clerk. Con. Com.
Meets each alUmnto Saturday evenlnR
lit H o'clock. A. It. KBW, V. V.
J. W. ismlth, Clerk.
IWsirular business tnuctliiK nrst Tuesday
evening ill each month.
C, I.. Maostkllku,
W. H. Davis, I'reildent.
Hrvntlonal meetlnif every Sundiiy evening
nt 6:l"i. 1'. J. CI.ABK, Leader.
Meets each Sunday afternoon at 2 :'M.
Mas. I). II. tiaiswoi.K, Hupt.
Harrison, Nebraska.
c. r.
D. H. ORISWOLD, Cashir.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
American Exchange National Bank, New York,
Omaha National Bank, Omaha,
FntsT National Bank, Chadron.
800,000 ACRES
The Right Kiwi of ft Wife Makes the
Vlrht KM of ft HaibftMl.
"If you wish to be a Rood companion
to your husband study to make each
Good morning;' that you say to him an
Incentive to a better life," is Ruth Ash
mare's advice to yonnjr women, whom
she addressee upon "Tb Proamnion Mar-
in Uie April httdM Hume Jtmrtuil.
"Lswro to make each 'Oootl morninif
liMMdictioo of love for the day work,
Urn dy' lovlnif ami Um day's sympathy
Look for hla irood uualitrM. He U Ilk
nail havlntf fault; with vary Uttl
'rjibV yoi .: " 1 . 1 it'M. ndl hv
Contains over forty-five miles of
railroad and has- no county
TlmlMir Culture Klnal Proof, Notice for
Ind tinleo at Alliiince, Nelir. I
Mareh l, ISW7. (
Jtotiov. Is hereby Ifiven that Kioiert Roh'
wer of Harrison, Neb., has nied notlco of in-
t.ntlon to make Bnnl proof before M. J.
Ulewett, Clerk of tha Ulstrlut Court at Ills
office in Harrison, Neb., on the 1st day of
ly, IstW.on timber culture application No.
Timber Culture Klnal Proof, Notice for
J.and Ollice nt Alliance, Nebr. j
March l, 1H-.I7. (
Notice Is hereby pflveii that Charles K.
Sclrlltof Harrinon, Neh., Iianflled notice of
intention to make Anal proof Istfore M. J.
Ulewett, Clerk of the District Court at
his office In Harrison! Nebr., on tlie 1st day
of May, ltfl7, on timber culture application
No. WW, for the -W'i of section No. 22, in
Township 33, Kalige No. Mi.
Il names as witnesses:
Charles Hlchlc, Nets Anderson, KU J. Wilcox
and W ill. am llichlu, all ol Harrison, Nebr.
Also that Nels Anderson of Harrison, Neb.,
ha tiled notice of Intention to luiike mull
1117, for the N WU of K-K' Ksj of n-yt U
ti KV of HW of Suction No. , in Township ,,r0oi nt the same time and place, on tlin
l-rcullnre iniltllcallon No. W, for the
Ftit-1, PoHtrt, ami Lnnitor
in'iiMT Tlinn t ttiiy Otlirr
I'lui r In lrk.
Uooi Locfttkm fwr Stork Urowf ni.
Sioux county is Uw northwest county
of Nebraska. It Is about thirty miles
east and west by about aeventy mile
north aod south al conUins
OVER 1,300,000 ACRES
of land. There are mora bright, park
linK. amftll ilreums In Uie county thftn
.vui be found in tlie smniB area elMwUre
l Iduiiia No.fKI.
He names as witnesses:
J. W. Ksrnesl, Kdward Swnrts, John Corbln
and W. II. Hough, all of Harrison, Nebr., '
J, W.Weiim Jr,
1,'WIMl ncglster
TlmlwrCnltiiro Proof, Voile for Publication
liind Office, at Alliance, Neb. (
March 2, ISW, (
Notice la hereby Kivon that Kdgar Mack
ey of Mackey, lows, has IIUmI notice of
InUnitlon to make dual proof before M. J.
Ulewett, Clerk of the district Court at his
office In Harrison, Nob., on the 1st day of
Msy, 197, on Umber application No. 4:W, for
the W! of N K'4 and Kof N -W'i of Mcctlon
No. I, hi Township M, HaiiKO M.
lie names is witnesses:
Mlelisel II. Jonlanof Adelhi, Neb.
Kela P. Kowntnirir " " "
Aaron O. Wisdom ' " '
iid Joseph ItufTer " Montros. Nub.
J. W. WBim JH,
2MI Uegtater.
K'i of Section No. 17, in Township 33, UaiiKe
No. .
He names as wltnosxc.:
Charles Hlehlc, KU J. Wilcox, diaries r,.
Hehilt and William Biuhle, all of Harrison,
Also that Charles niehlo of Harrison
Neb., lias Hied notice or Intention to iiiiikc n
nal proof at the same nine and place, on tlm
ls-r eullure application No. US, for the N
K'i of Section No. , In Township 33, KaiiKC
No. M.
He names as Witnesses;
Kll J. Wilcox, Clwrlss K. sclult, Sois Ander
sou and U. A. t.ui ton, all of Harrison, Neb.
MJ Keirlster.
Don't foriret that Th Joukn ai, has
a large clubbing list and when selecting
reading mfttter for the cominif year call
and irive us vour order. We can nave
you money.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
WDBAFTS sold on all parts of eukope.
Feed and Sale
Oood rigs furnished on short notice.
Reliable drivers and quiet saddle horses always on hand.
Oood accommedatioo for trncient customers,
Horses boarded,
N. D