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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1897)
. ; u I ? Kam i Hora Ml.. I. One step say from iod ii ill it takea to resell th ge o( hell. Every true Chnstun ja a magnet drsamg omebo-lv i trl Christ The Christian light ehoul I rhme the bright?! where it is needed the iiioL We should ue al the light God hat given us, to lelp thote do are 8l.ll id the dark. The man who hs never no-1 Inn evm to consider the mere e of, has used thrill ti small iur B'i in the Id "Bathii.g i positively the W-t v-mi-tic in t;,e world," rtvaan olj physi cian, who k-e4 hia patient hi- oming ih tin most extraordinary tuivri "K'gular hri'ir for inr an i th at in-nee fim food t' e next beet, and t' e regular bourn for c) ep i, i c,, c third. The t rl who trie the recii lor thr- e nicutto- eaii ihiow away ponder and route ami l,,k to 1 her own g and. laughter when B'.e rea bee thies More ami t ri " SCHOOL DRESS REFOHM. T: TIUT niKKi:''.. fr. Cm lionn. Will its '.ci:nv. III. Trite u: "lioni "I. packigc s.i:z' r HERO, CHcAT CCVARU. IMw.rd Colli. V. C Kent to an Km. German Coffee I'.eny I t pounds of better ei.Ti'i' t'l.ltl I iD More at :! cents ; pound " A package of .1 il l . Ingile i M ilt Jim t y .! ,u Seeil Co., I,a Cpissm. H'.j i;h Of la Kl.'llllps anil t li : -4 iiiiliee. u :ti in ;i!i I ': v -1 .:it:t vn'zei r:-e'pi 7 hrj rrf all 1 ! Tlie v " '- ' ' ft- i Iem ii suse'l tin ' ' I I ..j.. j A I .Tli 1 y at 'III! I.H.'l- wheel vent Uior -lurh lni.n arounil in the w inilow p in- luli mci hia hea-1. "Can it b ?" U- a-k , aloui). 1'iaeitu ne tinker m hi right tar he cloceii his et thuughifiiliy fn Kfciwl. "No," I e a,., itii ,i cigli oi relief, a l.e tnovnl n ataui, "i: i-n't one of tiiinit liwt from itn plaic. Thev'n all tliere. I' m i... u, he e.'A count hi wheel. C n- i i (.'(.miner rial Tribune. I, imu iu t r..ui( o'"nnMI Plllir .till I, .,till.- l l-.;, :.C 'ltl 1 .11 Hair i. l tinu i inr. l.i k .t ui..n. 'jr. li 1 Ije u pjiel I mill full of oig .i 1 1 V 1 1 1 n 1 very n h n r v, , t left-h,i,.! Hule of her bun-1 ever) thiiij 'Ili-mi'i bel eiae. (ienera'lj- when a crl eaU a man u rx-t name, Mie can lie reiiy enre mii.c other girl ha inlh-l him the nam. name before, New York I're9. When a young man lelln vou ran atory you feel oir y lui loin; hen a middle a.-erl man does it you feel indig nant at him ; when an old man leim one it make vmi 'ii it. An h' t m pi !o a cli mi! ire ot riehc in nouth I oat rich acnHit and tl.. Clea and ft to an The hlegtii lfiiia ha pioved mi (e'Sful. T) a born if l:iisn are noi' li l 1 e to rola I -t i i he m i or e l ir plumes are i-:iillv ' I e-ei.lial .m ili will not enl net f- I I' ll rieFi! ip i I. M.hI. gr ' . the Hill II" f-1 f ,1i i' it trial' f'.l nol !' Cnr' hy lor.i. ap.ln'aii,,i,, n-i i.'.ey ia,,not na-l, the dif ,i"H, piirtturi m il.e ar therein only O: way to cure I ilrun hh I 1 1. :i t ii by CO'. I'-Otiin-il reei .h.. )1, .;,(.., i rauaed i,v an mii uu. I en'dii i.m oi llie irmroiii lining of The Ku-l aeloan 'i ul.e. When ttni tnhe git- inilame,) vie haven rnmhling xound or unp heann. nn-l when it U ei tlifly eimerl I)eatnen m . result, and md"ihe inrlammn'ioii en h taken out ami thin tu:,e re!reil to us normal eoiiiiitiun, heariiiK will he rle t roved hirever; rime ea-e. o'lt often ae ranted tiy ratarrh. ivtm ii ih nothing but un intlanied coieli' ion il ihe niucms snr faeet. We wili give fine Hn!nlrd iMllart for any cae ol Ijeafae- Imwl l.y eatarrhi that cannot he eurrd tiv JlaH n l.'aiarrii (aire. enil for eire-ildrii iVe K. J. I HKNKV .t l.'O Toledo. 0 told by ilr'igi-n. 7,c. It mit l..i-e lieen i, wni'in wlm in vented a bars tin More A nun would have been too iiiiioiroed of hurmeif. v When you fee a giil Khr't.' I it 'hou'd ers it isn't always a t,g-i il.rtt the itt toe Btuck up to wear r d flannel. Wnai bkilcui nr rlve est Cklartl, thartic, cuie Biikiihipt-.i, io . yjc The prayer l hat iwi's irom a broke heart, geeB Hiraigbt to the heart oT kd. Mr. lVlnlfMv . pvnL'r lor otou reu lertliit.r. oueiik trie nun, rul-iee laflam uUn. ,! j,in,ciire wind tone Ijc ikiiiic If we do t' o tiHK'li for our children, they w ill never be able to do much fo: themselves. My doctor said I would die. but Tiso'ii Cure for Conxuuption rurcd nie Amoi Kclnrr, Cherry Valley, Ills , Nov. 23 'M. It would puzzle an angel to make out what euuiu people mean when they cay, "Tbv king bun i-ome " rABetKr- ttitti'i . for. klan.. Mit&tu- oi trti I be. ' 3d t"Wu fcf It i bard to t orn inc" fo'ne pr'aclier that they are not needed w here the pay il the bent. artiHh -riotr, About Hftceu yenru n-o, n lien. Ed ward Collia vti yotiug soldier In In dia, a great iuiliiir-y mixfortuue h fell the Itrltifii aru,8. livery one leeolieetH the dv-a-lj'.im Utile of Main and. r:yo.,li Kh.-ni. the jout ; I'.aiukzhar ii-liier or Alghaiiina, had lakeu the Held against ;.n wit .a a larae force, mov ing up toward fa -id.i from lb-rat. , UcJi." ls.irr.iun. an m. ap.ihle llcr, fanii-ou! of Cauila'iar to meet him w ith Ebuut 2.i'tiu men, of whom only jiHj j were white, iig.ilnd s.,me 1...H0I) of the llemtei. liuiiovB wu ouluiaueu ;Vend. ou'.iianked and overwhelmed, i While the field gun were eut olf and two of I In in (a!;, n out of hand, uf the Knli.-li troop. ::ini fell upon that Kitd field, Willi Too of ihe native rank and ,tile killed or iiii,Mii;;, f i ji . 1 niany a gal dam odtecr died iu Hie effort to rally their (tying lin n. .laiu. H foil iii, on Dint tragie (M-caslon. ever.ihod.v by hid ma giiil', eentl.v hr.ivr behavior. His gnu had j bi-eii d:K,',l,h,i ;,y the killing of most of j Hi horses, . the wounding of the ( gunners, ii. ;i.y of whom were placeil j upon Hie in,; ,-s Hiid earring, k. w hile : the Hiirvlvorx iiinile frantic efforts to j ut loose the ill-mi ( iinlf mid drive away with the piece arid the bleedilig men j flinging in it for escape. At that mo ment a column of fleratees made to ward the gun to cut off and slay the gunners, (Iring their rifles as they ap proached. Imminent death threatened die luind of artillerymen nnd the certain hs of tlie gun. when the young soldier peiioniied a (U,,i of courage us high an that of Hor.uitM 1; 'eping the bridge. Itiumlng fore.-., i.l info thr open space si ll led Pet ,.,,. t.,.. pp, p, BI)( ti e hor.l - of .' ft han i irse nnd foot, M'lllng, firing :n, i rushing down. Col lis h:'licd Iu froi,; of them and pour, d bul j let aftr-r 1 1 n II, t i:ito ihe throng, drop j pinga lui: .-ei..;i ii or footman wil.; ever;, touch of l.'s !: ;,;., r. Purtly in wonder, j partly in ,'mr, ;-iily. Il may be, from I t!m I f. of '.''.'.uitive riKpecl ivliicl I'::is;( .i,.r have louard a mn. !. nan dewanl- the column aciually sl ipped -topie to do Irtiltle with n aliigle I-:n g!l-':'' -npd ino m;i ;.!:!.. I.s am; ezaba opened lire umii the fenrh-ss gun tier. Not n bullet louche, hlrn-the lirln WflH too wild and excited - hut that brief pause gave time to get the piece r-!oir, and to (tarry It wifely oul of the engagement with nil the wounded men upon It. There was nothliu: finer done 111 the way of tinsndUsh manhood nn.l toldierly devotion that evil day of Mai wnnd. and when Lord Roberts then Sir Frederick had t;iken over the charge from the weak lui mis of Hur rows and Primrose, nnd had soundl.v thrashed Kyoob-as we did In Septem ber of that same year, ls.SU, Malwan.l having been fought In July -her mnjes ty was pleased to bestow the glorlou reward of the Victoria cross upon Kd ward follis, whom nil tlie world hon ored. and would have held a man ti love and admire and praise. And this Is the man, Kdwnrd Colli, only fifteen years older, who stood n prisoner on Tuesday last In the dock of the Old Itallcy, chargi-d with a aeries of offenses against the law which wen characterized f mm beginning to end by lying, clii-aiing, low incnnnesN, cruelt) nnd lmse cowardice. He wils convicted and sent to prison for eighteen mouths -London Telegranh. Orcliyru or -nt Orove. The fanner who planu an orchard, a vineyard, a nut jrrove or a sniai; timber tract now Ih simply "casting an anchor to windward." Such things should not tunrp the place of a broader agrk'iiltcre, but lie Is not hlamelesa wl. doe not work some of them In conjunc tion. T'o or three limidred nut tro will become worth more than the whole farm beside To restore aray hair to Hi list iral color aa in youth, cause it to prow i.hiiiidjri! end trong, then- is no bcitet prepkmiioii llitin Hall's Hair Ueiiewei. Heaven's windows are Htill wsiting to fly open, for the man who will take the lit tithe to the More house. UK girls of the State Normal School at Cedar rails. Iowa, have udopted a school of the drt ss j reiorin order. It consists of a skirt nix I lit hes from the floor, a Jacket to wear over H e skin or fancy wait !, ! leggings for protection in cold or slormy wcnlhcr. and a plain hat or cap to match. I It is mil expected that .'ill will wear j the same material or color, 'hough ('.irU-liiiie storm serge or cheviot Is . n-( (iiiimended us probably most s. r ; viccalde and appropriate. Iu lividmd Ity may be emphasized in wulsN. Mil lar ami lies, while uniformity of t-lyl" will prove an advauiag. ilafoual un derclothing is insisted upon. Kxtreiiil ties are to be warmly dress, d. Iieaiy skirts To lie abolished and Hie weight i f the clothing To lie evenly (list' ilnil. d. Tills may be done In such ors'unte, and yet the whole effect may te- per fectly feminine and modest. The iciiylh of the skirt is the only point vhi. h can be criticised, ami even Hint, does its wearer possess a bicycle, is iiihcc.Tod. Why, then, should our i l l be con demned for adopting thai w'tlcli has proven nscll Heal. Ill 111, liecoinilig, it. Domical ami sensible? "That tliere will be crill- Imo none can doubt," says The NoiiiMllte, ,i pa per published lit the school. 'T hat the criticism w ill cense with kliotv Iedg Is equally sure. The iiornml school can afford to lead in any movement which Is for the betterment of the teachers of the State, and if Ihe fact that teat hers and girls here are adopting: n w uklng suit which gives freedom .'ind health shall encourage our nliimiiao through out the State to do The same, shall free een one eoiuiir.v school I each":' wno plods through dust ami mud ami snow to her dally work, we can bear the sti'li-iures of our frl In bravely and take no heed of the others. I'l.e nor mal leads the way. Who Is to follow V Tw (hll-sls I have In mind n girl who visited her Intended's mother. She was naturally bright ami Interesting, hut was she not thoiightle.-s and selfish? She was never tip to breakfast In the morning, which iieeesslia led her hostess, who was n very busy woman and did fmr work, getting an exlia brenkfaa: at Imlf past 8 or !! o'cl a k. She never c f;i opened her windows or threw back the bedclothes. She might have made htT self useful In many llltle ways and en deared herself to Ihe whole family, bill Hhe made no effort to do so. . Another girl went to viwit mi tincle'ri family for a week ami wa s iuvlted to remain a month. She was always ready to make herself useful when her ser vices were needed, took cm- of her own room, was juiet and cmil 1 enter tain herself with her cmbi'oideiy or a book at nny time when her bos; .s, was occupied, was prompt nl meals, some times entertained Ihe little folks with j Hiories ami games, ami was iiii.Pt all circumstances! an agreeable a -d Wel come guest.-F;i rm and Home. which one cannot comfortably Sit is lather a inal. and the ku iwlcdg tint liie ape.irauec of one's dre-s is spaded by this deeld-dly restlul position is disagreeable to mink of. let ah lie en dure. ' un; for ! ti or-t!i The.-,, .-ir,. sevepjj th o ies of the prop er posi;:.,n u sleep. The one most com monly favored is that one should sleep "U the right side, as digestion goes on in tnis position most favorably. Other .HKhorliies say that one should always lie on the back, but there are excellent j reasons why tii.s is not wise. Tlie ; wfiithi of the stomach res!s upon the sylne. which often affects tilt- nerves. : Soiii" severe cases of insomnia have been cured by ihe habit of sleeping on the f.i.-c. This is easy jo do and is the most coaifoit.'ible position if on- dis penses with the pillow. One young mail who had exhausted all the' skill of tile doctors fell into the habit of lying on his fa.-e, with his right arm under .his head, which was turned slightly to one side. I!y this change natural rest soon came to him ami he entirely recovered. j 111- Labrador IuIihiii I The scattered Imiian liibe of Lab rador ar uaid to b gradually eriidi ing from destitution and diseaBe. The c aatg fr .piented by them are all but exhaust..-.! of game and fur-bearing ani mal and the Hkirie of beaver has been prnbit it d until 1H00 in order to pre vent i f pjtal destruction. Bv the t.ine they are peicitte.1 to again trap the beavei there i!l probably be no In :lian l.-ft up ju (hi portion o. the coast. X. Y. Sun HI ok 111 Ii llailget. A num er of tine residences are tl course of erection at Terry, Nearly dl tlie babies l)orn in the hilli he past few weeka are boyg. Judge I. S. Harhaugh of Chadron hai concluded to Iwaie in the Bluek 11 ilia. A horse ami rider fell down a fortjr foot embankment near Lead witbou fa'al injury to either. Siieri !an and Necas:le coal is nov used for fuel in the ne boiler at tin II me-take od ! Oc?3,WjrW RiJU Ae.l elis4lKt-iK? tiU tJUf 4 For Hradache, Backache. Totithache ; 4 4 T V VT I:or pains Phrumatic, Neurfltic. Asiatic. . r Lumbagic; for ail Use ACHES AND PAINS ST. JACOBS OiUiiP : "rat r'Ti-:, M ift; ci isi,. ; It UK ALL UOL'XD. eS The (lirl in the Iloiu. 111. it's tie a cravat, make a band for a hat, It's go and beg father for this thing and that. Help out on hard sums, soothe the hurts, cure the stings Takes a fellow's sister to do all such things. And she can scarce stay w ith a friend over night Hut something is gone of the home's cheer and light tjnii k si. p. ready hand, merry voice, life and whirl Then says failier to mother, "Think of home wiili mi girl!" Luce HloiiHen. Blouse waists of lace traced around i the pattern with mock J v.cls are very i much worn witli the velvet bolero Jack ets. A pretty model for any sort of silk ; waist Is slashed above tin- belt to diow the lace waist underlie.', .h; velvet ro vers finish th" front, ami velvet ribbon trims the epaulet frills. I'.lack ami white plaid silk, with .vet mom-se-llne de sole frills, edged v. Ith black vel vet ribb-m In tlu narrowest widlli. Is a novel combination very much admir ed, ami the tucked ohift -,i waist trim med w ith lace frill is alw .tys pretty for young grils. L . tzar - .V"SsKs The pine knot the tallow candle the oil lamp gas " thce are stages in the"evo lufion of ilium inalion, which today finds its hiehest exoo- nent in the electric light. Similar and no less striking has been the evolution of grain and friss cutting machinery. In 1331 the scythe and the cradle were superseded by the McCormick Reaper, The intervening; years have seen many improvements, until now we have that modd Harvester and Binder, the McCormick Right Hind Open Elevator, and that veritable electric light of mowerdom, the New 4. It is not only the handsomest mower ever built, but it is, in every sense of the word, the best and if your experience has taught you anything, it is that there's nothing cheaper than the best. McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, Chicago. 1 hr I.ight-Kiiiitilne; McCormick Open Klevatnr Itarvester, The l.iKht-k umunjr McCormick New 4 Steel Mower, Hi I.:s!it-Kunions MeCt rnii -It Vertical Corn Bin.lerand The i.i'tlu-Kuhuiug MsCormick. Daisy Reaper lor saie everywhere. Baker's Chocolate Mmp' lleatlartie Cure. Severe heaiiacTie may be removed by spirits of aiiiuionla. It sl.otih! be care fully used, as the constant use of salts, ammonia, and other strong scents In jures and Inflames the nose. Scent liotUe with silver Trnccry, I'rtjteclion for Apple Trees. To pntect apple trees from boron and rai'blls, the most successful of many r.eth jds 1 have tried Is to take comnioa barn paint. Thick enough to be eatfy n;plled, and add one and a half pjnd pulverized copperas for each gallon. Mix thoroughly and ap ply. It will laat two years. Pistols and Pestles. A'm Hobby. The young queen of Holland has been a passionate collector of postage slump since she whs H years of age. Those bearing her own etllgy are not wanting In her collection. It Is related that late ly her majesty reproached her presi dent of the council because tlie present Initch stamps still bore her portrait when she was only in years old. "I should like very much, my dear min ister, a new series of stamps which will show me to my people Just as I am at present." she Is reported to have said. Hut the Dutch ministers have decided tlint the new portrait of their queen shall be engrnved on certain state pa pers only on the occasion of her marriage. M haling on Horseback. At Cape (lod, Newfoundland, whal ing on horseback Is n popular and ex citing gujne. In which the boys are al lowed to Join. A more novel ami thril ling scene than w hen the sport Isai Its height can hardly bit pictured. The w hales are enticed in some wav inside of tlie bur by men In boats, ami when the tide goes out they are left at the mercy of the whalers on horseback, in a stretch ol water forming a little In closed lake sonic three to four feet deep. The bay is comparatively smooth, and in it the creatures flounder nnd rush alsiut, lashing the water Into foam as they are followed by Ihe horse men. The horses become as excited as their riders, who, armed with harpoons, lances, boa (hooks or any other weapon, endeavor to nipt lire as many of the monsters as possible. The men keep up an Incessant yelling and splashing, gradually forcing the monsters up a narrow creek. The whales seem to know they are running Into a trap, for they make great efforts to break through the line of horses. Occasional ly a wounded crenture lifts a horse out of the water with n tremendous sweep of its tall, and the rider Is thrown sprawling into the water, to the great amusement of the onlookers. This hunt Is kept up until nil the nnlninls are driven upon the shoal nnd dispatch, ed. Waller Bekcr & Co. Ltd., Established in 1 780, at Dorchester, Mass. Has the weil-known Yellow Label on the front of every t package, and the trade-mark, "La- Belle Chocolatiere, on the back. NONE OTHER GEMUINE. 1 r, n.d-a-M. Trailer Kakcr Co. Lid.. Dorchester. Ma. t q))ANDY cathartic nNUM CONSTIPATION ! 10 25 50 ALL J ABSOLUTELY GITARANTRED '? rure ny.n,eoreni,slhmti0n. rasctret. nre IfceMenl i 7, ,7 I,,,,, h,.' " ' l".ml-11" n,l 'T "itiiril mulll Sim , ,, , ,, . fhirnito, Montreal, Curt., orlVpir Tork. The duelling pintol now occupies its proper place, in the museum of the collector of rclica of barbarism. The pistol ought to have beside It the pestle that turned out pills like bullets, to be shot like bullets at the target of tho liver. But the pestle is still in evidence, and will be, probably, until everybody haa tested the virtue of Ayer's sugar coated pills. They treat the liver em a friend, not aa an enemy. Instead of driving it, they coax it. They are compounded on the theory that the liver does its work thoroughly and faithfully under obstructing conditions, and if the obstructions are removed, the liver will do its daily duty. When your liver wants help, get "tho pill that will," Ayer's Cathartic Pills. k r' with tsilfr I.lnin-r. Shirred breadths ami Hat or box plaits have In a great degree replaced the gislet effects at the back of dress skirls. In many Instances braiding or a prtMty vine passementerie simulating braiding Is curried from the skirt hem upward, not only on the front and sides, but frequently, on new French gowns, nt the back, tapering as It goes. In nearly every case, not withstand ing all that we hear of Hie absence of stiff Inteillnlngs, the lwiek and aides of these sklrlnnre thoroughly well set out from the figure, and not n few of the gowns nre so arranged that French dressmakers call them "standing gowns," nnd certainly some of the mod erately spreading, elalsirately trimmed nuslels would not be Improved by a fit ting position of Its wearer, Tfierfl are very ninny women who ncer wear walking costumes In the house any more than they would don tliolr rolxw of cerwnony for the prom-uade - a wise rule but a gown In How Appointments Aro Made. Kx-I'resideiit Harrlnon, 1n nn article on "A Day with tlie FrewldeiH at Ills Desk," In the iwlles' Home Journal. gives the niejtlusl hy which appoint ments to public olllce are made by the President. "One of Hie Cabinet offi cers," he writes, "iqmears by npS)ln1 uifttt, lU'compaiilisl by a messenger with n a anuliKid or n basketful of pa-IM-rs chiefly made up of petitions ax'.' letters relating to iipiHilmtiinents. Rtudi cae has Imh'II briefed and Jackeled, and one by one they are prenMitcd, the Secretin-)' adding such Information as ho has, outside the paperw. The conclu sion readied are nttel lo appoint a particular person, or to prosecute a further Inquiry. The Postmaster (ien eral brings a large clothes basketful of jmpens, and an adjournment to the long Cabinet table Is lieeeswiary In order to display them, lie takes up the papers relating to a iMmtoflioc and briefly states the case. If the cane Is divided he lllls In the blank on the jacket, 'Ap point ,' the President ntllxew hs Initials, and the jmckage is thrown liiK'k into the basket. A whole after noon Is often -oiisumel In this wny." "Brevity Is the Soul of Wit." Good Wife, You Need SAPOLIO and health making arc included in the making of HIRES Rootbecr. The prepa ration of this great tem perance drink is an event of importance ina million well regulated homes. For Too Wldc-Awake Ones. Persons who suffer from sleepless ness may try various simple remedies with more or leas success, unless their Insomnia be due to such a deranged condition of the nerves as possibly re quires a doctor's care. Warmth Is an admirable aid to drowsiness, and a glass of boiling milk or hot lemonade, or cocoa makes an excellent bedtime drink. . I - ; Every man hM a lot of stuff he can't sell. w ft I HIRES i COMFORT TO CALIFORNIA. Rootbeer is full of good health. Invigorating, appetiz ing, satiifying. Put some up to-diy and have it ready to put down whenever you're thirsty. Made only by The Charles E. Hires Co., Philadelphia, A pack age makes 5 gallons. Sold everywhere. m" MrrT i hat nim om Uabast Mfc F (ZceiHKfl I lilayiolTr"tiilat t 3 Every Thursday afternoon h tourist sleeping car for ln, ver, Soli. I like Cltv, San Fran cisco, and Los Angeles learel Oii.hIih an., Lincoln via tbs liiirlington Route. It is earneied, upholstered, in rnttati, has spring scats andi backs and Is provided with1 curtains, bedding, towels. soap eie. An eiperienced exeur-J sion conductor and a uni formed Pullman porter mti com. any It ihroUKh to lual I'aci lie Coast. While i. either ns expensively) flnlKhed nnrsft II ri m Innlr ae as a palae-i- sleeper. It is Just aa good to ride In. Second cla.s thkeia are honored and the firlceof a berth, wide enovigli or Iwo, Is only ;. for a folder giving full; ticulara write to J. Francis, Gen'l Pa.w'r Agent, Omaha. Neb Xtn)Hf.s I r iii.,.. flsjj at u ,ultr, Ir ffrrt-MU oontuioa. r oiciNTi.o.f CURE YCHJRSELFf I He Hie J r..r .......... . I dliclnrnfs, ffitftDin)i)ciifK: irriCiLu'D or tikcralioBt of intiCfUfi Uifuibtmnm. THtEvSCHty'C4iCfJ, cut Mold hy DrBCrlSla, . or asnt In plain rprr, tl .m. ..r 1 Is.tllra, 2 7.V Irsular scat on rai'iast. KtUAICTBat QFHTt'KT O a raaaaiaaa---- Natsanaci. plltl tim ar (tm, Ma BltaifP m a al iara s naaai 1 1 air Inr pi i . na tkl AHILLa iOOU.10 tU CAatOExXJ, DR. TaVrT'N ASTH twin . KALE 5f to' ; HI V 4 " ft.. : ,4 "4 . TAhl Ui u las aacwar, V, I tux