The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 04, 1897, Image 2

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    llv c utt'a p,m iw ui ecu I II d
Ttiis is what Olive Hclir-iut-r thinks
if Cecil Rhodes: "He is Napoleon over
gain, but Napoleon in a financial, in
I us trial and political world, ile haaa.l
Sapolt-on's greatness, not a little of N
xleon pettiness, an J he will talk souie
lay, over helmed, as ass Najiok-on. by
he corruption of his hi owu too,e.
A'bat Napoleon did with eteel Cecil do-
e-ith gold. Around him there is a court
if creature who only live torn nirter to
lit will.
WHhM bilious ir (u eat a Cwcar.t. caoclj ca
fcaruc ctle guAraoUK-tl, 10 . Hoc
An ideal cen!er;iice for the dining
able is a lare round of fine white tin- n
srith edging and tracery of gold-colored
lilk and embroidery of carnations, Blind
ing from deep red to pale pink, and ac
Sompanied by buds and foliage.
To make the hair grow a natural color,
prevent baldness, and keep the walp heal
;hy, Hall's Hair Renewer wan invented,
tnd has proved itself snoces ful.
All the happiness a man gets out of
warriage be finds in the .first two
Every thought, n a
word and action It I f tf fl
takes vitality IvVU
from the blood; every nerve, muscle,
bone, organ and tissue depends on the
blood for its quality and condition.
q . Therefore pure
Opting blood is absolutely
florlSt-M no necesSitry t0 riKht
IcOICine iivin(f an(j healthy
bodies. IIood"s Sarsaparilla is the great
blood purifier and the best Spring Med
icine. Therefore it is the great cure
for scrofula, salt rheum, humors, sores,
rheumatism, catarrh, etc.; the great
nervine, strength builder, appetizer,
stomach tonic and regulator.
llx (or $5. Prepared only by C I. Hood ft Co.,
Lowe 1, Mas. Get Hood's and only Hood's.
Hood ' PI ! I S taken after dinner aid digestion
3 SHOE In thVor.d.
For 14 rears thin hoe, br merit &looe, bas
!ltanv1 all eomieutom.
Intlnrfd by over l.ti,wfl arm a tb
best In tyl, fie aad dur&oiiltj of avoy abo
e?r offered at $?J
It la mi'le In all ih tntMt aha pea and styles
aVnd of every variet? of lulli-r.
Ono dealer in a uvm (rrvu x!tijf sail
ETi'i ar!v(rtwd Jo bi paper oa rcipi of
reaaon ah , order, M rlif for caiaJotpi to W.
L. Douglas, Brockton, Xau,
Seat, prepaid, for 25 cents la Stamps.
Club Orders of Five Collections, $i.OO.
ISO Went Jtaadolph Street. CM ICiGO, ILL.
A pure. permanent and artistic witllnatfnv
ready for the brush by mixing io cold water.
rnrr t A TiD Ctrli ho""' 'JdealraMe tlnta.
Hilt i"10 Alabantli8ouTnlrRork sent fret
' to any one mentioning thin paper.
ALABASTINE CO., Gaann St.eioe. Micm.
irtfpldrM WawlUauUana'Botl
tft nan., el Sea ft, Siiamir, a
ti ae aea-aa aa
Pill Clothes.
Th good ptll lias a good ?cit. The pill coat
Mrvts two purporji it piot-ts the pill, en
abling it to retain ail its rem-ial value, and it
diaguiaes tba taate for the palate. Borne pill
ooate are too heavy; they will not dissolve in
the stomach, and the pilla they cover pass
through the system as harmless an a bread
pellet. Other ooate are too light, and permit tiie
apeedy deterioration of the pill. After 30 years
exposure, Ayers Sugar Coated Pills have been
found as effective as If Just freeh from the labor
atory. It's a good piU with a gocd coat. Ask
your druggist for
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
Ktw yilt yttlolars Afirt Cwrebook, tm yafis.
Uwi lm, ). C AyT C, Lowell, Maaa.
H you have gravel near you, improve
yur highwayi.
tfou'i iwd rats nnle-i
-n with the food.
Kxtt-riniuate the rat
you mn poi-
poiei n
and cats are clitp. I
Paint yor.r machinery if needed. It
ij UKii.ey well expended. j
Wide tires on bard nads act as
roller and improve the rond.
Chopping firewood in midir:ter i-i
a miL'hty ur.pleasat.t bu-ines.
"Home, gweet Home," V Chanted
Under I'ecniar Circuiatancc.
When the boundary Hue between
Tennessee and (Jeoriia was established
It pafesed half a mile south of the spring
Tuck-a h-e-chee-chee, among the foot
hills of the 1'iiakas, and as It crossed
one of the principal Indian trails it be
came a place of much importance.
There had already grown up a strong
rivalry between the Tennessee tribes,
headed by Chief Itoss. and the Georgia
tribes, headed by Major Ridge, both 1
half-breeds, and men of extraordinary ,
ability as leaders. The establishment
of the new boundary line fixed the
limits of their respef-tive territories,
and to try and harmonize as far as pos
sible the contending factions the gov
ernment established a trading pout
there. John Howard Payne appeared
upon the scene and was ar-cused of
inciting the Indians to insubordination.
He was placed under arrest as an in
cendiary and carried to the council
house. The name of the place was
changed from the euphomlnous appel
lation of Tucl:-a-le-chee-chee to the
one more easily pronounced of Red
Clay, because of tba-'rolor cf the soil In
that vicinity.
While Payne was held there one of
the first bands arrived, and among the
Iudang was the chief, Oo-chee, or Rat
tling Gourd, a broken-hearted man. He
was moody And abstracted, and refused
all Invitations to the council-house and
would partake of no festive enjoyments
whatsoever, but spent the most of his
time at the graves of bis wife and
child farther up the valley. At last one
morning he was missed from bis ac
customed place by tin ramp fire and
an alarm was Immediately raised that
Rattling Gourd had escaped. The pa
trol scattered in every direction in
search of hlra, and some of
them bthought thern of his
fondness for the spot where bis loved
ones slept and went In earch of him
there. And there they found him.
Weltering in his own blood, his body
lay between the little mounds that cov. ,
ered his eqimw and papoose. In some ! ,p( ropriation to mainUin tiie state's
way he had secreted a bayonet when j T,ri(ie- Tllje( le Mi,jt wai trK, ,hin. The
the Indians were being disarmed, and, ! 8tate wag itl t)l(! muon of t'.e cat who
brooding over his removal, he became ' ht.arij the kzi.Mff running and when
desperate, and seeking that lone spot,,.. ilimrMvi OI1v , niie of
he chanted his death song, fell upon i
the point of the bayonet, which pierced i
his heart, and died on the spot where
he had often expressed a desire to be
laid for his last long sleep.
The affair caused great excitement
and Indigcntlon. The malcontents took
advantage of the distressing occurrence !
to stir up strife and fears were enter- j
taiued of a mntiny. A grave was dug j
on the ppot where he lay and the chief
wag burled by the soldiers, one of the
Moravian missionaries officiating. After ,
the services were over John Howard
Payne, who had been a silent witness
of the pathetic scene, began singing
softly to himself the song which has -since
len echoed through every land
on the earth. General Bishop, who had
kept a close scrutiny on bis actions, j
heard the song and called Payne to j
him. j
"Young man," said the stern old In- 1
dlan fighter, "where did yon learn that .
"I wrote that song myself," replied
"And where did you gt the tune?""
"I composed that, aUo."
"Would you let me have a copy of It?"
"Certainly I will."
"Well, a man who can sing and write
like that Is no incendiary. Appear
ances may be against you, but I am go
ing to set you free. I shall writ out
your discharge Immediately and a pasa
to you anywhere you choose through
the nation."
Payne had been housed at the home
of a family living near by, mad on bis
return there he exhibited bis pass and
related the circumstances. That was
the first time that "Home, Sweet
Home," had ever been sung In public
Atlanta CoiistUutlon.
Don't hive ymir lingerie too close fit
ting; have your ucd'S.-ekirt gathered
around the hip- and a full front in youi
underwaist is good.
s sss. szs. g3& sszsse&tzsm
Legislators Will
position I
G' tie Omaha Ex
H00.000 03.
lloofte l'a-tlis In HM.o V til Mtitw ghr
to Uitcau lh HI 1 . nil li flint
home Vtiu b Mi.frt.-1 itvrr iht
(Ja-tiioii t rdo tdijr.
The Ptate appropriation to ! pW-en in
aid of tiie trans-MI.-it!'ippi ex joiitic..i
bus been fixed by the hou 01 reprocu
tatives at $100,000. This ajrrrenient
was reached Wednesday. Con. deration
of the exposition bill was asMimed at
the nioruinx session. Debute on a
motion to indefintely postpone the
measure continued the greater part of
the day. The motion was defeated as
w;vg another motion to recommit the bill.
There lieing n3 prosjMTt of any other
legislation receiving attention as lonj? as
tliis measure remained undisposed of,
the ll()Ugt. ,,.;,),.,, to ho
a st-csion Kt
niuht and the amount of the appropria
tion was fl ted at'tlOJ.OM. Sulweiuent
ly attempts w.-re made to reduce the
amount. Various sums, ranging from
I'xJ.OOO upward, were voted down, the
house standing by its original decision
to give liOO.OXK). Several amendments
proposed by Sjeaker Galfia relating to
manner of expenditure of the appro
priation were adopted. At midnight
the house was s'ill in session.
Representative Burkett (I Lancaster
was called to the chair in the morn
ing when the house took up the bill in
committee of the whole. He presided
throughout the day.
Felker of Douglas sent to the clerk's
def-k a projiosal (jiving t tie apponent of
the bill one hour and the friends of the
bill twenty minutes for reiily. Mr.
Felker made the offer in the hope that!
long and needless arguments might not I
follow. The offer was not accepted hy
the bonce.
F.sHlman of Custer opened up the de
bate by referring to a di'patch in the
World-Herald which said that a Custer
county farmers' institute has been
nnanimom-lv in favor of a larg appro
priation. Mr. Kastman said the matter
was news to him. as lis had talked with
one man especially mentioned in the
difpa'ch only a short time ao and he
ha l been opposed to an appropriation.
Mr. Eastman referred to the argument
that the members should make a liberal
sam-ajre meat and a lew broken Cihtle
strings were left. The s:ate should
leave the buzz-caw alone, Mr. Eastman
said that only two years ago f iO,QO) had
iieen spent in his county to keep his
people from straving. Tney were not
now in a position to vote a larre sum for
a show. He was opposed to it ia every
Snyder of Sherman said the exposi
tion would be held in the state and in
Omaha and the question was how to
mevt it. He favored doin something
to protect the honor of the state,
j Loomis of Hutler thought that s'ate
pride demanded that the members of
tiie legislature be heneetand that at the
; expense of being considcreil radical,
i they consider the exposition as a busi
i ness projiosition. In his judgment the
eponition would Ire a failure no matter
j what was done to assist it. The country
! at the last ebftion decided to let the
! present condi ion of affairs continue,
I and in Mr. Looniis' judgment, the bot
! totu had not been reached. The expo-
' sition, he was Hire, would not benefit
! the state as its friends claimed. H
benefits would not be far reaching and
he begged of the house to consider the
bill as a business proposition.
siikijwn's vikws.
Sheldon of Dawes said that the real
question at issue is whether the state is
to vote a (foliar to the exposition or give
it nothing. There are two considera
tions. One is the the financial problem
' and the other is the question, "Will the
; exposition have educational features of
great enough import to make an appro
priation worth while?" Mr. Bheldon
' favored the committee amendments to
the bill and he thought the recommcn-
t dation of lloO.OOO made by the commit-
1 tee should he adopted. He knew of men
' : v : . .- ...i. .. l. .. .1 . f : -
in uin wuiuj mm umj g'ua vicJiia
at the time of the Atlanta exposition
and made investments there, who would
not have gone south but for the exposi
tion. Mr. Sheldon begged the friends of the
bill not to argue that the holding of the
exposition would relieve all the suffer
ing laboring men of Omaha. The
country, he thought., was laboring under
a false system of politics, which no ex
position would alleviate. The real good
of the exposition would result to the
youth of this section of the country from
its educational features. He thought
that the business men of Omaha might
be induced to forget that they have
corner lota to sell and that they have
saloons which they wish to run wide
open on all occasions. He wanted to
see the whole state unite for the state's
beat interest.
The motion to recommend commit
tal of the bill was lost. ' A motion to
rise anJ lit again in the evening was
lost by a rote of 39 to 49.
A motion to rise and ask leave to lit
again at 10:30 thia morning by Clark of
Richardson was carried.
Case beer moved the adoption of the
committee report. . Jenkins favored a
night emion and said that be wished
;to',u,ve'1 !li",rif,-"f
rol!liU OI'ElllV ACTIOS.
Cronk move.1 that the rep rt 1 not
uncut red in and that the noune meet
iirain at 7:H0 and leiiolve itself again
nto a corn in it tee to consider the biil.
The motion carried by the following
vote :
Yeas: Alderman. Ankeny, Billings,
Campliell. Clark of Richardson, Cole,
rook, I)lMm, Eastman, Gaylord,
Genie, Gh'ens, Grell, Groevenor, Ham
ilton, Hill, Holland, Horner, Hull,
llatt, Jehkins, Jones of Wayne, Kapp,
l.cmar. L loinis, McCarthy, MiCracken,
ifarha!I, Mitchell, Moran, .Vorrison,
I'ollun i, Ilolieruon, Severe, Sheldon,
S :der of John-on, Snyder of Sherman,
Stebbing, Straub, Taylor of Fillmore,
Ceding, Webb, Welch, Wherler, Wietie.
Winflow, Woofter, Wright, Zimmer
man, Mr rjx'aker M.
Nuvs: lialdwiu, Bernard, Blake
Biwit, Burkett, Byram, Casebecr '
Chittenden, Clark of Lancaster, Curtis, '
Eager. Kighiny, En lorf, Felker, Fernow.
loukc, (iu-uiorn, Gruud.-tafT, (irinies,
UendersKin, Hile, Holbrook, Jones of
Gage, Jones of Nemaha, Keiiiter,
d"ll, McGee MeLe-xl, Maun, Mills,
Xesbit, l'helps, Prince, Rich, Rolrert.",
House, Shull, Smith of Douglas, Smith
of Richardson, S'Mlurman, Sutton, Tay
lor of Douglas, Van Horn, Waite,
Wimberly, VVoixlwar J, Yeiser 17.
Absent and not voting ; Roddy,
Schran and Young 3.
The house then took a recess till 7:30
o clock.
Eighty seven mendrerg were present
at the evening session. Clark of Lan
caster moved that the house resolve
itself into the committee of the wnole.
I'ollard moved to amend by limiting th
time to be allowed each side to twenty
minutes. Iiobson MHnded the arncne
tnent and chann'terized the action ol
the bouse for the la!t day and a half as
worthy of a parcel ot school bays. A
i ip lion to table trie amen iment try
I'liclps of Dundy was lost. The amend
ment prevailed and Burkett of Lancaster
as aain called to the chair.
The question wai called for and the
vote was taken on the amendment of
Billings fixing the amount at $100,000.
Seventy-one tnem!ers votcl in the af
fimntive and the nvition was declared tc
be carried without taking the negative
Billings moved that the committee
'is but the motion was hwt.
Accord ng to the rulin of the chair
further amendments providing for
larger sums were allowable.
An amendment by Clark of Richard
son fixing tiie sum at $ l'W.OOD was lost
by a risiny vote of 2S to 55.
The amendment by Greil of Sarpy ap
propriating (125,0 K) w as voted uikhi
next and it was lost, 26 only, voting for
it. k
When it came to voting upon $100,000
the comiuit'ee got into a tangle as to
whether it could vote again up m the
proposition of f 100,000.
Winslow's motion inserting $75,OXJ0
was tiken up, the chairman holding
that 1100,000 was in the bill as it stood
and required no furtlter vote. The
memliers Ife held, had a right to vo'e
upon $75,0()i). The vote on the amend
ment was, yeas, 20; nays, 62.
A vote on the proposition of inserting
$50,000 was lot. The appropriation
then stood at $100,000.
The state senate rejected reports from
the railroad c immiltee indefinitely post
poning a bill reducing passenger faro
from 3 to 2 cents a mile and also a bill
making all tickets and mileage books
sold good until ued by the bearer, and
Iroth bills were placed on general file.
Bills placing express companies, tele
graph companies and telephone compa
nies und-.T jurisdiction of the board of
transportation and requiring railroads
to build union depots and connecting
switches were fav-jrably reported by the 1
railroad committee, A resolution in
troduced by request of the seven repub
lican senators authorizing a thorough
investigation of the accounts of ex
State Auditor - Eugene Moore was
adopted. A joint resolution proposing
an amendment to the constitution
authorizing investment of the permanent
school fund was advanced to a third
reading. Two bills relating to dismem
bered school districts were discussed in
the committee of the whole.
- The house devoted the entire day to
the trans-Mississippi exposition bill and
resumed consideration of the measure at
a uight session.
The following resolution introduced
the day before the request of all repub
can senators was called up by the Talbot
o' Lancaster:
Whereas it is currently reported that
the outgoing state auditor has not ac
counted for and paid over to his success
or r into the state treasury the amount
of funds due the state and collected by
him during bis term of office, and
Whereas, The Ux payers of this state
are entitled to know the exact condition
of the accounts of the outgoing state
auditor, therefore be it
Resolved, That it is the sense of the
senate that said office should be investi
gated to the end that the taxpayers of
this state may know of the true condi
tion of the accounts of said outgoing
officer and we demand a full, thorough,
searching investigation of the condition
of the accounts of said officer by a com
mittee of this senate and that we desire
and ask that the presiding officer of this
senate appoint such committee Immed
iately for the purpose of making such
Investigation and reporting back to this
body the result thereof. j
Morphy also spoke, declaring the re-;
publican minority deserved to go on 1
record as favoring a thorough isveili-'
lha IWnrrof i cmrr
! T e other nii-nt, at ttie holmes mee
' ng, the Hcv. T. C. Ehsou a-t"nibe.l
lianv ot tli'MN; prei-erit by pro!-Hii"
auctinVaiimi. He related his exp-r--ncs
at lenth, a pait ot hich i to 'be
ff-ct f at while trying t" quit the u-e
if t'.bjcco after bJ:ig rami tied lie f It
jreat annoyance and even ain over ii
rraving for the weed, but when be and
lis friends prayed that such Jinnovsncf
e removed he received tusutita
.com Ga!i'-ton Nes.
D"ii't wi sr f rii.- ; check, plaids and
lori.ontal effects are Ix-Her for tin n o
nen. They should striNe for b;im;iig.
i -reiving effects if they study art in
Iren-ing nt ail.
D. n't forcct that a well-rounded figu e
makes you look y. linger and ie conidT
id a maik of beauty. The trcby foods,
'iia'sa'e, moderate exircise, re?t and
l eep will produce this.
Don't wear a large. bro."d-brimni' .1
hat it looks cut ot p-oportion, eie. ial y
is the face of a fleud. r girl is tis-aily
imall. A moder.ite ifed or nuad l.iil
s ill le fuun 1 much le'.ter.
Don't fail to I ave your gowns ni3 ie
with an eye ;o biding te fact that you
e too slender. Full wait, fanci
fronts and effects are lien, nhiie
J raped skirts :r very full ih-j ii! do
triict (rum your slender nice.
Tiso's Cure for Consumption
!f b!1 couuh cure (ieoro W.
ouclp.r, La., August 26, 1-Vi,
A new idea in wall decorations is to
luepend Oriental rugs behind ozy or
ners, and tapetry of India m-iks in Mil
dies or dens. This is oarMciilarlv t-ffec-
, tive when the colorings ate rich ami
the room is a cold ctie.
j Mr. Wlnitlnw. KooTKtxa yki- to- rhile
: reii ipthlr;g, wlien thf 1ii!. rfrcn. i:i;'.'n
!ui.ti;:i. ..iftfli patn, cure, wiii'l cooe. .1: i'itli.
Scallops lo be used for nul.vl jlionld be
tralJed first in plenty of bohing suited
water, then drained and cooled. They
ire served with a French ilrcs"in made
a ith a pinch of cayenne and gai ninlie 1
w th lettuce leaves.
riwi,rr ftimti.aii ir. 'fln"ri ind b. wti
Very often a woman's gnit is rtiiced
by the wearing of tight boots or very
high heel. The latter pro luces a rid
ing motion. Always cr a of
vots which do not pinch and tint have
ow heels hn iroing rora walk. Not (it
ng is nmre fatiguing than a long walk
n high heel or tight Irfxits.
a ougiit tu winter comlort is ; v
n fnun cold iu muscle, joint. or wrre.
i 10 r
I 25 50 v -nifia
ABSOLUTELY CP5P ITlTrF H lt "f '' -onll:lioa. rwrMi .r (hi. blul Uxm
, Jt i JLhRhRil ll".rrrriprIripf.l,Ur.u..n.ri,.n,alrMllfc t.m
C pi booklet trw. id. KTKRIJNO KCVKlit !.. fklcar. Koalrnl. tu... orlkcw tori. ,11
. . 1. ..
Walter Baker & Co.'s
1 .. rj
Breakfast Cocoa.
I I s.
a cup.
B aura that you get th. grnulne article made by WALTER
BAKktt A CO. LI4., Uorcheeur. Mm, I.eublltlic4 I7S(I.
Do You Know that There Is Sci
ence in Neatness? Be
Wise and Use
aaUI AKT.a or HTrT LIS,
T 9
twmymxm arir wri
vrlta fur !(
fa. bit CI r.r aaaalaral
iaihar(n, lnSaaial.aa,
Irntalioai ar altMelloac
of wt. a. aMaibiaaaa.
TaiaUM lai nni ... .i.
ri. 1 u iwli
eat ai whim
Labltaf(talCtsiCaLCo. sai ir Hiaaaaaa.
ar aaal la alala ri
m, nliav I fiiiir.
a2l F TrtiC?t Bnlahai noraa n.ia u. Im.k at
tSaaMSjr U iartalaa Ml aa aaaaeet. " I"1"-.' Il'r' " Jl aa
- sood u nda In. Hteotvi ela
I "ii J5aa aaia ilrS.ta are honored nod th
I ij u tfiicro .1 1 ?w',iro,";r,is"',,"oo'fc
1 ''' -p "i f 0r a folder fiviog lull par.
ra. ra Urn Ian write io
r V aaaaaaajaa-aaaa r V- J. fSASCIa. Cn'l Haaa'r AtlL Omaha. Neb
I Pw tftiljIl I . V. H.. 4..-!. rarh. ;
,K-T- ruT' a-r- ..
I iih.i.
Iraln tnakrt toe
f 're l av and !
farm t to bsml.e
ltd Kuoi r a'ii) the (uriner il
ha ve
3 bet'er ibr ice i f .iiHtke a.
The ct cf k-eplii a g o i nmi :s
little more tiiHn p-w r one
Save ad of the ol alie l i.ey
trake a v'l'od .t r'i-Ut r fur -mad iru.ts i
po'v e.
K--ep the riMiinre I. a .V', oa ..lui.i.;
the in'cr. sp' iy on the fu l l uliem
it is ::o m i l.-.l
50 Bus. f'cr Acre.
V Ith r' r' H'-W ITM
t'Olia ! "pri'' i al-ia
cir-n l fi,' Ai vU V ' -you
mii i Hicf w af 4
yl ii i ' i.h! hiHki' ii."D i .
!- t H. r-lT f-
.t- r-frii of
roi.t-rtf-rt. nv.-i rtht
Iirre III i.rOr. .intl)i' !
till kuli (hit worM. nh
tt rt i ! right Imt" iu
VIsrtneifi ol X'ii b(ihis
n.-r . rr In I Aim, Uhtt
Ixtn j
ut srl are ltrH up
W his I-hi:
I 73 Qua Per Acre.
.Inn. lirlln, . Ulilrott.
llli, Ii,, In I.1H.I. 1" )
bu-of HMlr-r'aiirrKtttc
I'ttrlv from on m
iirrd 'art. .Hum to ly
k f''f.L' "'. '"" )"" "-
".4 , 3 J .T b (i urn lir-il ro
JSUH pr.nMifl I hull liy i.n
t, .I4,.'. ' . ,,
nif wiin.wn, iiinT.iiii
mm, -pom-
If- I f woi i1i-if .il. Srll. 1f r-t
T ""'"'I" lirrl 10 t will.!
t V '.
Itniiw you ran t
IrM h U jluf
irr' nrr ored Um
1 f yirld,
li I'M nnrl ( ni0
'tm In i h I1 lien a
xnr aw-U m f m nrrtiit-a.
V''. 4 1 lit oti imrl lof
mii-l t 1 h ffi Bran hi t
A 1, it a .-l(t. 11 t AJ
J jtr 1p Are Ui
tobtg l-tl .
Im h' ,f. hf huf
In tfor- nhrn for
It- fimiif r yint ma lut
thetn delivo'ei frweof bT
nor ifiMl Atf'ofllfk, utM
SalzerSeedCc ,
St. Jacobs Oil w.-cin. ir'n. cun-
M .A 1 fv'
.P'U i if y '1 IK A r SKI
V' Vlt. iii. I.i.iin llmt
mi&M OATS.
WtVl. li i', 209 Eua Per
I tTi
tt ;
I I E 1 I . . . ..C-rW c 1
Because it is absolutely pure.
Because il is net made by the so-wiled Dutch Proceis in
which chemicals are used.
Because beans of the finest quality are uied.
Because ii is made by a method which preserves unimpaired
the exquisite natural flavor and odor ff the beans.
Because it is the most economical, costing le;s limn one cent
a .... .....4
Ev.ry ThnnKlajr atternooa a
louili lii-pi,e, car lor Iwn,
.r, Sail i k.( n, nn Krao
ciaeo and lx An(.r. Itaaa ,
Omaha am, Unculn tla tba
tfurllnfUin Home.
Il la carjieinl, uplirilMr'rad
In rallan, haa rln( will and
baea and la providel with
rurialna, bvd'lhin, tue..oap
er. An eipcrlei.ead aacnr
alnn oomluetor and unl
t'TB.fd I'ullman porter M
cuniMiiy It itaruunn to tba
redllc Coaat.
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