The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 18, 1897, Image 3

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Prof. MalasAH !'' Carbon aal Iraa !
a d a I raciblc Furnace.
Keferrlng to the recent lecture la
New York of j'rof. Henry Moissoa, the
French wlf-utlnt. win makes d.awotid. :
the Evening World ways:
I'rof. Mujisod told bow he had is
covered the ctin.tinD of diamoul
hy re dm Ing specimeiia of diamond to
The scientist found out by the process
that In all these diamon Is, luve one
very pure green geru from lira, I, ther
was iron, while the Cape diamond
came from earth tbat contained gran.te
ud graphite.
Granite Ik the effect of great prewsure
As cast IroD Increases iu volume in
parsing from the liquid to the mdld ,
mate, he wan led to believe that If ai
dement of carlmn were Inclosed in a
globule of cast iron that s cooling t
would be subjected to the reiuinlte
pressure. He had experimented to as j
certain the different aiagoa through '
which carbon passes and had obtain I i
)ure carbon -graphite-by very hig
temperature. High temperature alone, however j
would not yield the crystallired form 1
of carbon known to commerce an 'M m
mond." Heat at sufficient pnwuur. ;
would, he believed, and he at laat sm ,
ceede.l in proving It. !
In order to obtain a heat sufllcleutlv
(treat and at the same time mt-asunibi
he devised n aimple elii-trle furnace. '
and there It was liefore h a audience.
It emulated of two clay brick, one :
eighteen luehea square on the
and a foot thb-k, with another above '
half an thick. In the lower brick wnj
a hollow Ut enough t" contain tie
crucible, while two carbon electrod '
connected with a battery entered ti.
cavity, which wan kprlnkled with ma.:
nesia to present the formation of cal
lum carbide.
In the critciile were placed softlroti
tilings and ch.i r-'oa 1. The fur nice wu
covered up Mini I be current turned on
In three iiiiini;-s the indicator shovve.i
that thin Inside the little fuma'
were 2..,H0 degree i hot. The clay wiu-
boilitu and ftaining before the'-r oji'-,
I'rof. M.iixion carelessly laid h' l.a ti t
on the top brick and kept It there -Ju..'
to ahow that the heat didn't conic
At tin- end of ten minutes the little
wizard uirtn-'l off the current, lifted th ,
i-iner, the limb r hide a white mnn of i
tbiuie, and dropped It In Mine water
He look out the i-ni' Ible with tone's and
dropped it into cold w ater.
When the crucible was cold he broke
It ami took out an Inot a bi j; as 'i !
couimnii lii)!"t. He explalncil th proe :
which he ruimt ko toroiieii to ohm ;
Inate the Iron, in which wat Imbedded
the crystallized carbon t!ie diamond
Then ibe sleiid'T 1'renchman npnile I
it all by te'' bis audience that he ha 1 '
never been aide to malic a diamond
larger than one millimetre in d ametcr
and of t!o coiiimercial value, bin lw
liopj-d later on to produce n regular
wai'chilln." Then the ;'ii
nolliis nrade whil" you via it" Will be
come f.ciiiliar. i
lie told a lot of luterev-in '.'ii.'.i;.,"
nboiit i!i.:tiiiiiidi. lie -i 11 die littln-I'.:-.
'., -peckji found III diamonds, called
"era pa uds" In France, "po-s" In New
York, which ibiract fro:n t!n value oi i
the tUotn-H. were, the llr'it proof to him.
that he had L-ot on nature's track.
lie said that wlc-n cooling the cruel
Me in molten h-ad ill the crystal lakes
the eluipe of a reetiij!ti'ar tlure. but
when inercuty is used In ciolin Hi"
crucible the d'.aiiiotids are octahedron.
These latter, like similar diamonds
found at the Cape field, split when ex
posed to the air -an ml proof to
Molssoti that diamonds are produced ;
by pressure. These pressures are prin- ;
clp.'illy expansion power. j
I'lucky Weslerii Women.
There are some plucky women in the
new State of Wnxhliiifton. W. II. H.
tJntnf, who has been prospecting with
a party In the mountains back of Port
Aujrelca. found on the extreme limits
of civilization, nine miles from the city,
a widow mi rued Monroe, who. with
two children, 1') and 12 yeara old. hid ;
taken up u fine ranch and was In-:
dustrioiisly makltiK a clearlni,'. She :
now has about an acre and a half clear ,
ed and planted In vegetable. Near j
Mrs. Monroe, MIhh Kcshter, a hand
some younj; lady of 1 1, and her mother
have a ranch, neveti acres cleared mid
planted In a Harden. Khe also has a ,
la run variety of (lowers In bloom,
which she ha net out and carefully at
tended. It was a great Burprlse to the
prisH'cl!ti) party to emerge from a
deme forest and eouis upon these la
die busily making a home In so Iso
luted a apoL These two famllh-s were
out of food, except potato and aalt, ,
and the jcallant prospector cave them
what extra provlalona they had. n
need not wonder at tho rapid (level-
opmeut of the Northwest when women j
will venture Into unknown wllda and I
muko ihemselves home.
To Urlve or Not to I rlve.
llolM-rta-IIallo! What's wrong, old :
ISeiwon I'm aliwmt crazy. 1 Kent a
letter to my broker inking hlni whether j
he thought I waa a fool, ami Another!
me to Ml YVIUoIh nuking her to (miiio
for a drive with me, ami I don't know
which of them thla telegram la from.
Hobcrta-Whnt doe It any?
P.etisoti -Simply "ye."-Iimdon An
awera. .Nine Mllra Lip.
During the experiments lately under
taken at Purl for the exploration of (he
tipper is ir, b free balloon, carrying aelf
nxsirdlng liiatruments, attained nil ele
vation of 4!,2H) fes-t, or nearly nine and
one-half mile and recorded a tempera
ture of 70 degrepg V, below ttero.
To Keep Out Weeua.
A thick sprinkling of saw dust under
gravel on garden walks will prevent
weeds growing.
t'arfal ae.4 Wonderful fnvrntlnn tbat
Walk with the Trl-i b nr
Pelentints In Kurojte are talking a
ond dull Jiiht now aisHit a curious u-jf
Oiachiue to which the name tclcncriptor
Ujim le-en given. As the name 'udb-Htes.
the objii-t of the machine ia to wrl'c
down words sjiokcii or sent from a d s
lauce. The ti I -phone, as at preFcu;
constructed, enables one pereon to bea
another who Is talking perhaps leagues
way; the tdescriptor, it in claimed,
will enable any person to send a writ
ten message to another pertom over a
The tele, riptor has been Invented bj
a lirriiiau scientist, and in his word.,
"Its object i to fix telephonic transmis
sions." His Is not the tirst attempt
which has been made in this direction.
The phonograph ban l-i-n used for tie
same purpose in connection will) tin
telephone, but It Is generally admitted
that no very successful results have
been obtained. At any rate, there is not
much evidence that the phonograph
popularly used for this purpoKc.
The Cerman Kch-niist, by the way, is
a recognized authority on an entirely
different plan. His ma'-hine jK simpl.
a combination of H e tj pew riter and the
telegraph, ami without it the Inventor
claims that the teb-pln rie cannot be re
garded as complete. The manipulation
Of the machine Is not more dillii-ul'
than that of the tyjs wriler. ami lik
the typewriter, the new instrument has
a keyboard, nlmvc which Is placed t In
box containing the machinery.
The same wire which Is used for tele,
phonic communication Is coniiecied
with the tdescriptor, and by no a us of
a simple manipulation the current can
be directed cither iuio the telisi-riptor.
or Into the iMopli.'no. Thus, win n a
person wishes to u -e a telephone, al ter
It has Is'cn furnished with this new
machine, nil he will have to d i Will be
to turn on the current and then write
his ni'Teagc on t he t. iter. Ace rl
lag as It is written the ues. ige 111 bo
flashed aeross ilie wire and an answer
w ill be sent to him In ibe sarne manner.
The advantages of ih s niachlne, in
case it should prove to be a sueces. are
self evl lent, r.iirope.i n j are
already greatly lnti'i-t-steil in the idea,
nnd claim that for many years no
greater aid to Journali-m than the tele
scriptor has been Invented. They point
out that in future many iiiess,-iges
which are now sent by telegraph can be
sent more easily ami more expeditious
ly by the perfected telephone. For ex
ample, a correspondent in l'.oston wish
es to send a message to h paper in
New' York. He goes to the telephone,
turns on the current, and in a few min
uted his written communication is in
the New York olllce. No messenger
bo) s are required; indeed, no time Is
lost between t ra usmi-ssloii and receipt
of the message.
We lire likely to bear n good deal
more about the tel. vcriplor in the near
future-, that is, if it Is really such a
practical machine us the Inventor and
foreign Journalists cliim.-Ncw Xoik
ret tin tireen'a .Marry in-; I!l icV. i :: . t ';
IVw spots iu the Fulled Kingdom are
possessed of more romantic Interest
limn (iretnii (Jivoti, on the Scottish lor
ilor, where, according to local records,
more than 1h,ik) runaway marrbr.'es
have been celebra ti i. Accordin; r.
Scotch law, ii n acknowledgment l .
wltriesseK that a woman was one's wife
constltutis) a legal marriage, and so
runaway couples made their way from
all part of Ktiglaml to (irctua tirecn,
where they would acknowledge them
pclvctt to be man and w ife at the smithy
In the presence of the bhicksmlih, who
would take his position behind the an
vil, repeat a short prayer and give them
his blessing mid a certlllcate.
Some time ago an act of parliament
wild passed forbidding these (iretna
fJreen marriage unless the parties bad
resided three weeks 111 Scotland, and
(Jretna tirecn marriages will sooti be a
thing of the past. William Fang died
recently. Old Fang, who recently cele
brated his eightieth birthday, wan the
last of four generations of these marry
ing blacksmith. Among those who
have been wedded by the Fungs have
bis'ti the Karl of I Miiidoliald, who
eloped over the liordor with Mls.s
r.arnea, and Ixird Krstlne, who posted
all the way from !ndon to the Scot
tish border with Sarah Utick.
The smithy stands within live mln
uten' walk from the bridge which
mark the line lietwecri the two king
doina, and looks on (Jretnu tirecn, an
open verdant space, Kiirrouudod by a
few om-storled ancient collagen. Few
tourlatM ever visited tills romantic ot,
which llgurea In no guide-book nnd xis-
KesKi-M no hotel, and yet which Is asso
ciated with the thrilling adventure and
inarvelotia ecnpe of some 111,000 Flig
llsli lovers of the tirlstoeracy nnd the
wealthy clause. New York World.
Was He a Kenegaile?
Two Irishmen, differing In political
opinions, were diMciisdng In an Impas
sioned way their respective creeds. At
last, ardor overcoming good nut tire, oii'i
nccueed the other of being a renegade
to parly nud family tradition.
Thla necusHllon the second man stout
ly denied, uverrlng that Ilia political
views were bused upon his own convic
tion rather than on (in accident of
birth. Still his Hcruser Insisted Hint he
wins a "t timeout."
"You cull yourself Duly!" he cried,
scornfully. "You cull yourself Duly,
nud everybody knows that when you
first struck this country you had an O
on your name big enough for a life
preserver." Memllng.
To mend holes In the milk pans make
the hole larger by Inserting a fork lino,
which will tiinko the edges rough mo It
will hold a shot In place, then pouud
flat with hammer, resting the pan on a
flat Iron.
1 UK KMJ Mr ail Ol
lpol-h rvr.'-a lu ula Wlihdr-w Vm tk
seMjMirt and Ac oi l-falrr.
Havana, Cut (v s Key Wct I March
1'.'. f.NVw Yoik Vv'orl I CVb'egr m )
Letter thin aeek roiti iutelligeiit ob
aervem in different parts ol Cuba snow
that the patriotic cause ia a niiig. One
from an Ao erit an aayg: " liie eiel is
not Jir i ff " Auoti er cuntaina t.'.ese
Word?: "Ibe end uiuat come soon."
The ail vices, tak--n together with cor
rolKTative facta received fiom other
Kinrcen, mike v elear now tbat it i ut
terly imp ss.ble (or the Spaniards to
(ca n any material advantage before the
ra 1 1: y seas ui. liencral Weyier seems to
know this, and lie in acting accord ugly,
ithdraaing trocps Iro n the ireiior
to ns and eirengt lecing the sesp TtB.
particu'arly al-mg the no th coast.. He
lias this week abandoned -ano'i Spiritm
and the ret a will go n be in und s-
puted control of Sant C'ara province.
lutmde of big cities the reoels are
very a. ti e in Nfjianz h Havana and
I'inar del Kio provinces. They have
c-Milure I several unm I tons lately in
MaMii zas ami a.-ain have blown up a
railroad tram in I'.nsr del Ri The
trixios at Ilev?U tin loab icoa and ottier
Bubinbs ol Htvana are bein ang
tjeneral Wi-yier may leave H ivana
again soon, but it will not lie with any
lioi.e of securing in the lie d.
His main object n iw, ac; r ling to mili
tary experts, is to prevent the possi
bility ot capture to pet-ixirtH by the com
bined forces of tiomez and (iarc:s. It
i b It by the hpuiiard- t .at i( the re
hels chii oiitaln ami hold, even (or a
abort time, an important feap rt they
will demand and receive from the Mc
Kinley alniinisiriiion rwoguiiion as
beli g rents, (t.-nera' W.-yier iMnnot
defe il I x : 1 the country and coast, and
be see ma to have left tie country, where
bi force w iu!d leu-eles in th wet
feas m, take cire oi it-elf, whil" h . eon-e-ni
rate" bis troops in the sei;,orts to
pre-. t,t, their eiziir .
i ' e whole the Spaniards ar" d a
lles . "d at the defensive proerim,
wbi .- iie rebels are ci,c ,urag''d bv the
outlook and ar also c e re ! by the suo-ceH-ful
Undiiijj of s-veral expeditions
and the expectation of m .re. Men wno
have been in 'tlie, no sis' iuiL returned
be. an e they could get no a-ins nre 140
ing 'jack agiin to 'lie bush.
The suffering of peaceful people and
the iiRual barbarities of the Spaniards
V an in is I 00,000 1 rum lollril Nlalet.
ToiicxT.., Out., March 12. Oster A
JlcC.irly, barristers ol this city, have
been instructed by Sidney Slocnm of
Ilamiltm lo enter irt agatn-t the
F'uited S'at.-s g iveri.ineni for rbn'),00U
tor filse arrest arid imp) i-unuieiit.
Sloeom a- :rre"l.ii abuut a year awo
and extradited on a charge of attempt)-.
murder ht I 'cor a. III. lie was tried
and acquitted after ling'-rin in jail
several weeks. Before be left the court
room be was rearrested on a charge of
Fending obscene- ncspapers through
(tie mail", the United Sta'es govern
ment oll'mials being the comp ainauta.
After being ineareerated eighteen dayH
be was discharged, as the judge ruled
tbat he rou d not be tried on a charge
etb-r than the one on whiUi he was
i 'i'Mi'ltcd.
Vire an I aborcrii.
Cot.os, C'olomba, March 1:'. The
Panama Fanal company has called upon
the military autborit es 10 settle its dia
putes with the Jamaiisn laborers at
Culelira, who have refu-ed to work on
the ground that one of their number
baa been deprived of bin rights.
The troops nere ordered out and fired
npon the striking work ingmen, mortally
wounding several of them.
A large number of the laborers who
arrived recently have quit work a id de
mand to be pent back to Jamaica. Ser
ious trouble Is imminent.
yilfun Victoria 1 ruvr-U.
Ixisdom, March 12. Queen Vicuirla,
accompanied by Princess Deiurhe and
their reai-ective suites, left Wmd-ior
Wednesday onronta to Oiniez by way f
Cherbourg. At Cimez, neir Nice, her
majesty will s'.ay at the Kxeeiaior Hotel
Pegina. There are about lfiO rooms in
the section of tho hotel which the queen
will occupy.
Kuiiala OtTrs 10 l.ptid HattIh Ann.
Utt.uRAiiF, Servia, March 12. Russia
has offered to lend the Servian govern
tnent l"l), 000 magazine r: ties. The gov
ernment has not accepted, as the mili
tary authorities desire to secure rifles of
the latest pattern.
.M tirtrrd for M.inT.
OHKENsmmrt, Pa., March 12. IU-h-ard
(irahatn. a wealthy farme r, and bis
! wife were found dying in their farrn-
house near Orabtree Wednesday morn
, Ing in pools of blood. The wife was
conscious, but unable to talk. Both are
ei pec ted to die. It is supposd that
their assailants wers tramps who have
!Wii loafing about the coke regions and
who were after money. Tho neighbors
are searching tho surrounding country
for them.
I'ltarg -a on liraln ftaducad.
Mil wackek, March 12. The Cham
ber of Commerce Wednesday reduced
weighing charges on grain going into
elevators from 40 cents to 3o cents per
1,000 bushels and the charge for Inspec
tion of grain from elevators to vessels
from 40 cents to 22 cents per 1,000 bush
els. Itoth of these reductions are to go
(ntoeflect April 1.
in lUha f of Her Son.
Oi RKF.NttASTLic, Ind., March 12. Mrs.
Walling, motljer of Alonzo Walling, has
arrived in the city, accompanied by a
friend. They took a carriage and drore
to the residence of A. 8. Bryan, father
of Pearl Bryan, on their mission of mercy
on behalf on her son. Mrs. Walling
was received at the Bryan homestead In
generous hospitality, bnt when she
made a plea for a word from the family
to Governor Bradley, It was declined by
the family.
i T r-'bls Co..3it is lVvi'&ble Ee-te-a
Glutei.- sad the Powers
JJeti lr 1 f 1 i i ioj iifii In h!rg" biff
11, ly l it '. il itgu s o lit- ura la
'I n tr Native l,,.4l w tu F.firUt
fui 'I b-lt Ceaiill.
Oanka, March !). It is believed here
that 1 lift rep.y . f Greece to the demands
i f iue lo wers Alii ts? a poittve reiusal
to tiln-y, and that a bloisl) struggle is
therefore inevitable im.c-8 the pc era
recede from tt.eir position. It is known
t iat Colonel Vassca, the cotnmatoler of
. the tjr.-ek army of oce i nation, has re
ceive I ins r ict on-i from King (J.-orga to
; bo i all rttiii' n- iu the island now oc-
1 runiii by the (jrc k tniops, and to pre
pare to res'st to the bitter rn I any t-ti-mut
on the part of anybody to dis
1 -Ige h in. Fiforrua ion leaches here
to at the ireek trooet are eutiiusiastie
1 over the determination of their king not
to order their withdrawal from the
1 isUp. 1, and it is believed il w uid t ck a
far stronger force thau tin ir own to dis-
; lo Ige them from the a!;ic positions
they occupv. The events of the next
fe days are anxiously a vaited.
) Fiiicoi, Mir.;li 9 Fivh hinlred
(irei'Xs in thi ti y am ter rspon.l
to the call to arms issued by .M Sk uizei,
(ir ek minister of foreign affairs. A
mass meetinit was held in the (;-eek
! Suiidiy afternoiin at which fiery speei h
PS were made. Father Fiimbol s, who
tv-o we ks ag s'irre 1 the ireks of the
ritv bv an eloquent atip'-al in behalf of
their fatl.iTlaud, presided at the meet-
i g He told iiis countrymen that it j
ana necessary Ci get money, as lack of I
means stood in their way. Kut'i'day a '
b'legram was sent to the consul-general j
in New York concerning the matter ol ,
funds, but no replv has been received
' The in-ek headquarters on Dearborn
str-e' w as swai m ug w i : h ti e Hellenes
S unlay nuht who were anxious to leave
at once to enter into tne fight against
the Turk. Two hundred and fifty have
have already enlisted and stand in read
iness to leave at a din's notice if the
n-e.ef.sary funds can be secured. Many
are able an 1 w i ling to piy lln-ir own
wav to lireec?, but the great majori'y is
, without mon-y.
1 It is asserted that an army of o'iO will ;
; leave this city alone if the perplexing I
problem of funds can lie solved.
iSnld Att e on II. T ni.
NivrYoiiK, March 9. -A special dis
pi'teh to the Sun from Havana cays:
Anot ier hoi 1 attack has been made
by the iu-u gents on a town neir Ha
vuin. Arroyo A polo, which is near I",l
Cerro, one, ol the t.isi,riniibl:- -in, tubs of
t ie capital, has lieer. attacke by the
i (oiigents, commanded by Ko'ne-o and
Aran nren.
In the f i rat engagement there the
Hp n.ards lost twenty-six fenldierg,
Wnen the Spani ir is received reinforce
ments from the capital the Cubans re
tired without accomplishing tlieir pur
poKe, which was to obtain proviaions
and ammunition stored :u Arroyo
A pol .
A few hours later the insurgents re
turned in lare numbers, and although
the Spanish girrifon had doubled ly
drawing i n the Havana fcuburhs of Pal
atini) and C.enag, tiio patriots rau-sa-ked
the stores and obliged the Span
iards to abandon I he place.
The end of the engagement was a
hand-to-hand tight, in which the, Cu
bans charge I with machetes, making
havoc in the Spanish lines. The noise
of the mut-kctry frightened the families
living at VA Cerro, and many of them
fled to the capital.
The light, from the first attack lo the
final defeat of the garrison, la-ted four
teen hours, and in all that time the
Hpanish authorities did not send any
heavy column from the forts or bat ta
lions of volunteers, which might eatuly
have defeated tho insurgents, as the
latter did not number more than 1,000
Il is not believed In-re that Aran
guren, with his scanty forces and enti-e
lsck of artillery, wou.d attempt to take
Havana, but at the i-.une time bis dash
and bravery are much feared by the
Spaniards and noliody doubts that if
strong Cuban forces from Manlanzas
and Las Villas should join bun he
would risk an attack even on tho capi
tal itself.
As it is now, Aranguren has checked
the Kpaniah column marching out of
Havana, an t has put the city in a state
of siege from the land side.
Dlvorcf No ootl
Nkw Y'or.u, March 9. Justice Law
rence, in liie supreme court yesterday,
de dared another Oklahoma divorce in
valid. In lS'.id John F. Driscoll told his
wife that he was going to Iowa to get a
position, but instead he went to Okla
homa and got a decree of divorce against
his wife on the charge of cruelty and
abandonment. When he returned to
this city bis wife had him arrested in a
suit which she insti'tited for absolute
divorce. The court holds that the di
vorce decree had no va'idity whatever,
as the Driscnlla were not residents of
Oklahoma and the courts there bail no
juriidiction in the matter.
flirlka Not Vary Large.
Chicaoo, III., March 9. The number
of plasterers Bnd hod carriers who went
out on a strike yesterday uierning
against a reduction of wages was not as
laige as expected, owing to the fact that
a number of contractors repudiated the
orders of the employing plasterers' asso
ciation and agreed to continue paying
the scale of wages demanded by the
plaslerers and laborers. According to
the most authentio figures obtainable,
the trouble affects only 000 men.
Muw nA.a A most.
r-rnptiaed Ual i-up la ?tut Carrlad In(
fa ra toa.
rHr. Till, M no., Marh 10. A die
patch from Chippewa Falls, Wis., says:
A snowstorm and a belated paatsenger
train were two circumstances tint prob
ably preveu'ed a bloody encounter be
tween a gang of bandits and a hundred
or more armed deputies Sunday night.
A few days ao the Omaha oflicials re
ceived information to the effect that an
attempt would be ma ie to hold up the
Duluth limited, w hich leaves Superior
for Kau Claire at 5 :30 p. tu. The place
selected for the attempt is a lonely spot
in the fore-t about three miles north of
Hawthorne, and if the train ie on time
it arrives there ab ut 7 o'clock in the
evening. Had the Duluth train iiot
besn delayed six hours in a snowdrift,
the bandits would have received the
warmest reception last night ever ac
corded a gang of cetperadoes bent on
The bsggsge and mail cars were filled
with armed deputies, who were r-viy to
open fire at a moment's no'ice. The
men were quietly taken ahoard at Supe
rior Junction and were given careful in
structions by the ofll ials of the road,
who were noticed as to the plans of the
robisyrs. It was their plin to flag the
train and just as soon as it slowed uo
sufficiently two men were to get control
of the eneine wuile the remainder of the
gang rifled the train. The Omaha ofli
cIr's prejiaied to allow the bandits to
cairy out the,r purposes as to fli ging
the train, but an entire change of scen
ery waf. prepare ! for the second act,
when it was proposed to drrp the cur.
tain on the bandits. But the heavy
snow held the train at Superior Junc
tion until 2 o'clock yesterday morning.
When it arrived at the scene of the pro
posed robbery the bandits had taken
their departure, having evidently aban
doned the at'empt for tho night. The
pusengcrs knew nothing of what was
in store for them until the danger point
was passed, when the -torv leaked out.
It is supposed that, one of the band ts
furnished the oflicials with the entire
plan of the roblers.
Pixfial 1. rk i ill Have a O onl Iliiw.
Chicauo, March 10. Two bun Ired
railway postal ci-rks left Oh ca;:o in
special train over ti e Burii g on road
at I2-i0 yesterday afternoon and will
attend the annnal conven'ioi of men of
their vocation in San Francisco. Th-y
will be away eighte-r days, returning to!
Chicago March 27. This is the longe.-t '
trip ever undertaken by the postal'
clerks and they believe it will be tho j
merriest of all their annual outings
At cities along the route a day will be
Bpent and the whole party given oflicial
J.I n Iri. slow 1'Bi Sitr.
New Hloo.mkiki d, I'a., March '0.
Hu'.'h Smith, Heed seventy-five, of Mad
ison, was arrested Tuesday night for
the murder of Matilda Snyder, nil
( ighteen-ye ir- 'Id girl, twenty years ago.
The jjirl, who lived neur Smith's house,
disappeared and ro trace of her was
found. No suspicion attached to Smith
unul recen ly, when, it s said, trouble
aro-e between him and the man who
sssisted him in difpos'ng of the body,
I' was then that the mi.tter came be
f re the district attorney and resulted
In Hmitti's arrest. It is alleged that
after he killed the girl he cut her body
into small pieces, took them to a saw
mill and then set the building on fire,
removing all trace of the cri ne.
I'antor (in l y nf Fiauil.
Tofbka, Kas , March 10. The Kan
sas conference of the Methodist Episco
pal church has sgain found John D.
Knox guiliy of fraud, falsehood and
misrepresentation in connection with
his management of the Knox Savings
bank, which failed in Toeka iD 189.
Rev. Mr. Knox had been a circuit
preacher in Kansns until he went into
the barising business. 'Many members
of the church lot heavily through his
failure. A previous state conference
found him guilty under the above
charges. He appealed the cae to the
general conference and the matter was
referred back to the Cleveland confer
ence for a new trial, which was con
cluded at Manhattan.
i ind dolt! in a Kox.
Firry, Okl , March 10. The fln ling
of a box of burled gold near Oloud Chief
southwest of here, has caused great ex
citement. The box was found in the
ruins of a deserted ranch, which was
the ancient rendezvous of a band of
highwaymen. It is rumored that $0,
000 was hidden there and search had
often been made. The treasure was
tonnd last week by strangers.
To Sua a R .llrnad
Ibdianapoms, March 10 Judge Wood
yesterday aftemo; n refused to allow fur
ther time for the investigation of the
affairs of the Motion railroad and it was
sold in this city this morning. About
a week ago St John Boyle, representing
the Louisville Trust company and other
holders of the Eeattyville bonds, filed
a petition asking tbat the sale be post
poned that they might argue a prior
claim. The Judge failed to find that
they had grounds sufficient for a post
ponement. It Ratal In Krnincky.
Louisvtu.1. Ky., March 10. The rain
storm In this section continues. A dia
jiatch from Bedford, Ind., says the dam
age in that section will reach two mil
lion dollars, all the country roads hav
ing been washed out and bridges swept
away. Farm lands have been so badly
washed that raising crops is out of the
question this ysar. A family by the
name of Wilson is reported to have been
Crowaed In Richland creek while try
Ug to escape from a flooded house).
Will Send a Wtrship to C' ba the 11.
merit Cocas. on Deiiiaiids.
Sm-khij Int una !..- 1.1 r ' ti Spaa-
lull Gov-nilll HI --!' . tOUICe
(ir wiagVA awe: I i.mlju t 11. me.
Nrw Youk, M i.i-h 11. A Sua fpecia!
from Washington cnys : Then- will bs
no reducion of the strength of t Jit
North Atlantic station as long aa tbs
Cuban question remains prominent,
and every vessel now attached to Ad
miral Bunee'e fleet will be retained is
service, and others added as fast a
ready for sea.
Ttiis policy has liecn determined upon
alreidy by the administration and it il
beheved to be because of the large num
ber of Americans under uriest in Cuba
and the in-ention of t ie administration
t afford them .l ; rotectio-i.
If the fate of 1 1' ill-., b-t Ms another
American citize i, u is b-ibned that
S-cretary Sherman will c til tor a fle.-t
of warships for immelia'e service at
Hav.-na to support whatever claim may
be made by the consul-general.
The presence of a warship hers
would Ie in a-cordance wiih he sug
gestion of General Lee to Mr. 'liney last
month, and there are strong indication?
that .Mr. Sherman in any event will ank
that at least one naval versel be sta
tioned in Culnn waters. There ia iig
quedion that if ano her American is
dealt harshly with by the Spaniards a
war vessel will soon lie on its way to
Yesterday Secretary Sherman spent
ov-r an hour with the president in dis
cussion of the Cuban question, and par
t itu'arly of two Americans, now undei
arrest, one of whom has sent an urgent
appeal here for immediate aid, renre
seiiting that he is liable at m y time to
meet the fate that befell Ruiz.
Secretary Sherman, it was siated will
commnni ate with General I-e and
urge him to pre-ent to the Spanish
oflicials the firm protest of this govern
ment ngi'iist ill treatment of Americans
on the island, whether their nativity
was qin Kt ioned or not.
Nkw Yohk, March 11. The Sun's cor
rccpomleri; in Havana sen is the following-
In May Spam's fdnews of wnr will be
et.liiiusted, and the government, con
fronted by two threatening revolutions
tit !wnie one by the Curia's and the
other by the 'epubl. cans -w ill be o'
lii-'i'd to give up the s-rugg'e. in Cubit
abandoning the isluud to I i.e insurgent s.
S ic'h, a Ie Rt, s .: e suoslance of all
the news and opinio:) reiived here from
Madrid in pnvvte letters to lea I i eg
Spaniards who have iuipcrtan; connec
tions w it it the i'liur'.
General Martinez C .mpos si8 in A
letter that the Cubans are stronger than
ever and that, to ems', tin- levoiution
S.i in nee s to make three tines as an i ff rt no.v as u year ig., which
ui'jar.R 000,000 men and fl 10,0 ii) 000.
FI'mmIs C use a W'eck.
Kvansvim.k, ind., March II. The
Chicago and Nashvil e limited passenger
trt in, south bound from Olii.miro, w as
wrecked yesterday morning lit 10:H0at a
point one u.i'e south of Hifelton. Ind ,
ami thirty seven miles f Mvausviile on
the F.vaiHV.IIe it T- rre H.i'ile ro-nl. It
was a very ililli. ult ma ter to obtain c
rirate informal ton, as the raiirond olli
Rials were iinut'iialiy ret-ci rit and re
fused Kvansvi Ie and ll'Z'ltnn new -pnper
in 'ti t.ransporta' ion m toe scene
ot the reck. Tue 1 rest and most re
li ible rep. rt is that, five men vv-re killed
and two seriously injured as ( illows:
Killed, He 1 ert All n of Kvansvil e,
s.i tight in tliesiuol:itigc.ii- and drowned.
Joseph I! ,i mail, Kvan-ville, liremau.
John f. a: i, Ti rre Haute, conductor.
I wo unknown men.
The injured, Brakeinau llaueison,
.1. il. Heiuler-on, brother of ex-Slata
An liior Hen lerson. lioth are seriously
The accident was the re-ult of the re
cent heavy rains in southern Irdiani'
and when the tiain of coaches ap
p o icli-d ibe h.nik su Idenlv gave way
and the eng rie, smoker and baggage car
dropper! mm i bout six feet of water.
A ti lephone mi s-ijigH from 1 1 azel ton
snv s t here is anot her crevasse between
W'ni'e river bridge and the one where
I lie w recked was, It is spreading rapid
ly and the damage to the road bed will
be very Pel ions It is reported that an
iveicoat mailed J. T. Phillips was
lo'in I (loai. ug on the water near the
r ik
The damage 'o the roadbed of the
Kvaiisville oi Terre Haute and the
llvansville tk Indianapolis railroads by
1 he rec-nt rains and floods is estimated
lit $1.0110.0 t0.
Yale Jiinioi a .-il'l.
Nnw Havkn, Conn., March II. The
Yale N-tts yesterday afternoon con'ainn
n stinging editorial, reb iking sharply
the juniors who senr n letter ol congrat
ulation fi James J. Corbctt, signing;
themselves the Corbctt club ol Yale.
The edilorial declares the act not the
sentiment of the university. Among
the students who sent the telegram are
Payne Whitney, son of William C.
Whitnev, and Goiivenour Moiria ol
Ni,w York city.
Wallhv Woman M ll i (lo-ffl.
Ciik;aoo, March 11. Mrs 0. lirsggs,
the wealthy widow of I'rcdenck Bragg,
residing at 21 1 Thirty-first street, was
found lying in bod unconscious with
bullet hole through her le't temple.
Josephine Hrngg, her adopted daughter,
fifteen years old, was arrestod yesterday
afternoon. She slept with Mrs. Bragg
but claims to know nothing of the shoot
ing. Mrs. Bragg was the owner of a
great deal of property and was consid
ered very wealthy, her adopted daughter
being the only heir.
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