4 M J ! n Id J IDarrison Hournjil HJUlll9im JVUlliai. BO. D. CmuS, I4IIWU4 tnp. BARRISOV, NEB. Tracks of a mastodon have ims found in the sandstone in Arizona, but It is useless to follow them up. The animal that made them U probably dead. English Jurists are noted f'?r their longevity. There are sixteen judges now on the bench whose aggregate age ia 1.127 yean. I.ord Esher is ho. l'.ar on Pollock 72, and six others are over 65. The rates at the hotels uf-Atlanta, Oa., to-day are i:ot exorbitant, but prior to 1851 they were only $12 per month. In that year one hotelkeejier advanced his price to $15, and many of his lioard ers left rather than submit to the "ex tortion." The Sultan of Morocco is about to take for his second wife the daughter of one of his most powerful vassals. The people of Morocco are much dis contented, as every one of them is obliged to send a wedding present to the mouarch. Germany Is forging ahead In an alto gether phenomenal manner with her mercantile marine. In 1871 it con sisted of 147 steamships, with a total tonnage of 82,000, whereas last year the government returns showed a total of some 1.200 steamers, with a tonnage of over 1,000,000. Mr. F. C. Selous. the famous African hunter of England, confesses to have Hlaln twenty-five lions with his own un aided hand, and to have assisted in the slaughter of eleven others. He has also knocked over a few elephants, which is exciting work, but not so much so as hunting the king of bead's. Paper is now being used for under ground gas-piies in F.ngland. The ma terial Is cellulose paper, soaked in as phalt. The pipes are said to be Im permeable to water and air, capable of resisting heavy pressure, not subject to the ordinary causes of deterioration, and not affected by the action of elec tric currents. Maguire Hlnes, railroad builder, has Just returned from a visit to England. He went there to raise three millions of dollars for a new line in the South. "The people I met believe that the late war over there was between North and South America," he said, recently, "and their notion about Venezuela Is that the Confederacy has started the war again." Russia's big cruiser Rossia, the larg est ship in the navy, which ran aground last November while being taken from the shipyard to Cronstadt after it bad been launched, has just been floated. It was expected thathe vessel would have to remain In Its position till the Ice broke up in the spring, but a pas sage was opened for It by steam ice breakers. It took fifty-one days, work ing continuously day and night, to get the ship afloat again. The agitation recently In progress In France in favor of the libera tin of tne Pole Berczowski, who in 18i7 was sen tenced to life imprisonment for shoot ing at the Czar in the Bols de Bou logne at Paris, has led to the discovery that the man, who has been languish ing for just thirty years in the penal colony of New Caledonia, has now be come Insane, and that his release there fore would be of no benefit whatsoever to him. From Guthrie, Okie., comes the tid ings that the mlsmared ones from the East who went there to obtain divorce went away, In many cases, without paying the costs, a fact which the court officials declare nullifies the de cree. It is now proposed to cancel such decrees the costs of which were not paid. Considering the charges of Okla homa, hotels and divorce lawyers it is little Wbnder the divorced ones Jumped the costs oT the suits. There Is at least one person In Bos ton who does not believe In the efficacy of advertising. He Is a dog fancier, and having a very likely canine to. dis pose of he announced that fact through tne columns of one of the daily papers in that city In the following way: "Bulldog for sale; will eat anything; rery fond of cfc ldreu." After waiting week he ha become profoundly skep tical as to the power of the press anil Its availability as a disseminator of commercial Information. One of the finest bouse In Soutiieru England Is Fenluirst Place, the birth place of Sir Philip Sydney, now for ale. Under the trees of Its park, says the New York Tribune, Edmund Wal ler paid bl addresses to the haughty Lady Dorothea, whom be celebrated as Rarharlssa. But the heart of Lady Dorothea Sydney who wc the most beautiful woman of her time was un touched by Waller's amatory verses, 'and she rejected the poet In favor of the Earl of Sunderland. Many years afterward the Count, met Waller, and, reminding him sentimentally of the old days at Penhurst, asked him When he would again write verses About her. "When, msda me," said the poef, rudely, "you are as young and as handsome na yon were then." " JJJ I L The Itallair government, baring real Mi the iBipraoftbillty of raising from ttss bottom of Lake fCeml, near Rome, tsm tw huge sWpa which ti- Roman Catmt THsHatu' wW wont to ne COrt palace, and which hare been 1701. tordy 2.000 year. u uow iring a heme tmxD- mended by Its arcbaeloglca! and engi neering flails for the draining of the lake lu question until it waters shall have l-en lowered sufficiently to bring the sh!s to the surface. It Is estimated that the cost of such an operation as this would u.t en-eed $5U,IM. The Macon Telegraph compiles some Interesting facts from the report f the Coutroller-tJeneral. Eighty-three coun ties lu (Jeorgia returned for taxation 722.21 0 fewer acres of land In 18t than they did lu 1X95; fifty-one coun- ; ties returned 4.'S0,1S4 more; not one re- j turned the same number of acres for j the two years. The value of the land ! returned in lss5, and which was not j returned In IS'.!, was in round uuin- j bers $2.44s),nni, and would have paid in taxes between $2.1,1 0 and $.'0,0i0. ; The question is, where have those 7U0. iMMi and more acres of land gone? The police f San Francisco hnve re- j cently been enforcing the law prohib- iting work on Sunday, especially j against Chinese lauudryiueu. I-ast j Sunday, as a large load of these of- ' fenders was lieing carried to Jail in ' the police ambulance, a resident of the Western Addition asked the reason, and was inforn.ed by a isilicema'i. "Yep," grunted a disgusted Chinese, who stood near, "man workec Sunday, he go Juil "gainst law workee Sunday. Man no workee, he go Jail vag. Amel ica great countly." Everyone knows that there is an af finity between actresses ami million aires or the sons of millionaires, but probably tl e I est it g'snce of It is found in the Could family. George, the eld est son, married a woman from the stage. Then Anna, a daughter, lie came engaged to an actor, but threw hi tn over for a French count, and now comes Howard, another son, who, it Is said, has either secretly married or is engaged to marry an actress. There is another daughter, Helen, but she Is engaged only in charities, and a son, Edwin, but the only matches he is con cerned with are of the Im-lfer variety. There is no fashionable cane at the present day. A few years ago every other man on the street carried a cant-. As n general thing it had a more or iess elaborate silver head. The de- i maud for these articles was great, and to meet it the manufacturers turn ed out cheap plated-sllver heads In all the stjles of the genuine article. Then ' came the affectation of slim bamlwo crooks that could tie had for a dollar. ; They were light and unassuming, and j were very popular. These are out of , date now, and the canemukers say that there is no standard design for j walking sticks. The reason Is that they are out of fashion. Business- ' men have seen tlie folly of lugging a ! able circles It has been decided that it Is a lack of courtesy to carry a cn when one goes to call. In fact, the cane is relegated to walking expedi tions. The newspapers of New York have been indulging In ponderous Jests over the domestic infelicities that have come to the surface lu certain other cities, and having bei-ome so artful lu exploit ing this vein of humor they ore furnish ed now happily with a broader field for Its exercise. The fact has Just come to light that "by actual count there are 15,000 husbands within the limits of New York now under txmds to support their wives. These deserted wives, pinched with want, besiege the city courts and block the machinery of the law wirb their clamors for redn." The quotation Is made from a New York newspaper. This is a condition that presents practically boundless pos sibilities for the humor of any one who can see anything funny In It. New York newspapers need nat go afield any longer for food for merriment. These 15,000 "deserted wives pinched with want" dwarf the pretensions of any other community in the same Una. Evangelist Mcdy seems to have al lowed himself to drift into the sensa tional methods of Sam Jones during his revival work in Boston, and has re ceived a very sharp rebuke from the Rev. Dr. Lorimer, a popular minister of that city. Mr. Moody has repeatedly asserted In bis public addresses that there are men In Boston "who occupy leading places in the membership of wealthy churches, and pay their big pew rentals and get the money for generous and various benevolent con tributions to send the gospel to the heathen, and to carry on other church work, by letting bulldlags for Immoral purpose." Dr. Lorimerreklfa upon him either to name these wafted sepulehers or to keep silence, at The same time ex pressing the belief that be has no ac tual knowledge on the subject to dis close, and is, Indulging In the stock In trade of cheap sensationalists, which he should be aliove using. It Is rathe' remarkable that evangelists, great or small, should ever allow themselves to no traduce the church which they are constantly urging people to enter. It does not recommend the church to sin ners to be told, on at least semi-official authority, that it contains rascals of high degree. No doubt every religious organization contain some hypocrites, some wolves In sheep's clothing, but theae persona do fnt give character to the church. They are In tlu? minority, and they keep their evil doing hidden as far as possible. It Is cheap criticism of the church to charge It with harbor ing sinners when to harbor them rtnd help them to better way is tta only mis sion. Mr. Moody hurts rather than help bis cane by such preaching. A toast given at a meeting of a wom an' club In Springfield, Mo"., waa "The lien We Left Behind La," TOHCS FUK FARMERS A DEPARTMENT PREPARED FOR OUR RURAL FRIENDS. fknaki aad Fqulrrela Are Friend ml the Faraer-L' ahuakrd Cora Makes Good Ferd-Caaae of Cold" boil Table for Porting Applea- Faraier'a Krlene. I.ixt spring I planted a slxteen-acre field in corn. Part of the field had been mowed the year before and part had been pastured after harvest. The cutworms cut a great deal of It off. Some of this was replanted and some not. being afraid I would get It too thick. To give you some Idea bow thick they were I will relate a little Incident which occurred one morning when I went out to see if the squirrel were tak ng up the corn. 1 was ou the point of returning home when I saw a little ground squirrel runuiug up a stump and sitting down to sun himself. I thought It was my chance. I shot him. but before he died he threw eventhing out of his bowel which he had secured for his breakfast, and much to my surprise 1 failed to find any com but numerous worms. 1"hiu counting I found exactly twenty-one; mostly cutworms. I have not killed any ground squirrels siuce. And I. therefore, think that the squirrel is the farmer's friend. The corn did not do well all sum mer and b-g.tu to dry up very early. When we were cutting It. 1 notice! wherever the grub-worm hud bothered It a hole had been dug around th ' stock, and 1 wondered what could !; I the cause, when some one suggeste i the skunk as being the cause iu its ' search of worms. I have come to the i conclusion that had the ground squir i rels and skunks be. n a little plcnticr ! we would have had more than :!."". bushels of corn on sixteen acres. What do the readers thlukV-Ncw York Wit ness. Fee-Hns tnhntked urn. Some farmers have learned that ears of corn merely broken from the stalk and uiihuskcd are eaten by cattle with less likelihood of injury than if com U husked and fed on the ear, the usual way. The husk makes a porous addi tion to the ration and prevents the grain from fermenting. But when corn Is snapped from the stalk, there is a bard, rough stub at the butt of the ear that has little nutrition, and may very easily be Injurious. If the stock Is valuable. It will pay for the extra cost of husking ami grinding the corn. In the greater amount of nutrition the animals will get from their food. ( old bol. ; What Is usually called "cold" soil , Is due mostly to excess of water which j finds no outlet by sinking Into It. and is j forced to evaporate from the surface. I This takes so much bent from the soil that vegetation will not grow readily in It. Hence the cold soli is very often thin as well, coming quickly to the clay on which It rts. If this day Is un derdrained air and frost will pulverize It. enabling deep-rooted plants to pene trate the soil and enrich It. So long as soil is filled with stagnant water It will only supiKirt ferns and mosses, whose roots nin near the surface. Hortloif Apples. The ease and convenience in assort ing apples cau le greatly enhanced by using a table constructed for the pur pose as follows: Leugth feet, width 3 f't, height 3 feet. The top should consist of canvas or oilcloth securely nailed to the frame, strips three Inches wide of Inch stuff, and. for conveni ence, openings should lie left In each comer large enough to admit a half bushel basket. These rest on supports fastened to the legs of the table, the latter being made three inches wide and two Inches thick, all well braced. The writer can vouch for the ease, comfort and facility of the work per formed by its aid, and could not le In duced to return to the tiresome, back aching method of sorting on the ground. Not being patented, they are free to all, and are truly a great acqui sition, not only In the apple orchard but are desirable for handling pears and quinces as well. Farm and Vineyard. Burying Looae Kob Uh. It Is well to have In the garden In winter an open trench, Into which may be thrown the waste from the house that would otherwise lie around as rub bish. The earth thrown out of this trench may be used to receive the waste from chambers, and being ex posed to frequent freezing and thaw ing, this soil, when thrown over the rubbish in the trench, will be an ex cellent place to plant the very earliest vegetables. By having these trenches made In dbfereut parts of the garden each fall, In time the soli of the entire garden will be deepened, thus greatly Increasing Its productiveness. f now in Koreste. There is no place on the farm where a uniform level of snow I so sure as In the forest, and Iinrd!y anywhere It does more good. The uniform depth of snow melting and sinking in the soil supplies the tree with water, and at the same time prevents the deep freez ing which injures the roots of trees and often destroys them. Whenever wood Is to he got out of forests sleds on a good snowfall can lie loaded much easier than wagons, and cau lie got out of the wood with less lalsir and danger of breakage. Snow In maple groves delays the beginning of sugar making, but It also protracts the flow of sap, besides making it more abund ant. After a cold winter, with little snow, there Is always a short and poor maple sugar crop, . . - Kartr Potato in Osrdona . . Almost every fanner's garden ha IU l patch of early potatoes, planted there Iw-ium tutuaily Itie garden is pluwr.i earlier than any other laud equally rich. It often happen that these garden po tatoes conic year after year on the aame soil. No amount of manuring will make this successful. In fa-t, the excessive amount of stable manures predhqxi" the potatoes to rot. espe cially a the spores of the disease may tie left In the soil from the previous year's crop. Resides., these garden p tatoes are always an early mark for the potato lieetles. which have prob ably wintered under the rubbish and weed that the garden too often fur nishes, or under the fence that sur rounds It The lietter way Is to plant potato on some rich land away from the garden, choosing a clover ley. with which not much manure will Is- needed to make a good crop. in a clover ley the early -Mitato lieetle will lie only the Battering ones that have flown from a distance. The crop will also. In most eases. Ik- more easily culti vate and kept from weeds than In its cranqicd quarters in the garden. Amer ican Cultivator. Marketini llrap-a i rapes, like other frui's. m-cd to be carefully handled to bring the liest price. The vines iiei d to Is- gone over frequently during the ripening season, gathering only those with full color. Is-cause grnies do not. like other fruits, color after Is-ing gathered. The bunch es should be cut off with a pair of scis sors and so handled as not to disturb the bloom. Ordinary varieties may be at once packed from the vines Into the basket that Is Intended for sale. Choice varieties should ! gathered in shallow trays or baskets, in which they should stand a day or two on shelves iu the fruit house, and then ro-paeked. By this treatment the stems will wilt, ami the hunches will tl.vii keep without molding and pack more closely than when green.-Canadian Horticulturist. Fruit Trera lr the Koadaide. Tell us If you know any good reason for planting maples, elms and the like along the roadside in place of the practically useful cherries, chestnuts., walnuts and other fruit trees, espe cially out in the country where the depredations of fruit-hungry city lsiys are not much to be feared. Of If one must have forest triM-s, why not the linden, that wlU after a while enable our bees to gather the cholcwt honey iu abundance? When a Spaniard eats a peach or pear hy the roail!de, wherever he Is, he digs a hole in the ground with his foot and covers the seed. ( Vmsequently, all over Spain by the roadside and elsewhere, fruit lu great abundance tempts the taste and may be picked and eaten by anybody. This fruit Is a great boon to tired and thirsty travelers. The Car den. One Dollar the Avernae. Experiment made in different sec tions sjiciw that the cost of feeding a hen one year Is alsiiit $1. and that the profit Ls about the same, the gross re ceipts from the Ihti being about $2 a year. Of course, thin varies according to the breed, cost of food and location, lieing sometimes more and sometime less; but it Is accepted that $1 Iay the cost and $1 profit is made from each hen. With small flocks, where table scnijis are put to use and when the labor is of but little value, the cont is reduced and the profits larger. Poul try Keeper. Poultry ric k Intra. Always select the cream of your flock for breeders. It pays to improve. There Is not one-lialf the amount of laltor In keeping fowls in health as there Is In tryl'iK to cure disease. Do away with condiments and condi tion powders; each tends to weaken In stead of strengthen your poultry. iKin't fall to supply your birds with plenty of grit. Bear In mind It takes push and grit to make poultry profita ble. Farm .Not fa. Wherever there ls a low place be side the rid accumulating the wash from the road lied the soil will prob ably lie rich enough to pay for plowing up and carting Into adjoining fields. This will Improve the rood as well, a It makes a place Into which It sur plus moisture will flow. A sheltered yard would be very ser viceable In winter. Thi may be se cured by the use of boards or by grow ing an evergreen hedge around the in cisure, to serve as a windbreak. If the cold winds can be kept from stock they can stand quite a low degree of cold and enjoy themselves In the open air. A Pennsylvanlan has a simple plan of feeding bees. As he ha never lost a colony that had a queen and enough bees to keep It warm, the plan ls worth testing. He make candy of granulated sugar and pour this Into shallow pan. When cool he lays It on top of the frames right over a cluster of bees. Low-down wagons with wide metal wheels are being used with good re ult, as they are more easily loaded and the wide whexds do txrt cut up the roads, but assist to pack the surface. Ide wheels are not necessarily heavy, a Improvement In wimel have gain ed width and lightness, metal lieing sulwtltuted for the heavy hub and spokes to be found lo wheel made of wood. There i much work on the farm that can now be more cheaply done by steam power, even though It leave homes Idle In the stable. The home has saved man much labor now let man use the cheuer devices of modern In vention to ave the horse whenever this Is possible. There Is no danger that steam power will supersede horse power, for the latter can be used in wyii that will Ite phstsa titer for the farmer, Isoldes being less expensive. There are plenty of uses for the hers that the steam' engine cannot fill. y$mms WOMEN RULE A BIG FACTORY. F OND I)U LAC (Wis.) women have demonstrated the fait that woman is mrt out of her sphere lu the manufacturing world, and that she is able to hold her own lu a Held In which heretofore the sterner sex has held full sway. Last spring twelve Fond du Lac young women conceived the Idea of et:i hlishing a shirt and overall factory, and after a few pre liminary meetings they finally lmor porated themselves under the name of the Fond du Lac Shirt mid Overall Company, with a capital Kbsk of $1.2oo divided into twelve share of $loo each. Sulscqucntly the stock was Increased to ils, and the company now has twenty shareholders .all of whom are employed iu the factory, erected for the Industry by Samuel Level. The women were given encourage ment and every assistance by W. W. Mrs. An t M ikiejohn, Mms E teile brown. Mim t ;irrie llcrscy. Alius Ann IS "up, Korvlady. Collins, a local merchant, who rendered considerable service lu the dixisal of! the good at the start. The capital flock W.'IM itivesreil In seivhiL' iniieiilnes !iri(t 1 special machinery for making button holes, sewing on buttons and for fancy sewing, the machinery being of the latest patterns. The power ls furnished by a gasoline engine. The only man employed In the factory is the cutter. The young women now turn out twenty-five' dozens of MhirtH dally, the pnsl uct being entirely neglige shirts, which retail at from 50 cents to $1 each. The outlook Is rhat the capacity of the plant will wsm Is1 doubled. There are order now on hand which will take the entire output of the plant for over two months ahead. Marshall Field & Co.. of Chi cago, are the largest purchasers of the gooU. Miss Anna Ktroup is forewoman and has entire charge of the factory. The Incorporation guarantees It shareholders 7 percent, on their Invest ment, which is put In the expense ac count. A piece scale has Ihti establish ed, and the wagt earned vary from $4 to $11 and $12 a wi-ck, according to the skill Kissessed by the operator, the work IHng done by the piece. Thus far then? has been a balance each month above the expenses and wages, which 1 turned Into the treasury to lie apportion ed out In dividends. Tare of the Hair. To assume a new coiffure in these days requlr.e no little thought. Now that the Inevitable "part" Is bidding farewell one ventures to ak, "What next?" for there seem no really new and becoming arrangement of the tresses which caii so readily be ac quired a that of the now dying fash ion. For evening wear a pivtty style, and one which may le adopted by young and old, ls that of drawing the li&lr high on the head and arranging In soft puffs, the front to lie slightly waved a la pompadour, though showing a slight part. Iu each side of the hair use one of the new poiiiidour combs, pushing the teeth toward the face. This will so catch the hair as to make a small puff behind the ear, which lends charm to a thin face. In using a curling Iron care should le taken that no Blgns of lu use should lie noticeable. For waves It Is far better to braid the hair over night In tight and moistened plaits, allowing the hair at the same time to grow, for nature demands the freedom from hair pins at time to relieve the root of the hair from an all day task of being twist ed and pinned to suit the tswsessor'g taste. The fashion now demands that side comb and elalsirate pins shall 1m? worn by milady of fashion and of these styles for the day wear must lie simple, while those for evening must possess rare Jewel and plenty of them. Kpring; Walking Gowna. m Why Women i.ive I oncer. The Bmton (Jlohe ha been Investiga ting this subject and has discovered from statistics that the percentage of fcohle-mlndcdness Is much greater among mn than among women. Dr. 7 I - Ogle of the English registar general' department reports that out of every KiO.ooo persons 225 female and only eighty-two mah are alive at the age of loo. Ceiierally iqieaking, the cen tenarians among the female outnum ler the males nearly two to one. How are these facts to lie ac'-outited for Some assert that the propensity of wo men to talk and gossip, is-ing conducive to the active circulation of the blood. Is a source of health. Other statisticians say that women have lcs wear and ti ar of their nervous systems than men, as well as less toll and trouble. Yet many of these long lived women are hard tollers from the poorer classes and mothers of large families;. It would not be very easy to show that women live longer than men tss-ause the latter think harder and work harder. The more evident explanation Is that wo men live longer Ins-aline they are not so addicted to certain habits as are men, and that It comes as a reward for lie ing less worldly and less tierce In the struggle for wealth and fame. h'Hi lion't. Don't fall to rub patent lent her shoe, particularly new ones, with the palm of 'the hand until quite warm Is-fore putting on, and It will prevent splitting anil cracking. Don't wear ovetgalters unless to pro tect the upper part of your shoe from the shIsIi of your wet skirts In stormy went'.er. This fashion Is out of date, lisiks mannish and makes the feet look much larger. Don't have fancy tsiiritcd tips on your shoe these days - they are quite passe. Don't iMilish calfskin with liquid dressing ; it will crack them. The paste that men use Is the thing, and don't I 1 1 1 too much of this ou. I Hurt forget to turn the upiT of shoes down and put them by an open window for an hour or two to air after wearing. Iton't wear a shoe run down at the heel. Don't wwir a low-priced shoe; they are not cheap. -Economize on some thing else. Shoes made to sell at a bar gain arc seldom good shaped, therefore not n comfortable, and certainly do not wear as long. Don't fall to take good care of good shoes. liookcaae and Lamp Mund. Good for 7 hem. It 1 not always a bad sign when ba bies cry, ami unices the walls are drawn from them by physical suffering Is good for them for their lung, their diges tion and their eyesight. The model 1 ble who never cry are unnatural eci niens. Crying Is the only exercise a young lsiby got; H expands the lunge, causi-w a lxter circulation of the blood and helps on muscular growth. Of course, fretting when there I discom fort is to le promptly attended to; and creaming (which might emise rujtnre) tnustmrt beaJlowed;buta really healthy llotle cry, when nothing imrticulw la the ma tier eave that tmby need that mode of expression for his pent-up feel lugs thi 1 not the thing to make ev erybody run and try to divert the little one's atenrkm or to stop him, or get out of the way as If there was a fire, or a runaway locomotive cmnlng. Where Daughter lirrsa Alike. Iu Yucatan, Central America, sisters dress precisely nllke, even to tin? ty ing of a bow, the turn of a button or the (lower In the hair. In the tropics large families rre the rule, ami any day you may sie In that country girl lu groups of from three to a bakers doz en who belong to the same family, as their clothe will show. It is t bus easy to distinguish the luernlier of a family anywhere, and not Infrequently Mster are called by their favorite flower or color. In Annum men and noinen w-ar their hair In the seme way, i.nd dress almost alike; ear rings and linger ring are worn by women only. I.-ipp men and women drees alike. The mcii and women of the free tribe of Ameri ca dress nllke. but can be distinguished by the ornamentation of their legging, that of the men Mug vertical find that of the women horizontal. It I not generally known that the word ' dollar" appear In Shak-pearc's work, being luied In "Measure for Measure," written in li,'l. In net I scene 2, "To 13,000 a year;" In Mac beth, written in KKXI, act I., scene 2, where burial I refused to Bweno's men until 'Ten thousand dollar lo our gen eral ueu" have been paid. When a woman Is flrst uiarrhil she wonders what takes the place of mar riage in heaven. After slicl married a few years she Isn't particular bat It Is. New York Pres.