The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 18, 1897, Image 8

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    tki; s;ir t (U'nty
j-otj:r, isT-A.
THl'aSDAT, Maiv-ii H.
tiro. D. (aiHiii, Ktlitor iiiui l'rii.
F. E. i M.VK. U.TiiiiHstib.
4oiit; Wetf. l.utntf K;t.
So. J, ii.ixi.iJ 1 :( 1 So, . iiiUeil
1. . I'HIXNEY. M. I.
riijiclan and Surffniti.
Al! (nll Kiven prompt ulteiiliou.
office In Drug store.
TIli:i:s A.Vl) I'LAXTS. A ful!
:nft rem thee of hk-t vawote.s uti
;t vRD TZHii-i WUi.'E-s. Small fruits in j
iarp? supply. Millions fif Straw lriv
plants, very ihiilly and will rooted. j
(ret tin HltsT i war home uiiil save f rri;S:t j
ut t Send f ir price lit to NuHTH j
liEND Nl ifrTl'.ll-S Xvirth Ileiul. Iu'l;,j
'ounty, Neb. '
The ruU"!of the I.-xtiI land otn hnve
recent ly Iwen aiiieiidtd so that sittler
to inaKe final proof .shall nettle With lhi
publisher lieforii s-in!:ti m their n'.nlioa
Uon. All parties desiriinf to 11. al-e final
proof on n have t hnr juiptrs mad ' out at
1'HE J"'t RNAhoflice, five of charge, and
promptly transmitted to the land olliit
io that 110 time will l lust.
Spring nil! soon Ite here.
I)o you taU.- The Jut iiN.u.?
ToewlaV Wednestlav were swrt
. - 1. A..
Tllf. JoVltNAL (lihce.
A. good w-fniid hand saddle for stale
cheap by J. II. f!!:Thi.l..
Do not forget that yestfnlav was
(lis llallied day of St. I'atrte,
A hht xhower passed over this Yil
(ne;i furley yesterday iiioiiime,
Why tlo'nt yon rim yonrstock hrand
In the Jrii.T.SAh? It will ay yon, try il.
-h. J. Simmons and wife took a
trip down the road to 1,'iiadron last week.
vetuTiiine; today
Call at TltF, Jot liN VL ol!W mid have j
vour final proof panel-, made out. It
will oust von nothing.
. . , , ,1-1 1
Mr. Holivver. our hoardine- lss has
r ... . ., .1 ,.
been siitleriii- with tli tinjipe lo or
three days thin weelc.
The proceedings of the precinct As
sessors will 1; found in another column
of this week's issue of the JkI'KSaL.
Wyoming parlies report govern
ment otlicials tearing down fem es en
olofiinj; puhlic lands in that state.
Mr. JIareus Yalde7. 'livinj; north of
'own live or six miles dropped 111 Monday
dnd bauueil us a d with tlie re piest
to continue THE JorRSAL to h; r.udress j
another year.
.Last Tuesday was a lively day in
Harrison, the county coiiunissioners
and county assessors bavinic met con
jointly to make valuations 011 as;is.ihe
property this spin.
Mr. C. L. Christian of Kirtley, AVyo.,
called at our office while in Harrison the
fore part of the week and hid Ins name
added to the list of JofRNAf, readers for
the ensuing year.
There wn a dance down on the I?on
tjinK Water at the new house j'jst finish
ed on the bourret ranch. Onrte a mtm-1
fer of our town Vioys attended the dance
to trip the light fantastic.
We will send out a few sample cop-
leu of the Jot-ENA,. to different, ones m
the county lor inspection. Wo not i-ejt
inaiu 111 me I.. e. vuu . D 1
ther will not cost you anythi i-.
The three county Commissioners
with a Dumber of tli Assessors invaded
our sanctum sanctorum last Tuesday,
That is all riht bays, come aain, we
are always glad to have people call and
get better acquainted with each other.
With this issue Mr. Orton of B'daro.
and A. P. Rownbtiri; of Adeha, will
commence to read The Jot'itNAl. for the
ensuitag year. Each dropped a cart
wheel on our editorial table and ordered
the paper addressed to their respective
offices. '.
i The undersigned desires to rent the
Harrisons House for a period of one to
three years. The bouse is centrally lo-
f ated and can be rented cheap. Call on
or address the undersigned at Harrison,
Neb. efHlEUT RotlWEH.
, Tb people of Sioux County ought
to feel thankful they are Dot living in
fknth Dakota this w inter, in the eastern
part at least, where there is from four
lo fl feet of siiowr s renorted to the
biuiiha dailies oa the 13th lost, from
Huron, S. Dak., within a few miles of
uut fprmer home.
M-jo. fttrttny returned front Edge
juout, bM Monday evening where, in
toffipru with Thoe. Piogay, they wnt
febotlt week ago to obtain work, Mr.
Cutftpy thinking that prudence was the
litter part of vallor coocluded to return
bkuifttet half, while Mr. Bmgay went
IfJtltlMridaa UKtlt his fortunet there.
eiioujfii spriu-j ua.k. to hi-a miMiinli r-tiii iim',' timotl-f some
, Old parj, five on tits per doen ali(,f tl,.. trs in regard to wmc
- We ,.u I I iii ii ;(
! t,.ni--p m -M.l (run tin? different pre- 1
! iiuct 111 Sii.iix iiuu' v, an 1 in r.-turn Thk ,
JiK KNti. will In; writ five during the j
I year. We want the new given with-;
it nil.iiitii; or exa;'i: rttion. Iw-al
', news and a h,i ut p il.tunl art teal will b
aii eptaMe m ca-iiiiiat! v.
; Xolhce IsbePthv ;.'i'en that liy order
i f Ild-t-rl V,l-in, County J 1 iin nf Sioux
' 1 hi. nt v Neb., tint the tl of the IVrsnn
:i "l!itt of t'lurle J. I'mlJy ileifasfi
, h-rt-ii,f,ii-j a-lvrti?.f-l t t.iK? J ir? on
1 M:ir.-li l i. l'C, is a.lj virinJ ii'itil Mar Ii
; -7, l"li7. at tin -iMie j l.i'-e anl lime ol
j day litrvlof rv a Iwrtintl.
1'. An-i'-iiN:: 1'vi'Tiv.
j Ailitiia tnitnr.
; Mr. tiral.jurs J. T. llnwtlt, who liv
;m I111I1.111 iv.-k aUnit luenty-iive miit-.i
.from liairi-ili. tttiirrad from Stiiivt'
S. LK, lat iiuralav lit-if t hc liave l-t 11
: to look alti r ;ck diulit-r who hai
Irm i"k Willi in.-asf! at;d wl.ili
: atti-iiilai;; tin- Sit--r w liool al toat !..-
;iliirm win't-r. Mr. IK'we'.t and li:s
if- ( inn Imli d to lii ai tia-ir 1! ius;h!rr
hoiiir with them until kl.e was fully n-
cohered uhi 11 she n.ilrt luin lo m hool '
a' ain no (l ull t. ! J rai.k I iiikliain. oit of our conn-
i'i'iiuiii.-.ioii-t s from I oiiU-1
las. W'vn . Iat M ai1I.1V evenini; to meet
with the I nard which ;n railed In inn
.roe on the l'ith March. Mr. T'.nl'ham
has lin ia the vicinity of loii,o.
U ml, (i.'V.-lcr.jii 1 Uj, Mlver mine
for a roi:i .o.y. conNtin d a taimlx r
of the hnsai .-si id- t of II irris ill, inclad-it'-Jiiii.w
df and oil ers. I!e reports the
prospects very ll itt'-rin and l tinns in.
fine "'cimeiis v loch -how's alwuit V'O er
cent tvpl er, three or f.mi doll irs in
eviid ami two to two an I a half doll ir
in silver t' the ton. They are down
tomeiiiia Id.-j Cfty feet andshuwiit
is in); rovuii! lis tie r e;n ilnuil.
Ahtmt 1'ajltis Talc-.
J(V;!a!.: As th.r-
Ilii.i'i .01 ..s un-
. . . ,
tilings winch the count v treasurer
tin and cannot do, a few wolds of ex
plaiiation inav hiip hotli the ollli ial '
and the taxpayer-;.
j The tax U vicd against property is
know n as stale tax. ronnty tax. w hool
tax, and inunit i-al lax. and in some in
stances th re in a lx pieciu l and r.iad
The state tax i levied hy the sla'e of
lioials and the county ollicers have
nothing to do willi it except that the
county clerk puts it in as a part of the
computed tax, the list of w hich
lurim to the oounly treasuitr.
""' -
and il
then W-omex the duty of tiiat olli.lal to j .
1 collect. 11 aiat nun it. over hi tue re'in
collect it ami t
state olllcer. To raise funds to tnetrt
Hie tXJieitses to Ilie liiumv toe i-uumy
commissioners make the levy.
For l 'Wi
. 1 1. 1 r 1
, 1
ii.e cilillll ! 1 . 1 . ieuei . I. inn in
m ils: wiltliers rejiel lunti Uiiee-u inns )
of a mill; road fund one. mi'l; hrit.'' '
funtllwo mills: special debt fund two;
and seven-tenths mills. i
When claims against the count j
presented tttey re ainhl;d hy the
are i
missii.tiers and warrants ordered drawn
on the propitr iiinu ior uie
3mf)iint found
lot;. A warniut on any j
..III...,!,. rliMlilu lit till. tni'K.
I"' l" " " " ! lird
1 iii-i-i's oliice for the amount of t;ix due;, .
from the boltler of lh warrant fir tl ejoj
fund on w hich it is drawn for that year,
but it cannot l-e accepted by the treas-j
urer for any other fund. To illustrate: i
. . . .. I .1 .
0:111 apply to pay ptienl fntnl tax, hut!
no part t.f a general fund warrant can
aj ply to the payment of state lax or the
amount due to create any oilier fund, or
for any other year than that for winch
Ji levy to pay that warrant was untie.
! That rule applies to all county and mu
1 uicipal funds. The i-tafu tax, m-liool
j tax and oilier tax musi, lie paid in cash.
The tmecilh: lax which cause more iu-
j r0llVPnj,.m.e to the t axpayer as well as
; the treasurer i Hie. road tax and poll
lX- T!)(! provide that the t.ix -
; payer m:iy worn out ol toe
! amount aWsM-d neainst him for road
I tax and the receipt of the road overseer
shall 1 (alien us so much cash. The
j lew f ir ls9:l wan but one mill si that
c . . . . ... , i
the amount is small. In, nuitntroiis in
stances parties oomi; to pay th'iir taxes
arid claim that they liav,i worked Ihv
road tax bul have no reeeiept, to sbfiw
that fact. They want the treasurer to
give them credit for such amount and
because he does not do it they some
times seem to feel hurt. The fad is
that if the official should give them
credit for snch amount without the re
ceipt of the road overseer lie would have
to take the amount out of bis own pock
et to make it good or his records would
show him to be short in his accounts.
Th! only way that lie can do is to re
ceive the full amount, of the tax and
then for the taxpayer to pres-jnt his case
to the commissioners and ask that it lie
In the matter of pill tax the law pro
vides that tliose against whom it is av
sessod may receive a receipt for the
amount thereof from the road overseer
when they shall have per(ormed a cer
tain amount of . Inbor on the highway,
and it further provides that those liablo
to such - tax shall be notified where
aod when they shall perform such labor
betwoen April 1st nnd October 1st In
rase the overseer fail to do to the tax
payer may avoid the payment of toe
poll tax by pcMuating to the treasurer
a s-iteioeiif, ?wrrn to before (l firoprr
A warrant, on me ooumy Keuer.n "oeij0(i(j
otic er, .tdiijf forth i'ie (.1. t lltat he did
nl ut it ut hik'Ii taX for tin r-:-J
wrti tint rij r"l overseer h:ul ti itili-l ;
bun as provided by law. I nlew thoe
liable ti poll tax produce the receipt ol
a road overe-r or a swum statement as
alutv descrii-ed, 111 treasurer must col-
Im t tlw poll tax in ca-h.
The trtiiHurer ilt-circ to tKToniniodate
in crv way that h ran, lmt lit it un-
d.-roatli an l ! Hid In -rforiii th lintn's
of Ins ollii'tf aivonlin to law, r.d in tin
-rforiii an"" of tlioso ditu-i he ini.-t
trrat Irii-ial ami f" ahU.
Wry llei-jni tftill v,
t iiai4. liirm::
Slnax Cmialy Ari.ari 51.
l!:rr!-. n. X. I r h 1':, Vi;
Ti e as-fs-ors of Kioux ounf v
I-., i.rf r..miir.J In i-.v !lt I'im ii'l
i !
,.f tli I 'lllllty I h r!;.
iiicctin is a!l". to oi l-r
on iiiolinn, W.J. A. Kuuu was ek'
1 li liriiian of the iiM i-tuiu'.
lVe,nt: H. H. Uis-n-il. Xh I.
!rt, J in S rns. J. W. E r) J 1 11
X".in, 11. 7. imiicriiian, J. I',. S'uiiy.
Thomas Cnrrm, John T;,ld. Z. V. Aa-
tnin. J. W. S -utt. hrafik J. 'Mdlvr, 1 h is.
l)iiiHi!, V. J. A. U turn .111 1 FaJ S'.i-iii-
()a motion M.J. Hliwett was ctn-s-jn
On inati'in J i'i'i S rris, J i'iii Tid 1. J.
C. H!iily, J- W. S -oU an I J. W. Cirn
est. Were see led as a roSiimit tee to nr-
ranye a
lled lh- of VailOis fur
Tli' "omai.ttee s iom'ttcl Hi! f dlo.v
iOJ.r schedule of Values;
To tie devided into thnu rlas-.-s.
All horses 4 vears old and over, 1st class
f SO.dU. 2nd class Sli.On, fJr.J ilass ViW.
All colls tt years old to lw -las 1 in
three i-lasses., 1st rl i-s $'.1.l0, 2ad lass
; .1'I.0(I, :nl class f '5 (I I.
ill.. !u H ...... ..111,, k. ..Ut in
- i 1 1 - .- - '-
three classes,
ll.' Srtl class ist 01.
" i . ,1 . .... , 11 1 . i.
ttnve 1 Listen. 1t t'Jas-s
Hit rUttS '
:!id class !!)).
All stallions ui. for breeding purpos
es It Iw classed in three i l isses. 1st class
r!O0.C0, Jutl class (j-lOUM, 3rd class
1st ci.iss lTa 0a, 'ind class ?'.r.o0. 3rd
das :-i;i) (''t.
let ( lass 4 ver-i old an 1 over
rj:io m
j ... t
, 2,i
1 ,
1 .ird
10 00 j
IT. 0.1 j
1'J.fH '
j 'Jpd
ii.hf) j
?'?0 O'l i
. 15.hfl!
. l')0,l;
15 IKI I
' Shl I
7, 'hi '
. 1 ' 00 j
1st class :? vears old and over
j 2nd
. .
. 7.DI
. 4.00
C O '.VS.
1st class Z years old and over
2nd " .S '
f-H 0:1
3rd 3 "
. S.I 0
I IjF'fTfW
f 10.00
" " " "
1st class 2 yearn old
2nd " 2 "
:'.rl " 2 " '
1st 1
2nd ' 1 "
3rd " 1 "
t alves 6 iiioiiI'h old. .'. . , ..
' 6 ' thoroii
. 3 00
?-.-0 00
. 13.00
. 10.00
h bred
1st class 3 years old and over
3 -
,j j
i '. ,
Ilrd ' 2 "
All slieep six months old 1st class $1 01
All slieep except bucks 2nd clans. .
All hogs over six months old 2 cents
per pound.
( Rucks.
1st class... 120.00
2nd class.. 10 00
I!nllas.s 5.00
1st class per acre. ..". OQ
2nd class per acre . 1 50
3rd class e-r acre 1-00
Fair value of improvements added. :
On motion all improvements on gov
ernment lard, not bold for live years, be
excluded from assessment.
, All homesteads on which parties have
resided for five yen is t- be assessed as
real estate with fair value of improve
ments added.
On rtiotion It was decided that there
lie no value made in cents. Nothing
less than dollars to be footed up in re
turns. ,.
On motion the secretary; be and is
hereby ordered to have fifty copies of
the proceedings of this meeting printed.
On motion the minutes of the meeting
were read and approved.
On inotiou the meeting adjourned.
W, J. A. Rati,
, ' ' " Chairman.
M. J. fll-rWKTT,
' mJ liii-uriiiiiiiiiti f ill1 vt'i k Mi-ti'l
1m N.i 1 (ititjiii . (
Uk it Know , That thr ntiili-rtniet Willi
the Int-n1 Ion tU -4M-iMliMie ih-niI-m t-tii-tlier
uinl foruilt.i; u ooriori.iio ir tlie
niirim tiereltmllcr wt turth uteliT and tiv
v,rlur uI tul. ,f ttutt- of Xr-m-k,
ii avo ui!'.i,iiii Mini tu ti-r. ii ailujil Artii-li-s
li-orinji!ou . loik
AETn l.c I
1 !o iijini- ol l!i on"ral'' -hal! l
-ti k J. n' T n-i t loiii'uii, ami
Hli.H!lul U.HTIII tf.lllO llllf bUllH'!i nllttli
Ii-- ;il Aii'1:- v, 01 I'l'li i-nMil, Net.raka.
T!n- "iieral Tin'.'-ir- of l!ie liasine-, nl Ihi
ei.rjuiraliua h;! Is- lo aciUile, cil mi
ili.'l hi latiC hi 1 !c- t.ite of .ct;rni-k. and
Pi ol!ier sta.-i wniTi- it ncty IumIuIIv iranv
ucl such liii-incii ; 'Jo proti.iite 16e M'
i.:.'t tf i-illi.-iliiei t.t nuch I.i,udi UN It ;ii"H.r!j l-y Furehj n. or olherw iM; To
lay tUt ion! !! saiue tnlo ton u lol, ,
iiis i-.. kill y m il tuhhe (frouuil, and lo '
el 01 ulici w ie liMj-e ol acli lands or'
in;-., lor lli'.-l pui'lMiii' t-ilall hi Veeleil .
1 ilii luii i-ower lu luiike eutitracts .Ua lulls--
iilii!-. or col jiiiraiio.oi lor the part ua
or M.c 01 ic.vl or iici nOLiai ifoiHrty Hint lo -Ow
ai'i arli ami 1 nniiTs ne.-i svjy or pio;el- m
In I.Miiiur lu I'Jiry mil Hud lully eii cule '
llie l.u.oie oi lh. col (HitHlloa, to loivt; n ur l ol ' lorn te aeul a ha h 11 t!iM
a.'.e; or cli-uiKc at pieiisale, to ue and le j
a, 11, lo li.iike iiji li i'.y tsws it Inay Ueeil.
riju'-ili 111 out i:c:oii-.ley t a. Ill !. ,
AKTIi Lr. 111.
The Slock oi til Corp'iritloii
slirti; lie l'i,re. 'ti,i.iiHjiii.l lioiini-i, v. liieli
tihail lie l'le-1 into llrekOt 1 v enty ll vi- '
liu.l.ils c.n h. oi nliii'ii i wen! v si-'Vea per'
cent -mill I- p.ii I at tie- l::ui' 4 ..n.-i-rihlii; .
:oi'l t lie ii iii.,:i.icr 1 le-a ciiii'il 101' l.y lie.
I Jio-iia of 1-MIi ciol .
Tim llim f t.,e coiiinieiiceiiii:!' t of tlii
1 -01 i-ImiI 1-on Hie "lLii'1 a.i of
i. li, A. li. "., iiiui 01 the i-i .1 :!ii,.iw.i on
I...- 1 ii.. t.i Ajuii.A. i. 1. ;;. 1
A Ut 11 IX V.
( Thfaff in (f this t or 1 "jni! i-o i
j i-.i(.iu.-l- A t,y u l.o.irJ i,i N'vim l iiiTloli '
I V-ilU it1 i l,-fti JjiHI,iJi) Jj tllf Ml H'k '
J ltol'l'I tf I U1I l.iill Hil l (U.U't tl til It.V" !
; Muf tti' l tu.ji.n.)' t(t..y 1 ft inii.e, una
Hi y ii iii imi ( inr o-fti-'u uutit th iu-
v.. -.-oi an- 1 li't li' l uiiU 411111.... 'IJjr j
I I ill ir (:! llill lili'tr fllt i fntH 41 v.irrU'tl 1
! Ti1 tju liiiir I
1..; J. . h truest, Ainliea
wrt I'. Nt-eie, l.i.ur bittii
tiii, N. Lou" Li iiuiiil.ii. J.iuit - t . iiotii 11 1
ti. II, hiufrt'ii. j
In,rUlitt, Uc i jrid'iit. Ten i.iry, (icu j
l.ri.-Uji rt Mi. ill 1 ('in jiH i-t.hif, uud l,vy j
r.ii.iil Uo't'i lu ir uiin-i s tin- j.ivi)f
lnintt uiuifUiil tti iii(iilW'l Re ut
t y to w h it'll tliit Coi imraUon i at nny
j tiil.e I. ii!.j
; i;. ;
j ARTici.i: vii. j
TtJene. irt'ilisol liici.riK.rnt'on limy be;
Bllireil tir mcfiiiiil ! taelSuird ..f Hired !
urn, prnv iiiini, imijorliy 01 mm l.n.ini
Olie lor SUCH HllieiiUiliei.t. ;
.lie pil.nie Jl..l,ie;, ,l l.f. IHIell'lS
t!t.,ii etc. 1. pi, tin, 11 tne 1 or pur.. 1 10. t ilenu.
In ti.-i iuiiii.y herecf uc liw- lu ii'
set our Ii iieis thi 'ifulli tiny o,' jUoi a, A.
U. 1 -
Jo::s' K. Jl 4ii i.Lt.ri;,
II. II. J.olnlil.1.-,
S. leil ui,i li t-;. IV,
isiiKiu i:iiisi,
Jaui.s f. lioi lii,.i,
J. W. l:.i;si..r.
1 a pn -teiitT of :
t.KA.M (il'l'ilKir,
1 unit, hii.iii.i..
.'TTK .r NKBSsfKA. I , !
i Mot. X I ot f. il. ' lie 11 reaieaitH-rnl
licit on Ihis lOili il.iy ol 'Jlaroll, 1-Hi7, lielore
i me, I iiti.My a rS, in aii.I lur 'jhJ cuuuty,
j le-i i i.iuiiy !ippesiii!l Jo!i i l.M al -ilclli-i . II.
11. I ..orlu.i-r, , twaiKltt" lUiulin, Isl lur lllt h
; Klein, Jaliie-i Y. Uoanel, J. . Kunic.l, ltl tin
ptirsoiMliy kiioAn and kaown to 1111 to 1m;
r tin; .alee is-rsoiiM who htitist'rllieti Hie fure-
J Koitit? Article of Iiicoriiumtiun, nmj lliey
! 'vrully itckiioa h-tlj-t "I to me lluti tln-y
i hii'l eiefiitfil the wilbiii Instrument ii
i llielr lire Bet uml tleett for the Use uml pur
! tlieri hi svl lortli.
O'J tt lttie. iny h in I ami ofllriul heal t liar-
rison, -Neliraska, tliiti Hull tiny of llarc.'i. 1K7.
M. J. ISI.t.w t'TT,
I ounty ( lerk.
MATKor Nl UK lift ,
oi x t;i).vr, i
Klld lor rt cord n't mtered In Mlseella
ui-oin liitlf tills loth day of Jlitroli, !"'.7. at
4 o'clork ant! no minute, p. in., tnel rm'ortl
el in KimjU "A" of MtscellKiieoii-i Ueeortl oa
piiie--2W M. M. J. lli.twi:Tf,
ii ,l)j ( ounty 1'lt i k.
Mit-rlfl' Kale.
Notice lit hereby fflven thai by vlrtae of
sii oritur of K ite u me film-tu 1 Isstieit hy
Iht! olt rk of the Ul-triet Court of Slonx
t ouiitv, .Ni hrankii, tn Hit u-tloii pendlnir In
M court, Mheieia Aslwry K. lloln In i
pltdtilirT nnd liouut It. VVatl-nvorth, j
(ieitte M, Vt Hdnwortb, Uitisic V. Weil j
north, Jimepu i. Morri, ( liarlf j
J. liruliU and Aultiusn, Miller Co., nre j
ilefemlHiii, I will on the Mil thiy of Apill I
1W7, si one o'clock. V. M., m the esst door
of tUe Court ll'iuse, In lliirrltem, KehniKki,
offer for Hale ut pulilie vninliio lliti follow-j
In 'leneril-eil real i-ft.i ti, lo It; T)i Wert
Half w)of the isoutli-tiut Quarter (se ')
still Kiut llslf ic lt) of tho Smlhwe.t
guarler (w ) of feellon Nine (V) in
Townslilp Thirty one (.Ity S., Ill Kanue fifty.
1.1 (tri) W. of the sutn (0) I'. M., In fMous
pounty, Nebr.iKkii, to witury a i1cme of
foree!cK)tir rutered in mil'l ene bv our
mid Court st the reauUr November, 1S13,
term of sul'l Court. U wit: on the lt day
of November, 1S!1, wherein our said Court
found iiiui to the defeiidmit Anltiinoi, Mil
ler A o, on tliiiciitise of sctio'l wl out In
it Cross petition tli uin ot a.u.tu with ten
per emit In u rest llifrtiia from shIi! date
and eosltt, and atljtnlifud mum to ho tt Brt
Hen on said premises. Tne aid Court ulto
fount due lo the pitilnlilT on tint cnue of
ction mi oat In bis petition Die mini of
K0 711 drawing Uin per cent Interest from
eld date, which rs delr1 nl adjuilirej
by the eonrt to tie a serouit lien on said
p einlatt Willi coat and accruing cost.
. Belli preml.tK will lie sold for the pur
po-te ot aatltlylnx aald auinn in the older
ahove named. . DAVID Daitlctt,
11 17J bkerT uf siela Couatv,
H o
I can sell you a suit of clothes cheap-
i;!cr than you can buy them at whole
sale prices in Chicago or Omaha.
! Call at Tha Ranch Supply
it w:i.:. co-sT you uovhi.k vw. i: t:ii; ' r i'.iv wa.vr
EGGERT ROHVVER, Pfc-prietor.
. .
I also run MEAT
jnection with the HOTEL.
ourPatroiiase is solicited.
j Zlzl .'V?
: iThey handle every thing
eral dspsrtmsnt caunlry store.
ciroi'i' n 1 no 1 mooi'
;, a.-i.i aitu i i -
fl TINWAUK: alrwi
. ...
1 VI li .A 1 .
:it c
do yoi;
yr it the dm?
FP . 1 A IT
$1, FOR ONE YEAR $1,
It is the Legal Paper of
Holbg and ba convinced.
coon be here.
T! ARKET in con-
usualy handled in a gen
1 1111 1 01 001 initio r
u: ju.-s.-i r ia n r. r x.r ) am
;-.A I.e.?. IX
: pabst's
iSelebrnted Hl-EW,
ti p'tWi'ifo for
I i '
4 Ji
A' "w
'lA.,,., i ir