The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 11, 1897, Image 3

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4 "Nebraska Motes
Lincoln county pys a bounty ou wolf
ml pi.
The Sterling Sun ia clothed in a hand
some new dr-f .
Blair tias organize a militia company.
Look out for war.
Mrs. C. A. Packard of Fremont it
thought to be fatally ill.
An exchange tbinkf the handling of
power corn shellers more dangerous than
Cecil 0en and family left Battle Crerk
by starlight "owen" more than tbey
txmld pay.
W. T. Howard, formerly of the Schuy
ler Bun, will soon be "flinging the quid"
it Wiiner.
George I. Parker of Hartington hat
oeeo elected cashier of the Coleridge
Elate hank.
The venerable Fred Hedde has again
assumed editorial control of the Grand
Island Independent.
Ltrge flocks of wild geese have for
ged in the corn field of Cheyenne
sounty all winter.
Cheyenne county .farmer! are vaccin
ating their cattle as a sure safeguard
tgalnst blackleg.
The cattle fed by the Standard com
pany at A met consume 2,200 busheli
very twenty-four bourt.
Under the heading, "Paper Wads,"
the poet of the Pawnee Piess ii grinding
tut gome masterful j ngles.
Han. John C. WaUou of Nebraska City
eceivwl $10,iJOJ in settlement of the
obh to his re-idcrice by tire.
The ma ahalofS prrior fed fourtratnps
tud then chased ilieiu far beyond the
tity limits with a atio'gtin.
Colonel Kn of the Stanton Pickett
Uan Ik in the f'uiit row among the ablest
xlitorial writers in the mate.
F. J. Jouei of I'ntu has lieen installed
it foreman of the Hhoestiop in the boys'
sidustrial H'l.O)! at Kearney.
I.. B. Fen.ier started the ludus
.Tial School Journal at Kearney. The
I'Bt issuo i very entertaining.
The young jn-opli" of Duncan are gel
ling married at the rate of fix couples a
rveek. Prosperity is reluming.
A Modern Woodman camp was in-ti-luled
at Arnold last week. A "team"'
om CalUway ran the sawmill.
The business tnen'a Brsaciation at
Sorth Bend is undertaking to raise
nony for advertising purposes.
Kd Cixiper of Vesta haa purchased and
rribbed sixty thousand bushels of corn
ind will hang on till it makes him rich.
Herman Hhrader of Cedar county dislo
tated his elbow and hroke hia arm just
telow. the shoulder in a wrestling match.
A Coliimbtu merchant found a boy toe
lhabby to attend school, and at once
lited hiui out in a full tut, including
A little son of Judge William Neville
f North Platte is daiigeroti'ly sick, Hnd
the doctors hold o n no hopes of hif
South Omaha is short of school room,
nd a call has been issued for voting
bonds in the sum of $15,000 to supply
the deficiency.
The proposition to bond the city foi
the price of a high school building was
mothered to death by the Pla'tsmouth
board of education.
James M. Ilackworth of Seward died
of cancer after a long yer of constant
physical torture. A wife and three chil
dren are left to mourn.
Sixteen families in Cedar county are
arranging to go south in search of homes,
and will construct a huge raft and float
down the Missouri river.
A young man old enough to know
better was expelled from the Orleani
college for petty thieving. Moat of the
stolen orotierty wi recovered.
The Fremont schnol board has deter
mined upon a cut of 5 per cent in teach
ers' wages lor the next year. One cut
of the same auiount ha already been
A Swedish f.ttmer near Harriaburg
was digging a well when the earth caved
in and covered him to a depth of nearly
sixty feet. .The body had not been re
covered at last report.
The fair in Butler county will be held
September 21, 22, 23 and 24. S.xieen
hundred dollars will be paid as premiums
nd an even thousand devoted to sef
tling with the owners of winning hones,
A Ponca man, having loul faith In
banks, put $460 in gold in a tin can and
buried it in the cellar. When be dug it
up the other day to make another de
posit the can was as empty as the head
of the average politician.
The eorn cribs at Randolph, which will
average ten feet high and ten feet wide,
re said to have a total length of 6,640
feet, or nearly one and one-fourth miles,
nd all heaped with eorn. It is estimated
that ft would tale 600 cars to contain It.
If we are to have two soldiers' homes
in this state, say the Grand Island In
dependent, we ought also to have two
blind ssylums, two deaf and dumb
sylurrs, two penitentiaries, several
reform schools and about adosen insan
J, W. Jackson, living seven miles
southwest of town, says the Randolph
Times, bad some hogs buried in the
now on January 3, and thai morn
ing after the storm dug them out nil but
one, which could not be found. Ths
bog were taken out of the shod and pal
into another pen, and the Incident wm
toon forgotten. The olker day Mr,
Jeekeon Tinted the old shed and wm
nrprteed to And his perkahlp there ami
Mill allv bat poor m Jnb'i terkey erer
wm. TktstantBff ami hatted
1 n
VMlor to the Holy Land Are Over
taken bjr r'nbeqoeat ilisfortaae.
It hi a strange fatality that hardly
any royal couple have vinited the Holy
Ijbd1 togeb-r wlthniit nlmrtly after
ward lWiijr overtMken by misfortune.
Only one yearayo the viit of the Arch
duke f'harleN Imuk of AtiKtrta and the
arehdiiche wa fIWjued by the ud-
den ditith of the former. wIjo, an (
ond brother of KiniH-rur KrancU Josejih,
h'iwhI next lu the line of einvewdon to
Uie crow n.
Another Imperial couple whoK pil
primage to tl Holy Laud w a followed
by eiuaJIy distnitm results were the
crown prime aud prlncitw of Austria.
Tike quarrel whh-h i-uluiliifltwl In Uu
dolpb'tt trajric death at Meyerling fol
lowed l in in t-ita t ly on their return to
Vienna from palewine.
The visit of i:mpTor William' eldest
KiMer and her Imslnd to Jerusalem, at
teiideil by ltaion and Hrotu-ss von
Kotze, bad hm It Keiuenee what i
kiwmi at P.erlln nx the "Kotze" or nn
n .vinous letter wandl. In which Prin
ccks Chtirlotte nnl her himbnnd were no
neriouHly oiniiromlHcd a to render
their departure from P.erlln necessary,
while Huron von Kotze himself, after
Innumerable duel ond twing crippleil
for life, i now undergoing a two yearn'
PrirK'e I'relcrirk of Kchhuwlg-Ilol-wcin,
uncle of the pres-ii tJeeinan cin
presa, after timrrjlnc a New York girl.
MIkh Mnry Isi-, tiin whom the Aus
trian enieror conferred the title of
pritxifiH of Nocr, tk It Ik bride on a
honeymoon trip to the Holy Land, and
died there Kiidd' tily. Hftern few Iioui-h'
i;l:.', on h' tny h Hi'", h a widow Rtib-M-in
iilly Ixnoiniiii; the wife of Count
Wahlcrsce. the most d'ftlnjrulKlicd coin
nmirflcr of tJie 'Jennan army.
Several nnn'ioou niwn could be
cli'-d, nnd it probably l diK- to tbls thnt
the fus-t majority of the l;iiM'iial and
royal perwfliaf ti who v ! i ? tlie II"!)'
Land miike a iviint of doing w alone,
having their husbands or their wivim
III lmnie. It 'if. Ilms tlint the Kmpntsu
of Ai..tria, KiiipivKh Euiienie. tiie crown
ptincs of Sweden, the Kmperor of
A nutria, the hue Kmperor Fri-dcrick of
Cenillll.y, King Keopxdd of Helgiuin,
ttic- duke of (ieiioa. Prince Henry of
Prussia, ami a iiiimber of o:h rs have
made the pilpriinage to the Holy Land,
and to tin precaution they attribute
their iiniiiiinlty from ubseiueut inis-fivuiM'.-
liicago ltismrd.
He Saved the Irani.
The Ketroit News-Tribune quotcM Mr.
A. M. Pearcc, mi ohl telegraph (o)K-ni-tur,
a lelllng a ery InteresUiig and
even tlirlllliig story out of his own ex
perience. He was at the time tele
graphic operator at n siailoii on tlie
New York Central Itallroad. Klght
miles e-iKt of li! in was the mat Ion of
One night I received n tmsnge from
the operator at lU-rgln that, iiti the train
wtw jKiKsing, he iiotlcd from the Round
that tt wheel on one of the c-.irs was In
Ixid KhajH-. He miggcKled that I tthouhl
Ktop the train.
Acting upon Ills nuggestlon. I put out
my flag and stopped the train. Tint
engineer won pretty fmlky, and the 'on
dnctor got off and wanted to know
what I hflI stopped tlielu thepe for. I
lohl them Ihc mirsage 1 had rc-eived.
Still scolding, l !n-y s-tarted to look for
the broken wheel.
A broken wheel watt a wrioua mutter
going over that hill, with the posHlbility
of plunging the train off the truck and
rolling It down the precipice. As It
happened, the conductor had his wife
ami child nlioard, (iki. Well, we looked
down one nlde of the train, and then
down the oiher, without nucccs. Hut
In looking down one of the Hides we had
n lnd light, and no, taking the lantern,
I went down again, and found n (iuir
ter of one of the wheels broken.
Well, sir, when the conductor came
up and saw that wheel he picked me up
In bin Hmm, and I believe If I hud Ixhmi
a little younger he would have klsiicd
me, he wna so gliul.
Ammonia in Ihe Air. "
Ir. Heber Plnnk wiya: Chenilsta for
a long time considered It linpoxslhle to
aeparate nitrogen from oxygen as It
exists In the air, and then to unite It
with hydrogen to form ammonia, but
claimed that our sources of ammonia
must come from the wastes and decom
position of ifAnle matter. More re
cently, however, by experiment am
monia has been produced directly from
atmospheric air by means of electricity.
This would seem to prove the fact that
every flash of lightning Is manufactur
ing tons upon tons of ammonia, and
every penl of thunder Is but recording
the same that falls to the ground dur
ing every electrical rain storm, each
tiny raindrop, well laden, conveying to
the soil lot portion of the good thing
already prepared for the plants' bati
rpietlug table. And this also explain
tho reason why vegetation Is so much
more luxuriant after a gentle and re
freshing thunderstorm on our grass
plats and lawns than Is produced by Ir
rigation from hydrants or brooks.
A Job in Prnapect.
"I got a chance to go to work If I
could only git out to California," wild
Dismal Imwwm.
"Oh, yes, you would work, I don't
think," wild tlx' I nens I u Ions citizen.
"Well, I wouldn't nil imI takln' this
here Job. I fnr there la a paper want
100 iiM-n to lie around on their backa
and watch fer that flyln' machine."--! n
dlanapolla Journal.
Why It Acceptable.
"Ahem!" HalJ Henry Peck; "your acr
mon on heaven pleaaed me mightily."
"I'm ao brother," responded tho
"Yen, M ww line, especially thtt paa
Mf wbsrt you demibed It m a place In
which there 1st no marrylnj or giving In
nisuTlaM--PfcUadlpQl North Atner-
President-elect McKicley tod Wif
Leave for Their Sew Home.
K . i.t.1 . r rmw I Mn rljl L1 1 tlf-lr IOftT !
gulih'tf TovD'oiai vid Hll Wlf-
Palatal tprelat Trmlo Court jt
Tbrm A war.
Canton, O., March 2. Major McKin-
', ley's borne citv yesterday strongly re
minded all of the sti-nng incidents pre
ceding and following the 3d of November
The citiwms I ave arranged for public
demonstration to bid farewell to their
honored and beloved citizen and neigh
bor. The local militia joined in the
demonstration and at 6 .30 beaded by
the famous Grand Army band, marched
! to the Mi Kinley home. As they coun
termarched Major 'IcKinley, escorting
the coming first lady of the land, ap
peared at his front door. Their ap
pearance was the signal for cheers and
right heartily were they given. As they
walked from the famous front porch,
from which the republican candidate
had delivered so many speeches, to the
coach in waiting, there was a Irantic
effort to obtain a shake of Major Mc
Kinley's hand. This was impossible,
as the program admitted of not a mo
ment's delay. Major McKinlcy jaused
but a few seconds before he entered the
cab, to raise his hat to the thousands of
people. This act was the signal for an
outburst of applauce. Major McKinley
then assisted Mrs. McKinley and her
maid into the cab, then followed her
anl the ride to the depot was begun.
All along the ronte, about a mile, the
s' reels were jammed with people, hun
dreds coming from owns adjacent to hid
the major g(H)d-hye. Cheer after cheer
uafl given them and many women cried
as the president-elect's carriage, drawn
by four richly caparisoned white horses,
I ased along. ' : jor McKinley lowered
the window o: b cab as he left the
hotipe and from toe opening waved his
hat, and Mrs. McKinley her 'kerchief.
At the depot the spice about the sta
tion was packed foi squares by people
who struggled ineffectually to get netr
tie train, which was guarded by the
companies of militi As the president
elect and Mrs McKinley stepped upon
the rear platform o their private car
the shouts anil cheers of tlie people
again rose. Major McKin'ey seated his
wile just inside the door and stepped
upon the plaiforrn here he delivered a
speech thanking his friends and bidding
them good bye. The special train was
a magnificent affair.
A Mnb In Knoiiille
Knoivii.le, Tenn., March 2. A riot
occurred on the streets of Knoxville
early yesterday morning, in wh eh one
wis killed and a dozen more are more
or less seriously hurt
The trouble grew out of the pending
st ci i,iii ay litigation The police
weic iueicd to srrest laborers who
were laying rails and as fast as the men
were arreeted tbey gave bond and went
back Mo work. The police became pow
erless and the fire department was
j calk ' c t di.j erse the crowd with
watt r
V ...u ti.ib wab attempted a negro
tried to cut the hose, but was prevented
by Chief Mcintosh, whereupon another
negro struck the chief with a club.
Lieutenant of Police Hood shot the
negro, and this enraged the crowd.
The entire police forct was arrested by
the sheriff and his deputies and the
laborers put back to work.
Later an injunction was issued by
Circuit Judge Sneed restraining the
company from tearing up the street.
This stopped the matter temporarily.
Mayor Heickell appealed to the mob
to disperse, but lie was hooted down.
Kxcitement runs high. The latest
movement made is the arrest of all the
Citizens' railway officials for inciting a
riot. All the city officials from chair
man of the board of public works down
to the firemen are under arrest.
Confer llrgreea on Wonian.
London, March 2. The report of the
syndicate appointed by the university
of Cambridge to consider the question
t of granting degrees to women was pre
' sen ted to the university authorities yes
terday. Though the committee are not
in favor of admitting women to mem-
bership in the university, they recom
mend that tho degree of bachelor of
art! be conferred by diploma upon
women who have patsed the final tripos,
; and that in due course such women
, niay 'proceed to the degree of master of
arts. The committee also decides that
I the university may grant honorary de
grees in arts, law, letters, science and
mus e to women who have not complied
with usual conditions, but who have
lieen recommended by such degree by
the council of the senate.
Waulu B,0O for tha Kafaial.
Naw Yohk, March 2. Mra. Clara
Folta, who with her daughter waa re
fused service at Ilollenden'a restaurant
at l'.'&tb street in Har em on tho night
of February 22, because she waa unao
companled by a male escort, baa tiro bt
I auit In tha supremo court (or 5,0OO
' against the proprietor of tho restaurant.
Mra. Fol'a will plead her own case.
Prafarrad Daath.
Cairo, III., March l.-Elijah Kirby,
aged fifty sis years, hanged himsalf In
bis coll in the county jail hsra ear If
yaaUrday morning. Kirby was about
to bo takaa to tno penitentiary to sorva
a santasi of ortsalaal assault upon big
4aoghter. Ho ha4 malateinad that bo
wm laaootnt ai tho ebargo. Boum yoara
MO KUby kUlod bia krothor-la-Uw m4
wMMtMoai fa life, bat do vomer
llfoM 0MiBBato4 bit tint to tigsrlMa
mmn, ami bo wm rolwua Utt tarn.
MulIT A UMl TH1-WS1.I z.
, 4faa urns' 1U .t M h K O t-r Otae
a tlrr.
Losnnji, Mau-h 3. A riot occurred at
Canea, t rete, yes'erday in wi.ich Mule
Bun li-y, colonel of the Mufsuloian gen, w. fatally woun led lybieown
m-n. Several other Turkish olhcers
sere wounded. The outbreak was
i caiifd by il e gendarmes not receiving
tl eir pay. Notice of the revolt w as sent
j to the various consulates and the foreign
I k:;ine vere dispatched to the scene.
Hexeral volles were fired under the
j windows of tie barracks where the gen
1 darmes e e quartered. This no, hav
1 ing the desired result the marines tired
I upon the gendarmes, wounding several
of them. The rioters then began to
yield. The disturbance caused a panic
in ( a nea.
j Canea, March 3. A complete rupture
between the boys and Mussulman in
l habitants has been cau-ed by the fall of
j Kandamo, and the latter have appealed
; to the (ireek vies consul here to save
their comatriots fiom massacre. The
! consi.l has promised to do this, pro
I viiled the foreign minister will supply
the transportation necessary to get the
Moslems to Helina, and that Isbmel
Pasha, the civil governor, will give a
written order of the Turks to leave Kan
domo under the guarantee of safety
given by the Greeks.
It is reported by the governor of Seli
no that a niapacre at Kandamo is im
minent. The place is within two hours
from the tea and dillicult of acce-s ow
ing to the mountainous country.
A confetcuce between the consuls and
the admir. Is was held at which the de
cision was reached to send olhVers to
Belino and Hilapetra to rescue, the be
leaguered Moslemi. Ic was also de
cided to pla -e Selino and Kandamo un
der the protection of the lowers.
L"tft ft (olU iu OklHliom.
Pkiihv, Ok!., March 3. Advices fiooa
the W.clii'a mountains are that new
discoveries of both sold an I silver have
I uau-ed a f esh outbreak of excitement
; among the prospect rs, who for months
' have lieen camped on the border, and a
' renewed energy has been adopted by
i the United State authorities to prevent
i digging for gold. The marshals arrest
j any man tbey find on the lands.
Old miners say that there ia a scope
, of land fifty miles long and half that
w ide that is as rich as any old mines in
i the wet, California not excepted. Pro
: lessor Andrews, who has been prospect
ling over fifty years, says that within a
year the excitement will be as great
over the Wichita mountain gold mines
as they were over gold finds in Cali
fornia in 1811t,
At ono time twenty mon were averted
by United wtatcs troops and hustled off
to Ft. Hill and put in the guard house,
many miners are camped on the border,
and many arc hiding in caves in the
mountains. The Wichita mountains
ire in the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache
Indian reservations, 100 miles southeast
of here.
Cnllretor I Sh rt
8 ai.t Lakh Citv, Utah, March 3.
Richard II. Cabell, United States inter
nal revenue collector, has hi en discov
ered short in his accounts with the gov
ernment to the extent of over $10,000.
j He ha been removed fiom odice and as
soon as the exact amount of the defalca
tions is known his bondsmen will be re
I quired to make it good. Cabell held the
' ollice for nearly four years, during two
of which he has been tampering with
' the government's money, which he loht
'speculating in mining slocks. He catae
I to Salt Lake from Virginia, and belongs
! to one of the oldest, and most respected
1 families of that state. No steps have
' yet been taken t prosecute him.
Otlur I'ownia May fight.
j London, March 3 Tho Athens corre
' spondunt of the Chronicle declares that
i no communication has been received
I from Russia. H is quite certain Oe
Greek army will not be withdrawn,
j Macedonia forces will be rained within
a few weeks, with a view to possible
'contingencies, and if tlie Turks attempt
I to invade Tbeisaly the Bulgarian govern
i infill is determined to advance its
troops iriHtantly to the igan eea. It
is rumored that I lie secret national
'committee has decided to commence
operations in Macedonia,
j f-pecial dispatches state that the
Turks succeeded in revictualini; the
blockhouse lit Maiatata, but were at
tucked by insurgents on their return.
The consuls at Catuli have signed a
telegram imploriig the powers not to
delay a disciiBsioa, The town is so
crowded with Moslems that famine
threatens great loss of life, Hundreds
of horses and cattle are already dyii g
from want of fodder. The insurgents
have completely cordoned Candia. Tlie
greatest anxiety exists also as to the
situation at Belinos, where the armis
tice agreed upon by the powers has ex
pired. The insurgents are in a worse
mood than ever and thoroughly de
termined. I'rotat'S llmaibarniaut,
Guthuik, O.T., March 3. Both houses
of the Legislature protected against the
cutting off ol any part of this territory
for annexation to the Indian Territory,
as outlined in the Senate amendment to
tlie Indian appropriation bill.
A lll( l.o.
Naw York, March 3. Director! of the
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern rail
road company yesterda authorized a
mortgage to secure $60,000,000 100-year
i per cent gold bonds. Tbe board ac
cepted an offer from ripeyer A Co. to
take the entire issue at 10). Tho pro
ceeds are to be used in tbe payment of
tbe present bonds as they mature, or In
Use retirement la advance o( Maturity
by ipociel arrangement which may bo
maia by Sporar A Oo.
Wejler Greatly Embittered Toward
Our Congul General.
Situation Growing la.l Mure Critical tot
Aiuv-rlmr.c in Cuba H yier U to h e
atlsdt ' hpa'D Spaulaids Aroused
to ItitteracM,
Kirw Yokk, March 4. A dispatch to
the .Sun from Havana says:
The American residents in Havana
are greatly excited by the reports con
serning the bitter feeling of the Spanish
volunteers against General Lee and the
United States. American citixerjs fer
an attack on the United States consu
lite which at present is not protected
against agirressions of the Spanish mob
Consul-Ueneral Lee preserves a digni
fied attitude and quietly attends to his
office business. He has no means of re
pelling an attack and knows perfectly
well that the ill feeling of the Spaniph
masses against him grows mo-e threat
ening daily.
The relesee of Sanguilly and Lis safe
arrival at Key West have caused great
indignation anion; the Spaniard. They
comment on tlie affair with much bit
terneess and fay it is a disgrace to Spain
and the Sjiania ds ought not to tolerate
General Weyler is expected to return
to Havana very soon. The report that
he has b,-en recalled by the Spanish
government is confirmed, but the fact
has not yet been officially announced.
The real caus3 for his recall is not a dis
agreement between the captain-general
and the central government concerning
the treatment of American citizens and
the release of Sanguilly, but the total
military failure of Weyler in t,he Santa
Clara province and the recent victories
of Gomez over Colonel Arjona and Gen
erals Gasco, Kenuera and Ruiz The
report of the disagreement between
Weyler and the Madrid government,
alnive referred to, is only an excuse for
concealing the real facts of Weyle.r's dis
aster in ( anta Clara.
Weyler is greatly embittered against
the Americans anil General Lee. It is
certain that while remaining in office
until his successor arrives, it w ill be
only under pressure from Madrid that
he will try to protect the American con
sul from the consequences of the Span
ish animosity.
Too Much Champ Kne.
San Francisco, March 4. J. If. Oak
ley, a middle-aged broker of Pittsburg,
Pa., who baa been spending some time
in California, died yesterday at a hotel
in this city. Oakley has been on a pro
tracted spree in company with a woman
representing herself to be a Spanish
princess. The pair have been drinking
much champagne.
Last night physicians were called lu.
They found Oakley suffering from acute
alcoholism, though his death, which oc
curred soon afterward, was attributed to
"heart failure." The woman says she
has been known as Mrs. Weyght and
Mrs. Worth. Her trunk bears tbe name
"Jessie Taylor." bhe claims she met
Oakley at New Orleans two weeks ato
and agreed to accompany him on a trip
to China. Tickets for the voyage had
been secured for Friday's steamer.
Odkley's body will be shipped to Pitts
burg for burial.
Itllm to be in Ihn Cabinet.
Washington, March 4. The presi
dent-elect passed a very active day. He
received a large number of callers,
made a formal visit at the White house,
and took dinner last nijjht vrilh Col.
John Hay.
Major McKinley's most important
callers from a political point of view
yesterday morning were Messrs. Piatt,
Bliss and Hanna. Mr. Ilanna and Mr.
Plies met at breakfast and hud a long
tilk about the New York situation. Mr.
Blisi", who had steadily and stoutly de
clined up to that time to reconsider his
determination not to b come a member
of the cabinet, finally agreed to do so
and authorized Mr. Hanna to say to
Mr. Major McKinley that he would ac
cept the position of recretary of the in
terior if it were offered him. Mr. Hanna
went over to the Ebhitt house at once
slid in a short time Mr. Bliss was sum
moned and a few moments later Mr.
Piatt. A full, frank discussiom fol
lowed, and then Mr. Bliss was oftered a
portfolio ia tbe cabinet. He will be
secretary of the interior unless ex Gov.
John D. Long of Massachusetts should
indicate a willirvn ss to take that place,
and if he does Mr Bliss will probably
be secretary of the navy. Mr. Piatt
and Mr. lilies understand each other
thoroughly, and it is said they will be
jointly consulted about all important
New York appointments. Tbe republi
can leaders here ex t ress great satisfac
tion over the appointment of Mr. Bliss.
A Biiftilcl ua Crema loo.
Wiikkung, W. Va., March 4. Early
Tuesday morning John and Perry Hcn
do'son, father and son, were burned to
death in their boarding house on Chap
lin street, this city.
Both men had retired and were asleep
and it is f opposed that some miscreant
poured oil in their bed and ignited it,
Police are investigating.
Will Practice Law.
Washington, March 4. Secretary 01
ticy has definitely concluded not to ac
cept the professorship of international
law at Harvard, tendered him by Presi
dent Eliot, but will resume his law
practice in Boston in tbe course of a
month. He intends to remain in Wach
ington for a week after inauguration.
Secretary Herbert hai associated with
bim Benjamin If icon of Alabama, chief
elerk of the ne?y department, and to
gather will MUbllth law firm.
Wm. McKinley Vow Holds the Eeioi
to the Government of the U. 8.
TfaoDsandi Wttnen tha (ireat Kvaat aJftd
Cheer Iwufl From Thuu-aad of
Ihroata Hubart la AUo ilaaa
Vice PrHldrnl,
Washington, D. C, March 5. Wil
liam McKinley is the president of the
United States. At 1 :20 yesterday Chief
Justice Fuller administered the oath
that made bim the executive head of
this great nation of ours.
Major McKinley left the Ebbitt hotel
at 10 :30 for the White House. He there
met the out-going president and to
gether they were driven through
crowded streets to the capitol. VicO
President-elect Hobart waa conducted
to the capitol by a sena'e committee.
A crowd numbering th..iiKiods was
gathered at the foot of the I mi,-, wide
steps of the national capitol Ion. ding as
the presidential party drove up.
At the capitol the president and other
officials, the president and vice president-elect,
assembled in the senate
chamber, the members of the supreme
uourt and the members of the senate and
house being present. Vice President
Stevenson administered the oath of
office to Mr. Hobart and at the stroke
of 12, declared the senate ot too Fifty
fourth congreeg adjourned without day.
The new vice president, an extra ses
sion of the senate having been called,
then administered the oath of office to
the newly elected senators.
Tbe senate took a recess and the
procession moved to the stand at the
east portico in front of the rotunda,
President Cleveland and President
elect McKinley leading. On this stand
the oath of office was administered to
President McKinley by Chief Justice
Fuller in the presence of vast thousands.
President McKinley then made his in
augural address. On concluding he re
turned to the president's room in the
Henate wing of tbe capitol, and was then
escorted to the white house by the in
augural parade.
The parade moved from the capitol by
way of Pennsylvania avenue west to
Washington Circle, thence east through
K. street, to Vermont avenue, where the
organizations were reviewed by Grand
Marshal Porter and dismissed. From
a stand in front of tbe white house the
president saw the parade. ;
From the best estimates obtainable,
there were 20,000 men in line as the'
procession filed down Pennsylvania
avenue. Of these about 12,000 were
military and 8,000 civic organizations.
Almost all of the latter were republican
league clubs.
On the return to the white house,
which President McKinley reached
ahead of tlie main bo !y of the parade,
a luncheon was hastily served for him
before he went to the reviewing stand.
He and Mrs. McKinley took leave of ex
President and Mrs. Cleveland, who at .
3 nee left, the former going down the
river on a trip, and the latter to Prince
ton, N. J.
Last night there was an illumination
and a display of firewo'ks in the Wash
ington monument grounds, beginning
at 7 :45 o'clock. The inaugural ball was
held in the pension building, doors
being open at 8 o'clock, and the cere
monies beginning at 9 o'clock
A Hrllllnnt Affair.
Washington, March 5. The grand
old pension building never looked gayei
or more beautiful than last night when
the first gentleman and lady of the land
gratified the impatience of the crowd
upon its polished dancing floor appear
ing in the balcony and bowing their ac
knowledgements. The inaugural ball
was on.
The t ppearance of the president and
Mrs. McKinley and the vice president
and Mrs. Hobart was tbe feature of the
evening. It was 9:40 o'clock when
President and Mrs. McKinley, accom
companied by the private secretary, J.
Addison Porter, arrived. They were
met at the west entrance by the com
mittee consisting of Generals Wilson
Mid Rugg'es, Commodores Chadwick
and Joseph McCammon. A short turn
to the right brought them to the stairs
leading to the reception room on the
second floor. A number of distinguished
persons were present.
Cleveland's Work Kucled.
Washington, March 5. The work of
the Cleveland administration ended at
10:45 a. tu., and the cabinet room was
The president did not sign the sundry
civil, Indian or agricultural appropria
tion bills. They all failed for lack of the
president's approval.
- Just before the president-elect's ar
rival the president hastily alfixed hie
signature to the postoftice, District ol
Columbia and ctval appropriation bills
upon the assurance of the cabinet offi
cers who had examined them, but in
sisted upon a more thorough inspection
of the sundry civil and Indian appropri
ation bills.
At tbe last moment the president ap-
C roved tbe St. I-ouis and Pittsburg
ridge bills.
Itlvers Rising Kapld jr.
St. Louis, March 5. Heavy raini for
twenty-four hours have started the riv
en to rising. A rise here of two feet in
twenty-four hours n noted. Telegrams
from New Madrid and Belmont, Mo,,
announce that the lection there known
m tbe Mew Madrid tlnk li under water
ind families are forced to tbe hlllt
tar safety. Alarm Is felt in the peals
rule, as a high stage of water IncraaeM
Use danger ( the threatened rat-ofl
fro tke MinutiBjM nm to m Ufelf,