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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1897)
ioux County VOL. IX. SZA-.SKIS02sr, ISFESBSjAJSKI A., TI-iTJS3DA.-Y", KAiiCH 18. 1397; TSTO. 28. The OURNAL 1 Thfi Sirwx fmintv Jniirnal.1' , ,the . fESTAB.'i?!irJ) li.j ' tftor mature deliberation' party as a whole would : Final Proof Notices. Subscription Pin. fl.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. AI! iwrB'H," hHVln filial proof notices In .. ... i.. . ..u- u 111 rw.'i li' if Kl.l'ktlt 1-..OV lli II..- , t f .1 . . , Illl" -'T" --- , ? decide that l!i money nne.a-; papcrau.t w riuu-A tu.-:r v 1 iiutice un l II biiv errors MUt report the j Um was the pmiciial issue, totui !;... at U;.c.-. ;!ofore the American people - iand tl.Ht the abandonment of I 'the nlwr iwuo at tliis time OFFICIAL DIHCCTORY. In!rtsl Vim. (CO. I). Cation, - Kill tor Isllld Office Bl AUtulte". Nell. 4 March 1, l -a? t I ,fm ij iifrct.v riven tint On-following named ttler 1ms Med notice of hi Intc.i Uvrvnld I n fjilnl inist-i 1.-,. ; tUm w i.c.k., On -I proof I, i support rf I.U j U'orlJ-Iieralti. The above is a pood repre- kmtm t ti iiirriMjn Kwt o!r ;.H;ntation of how one of the eCJil J Cltis matter. , , ... . . , ; leaders of the populist party I Offer of cheep r-a.liH( matter you lan'l ! a Iford l miss. During I'.e. t-'ru-l ampai:;ii fit ; want neu'kpnpers and aai tin hi while Tim Si ini- N.b.. Corbett i:ot whipped then cried about it.. ind: in Nebraska feel in regard to i the t-ilver issue for the next ; campaign or until silver is (h. I). Canon kaspurrhas-jrestor('(1 toil former place ;-. , . . i-i . t ' in our monetary HVc-tein. as it ilis- 0(1 illE M'VX V '.'l XTY Ji'll.- .,,1 .... ,.,! 1... u-ill make ;--rely Will be. iotr.e improvements, lie' ptarts out like a man of his j word. World-Hcrabl. chilm, Hiul that said prool will be m iie lie fore M. J. l'.lc.-tt, clerk district court it Harrison, Neb. on April 17, ls.7 vl. : Kiehsrd W. Mi.ldlftia of .!- , .Veli. who made l(. K., No tM for the s1, ol K K i wt. S-W '.of S W Vol t-ec.y unl S-W '. Hi- imini-ii tin- li)!!owtnK wittn lo (..o i- j w j sti,l lt bis conl iiiuoii-i rcililfiui! upo i anj tuliiV.i-i j. j, sutlii-i-lainl tioii of s .lil lunil viz: t VV. I.. i,ji-aii, lUinills Mordii, V.'lll! ii!l H. JiiU-lsim, Fmiiii- ... i eHi. i:is kl.-y una J-r.-iny .sinuwu, u oi RTATK OKFK Kl!: cili A. IIo't-o:nli Corcrnor ! Juiut-is K. Kurrii. I.iuf:imnl (,ov-iiki W. I". I'ort-r !s-i-ritiirj- of nlali- .lilin V I 'oi :ih11 .,ulir,.r J. 11. M-ix-rvi- ;i.ZIi',,.r,r ! '""" fresl' ,l,ui 'feW",.v- ( . J. Hnvtli Attoriicv .i-ih nil ! Wfc'llly Stnltr Jmii iiill. t;In. J. V. W oift- l.Hiiil i oiiiml-iioiiri ; KiiplieK the detii.iwl, : it i!I ! Diiiiii il . j. jiicBji: ..:uti. 1 iir.iit. . i.Kif ti(i I on .......... ,.,.i. r,.fi .-i 1 or Ironi ii. w until iw.MiKi K.NAi. ui,i.i..;ati...n: janlKirv lf for on- ilolh.r. T!- .!olm M. 'mui-"Ii;:i T". K. Mnintor, niiritm ' tWriity-livn-'-ril in. . AM'-ti 1 . tf. MftmUtr, :.u!.vii J. Ii. :troLl", I'ouri'nnian l-t lJi&t., i.iiii'olii li. H. jli-rci-r, .'i Krd -I I tt .Mil f,Ul JCDH lAKY : J . V . WKHS JK., 1497, for 5 ri iit.s, iroponit lull tiiki-s Von ; n'.l tliroujili Ilia i.;,iipiiiL;n, xfives roil the ' Oin.iim . eifuoii rei urns, ana iiiriiun iim- o:ti-: Kii-nioiii anew of this yt'iir. A dollar for tliej Auroru or(;uj l iie a-veck piipi.r from Dow un Mmjn U,! Jarnwrv 1, ln i tlw hi-Liest oil .-r I I fcvr made t rwiiif ri. All llirnugh th, campaign, nil tlirxuih th Nebraska lif." ! ; ii-;lature, tho i.-oijtl-s-i.-'S and ilie iiiuu;;u-1 (iii.WT (;ci'Hi;;i.. Allorney-aMaw, ' I'lonipt i;tc-iitini given to all ni ! niatit-rs in Ju-lii ?. Coiiiily ari.l Utrii-t-iCxiurt-, ami bfore the UuileJ Stitlr Laini t.)!H. J'.rtt Jinuraiitv lil ten in ndiuble 'joiiijianres. t'li'al jitipers rurt folly drawn. ! I1aiu:i-in. - Nebraska. SinHY I i County'! It would s.'em to us that; ' the pportiiipdnssof tie- Uuit-i A IieW COUIlty Witll o(l Mares nan mane a special; ( iFort to im-nlt the Irish in; this oouiitry )sy Ininiinp oili the ('orbitt-Kit;iuu;ioi)S pri:e fihtonjt. Patrio's day. : schools, churches, railroads, etc., AND Ooo.coo ACRES YET OPEN. Tiiiibi-r OuUtirw I'muL-XntlM fr I'ublivjtimi- r.Blnl unki: Bt Alllaiicr, Ni-!. ) Kv-bnir y, '."T, lo. i .Votlcc in iK-n-liy Khfii Ni U I". Iton-n-lM-rjj of Aili lln, Ni-li., h ie Il!l i;iU-; of inh-u-tloii to iimlii! ll.uil jroof le fon- M. J. lllnw t it, clcr'n i!t.:rii-l c i.irt. at lit-i ofa.-n In rim, N'-ti- o i tli'tliitli ility of April 1a.iT, v'l Itiub'T riilvuro HiiplK'Htioa NoKMl, for tlP S K. ipiJi liT of m-ctioa 3, ii ToW!i-lilp No It!. N H.i:iuo No- M, W. Ila nuiniM u- wlliu-m . ft : I Michael I- Jnnlan, J.i:no N'cl-on, Miko Kur j t n anil l liurlcd N.i itz. all of Mulla, Noli. J. V. Wl'.IIN JH, j fun !1 1 l!-ariU-r. '.Tlm'.iiT Oullitrc, I'iii.d I'r.iuf.-Notli-c fur j I'llllIiCHTil'll. 1 l.aml (ifflee lit Alllnnco, Ni-li. I j Wmch in, ln'7 I i Nottcn Is lirn-liv k'v''' tl"lt Wllliiim ).. ' j lly l lint, fllc'l notli-eof Intn'iHon to mk jllniil proof lii-forc M.J. Hlirwctt. Clcik IMvi. flti-e in l!iirrloii, Nl., on tlai I A. M. foul. I hii f -Iiiilliin I olitnilmv J T. O. !. II irri,,.,i ..A.'K-Ju.l. i.r.uiU Island I ration of a new president. Nevt-r Miice I t'. L. Norval .wit-lut Jmltfe, MWanl ; the war ba so many ifii iilent s of vital ; U. A. CuiiipU:ll..t'li rk mid Reporter, Lincoln intjprpwt to t lin nuiKwi'liivn i rnwib d into sixteen niontlis, us there will be during FIKTV.KVTll jriiiriALDI-iTRlCT: 'this period. The ISoini-Vlv Journal ..JlUlLTl-, O'NhIII I ; ,.,imi, .,rl ., , I -, i t V- Kellll VDIll- order direc t or give it to your past- , llla.HU!-. (.or STY OIFICICUS: j . Kipjns Tabulcp. RI?a;iK Taliuleb cure nausea; Klpans 'i'ai'uies-. at druggists. It pans Tsbules cure A '.zneas. F.ipar.s Tabules aeElat digeriioa, Ripans Tabules cure bad breal'i. Riprms Tabules cure b.liousnfps.' Elpp.ns Tabu'es: one givs rslipr. llipi.ns Tabules: penile cathartic liipane Tatulos cure constipation. Kipans Tabules: pleasant laxaciv-. Itipaiia TabukB cure livr ti ouW. M. P. Kltikiiel V. 1(. Westover M. J. I'.lewett " Hiwlivilli I'le.i k, Harrison T 11 V. North-Western ltotiert Witsoii County Ju'Ik' I ( lerk At a lluudrtul Juiicilim I'oiuts nt Cleveland ami ; a few of liis bosom friends i will (ruif-c in Cuban waters during the coming spring, i whetheron a tillibustrli ex-, rZ liodition or not we cannot ; Contains over forty-five miles of i: Su. S!( r.m,. s. r,-,. tell, V)ut it mitrht be well for tftinmw VAiinilTJ I lltt'TI TS 1 Court Ml hi " ..v ...,..o.. ))7 f,rAlrlli 1K,7i(1,, thulw-renltaroup M.J. ltle ell ( linn. Hlente Treasurer ; ln J,'Bhra.ska, connect ions are niadu with m'U r,,bl": '"r"''" i Burlin-.'to.i Houte trains for Chicago, St. I), linrtlett iieriff 1 .1. K. J-liiiin.-y Coroner I-o,jis Kansas City, St. Joseph, Omaha, I!, f. Tlmiinis hurveyor j Lincf.ln, Penvi-r, Clieyentie and beyond. 5l. J. lilcwett Clerk of District Conn Our maps and time-tables snowm;: (ir.uit Ontlirle County Altwiaey , , ,. ... ..,, ,i j where, when timl bow our trains run and ! wherein they excel the trains of othtr ISOAtil) OK COMMllSlONKItS: I .. . " , , , .. . ,. , , , hues in rr.nnv important ri-Mf:t, art- fnirik 1M Idsirlet ' '. 'M. J. WciM-rtc hairini,ii) l " j sent on reipiest tree. Jiiiiu-i) . YouuK :id " Always ji'ad to ipiote rates and give, j information. t vcki ATivi--- i J. Fkancis, (J. P. & T. A. Omaha, otto Miit...uiiiitor, Dint. M H, Kpr!iiKvlew l V,.l,i'ml a the Spanish government toj keep a look out for them. rail oad and has no county bonds. He mimes sin n ltnexsrw: lllliun A. Illttelow, Benjiiniln K. Jotmwti. Henry Wm neke uml John A. llaunon, ull ol rison, Neli. J. W WCMJf, JR , Tnz Corxrv .Tokkxal has chanced hands, Mr. (Jeo. Fuel, PoM-, I!.r-i atl'l Iiiinlx-i ln. i;iicr TJuvn tit un.v Oilier riiK'i, in Nclipaskii. I'-' Canon taking charge la?.t week. The now proprietor will manage the p.ip.'r in th" interest (f democracy and free silcer and from all indi cation", will male ? thin live ly for t he hide-bmind gold ftanadrd advoratoB in the north-west corner. Sue-ess ;!n! Location fcr SlncU (.'nnvfrs. j Hiuux county is tho northwest, county I of Kein-iska. It i Hliout thirty miles midland west by about seventy miles ; north and south mid contains j OVER 1.3CO.C00 ACHCG ' of laud. Tbera nte more bright, "'rk lin lieuister. lli fore saD-n'riliiait for a Sic lite ltrst Besnorest's AN UNPARALLED OFFER. A. li. Sheldon tllst. No. M, Clidroa j Don't forget that The JorpNAi, has I a larffe clubbing list and when selectin VlI.l.AtiK OKKH'KRS: ' reading matter for the coming year call K. Ilohwer (e.hiiirmaii! Tr"'st" and iri ve us vour order. We can save vou money. I J. W. seott I). II. Griswo'l .... VV. 11. Marsteller. N.J), tliiuiliu . it. tvl.. Unvis (jerlarh LINE F., E. & t. V. H. Ii. is the lst to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTH NEBRASKA. 1 ENGINES. 3 few iiKl ptiMf Kcllpe and l''aTink Wiad. mills Towt'rt. TaukR. IrrUii' Our, Ouuiiu, lioii', HeiilDK. Oi-'nd-.T- .sh'IU-rn,vVofjl tnw, linvp l'olritw. 5Mrf. Kiiiiqi, HraH co'K-H and At r tost nil low. iet tiie best, brno K f Caisloirti. fa:hsanj3, morse & co.t IS02 Farnarn St. Omaha. Neb. IRON A:i3 W003 POMPS Of ALL K'.HiZ. Clerk 1 reiiHuriT ! SCHOOL OFf'lCKItS: W. Scott lit rector . I.. Smack Motterutor l-eivls l.erl.icli Treasurer llemoiest's Cut Paper I'atlernH lire the mo iiracllciil mi t ie iimrket. Th-y urn of any size quirt' iiieiiiher of II)'!. hoiiHclioM eon Id re In each copy of tlio Xliicuzine I" ,, .. ;., , ,,v limn 1 minted n coupon entlt!lii(r the Kiihserther. . , . n t j r. ,7.V , . , or purehii-er, to ft pattern (worth ..'! resu to hiUl. ( 'raw ford J Ull den. . U-lound in tlw im ar-a " . , ,linuJor.f ; in tiic stabs un-i It has more pine I imtit-r in f r l0Iir cenls each to cover pm-kiitf" Tf.i 5trv'XTY Jol PVA' t it Ulan all the rest of the stale combined pn,t.,i,-c. When the vitlue of the p uti-ms In HII. A K.-ni .Ml ! . ... . .. I 11... siilLCl-lher HCtnilllV KeH , -i , Ij. L-rasses ar tli't ru li'M (innniiMiin- "' T I t r .,- t 111 nU-llllt-. ' - 11.1-1 V uoia til. on ie i u itious known so that for M,-k-growiii,r LiKMOKtri 1 h 3Loa.i.m. r uu, Aii't lint n iiiiutnziue II Is! Kir iw n iu i... i,,.!iii:int tliiui ever licfore. New Thu water is pure and wfifshtns an' ; mttnip-ni-iit, new inetlio is, new Ulcus, is found in abundance in all part!, of the : v:ach copy contains un esipi1It reprixluc- ...... i i.. u,.i... i-clclirst.e.l nlctur hv l.-oimlv , viuti iii i in". - - . 1 -"""' . ,,'faainous itrtlst, worthy to udorn Die wnlls j The county is practically "'t til!l,t f Uu, ,,t r,,.),,,.,! home. It Isiilllrmed tht.t land has over forty-live miles of railroad , i)rMiuK.vns l Ue only coinpleti! t'umily lasiiirooil brick court; Mi.s.iztne coail.lniiiK all ( the mwt exwl- lis coiueuii"" -ii it s, iii-si-i 1 1 K 1 ' 'I V 1. - . r 1 iiii.i m j (I1 f.'I t U nCIII'll V II l"V.I..i i.M. on t he pi.iUorm ol siur.o . onH di,,ir of (.,inty bonds issusod .,. M- 11.' ') S t?lUU"iatcd at the land lance tax. will l low. , It is a Invest ot ( urrent t. enis iin'.I ' 1'"" A. . ! - . .' frth..l.u-vmanorwoiimn.u Uevle mit a l'lt (m'lCav' ) convention, 1U Tho Fremont, tlkhorn & JIiHsoon j.,,,,,,,,. it, r.-Kt O.r tOI. NMves, moth , ,-,. (!. 4 Valley railroad crones Sioux county slfU-is nml tia"t,'hters cim n'l exiu tly OIK Opi ltlOa, Utv ItlU. HAM ). i,.,t h..v t mas Hiul liiHtrnct M.m. . , . i iroui easL in tc.-ii. hum .. v- ....... j ... ... platform Oi prin-ip-CS. Jaljout Kftwn miles of it lino in northeast part of the county r-hipof L. J. Simmon-i and ; it ulu;X1.,.i,i. into that of Geo. 1). Canon, j and at the Rime time went: democratic: by a lare majori, U.Allvtii':3 Guile. Vruir ;i! ( corrooi Colonol. ' within its borders, ho Ion as demo W stands j " ..7 TlZl e , r .1 : - ouu.T'su actually ir.j tL. i also pnictleiil lielps in every department oi i domestic, nml social life, liiuiudhiR the furn ; iv,i.. .i ..runmcntititr of the linaie, em TKUSIhOKOOl'UT: j District Court, At Harrison, eoiiiiiiences i sprlnK term April l.ith. Jury Hth, j Full " OctotH-r 25, Jury 2.1th. I County Court, At Harrison, commence,!, j (list Slonday ol en. li moiitli. i CHi:i:CHKS AND f-OCIKTIKS. Mel tiodist Sunday School meets eviiry Son day uiorniiiK nt iO.iUI J. M inri:i.r,KK, tv. II. Dim, i hiipe) intendeiit. hecreliu y .ii-.iti: Y ri'hk l'o.-T, ?-:o. :;o,, u. a. k. Met is Kecond Moiid.iy in each month in tlie court house hi. IIiiitInoh. t. 1-:. l.ivr-rinore. Com. WOODMEN Of TH K WOK 1. 1). Harrison Cnuip, No. ri.'i. meets on encta' al tcrnate VYedntrsday evening. W. II. Davis, W. L. HoTT, Clerk. Con. Com. MODI'.UN WOODMKV OV AMKIUCA. Meets each iillernate Saturday evening jil "o'cio dc. A. it. Dr.w, V. C. t J. A. Hansen, Clerk. r.pwoHTii i.i'Acri:. Itefruiar biclness meeliiifr Mrst Tuesday evening lu each month. C. 1,., W. II. Davis, l'rcsldent. secretary. Devotional meetliiK every Sunday evenin i THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1880.1 Harrison, Nebraska. B. E. BRKWRTMt, President. Vice-Pretidot D. H. ORISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. SSO 000. g f I fcnsacts a General Banking Business, CORRESPONDENTS: Exciianoe National Bank, New York, ' Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Fiust National Bank, Chadron. The bill proimsin tO rC-! Tl iinmie is more pleasant than that j i.(1,i,.ry, hrlc n brae, iirti.-tic mid fancy work I at ... , . i ,.f '... ...i..n ofNi-braska. : of all kinds, etc., etc., mid suirKentious and I-Cal tilt! laW dCiming V !,lvicereardi.,,,-the wclllcln oml dress- ishall constitute a legaUlOWS-j -olJd land can I PW at ! 1'f X'ln for ,, and liaiKT Was defeated ill thOj reasonablu rates with government land j U1 rVHr tii hole country and Its varied House last week, It failed iudjoimn, ho u,at a to ret th. number of votes', '7 fl-;;wrter ma,on canobts"n i ".....u u-u ...d lOJ;,tt U't' '''" v !itifh lias a lit tin means. ! llctlo.,. It treat, lit lenpth Oulof Door necessary to paSS it Wltll ait! are alxiut 1 ,500 Kople in tho j ,.. llom Ama.m.ertti ami Krtlertwln- mnerwneV clause attached, county and there is room for thousands i nuuits; It if.v. a great deal of uttentiou to t UP Tk.( IK J i iiin. i. uinii.1 J thu I lilldreu'i Department, and "Onr l.lrls," Tb'lt Clause Was eliminated mr,ro- . 4l . ... ,,J mid mn Monthly Sympo!un.l,yCelehrtl , , l-t. Vll 1 Harmon is the county scat and is Bit , VnivW , w,lU.u Br .u,,.,.... important and then the bill was KlllOU ju.ite,, t(M, &m. V. niilroad, oikI .tio,,, U( the hour of tnttret to tUc u.d-r uitri?-llt. All attempt Wa.S SjH as l-)(I a town as the thinly teltled i reader. K. u(. ,,,,.,,m (1,,. l;lVVi'-'".ntry demands. It un have your ...nsenpuo,. Jldeto SO allKtUl tilt UV,, , h hfl arepro.;You Ket more value for your, . 'i notwr TtllL' it tail Ol .., . 1 1 is possthh) to secure in any otner iintKiitit".- tliat.ip.iptr UllKUt i'l" '"-Ivide. inn niost everv s;ttlfnn-tit and are , ,,..,.,... v,,r ior , Or nix mouths for - l.wl. , (Over I'M d'.fterent garments are shown 111 publication a few weeks dur-' kept up with tim times. ln II. p v,.'ir find .-till 1)0 a! All who desiro to get locations suitn lcftal paper, hot the lawmak- Crri eVldoiltly belieVC tltai l tljr ihumselvesaud jud'e of its merits. inner should be published p.lM L tuiuiiiu . 1 1 STOCK BU-VN'DS. (ince each week for at leastj xsj0,RMA1,ffnipubiiii your brand. ik (Iftv-tV. O COnRCCUtive Weeks tH. following for per yer. Kiehnd ' 111 ! i flltiomil Urnnd 7fi cimt. Kvery farmer or before it should be consider-;rttnc.U(ll,.ni.n Mout R,i BdjoiniiiR countie 1 naVi.ol ivrll finnucll' "Uould mlvi-rtlsH Ihelr brands lit Tint Joi'B I id established well nougn Jt (!lri.ul)(t( 0ll v,,r tl)), Ht),. n lO be a lei?al liaiier. rany " . mciumof avlng money for you. j hie fcr Stock rais,n ami buy cheap land j ZZnUc. ! nro invited lo come nml wu this ciuntry , ., ,BlU(,r coupon) sent for 10c. DttMOKKUT l't'liiasilisc, t.Yt., 110 Fifth Avenue, New Yolk. A l-lntn vLtlFFEB. OM.T $.!) THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL And llEMOKEfVT FAMILY MAGAZl.NK. Hend Ymir HubscrliitloiiB tothlnOltlcc. NOTICE TO SETTLE. Judw Westover when ask-! rji frank m-tto. , ,. . 4Al kl0i On left lti! of cnttlfl and on left r-d for hi opinion as 10 A luioider of horsm. whether or not the noonl'ist ; p"" on Ant.tii.po crk Hhould abandon free rUvr,j ..vunu"., expressed himself very f wily J and vigoronaly. He fiaM lio; w.u tiua'.tor.Lb y aft-ns-x to jn U'f I vriDUiucr n hup iwa. j m ...... & 1 to tftai1 "f - ! Iihlwd lu UurriHon All nccounln duo to mo have bfen placed in tho hands of Attorney trant Guthrie nnd inntructionft given him to collect thorn, and those knowinj? tuem- bcI vet in arrears am navo cxpenn4 by paying the sanio at once. Th ac counts include arrearages on bonks of other papers that were formerly pub- .1 P,tt Co Sell. I L, 3 f:KM,p,N3 I. .). Ci.AUit, li udi r. JCNIOH l.KAOl'K. Xteets each Sunday iifternoou at 2:'M. Mas. l). II. liitiswoi.n, supt. Notice to Unknown Heirs. To the unknown heirs of Albert II. Plnneo di ceased: You and each of you are heraby not. tied on the I-Uh lny of Jiiuuary 1617, W. Ilium II. Mule, (;raham, WHllam Hulls Jr.. nnd Harris It. Hayden, as plaint. It's Itlitd I heir petition ln the District Court of Sioux County, Nelmisks, aifiiinst you ns defendants, liupleuded with A. K. Gates Aduilntstrator of tlie estate of Albert 11. l'lnneo deceased, Kosett i I'mneo, and W. j, Uowden, an your co defendants, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain iuurt-a0 trust deed, made, executed and delivered by Albert II. Plnneo and Rofe etta r.nneo his wife upon tlie South hnlf of the south east quarter of Section 22, and the North half of I he north east quarter of Sec tion 27 all In Township 31, Itanjrc. r.3, Hloux County, Nobnka, which said mortgage was given to secure the payment of a certain flrst mortff iRe bond, niarto executed and de livered by Albert H. Plnneo and Hosetta Plnneo his wife to W. I.. Telford for tho sum of t'J'fl. with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum payable semi annual Recording to the, terms of ten in terest coupons thereto attached, which said bom. and morWAgo have heon, for a valua ble consideration, duly sold, assigned nd delivered to these plaintiffs; to have nn so counting of the amount of principle and In terest which may be due the plaintiffs; to bar foreclose and psdudo the said defend, rnit) and al. of them out of all right, title, lien, Interest and equity ot redemption in and to sold mortgaged, premises and real es tate, snrt for general relief. Yon are requir ed to answer said petltlou on or bofore the Uth dsy of March, Ikii7. J. A. UiattooKH, Attorney for f:1 29. J i'Kintlirj. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. tW DRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. Feed and Sale Stable, Good rijjs furuislied on short notice. ; Reliable drivers and (piiet saddle horses alwdj-B on hand. Oood accommodations for transcicnt customers. . Horses boarded. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL N. D. HAM Lilt, PBOrtBSTC . s ..- 't .ZyTftit - ,r' '