The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 04, 1897, Image 5

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    piuruntsgue athens.
fb Hn li Are Mala rillin by
Marble Mavhi,
Of tin three mountain inclosing the
plain of Athens, Mount Farm is the
highest (4.iHi fceti; Mount Pi-millcus
(3.011 feet), with Its ri'i'iibr triangular
shape suggesting the IMifUncut of a
temple, 1 the most Imposing; but the
thyme-covered, boney-producing II)
mettus l.'S.SiN feel) has always been
most intimately associated with
Athens. I; l:es nearer to the city, and
from utmost all the streets and all the
window looking eastward can lie seen
its curved line marking the lilne sky
above, except on the rare gray days,
when clouds resting on Its top are an
Infallible sign of rain. The various
hue of the mountain and the smaller
bills forming an inner circle around
Athens, combined with the view of the
ea, lend an additional effect of airiness j
nnd buoyancy to the aspect. In the j
long, straight (streets of the new town J
from end to end, nothing impede the
view ou either side.
In praising Alliens, we mu'-t not draw
a veil over her defects. Such improve
ments as are Indispensable to a modern
rlty liave not kept pace with her gr iwlh
la extent and allliience. The stages of
this progress can be seen In the struc
tural inequalities even of continuous
dwellings. These dwellings may bfl
chronologically divided Into three cate
gories: those of the first settlers, when
all were poor, and the main necessity
was at any rate to be boused; those of
the thrifty citizens, who felt the want
of more space and greater convenience,
but had little regard for external ap
pearance or Interior comfort, and con
sidered carpet nnd plate-glass a lux
ury, and even chimneys of small conse
quence; and those of the wealthy lin
:a,'rnnts, who gave an Impulse to thb
building of elegant houses among all
who, tiiank to Increasing prosperity,
could afford to Imitate them.
The proximity of the quarries of Hy
mettus and Pcntcllcu enables Athens
to upply herself with a building ma
terial which no other city could have at
equal cost. Marble. In Itself an embel
lishment. 1 profusely used, find loses
none of It brilliancy In the, dry atmos
phere, whose transparency innkes
pleasant to the eye even the light col
or spread on the stone walls, which
In other bit It tide would hardly be bear
able. The agreeable effect thus obtain
ed Is Increased by the trees In some of
the streets and squanw, as well as In
the gardens of the better class of
bouse. I!ut Athens might and would
be more verdant still were It not for
the lack of abundant water. Till want
wa felt In antiquity as well; to It may
partly be ascribed the epidemic re
corded by ancient historians In time
of war. when the number of inlinblt
ants was Increased by thne of the sur
rounding country Becking refuge within
the wall.
Antoninus Plus endowed Athens with
a perfect system of water works. They
consisted of subterranean galleries col
lecting tbe waters of the neighboring
mountains. To tbie old Roman aque
ducts, successively discovered, repair
ed, and utilized, Athens still owes ber
canty supply of water. Projects for
Increasing the supply are ever talked
of, but will be defprred so long as the finances remain no better
than the national. Meanwhile, the
macadamized road between the Gnu
sidewalks are hardly watered. This
fact and the nature of the soil, noto
rious for Its thinness since the days of
Thucydldca, account for the dust,
which is the greatest blemish of
Athens. An English lady was heard
to admire the picturesquencss of It
whirling clouds; but even were that
single representative of an optimistic
minority on a fine day. succeeding one
of rain, to see the town and the clear
outline of the distant mountains
through a dustles atmosphere, she
could not help regretting that the same
effects are not artificially attainable.
On the whole. Athens will show to
b"t advantage if visited after Con
stantiuople and other towns in Turkey,
a the standard of comparisons will b
fairer than that afforded by the great
capitals of tl;e West. It must not be.
forgotten that. If one of the most an
dent, she I at the same time one of the
newest among European towns; nor
ouirht the long period of her decline
ever to be lost sight of when compar
ing ber with other town. The traveler
who, remembering that buig period of
Turklhh sway, counts on receiving an
Oriental Impression from the aspect of
Athena I doomed to disappointment.
Even the national garb I fast disap
pearing. It may still lie worn by a few
elderly Athenian!. These, and a peas
ant here and there selling milk. -or
cheese, recall the day when their dress
wa the national one. It I, however,
the uniform of certain soldiers of light
Infantry, who may be seen parading
the streets or mounting guard at the
palace. In all the white splendor of the
fustanelle. The wide blue trousers of
the Aegean islander are not less rare,
nor I there much chance of seeing
them at the Plraeu, among the craft
from the various Islands moored along
the quay. The uglier iinu cheaper
product of the lop-hop has replaced
the picturesque drapery of the olden
time. The monotony of the modern
costume I broken only by the priest
with their long black robes and their
peculiar bat.-"Publlc Hplrlt In Mod
ern AthenC by . Blkela. In Cen
tury. How He HeleoUMl HI Deputy.
Tbat tale related In the telegram of
n Alabama girl who shot a young man
couple of tluie and then married him
recall the method employed by George
Baidsley, one of the early day sheriff
of Elll County, In appointing bl depu
ties. One night he wa called to Chrla
BUey'a aaloon. where "Texas Frank,"
newly arrived desperado to Haya
CM, wu "auootliif out" the place-a
performance which consisted In the
promiscuous firing of bis "gun" at the
Imrkecper, byttndcr. lamps, boltlc
ami picture. Sheriff Banl.Jey grabliei
the first weapon bandy in his own sa
loon, which happened to be a dmlde- I
barreled abut g"uu, and proceeded to
Riley' ou the run. Dashing la be or
dered Frank to throw up hi ban
the reMiiise was a bullet from Frank'
.44. letting go both luirrels of hi-
shotgun. Baidsley brought the dper
ado to the floor, so full of shot hole
that be couldn't bold either air or
Frank was not killed, however, and
In course of time recovered, under the
kind attention which he received In the
county Jail. Presently It was observed
that the Texas man was walking
around town without a guard, and a
imie :,ter the people were astonished
to find him serving legal papers and
making arrests. Bardsley was ap-
preached by a newspaper man at this
time, when the following colloquy took
"Is Texas Frank your deputy?" que
ried the reporter.
"Yep:" wa the sententious response
of Bardsley.
"How does that come?" was the next
"Well, you see," said Hardsley, "most
sheriffs appoint their deputies, but I
like to shoot mine." Kansas City Jour
nal. George W. Cable expects to sail f r
Euglaud in a few weeks. He ba made
arrangement to give public reading
from bis works In Ixmdon and the
Dean Farrnr quotes Tennyson as hav
lug related to him the reniask of a far
mer who, after bearing a lire-aud brim
stone sermon from an old style preach
er, consoled his wife by saying: "Never
mind, Sally, tbat must be wrong. No
constiloosbiiu couldn't stand It."
Mr. Ernest I'm-, wj.o v, 1 be re
meinl I by i.i. ..j Chicaning a a
visitor to the World' Fair, ha written
a Iiook entitled ricturesque Hiininn,
Past and Present," which she has also
Illustrated. She writes In a chatty wuy
of the far-off country at; she saw it.
A movement has been started to rec
ognize publicly Herbert Spencer's ser
vices to philosophy and science, upon
the completion of bis system of syu
tbetlc philosophy. A committee has
been formed at the Athenaeum Club,
London, to decide on the form of this
Though a site has leeu chosen for the
bust of Sir Walter Scott, there will yet
be a little delay before it I finally set
tip In Westminster abbey. This Is due
to several cause, one, though certainly
not the most Important, being that the
money bas not yet been fully subscrib
Say the tandon Dally New: "A
new volume of the poet laureate?" One
forgot for the moment that Tennyson
Is dead. Then one ya wn at the recol
lection of Mr. Austin's name and the
announcement tbat his new book Is to
1m entitled 'The Conversion of Wintkle
uiau and Other Poems.' "
There is to be published In Liverpool
early In the new year "A History of
I be Liverpool Privateers and Letters of
Marque," by Corner Williams. The
greatne of the city, says the publish
er In announcing the character of the
forthcoming work, was suckled on tho
iwin .i.iqume o. " nnuiiiji -"jtlmlBur,.a(llI1 always the outcome of
privateering, and the book Is lo consist mm((rtl)v lt,rhWml feeling-vexa-
of an account of both. t(m ()r .if.,.,,,,.,,,, or a desire to re
in some remarks on the promised tl)1at(, j ,. think of only one con
Hyron revival W. E. Henley says that ,i,n that would justify its use in
the public "baR bad enough of Huetit al), then only sparingly and In
i.. i i.i Imi,I Hn a nil
minor lyrist and hidebound (If sii-
perlor) sonneteers, and Is disposed In
tbe natural course of things to renew
lis contact with a great English poet
who was also a principal element In the
aesthetic evolution of that modern Eu
rope which we know
Peopln who have seeu manuscripts of
W. D. Howell's writing have been sui-j not true to the original sense of the
prised that tbe work of a man who Is J word. Tbe most helpful thing in a
such a prolific writer should show ho ( teacher's work Is genuine sympathy be
many changes. "One little sketch of bis tween teacher and pupil. Is this feel
that I bappeued to see," says an ad-j lug possible If the teacher Indulges fr-e-inlrer
of the author, "was cross-'d ontjly In sarcasm ?-E. C. H In Public
n,i rewritten mntiv times. And It was
a simple sketch, not a story onj
I should have thought be would have
written at a sitting without changing 9
fiecond Fiddle.
Stylish maid.
Many charm,
Puppy dog
In tier arm.
Youth drop In,
Cool recept
Hurling pug
Still 1 kept.
Iover sighs,
Ivook at her;
Wishe he
Wa a cur.
Ten o'clock,
Time expired; '
'Tom, food night,
Fldo' tired."
New 'e k World.
A Traveller' Forethought.
Lltlle things Illustrate certain En
glishmen' knowledge of American ge
ography very plctnrcaquely. Ad En
glishman who had taken tbe Pacific
express at Philadelphia called out on
going to bed before tho train aUrted:
'Tortab! portahl"
The porter came. "What la It, air?"
be said.
" wake ma np when we fat to
Ran Fraticlaco, you know,
said tbe En -
Men have better be 1th than the wo
men, because tbe? slffh less whsa
(blnf a (o wrong, sad kick more.
ou a rounding hilltop .
And weather tiuiiiid and gray,
'he little mountain w1mI-Uoiii
l.,kn down uu I he lonesome way.
lo oihcr dwclli.ig is near it.
Ti perched Hi' ''"'re by itself,
.ike wiine old forgotten cliupel.
High on rocky helf.
D at the cobwebbed window
1 -ered, od menied to
"he face of a sweet girl teacher
Smiling b' k t me.
'here was ber desk in tbe middle,
With benches grouped aitear,
Vhich fancy jieopled with clnldreu
Crown up this tnauy a ymr.
tosv and sturdy children
Trudging there, raiu or shine,
Cager to be in their places
t)u the tery stroke of nine.
"heir dinners packed in baskets
Turnover, pie. and cake.
The homely toothsome dainties
Old-fashioned mother could make.
A'here did the little ones come from?
Fields greeu wilh aftermath
Jleep in the autumn sunshine.
And narrow tangled path
Creeping through brier and brushwood
I ends down the familiar way;
;ui where did the children come from
To this chool of yesterday?
)h, brown and freckled laddie.
And las of the apple cheek.
fhe home that sent you hither
Are few and far to seek.
But you climbed these sleep like squir
That leap from bough to bough,
or cared for clond or tempest.
Nor minded ilia deep, soft snow.
Blithe of heart nd f footstep
You merrily took the road;
Ufe yet bad brought no shadow,
Care yet hud heaped no load.
Ind safe beneath lowly roof tree
You said your prayers at night,
ind glad as the birds in the orchard
Kose up with the morning light.
jone Is the fair young teacher;
The scholar come no more
(Vith shout and song to greet her
As once, t the swinging door.
fliere are gray-haired men and women
ho belonged to that childish band,
IVith troops of their own around them
Id this sunny momitnin laud.
The old school stands deserted.
Alone on the hill by ilsclf,
Much like an outworn chapel
That clings to a rocky shelf.
And the sentinel pines around it
In solemn beauty keep
Their watch from the Bush of the dawn
' big
Till the grand hills fnll aslifp.
-Margaret I. Sangster, in the Cosmopol
itan. "iion't He ' areas' 1c.
In connection with tho work of our
Teacbers'-Bureau, I have within a few
weeks had occasion to make inquiries
concerning tbe work and t lie success of
a gissl many teachers. In several in
staueea these Inquiries were made cou
rcruliig people of whom I knew
something already; In not a
few cases I know a good
deal concerning the teacher's per
sonality, nbllity, preparation and con
scientiousness. In more Instances than
one I have been pained, almost shock
ed, to receive a reply something like
Ibis: "Oh, Miss Is a good woman;
the Is bright and faithful, but the pupils
do not like ber; she Is too sarcastic."
This has set me to thinking, and it
ought to set every one who rends these
words to thinking real, earnest, per
sonal thinking. The old inquiry, "Is it
I?" is In order. So use the expressive
American phrase, It "doesn't pay" for a
teacher to spoil or to mar the salutary
Inlluence of ability and earnest labor by
Indulgence In thUs unworthy practice.
If you will think carefully you will see
p(. t good nature. 1 think it some-I
j time happens that a conceited student, j
w,i severely with "cranial en- i
, hirgeinent," can have bis disease bi-st
tr,.U(ed by a keen, good nat ured thrust
of sarcasm.
Look at the origin of the word sir-
casm, and reflect whether the thing Is
! hciiool journal.
Teachins Reading;.
The work of the teacher of reading
may be summed up under these three
headings: 1. Teaching tbe pupil bow
to read. 2. Teaching blm what to read.
8. Training blm to habit of correct
reading. The work of teaching bow to
read may be divided Into two parts: 1.
Teaching tbe pupil bow to gather
thought. 2. Teaching him bow to ex
press thought. Though a pupil Is able
to make out quite readily the words
placed before blm, be Is nt 111 often un
able to get the meaning of a sentence
through not lielng able to combine the
Idea suggested by these words. He
experiences the same difficulty that
older people have In listening to one
who speaks too slowly. Tbe child Is
unable lo think slowly. After four or
five week In word-mastery be should
j have some exercise In reading groups of
words aa a tall oaK-tree," "n high
fence," "a man and his doir." Iiter on
be ran red entcnec. W. A. M du
ty re.
Pom Pimple Device.
The work In any school which Is the
most far-reaching Is the reading work.
Tbe teacher combines ber reading and
nature work. It Is alwaya a language
lesson. Now, to determine one of the
! most useful devices, that Is, one of tbe
most general, "all purpose" material
to have on hand. It will be worth while
to examine some of the aids offered
(or the reading work.
Titers art charts that are to be used
during the reallLg recitation. There
are many advantage to lie derive!
froci this chart, but many of the wobt
auecesnful primary teacher prefer I j
make the lessons themselves, which
they wish to use. Tbeu all tbe matti ial
the children bring to school, uil the
holiday and circuses can be utilized,
and the Interest in the reading lesson
K- increase!. Probably the most use
ful material Is made by having the let
ters of the alphabet printed on car.l
lioard and cut so there Is but one letter
ou a card. We have our alphabets
painted so the small letter is on one
side of tbe card and tbe corresiHHu'lidg
capita! on the oilier. There are three
e's. two each of tbe a', o's ami u's, and
one each of the consonants of the alpha
bet. Tbe letters should be good, plain
type, aliout a half inch long. Light or
ten of these alphabets put Into an ordi
nary spool Isix which is thrown away
at the dry goods stores), are prepared
for each child. This kind of work is
suitable for the First Header children,
so it does not require very many.
The busy work with Jjic very small
est pupils may consist in having the
children make lessons from the read
ers or from tbe lsiard on their desks,
each using the letters from the box
given him. A little later the teacner
may put Kioric on the lnir3. l"iivlng
blanks to be filled, which the children
make on their desks, putting In the
proper words. Still later, when they
have learned to spell, or when they
can bunt up words which they can't
SIH-1I, they can make their own stories
about the flower, the bird, or the squir
rel. There are teachers who object
to having the children do any of this
purely copy work In making their sto
ries exactlv like those of the lsjok or
on the board. Of course such work as
this Is most elementary, nud Just as
sisiq a the children can spoil the neces
sary words they should Ik; encouraged
lo give storiea of their own. When
they put these stories Into letters they
frequently wish to use word they can
not spell. It Is hardly advisable for
them to spell the words as they may
think them likely to be. It Is better for
them to leave blanks and read the sto
ries Just as if the words were really
there. If a word Is misspelled for a
few times It is a very hard mutter to
correct. Sarah K. Taruey Campbell, in
Inland Educator.
The Art of Not tlrarltis.
The art of not hearing should lie
lea rued by nil. There are so many
things which It Is painful to hear, very
many which, If heard, will disturb the
temper, corrupt simplicity and mod
esty, detract from contentment and
happiness. If a lean falls into a violent
passion and calls all manner of mimes,
at the first words v.e should shut out
ears and hear no more. If In a quiet
voyage of life we find ourselves caught
In one of those domestic whirlwinds of
scolding, we should shut our cars as a
sailor would furl his sail, and, making
all tight, send before the gale. If a hot,
restless man begins to Inllame our feel
ings, we should consider what mischief
the fiery sparks may do in our maga
zine below, where our temper Is kept,
and instantly close the door. If nil the
petty tilings said of a man by heedless
and ill-natured Idlers were brought
home to blm, be would become a more
walking pincushion stuck full of sharp
remarks. If we would be happy, when
among good men we should open our
ears; when among bad men, shut them.
It Is not worth while to hoar what, our
nclgblKirs say about our children, what
our rivals say about our business, our
dress, or our affairs. New York led
ger. The French Conv ntion.
The old French convention lasted
three years one tnoiuth and four days.
It had 74!Miiembersnd passed ll,i!10de
erifs. Of its 7-1!) memliers, fih were guil
lotlncd Duray, June 2(1, 17!M, being tin
first, and Bishop Huguet the last. Octo
ber IT'.Ki; 8 were assassinated and
2 shot: 14 committed suicide; 5 died of
grief; perished in abject misery; 8
died on the highway, to be eaten by
dogs; I, Arinanvllle. the last wearer of
the reil cap, perished In a drunken tit:
4 died mail: 2 were killed In the army,
1 was carried away by the Prussians
and never heard of; 3 died suddenly; 1
expired In prison; 1 fell dead of Joy on
learning that HonaiMirte bad disem
liarked at FreJus; KiH perished in exile
or in penal settlements. 23 were nevet
heard of from the date of tbe eighteenth
Jlrumalre; OTi vanished after the coro
nation of Napoleon, and 25 died in )s)V
erty and obscurity. The convention
hail f'h'i presiding officers, of whom IV
were guillotined and 8 transported;
were outlawed, and U sentenced to Im
prisonment for life; 4 died In mad
houses, and 3 committed suicide.
A Cruel lbe..
, Samuel Rubers, the poet, was a man,
It Is said, ";" "erons of his money, but
whose tongue dropped gall."
He once vlsitcu i ai'ls with his friend
Luttrcll, a ninn w': .a he and every
body else loved and respected. On
day a stranger beckoned to Luttrcll
on the street, and spoke to him apart.
When be returned be said:
"Tbat fellow knew me; be asked mi
If my name was Luttrell."
"And was It?" said Rogers, quietly.
Their companions were astonished
lo see Lutlrell turn pale at this slmpb
question as If be bad been struck
blow. There was, they discovered
some disgrace attached to his birth
and he bad been adopted by a mat.
who gave blm bltt name.
Roger knew and admired hi frlend'i
honorable life, but he could not deni
himself the niallciou pleasure of (hit
cruel gibe. It hurt Luttrell but for n
moment, but . published In Roger
memoir will alwaya remain lo tell ol
the poet's disloyal malignity,
The name wbeM la derived from ;.
Saxon word,1 "Hwaete," algnlfylni
whits, because the flour from this grab
I lighter In color than that from an
1 lie I1anJ Itrlnntr the Colored
1'eoiile. j
I found myself In a great, shadowy, j
roomy, hotel, with hard-wood floors
and furlongs of veranda, giving on a
garden which bad ruti somewhat to
seed, but contained sevemi palm-trees,
and as assortment of lizards, greeu and
brow, in agreeable confirmation of the
propinquity of the equator. Round
alsmt this hotel and its environment
we wanden d till lum b nas ready; there
were oranges, bananas, and several
other fruits which 1 do not :ecify only
la-cause I ain still unable to recollect
their names. As to their flavor. I can
only say tbat I do not care much for it i
as yet; there was one that tasted like
butter, and another that bad tbe con- ;
sistency of cream cheese and the taste
of strawberry jam. I
Ou the whole, the flavor of these j
Southern products strikes the Northern
visitor as insipid and too sweet, and ,
makes one understand why Englishmen
always banker after curries and tbe
like sharp condiments In the tropics;
but no doubt we are sophisticated and
wrong and ought to like what seems to i
us insipidity. Meanwhile, the oranges,
bananas, and pineapples are all much
better here than they ever are after en
during export.
As for the breadfruit and yams, of
w hich we also bad specimens, they are
a mixture of the potato and the sweet
potato, ami are less captivating than
either. They have almost no taste at
all, and I should suppose that one final
ly would come to regard them In much
the same light as bread, something use
fully filling, but without character
enough to Inspire either loathing or de
votion. With the aid of sauces and
gravies, however, they go down very
The bill of fare included likewise fish
which was good, and meat which waa
not very gisid; It has to be eaten too
soon after killing to have hxst its tough
ness. Hut one does not expect to eat
much meat down here; vegetarians are
In their element in the tropica, especial
ly that superior order of them who fa
vor that part of tbe vegetable kingdom
which grows above ground. The coun
try women, who walk fifteen to twenty
five mlU a day In the sun with burdens
on their heads which must sometimes
weigh not less than fifty pounds, and
who are never In the least tired these
ladies. It apears, live on fruit and
yams only, and find them all-sufficient
After dinner I went Into a barler
ship, and submitted myself to tbe min
istrations of an artist there. The shop
was at the rear of the little structure
which Itore the sign; the front part of It,
If I remember right, was devoted In
part t the sale of tobacco. On three
sides of the room were windows pro
tected by wooden gratings painted red
and blue; through them I saw bits of In
tense blue sky and green fronds of
palm. On a wall Just outside the wtsb
a lizard ran and hopped., and the etern
al buzzard alighted on a corner of a
roof within my range of vision. Close
beside me a young darky with a coun
tenance of Illimitable amiability lab
ored asKiduoiisly on an Instrument in
the nature of a hand-organ; out the
works were in full view, and In the
opinion of several bystanders seemed
to vie In Interest with the tunes. This
music took the place of tbe traditional
barber's conversation, though that also
was abundantly available on demand,
and was, Indeed, carried on with much
vivacity between the various employes
and some visitors who appeared to have
come In for that puniose. It sounded
like a mixture of Italian and French,
' and may have Ix-en Jamaican popular
j English, for aught I know. I could not
; understand It.
I I accepted the details as being typ
! lcally tropical; but, on the other hand,
i Ihe chair in which I sat was made in
Rochester, New York; on the wall were
a large lithograph of Brooklyn Bridge
and a portrait of President Cleveland.
Electricity, too, has got to Kingston,
and the wires run through the branches
of the mangos and palms. The house
In which I have taken up my abode Is
fitted throughout with electric liells,
but I am happy to add that none of
them work. In one of the larger shops,
1 think, there is an elevator, the only
one on the Island.
I said Just now that tbe white people
look out of plane. Tbat fact, so far as
I can Judge, is the moral of the story
here. The Island lielongs to the colored
folk, and the others are gradually being
crowded out. The proportion Is al
ready about thirty to one against the
latter; and while the colored race gos
on multiplying, the whites are packing
their trunks and moving out. Is this
movement to lie arrested or not? I
doubt whet ber It will be arrested by the
English. Workmen iiiqiorted from the
States do not succeed here; that Is, they
all die In two years from rujn. The
coolies do admirably, but they cannot
be the final solution of the problem.
Perhaps the best thing we can do Is to
become colored people ourselves.
"Summer at Chrisfmnstlde," by .luilan
Hawthorne, In the Century.
Where Sleep I s Disease.
On the western coast of Africa the
natives suffer from a fatal malady
known a the sleeping disease. Tho
person attacked by It Is seized with a
sensation of drowsiness, which contin
ues to Increase In spite of the efforts
made to throw It off. Finally the pa
tient sinks Into a profound sleep, which
continue until death ensues. The most
cnrloii feature of the disease Is that
apart from the drowsiness the patient
seems much as twnal.
Yarn from Wool.
Yarn made of wood Is getting Into the
market. It Is smooth, eexlhk, elastic
and otherwise much like fiber yarns.
All tbe member of a family secretly
laugh at tbe efforts made by another
aMmber to bs agreeable to csJIsn.
A Novel I'Un for Milkiest The-n De
stroy One AnolMer.
The following novel plan of trapping
rats was described by a writer in Ojrn
bill (June, iMdii: "The cunning of ra-ta
makes attempt to catch tbeui in trap
almost futile, their keen scent recogniz
ing the phicvii where a baud has been,
and waniiiig-ibcm to avoid so danger
ous a bx-ality. Tbe use of gloves
smeared with aniseed may lull the sus
picions of the animal; but traps will
never 1 the means of greatly diminish
ing its numbers where it bos fairly es
tablished itself. The best course to
take where the extermination of a
i colony of ruts Is-'-omes a neesxity Is to
make them help to destroy one another
; in the following manner: A number of
tubs, proisirt innate to tbe number of
I rais in the place from which It i de
sired to rid them, should be placed
alKut, tbe middle of each occupied by
a brick standing on end. Tbe bottom of
these tubs should be covered with
water to such a depth tluu a1ut an
inch of brick project ulxive it. The
top of the tub should lie covered with
stout brown paper, uiki which a dainty
nieaJ of liacon rind and other scraps
dear to the rat palate figures, a sloping
hoard giving tbe rodent faciUties for
partaking of It. Tbe feast should be
renewed for several nights, so that ail
the rats In the neighliorhood may get to
know of the good food which is placed
within such easy reach. When it Is
Judged that this policy has been pur
sued long enough, tbe center of the
brown paper should lie cut in such a
manner that any rat venturing on it
will lie precipitated into tbe cold water
below. It might be thought that the re
sult of this would be the capture of a
rat, or at the most two, for each tub
prepared, but no such meager result for
the trouble that has been taken need
lie feared. The rat, finding his trust
abused atid himself frfruggUng In the
water at tlie Isittom of tbe tub, soon re
covers oufftciently from the slwck to
discover that there Is an island of ref
uge, on to which he clambers, axia
squeals bis loudest for help. Now the
squeal of a rat in trouble attracts ev
ery one of his kind within hearing, and
very few momenta will elapse before
the victim of misplaced confidence Is
joined by one of his friends. The new
comer la as quick to discover the
chance of escape from a watery grave
as wn the original victim, but when he
attempts to avail himself of Its pres
ence, ii'lieoomes apparent thai there Is
not room for more than one upon it The
first comw resists with tooth and nail
the efforts of Ids companion In trouble
to disuses him of bis coign of vantage,
and the squeals which form an accom
paniment to the fight for a footing upon
the brick, attract more rats to the scene
of the tragedy. The conflict waxes
more and more furious a.s rat after rat
topples Into the water, and by morning
bedraggled corpse's In plenty will glad
den tbe eyes of the man whose losses at
the teth of the rats have induced him
to adopt this means of thinning their
numbers. Some years ago the plan de
scribe! atsve was tried in a city ware
house, with the result that 3,000 rats
were destroyed in a single night
Hoard's Dairyman.
Mother of Pearl.
Pictures inlaid with mother of pearl
are 1n great favor this season. First
tbe picture Is painled, only it is not all
painted, for speckled over it are vari
ously shaped bits of unpainted canvas.
These spaces are left for the insertion
of splinters of mother of pearl cut to
fit. The result.! an opalescent, Irides
cent effect tbat is altogether lovely.
"The Maid of the Mist," jauntily riding
the seething caldron of Niagara, Is artn
orclad in rainbow colors, as though
plated with the sunlit spry that dashes
over it The Washington monument,
tall and stately, no longer Is ghastly
white, but gleams with warmer hues
cauglit from sky and earth and sea.
There Is fresh fancy for Inlaid furni
ture, and tabonrettes from Turkey
come with a veneer of dark wood in
laid with mother of pearl of the most
lieau-tiful tnte. Chairs of similar finish
a re offered In quaint designs. A folding
camp chair from Damascus is In light
brown wood so like sandalwood tbat
tbe imagination catches the Oriental
perfume. It Is carved in 8lri)es and
inlaid with large stars of pure white
pearl. Damascus and Bagdad and
American tbe Arabian Nights and the
new world days! And all for less than
$20, so have the hard times reduced the
price of luxuries that they may lie sold
at all, while so many have not money
enough for the necessities.
Moving the Well.
A family who have recently taken
Into their employ a rosy-cheeked Irish
mald-of-all-work, say tbat her blunders
cause them amusement enough to com
pensate for any trouble they may en
tall. One day the man of the house stated
In Bridget's hearing that he Intended
to have a wood-house built on a piece
of ground which at that time Inclosed
a well.
"And sure, eorr," said the Inquiring
Bridget, "will you be moviu' the well
to a more convanlent spot whin tb
wood-house Is bullted?"
A smile crossed her employer's face,
and Instantly Bridget saw that ahe bad
made a mistake of some sort.
"It's mesilf that's a fool, I'm tbink
tn" she said, hastily, bound to retrieve
herself; "av eoorse wbln the well waa
moved lvery drop of wather would rln
out av It!"
Uf Course Not.
Aunt Marla-But why didn't you slug
out when he attempted to kins you?
"Why, you know, auntie, 1 never can
sing without my notes."-Boston Tran
script. "
. The one who works tbt hardest re
ceive tbe moat Mam. The Id), doilf
moIdi, are rwajwiiiii for