The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 11, 1897, Image 7

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    A Cmibhiw'i Jo.
Early in the aeaaon the riter li.;
oecMion to communicate with William
Mercer, the former oner of Littb?
login, and firw'iied our inquiry tn
liMtiopa, Neb. Induction our letter
m returned, marked thus: "Mr. Ier
eer ii dead." Overlooking the fact. t
aain wrote thit gentleman, and aoon
our leUer tit returned l h H e
tartling information that "Mr. M-r-rer
ii itiil dead." American Sportsman.
April, May are the months in which to
purify the b.ooi, for at no other teason
is tlie IxKly so susceptible to benefit
from medicine. The pecu'iar purify
ing and rev.virifc- qualities of Hoods
harsaparilla are just what is needed to
expel disease and
Fortify the System
aiaiiiHt the dcbili'atins? effects of mild
weather. The bloo 1 at this Reason is
loaded with impurities, which are
promptly ami thoroughly remove 1 by
llood'a SarBaparilla. and strength,
health, vigor and vilaity succeed to
weakness, debility, and that tired feel
ing. Howl's S rsapariihi cures all dis
eases arising trom or promoted by im
pure blood. Remember
Sarsaparilla :;r
Uia H v t
Hi! M II
eiu. 1 ll.i l & t o., bmrdl. Van
Hood's Pill''"''' IJr"r ') to
IIUUU I IMA uk M,y rooimrali. .5,;.
In the World.
fnr M ynr tM . t? nirit altni hoi
dliitnp't nil w)tni titir
llt'l'Twil by v-r l.iru'ifl rarn a th
twl In irJe, flt ami UiUAtfitity of any
it offwi at ..
It l malf in fti thr !tiipt itinf and it)!
D'l of nvf-rv vaitvtv of (i Miii r
Urtr1 rfcilr In a to n Mi 'it t-irttntri Hal
ra.w in (!( Tiir. A rit fur cinait-gus u, W.
U lMMiglji, ItriM-ktoti, IU
Krf Thtirvlay aftTnomi -lotm'
flr'pti3 rr fur In,
vr, fli I ii i; i Mi, .-nn Kran
rinfft. nd i A?iir leave
(nnhu kii I.itu,in via
It curifi-ii. tiihi.tsttr' J
in m!ln, bfc m r if . tr rn
haiku it pfov )'. with
fff. Ati fxjrt rifi.M-'l fxrur-
(;;ifnn-'nr ami a uni
l-T M.H T'tllnifi'i p-iftftf :
'T.;( Ht.V U Llll(;Mi fa ') thP
I I.eiM' ( i fi t
V hii' ; r It; T f ex p"usi I v
e l !nr k- J; i. to look: at
b i.t-iioc )i it jtifi ai
t ( !" "'' S cin !V
1.1' !f art- tio'iorcl atifl th
lTlc Hi A lf rlh wliie uiloiljfM
for iho, i only I
f'or b tol'i-r trvinsf full pur-
tirillHT Hi Uf to
J. FRAMrm, i tt'l l r Ai-iit. (m ha. Srb
LHKh I in a ) ,r , .rut
ifci (T I dl. )l rr. I i(!iniu:tu:iii
OxAtauM 4 VJ !lfilit ..r.a t,r ni.-, .(,.-
IM to Xi .i ........
I ft .tU .-W.f.,C. -a,uM. 1,,-t ktItL-
i-t -i r, pr-ii i. I.r tit uu tcrjucM.
sYftbTiGWAT ER PR00F.1"1
H I ST nr H ATTI.K. or ('.
A I'nriihl Hakai liuir lur l"llrr n wnlla.
WiliT I'raol Mlirnlhinn nt ..iu mtrtl,
bl A rh.itw.f In ihm Bi.rh.t Writ.'.t,.tc.
MttA BMH 0 1 0.. t AB Ut.N. i J.
Th St. Jmeph and Grand Inland R. S.
i riiB
T ) Al.t rl!T
sour h
"xni Union Pacific Syitrm
To f:lllnrnl. Ort-goii nl all Wiwrn I'olnu ,
For Infnrnttilon r-itr(llii inn. tic . call onj
or aflflrr.. inv aiient or H. M. Aiit. (
M. I". HoiuxnoN. Jb.. -n. l'w Agt,
(.en'l Mauaijor. Ht. Ji.fih. Mo.
Kxnnilnatli-rr. sti'l Artrlr urn tn I'airntainlttr of In.
Tt-niiiin. a)tpriit fr tnvfntor'oiit.i. t,r Haw tufii-t
I'ntoui. i'lTfticu o FAkaciJ W avhtDton, L. O.
1 V wni.1-. i""-4mr
M, M. II. Mo. 4X0-11
Va.rk, b
WHKM WltlTIMO TO A lRlt I lKl.
Inin aar f iaa iar(lamrn
to tkla
I I lal" M T r "a
Would Have the Gnvrmm-nt Im
Piwnbroking for Tkrir IW-nrlit A
Financial tcliema that Ilea: Any
thing Vet 1-volTtd.
Want Interest on Id'e Money.
The national bankers, nho were al
moat a unit for McKiuley in the last
prwildeutial eUs-tiun. ayn the New
York News, have a new scheme for
supplying the count rj with a "sound
currency," or, rather. It ia mi old
scheme picked out of the cellar of
financial rubbiab and Riven a dusting
inl clc&niii. ha central idea is !ie
familiar one that the government sliall
"go out of the hanking busiuc" by
undertaking to print all the currency
tlie bank may want and giving It to
tliem iu exchange for Interest bearing
bonds whenever they can lonu it to the
people at a profit and taking it hick
when limbics Is dull, ami then pajiug
them the Interest on the h-mds.
The ((heme in ibis form has advan
tage, from the national bankers'
standpoint, over the other one that
the noie.s of the banks shall replace the
greculiack entirely. In the first place
it would put tlie government in die
poslt'.cr. of pawnbroker for the xclu
sive benefit of the banks. 1; would
have to keep nn indefinite amount of
paper money always on baud to give
to the banks whenever thej wan' It on
the bonds. They would oii'y want !!.
i as a mailer of course, n h 'ii they can
I loan It to others at uu-li more than
I thi' interest that the bonds bear. Then,
when the demand for it r. high riles
' has passed, tln-y wish to enjoy ;he
1 privilege of returning i' Mid g"tiig
j the bonds back and olleciin; the iu
! terext on them.
I The national banker are a privileged
class already, but lh adoption of Hi!s
I "sound currency" scheme would mt:ke
: them the envy of all oilier monopolists
that the country lias to supp irt. They
! would simply shoulder all their ,r s -n t
risks of loss from dull loudness on the
government. Starting out wllh so
much capital, they would have to tn ki?
no chances whatever on profits. The
governnient-that is, the people would
have to pay them interest whenever
they could not get more elsewhere.
And when they could, why, It would
have to stand behind them and give
them nil them notes In exchange for
the bomb) that they may ask for.
What would be thought of a proposal
to pay the clothing niiiiiufactureiH, for
Instance, Interest on the capital they
have put Into coats which they cannot
sell until next season? This Is exactly
the proposal of the national bankers.
They want the people to pay them In
terest on their idle money until such
time as they shall find employment for
The banks ought to be confined to
their legitimate biisinos of receiving
and paying deposits and discounting
notes and let the government attend to
the issuing of paper currency as well
as of gold and silver coins.
Keeping t'p the Kitrtit.
The Republican party seems to have
adopted the tactics of Napoleon, who is
credited with saying, "After a great
tattle the advantage Is possessed by
that army which first assumes the of
fensive." The Republicans have begun In dead
earnest the campaign of lfioil, Their
"Mound currency" committee are offer-"
iug to send plates of their literature to
all publishers free of charge, and under
date of .lan. i tlie Republican National
Committee send out from their head
(iiarters at Washington a circular lct
t r to publishers In which they offer to
send them Republican literature "pre
pared by members of the editorial staff
employed In that Important work dur
ing the late campaign."
The following extract from this cir
cular is of especial significance: "We
will be pleased to semi you this matter
If you desire It. You will be at liberty
to make free me of It, without credit.
In part or In full, or to utilize the facts
and flgmi's for editorial work as you
see fit. Will you kindly let us know by
return mall If you desire the mailer,
ami If so your name will be placed on
the mailing list, and It will be forward
ed to you free of charge."
Hereafter, when the editorial col
umns of Hi-publican country papers
fairly bristle with long-winded articles'
that read like nn old party platform. It
will U- umlerstixid that. Instead of the
editors having had a new head put on
him, ins Home might suppose, he Is sim
ply passing off for his own the editori
als furnished him free of expense by
the Republican National Committee.
This committee still retain the same
"editorial staff" they had during the
campaign. They are continuing the
same light on educational lines which
they began a year ago. They admit the
Insecurity of their msIUoii by the ef
forts they are putting forth to retain It.
Their motto seems to be, "ICtermil vigi
lance Is the price of the gold standard."
1. Vnd shall (he opposition be caught
napping? Will they rellniitlsli ihe light
which scarcely brought them defeat?
Will they relax their efforts when vic
tory Is little beyond their grasp? What
are sliver men and Populists doing to
counteract the activity of tho Republi
can party?Jollet New.
Life Tenure Franrt.
One of thi atrnngest arguments
ngnlnst life leuuto l afforded by the
records of tho civil service commission.
Ten applicant: qualify and go on the
eligible, list for every one who jfoea Into
place. Hevi iity out of every 100 appli
cant, on tha average, score the necea
nary percentage to make them eligible.
It would be hard to construct a
stronger argument igalnat life tenure
for ihe few wiih a "pull" to commis
sion them thau these tigureM afford.
It Is a depreciation of our public In
telligence and of the magnificent edu
cational systems we tax ourselves to
maintain to insist that only the few
are qualified for the eometent dis
charge of public duty. Worse still, it
U a falsehood, easily disproved by any
one who will go deep enough Into the
statistic of the civil service problem.
Krvan'a Honk, "The Firat Kattlc.-
That wasn't a "Battle" just fighting fur
I'ryan had seized the enemy's gun
Was clmsing the traitors from sun to sun,
And drilling the hosts for the war to
The real bard "Battle" has not yet begun.
But 'tis going to come, and you and I
May see the day when it's fight or die!
When a shout for silver will reud the
Millions with ballots, and bread for their
Will conquer tie- sliylock and banish the
spy :
In the year of our Lord just Nineteen
I Iutidred.
Poverty reigned a party had blundered
A battle of ballots (loud -volleyed) thun
dered llteveiiKe of millions whom Sliylock plan
Kngland, niiiuzei), stood aghast and won
h red
I low her forces of gold were scattered ami
Edwin Heard.
Republicans Are Responsible.
Iii an editorial commenting on rr.
McKlnley's expressed wish that tin
$.".(I.ihkI which the Inauguration com
mittee purposed to spend on the cere
monies should be set aside for charity,
the Kansas City Times says:
Just now the millions of dollars con
tributed bv the slush flinders, whose
money was the main factor In McKin-b-y's
election, would remove all the
pressing want and dire distress of the
destitute and unemployed people In the
I'uited Stales during the continuance
of the rigorous weather and leave
enough surplus to p:iy for a dozen In
augural balls such a.s the impending
Major McKinley and such of his hu
mane friends ns have grown rich out
of the class legislation and protective
policy of the Republican party would
do well while tills lit of charity Is on
them to reflect on the long chain of
causes which have made gaunt poverty
companioned by sickness, destitution,
hlh-iii-ss and hunger, stalk through the
cities of the land, bringing death to
many, suffering to thousands and caus
ing the humiliation of receiving alms
to make bitter the bread of other thou
sands of honest men and women, all
too willing to work If the door of op
portunity were not locked a ml barred
against them.
The policy of protection, which en
riches those who have much and 1m
poverlshi-s those who have Utile, up
held by Major McKinley ami the cor
morant trusts, monopolies and money
grabbers who elected him, fire respons
ible almost entirely for the coullagra
tiou of mi.sery
Plan to tieceivo the Pnli'le,
The manner In which the Republic
ans will try to stave oft action Indefi
nitely on the financial question and
give them further opportunities to fool
the peopie Is indicated In the bill pas.scij
by the Senate authorizing the rn-si-
dent to appoint delegates to any Inter
national money conference that may
be called, or to call one himself If he
thinks it Judicious to do ko.
This means, of course, the expendi
ture of anoiher nice sum for salaries
for a number of eminent and high
priced lawyers and financiers for do
ing over again what has been done
thrice before without securing any
practical results. The last of these con
ferences was held in Brussels only four
years ago. If the Republicans wen
sincere lu their professed faith of In
ternational bimetallism, even they
would not put forward this old, worn
out scheme of talking the matter ail
over again from the beginning. They
would Instead formulate some iositive
plan and act on it.
The Republicans In this Congress,
and those who will be In the next, as
well ns those who will compose the
McKinley administration, have no Idea
of accomplishing anything through an
other such conference as that which
was called In the last months of Benja
min Harrison's occupancy of the White
House. They have resolved on a do
nothing policy, but they want to de
ceive the public If possible Into the be
lief that they are really frying to help
silver by sending Junketing delegates
abroad once more to take part In use
less palavers. New York Times.
Montr Question III Not Down.
The people made the money question
the Issue, says the Kansas City Times,
and the politicians, were forced to take
It up.
That Issue Is not settled. The 0,500,.
(KM people who voted for Bryan do not
feel that Ihe verdict obtained by the
combined Influences of greed, corrup
tion and fraud Is a fair or a decisive
one. They believe that a battle so near
ly drawn ns that fought last November
has more of hope In It for bimetallism
than discouragement
The action of the Ilanna committee
In deciding to close Its headquarters
and not to agitate the currency question
rather Indorses this view of the situa
tion than otherwise. It shows this con
tinuous campaign threat of tlie Repub
licans to he a Muff. The action of Ilan
na's committee is powerless to remove
the currency issue from politic. Wheth
er It grinds out and distributes gold lit
erature of not la of slight consequence
to the final determination of the ques
tion. .The Republican party Is on trial. If
Its single standard currency proves In
operative In bringing about the prom-
j lseif return to the prosperous conditions
which obtaiuej lu the country when
gold and silver shared equally the
j money functions of rhe country, the
voters will make short work of the.o
and their unsound currency view the
first time they get a chance to go to the
OuMoAk for t-tlrrr.
Exactly 50 of the !) senators voted
on the international money conference
bill. Notwithstanding the fact that
only live-ninths of the senate voted at
all, yet the affirmative vote reached a
majority of '1 of the whole body. The
actual vote was 4i to 4.
The News has not placed a large
amount of confidence in the Interna
tional scheme. Three downright, un
equivocal failurew of an enterprise in
rapid succession ought to convince
most people of Its Impracticability.
Though the vote of the senate was
practically unanimous, the tenor of the
debate showed that there was very lit
tle superstitious faith In tlie breast of
Senator Jones gave expression to the
common feeling of the silver men when
he said that the measure was permitted
to go through so as to throw all respon
sibility upon the Republicans. Iniriuif
the coming four years the silver men
have nothing to hope for unless it be
through a conference with the nations.
LVet they have their unanimous adher
ence, not because they believe in it, but
because they wish to ma-ke sure of the
one chance In a thousand that some
thing profitable will come of it. The
very unanimity of the vote shows the
prevailing auithy on the subject. The
whole business Is mere partisan by
play, which the Iiemocratri see no
reason to interfere with. Detroit
No Room for silvrr Men. .
The Republican senate of Minnesota
ousted Frank Day from his seat, to
which he had been elected by a large
majority at an election undoubtedly
fair. The offense was that Mr. Day
was an avowed advocate of free coin
age. If that Ls Minnesota's Idea of
doing business In the line of govern
ment, governor and other olllcials of
surrounding mates should pay no at
tention to any legal process from Min
nesota which federal law does not com
pel f hem to honor. Cedar Rapids Ga
zette. "Hrynn Was l-.lected."
A prominent Republican of this coun
ty remarked to a Democrat Saturday:
"Well, Bryan was elected." "How's
that?" remarked the Democrat. "Why,
haven't you seen it in the newspapers
that Bryan Is elected?" "No, I don't
believe I noticed that," replied the
Democrat. "Wasn't It predicted that
If Bryan was elected there would be
failures and business disasters all over
the country? It's come, and Hrynn
must have been elected. " Carmi ill!.)
The f-chool Hook Trust.
Tlie American hook company, which
has a corner on the business of fur
nishing school books In the larger part
of the I'uited States, has a big lobby
lu every Western Legislature, where
the question of publication by the State
is under discussion (his winter. A
Populist should know enough to vole
against the advice of a corporation lob
byist Th- I'lH'crmcc.
Let a robber break into a bank and
meal and the whole town is in arms to ;
kill the scoundrel, but let a bunker rob j
depositors of their hard-earned saving j
and Ihe police tdaud guard to project !
him from nn outraged public. No crime j
to murder the poor by slow starvation; j
that's the Dime Savings Bank process. !
Chicago Express. I
Gold It. nils iil -'-nl. I
The Supreme Court of Nebraska has
allirined the decision of the lower court
In the case where the city of Lincoln
was enjoined from the Issue of bonds
containing the clause "payable In gold."
When the bonds were voted the propo
sition submitted did not contain the
gold clause, hence the Illegality of
bonds so Issued.
Kcform Notes.
There huu been a great, diminution
of civil service enthiisi!im in the Utv
publioiin party since November.
The Washington Post, looking over
our broad domain, and perceiving so
ninny gold Democrats acting as receiv
ers for collapsed bunks, concludes that
Ixilting sometimes pays.
It Is ald that In Machlas, Me., a doz
en eggs can be exchanged for a barrel
of apple, while In Dallas, Texas, the
exchange value Is half a dozen apples
for a dozen of eggs. The profits iu
milking the exchanges go Into the iKick
ets of railway corporations.
Tlie new McKinley tariff will accom
plish the unprecedented feat of Increas
ing the Imports to provide additional
revenue, and at the same time decreas
ing Imports: o as to protect the manu
facturers. Or, at least, that Is what
the advance agents promise.
It Is reported from Washington that
the work of preparing the new tariff
bill Is not confined to the House Ways
and Means Committee. Senators are ln
lerextlnR themselves. The Iroimty
grnbls-rs are also to be added to tho
combination which Ih pushing it along.
It Is said that some of the silver Sen
ators will vote for McKinley protec
tion becnuse they are atlslleil that It
will not Improve our condition, anil
that the people will then all see the ne
cessity of bimetallism. This In rather
a costly exiH-rliiient, but it may prove
Mr. Ilanna and his lieutenants ought
to have become convinced by experi
ence thnt It Is beyond the power of poli
tician or political cliques to ra.!se Is
sue or to remove or dispose of them at
will when once they have been raised.
The making of public lueues 1 done b
the people
j fcls'r four Vtuira of Serrlr.
Ciirutian, a j. d bi eji, who
, fti:des a: Keen Tiu-t, Dear Cumberlund
i ' u ol eat raiir s.d employe in th
U..iUl States, io b in po nt of et-rv'ce
and age, and is sai 1 to be the oldest lo
comot ve engineer in ihe country. lie
! ran the first ngine into ti.e bisio'ic
ton of Harper's Ferry. He legin
work for tbs Ka.tiui re Si Ohio tailroad
luisl'asa teamster, hauling fiei.lit
w.tti H z l.orjes, it.ere beieg . o locomo
tives in una at that time and die
I. Oking cars were pu ted by bo au
1 wrs MU'iu or miiti -at a C-twarat, candj ca
, UiUt;. I'u.u tfuafluLcj, iu . 25c
An e-seniiai i il i biaiued by diftil'a
tion of tbs letv s or needles has me. ic
iual virtue, httr I ut(d to it by some
German praclit'oners.
Mr. Goodman, Williams County, 111.,
writes us: "From one package Salzcr'fc
German Coffee Berry 1 grew .'!)!)
pounds of better coffee than I can buy
in stores at uil cents a pound."
A package of tills anil big seed cata
logue is sent you by Jobu A. Sai.or
Sued Co., I.a Crosse, Wis., upon receipt
of 15 stamps and this notice. C. N.
Toe fault finder would grovtl about the
wea'.her if it mere rail init money,
Frt'tA the. Sentinel. Cherokee, Kan
J. M. Baird. a I'nion war vet-rn. ami
.vmimnii'ler of Siiiloh Post. No. 50. G, A. j
R , Cherokee, Kaunas, made the follow-'
inn statement to a reporter on August 1
I "l or alioiit three years I have suffered
i intensely from rheumatism, and during
i that time 1 have tried various reined iei;
and whs treated by several alile pliysi- '
' citins but without result. Last spring Rev. !
I J. B. Wiles ml vised nie to try Pink Pills as
lie said they had cured a bad case of rheii
i lnntixm for him ami gome of his relatives.
' I was so impressed with Mr. Wiles' en-j
I'thusiastie praise of Pink Pills that I de-1
I eided to try a box, and the result is all
'that the most exacting could wish, for
! before I hnd taken two boxes of the pills
I was completely cured, and I feel better
j now than I have for several years. ;
I "My wife," continued Mr. Baird. "was j
j badly atHicfed ith neuralgia in t' e breast j
i with freiaeiit smothering spells. ( bie box
I of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills effected a
complete cure in her case. 1 attribute my
cure and that of my wife solely to Pink
Pills and have no hesitancy in recom
mending them to the afflicted."
Dr. Williams' Pink i'ills contain, in a
condensed form, all the elements neces
sary to give new life and richness to the
blood and restore shattered nerves. They
ure an unfailing specific for such diseas
es as locomotor ataxia, purtial paralysis.
St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheu
matism, nervous headache, the after ef-
; feet of la grippe, palpitation of the heart,
i pale and sallow complexion, all forms of
weakness either in mule or female. Pink
Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be
sent post paid on receipt of price. .TO c-nl:i
i a box, or six boxes for $2.50 -(they are
I never sold iu hulk or by the RKu by ad
j dressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Com
j pany, Schenectady, N. Y.
I Nine out of ten of your troubles are
i due to talking too much.
I CiacAP.rrotiinn.ati twr. kdni-js and bowels. Net
; ay .caeu. weiweu or gru . luc
A hig man in a little, world is as much
nit. of place ns a little man in a b'g one.
Will it? That'll not the V
The question is why don't you
Rheumatism :;ju',,:r,':'.A';,'h""
j 25 SO ''W ftnnrLqc,T5
AKS ill. I K . I;l u USNTk 1 Tn cnre nnycawsor eonsiipniion. ranearri orenie nirm
..uuuuuiuui uununmuuu tun. nurix
pmariii oooinri irer. an. mi.hmis kciumm i
hut have sold
cniiMiOier for
mem tnc ufuiwrs
ll wi. !Miip any
iur PXrtiniriMiion
Inre nam. K? ry
tMng warrant'!.
mo ty!t or w
rlfures. Nu-Uvinf Har-
man. Tup ft UK met on low
af- f:tfi. J'hfUMmi ah low
aa k). tMiririu wurniu.
T i rir u.w, smwi "oil.l, m . .TCIIU NO IWI nUrrt'J rTH W1W OMMftlfll, 1 kill pa, aut-
i a miu for .'3.uo. for large, free Catalogue. aiiaJ- -.proa ud tender., $). a Rood M un, 0r
"He that Works Easily Works Suc
cessfully." Tis Very Easy to
Clean House With
For the last 20 years we have kept Piso's Cure for Conn
sumption In stock, and would sooner think a groceryman could
Pet alone without surar in his store than w rmiU wrtkmtfi
Piso's Cure. It is a sure seller.
Ceresco, Michigan, September 2,
I fa" - I . . V .
Koysl purp'.r, greens ai.d blues are i
big i vi gue "
Aniethysi bo-der ng n beli-rope l
i the newest shade i tniilineiy.
To toned viole s are all the rage,
purpl' blendiug into blue and green.
Modistes are m kirg a new t-tyle ol
un ier kiit to wear th spring cos
tuuies and tolle s.
There ii q he a fa I for wearing vio
let" etp- cially vio'ets uia e from pink
sdk or pink
tl OO FOB 14 --ENT8.
Millions now plant Saber's seeds, but
millions more should; hence offer.
1 pkg. Bismarck Cucumber 15c
1 pkg. Round Globe Beet 108
1 pkg. Earliest Carrot 10c
1 pkg. Kaiser Wilhelm Lettuce. .. .15a
1 pkg. Earliest Melon 10
1 pkg. Giant Yellow Onion 15c
1 pkg. 14-Day Radish 10c
3 pkgs. Brilliant Flower Seeds 15c
Now all of above 10 packages. Includ
ing our mammoth plant and seed cata
logue, are mailed you free upon re
ceipt of only 14 cents' postage.
2) pkgs. KarlieHt Vegetable Seed. $1.00
21 Brilliant Blooming Plants .$1.00
John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse,
W'is. a C. N. IT.
Hall's Hair Renewer cures dandruff and
scalp afi'eetions; also all cases of buldneai
where the glands which feed the roois ol
the huirare not closed tip.
The world is full of blind Sampsons,
who spend their lives gr tiding in a mill,
Jcbt irr a tor Lot of Cas a-e's, candr cathartic. Sw
eat Uvur and bowel reguu or male.
Tlie man who keeps a bulldog should
not talk verv much in church.
Mn. IVInalow'a oujiUimi oykop lor child
ren leelhhnf, toiums t&e unm, reduces inflftiw
li'Htloll, allayb pain. enrR w'ino colli'. mii,i r
The great men of today thow us what
all men may be by and by
1 believe my prompt nse of Piso's Cur
prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lucy,
Wallace, Marquette, Kans., Pec. 12, '95.
No man is strong whose character has
not stood the test of manv trials.
There is more Catarrh m this section o
the country thau all oiher diseases put to
ge her, and until the last few yea-s wai
supposed to be incurable. For a great
many years doctors pronounced it a loou
disease, and prescribed local remedies, find
by constantly failing to cure with local
treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sen
ence has pi oven catarrh to be a coustitu-i
tional di-eaxe and therefore requires conJ
stitntional treatment. Hall's t atarrh
ure, mamilactnred by F. J. Cheney A
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constititional
cure on the market, it is taken internal ly
in doses from 10 drops to a teaspooniei.
It acts directly on the blood and iinico.ia
surfaces of ihe system. They oiler one
hundred dollars tor any case it la Is to
cure. Send tor circulars and testimonials.
F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo. O. ,
4tST"Suld by Druggists, 75u.
Give until vou feel it and you will feel
more like living l hat you did before.
No-lo-Bac lor Fifty Cents.
Over -100.0011 cured. Uhy not let N'e-r.Ras
ri'Kiilatu ni ivinevn jour desire ! r tobacco?
Savo- iiioii j, inaku. iielt!i arid in nl.iwd. (Jure
Ullar.Jlieeil. f,er ..lit l .11 1 1 1 L-1- -1 .
St. Jacobs Oil
iriD nr rnne. lint raune ena nnliirnl rpsnlta. Sum..
o.. nM airo. luontrral, Can., orisen lurk.
iinrt to the
24 years, al
p ro
RAVEN & CO., lWristsj
1896. w""
7m u mL