fearrteon 3ournaL .KO It C ANON. I.dil'-r alit Prp HAHKIK-N, NKH Apia, the principal town of the Ka moail Islands, has H2t inhabitants and 1 without a wharf, a public school, a fire engliw. or a sidewalk. "Who killed Wan Lung"" asks the Milwaukee Se-ntim 1 In a h-;nlii!i'. Sus picion fixin the crime upon the 1 tall. in, Microhms Tiilsn-ulosls. and rumor has It thnt he 1 after the other one. It has only cost JI.imi.ihiO so far to settle the Fair estate. There will be Something left fur the heirs If the es tate e-an lie trot out of the bawls of the lawyers in the next year or two. A raria burglar who hail lofty aspir ation and yearned to lw at the top of hla profession reeently made his way to the summit of tho F.ifi'el tower and cracked a eoiple of wife belonging to the restaurant and the-iiter which are conducted at that giddy holjrht. Ilecently at Lambeth. Lngbiud, a couple of men "were taken lefore a magistrate at the Instigation of the "Quiet Sunday Society," charged with having "imhiwfnlly publiely tried and shown forth certain wares, merchan dise, and Roods to wit: milk upon the lord' day." Profiting by the failures of the many efforts that have been made in various part of the country to stop the habit of spitting In public places, the Topeka Sanitary Department decided to have printed and pasted ou the sidewalks small posters readme, "Hogs spit ou tho sidewalk; gentlemen In the gutter." Dr. Nansoii, the Swedish explorer, In atejid of entertaining any superstitious notions In regard to the number thir teen, considers it nit her lucky than otherwise, There were thirteen men In the crew of t lie Frain. h!s sliip escaped from the tee n the l.'itli or August, and he arrived home on the loth of August, i.si;. A drill w hich J. J. Ka miner was sink ing In a iuet for water on his place at Gadsden. S. ('., struck, at a depth of tUrty five yards, three feet of a substance which was softer than the sand above It and below It. It was found to be wood that resembled cy press or walnut. There have been other similar finds in the neighborhood, and no wat-r has been struck any where around there. Queen Victoria's old yacht dates back to lfs"i and Is built mi a pattern obso lete aa that t the Carthaginian tri remes, or the galleys of Sidoii. It Is time ahe bad a new one. and designs for It are !n preparation. As the tdial lop of Bhtniinia. who rules the waves. It ought to embrace all the lalc-st Im provements, and no doubt will. The Is'st thing going Is none too good for her, but to get this she will have to come over here and make a contract with one of our American builders. The most extensive diamond miues In tlie world are those of Kimlierley. South ATrlca. More than 10,'hmi na tives are employed, besides ti.fsHi Euro peans;, together Willi 1!.5 KJ horses, mules, and oxen and .'trio steam engines. Tlie capital Invested in the mines is ftKi.tHKMnKi and the amount expended for labor and fuel annually is over $10, OOO.CKH). In one year the mines pro duced ?1 -I, i Hx i,i if) worth of diamonds. Tlie work was done at n profit of S-V (H.'.iKM) and a dividend of nearly $.", cjckj.csiC) was paid. Belgium has planned an antarctic ex pedition which In all probability will anil from Autwerp next July under the command of a Belgian naval Lieu tenant. M. de Gerlacke, the organizer of the expedition. The steamer La Bclglca has been purchased for the voy age and Is being put Into condition for securing It against Ice pressure on tho plans devised by Dr. Nansen for tlie Fr.tm. The llrst season will be occu pied with explorations In George IV. Sea, to the east of Graham Land. The winter will be spent In Australia. Tlie second year explorations will be made in the vicinity of Victoria Land. The chief work of both years will be geo logical and xiNiloglcal research. Major Pndrin, of the Italian army, hns Invented a very Ingenious contriv ance which In designated to supersede the knapsack. He hns Invented a vehicle to which he has given tlie naino of the cyclosac, or the aek on wheels. On this will be carried the baggage of two Roldlers, and the uprights of the tent will be used to convert It Into a ort of wheelbarrow, wide h tlie soldier can drair Isdiind him when ascending, or puah Is-fore him when desc-endlng. The two soldiers will take It turn alswt to push or draw the cyclowic, and it la contended thnt thla arrangement will not merely enable the troops to inarch much longer distances but to fight much better ou the field of battle, Isdng re lieved of all Impi clluicnta, which ran be left In theso lltrht wheelbarrow In the rear. The part plajrd by the Bank of Spain In floating the uew loan destined to provide resources for the continuance of the war In Cuba has placed that In stitution In a wry awkward ponltlon. For. lu addition to the Immense 1001 which It has furnished to the govern ment Itself, It has advanced on way nd another nearly $40,1100.000 to peo ple who Bubscrlled tor the loan. The bank may the,-efor foe shl to have found the nmlor portion of h money ubaertbod. Udlde tbU, tlw Nw Wk Tri',.,,c. the ,.k is a editor to the government UUiler various heads t'l the extent of more than MJ.1. Inasmuch hh the capital f'llly paid "p j of the lank, toother with it. reserve I ....I.. . 1 Sii m t a M t it I tUll.V UlllOOIIlli Ml f.ni,in"vnp, j will re-ndlly he seen that the strain to j whleb this, tlie leading tiuanelal Institu tion in .K;:,ln. 1m licii.g subjected is tre mendous ami cannot he continued luuch longer before disaster ensues. A pretty anecdote !s told of Jacob Criioiu, Klio. with ids brother William, formed the collection of fairy tali's and 1' -trends which have delighted the chil dren of the civilized world, one day a little maidi ii, S years old, called at the home of the author, asked to see him, and was shown Into the library, where the author was at work. Kindly In quiring what she wanted, the German lassie asked, very earnestly: is it thou that hast written those fine niaer chen if.iiry talo)V" "Yes, my dear." answered the story-teller, "my brother and I have written the hausinaerchen." "Then thou hast also written the tale of the clever little tailor, wle-re It Is rlo. Ok., are -a! in pleasant places and said at tiie end who w ill not believe it j Joy is tini'ontined as tle-y whirl in the must pay a IhalorV "Yes. 1 have writ- 1 giddy maze of tv-trrpolicm attractions, ten that, to." "Well, then." answer-1, In one week In that city there were a ed the little one, "I do not believe It. ' poultry show, various theatrical nt and so I suppose I must pay a thaler, j tractions, three courts In session, and but as I have not so much money yet, I'll give thee a groselien (about - cents) on account, and pay the rest by and by." Dr. Grimm was highly amused with the conscientiousness displayed ; by his little visitor, and delighted at this proof of his power as a story-teller. Graham Walias, a memlMT of the London School Board and a University Extension lecturer, begun a course of lectures on I'nlverslty Extension in I'hiladeiphia on Saturday evening. "London," he says, "had to face the same problem, so perplexing to all large June 30, 1WI.1, was SI.OTo.ikkj.imm). an In-citii-s. cif how to provide Niilltclent ! crease of $L',(MiO,ihh) over the previous Hclnsds for c hildren In the crowded dls- jyenr. The net Income was $.'i,"i(i.OiMl,(Hj(l, I rlcls. This was done, however, by I an Increase of over $7,XKi.MM); and the making full use of tlie jsjwer given by j ,ijv, lends declared amounted to $'i.- Parliament to the School Board of ob taining sites eompuisorlly. In that, way only have we succeeded in providing ample nsiin, so thnt even now In the worst crowded districts we are enabled to furnish our schcsils with play grounds at least half an acre In area, even when fhla entails tlie m-cessity of pulling down fifteen or twenty small buildings. The owners of such build ings are made an offer for their prop erty whleb fully equals the selling value, and If they refuse It an arbiter is fipHiintei to determine the value, which Is then paid them, plus 10 per cent, for disturbance. In this manner we have made room for over .0110.(11111 children since the creation of the School Board by act of Parliament in is'o. though nt the enormous c-ost of J.lo,. OIlO.fHMi." If the Philadelphia Times Is rightly Informed Lord Kosebery, ex-Premier of England, alms at nothing short of a marriage alliance? with Princess Vic toria, daughter of the Prince of Wales. 1 . rcl Kosebery, as every one know, is one of the most ambition men in En gland. His first bold stroke was to wed a daughter of the Rothschilds sev eral years ago, from which alliance lie derived a vast fortune. Afterwards lie b!-niuo Prime Minister; and resigning that oltiee he accepted the leadership cif the Liberal party. Since the deatli of his wife a short while back Lor- I'.o.,e bery has conceived the; andaciot:H de sign of becoming -i member of the royal family. Several months ai;o the Queen was apprised of Lord Ilcwbery'a suit, but gave It no eticoiiragi tnent. She rather o posed It on the ground that Lord Kosebery was a partisan. Ou hearing of the 'iuec n's disapprobation he immediately resigned ids office, not because of any disagreement with Mr. Gladstone, as alleged, but In order to remoe the offensive barrier to his wed lock. On good autliorltly it Is claimed that tench Is the secret motive which In duced Lord RoKchory to resign the Lib eral leadership. Verily, tlie youiij; Lord Is a lover of Infinite audacity. The number of old deeds, bonds of mortmain and other disturbing parch ments which are unearthed from time to time, threatening existing titles to property, is prodigious, and put to gether they would exceed the scrolls of 11 ., . A 1. ... 1, ,11.1 A ti.,tnl.l i" ... " Z L Z . , , : evvv, thai ihvy commonly tlmndi't In, .1... I.l.,v ,..! ..,.l! nflwr V..I-V f..W .. , . It were otherwise; the owners of corner .1 1,1 u. i.,i ., 1 11 , or other ots 11 St. Paul and Mlnneap- 1 1 .... ... n.i- ,,,.,!. in oils would ust now eat their meals lu fear, and sleep in , ho affl i ll. n of hor - r'.blo ,lr..H.ns shaklt R hem Ightly of be hi',' eve ted from their holdings. An . 1 1 ,,t., ..,. 1 .0. i r-i.uu oh! deed recently turned up In Chilli- . ' , , ,, , v . ...I-.iui ec d he, 0 id, made by the Nawdawlssle ,...'. . i.oi;.t.. .ii,(i, nm lliooui, ...... " n even In bones, nor Ix-lni? pyramidally extant, vi'sting in Jonathan Carver ami his assigns forever all the land and a good deal more on which these thriv ing cities and their suburbs are bulll. It Is In nowise likely that Its validity will be established or that the claim uneler It will ever amount to more than those which Ihe heirs of Anneke Jans advance to tlie property of the Trinity Church Corporation. The case may pervade the local courts for a while, but nothing more Important Is likely to come of It than the formulation of some more or less Interesting historic particular concerning the Nawdawls sle Indians, who probably did not own the properly Uioy pretended ti convey, palming" off a tcold brick on the tinsiu peetlim Jonathan Carver, not worth tlm rubbishing trlnketry and sonl-eonstim-Ing firewater which he very likely save In return for It When a Klrl talks a Rrcat deal ahom her home duties, Investigate, and you will And thnt they consist In turning a bed over and frying an ags. )y yjjj., TJ . . A CHOICE .'stLcCTiON OF IN TE.K- ESTING ITEMS. Comment. tritici.m. H.,ed VPo tbe linppeiiinca of the Day His torical and News Notes. Coal exists in twenty comities t.f Montana. Thin valuable mineral Is bo abunila:.t in the I'nited fcMtes thst It In not lik'-ly to be exhausted in a thou wind years. r.altimore prohibits the use of bells n bicycles by "wheelmen longer than three inches in diameter." Wheeling In Baltimore must have a great tenden cy to reduce flesh and diameter. j Some high-priced violins were re cently sold at auction In London. A Stradivarius of fine proportions with the original label, dated 172.'?. brought $2,22.., while an example of Carl Iter goiizi's mak- sold for l?2,i. I The lines of the good people of (Juth- half a do.eii banquets. It has been a source of Interest and wonder to arc-tie explorers to find such quantifies of slngin ' birds within the are abundant be- arctic circle. They yond belief. But the immense crop of cranberries, cro wherries, and cloud berries which ripen In the northern swamps accounts for the presence of the birds. The gross Income of the railroads of the Flitted States for the year ending 000,000, or about 1.1 per cent, of the capital stock. The antiquity of legal met hods Is curiously Illustrated by the recvut dis covery of the oldest, will extant. This unique document was unenrthod, by Prof. Petrie at Kahum, Egypt, and is at least 4.i(M) years old. In Its phrase ology the will Is singularly modern In form, go much so that It might be ad mitted to probate to-day. Taking the suggestion from a Ger man se-ieuti!ic Journal, which reeently pointed out the advantage of ele phants of burden even In European cities, the Comlte de l'Elephatit has Just been formed in Paris for the pur pose of preventing the killing of eie pliants for sport. Next summer a number of elephants will be employed as bciists of burden In Marseilles, where tlie winters are milder than they are in Paris. There seems to be big money In col-iiee- athletics. Yale during the year ism; received from all sources for ath let'.c purposes-that is to say. from vol untary subscriptions, trato receipts, and so on- $o!),7.';!'.:'.(i; Harvard, about (for tlie report of the graduate manager of athletics Is not yet public property) $r,nm; Pennsylvania. $ti;.SC!J.7,M; and Prince ton. ? Hi.filo.si. This gives a rough total of $,J0.'!..,;i4.!i"i taken In in one year by j lie athletic sports of four of our leading athletic, college's. It Is said that Jesse Winner anil James Nelson, who were hanged by a mob at. Lexington, Mo., for the murder of the Winner family, were innocent of the crime, and that, the proseeutlni; nt torney lias evidence sutilclent to Indict fifty memls-rs eif the lynching party. Let him proce-eel to Indict them, then. But we shall lie surprised If even one" member of that lynching party be In dicted. The Ixmisvllle Courier-Journal has been trying to get Kentucky to vin dicate herself and distinguish herself by punishing a lyncher; If Missouri will do w hat Kentucky falls to do. and what every other State fails to do, she will set the country a much needed -example. The New York Tribune quotes a Par isian scientist: "In ISilfi F.tigland Im ported l.'JfiO.OOO.Ooo eggs, for which was paid about 4.20,0110,0110. The eggs ..icameprin.'ipnily from France. During lhi same vear (lernmnv tmiinrrcd 20,- l"o.on . rn.1,1.,ll.rl- Most of these 1 eggs came from Russia and Austria- K Hungary. Of all Luropean countries , , ... ' . , Bussla has made the greatest advance rtntlm. , lfCN, Nlle Hml , I11HIOnoo. llIlt ,n mf tlm' llum. , J i.2MNtt.WW. representing ' ,,.,,,. . ' ' . , value of $10,200,000. A singular fact ... . . .. . 1 In connection with these s atisfies Is "' that In those eountrl.'g which are the ,.,,,rto ,.., !, ,., ..,. Is the favorite dish.' There were other amusing features of Dr. Temple's confirmation as Archbish op of Canterbury beside; those; sup piled by the delightful Brownjolm. As soon as the queer rnlxup of temporal and spiritual ceremonies was over the throng of ladles who filled tho chancel swooped down upon the table at which the church dignitaries had been sitting and engaged lu an unseemly scramble for souvenirs of the occasion. Espe cially eager were the efforts made to se cure cards by which, as at a public? din ner, each clergyman had been Informed ns to the place he was to occupy. One old gentleman dashed Into the throng and triumphantly secured the blotting paper on which the signatures had been dried. An. exhibition of the relics of Dr. Samuel Johnson In London last month recalls some of the remarkable defini tions that remarkable man Inserted In hla dlctlouarf. Among them not the Jeant curious was the one given for "network," which was defined a ";ui tiiing reticuia'ed or eiocu.-.iTed at etyjnat instances, with interstices between the Intersections." Other amusing defini tions are: "Cough a convulsion of the lungs velicated by some sliar serosity." "Man not a woman, not a boy. not a beast." Tension an allowance made to any one without an equivalent; in England it is generally understood to mean pay to a state hireling fur trea son to his country." The first L'mperor of the Mings some lime during the reign of fivm BH'.S to V.'.'M made a road from Ihe bank of tlie Yangtse, opposite Nanking, to his birthplace in Auliui. Tlie level were carefully graded and the road carried across river valleys on well built, arch ed viaducts. It remains to-day simply a remarkable specimen of early engi neering. The road from I'eking to Tunkshow, built by the Emperors f the Yuan dynasty away buck In tle dim ages, "remains .is a vast effort of inutility." It was paved with gree.t blocks of granite, avert'.gltig fifty to eighty feet square surface i:fh, all c losely jointed. To-day it is worn into nils a foot deep ai.il is almost impas sable. With the exception of those two loads, no attempt of any nolo has been made to facilitate land communication throughout t lie empire. Tbe New York .Sun tells of a novel advertisement that New-Yorkers re ceive with the most persistent ri'gular Ity. and which eoii:i-s troi.i a dairyman in a neighboring Slate who sells butter and eggs. To cvery sm-mber of the familii's in New York whose names are available from cenaiu address books, he sends a monthly quotation of the prevailing prices cif butler ami eg", The name's of many of the very wealthy men of tbe city are included In his list of customers, and it is some times a cause for wonder that lie thinks It worth while to keep men of so much wealth accurately informed as to the variations of a cent or two in the prices of eggs and butter. But the quo tations arrive faithfully, and as the only customers received are those who agree to buy regularly, tliey are; kept informed of the changes in prh-e as ex-ae-tly as though they were dealing in stocks. A Henderson (Ivy.) special of Satur day says: "A suit was tiled here, it be ing stated that the point involved is raised for the first time. Tlie State; seeks, under the alien land law. to re claim property valued at $;!0.nn(l, be cause tlie owner afterward became a subject of Groat Britain, the contention being that he thereby forfeited tlie right to own projierty in fids State. Mrs. Mary Newcomb and 01 hers are.' made defendants. There are complica tions, because Mrs. Nenve.unb is the second wife, but this does not affect tbe particular point nt issue. E. B. New comb, now deceased, owned various property in ami about Henderson. At the; breaking out of tlie civil w ar lie rl'-il to Canada, where he later took an oath of nllcglani'c to the Queen and Great Britain, and never rcturni'd to this country. He became a British subje.'t thirty-three years ago. A contest of the will by a son of Newcomb by his first wife Is now pending in the higher con rts." The somewhat, dubious distinction of being "the man who killed Maeeo"' lias won for Don Francisco Cirujeila y Clrujeda. among other honors, that of having his portrait printed large and handsome on the front page of the leading Illustrated weekly papers of Madrid. Don Francisco is a sohlierly lcKikliigyeiungnian. He was In command of the party that llaceo fell in with at Punta Brava. twelve miles west of Ha vana, on Dec. 4. It was a lucky fight for Ma.l. Cirujeda. When the moment ous issue; of it became known, he was the hero of tlie hour in Havana, and in Madrid the tjueen Regent received his wife and son, coiigrn.tula.ted them, praisi'd the Major, and promised to un dertake the son's education. No doubt Maj. Cirujeda, as the man who has the credit of the hardest blow that tho cause of Cuba has received, will re ceive all the promotions and substan tial rewards that existing conditions admit. It should be recorded to his credit that as yet tlie-re is no confirma tion of the theory that Maceo was a victim of treachery, or met his end ill any other than a fair fight. A Washington special says: "This is wdiat we call our rogues' gallery," bald Vncle Joe Cannon, as he stood In the office of the sorgonnt-at-nrms of the House of Representatives, Indorsing a voucher for his salary, "and it contains the photograph of every Representative In tlie Fifty-fourth Congress. It was deemed advisable to have this done to guard against any fraud or forgery up on Uncle Sam at the Capitol. Accord ingly, a big frame capable of holding :!00 cablnot-alze photographs was pre pared, and as fat a the pictures could be made they were assigned places In the frame. Many of the Representa tives put their autographs ou their pho tographs, and thus gave a double safe guard against fraudulent practices." Under the system adopted by the ser-geaiit-at-arnis of the House, who is practically the lmnker for 3H0 Repre sentatives, whose salary and mileage accounts must run the gauntlet of his assistants, It In well nigh Impossible for any one to personate a Congress man successfully. In case of any doulrt In the mind of the paying tidier as to the Identity of a Congressman presenting a pay or mileage voucher, all he has to do Is to look through th wire-netting and Hnd the pletture of tie Congressman whose name has bcn signed to the voucher, or If aonielwdy else presents the voucher, a glance al the autograph In the big frame is all the authority for making. the dealred payment" : CONDUCTOR HAS HIS REVENGE. j How a "'treet rr line ploe Mdn't C.rt Atierel of a IVieiiizr. I A conducuir on the- Udell Railway j line,"Ti. Louij, Mo., whose name is said to be Davis, played a shrewd tric k on I an individual who, during the past ! three mouths, has caused the couduc j tors on this line 110 end of annoyance. This individual made it a practice to lsard one of the Liudell ears at a cer tain point in the west end, ami, when approached for his fare by the conduc tor, flash a If 10 bill ou him, aiwdogiziug for offering csue-h a large bill by saying J he was in a hurry ami had not time w : get change. In nearly every instance he j was pi'itiiited to ride free, the fondue- j tor preferring to pass him free to rol bing himself of his small change1. In time the conductors ou this line got to know the slii'k individual, and, after comparing notes, they prepared a scheme to forever cure the man of his propensity to carry large bills on street cars. They clubbed together and se- I cured $'..'.C worth of pennies, which they plae-ed in a canvas bag. This was g've-ii to Davis, who was Instructed to , look out for the obnoxious individual on his run. Davis curried tlie bag full of j pennies under one of the seats In his car for two weeks. Finally the fellow Isiarded Davis' car at Vamleventer ave nue. When Davis went to collect his fare; the fellow handed him the $10 bill, which had secured for him so many rides in the past. It would never secure ldm another. In the most unconcerned manner Imaginable, Davis asked the man if he had neething smaller. The man stiid iw. Without the semblance of a smile on his j countenance the conductor reached im- j dor one ef the seats of the oar, brought 1 forth tlie bag of pennies, and without a word handed it over to the man. Then he went out onto the luick platform euid nearly cracked his face open laughing nt the shrewd manner in which the "foxy" passenger had lieen oufwltted. The passenger counted out the $!).!I5 in pennies without a word, placed tlie bag in his overcoat jsx-ket, shifted un easily in his seat for a few minutes, went out cm the platform, placed ttie wrong end of a cigar in his mouth and attempted to light It, spat nervously a few times and then junqs'd off the car. When Conductor Invi.s turned in at the end of his run he had a pain in his islde from laughing. All his brother con ductors were waiting to hear from him, ami when lie turned over the famous bill to the cashier a nwir of laughter went up from the assembled conductors that could Is1 heard down nt tlie bridge. The $10 bill was a counterfeit. Value of Kvielence. A few years ago an English traveler In Turkey reported a case of stealing as It was tried in the courts of that coun try. The Armenian newspapers of that time, commenting upon the case, said that it proved that the testimony of a calf was worth more than that of two Christians. A Turk, coveting a cow bckjiiging to a Christian, succeeded in uteaiing it. The owner complained of the theft to the nearest Judge, bringing a friend to corroborate his story, and he demand ed the restoration of his property. Tlie Judge declined to believe either the in jured man or his friend. On thlfi the injured man said, "I have the calf of tills cow at a place very near the court, and if your Honor will have the cow brought to the calf and will ob serve the two together, he will imme diately perceive by their affection for each other that the cow must be the mother of the calf, and this will prove that Bhe belongs to me." Accordingly, the Judge ordered the cow to be brought to the calf, and went himself to see the two. No sooner had the calf set eyes on the cow than it claimed her as mother. The Judge was convinced, and ordered the cow to be given up to the Christian. The Farmer's Miscomprehension. "I guess," remarked Farmejr Corn-; tossel. "then w'ed better liev Josiar stop studyin' so hard. 'Taln't good fur 'is mind." "I haven't noticed anythin' onusual." "Mebbe ye ain't. But I hcv. When he come home fur his vacation, after travelin' hundreds of miles, whut de ye think his fust word was?" "I d'no." "He says, 'Well, father, I'm liuif-baek now.' "I looked at Tin, an' 1 says, 'What do you mean?' "I mean what I say. I'm half back." "1 says, 'Josiar, son, don't ye realize whuryeare? Ye ain't half back. Ye're all the way hack, an' I'm glad ter see ye, too.' An' all he done was to jes' laugh an' say he'd tell me all about it some time." Washington Star. Pap r Furniture. Just at present on experiment Is be? Ing made at building all the furniture of unpretentious form of compressed paper. Tills doe for the living rooms what aluminum has done for the kitch enliterally decreases the weight to a; point: where a child Is able to move the largest piece. It Is not proposed lu this, procevis to detract In the least from; beauty of shape or grace and elaborate nes of ornamentation, but to lessen the weight Singing Strengthens Lungs. It Is asserted that singing is a cor rective of the too common tendency to pulmonic complaints. An eminent phy sician observes on the subject: "The Germans are seldom afflicted with con sumption, and this, I believe, is in part occasioned by the strength which their lungs acquire by exereUing them In vocal music, for til1 constitutes an es sential branch of their education." Turkeys perching on tree and refus ing to deaceud Indicate that auow will hortly fall. TRAIN MAKES A RECORD RCS Burlington Bontu Emanhes All Pre viuiis Past Eua P.ecords. ECLIPSES NEW YORK CENTRALS' TIME Eight-en Hueir unit Hfly-Threa Miuutf f front Ch ragn lo l-nirer Mining Mug mir't Kaf- tn b. u Hi. Uy ug Son. Dkkvkk, Feb. 10. Ti e special train from Chicago ovc r the Chicago, Bur lington & Quincy and Burlington & Mis-ouri River railroads, chartered by Henry J. Mayhaui, a Denver mining in vestment broker, reached this city at 3:03 a. in. today, having run. 1,0.'6 miles in eighteen hours and fifty-three min utes. The journey goeH into history as the greate.-t railway feat ever accom plished. The best previous railroad long-distance record was nineteen hours and fifty-seven minutes for 9(i miles over tlie New York Central and Lake rdiore from New York to Chicago. Mr. Maybani, who left New Y'ork Sunday on the Pennsylvania Limited, chartered a special r 'iu in Chicago in order to reach the bedside of his dying (-oil, William B. Mayliam, as quickly as pos.-ible. The Burlington officials guart an teed to take him to Denver in twenty-four Hours. They made good their guarantee and had five lieuw and seven minutes to siare. From the moment the train left Chi cago until it roiled into the Denver de pot, no hitch of any 'kind 01 curred. It tie aeros-c Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska and &iorudo like a meteor, frequently at taining a speeel of upwards of 70 miles an hour ua.l averaging over 60 mile an hour for g' retches of a hundred miles at a time. The details, of the run are as follows: Chicago to Pacific Junction, 4S2 miles in 545 minutes. Pacific Junction to Lincoln, 60 miles, in 1)4 minutes. Lincoln to Hastings, 97 miles, in 109 minutes. Hastings to MoCook, 132 miles, in 130 minutes. McCook to Akron, 143 miles, in 151 minutes. Akron to Denver, 112 miles, in 123 minutes. The actual running time, including stops, was 18 hours and b'S minutes: an a .erage speed of 54 miles an hour. The actual running time excluding stops was 17 hours and 49 minutes; an average epeed of 57 3-5 miles an hour. At Lincoln, Neb., Travelling Engineer Dixon of the Burlington entered the cab of the engine and remained with each engineer as he cum' on until the train readied Denver. No special train b jaring high oilkials of the nation evei attracted more careful attention from the, officers of tlie railway. Telegrams from all parts of the United States in quired concerning the progress of the train and the possibility of Mr. May ham reaching the side of his son in time at least to grasp his hand before he was beckoned across tlie dark river. At the Burlington passenger office in this city the representatives were kept busy an swering ejuestion from friends and well wishers of the family. But in spite of the Burlington's splendid record, Mr. Muyhatn arrived in Denver too late to s e his son alive. The young man died shortly after midnight. Speaking of this record breaking run, General Manager Brown, of the C. B. & Q. R. K., said today: "It is not exactly correct to suppose that the Burlington company may not achieve still better results under more favorable circum stances. Tlie facts are tha't the com pany hsd only thirty minutes' notice from Mr. Mayliam and tlie train started out of Chicago in a blinding Bnov storm." Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that ia by cons iuit-onal remedies. Deafness is caused liv an in flam ed condition of the mncous lining of the F.ustachian Tube. When this tuhe gets inllumed yon have a rumbling hound or impefect hearing, and when it is e; t-irely closed Deafness is the -"suit, and unless? the inflammation can be '-liken 011' and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de 1: roved forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catnrrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One 11 nndred Dollars for any ca-e of Deafness (caused by catarrh); that cannot he cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure, end fo,J circulars free. F. J. CHUNKY & CO.. Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists. VSc. Tlie yell nv pine tree often attains a height of seventy feet, and upward, though rarely mote than two feet in diameter. Ji'HT irr 10o hoi of Piuerrei, (Matt csthtrtlc, Da Mi llvnr mid Ucwol reirulaior uinie. Candles and candelabra Still bold their 0 vu as table decorations, their shades harmonizing with tbe color scheme. To place each one on a jeweled doily en hances the effect. No-to-Ilac for Fifty Cents. Ovnr 400.000 cured. Win mil let No-To-BlW rcit ilatei or ri'iii'ivn your d"mr; f"f lobnuciif ttavu nullify, niiikieH health and in nhoud, Cure ur.ir,iu-l, fits: and l, all aruiuut-, Tn Sell Voidli-jr President Cleveland's country placej just on the outskirts of Washington will be placed on the market (or tale soon after March 4, and will probably bring a higher flirnre than wa paid fof it three years ago, although real eaUte in Washington has made little advano in that time. Mr. Cleveland paid 130, 000 for tbe house and grounda, and since then has expended some money onj improvements, which may bring tho price of the place to 160,000.