The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 01, 1897, Image 2

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    tbartison Journal.
CO. D. CASOK. rdilor ud Prop.
(trluiu triliima! before w hit-It the eii:
tuay eae vm tried, iu granting the
Prince $ir.,mi a year fmui the Amer.
an heiress n ho married him and then
deserted him, will standi as the until
NEB. remarkable 'a the annals of divor. -e j WATERED CAPITALIZATION.
Kentucky to tin? first State In
Union for raisins ueuip and a No
raining things with he nip.
deck-it. ns. It 1 not stated whether the
decision give the KM.r Prime the priv
ilege of marrying aain and continu
ing to claim the allmonv.
Flagrant Injaatice of Making the
Poor People Bur th Hmnt of Ta-
atioa -Trnota Paj bot 1-JOO of 1 Per
According to Prof. Hazeu, the heat
ed term from July IN to Aug. 17 of last
year extended over a larger region and
gave abnorma 1 heat for a greater num
ber of cotteerutive day than ever be
fore recorded.
Consul Wallace at Jerusalem reMrtj
to the Stj Iep:irtment that a. -cording
M the consular records of his office it
aix-ars that there are r.'iii cittern of
the l'uited States residing in Palestine. People' lanj directly oppnnej to the
i thin number 4.'.s are Jew who are old-line pirtleu 1 the diatcrini native op
only nominally Americans, having ' pressious In oue form or another that
Opprrtnaive Iicrimtnatlrns.
One of the thing that make
Oennauy and Spaiu are now connect
ed by a submarine cable twelve hun
dred and fifty miles long, threads of
which are at Kmdeii and Vigo. It is the
first link in a series of lines to U tirst
extended to Brazil and to the l'uited
States by way of the Azores.
A Havana dispatch say that at a
bull fight on Sunday "a hundred Span
ish soldier clinilied into the riLg. cut
off the tail of the animal ami tiiinHy
killed the bull with machetes. The
scene was harrowing." So the Span
ish soldiers really are good for some
thing after ail.
lived ia the I nked States just long
enough to obtain citizen taper and
passport's. The majority of these emi
grated from Kussia to the l'uited
Stales and thence to Palestine. The
SMiif.,i-,l::e cokmy or "'( ivercotners." as
they cali themselves, have recently
Wen increased by an addition of 117
Kw.'di-h Am reins, mo-t yfr tu Citvi-
An amateur musician residing in
Hermann, Mo., not long since received
a fine zither which he imported from
Germany at considerable expense. Hi
consternation wan great, however, and
hi disgust supreme when he ascer
tained that the instrument had been
made in Chicago.
A study of the world's oldest leop!c
reveal some strange facts. .ccoiding
to our last census. pers-uts over
years were found, and of these
Vv5 were women. In Prance in hli.'i
there were only sixty-six men and 1-47
women over the lno mark. The figures
for (Jreat Hritaln are uot available, but
these old-line jwrties eucounige; op
pression! that are downright injustieej
and diametrically contrary to the an
nounce! policy of this (Jove riiincni a
framed In the declaration of Independ
ence anil our Constitution.
One of the largest and most flagrant
Injusii-e of this description i what
every taxpayer sees w hen -ver he looks
into the matter. He learns witu very
little trouble that, as a rule, this Cov
eninieut. while declaring opMwdte prin
ciples, while deela ring every man -a!
before the law. in point of fact taxes
the great plain people to sustain the
rich. In other words, in ai parts of
the country, the great plain people, as
distinguished from the wealthy. Itcar
the brunt of taxation.
Now for the facts. The I,"xnw coin-
in Iyondou in lsii there were reported
twenty-one centenarians, of whom only j oiittee, intentionally or, dc
slx were men. This would seem to pin j veloped a pretty large fact. P.ach ami
the l'uited State immeasurably above; every leader of the trust Investigated
to date, without any exception, and the
testimony In this particivir Is exhaust
Another point. If the -ople w i..)t In
pet rhl of stock watering, let legisla
ture tax all watered stock precisely at
the rate they do all other itersonal
projierty. That would tjulckly end the
whole business. as well a a vast
amount of gambling now taking place
on the exchange.
Two Ifian"Oraioea.
This U a conservative estimate of the
cont of the McKinley inauguration to
the President personally, to the citizen
of t'te IMMrict of Columbia, to the vis
itors and to the Covernmeut:
Mr. McKiuh-y's apecial train
from Canton
Mr. and Mr. McKinley ' hotel
expense at Washington,...
Mrs. McKinley' ball gown...
Mrs. McKinley' inauguration
cost it tne
Six e vening gown at ?J each
Mr. MrKtuley' inauguration
outlit WK)
anything. I: "nt f I the !'."!.. of lb
advocate, an.i tln tr coir-'b'te iiiab 1 ty
to answer th- s.-mto-' chrirgc of
fraud en I r npil.'ti. Kt r te public
good, it is to be hoped r!.'. i the Sena
tor' retirement from tae Senate w!il
prove ott!v teiniioniry, am! thai he wl'l
itotju return to confound t.ppresw oils in
t .gonitis la signage; for lit-, only Mint,
if that be a fault, has be. li hi mode a
tioti and gc!iioness of ttj.c(" li when hi
fai t and argument jusClit 1 the ut
ilaln, ringing word.
Total personal expense ?4,N)0
Cost of cereniouit' at the enpi
tol, erection of piat form, dec
orations, etc., ut p.lblic ex
pense , G.OIH)
Cost to Ion -rmnenl in saltirie
of pctisioti oth -iuls and clerL
tt!iirarily idle, though tin
tier pay, during use of pension
building fol festivities 70.OKI
Ksiimated cost in loss of ser
vices, re-transfer of records,
tracmg or replacing lost rec
ord 1.1,0""
A daring Canadian has just been
compelled to pay four dollar and thir
teen cent for a stolen kiss,, and he de
clares that it was worth the money
Still, such recklessness I not to be en
couraged, particularly In the hard
times that now prevail through the
province beyond our northern border.
all coi.'iitrieM on the wore of longevity,
quite at variance w ith the popular idea
that we work ourselves Into early
graves. These fact should also have
some little Is-jiring upon women as life
insurance risks.
A person would scarcely believe it,
until pains had been taken to count
them, that there are 17..1!2,lSi;,044..11.1
different sotimLs In the human voice,
but it is true. These effects are pro
duced by fourteen dir.'ct muscles,
which give about 1j.hkj different
Bounds, and thirty Indirect, which pro
duce the remainder.
David Livingstone's father was a
thrifty Scot, due day David brought
home the word that a heavy tax bad
been put on tobacco. His father was
Just tilling his pipe when the sad news
was broken. "If we have to g'ie it ;
tip," he said, "we may as well begin !
now." And he knocked the weed out
of his pipe, put the pie in his pocket. 1
and never smoke 1 again. i
Gen. Itoy Stone, chief of the road de
liartnieut of Washington, makes the
Ingenious suggestion that mhoolboys
In' used to keep country roads In re
pair. He points out that as the chief
roails of each county are patrolled
twice a tlay by scbooliioys old enough
to perform some labor uion them the
experiment be made of keeping a few
tools at the school bouses, and instruct
ing the hub In removing stones, filling
up nits and holm. lie Hiiggest the.
organization of schoollioy road leagues'
and the awarding of small prize for
the best kept thoroughfares in each
county. It woul I be valuable knowl
edge for the boys if properly taught
and would result in a few years iu a
vast Improvement In the condition of
roads which now often prevent a fuller
school attendance.
American society has never been
young. It was born old. in the seiire
that the men w ho made up its tirst ele
ments were trained in iiideiwudeiicc
and free government. They began
where England left off. American so
ciety is not an infant experimenting
with a new thing, but a grow u man ad
justing his business to new conditions
as thev arise.
Remarkable reports are current about
a new kind of steel invented '.ty Samuel
Maxim at his exiteriniental laltoratory
at Wayne, Me. The inventor Iwlieves
it to be Identical with the ancient steel
of iDdia, which is alleged to have lioen
far superior to any sleel known to
metallurgists in modern times. It is
said that a small blade made from the
Maxim steel sissesses the power of cut
ting glass with as much ease as If it
were chalk.
Persons with weak lungs ami a ten
dency toward tuberculosis may take
a hint from .class-blower. By the con
tinuous exercise of their calling their
lungs and chests are greatly developed,
and they can often luhale :j,t" c;iluc
inches of air. a difference of five or six
inehes between Inspiration and expira
tion being of frequent occui reiic.
With this class o" artisans consump
tion is of very rare occurrem-o.
Missouri boasts of a railroad fiv
miles long, on which the consumption
of fuel is reduced 5" per cent, as com
pared with other mads. It extends
from Exeter to Cassville, and In on-?
direction steam Is used and In th?
other the motive power is gravity. Ev
ery morning a locomotive hauls pas
senger and freight cars to Kxeter,
which is on the 'Frisco line, and dur
ing; the day, as trains arrive on the
'Frtoco line, the passengers anil freight
are pnt on hoard the short line, the cars
given a push, and then they run down
bill until they reach Cassville.
That sturdy Christian and sensible
human, Cardinal Uibbons, when Im
portuned for an opinion upon the ever'
lasting (subject of the Sunday newspa
per, said: "I desire to give you, my
brethren, two admonitions regarding
Sunday papers. First, select none but
the beat, such as are clean, possessing
a high moral tone, and which will give
yon food without toison. Second, re
Mire not to read Sunday tapers till you
bare first assisted at divine service and
bear the word of (Jod.. As on com
munion day you do not break your fssf
til yon have partaken of the holy
raetwrlat, ao let the voice of your
heavenly Father be atainped in prayer
Otv your heart aiid memory before you
five your attention to things terres
trial" That Is certainly the laat word
aa tills question, and any decent news
paper la the country can say "amen"
to It
Tat Idea of a court granting a di
Wss la a man and ordering tae woman
tafaj aUBMBf ta him Is very repulsive
t AaMrteaaa, ao asattar who or what
l-i WCasM la. Taa aUoa of the Bel-
The "type-writer prism" Is an Inge
niously wrought scientific adaption of a
well known principle in optics, ami its
object U to render the writing of a
j type-writer visible to the operator as ".!
is Iteilig written, thereby doing awav
with the necessity of lifting the car
riage to Inspect the work. The prlncl
part of the device consist of a iri.n
of pure optical glass as long as the line
to be printed. 1 1 Is carefully
and polished, and is fastened to tli
carriage of the machine beneath the
impression roller. Two of Its three
sides are Hat. and the third a strong
cylindrical convex curve. The curved
side is In view of the operator, and the
writing is visible on its surface. Not
only is it perfectly reflected, but the
writing is presented right side up. and
in a normal wisitioii to the eye, magnl
lied to any desire 1 extent. A mem!
pointer sliows the exact fpot on which
the next diaracter written will ap
pear. An enterprising resident of a South
ern Pacific island has pel out or is
I about to set out to take possession of
j another island, which is described as
! being "about I.ihhJ miles from the
coast of 'iuateniala." It appears that
nobody else has shown any disposition
to pose..s this island, and the vnter-
prising resident" aforesaid proposes to
; raise ihe Hawaiian flag as soon as he
lands and establish a new kingdom.
The real Interest iu this project center
in the fact that the island about to be
seized from obscurity is to be tendered
to l.liiuokalanl as a headquarter for
a rejuvenated reign. It Is expected of
course that at the beginning the Queen
w ill lie obliged to rough it a trifle, since
there is nothing tangible to reign over
except the land, and it may tie that she
will become lonesome for a few sul
Jects. but all these little discrepancies
can be corrected with time. The affair
in its present condition consists of an
island, a Queen and an enterprising dis
coverer, and as soon as the three get
together it will be time to discuss de
tails for the future.
It is somewhat unfortunate fcbat an
Astor heiress ahould be revealed in the
lonely garb of a chambermaid In a Mis
souri hotel at a time when one of the
Illustrious heads of the family is mak
ing such conspicuous headway among
the crowned hemlx of Europe. It can
not fall to be disquieting to Willie Wal
dorf Just as he is alsiut to assume the
resiKrtislbllitles of a British subject and
while he 1 enjoying the lordly distinc
tion of a pronounced case of gout to
learn that oue of his cousins is engaged
in Uie extremely democratic occupation
of changing pillow cases for the delec
tation of chance travelers who may
"put up" at this Sednlla hostelry. The
young woman haa the presumption not
to le ahanied of her occupation and
says she prefers to enrn her own living
until she can obtain her fortune ratlier
than depend on the charity of her fanw
lly. But tb"a can bring no consolation
to Willie. He will lie able happily to
ever himself entirely from any for
mal relation with the I'nlted States,
but there la no way for him to escape
formal relationship with the chamber
maid, unless by some special sdict of
royalty be is permitted to start an en
tirely new Astor family w(ta m satan
g!lua ancestry.
ive and uiiquiwflonabl, ha declared
In clear and emphatic language that
the trust he represent H not over-cap
Itftlized, but Is eapitarzed at Its actual
cash value. That every trust or cor
poration called such, ha no watered
Mock in It, but avery dollar of such
stock i represented by actual cash
value in one shap or another.
That Is, upon ajf.h, thte trust mag
nab confess an 1 ss-ert that the a'-ti a
marki-t value of taeir capitalization, be
It what It may, U founded upon strict
tangible aets laving a like cash val
uation to-day.
That 1 a big admission from the
standpoint of the legislative tax as
sessor. It will bk n"w to him. For H
has been the constant cry of these
trusts to t lie legislatures that their
capitalization was uot a tangible asset,
but meant something else; particularly
what was uot mentioned. For tills
I.exow information our public should
be grateful, as there now remains no
further question a o the real status of
capitalization; at least of ail existing
trusts or corpora tio.i.s.
On top of this information com" a
highly valuable column article in the
Philadelphia Item, entitled "Against
Trusts," which irlv some exceedingly
instructive partlcu-ys concerning the
taxation and proposed taxation of
trusts In the State vf New Jersey.
a little figuring, tt ' there shown lha
these big trusts pi y in taxes to tha
round j State only one-two hundredth of 1 p
cent. ier annum upon any capmlizj
tion In execs of J.l.omt.intu, which
sum covers prety much all the big
Recalling the tosr liuony of thf
Total cost to Coverr"ient
through this interruption . ..
KxpciiHc of citizens of the I i-
trn t of Coliiiiiliin on account
of ball, music, printing, etc.,
guaranteed and raistd by sub
scription Cost to private parties for erec
tion of reviewing stands. SS,
""", li s $4,.'!HJ pniil for priv
ileges by spec u hi tor
Fatituntcd uuiotitit ptiid by pri
vate parties for seat at inau
guration ceremonies, parade,
Cost of transiKirtation to vis
itor from out of town (esti
mated by railroad officials
Pennsylvania Railroad, h".
ll; Kiiltitnore tail ( iliio Rail
road, ,'t".iK); Chesapeake and
Ohio Railroad, '.'ii."""; South
ern Railroad, l.,isl; total
number of vi H'Mwmi,
at mi average p- r capita trans
portation cost t' $1")
Com of lodging mil meals to
visitor at i o h
Cost of tickets to maun ral
Six thousand s ppers, uine,
etc., average oi
Public carria
Total expense).
t ?2 per cil',.
f visitors . . . .
12.00 1
.1,1 I
tirand total $2,5.10.500
Thomas Jeffet -. -i was the first Presi
dent Inaugurateij ai Washington. The
inauguration was of the simplest kind,
vet full of dignity. Here Is the expense
account :
P,V f IVrsottnl expense of Thonta Jef
ferson on hi inauguration an
President None
Cost to fiovertinient None
Kxpense of coaching and stage
panic to the national capital
and entertainment there $.1,000
magnates, that tlnir capitalization
real cnh value. i this beside what
these same trusts pay that State In
taxes, and compart it with what th
great public pays the same State in
Where ordinary Hople are taxed an
average of about a ;jer cent, on real an
personal property a! an assosisl valu.i
lion of from a fuurw't to t wo-tlunls of it
cost, tliese trust pay one-two hun
dredth of 1 per cet.t., or about one-six
hundredth less than the people.
City and country taxes-Included In
aoove o per cent. for these trusts Is
not worth mentioning, ami cuts no
figure here; as any real and personal
projterty they possess of that kind
while something, forms too small a
part for this notice. Pracfically all
they pay per annum is (he above oue
two-hiiudredth of one per cent.
A similar reduction, but slightly less
In amount. Is granted In ibat Stnte
and nearly all States for that matter, to
corporations of lesser capitalization
Those having less than f.'i,(to,000 capl-tal-ln
New Jersey pay one-tenth of
oue per cent, on such oapliul; those 1-
twecn $.1,000,000 and !F.1, pay
one-tc cntieth of oue per cent, per an
So here It Is clearly proved bv the
law of that Slate that the smaller the
taxpayer the larger the percentage of
his or her taxation. And this ratio of
difference altove given holds right
torougn down to the worker whose
whole property Is a trifle of furniture,
on which he must pay a tax of about
three per cent, on as large an assess
ment by the assessor as he dares make
and feel secure that he will come out
whole at a sheriff's sale for he must
make any deficiency good out of his
own pocket.
Mr. H. O. Jlavemeyer, the president
of the sugar trust, before the Lexow
Committee, was asked: "What pro
portion of your sugar is made In the
State of New York?" J!r. Havemeyer
replied; "One-half." "Then," asked
Mr. Lexow, "as your capitalization Is
worth Its price, why do you not pay
the Stale a tax on f.'Sff.OOO.OOO?" of
course Mr. Havemeyer was compelled
to evade the question, so the matter
was dropped.
The above described ratio of Increas
ed taxation proportioned to the Impe
cunloslty of the taxpayer, would sug
gest the advisability of Congress ap
pointing something like the Interstate
Commerce Commission under a similar
law, for the purpose of compelling each
State to tax all citizen alike. For If It
be an nnjust discrimination for rail
way to charge leas for a long haul
than for a short haul, bow far more
Onjnst to the public It Is to lie taxed so
flagrantly unjustly as above set forth.
Protect the Wojt Karn-rm
The veto of the immigration bill by
Mr. Cleveland may result In the mak
ing of fi belter bill by the new Con
gress. The one vetoed mainly evaded
the true Issue, although It leaned In the
right direction. The true Issue Is, that
the present business and moral eond!
tlou of tliis country necessitates thf-t
Immigration be wholly or largely re
stricted. Free Immigration brings all
workers for salaries or wage lu direct
competition wllh a much lower grade
of wages abroad. Foreigners allowed
to come here without limit, menu lower
wages or no wage at all for Ameri
cans. This Is aside from the evils we
Invite through the enterprise of steam
ship companies who get fares for
bringing over here the refuse of for
eign countries.
The only way to restrict immigration
Is to restrict. An educational test onlv
meets the issue part way. it docs not
protect our country or our workmen m
lioth need. Our country I now over
run with foreign cheap labor. Ameri
cans cannot advance their mornl or
moneyed condition In the fnce of it.
These constant arrivals from abroad
reduce the average level of the whole
country. It should lie stopped.
The way to stop It Is after the man
ner we stopped the Chinese. Another
way would be a heavy tax per head.
But with our gates open, we continue
to Invite still harder times In all lines
of trade. The Inciters of the present
open law are the trusts, the steamship
companies, large railway companies.
for fares and service, ami pot-house
politicians. No one else Is Is-neflted.
This country is not large enough nor
prosjwrous enough to take care of the
foreign hordes who are annually com
ing Into it, without serious detriment
and painful Injury to the United States
as a nation.
rrinr'f.b-n Nrvrr "r.
The principles advocated ty the P.-.p-ullst
party w ill uever die. They a.v
eternal. They will survive when the
United State Itself ha fallen Into de
cay and passed away. Populist will
turn their fact lo the future, and prof
iting by the mistakes of the past they
will take up the banner of equal rights,
throw It broad folds to the breezes of
heaven and defend it agalns; all com
ers a In the past. They are used to de
feat; but they will never suireii ler.
C'orsicaaa Truth.
hW"! "Cnnfidcnc-."
Willoughby. Hill & Co., the big Chi
cago clothiers, bumped up against a
dose of goldbtig "confidence" last Sat
urday calculated to shatter their faith
iu H.inna' promise. The "wave"
swept over them and completely wash
ed them off the deck. They sent a dele
gation on the "Ill.'ize f Clory" train
to the Inaugural to Inquire Into the
matter, but McKinley gave them cold
J..h l;iui- g. i lit imi ptiy.
We all pray or onj life, but a short
one 1 the salest.
('.. int v, h ze ut '.or i unknown, it
1 iiuiina from Leaven.
The timn w cm pro, erity makei
proud a hercily v. ill it ake insolent.
Kiioff iz bs pin iM, but e have r.o
etiiitt rd l lot j. nte Uie quantity.
Untitling U-gtits ly cbe.fing other.-,
and a 1 it en is by cheating it eif.
I'n e qile are a I alike: their
pi. shuns are sake, tiiey all lo..k alike.
No in-It
1 tOO.tiOO
lor Ii
! .1. VI.
e v.'ir il
-he .He.
1 tl . Il '
ell I .
t. I I
f I in til
I' I
: l- ?
.H'- I. n
Wi.en bea'ing a lurua. e lot your Six-,
do not for Jet tha' thee n sunt- danger
i f vonr li-iii t'nn ttco it.
jt-r'rr r I'- t-.-i c i w i i..ij air.artic, na
ati He f atl Ik.W"I r'vu r ttivl".
Tie r.' Is a vast dill-nence I etten t.e-
i. g ii'4 lo s.iy prayer tliAt sound fi le
and It .viuj a br ki ix :in ) ro.itrite heart.
A Ooo'l rnlnr,
With the new administration. Senator
William A. Peffer retire to bis edito
rial sanctum, and the Senate of the
United State and the public generally
loses a nnsst valuable statesman, which
at Ihe present critical period they can
111 afford. Few Sennii.r have worked
a hard and as conscientiously In be
half of the people as Senator Peffer; he
allowed no occasion to pa without
giving the Senate and public to tinder
stand that the financial administration
of till rovernment Is in a sail plight,
and that unlet remedies be forthcom
ing soon, trouble ahead is a foregone
For want of better and more con
vincing arguments to prove Senator
Peffer to be In error in his general view
of public finance. It for a time In certain
papers was common practice to ridicule
the Senators wlilskcm. as If this were
an argument In refutation of the Sena
tor'! platform, tf this pnctJve proved
Will Make Judsa l.nviotis
It 1 said Cleveland .ropiwcs to th
vole the rest of hi life to the study of
religion. Having stolen upward of
$2o.oii0,i,oo he can afford to, but good
ness, how envious Judas lscarioi must
feel when he thinks of Crover's new
plan. Itenver l'oad.
Populist I'nintrra.
I M rcet legislation will purify our poll
IIo.mIu. seems to be running this coun
try. Hoth of the old party machine are
founded on pi .
The greatest trut In this country Is
the money trust.
We would like lo ( a few farmers
lu Congress fora change.
American w orkingtneii .seem to have
more brains than backbone.
Whoever oppose direct legislation
oppose government by the people.
Win n fanning become profitable ev
ery of her legitimate bulsiiess wlil flour
If the banks persist In spec llal'ng on
credit, thej should be required to fur
nish Uie credit.
Tho gold reserve I now more than I
$1 iO,(Nl.(HKI, but I.rostteritV seems to
have missed contie.tion with It.
The dit'la ration of Independent ,.
seem to have no part In our govern
ment except on the -nil of July.
It Is reported that nearly half the
W'ople of Liverpool receive charitable
r-lief. And this Is in gold-standard Fng-bm.l.
The annual product of gold I rapid
ly Increasing, and the mnv
waul It demonetized thems-lve within
few yea r.
When a man Is.rrows money out of a
bank lie lias to give security, Whv
should H it the bank give security wln-u
a man deposit money with if?
India Jsalliicied with what scientists
call the bubonic plague. It is almost
as fatal as ihe financial plague with
which lie United Slates is filleted.
It cos? Kngland more than $100.000,.
000 annually to support Iter navv. but
there a:c three or four trusts lu the
'tilted Ktatc that cost the people a
greatc um.
The men who 'know all about
flnancfr"' have hnd things their own
way li.iig enough to prove that they
cannot be trusted with the regulation
of tho currency.
Our yr volutionary fathers said In (he
declaration of Independence that a peo
ple hate a right to "alter or alsdisb a
government," but the plutocrats call
that klttd of doctrine anarchv. Who Is
rlglit? ,
The jyuniiHea of politician are a
weak pbtform on which to build the
hopes of rhe republic. Let us have the
referenda m and the Imperative man
date. Theaie. will unhorse the scheming
Clcvelh.ti.ta Jnmplng-Jack. Mister Kc-'
kels. say H Is only the "nrtten bank
that are Hilling." Why, of course, how
could a one fall; but there are no
sound oti( f, therefore only a part of the
rotten oiiiai are falling. Nothing ia
sound that Is based on confidence and
doe most cf It buslni on credit.
To Take a Spring Medicine
Impure Air,
Rich Food.
your 9'oocl Must be Male Pura or
Impel od Health 1$ Sjre.
l'i:tn' !': etl .Huong she important
principle' ..f hygiene u:i I h.-ii.lh is the
ac:.n"V. edged liecrss ii y of J gOO'.l
"pr iig Me in inc.
The t.ect-s-i'y is foiiu I in il." linpuro
Colldlf i.WI of the boo I at 11..- season.
owing fol he t u-e con
f.tiement aril brca'hifig
v itia'ci air in ..h-e.sttte,
simp, house, lariory or
scrioo.r e v ce ; l ve
eat in and drinking to i rich .m .u arty
food; lale lion 8 and si .rial iiio.iigeiiceH.
Many years or te-t hiie .roved that
Hood's Nirsaparill.i supplies Ihe sea
lion's demand as not lung else dues-.
So eay to take and so readily assirn-ilate-1.
the purifying, vitalizing; ami en
riching elements of Hood's Sarsuparilla
combined lio n Natute's own store
house of vegetable n ln-iiies for human
ills, pas into tite r'i in lcii atid do their
work of purifying ami vitalizing tin
blood, which carries new
Appetite ),(,, atid vigor to every
Health organ arid tissue of tint
and Strength l""i' TlteetTc t is o'ten
magical. 'I li" weakness
Is soon driven oil, th .t t in-d ft -cling dia
appeals, the nerves are built up, the'
apoetitc restotc l. Ilemeinber,
Hood's Sarsaparilia
the Is iit 'ii tact l: e Sold h nil ilr.:?t;i'
( Hi Tr..e I'.lsul
. l. ' fo ..
Hood's Pills;:
t t.. t-'K
s i: o'atllia.
Tat U j'trt On. in,, bj Bn-nt ,i0ne, ku
diattnrrd ill csmpMr.on,
ItHort'd br otter l.OOP t0 w-irfri tht
twit .n tj!, fit mi doribiliti o( any iho
r !frftl t ;. i.
It ii mtdt in til tht IATE5T SHAPES n4
8TYI.E8 mi of txtry vnnftyof litthr.
0n dttUr la a town (itfb itltotx !
00 Ul iiur on rtcflo! at IL.
TMmb!f order. IfWiiu for eaUlcrj, to X
W L. DOUOLaS. BrotkUo. E
lni uVt'ir for Rallies.
Iiicibatoi-a for lialtles have long been
In u,e In l'ais, snys Invention, ami are
occasionally ised In Ixnidoii. Hut the
most perfect hablcw' Inculmtor In Kn
C'lntl is to hr seen "at the Kant Knd
Mofliers' Moipe, lu the Commercial
Rrnd. London, qndiT the core of Ir. M.
Curshain Corfu-r. This was the gift
of a very rich lady some four or live
years ago, and as at first presented it
was wanned by oil, and required con
stant care that the temperature did
not run too high. Hlnee then gas has
been applied to it, with a highly Inge
nloiiM valve which automatically keefts
it at any beat required. This, In usual
practice, Or. Corner fixes at HO degrees
Fahrenheit, and finds that the little
ones rapidly gain !he strength they
need. Ho beneficial t the Intufrntor
that in several instances the doctor at
tributes a healthy childhood, after the
iiit crttlcallr feeble Infancy, to IU
use, and can point lo more than one
actual marvel of baby growth due to
the equable and gentle warmth afford-
ed to tbe Immature 111 tie frame.
100,000 Miles of I
Practical Testing
Not a tingle 1897 Columbia bicycle wa
ottered tor tale until practical road te.U
were made with 30 of the new model,
fcach wat ridden from 1500 to 10,000
titnr, juu mle a day, mind you ovet
the roughen road, in Connecticut. Not
a sinle break in any part of Ihe thirty.
1S97 conduction thorouehly piovea
tTAaaaao or tmi world
I00 taallallha
POPt Mrs. Co., w.rtf.,a. e....
Creotcu Btcyclo Facto rtoi in tht World.
CaulogM free front any Columbia dealer; Iran u I
ww s-oi lamp.
it ii. l-
f4 Ow't h foolJ otUi a at
al I1" ruti"r (Oil, If you
l.J ttiat wot ktrp you
Jii B"' iv tin r-itn a
j ir nm tor mio la
want a coot
try In tlto tiarj-
A. i TOW.B Bo.V Mom
Mo. 1XS-I4
lark, rt,
at arartaaaoBO'.l