The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 25, 1897, Image 7

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in- irW
From tA VnmW. Clierolur, Kantat.
Mr. A. J. A usmfun has r.-i.lH in the
fit mity ut 'hcrukw. Kau., for a uuniiior
of yr and is muh t-t--iM-J by a i4n
cirri of friend who will rfjiri- tn h-aru
that afti-r uiuy ycara of aufTcriiir she
baa finally ( u rft.rt-d t bcallii. Wish
ing to It-am tln particular, of Mr. Au
rarua' wonderful cure, a ripirtt-r rilHj at
ber resilience and naked for an interview.
She aaitj ;
"1 harp lii-i-n w.rrly aihVW with i,,m.
h Iruiilile for iipanl of hftin ycam.
was taiii'ii witii a dull iiam m Hit- lia
uiim never im mi-. 1 nail !o l.p very
carctnl in my diet u my xluuiai ii would
tand only reruui kinds of food. l'r til
teen ynir 1 could not eat fruit of any
kind. 1 wax treated by a number of th?
neat pnj nuiana in the comity without re
reiving any eruiaueiit bemtit. fall
wmie iiMiicmt over an Illinois m-wjipapi
my aiieiiuon wan attracted to an anount
oi ir. wniiaiiis I'mk J'ill. I wss I . U . . . .
niirirBti nun me Niateiiielll oi a dire
uiese pniM nail rnvrtrU that 1 made up my
miuu in (jive uiein a inai. i pnri i,seij
twi and bnesii their He. and they tnlpcd
ioe irom rjieurm. neu i na'l taken tur
tKips my health nil fully restored, and
inere naa Keen no return of the iWaae
ml- iiniu in oi.? um B nm lert iue en
tirely and now I can eat fruit or anything
cNe I deaire. i feel better than f have
lor niteen yeara I can cheerfully rec
otnuienil lr. Uliaoia I'ink 1'ilM, for
iuey accouipiimnii wtmt a number of phy
aiciana failed to do."
Mr. .1 t. Morrmon. wife .,f Mr. I'r
.iiurriwiti, I Ii- lee ,i .i. r. of (,'herokee
jhii.. wuen quesiKmed tij a rexirler aa to
me aue oi nr restoration ,, health
en id:
i in mine i mi ii uiree yeara 1 vvnd a
u..,rer atmnm-h tnmble. 1 had tin
appetite fur anytbinx and becaine mi
weaa arm finneiaim th t I could not ut-
ictid to my nnuisHiiild dutii a. I was treat
ed by the ablest physicians in tlherokee,
Imt received lit 1 1 v or no benefit. A ticiich-
oor iH-cinic mat tile doctors hud failed to
do me any good advised me to try I'iuk
I'llls. I had little faith in lny medicine,
but I finally consented to cive the pills a
trial. So 1 sent to Buyer & firaves drus:
fctore and koi a box of the I'ink fills and
bewail to take them. I took two boxes
without feelinu much imprnvemeiit and
was about to discontinue their use when
Fred urged me to try another box. I did
an, and before half of the third Isix was
taken I felt bo much better that I became
greatly enconnised mid kept on taking
the pills according to directions. When I
jtot the fourth box of I'ink Tills mr
liealfli was completely restored, and I
feel better tn-d.-iy and weifjli more than
1 have for a number of years. I keep a
box of I'ink Tills in the house and would
not be without them. The trouble wilh
most people who use Tlnk Tills without
receiving any liem-lit is because they do
not give them a fnir test, but abandon
them Ix-eause tbey do nut eet imim-diata
Mrs. Mary .Times, wife of Win, Jones,
the blacksmith, a resident of CMu-rukee,
Kan., for twenty years nan a sortorer j
from a severe pain in the head and ner
vous prostration. She noticed an adver
tisement of I'ink Tills in the Cherokee
Keritiiiel and concluded to live them 1
trial. The result was that one box of :
I ink Pilla reatond her to complete be.iUh.
Mrs. Joiiea is enthusiastic In her praise
Of I'ink Tilla. 1 I
Mr. Meda Walker, of Cherokee, Knn.,
anffered severely with neuralKia. In an
interview with a reporter she said: !
"Ever aince I eon remember I hiivis be n '
a lireat sufferer from neuralgia. About j
three years a the disease aeeiind to j
grow worse. J'he pain in my head be- '
came almost unbearable. I had sump de-
cnyed teeth axtractiil, thinking that per- '
haps they had ajrTavated the malady, but
no relief resulted. I was treated tiy the
best physicians, amuiiu them a faith cure
doctor, but none of them could do any
thing for me except give temtmrary relief.
"About a ypur ago I mw an advert ae. i
mentof Pink Tills iti the Cherokee Setitl- !
ucl ami thinking they might help me
sent for a box. As oon n I began tak
ing tbrm I commenced to improve, and
wheu I had used two boxes all svuiptoms
of neuralgia bad luft me. That was nlsmt
ten months ago Hnd I have not felt a
tpuch of the inn laily since. Mv cure was
crrUinly due to Pink Pills ahum, and I
regard fbctii as a blessing to mankind."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills coulaiu, in a
condensed form, all the elements neces-
tsry to give new life and richness to th
blood and restore shattered nervea. They
ire also a specific for troubles peculiar to
feuiales, such as suppressions, Irregulari
ties and all forms of weakties. They
build up the bl'Kid, and restore the glow
f health to pale and sallow cheeks. In
men they effect a radical cure in all cases
arining from mental worry, overwork or
xciea of whatever nature. Pink Pills
ire aold in boxeg (never Id loose bulk) at
SO cents a box or six boxei for $2-!W, and
nay be had of all druggists, or direct by
mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Com
pany, Schenectady, N. i".
If in is onrest, the blood of Jesm
Chret that cleanwtb from all atn af
fords rert. If anxiety ia unreat, a be
1 ef in (he ahepherd care of God and in
tbe tender love of a personal Saviour
must affwj in:nd and (oul reat. If
there ii unrest in aelf-will, there tnuat
i tet in e!f-fiirrender. O, that all
men might heed the invilasion: "Com
Mr. nn3 Mrs. Cronwrlghf Kchrcinpr
rft fin f rtfiir v ti l-"n -!(, n.i .a-l..,
uiito dip, all ye that labor and are heavy they will remain duriug the year.
you reat. - Two V(,ime9 r pr. Itevid MaasouV
I p iition or De Qmncey are ready for
i tit jireti.s. Ther' are to lie six alto
1 gctlier.
I -V monument to the brut hen (Jrimiu
I the Mipii!;irily of whose fairy tales has
eclipsed their philological work, h:i been ere -tl at 11:; am.
The inhiihitantu of Saei kingen. In th
fJrand Duchy of liiulcii. inteinl crec!
mg a monument lu honor of Victor
Hc-hefTc!. u ho mado their tow n fiunous
Willinm Watsoii'a iowcrful poenid on
the Anneniaii aituatlim have been pub
iikuisi tiipier the title. -The Vear of
aocii, aim i will give
L'nittd Presbyterian.
Merit Wins.
The invention of A!abatin marked a
liew era iu wall loatoo-s and fr,,o. it
standpoint of the building owner was a
most important discovery. It has from
a small beginning branched out into every
country of the civilized world. The name
'kalsomuie" has l,,,me so offensive to
pn.H-rly owners thai manufacturers of
i i :i; UiitMtuiini
i-ulling i hem In-
pi pa-yiions are now
some othei lame, aiid at
tempt in,; I,, sell on the Alabastiue com
lanv's repiiiateoi.
'I hroiigh extensive advertising and per
sonal use, the merit of the durable Ala
bastine are mi thoroughly km.wn that the
people insist op gettil.g these goods and
will take no chain e of smiling iheir walls
for a possible saving of at the most but a
few cents. Thus it is again demonstrated
that merit wins, and that manufacturers
of first class articles will be supported by
the people.
V bo i you buy a few yards of cloth in
Japm the nier. haul always unrolls the
whole piece ami i ut. off the inside end
in order that you uuty not have to take
the part 'hat is fade, I Hi il h .nwern
A Stran ie I-reak of Nature.
We hope to Hell 1,'hkI.Ihmi packages
ioldcn Kiinl Wateriiii Ion. the most
wonderful freak of nature miioolb,
Hbiuy. yellow rind, crlninon flesh, deli
cious! U'h eiiational. 'l'ook 5i(i tlrwt
IinzcK In I.siHi, You must have It to 1
in the tiwini. Melons go like wild fire
a! JI.iki apiece. We paid $:JiO for one
melon.' $100 prine for earliest melon
riiieiiei) iu 1m; in 4i ,Uy. Ixita of
money made iu earliest vegetable,.
Siilzer's neeila produce tliem. Thirty- j
five eui'lieiit sorts, postpaid, $1,
Hend Thia Notice an I 13 Cents for a '
Package of Oobb u Kind and
ful need Ixxik, HJ big pages, to John A,
Kaiztr Scd Co., La Crosse, Wis.
vn cut n lionet! iinide entirely o: otn-
pren-ed paper, the dining room nccotii-
niMlatinu 1,)) persons, has just been
opened in Hamburg.
No in-liac fi
uvr Jon. u. in c;:reil. Ii
' S'n.iiu nr rrinovn your ( ,r lolwio .?
) , lli.KIIS IIIM III !,( Ill I.1.,IM,1
H.t HI.II 1. i ll (V..HIT-.-I .
g lu r., lord.
t il ty Cent.
t let .N.i.f.i P,i,c
Antonio iaz.ino, the violiniRt who for
aixteen yeara has been at the head o!
the Milan conservatory of music, died
recently at the age of 7i years. He was
an imitator of Paganini.
Whiskers that are prematurely piny or
faded should be colored to prevent the look
of age, and r.uckiiighum's Dye excels all
others in coloring brown or black.
In Kamchatka the inner bark of the
pine ia macerated in water, then pound
ed and made into a kind of substitute
for bread, without cny admixture ol
Jerr trr W hm nt ratet. csndr ratbartlc. An.
il Urnr and trawpl ngul,ar
The "loblolly" pine of the baekwooda
man grows on the Roitthern "pine har
ren." It grows eighty or ninety feet
high, sometimes having a girth of. nix
or eight (eet.
Miame, with a strong Introduction by
the -Hlshop of Hereford.
ine ltev. ( lmrbfi Cuthbert Hall. I),
ttitH Jtmt been called to the
I rennlen-y ,,f -n0n Theological Semi
nary, Aew Vork. Is to edit the Ameri
can edition of the Expositor.
.i. i . i.ippincott Coinpnpiiy are the
American publisher of Wilson Kar
rett'a novel, foumleil on his popular
piny, "the SUn of th.' Cross." Tin
HiKhop of Truro has written an Intro
duct ion to the book.
nr. .Minsen is giving all his time to
the preparation of his book, lntemliu
to iiiiimi ii uciore going to London to
deliver his promised scries of lectures
on arctic exploration. It Is certain to
be the paramount book of tlii year.
Prof. Ccorg Kbors has written a his
torical romance called "liaibara Hlom
berg." Churhn V. plays a prominent
part in the Htory, hnd the heroine Is
the mother of Hon John or Austria.
Ail English tmnslaCon will appear.
According to the St. James' (Jazctte.
Queen Victoria will nersonallv ilieinie
wonder- j and revise a hiograohv . of herself
which will appear In l.v.17. The story
of the longest reign In the history of
England from the Queen'H own statnl
polt cannot fail to be of great hitenwt.
The stamp duty on newspapers,
which in Austria has greatly Impeded
the development of the press. Is to be
abolished at the beginning of next year.
Those papers which are not publi'shed
more rreipiently than thrice a week
will be exempt from stamp duty next
The Critic boasts that It reviewed
' 1.UX) Ixioks during MM. The best of
It is that the reviews were good ones
none better anywhere. The new en
terprise of the editors, called the
Month, is a monthly magazine, on the
same lines as the Critic, and certainly
deserves oumvts.
The newest accession to the Acade
mic Franealse is Anatole France, arp; !
hi ofllclal reception as the successor
of rerdlnand de Ifssojis was the chief
literary event of recent weeks In Paris
The real name of the new Immortal Is
Anatole Francois Thibault. He- was
born In Paris In 1S44, and made his lit
erary neimt In 1N73 with a volume of
Terse entitled "Poemes Doreew." His
beautifully phrased prose, for which
he Is chiefly rioted, places hm on ,i lev
td with the French Stevenson, Pierre
Irfetly natural, deliberate apewh It
easier to uiuenland than the exagger
ated form of articulation which people
ure apt to use the moment they know
they are talking to a totally deaf per
son. People who depend entirely uKn
th:.'r Kpeoch-reaipiijj for understanding
others have requeufe-d me, when intro
ducing them to strangers, not to say
that they were deaf, Is-cause they find
it Mi.sier to read the lljas wliiu the per-
wiu speaking is not aware that he 1
being uiiderstixxl iu that way. 1 have
:u my acqiwii- ance a young man edu
cated wholly by this method, who trav--ls
a great deal, am picks up acquaint
ances on the steamer or on the train
just as pisiple do who possess all tlieir
faciiltliss. I have in mind, also, a in
geuitally daf g;ir of 14 who is not txiti
(ddered unusually brlht. yet whose !
NX-is Ii is clearly intelligible to a trail- ,
geis after the tirst ten minutes, who j
is intelligent on the topics of the day, ,
mid whose convei.itioual repertoire is j
much larger and more entertaining
than that of many young ladies of 211
and over that I have met in metrojioll
lan society. "Kpeei-h anil Speech-Kind-
lug for the Deaf," by John Duttou
Wright, in the Century.
A Km I ml i t fesitv ,it
To the church, Easter ii the fes'iva
if festtvala. Chriht'e work for man
waa then completed. Th.a ih . church
seiebrat i. J. is, indc-d, a day of tri
umph, for death ia coi.qutred, man ie
redeemed, big ealvation aecored and
eternal life ia hie. t'iiriat's r surrection
auurtg man's reunection, hence there
ia good reason for songs of jubilee, and
the heart of every Christian should send
lor I: j y ul nous of pr ise to the riwto
Mrs. Wlnslow's Koothiso SrRttr (nr child
ran tethiux. sottem the s"iim. reduces intlata
Distlnn.allayi pain, cures wind colic. i boulo
When you see a girl with a dolly-var-den
ribbon around her neck, you can bo
pretty sure he does it so you won't nf
ti-e the freckle.
God prepare tu for great things hy
Irilliug us well in little ones.
How'a Thii.
Wa offer tine Hundred Dollars raward
for any case of catarrh that can not b
enred by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. . CUK.NKY t CO.. Toledo, O.
We, tba undersigned have known F. J.
Cheney for the laai 15 yeara, and believe
bim perfectly honorable in all business
transaction! and financially able to carry
out anyobllgatfons mode by their nnu.
West & Tansx, Wholesale druggists
Jmedo, O., Wai.dikq, Kiss & Mauvix
Wholesale dnigKisui. Toiado. O.
Hall's Catarrh L'ara i taken internallv,
acting diractly upon the blond and mucous
surface ot the iiyitem. Testimonials sent
free. Price 76c. per bottle, hold by -a,J
Drugjiata. i
Putting little thoughts in big words
lon't make them weigh any more.
Kvery Thurmtay afternoon .
tourut ulct'ptnt cr for lien,
ver, Halt Lake Cllv, Kan Fran
cinco, and l,o Angelm learei
Omaha ana I.inciiln via th
HurlliiKton Rome.
It t carpelcil, uphnlntercd
In rattan, hat uprine neaia and
back a and U provided with
I'urtalna, bedding, lowel.toap
ti. An exiwrienced eiciir
Ion coudueior and a uni
formed i'lillmau purler aa
company II throuxh to the
I'licltic Coaiit.
Wblle neither a expenalvely
fliilnlieil noraa flue tu look al
a palace, l( t Juat ai
liood lo rule In, second cla.a
tl-keta are honored and th
price of a berth, wide enough
tor two, 1 only
eVir a folder goring full par
Uriilam write to
Oen'I I'iM'r Ancnt. Omaha. Keb
Dr. Couan Doyle tolls In the Loudon
Strand alut a seven-mouths' cruise
that he took In the arctic seiuj lu 18.H0
aa the surgeon of u whaler: "As I
was only years old when I started,
and as my knowledge of medicine was
that of an average third year student,
I hare often thought that It was as
well that there was no very aerlotm call
upon my services." One day a stew
ard challenged him to bout with the
gloves. Iater on he heard the stew
ard aaytng to the mate, lu loud tones
of conviction, "So help me, Colin, he's
the best aurgeon we've had! He's
blackened my e'e!" This, says the
author, "wa the first, and very nearlv
the last, testimonial that I ever re
ceived to my professional abilities."
A Hopeless Muddle.
"Hut," said he, continuing the argti
hient, according to the New York
World, "why should you wometi have
a vote? WJiai do you know of the
qui-stiotm of the day'.'"
"If I mistake not our knowledge of
the uitions of the day Is not at all
inferior to that of the men, sir," she
replied tltilllv.
"Indeeil," said be "I doubt if you
an name one of the Issuom of" the day
-even one."
"Is not the Venezuelan question one 7"
"I'm - well -we'll call It one."
She gave a triumphant little smile.
"We'll .all It one," aaid he; "but
what do you know of the Venezuelan
quest ion, pray?"
Know of It.' Don't I know that it
was due to that contemptible Dr. Ja
meson s riding across the boundary,
He laughed an ironical laugh.
"Where did you ever read thai?" said
"Why, in the Amazon's Era," she an
Mvervd holly.
Humph! 1 waa under the Impre
sion mm nr. Jameson was connwf.od
with some South African affair, but of
otirse the men don't know," said he,
ao, you men think no one ever reads
pnper but yourselves. How could It
have been In Africa when Cen. Weylor
took, him prisoner?"
Iudeed! II had an idea that Gen.
Weyler waa eomieetw with the affairs
In Cuba," said he again, sarcawticallv.
She gave a hysterical little laugh,
"fill, you dear, fituptd old man, and
where l Culxi but In Venezuela?" said
who, with an air of triumph.
Ho made no reply. Things were now
so hopelessly mixed that he left the?
worio In dlKgust and hastened to find
relaxnition In a long midday snooze.
Manx Person Oriainute the Joke
About Hrcakiau; the Camera.
"I hope 1 didn't break the in the
camera," he simpered, as the photog
rapher bowed her out of the door.
Then he went over to his desk and
picked up a little book that was filled
with figures. "Seventy-three thousand
right hundred and sixty-four," he said.
In an underbreath, aa he made an en
try. The door opened again, and a breezy
young man, dressed In his best, ami
j peeping over the comers of a collar that
just escaped the corners of his mouth.
"I thought I would come In and sit
for some pictures, if you have a camera
that you think will stand the racket " j
-.eruiiniy, certainly," said the pno- j
tographer. "Sit down a moment," and !
then he went over and made another j
entry In the little book, murmuring, j
"Seventy-three thousand eight hundred
and sixty-five." I
Wheu the negative was secured and '
the chappie uturted out, he laughed and '
remarked that he "hojied he didn't ;
break the camera."
tin, no," said the
gravely. And then he
entry In the little book
eacn syllable, as he
The Hint aa Iieeded.
Claim jumi erg have been so trouble
ome about Westmoreland, Kan., that
when Charles Ott taw a man hauling
lumber on his land he went out to talk
with him, but finding that uselees be
gotaepade, and while the man was
away after another 1 ad of lumber dug
a bole sir feet Ions and thre feet wide
in the ground. The man came back,
luoked at it, ai,d lnctead of ntdoadiug
more lumber ttok away what he had
p evious v ton t ..I- .
Is made a r.e- Hfl I"
cecity by the meCUCIlie
impure condition of the blood after win
ter's hearty foods and breathing vitiated
air ia home, office, schoolroom or shop.
When weak, thin or impure, the blood
cannot nourish the body as it thould.
The demand for cleansing and invigo-'
rating is grandly met by Hood's Sarsa
parilla, which gives the blood just the
quality and vitality needed lo maintain
health, properly digest food, build up
and steady the nerves and overcome
that tired feeling. Jt is the ideal Spring
Medicine, (let only
Prepared bv C. 1. Iko I & Co.,
Ti e One True
Blood Purifier
Lowell, Musk.
made another
and nodded at
pronounced "Sev-
0g9aW ' ' ' ' T h u o r riiT tTH y o i, p.
bv aaiaea.
N KfiT ar RATTI.K. o.Ha.1. Km .r I,,..
A durable niikmiiMtr far Pla.leren walla.
Waller rraef NheatblnaT ol mmota materia 1, tl
hPt I n the market Wriu litumlH,tu.
taaMi .lAllt.V.i.J. Mvar, tidnera and oau
ataicaaa.aaaaaarlrl,a lot, ""
Koll the corn
it next spring.
stubble after plowiug
We will forfeit ll.oon il on v of our pub
iisbed teatinioLiala are proven to be not
enuine. Tut Piao Co., Wsrrrn, I'a.
The devil was glad when women were
trfited, because he couldn't bo every,
where at once.
Wa blllmi. nr noelite, eat a Caaearat, (aaitrea
aanw, eura suaranieau, iq-, aa '
POCK KT lilNKOTUSl 'OP Kg. Mvlnif Pic
turea. l'eoile act aa If alive New good
four own niKtiiifBCiiire) now ready Ff anpe
rlor to anyihliiir el produced. Ki.tiff acerie;
daiicihit mil ; lover'nijuarn-l ; prt. tl(r!'t. Aiienta
wanted eiervwhere Ham pie by map, 10 centa.
The Kdtwn I'honeaiapb ( o., l Smith tu Is btreo ,
I'liiladfdphiB. I'eiina.
Kianilimiif.r. aiul Ai1v(r an to Otrniiihlllty of In-vt-nilon.
bricl tut Invf-fitJiri'Uu.ilo, or How toUt
1 ftttnit. riTinci. O inmi, WuslilngtoD, D, c.
Home l.'arful I'nulirr lionil.
The following are rec.ommendationi
U useful poultry food ; Cow's milk,'
oarley middlings, buckwheat bran, bar
ley bran, rye bran, coarse wheat bran,
eotton aecd, millet, w-beat, turnips, cab
W"i white clover and red clover. Cut
Jfreen bones are also conli!erd valua
lle. II they ere not obtainable, rooked
fneat, liver, l"nn, etc,, may lie iubstb
mwo. urecn loous ol aonio sort
hecesesr-andcutcloTerhey is
f lri
B lt-iil.l.i uiu paeklna, anil reeeiva
IB a iiuy m.icnilliiaiii hotld l(Mlii.a
1 Oont ImiUiir,,, biannud lie tnr lailj
i anl Omjr one ent lo anrnne ner
bhmJI n Alan our I " -Jmt' Mlaloua of
ii'ivultler and laJliK' weartna- anparel. C, K, llaavkaea
a i ., tjui uui t., sew ior urj .
Ri-uil unriarw Wianiimailaina' seiito
ML Taff MDS., ii llm it., tmhmm, K f.
It . I'. No, a- 13
'ork, .i eu
How Muakraia Rreatbe Under Ice.
W. Spoon, the naturalist, usserta that
the muskrat when obliged to go be
neath the Ice from one side to the other
of a pond has a curious mode of taking
along his air aupply. Instinct teaches
him to take Jn a deep breath before
etartlng, but even thlet he knows will
be Inaufllclent for the trip. According
ly he halts occasionally and exhales the
exhausted air from bis luiign. This air,
being Cfmllned hy the Ice In the Hhane
of a bubble, and In full contact with the
Icy water, becomes almost Instantly re
oxygenated. When the transformation
is completed the wise rat again take
In his old breath, which la now a freh
Inspiration. Thus rejuvenated he again
dlvca out of sight and begins swim
ming for the other aide, only coming
up against the Ice as often as It Is nee
emary for him to refreshen that valu
able little breath of air. Hut few bun'
em and trapiwrs are aware of the
iiiuaaraiH onii plans or changing his
poIsonoiiH breath Into a fresh Inspira-
tion, nut tnose who are take a menu ad
vantage. Ity Htrlking a heavy blow on
the Ice the nlr la dispersed, and the lit
lie animal dies of asphyxia.
Caught the Hoys' Fancy.
A young woman stood at the corner
of llalstiil street and Archer avenue
waiting for u downtown car. She had
a refined, sweet face, her brown hair
was parted over a smooth forehead and
a pair of wonderfully expressive and
beautiful blue eyes. Her dnrss was
elegant, but moditi't, and seeing her In
tluit hx-allty one Instantly thought of
sweet charily.
Two ragged little newsboys came up
to the comer and gazed at her In frank
admiration. Iheir look was retunnil
with one of kind interest, and the girl
Uiught a paper from each of them.
Just then her ear came, and with a
em He he left the corner.
"Ain't he a beauty?" nuked one of
the boya, while the other aang In a
clisar, pretty voice, "She may flirt with
another, but I'm euro she lovea me."
A mlddle-agi-d, inotherly-ltHiklug
woman, who had watched the affair,
anked: "Io you mean me?" aa she
Ixnight a paper, she could not a.Tord
"Oh, no," answered the aluger, "the
lady with the pretty eyes."
"Now, I'm disappoiuted," said the
motherly woman.
"Well," called both lxys, as they
went on, "you're all right, too." Chi
cago Chronicle.
enty-tnree thousand eight hundred and
"I have been at this businer ( about
twenty years," he remarked to the .re
porter. "Ten yeare ago I commenced
to keep a record of the instancy upon
which I should hear the alleged juke
about breaking the glas.s In a camera
repeated. The last time the gentleman
who Just left related It made the t-enty-thind
thousand eight hundred and
slxty-ixth. Had he remained a few
minutes longer he would doubtless have
sprung It two or three more tlnieti.
"It is the commonest so-called joke iu
the world. Next to 'Is this hot enough
for you?' or 'Is thia cold enough for
you?' It la one of the commonest expres
sions. The old and wise, youug and
foolish, homely, handsome, plain, pret
ty, fat, lean, tall or short everybody
that can talk-eeem to think It Is a
brand-new joke, and they are so de
lighted with It that they sometimes roll
the chewtnut around five or six times
In a visit here of half an hour. I ex
pect to reach a hundred thousand be
fore the commencement eason lg over
this year, for pretty soh-ool girls who 1
are more liable to break a heart than
anything else, think it great fun to ae-1
fuse each other and warn me about !
danger to the camera when their pretty '
faces are posed In front of It," Utica I
Sealing jVo bongcr Pays.
Although the Sealers' Association of
Vancouver passed a unanimous resolu
tion a few weeks ago not to send out
any sealing schooners until next Au- ,
gust, nearly all the vessels are now I
fitting out to start on a cruise as Is
customary at this time. Only one
schooner made expenses last year, but
all are going to try It again this year.
It was stated some weeks ago that
most of the Ban Francisco sealing
schooners had actually gone Into other
busujeae, some being at that time out
ward bound with general cargoes for
southern ports, while others were fit
ting out to go otter hunting.
Hood's piiis :z.&y. t:xz"d
fl, 340,000
it at! tJsHi.TJfaMHMBsssl
For u years thli meriEalone.
hB diMianc-ed all
I iiliitued by over
l.OUH.000 wearer an
the. betit in t If, tic
nnd durnbihtv of
miy shoe ever btlor
ed at Wll.OO.
It in Iii;ui hi nil
tlie latrtst SH a I'l'.rt
and styles mm ut
every vaiivty vt
leal her.
Oim dealer in m
town (riven exclus
ive Knle and adver
tlfed In local iapt;r'
on receipt of l-fflxon
abb order. W iliar
fur catalogue to
W. IH 4.I.A,
itrockLon, Mum.
" ailnaa aay Jam aaar tba aalrilaiaii
tt rnia paatr.
N peak lnt to the Deaf.
Many iieupln, and I am aorry to my
jtne touchers of the dear, fall to real
Ize, In practice at l.t that api'ch In
not as clearly vlHlble to the eye as It U
audible to the ear, nnd think that by
upeakliiK, word by word, and opening
their mouth to the widen! extent, they
will render the tusk of the xiM-ech -reader
eaaler. An a mooter of fact they
render It nil tho more difficult. A chlhl
In school may learn to understand
teacher, who mouth hlx words in thi
mnni!r, but thin ability la of no value
to him when 1k learee whool. Indeed,
IVueer Kearoh for a Brother.
While unpacking a sample order of
chlnaware from (lernuiny the other
day Frank C. Young, a Hecond street
importer, (Uncovered a blue envelope
tucked away lu a vane. On openlm It
a letter written in German was din
cloned. Being an expert German nebul
ar, Mr. Young tranalated the missive,
which read an follows: "To whom it
may concern: My brother, WUhelm
Blct7,ner, left Carlsbad, Glrmnny, two
years ago for America, where he In
tended to engage In the china bunl
nesn. After ii short time his corre
spondence abruptly ended, and aft-r
that till our letters were returned un
claimed. I am a packer In i china
house, nnd have been placing these
notes In every order to America, in
hopes that they might be seen by my'
brother or some one that knows him.
Trusting that the person who finds this
will convey any information which
would aid me, I remain, very truly.
Cora Bletzner, Carlsbad, Germany.
I'hlladelphla Record.
The Ijongeet Lived Animals.
It Is generally agreed among natural
ists that the tortoise is the longest lived
of all animals. There are many In
stance of them attaining the extraor
dinary age of 360 years, while one Is
actually mentioned as reaching the un
paralleled age of 405 years. Notwith
standing these examples, which, of
course, are exceptionally rare, the or
dinary tortoise only lives, on an aver
age, from 100 to 160 years.
Coopers' Waos.
Coopers In England receive 7.C0 per
Week; In Germany, $3.97; and In New
Bouth Wales, $12.00.
Keeps both rider and saddle per
fectly dry In the hardest storms.
Substitutes will disappoint. Ask for
i87 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker
It is entirely new. If not for sale in
your town, write for cataloiue to
A. J. TOWFR, Boston. Mai,
The St. jogph nd Grand Island E. R-
And In eonnec- tt . t c n
tion with the Union Pacific System
To California, Oregon and all Western Points.
lor Information regarding rates, etc., call on
or addreiis any auentor S. M. Adsit,
M. P. Robinson, Jr., Cm. pass. Agt.
Oen'I Manager, St. Joseph, Mo.
Uhp Btr eU f.r ..r.....
dtT. I diaanlllrifatS (..(I
EEnKsCHfaiCllCo. (out or polunuua.
UiacmiMri.S.I 1 M b7 Itrnanriata.
or aent lo plain -rappr.
1 on. i.r 3 boltlon, 12.76.
Circular acut os rquat.
, I
Alike c mouse, nibbles and 6T .lAPOnC nil
J gnaw, at the nervea. J ftO BS 01 Ll I
In llrooklrn.
Mrs. Church of Brooklyn-Don't you
know that, Maying out eo late at night,
you run a chance of shortening your
Mr. Church Why, no, dear; the trol
ley cars do not tun mi often at night,
you know, Voukers Sta teaman.
Compliments' may he silly, but that
trui n or woman never lived who did not
like thrm.
T O ))
IO f.aai.J ,R nift AU4u
25 30 TtilTTT Tf g -yir
ABSOLUTELY GUARAHTEED ?,.".: "Mor2;,,l,,J".10"-twmn m ,h Id'" -
STaiarai?- "tEBIJHB BKHKDT t o.. (Uleaira. Haatraal, Caa.. arNaw Tors. Ill
-TP :
I , '