The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 18, 1897, Image 6

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    CHAPTER IX.-Con?inued.)
The loss of her lover has opened- her
eyes to the full gain, the grand necessity
of love. And since she cannot have it
since she has passed it by. ami bartered
ber birthright fr a mess of pottage Bhe
will kill it or she will kill herself. And
that is the I bought that send the lovely
Lady Mountcarron rushing through the
season like a tornado, that devastates
and wrecks the wounded heart from
which it spring. At last her isler Win
nie is really alarmed fur ber. Her pa
rents are also alarmed, but they dare
speak openly, and they do not know what
to speak about. Winnie in braver know I
edge makes her strong and she resolve
to question her sister, and learn the rea
aon of be strange behavior.
She catches Gladys one afternoon too
tired at last to fulfill ber engagements,
and safe, for a few hours, from the in
Iruxiuii of strangers.
The Countess is very glad to see her
aister. Her feverish little hand twine
itself round Winnie's lovingly, and her
plaintive, innocent-looking eyes gaze into
her fa'e wiib a silent appeal for sympathy
and affection. Mrs. Prendergast takes a
eat by her couch, and determines to
come to the point with her.
"What a long time it is since you have
been here, Winnie," commences Gladys.
- 'M-.deiir child: What is the use of
my coming when yon are never at home?
1 have no time to spare for bootless er
rands. ( I lady ."
The Countc.-s looks down.
"You are quite right. I am very sel
dom to be seen. I Jut it is not my fuult.
We have so many engagements."
"Hut you are not strong enough to !
it, Gladys, and you do not enjoy it into
the bargain. Any one can see that. Now
what is the use of wasling your striiith
on amuse;. ;i ills that you care uoihu.g
for ':"
"I mini do s iu:e;bing." says Gladys m
, a low voice, "or 1 shall go mud "
"My dear sister. May I speak openly
to you 7"
"Have yon ever asked me for tint per
mission before, Winijie7"
"No. but 1 have never felt inclined to
speak to you so seriously lefore. 1 think
I know all about it. darling. 1 am not
blind, and 1 could not help seeing and
guessing a great deal at Christmas.' You
are unhappy about Mr. Ilrooke are you
not? You have allowed yourself to g-.-t
too fond ol him. and now that he has
gone away you are fretting over his ab
sence. Tell me. dear Gladys. You know
I do not ask you for the -sake of curiosity.
But if I can help, or advise, or comfort
you, tell me all about it, and ease your
overburdened ht art."
And for an answer Lady Mountcarron
throws hers If suddenly into her sister's
arms, saying:
"Oil, Jemiuie my Jemmie! 1 ulrall die
without him."
Winnie is not quite prepared for this
frank and passionate outburst.
As Lady .Mountcarron throws herself
into her arms, and begins to sob upon her
bosom. Mrs. Prendergast presses her
closely to her heart, and whispers words
of comfort into her ear,
"My sweetest Gladys! My own darling
sister. Let me be your uontidaute aud
your adviser."
"Oh, Winnie! You will never, never
"Tell, my dearest! How ran you think
me capable of such a thing?"
"Not even to mother, and to dades
pecially not to dad?"
"Not to any one. I will not even
brpntbe it to myself, once it has passed
your lips, Only'speak out, my darling,
or yonr heart will break."
' "We loved each other so," continued the
yonnger girl, with downcast eyes, and
trembling lips. "I think we must have
loved each other from the very first, and
at last he told me so or I guessed it
you know. I couldn't help guessing it,
Winnie but I never thought that it would
lead to anyljbiiig else."
"Shall I g!!oss the rest for you, Gladys?
Tie grew too bold and confident, know
ing your love for him (men always do),
and so he offended you. and you were
compelled to order him to o."
"Ob. no, no!" exclaims Gladys fever
ishly, anxious to defend her absent hero,
"lie was not hold he never ol ended
me. He only asked me to go sway with
him (it was very natural, you know,
Winnie), and I 1 wanted to go, only
only "
"Only your better nature asserted it
self, Gladys, and you thought of jour
poor father and mother, and of your is
ters, who would have br iken I heir hearts
If anything had happened to yon."
Lady Mountcarron nods her head af
firmatively. "Yea, yes, that was it; but I feci as if
It would kill me."
"It will not kill yon, dearest. You must
rouse yourself and be strong, and regard
tbis matter in its true light. You have
been a dear, brave girl, and yon will not
do your work by halves. Where is Mr.
Brooke now?"
"I I don't know. Oh, Jemmie--.Tem-Btiel
He may be III he may be dying
fr want of me. and I I sent him
way! Winnie, sometimes I think that
I cannot bear it that I must gt after
At thla declaration Mrs. Prendergast
becomes really alarmed.
"Gladys, are you mad? Y'ou canu.K
think of what you are saying. Whit!
five np yonr title and four position in
society- ruin yonr whole fife, in fact aud
for a puaing fancy? Oh. my dearer ais
ter, a wear to me, a wear to me before
heaven, that yon will never think of such
wicked thing again."
"Dart b frightened," aald Gladys
fttisflr; "thai la no need. I gave him
ty.VM I would have died for him, be
Of baranie -of my name and all the
rt M, ud 1 am not likely to forget
it t tfct Mcood rime. II la all over be
T1 ft, teJMd It U. Bt roa JBati't
f fcf ttttiaf abt mott tt the
position for which T resigned him and
and my love. but. Winnie, I do suffer u
I do suffer so! I would give eiery drop
of tny heart's blood to see biui once agiai.
if only for au hour."
My dearest sister, try to look at th
matter from a practical poitit of view.
What go. can come frou your uii-eting
Mr. Urouke again? None! He knows it
If you do uot. and the course he has
adopted has raised biui cousiderablr in
my estimation. Besides, you must tlo'uk
of Mountcarron. He may begin to su
pect the reason of your behavior, as I
did. and then you knuw what woujd fo!
low. He would not prove to bo so syui
pathetic a confidante as 1 have done."
Jiountcarrou. repeats GlaJv- it a
voice of contempt. "As if Mouiitcart-ou
ever troubled himself about what I do, or
how I l.,k or feel. He is too much
w rapped up in himself to think of me."
"I wish you would tell me exactly the
terms you are on with your husband,"
says Winnie, reflectively. "Y'ou seem all
right, to me- in public."
"Oh. yes; we're all right in public, and
some ieople might think we were all right
in private, as well. He uever finds fault
with anything I say or do. He is' never
jealous of any other man. and he gener
ally notices when I put on a new dress,
and tells me if I look well in it. Sotne
';es no very special occasions he cocks
his head on one side, and after examin
ing me carefully, says: 'Hy Jove! you're
au uncommonly pri tty creature, Gladys.
Usm my soul you are.' After which
compliment I am condemned to endure a
certain amount of love-making, by which
his lordship gives vent to his overcharged
feelings of admiration. And there I think
it ends. Excepting, of course, that I
have a liberal allowance of pin-money
much more than 1 can use and my own
way in things."
"And what or, earh can you want
-nore?" -' . ' V c
"Live. ', , e! J ive, which he has nev
er given me. and never will. I Ih. Win
nie." she added, "you do not understand
toe. No one does! Let uie g on with
:ny balls and theaters and garden pur
ties. They are kinder to me than you
are. They leave me no time to think.
Hut -when I have time it shall be all his
every moment of it shall he his."
And so Mrs. Prendergast returns home,
not oversatistied with the result of her
vir-it. She has gained her sister s conii
deuce, but she has proved quite incapa
1. 1.. . t ..I. i. . . .
uie miasms ner resolution either out
way or the other. X.
Lady Mountcarron on in her own
way without heed of cousi-quences. a.J
grows thinner and paler as the season
advances. It is true that she flushes h
lovely crimson at night, and that her
spirits are often wi!,j- hilarious; but she, lerrmiy oy nay, ami can scarcely
oritg ner limbs after her. Yet she ii
indefatigable as a darner and lawn-ten
nis player, and has so..n gained herself reputation of a flirt among her own
sex. The Karl seems neither to know nr
to care how his wife is amusing herself,
lie is seldom seen with her, never in
deed, except at a dinner, or a theater.
He is still the wcll-aps.ilited and well
dressed man he was last year. Hut a
great change is visible in him. He has
lost the look of eagerness -of expectation
of excitement, which accompanied his
purnsit of Gladys, and much of hi youth
mts departed with it. He is not tired of
her (or at any rate he would not ac
knowledge much). Hut he has grown
accustomed to her. She is no more a
novelty to him. She is no longer any
thing to l.e excited about in plain words,
she is his wife.
Sometime, and generally unexpectedly,
Gladys rushes into Mrs. Prendergast's
presence and pours forth an impetuous
complaint upon her sister's bosom. It Is
these occasional outbursts that save her
heart from breaking. Without them she
would despair. Hut Winnie is wise as
well as loving, and she lets her sister talk.
She listens patiently to the oft-told cata
logue of Jemrnie's virtues and graces, to
the description of his beauty, to the his
tory of his love for Gladys, and all that
they said to one another. She lets the
poor sorrow-laden heart weep itself dry
in her anus.
She never drops a hint that she bas
heard the tale before. She sympathizes
and condoles and tries to comfort, but she
never preache nor condemns. She is
Gladys' safety valve. She cannot teach
her any better means by which to rise
above her trouble, but she lets nature
have ber sway, and probably saves the
girl from a brain fever.
Hut the season is a sad one, neverthe
less. Lady Mountcarron tries to conceal
her feelings from her father and mother,
but they see that she is ill, and they fear
she is unhappy.
Y'et nothing they can do or say draws
the truth from her. At last General Ful
ler apeals to his son-in-law.
"Mountcarron, I feel uneasy about
Gladys! She is certainly not well, al
though she refuses to acknowledge it. Do
you know the cause?"
"Gladys not well!" repeals the Earl.
"Y'ou astonish me. We were at the opera
last night, and I thought she war looking
"Yon cannot see It when she Is nnder
excitement, but if you watch her In the
mornings you will observe how weak and
thin she has grown."
"My dear General, those slight wiry
girls will stand twice the fatigue of your
rosy plump women. Yon should have seen
Gladys at Carronby! By Jove, didn't she
go It! Why. she was alwaya scouring
the country In the saddle or on foot, and
that fellow Jem after her. I used to say
they'd kill themselves then, but yon see
they didn't. Oh. she's got twice the
strength yon imagine. Still, if yoo tbiuk
it necessary, let's have a doctor."
"I would rather try recruiting by fhe
seaside after the season la over, Mount
carron. What do yon say to letting
Gladys come witb n to Ryde tnat Is, If
be la willing when you go to the moors
for yonr grouse-shooting thla year?"
"Delighted, my dear General delighted
to agree to anything that win gjvt yoa
and her plearare. By ail fiity let bar
C to Hyde, it is the very place for ber!
And you csa bring ber to Carrouby to
meet me when I return in September.
This proposition is made to Lady
Mountcarron. aud gladly acceded to. Khe
is only too pleased (she says to go witb
ber dear dad anywhere. She feels like
hi own girl again (she tells him fondly)
as they walk up aud down the pier, on
the sea-beach together aud as if nobody
bad ever come between tbein.
It is on one of these occasions, and
when Gladys has been unusually affec
tionate .that her father tries to extract
the truth from her about her married life.
"I don't think anybody has come be
tween us. my darling." he says tenderly;
"and 1 believe Mountcarron to be too con
siderate even to w isb to do so. He seems
to have but one desire. Gladys that you
should be bappy aud comfortable."
"Yes. dad," she answers indifferently.
"My dearest child." continues the Gen
eral, pressing ber fondly to bis side (they
are walking up and down a lonely part f
the sands at the time), "for you know
that you have always been my dearest
child to me, I feel very anxious to learn if
you are happy in your married life." I
know that you have everything you can
possibly require that money can procure;
but, are you bappy? You may remember
that I felt uervous at the lime of your
marriage, aud you laughed my fears
away! Can you laugh rhem away now?"
"Certainly I can, father! What 1 mar
ried Mountcarron for, I have obtaiued.
He has fulfilled every promise he made.
and be bas treated me with uniform kind
ness. I have no accusation to bring
against him in any way. 1 knew exactly
what be was when I becatne his wife, and
he bas not altered. I fancy few women
an say as much of their husbands."
"Y'ou are worth all the world to me.
Gladys," replied ber father, simply; "and
if you were unhappy I should feel as if
my life were over too."
Still barping on that donbt of her en
tire bappinefs, Ijjdy Mountcarron hardly
knows how to parry the thrust, but she
d'es (though not quite successfully), no'
mly on. that occasion, but on several sue
i ceding ones. She picks up, certainly, in
the bracing air of Hyde, and in the com
pany of her parents; and. surrounded by
their solicitude, she regains a portion of
her former content, but still it is a very
pule and altered Gladys that General
Puller takes back to Carronby in Sep
tember and leaves under the protection
of her lawful owner. The house is full of
guests, for the shooting season, and Lady
Mounlcarron's time is fully occupied with
them. She is glad of it. It prevents her
paying visits, and there is one visit she
dreads to make- a call at Nufley. She
hardly knows who is or is not there. For
months she has heard nothing of Lady
Kenton or her brother: and Mountcarron
has not mentioned their names since her
return. Hut she knows that, sooner or
later. Elinor and she must meet, and
emmie's name must pass between them
vet she puts off the ordeal from day to
lay, trusting to gain courage from the
One morning, however, about a week
after her return to Carronby, she hears
the sound of wheels ipon the drive, and,
looking up, sees Lady Kenton's pony
chaise before the door. In a moment
the hot blood has pourrd into her cheeks.
She looks again. Thank heaven! Elinor
is alone, and now, whatever news she
brings her. she must school herself to it with a smile. Yet she is as
white as ashes when her cousin enters
the room. Lady Kenton is not entirely
at ene herself. She dreads the meeting
almost a much as Gladys. She cann it
but suspect thai Lady Mountcarron is fp"
object of her brother's passion, and she
does uot know how far she sympathizes
with it. She would wish to do her duty
to all three of them- to Mountcarron, and
Gladys, and Jemiuie; but il is very diffi
cult to decide how to do it. She has
been thinking all the morning whether
she shall introduce her brother's name or
leave Gladys to make the first mention of
it. It will seem so range for her not to
go to Carronby laden with the latest news
of him. And yet, when she enters the
'"ountess' presence, she is tongue-tied.
The alteration in Gladys' looks the sick
ly smile with which she greets ber the
trembling hand extended to take her own,
all smite the kindly heart of Elinor Hen
ton with pity, but tell, at the same time,
their own unequivocal tale. She could
sit down and cry over the girl for hours,
the traces of ber suffering are so vijihle
in her appearance, but she cannot bring
herself to introduce the subject of her
trouble. And, as for Gladys, she feels as
if she could die before she mentioned
Jemmie'a name. They talk of the sea
son's gayetjes, of the weather the gar
den and the shisitiiig; of everything. In
fact, but the man who is upperoiust in the
thoughts of both. Gladys sits like a guilty
creature before Lady Kenton, while she
inquires absently after everything she
cares least about, and blushes like a rose
every time that the conversation tends in
the slightest degree in Mr. Brooke's di
rection. At last Elinor feels she can stand it
no lotiger, and that, for both their sakes,
she must make a plunge and introduce
the dreaded subject, when Mouutcarron
cornea to her rescue.
"Halloa, Ellnof! How are you? So
glad you've come over. All well at Nut
ley? And how is Jem? Where is he,
and when did you hear from him last?"
He has accomplished in a moment what
the two women have been longing to do
for an hour. Lady Kenton turns to bim
gladly. She has wanted to Hpeak of ber
brother in such a way aa n persuade
Gladys that he is cured of bla love for
her a common mode of attempting to
medicine tbe master passion, but a very
futile one. For tbe more a thing seems
slipping from our reach the more we
want to grasp It
"My dear Mountcarron! How well you
look. Much better than Gladys, who, I
am afraid, ha been making too much of
her first season. Jemmie is all right,
thank you. When I last beard from him
he was in Calcutta."
"In Calcutta? By Jove! How did be
get out there?"
Ijidy Mountcarron doea not lift her
eyea from ber lap, where ber nervous
hands are busily employed in breaking
off the chenille trimming from her dress.
Hut Lady Kenton watches the shaking
of those hands, and goes on pitilessly,
though with the best intentions.
. "He went straight to India from Alex
andria, and seems to be delighted with
the country and enjoying himself Im
mensely. It la only natural that he should
Ilk to trarel and see tbt world. He haa
nothing to keep him at home. I suppose
yoa beard att poor Chart tUatoa'a
"I read it in tbe papers," aald Munot
carron. "Jeuinie nursed bim to the last like
brot'aer. Wasn't it good of him? But be
is such a kind-hearted boy, and be was
glad at that time to get out of England. '
"Why was that?"
"Wtll, Mouutcarron, I am not sure that
I can tell you. for I do uot know the
whole story myself, but from what Jem
mie told tue 1 imagine be bad fallen into
some ittle scrape or other. He see me J
vexed with himself, as if he bad beeu
betrayed into something foolish, aud Jem
mie is the kind of hoy who would feel a
thing of that sort deeply. He would see
the folly of it dire-tly be bad time to re
flect, and would blame himself for having
given way to it. All be told me was that
he wautej to ieae home for a while,
and I sent him to Alexandria, a bu ll
benefited bim and poor Charlie at the
same time."
"A woman at the bottom of it, of
course?" says the Earl.
Elinor shrugs her shoulders.
"I conclude so. Hut it's all over now,
whatever it was. Jem is of rather a
fickle dsjsisition, you know."
"Hy Jove! I should think he was. The
scores of women that fellow bas raved to
me about.'"
"oh, Mountcarron! lie merciful, and
make it downs."- cries Ijidy H-ulon,
laughing. "Hut he has such a loving way
almut him with all tbe fair sex. that I
think they sometimes give hiin credit for
a great deal more than he feels."
"How many harts has be broken in
"I haven't received the list yet. He'll
go over it with me. n-rhars. w hen he re
turns. Hut a certain Miss Temple tig
nres so prominently in his letters home
that I imagine she must be tne reigning
"When Is be corning hack?" '
At tbis question (Hurt;. s starts, and
looks up nervously, which puts Lady j
Kenton on her guard. She is not quite
certain whtt to say. It is against her i
principles to tell a direct falsehood, al
though she has been sailing-rather !. '
to the w ind once or twice during this oni
ersatton, and yet she fear it is inexpe
il.enl to let Lady Mountcarron know that
.ieaitnie is exjieeted home soon.
"Weil! he talks of next Christmas.
Momiteurron. but you know how uucer
tain Jem is!"
(To be continui d.)
A ThrlfilcKa Genius.
l-olgh Hunt had no f li.' either of
tiine or of iiioiny- n grave fault, per
Imps unpardonable vice, la a man who
hud a w ife mid children dej ciiditig up
on him. As long as he lived l.e vvjs
thrift less and me!y, a lender ami !
rower, so generous that he could tiewr
nfTord to be Just, bringing upon tho-sr
whom he luted sincerely a
burden of debt and care.
How reprehensible this una he secr.i,
never to have felt (though he b!.uu;
hltuw-lf freely and nin!
if the render of liJt ittitobiograi h' is
l!spoeel to feci Korry for Mrs. Hun:
it is not bisniise h r iitisb ind set lum
the example. Thla whs Leigh Hun'tV
one vice, never amended nor actively
re;s'titod of. Yet he bad had his warn
Ing;. It Is pathetic to cotnpare with
each other the two following jMiHsngjvi
and to " how clearly lx-lgh Hunt fore
saw lii danger iiiel bow lncaiib!e lie
proved of escaping It:
"I have wen." he write in IMik, "so
much of the Irritabilities, or rallier lit
iiiiserljs, accruing from want of a (suit
able inisunie and tlx- lt woiiwni of ln-r
titne wax no worried nnd filially worn
out with I Ik early negligence of others
In this ri-spect, that If ever I wtu de
termined in ali.vtlilns, it U to be IierTe-'t-ly
clear of the world and ready to meet
tbe cxlgencled of a married life before
I do marry; for I will not Kee a wife
who love mo and Is the comfort of my
exlstetue iifnild to speak to tne of
money matters; she ahull never tremble
to bear a knock at the door or to meet
a quarter day."
And In lK.-,2:
"I nerer hear a knock at the door
but I think fcmnplsxly is coming
to take- me a way from my family. Lttst
Friday I was sitting down to my dinner
when I wos cl!ed away by a
man who brought au execution Into my
house for 40 8hllllngs."-.Temple Par.
For Identification.
A new law has Jut been passed In
Hawaii which compels: every man who
is registered to leave hla thumb-mark
on the certificate of registration and on
the stub which Is left In the book. That
la. he must Ink hia rhumb and leave a
clear, distinct lniprewion of It for fu
ture recognition. Thla nppllea to nil
claw of people on the island. The
objection which many of the residents
make Is that It treat them nil s
though they were convicts. The truth
la that It la fhe only positive means of
Identification. It la claimed that the
II imh on the thumb of no 1 wo people
are exactly alike, while It la not Infre
quent to find people wboe reaem
blancca are eo close aa to make Identifi
cation illUcult The Asiatics are Invad
ing tbe islnnd of Hawaii to such an ex
tent as to arouse the people ad tied
there to aon:e plan to prevent tbe over
crowding of the inland, and this regin
tering. of tbe thumb-mark la believed
by thoe who aucoeeded In having the
law pniwed to ! one of the way In
which It will be possible for rhem to
regulate immigration Into the Inland of
It would afford an evenlng'a enter
tainment for a company of young peo
ple to compare the mark of their
Great Volume of I setters.
Last year the British postal corre
s'stndence with tbe United States was
second only In magnitude to that with
all the great power of Europe com
bined, being about 4Ll00,n00 letter,
etc., aa against about C5,000,000 for
Europe. If leter-wrltlng goe for any
thing. It ought to make American and
England firm able.
Daughter "Paita, what does tola 1
to 1 mean?" Mother (Interrupting) "It
mcana that everywhere yoa go will ail
tecs paopla talking poll tie to dim wk
V?l 5' irZWx Hrt 4& I aration of ammonia, In-side her k!t-:
m7 frj '''V
IVT Ifr 'Tl C '.i'1
Vi' ''-J"" V M-V-t,
idVi at Ml
j . tM ' ki
"V K. 1 J'?! ' V
Th Onr.'en.
The margin letccu the possibilities
and the actualities of the average farm
garden la a thing of goodly dimensions.
It Is. naturally enough, a dimVult thing
for tbe farmer to realize to what extent
of practical usefulintis he may put a
single acre of ground provided be Is
willing and careful In bestow upon it
the right kind of attention. Tliix. Maya
Went Kentucky Farmer, la no le-au-e
of the fact that In his farm work he
looks more to general results. Hut when
lie come down to work on a smaller
wale be finds tilings quite different. It
la only rwently that a committee took
tiMin Itself to Investigate somewhat .'ns
to wluit watt actually ln-llig done ou
Homo of the small truck farms near one
of our large cltiex. and they reported
that one farm of forty acn yielded ntt
nually Jf 1'1,(M) worth of fruits and vege
t.ib!iK; another of nix acres yielded
yl.(KKi; another of nineiy acres' yielded
Il' and another of twenty acres
returned js.txm. The, figures repre
sent gisnl receipts, but even after mak
ing reduction for fertilizers u ml other
nei-essjiry cxjm ndi'ntes. the mi re'itftis.
although not Mated, were no doubt
handsome. Apart, however, from the
profits from exclusive truck farming,
the gardi-u acre on the fnrm can be
made an Important Item In the domestic
economy of the borne. If we take Info
consideration all the expense attaching
to the purchase of garden produce nec
cary to the health, comfort and well
being of the family.
Old W her! Ms.le Csefiil.
Hon't throw away old wheels; they
can le put to as gisnl use, sonietlmi-s,
as they were on tbe vehicles oil which
they- were Isitight, as frequent and
varied illustrations in l-'arm and Home
each month have shown. The lllusfra-
thins, herewith show how wheels may
be inadi; serviceable by constructing a
Imrrel wheelbarrow and a ns-I for fence
wire. The barrel wheelbarrow Is lm-
piy a fMtrrei on wnecis, i.aianccii xo that t
it will tip etiKily. Tfie hisiks In front
are for a shovel and hoe to hung ou.
For many purposes this Is better for
farm work than art- ordinary whecl
Iwtrrows. A heavier load can lie car
ried. The wheel reel for fence wire is
made by taking two wheel, of r light
wagon attached to their nxle. Place
four pieces of lsmrd through the wheels
,ftt regular intervals and wire to tbe
felloes. It makes a large and conven
ient wire or cordage reel. These con
veniences can le made during early
spring so aa to le ready for tbe first out
door work.
To Make the Farm Vmt.
One of tbe greatest hindrance to
profitable farming Is a desire to go too
fast at first, aud to purchase things one
could get along without. The obliging
agents tell you that you need not trou
ble about the money; j-our note will do
Just as well; but you will find that you
must pay big Interest for the privilege
of going Into debt, and yon are always
at a disadvantage with your creditor.
Have the money ready to pay and
you can t.'ien make your half of the
Imrgaln, Take good en re for your lurm
and your stock, aud they will furnish
the money for the necessary ouiLays.
I will Just say to young men w ho ex
pect to make farming their occupation,
that they may expect luird work and
plenty of it, and they will not need to
join any bnselwill nine for exercise; but
If they take care of their b"alt'i and
habit it will not hurt them. I have
tried It for over sixty years,' and am
to-day a well-preserved man. I tan
truly aay that with the blcsio of our
Heavenly Father upon tbe labor of
myself and family, I have made farm
ing pay, and what I lutvo done other
can do. John Laramour, ls-fore Hloom.
Ingburg, Ohio, Institute.
A as Sao I far Hons Plant.
Erery hoosekeeper baa her bottle ot
HoowkoM Amawola" or mom prtp
TT '4
I .v -. av..a -
- 7-....-. - . '.x-'
tiA nni't. w in r.i.iiAititow.
fli'U orlu the l..ithr."im. It U very uae
ful "ll'"-v " "" ""''M','','IM'1
" It b:ii also another use. Ell
a teacup with tepid water In the morn
lug. and add to it three drops of bonne
hold ammonia. Pour this on the noil of
the geranium or other rapid growing
plant In your window. An application
of this kind oiue or twice a week will
add wonderfully to the growth and ap
pearance of the plant. It is. in fact, a
concentrated liquid fertilizer that la
effective, cheap ami handy, for a num
ber of plants, twelve or fifteen dnqm to
a quart of water 1 suttiiieiit. Twice a
week ou a sunny morning is enough.-
Feeil for Pons and Muscle
In fei'dlnff all young anlmala thrifty
growth Is much more Important than to
fatten them. Many people suppose that
the only way to lessen fat to to rntrlci
diet until near starvation si!nt. Hut
they find by trial that if the food given
contains the fat-forming nutrition, re
strliflng Its amount makes wimt is giv
en so much ls-ttcr digested that the
fattening procsN goes on as before. A
far surer and ls-tti r way to accomplSiu
what is wished is to give food plentiful
ly, but not of the kind that builds up
fat, and espis-inlly to give what make
Isme and muscle, it Is for this reason
that wheat bran and wheat middlings
areo valuable for fcsling. They will
not fatten if fed iumIi raii-ly with bay.
straw or roots, and they will kic)i young
stock thriftily growing.
Putter making has an advantage of
miik selling lu that the skim milk U
valuable on the farm as a food for the
a i tie, iigs and poultry.
A great advance n theory and fm-t
has been made over the old notion that
good beeves could not be made before
they are 4 years old. lo-tler blood,
breeding and management iimv make
them most profitable at half that age.
A consensus of opinion among poul
try kei-s-t Is that buckw biti! Is an ex
cellent food for fowls. Some ascrllie
their pnifii to Its briefly, of course,
this means that til! the otln-r conditions
of care and food are properly supplied.
Old sheep are more profitable than
young ones a long as I bey arc healthy.
It Is claimed by some lliat any sln-cp
failing lo regain her flesh properly
after her lamb Is eold should not Is)
kept, as there is danger of her not liv
ing through the next lunbSui.
No animal upon the farm requirns so
long a time to over. ii- the effects of
over-feeding; as (bus tip- sheep, and
wln ii a steady giln Is necessary in fat
tening special rare must be taken In
regard to this mint. There Is the same
rifik in feeding growing tu tubs.
Some liave tin mistaken notion that
when iMinltry are being lilted for mar
ket, t titling should be comuu-nce 1 nl
tbe start, but this Is not the conclusion
of experience. The ri-cdlng for fat fell
ing should le gradually Increased.
Care ami good sense are requisite for
the Im-hi results,
I'or several reasons It is more de
sirable to have coll come In the fall
than In the spring. It Is no little Item
that they are not so worried by fl!.
and beat. They sii-m to stand the
change better when weaned at the
springing of the grass than if taken
from their mother In the autumn.
In a comparison of corn meal and
corn meal mixed with cotton seed as
food for steers, recently made at the
Oklahoma experimental station, It was
found that some of the steers seemed to
dislike thecotlon seed while others ate
It readily, The lot fisl corn meal ate
more and gained more than did those
fed the mix lure.
It is claimed that the scab in sheu
luis been completely wiped out lu Aus
tralia by persistent use of but batlwt of
sulphur and tola-co. followed by one
of sulphur and quicklime, at a temper
ature of 110 dogrei-s. Whatever the
apparent condition of an liuporled
sheep. It must go Info the bath. There
Is no more scab, but It has been eradi
cated at great cost.
There are on almost all farms some
bits of land naturally aa good a the
rest that remain unproductive for lack
of capital It may not Is more profita
ble, to bring these Into productiveness
than It In to put the bulk of Ihe manure
and labor ou tbe liest land, but It make
tbe farm look belter, yulte often when
these places H re loo stony for cropping
trees planted thure will prove the bet
use such places can be made to serve.
Tue llsiry,
Try the curry comb ou tlie cow.
A gsid remedy for swollen teat on a
milk cow, Is eqtml parts of glycerin
and lobelia.
Tbe fissj for the eow should b of
such a nature that no Ink) taste will bo
!iitirti-d to the milk.
Kalse all the feed you can for your
cow a at home on your own ground In
that way you can get g(sd money for
tlii crops themselves'.
The importance of healthy cow and
sound milk cannot be overestimated.
Too little attention baa been given to
the matter lu the mt.
In addition to corn meal, tlm cow
need soin.shlng more nltrogitiona In
her feed. A combination of corn ineaj,
gluten and cotton seed meal give much
better result than the former only. It
will make one-third more milk and b
better in quality.